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, among them Cox associate Edward Rogers Wood*, Ames belonged to the rising
some of the community’s early structures, such as the residence of Robert Garnett Tatlow* (his business partner during the late 1880s
Gay and Samuel, was a leading local businessman. After obtaining his early education at the public school in Windsor, William proceeded to Acacia Villa School [see Sir Robert Laird
Canadians, it was a betrayal by Laurier of Canada’s cherished ties to the empire. Robert Rogers, Roblin’s minister of
entirely clear. Britain’s rearmament was just beginning as Buchan left for Canada. Through his friendship with Roosevelt, he assisted the foreign secretary, Robert Anthony Eden, until Eden’s resignation
of numerous self-styled prominent Canadians, including members of Sir Robert Laird
: his memoirs, ed. Henry Borden (2v., Toronto, 1938), 2. R. C. Brown, Robert Laird Borden: a biography (2v., Toronto, 1975–80), 2. Roger Graham, Arthur Meighen: a biography (3v
Québec (Montréal, 1994). Pierre Harvey, Histoire de l’École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal (2v., Montréal, 1994–2002), 1 (1887–1926). Roger Larose, “100 years of
Monk*, an outspoken advocate for greater autonomy for Canada within the British empire. When some veteran Tories in the caucus sought to force out party leader Robert Laird
,” prompted Whitney to take action. He hastily met with his minister of education, Robert Allan Pyne
Imperial Life Assurance Company the following year, and founding president of the National Trust Company in 1898, as well as vice-president of the Robert Simpson Company. In 1899 he joined the boards of
. Jean-François Auger The author would like to thank Roger Fyen of Montreal for an interview given on 21 July 2005 and
prompt Genest to comply with the regulation, anglophone trustee Robert Mackell, five of his anglophone OSSB colleagues, and two anglophone candidates defeated in the previous school-board election turned
philanthropist; b. 18 July 1848 in St Michaels (Athelstan), Lower Canada, eldest of the four children of Robert Walker Graham, a gentleman farmer, and Marion Gardner; m. 17 March 1892 Anne Beekman Hamilton (d
HAMMOND, JOHN, artist and educator; b. 11 April 1843 in Montreal, second son of Robert Hammond, a stonemason, and Elizabeth
, and his assertiveness created tension with Harcourt, who found it difficult to return to the traditional deputy minister’s role. He also believed, according to botanist Roger Vick, that Marshall was
HARRIS, ROBERT EDWARD, lawyer, businessman, and judge; b. 18 Aug. 1860 in Lequille, N.S., son of Robert Jefferson Harris and
were halted when his Liberals were defeated in the federal election of 21 Sept. 1911 by an informal alliance of Robert Laird
Walkem*]. Premier Robert Beaven*, realizing Louise’s popularity, was said to have suggested that if Vancouver Island became a separate kingdom
prison. In 1874 John and his brother, Robert, emigrated to Winnipeg to live with their uncle, Robert Machray*, who was the Anglican bishop of the
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