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(Republic of Ireland), son of Joseph Phelan and Catharine Brennan; d. 6 June 1857 in Kingston, Upper Canada. After running out of funds to
–20. D. C. Bayne, Calgary School District No.19, 1885–1935 ([Calgary, 1935]). Brian Brennan, The Calgary Public Library: inspiring life stories since 1912 ([Cochrane, Alta], 2012
, 15 Jan. 1887. Winnipeg Tribune, March–April 1895. J. W. Brennan, “Business-government co-operation in townsite promotion in Regina and Moose Jaw, 1882–1903,” Town
(Philadelphia, [1927]). A.-N. Montpetit, Nos hommes forts … (Québec, 1884). Yves Roby, The Franco-Americans of New England: dreams and realities, trans. M. E. Brennan-Ricard (Sillery
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