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“his good behaviour.” Similarly, Murray’s gratitude to the nuns for their impartial nursing during the hostilities induced him to supply their communities with fuel and provisions, remunerate them for
published in 1795. Hearne nursed a deep hatred for Norton and several of his allegations must be questioned. Norton’s origin remains a mystery. He was
, and being skilled in the use of roots and herbs and in nursing she was soon acting as nurse, doctor, and midwife. At the request of those relying on her services, in 1770 she took the unusual step of
1759 and 1760, when they had acted as nurses for the British troops and Esther had been assistant superior, the Ursulines elected her superior on 15 Dec. 1760. The serene strength which made her
American Spirit of innovation should not be nursed among the Loyal Refugees by the introduction of Acts of the Legislature, for purposes to which by the Common Law and the practice of the best regulated
them looked after according to the doctors’ instructions, maintain quiet and order in the wards, and assign tasks to the sisters responsible for nursing care
nursed Gray’s invalid wife and who was to receive £2,000, two shares in the Dorchester Bridge, Grandpré (now known as Montplaisir), and a farm in the parish of Beauport. The bequest was made on condition
a washerwoman, a traditionally female role in which she did not excel. She may also have acted as nurse to the pupils of the school established by the company at Albany that year. Her son was baptized
children, of whom five reached adulthood. They seem to have had little contact with the children in infancy, entrusting them rather to nurses. This practice probably explains the apparently detached and
young,” was on good terms with Waring, and his mother also was well treated because of her skills as a nurse and seamstress. King was trained as a house servant but at the age of 16, still under
almost dead from starvation McKay cared for him, and Pritchard wrote later, “My friend McKay of the Hudson’s Bay Company . . . became both my surgeon and nurse.” The following winter McKay
surrounded by five or six servants (chambermaids, cooks, menservants, a tutor for each child, and a nurse for each baby). In 1777 he became seigneur of Bourg-Louis. In 1795 he even refused appointment as a
-Joseph Chaussegros de Léry left Louis-René and another son with a nurse and returned to Canada in 1764. At Governor Guy Carleton*’s suggestion he
thrown from his horse, and then nursed him back to health with soft words and alcohol. And he delighted in dressing the part of the uncouth backwoodsman, and then surprising onlookers with a learned
, for example, her efforts in nursing a British soldier to recovery brought his enthusiastic gratitude. Another time she bravely went to the rescue of some travellers in peril on ice-floes in the St
personality. Immensely proud, nursing a grudge over the Crevier–Fluet affair, O’Grady lashed out at McDonell because the bishop seemed intent on humiliating him. To the bishop, O’Grady had been a priest whom he
speaker. However, counselled by Herman Witsius Ryland, who nursed a grudge against Dalhousie, Burton soon saw the credit he might reap by resolving the financial deadlock with a daring initiative. Convening
visit the island daily, but he would not stay there. Without proper care Vondy’s condition worsened. His sister persuaded some friends to take her to the island, where she nursed her brother until he died
resign forced an amnesty for Louis-Joseph Papineau*. Baldwin, in contrast, nursed old grievances and made no direct effort for W. L
to typhus contracted while nursing. Mother Mary Francis was again left alone. Resisting all importunities from the motherhouse in Dublin to
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