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, transcontinental and cross-Atlantic trade, and British investment. “Practically . . . we commercially annex the Canadian West to the United States,” the News continued, with even the manufacturing
. After an uneventful crossing in October, the battalion moved into Bustard camp on Salisbury Plain in England with the rest of the Canadian 1st Infantry Brigade. Foul weather made
gauntlet. It was a memorable campaign. All the political powers criss-crossed the riding and Turgeon defended himself brilliantly. The municipal council of Saint-Étienne-de-Beaumont supported him. At Gouin’s
occasionally complained to provincial authorities about the paper’s corrupting influence. Jack Canuck nevertheless attracted a steady cross-class readership. Sales depended heavily on newsboys and news
Wilson Cross, under attack for his part in the A&GW agreement, also resigned, though he soon returned to
Lane, Alfred Ernest Cross*, Patrick
then was extended to the whole diocese by Bégin’s pastoral letter of 22 Jan. 1906. As the main preacher for the campaign, Roy wanted to plant the movement’s symbolic black cross everywhere. During
branch of the Canadian Red Cross in 1896 and was an honorary vice-president of the Victorian Order of Nurses. In December 1901 Roddick was appointed dean
the chief justice of Quebec, Horace Archambeault*, and four judges, Norman William Trenholme, Alexander George Cross, Henry George
. Peuchen was a seasoned traveller who had crossed the Atlantic at least 40 times. In early 1912 he was in England, where he approached Lord Haldane of the War Office about supplying acetone for
on to Qu’Appelle (Sask.) and then to Swift Current. There he and his men were supposed to board steamers and go down the South Saskatchewan River to join Middleton at Clark’s Crossing, but on 11
missionaries facilitated her travels to Norway House, Oxford House, and Cross Lake, where she performed with great effect, met relatives, and felt a range of emotions. “My life as a child came back slowly at
Université de Paris. For this gesture he received later that year one of the first honorary degrees conferred by the university and two years later he would be awarded the cross of the Legion of Honour from
northern Quebec. Nantel and Labelle’s paths had crossed while they were students at the Petit Séminaire de Sainte-Thérèse and they had become friends in the 1870s. Their warm relationship was based partly on
noises and donate to the Red Cross, though Ford was not one to be coerced. “All the boycotts that Canadian politicians are threatening will have nothing to do with the public demand for Ford cars,” he told
constables, over the right of the Manitoba railway to cross the CPR line. A snowstorm halted construction in the fall of 1888. The matter was referred to the courts, which decided in favour of Manitoba, and
*]. He had little knowledge of transportation and regulatory problems, but it was believed that he could speak for the farming community. He learned as he criss-crossed Canada on hearings. Unafraid to
effort, its members assisting in the activities of the Canadian Red Cross and Mickle, in one of her yearly presidential addresses, calling for empire-wide unity. For the same reason, Mickle and the WCHST
Purple Cross Service for the Care of Wounded and Disabled Horses on the Battlefield. Peace, Meredith believed, would bring a return to Canada’s
journalist friend, Julia Wilmotte Henshaw [Henderson*], to be appointed to the British Red Cross to assist the wounded and sick in France
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