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Montréal, 1889). Silver jubilee celebration of their lordships bishops McIntyre and Rogers: Charlottetown, August 12, 1885 (n.p., [1885?]). M. S. Spigelman
 January he was asked by Lieutenant Governor Peter Adolphus McIntyre to form a government. As the province greeted the new year with yet another premier, it was clear that the position was regarded by
McINTYRE, JAMES, cabinet-maker, furniture dealer, undertaker, and poet; baptized 25 May 1828 in Forres, Scotland
McIntyre* was named to the vacant see on 8 May 1860. In the following autumn McIntyre appointed him one of two vicars general in the diocese, a position of seniority and trust
establishing sectarian schools on the Island in the late 1860s and early 1870s [see Peter McIntyre*]. He insisted on a distinction between
McIntyre*; Edward Palmer*]. The atmosphere surrounding this and other issues of religion was
; 3, Vankoughnet to Donnelly, 16 Nov. 1886; Vankoughnet to McIntyre, 18 July 1887; Robert Sinclair to Macdonald, 11 April 1883. Daily News (Port Arthur [Thunder Bay]), 19
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