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nursing, and numerous changes in medical practice. On 4 June 1852 Parry was promoted rear-admiral and retired to Northbrook House, Bishop’s Waltham
join his family on High Park Boulevard. His father died in 1921 and was buried in Toronto; his mother would pass away in a Belfast nursing home eight years later. Pentland also brought over from Ireland
a motor trip through the island’s interior. Subsequently a major breakdown led to her confinement in a Victoria nursing home, where she was unable even to attend to business correspondence. After
wrote to Fielding from Amherst that his wife was “very low” and nursing a child of six months whose cries disturbed her and impeded her recovery. But although he was “badly broken up,” he would come to
Fane*, a veteran military nurse. The important changes in Canada’s relations with Britain that gradually came on with Borden and the war, Pope
. In the latter part of 1866 Prince had mellowed sufficiently toward Arthur Rankin for whom he had nursed a hatred ever since the election of 1854 to approve of his parliamentary performance on behalf of
also an important and generous philanthropist. He paid for the construction of the Ross Memorial Hospital and Nursing Home in Lindsay, Ont., named in honour of his parents, and the Ross wing of the Royal
wide awake, this delightful young Norman girl hurled herself into paradise at a heroic pace. She must be depicted above all as a missionary on foreign soil, as a nurse, as an enterprising woman who died
 I, the university in 1915 raised the No.7 Canadian Stationary Hospital, largely composed of Dalhousie medical and dental teaching staff, together with senior students and nurses. Stewart, who had
children’s market, Lady Mary and her nurse; or, a peep into the Canadian forest (1856), the text evolving from the sketches Catharine wrote originally for a Canadian magazine
private schools, belonged to the National Council of Women of Canada and the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada [see Ishbel Maria
Britain, he was able to secure a passage home the following February. He spent the rest of the war in Toronto, at first being nursed back to health by his mother and then working for the Canadian
those in the Canadian military service, including female nurses and soldiers under 21 [see The right to vote
inaugurated. Other celebrations included the opening of a nurses’ residence at St Joseph’s Hospital and the reopening of St Mary’s Church, which had undergone extensive interior improvements. Also
with Thomas Clark, nursing his mosquito bites and absorbing the Niagara viewpoint of provincial affairs. He was downcast to find that Clark could lend him no money because his capital was tied up in land
pressing his claim to office with sufficient force, and this conviction was strengthened by Macdonald’s neglect of him when the Conservatives were returned to office in 1854. Gowan seems to have nursed his
Association of Southern Alberta (1922), and first president of the Calgary branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. In many ways Lougheed seemed far removed
*]. They agreed on the need for travelling libraries, medical and dental clinics, public-health nurses, birth control, and eugenic legislation to limit the fertility of the mentally unfit. Nellie’s hopes for
a banquet. For once he was almost incoherent. Early in 1928 he stumbled on a streetcar and broke his ankle; when he seemed ready to walk, he relapsed. On 6 May 1929 his nurses found him dead
first president of the Ottawa chapter of the National Council of Women of Canada and served as an original board member and a governor of the Victorian Order of Nurses. Lady Ritchie died on 7
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