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Coome and Amelia Elizabeth (Aimée) Hare entered the noviciate of the Sisters of St Mary in Peekskill, N.Y. Anxious to gain experience in nursing and social work, Hannah spent some time at their
a washerwoman, a traditionally female role in which she did not excel. She may also have acted as nurse to the pupils of the school established by the company at Albany that year. Her son was baptized
children, of whom five reached adulthood. They seem to have had little contact with the children in infancy, entrusting them rather to nurses. This practice probably explains the apparently detached and
took upon herself the most humble tasks in the house. In turn cook, maid, and nurse, she would sit down at table with some 30 drivers in order to keep them from uttering blasphemies, and when they were
on to become a prominent rabbi in the United States. Another daughter, Malca, a graduate in nursing from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, took charge about 1922 of the medical operations of the
. 1873 in Agincourt (Toronto), son of James Hamilton and Isabella Glendenning; m. 26 Nov. 1906 Lillian May Forrester (d. 18 Sept. 1956), a nurse, in Winnipeg, and they had one daughter
, the promotion of nurses’ training, and the stricter enforcement of pasteurization, vaccination, and sanitation during epidemics. Hanna’s enormous
-president for the Alberta district of the NCWC from 1896 to 1898. In 1909 she became the first president of the Calgary branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, and that year she also helped to
assistance in nursing his younger brother Lloyd Cusack Athill Murray, who suffered from some wasting sickness. The mid 1870s were a period of loss for the Harman household: the remaining daughter died in 1874
HARMER, BERTHA (named at birth Albertina), nurse, educator, author, and university administrator; b. 22
a fragile tale of constant love which takes its Nova Scotia hero and heroine respectively to the West Indies and a Boston nursing career before they meet again years later on an American river-boat
first wife, Susan, in arts, social and animal welfare, hospital aid, and nursing organizations, but he was most prominent in sports and masonic circles. He planned many racecourses, laid out the Winnipeg
rapidly increasing staff of sanitary inspectors, public-health nurses, and municipal housekeepers to take the preventive message into citizens’ homes. When ratepayers voted in 1917 to have the health
British nurse executed during World War I. The child’s death was incontrovertible proof of the evil of Nazism, observed the Reverend Charles Lynch Cowan, one of the clergymen presiding at the service
HEGAN, ELIZA PARKS, nurse; b. 1861 likely in Portland (Saint John), N.B., daughter of John Hegan and Eliza Black; d. there 18 Feb
nursed their old grudges, for Hertel de Rouville did not get his way until 24 Feb. 1827, when consent was finally given for the canonical erection of Saint-Hilaire parish (at Mont-Saint-Hilaire
contribution of the former mayor (1917–20) to the founding of the Civic Hospital. Among the works by the artist, one that stands out is the Nursing sisters’ memorial (1926): mounted in the Hall of
. In 1908 she opened China’s first Government Medical School for Women in Tientsin, to teach Chinese women to become doctors and nurses. In 1915 a new Isabella Fisher Hospital was launched by the WFMS
. When Lady Aberdeen established the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, Hoodless assisted the initiative in Hamilton. Hoodless was concerned not
related to Mary Queen of Scots. She is described as the “daughter of a Scottish nobleman who had sought refuge in France with his whole family to keep his religion.” She was sent by the nursing order of
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