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. 1845 in Upper Canada, son of George Wright and Helen Whyte; m. 26 Jan. 1876 in Guelph, Ont., Elizabeth Runciman Simpson (d. 1913), and they had a daughter; d. 12 June 1919 in
Simpson*, Studholme was probably representative of the craft-unionist milieu. He brought to his task many of the best qualities of the workingman straight from the shop floor: sterling honesty
SPROULE, THOMAS SIMPSON, physician, politician, and Orangeman; b. 25 Oct. 1843 in King Township, Upper Canada, son of James
thoughtful and enterprising, his administrative methods provoked the ire of HBC governor Sir George Simpson* during an inspection tour of Smith’s
department stores [see Timothy Eaton*; Robert Simpson*], Smallman and Ingram
SIMPSON, JAMES, Church of England clergyman and author; b. 11 May 1853 in Maidstone, England, son of James
Simpson*, as well as of the emerging manufacturers of brand name products. Robertson was fortunate in obtaining the services of highly effective
Hudson’s Bay Company in Edmonton, the Robert Simpson Company in Toronto, and the Orpheum Store in Montreal. Soon after the turn of the century, the
, Upper Canada, only son of William Hamilton Merritt and Janet Lang Morris; m. 10 April 1890 Margaret Simpson, only daughter of Robert
visits with his family to places such as Port Essington, Fort Simpson (Port Simpson), and Victoria and Juneau, Kasaan, Klinkwan, and Ketchikan in Alaska, where he would carve and sell his work and Isabella
chaplain, forming a strong relationship which was to have a lasting significance for his future. In late September he left for Fort Simpson (Port Simpson) on the Nass, where William Henry
in the Blandford-Blenheim region, and he appears to have been popular. He may have been the first practitioner in the area to administer chloroform, whose use he had learned from James Young Simpson in
. Toronto retailing entrepreneur Robert Simpson* and prominent Baptists Daniel Edmund Thomson and Charles Joseph Holman were among Burke’s clients
About Duplicate Matches
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