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schoolmaster, which is a little too dependent on the whim [of the] clergy.” Ryland made no reply, a silence that had the effect of dampening Labadie’s enthusiasms, or rather of removing him from the sphere of
influence was exercised with skill and restraint, which probably made it all the more effective. Moreover, his support was especially valuable to the party, since from the ranks of the clergy itself he
.” To physical suffering was added moral suffering. A firm Christian, he had always been distressed by the suspicions of some opponents and even some members of the clergy about his religious beliefs
succinctly, addressing issues such as annexationism, educational reform, politics, and the abuses committed by the clergy. Édouard-Charles
minister.” This reputation was not due solely to his extravagant behaviour but also to the fact that from the moment the clergy had refused to support his plan they had become the target of his attacks. As
through the initiative of the supporters of L’Avenir of Montreal. But Chapais was closer to the clergy and the ministerialists, and Letellier to L’Avenir and the Reform party organizers of
lay in the bishop’s administrative capacity, but support also came from a number of dedicated clergy and lay men and women. With Lewis’s encouragement, the Woman’s Auxiliary was founded in 1885, first
Métis, Mactavish felt that the Métis had the right to demand a specific settlement with Canada. While attempting to obtain the aid of the Catholic clergy in persuading the Métis to wait for a legal
, Molson had a college built for training clergy of the new sect; some 20 students were enrolled in 1858. However, in 1860 the church’s minister, Alfred Stone, resigned; when British troops arrived in
the pro-Americans who had recognized their error and had recanted in public through word or deed. A small number, however, refused to accept these conditions. For their part, the clergy seemed to be
Jesuits, Recollets, or Sulpicians. Murray’s wartime experience had not predisposed him towards the clergy: identifying them as “the source of all the mischiefs which have befallen the poor Canadians,” he
–12; 42/82: ff.15–21. Scottish Catholic Arch. (Edinburgh), Blairs letters, 19 June 1786, Alexander MacDonell to George Hay; 3 Feb. 1788, MacDonell to John Geddes. “Clergy lists of the Highland
acquired them, and in return for a promise by the government to concede the clergy reserves within their boundaries, McCallum had his Sherrington holdings converted to seigneurial tenure as the seigneuries
. The quarrel was renewed in late September when Pope claimed that the Roman Catholic clergy, since 1860 led by Peter MacIntyre*, bishop of
Lower Canada. An indication of his tolerance was his support in 1839 for a share by the Roman Catholic church in the apportionment of the clergy reserves. Concerning commercial matters, McKay prepared a
. But his militancy and support of Riel suddenly wavered in the face of opposition by the clergy and the miraculous cure of his wife following a novena later that month. Other factors, such as resentment
of the Poor in Upper and Lower Canada. Osgood’s first step was to found the Quebec Free School on non-sectarian principles. Neither Catholic nor Anglican clergy, however, including bishops Joseph
Kent* and the Roman Catholic clergy of St John’s backed O’Brien. O’Brien won by only eight votes out of 3,000 cast in a heated and violent election
October 1837, O’Meara left England in December in the employ of the Upper Canada Clergy Society. After his arrival in Toronto on 29 March 1838 he began work as a travelling missionary in the
Cazeau, the secretary of the archdiocese of Quebec, who in his opinion had prompted the local clergy to intervene on behalf of the successful candidate. Embittered, Pacaud denounced this
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