COVID-19 – A Note to Our Readers – One Year Later

Often in human lives anniversaries are reason for celebration. There is nothing festive in this one. One year ago we sent a note to our readers taking note of the difficult times ahead, offering our best wishes, and providing assurance that our work would continue in adverse circumstances.

Today, we take note of the past year and acknowledge that our commitment to continue proved accurate. The staff in both offices, to their credit, have worked full-time from home. As with most organizations, there has been some adjustment to the challenges posed, but our teams have met each one with considerable aplomb. Today, we offer our thanks to them – bravo! It is our privilege to work with such people.

We also thank our readers, our contributors, our universities, and our federal funding agencies for their support during this trying period, and in the days and months ahead.

We offer, again, our hope for a healthy future.

Alain Laberge
Directeur général adjoint

Robert L. Fraser
Acting General Editor