Higher Education in French

Original title:  CP592 | Ste. Anne College, Church Point, N.S. | Postcard | M. E. & Company

Source: Link

Acadians and those sympathetic to their cause endeavoured to set up French-language secondary and post-secondary institutions in the Maritime provinces. Some, including Camille LEFEBVRE, founded establishments that endured. The following extract from his biography describes his accomplishment.

“Lefebvre was, above all, a dedicated and charismatic teacher…. [he] structured the first institution that made post-secondary education available to the Acadians. Through the doors of Saint Joseph’s [college], not only during his lifetime but for over three-quarters of a century after his death, came the greater number of those Acadians who were to be the doctors, lawyers, and teachers in their communities.”

To discover the stories of those who encouraged higher education in French, read the biographies listed below.