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Suggested Reading

This list has been prepared with the help of six scholars in the field of women’s history, to whom we extend our warmest thanks: Denyse Baillargeon (Université de Montréal), Marie-Laurence Baumier (Université Laval and Concordia University, Montreal), Marilyne Brisebois (Université Laval and Université d’Angers, France), Catherine Charron (Université Laval), Johanne Daigle (Université Laval), and Veronica Strong-Boag (University of British Columbia, Vancouver).


C. L. Bacchi, Liberation deferred? The ideas of the English-Canadian suffragists, 1877–1918 (Toronto, 1983).

Denyse Baillargeon, A brief history of women in Quebec, trans. W. D. Wilson (Waterloo, Ont., [2014]).

C. L. Cleverdon, The woman suffrage movement in Canada, intro. Ramsay Cook (2nd ed., Toronto, 1974).

Gail Cuthbert-Brandt et al., Canadian women: a history (3rd ed., Toronto, 2011).

Directeur général des élections du Québec, “Right of Québec women to vote and to stand for office”: (consulted 22 June 2016).

Micheline Dumont, Feminism à la québécoise, trans. Nicole Kennedy, ed. Sarah Swartz (Ottawa, 2012).

Elections Canada, “A history of the vote in Canada”: (consulted 22 June 2016).

John Garner, The franchise and politics in British North America, 1755–1867 (Toronto, 1969).

Diane Lamoureux, Citoyennes? Femmes, droit de vote et démocratie (Montréal, 1989).

France Lavergne, Le suffrage féminin (Sainte-Foy [Québec], 1990).

Marie Lavigne, “Le 18 avril 1940 – l’adoption du droit de vote des femmes: le résultat d’un long combat” (lecture given in the auditorium of the Grande Bibliothèque in Montreal, 21 Feb. 2013; text available at, (consulted 22 June 2016).

Penni Mitchell, About Canada: women’s rights (Halifax and Winnipeg, 2015).

Parliament of Canada, “Women’s right to vote in Canada”: ProvincialWomenRightToVote.aspx?Language=E (consulted 22 June 2016).

V. J. Strong-Boag, The parliament of women: the National Council of Women of Canada, 1893–1929 (Ottawa, 1976).


The following can also be consulted:

Magnolia Pauker, “Suffrage campaigns & enfranchisement with special reference to Canada: extended bibliography” (prepared for Veronica Strong-Boag, 15 March 2015, and available at, (consulted 22 June 2016).