Religious Leaders

Original title:  La première messe à Grand-Pré depuis 1755 a été célébrée en 1922 par le premier évêque acadien, Monseigneur Édouard LeBlanc.

Source: Link

Men and women of the church, such as Sylvain-Éphrem PERREY, often laboured under difficult conditions.

“Perrey, the first native-born priest on … [Prince Edward] Island, was destined to exercise great influence among the Acadians. For 15 years he worked with his flock, which was scattered between Tignish and Miscouche, a distance of more than 40 miles. ‘Sleeping on the snow in winter, on a damp bed under the trees in spring and autumn, navigating rivers by canoe or some other means in all seasons of the year and in all weathers,’ Perrey was ‘always cheerful, always content, always happy’ as he carried on his ministry.”

To learn more about the roles played by those who ministered to the needs of the Acadians, please consult the biographies listed below.