Economic Adaptation

Original title:  Gilbert DesRoches Store, c1900. Gilbert Desroches stands in the entrance of his general store in Miscouche. (Centre de recherche acadien de l’Í.-P.-É., Musée acadien, Miscouche).

Source: Link

As education, communication, and transportation improved, so too did business opportunities, as this short quotation from the biography of Olivier-Maximin MELANSON demonstrates.

“For many years Melanson was one of the leading exporters of potatoes and eggs from southeastern New Brunswick. In 1887, for example, he shipped 40,000 dozen eggs by rail, enough to fill 45 rail cars, each holding $200 to $300 worth of goods.”

The biographies listed below include the stories of persons noted for their involvement in different sectors, such as shipping, commerce, and fish-packing, and others who tried to improve Acadian standards of living.