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general and specialized care and accept patients who could pay for their treatment as well as those who could not. The institution would also provide clinical teaching and include a nursing school
) (1896), and the Jubilee Nurses’ Home (1897), a handsome villa-like structure, the residence for the Montreal General Hospital’s nursing staff. Further afield was the Ross Memorial Hospital (1901–2) in
of the Victorian Order of Nurses. He was involved in his community as well as a governor of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, as president of the Fraser Institute’s free library and
Virtue, a Salvation Army nurse who was appointed to the force in 1918. Egan easily made the transition from social work to police work. As an SPC agent she had, she believed, exercised provincewide the
Bellingham. He kept abreast of Quebec and Canadian politics and, about 1895, dictated his memoirs to a nurse. Two years later he congratulated Félix-Gabriel
report of its kind in Canada. Black’s closest friends were intelligent professional women – teachers, social workers, and nurses, including Ethel
sanitariums staffed by trained nurses in the southwestern part of the province. Despite his presentation of facts and figures showing the need for a new approach and the support of a multi-denominational
himself. In his last years he often needed private nursing care as he struggled to regain his health. In 1931 Curry died of a heart attack. In his will
Sovereen, a Canadian heroine is befriended by an upright American, Thomas Jefferson Haskins. When the husband, broken and ruined, returns, he is tenderly nursed on his deathbed by Mrs Sovereen who resolves
distribution of literature and of the Women’s Welcome Hostel in Toronto, and was honorary president of the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, the Victorian Order of Nurses, the Lady Grey sanatoriums of Toronto and
-president for the Alberta district of the NCWC from 1896 to 1898. In 1909 she became the first president of the Calgary branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, and that year she also helped to
young,” was on good terms with Waring, and his mother also was well treated because of her skills as a nurse and seamstress. King was trained as a house servant but at the age of 16, still under
down by the epidemics which afflicted the Hurons at that time. Father Le Mercier was designated as a male nurse, which gave him a good deal of work in 1636. The following year, because of these same
parents, licensing nursing homes for infants, and permitting adoption. During these years Longley suffered the death of his own favourite child, Frances
nurse . . . ,” British Medical Journal (London), January–June 1903: 846–47, and January–June 1910: 682–86
Pickthall. She helped nurse them during their final illnesses and facilitated production of their last books, as an executive of the trust fund that supported Johnson through the publication of her
British, French, and Red Cross officials to allow her to volunteer as a nurse or for any other task on the Western Front. They refused, but she remained in England for much of the war, active with the Red
for the troops, to organize convalescent homes, and to act as nurses for sick and wounded Canadian soldiers. Hughes and Perley had often clashed in
nursing staff, Florence Nightingale being his friend and adviser in this effort. Second, he improved the care of the mentally ill, by converting it from restraint to regular ward-care along humane lines
there, travelling regularly to Cuba and resuming his work on a smaller scale. He married his nursing aide, Mathilde Savard, who accompanied him during his Florida stay
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