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[The author wishes to thank Dr Mary Black-Rogers for her comments on this biography, and the subject’s grandson Chief Thomas Fiddler for details concerning the family
mining as well and in 1892, with his son George Hamilton, a few members of the Union Bank, and some Montreal merchants including Edward Black
Black*, president of the General Quarterly Court of Assiniboia, and Alfred Henry Scott*, a clerk. Black was to represent the English
biographer, Sulpician Louis Bouhier, describes as “a divine possession.” From that moment, she divested herself of finery, sold her jewels, and wore only a plain black dress; she went out wrapped in a long
and a black beard, Pearse valued the company of women. In 1900 he reflected that “the ladies were then as now, charming, and many of them beautiful. One can trace the immense influence for good of the
appeared with a black border. Pacaud was a member of the Comité National de Québec and amongst those who wanted to transform the nationalist movement in the province into a political party. He was the
social distinctions as divisive. Ontario workers, male and female, Catholic and Protestant, skilled and unskilled, black and white, joined the order in masses. Particularly notable was the founding in
establish a business that enabled him to educate his children. A dedicated member of the African Baptist church and Nova Scotia’s first Black historian, he favoured racial integration. He accepted most
black emancipation, Stowe had become a strong proponent of equity, and her political work would be infused by a commitment to ensuring that women received the same services as men. When she returned to
grew up on the banks of the Avon River. His father, one of the black refugees brought to Nova Scotia during the War of 1812, became a sailor and worked at the shipbuilding yards at Half-Way River
promotion to chief justice in 1892, Gwynne’s refusal to attend judicial conferences induced Strong (calling the kettle black) to complain of his “extreme senile irritability.” From 1894 on the government
(Vancouver, 1969). H. K. Ralston, “John Sullivan Deas: a black entrepreneur in British Columbia salmon canning,” BC Studies, no.32 (winter 1976–77): 64–78; “The 1900 strike of Fraser River
the patients aware “that they were living in the midst of civil war.” At the heart of the matter was DeWolf’s dispute with Amos Black, the steward of
between the two over the seating of black members of the congregation: Macfie wanted them separated as a group while Clarke believed that they should be integrated. His stand was unpopular and Macfie led a
Library at St Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, N.S. It is reproduced in black and white in Waite, Man from Halifax. There is also a marble statue on the grounds of St Francis Xavier
“equally menial” jobs, and a fairer distribution of wealth; at his death he was described by one newspaper as a “zealous exponent of socialistic principles.” After black children had been barred from Halifax
$200 salary increase. Her years as teacher in one of the two publicly funded elementary schools still maintained for blacks – the other was
signed by Robert Chambers, mayor of Quebec and chairman of the shareholders’ meeting, the bank’s balance sheet was in the black. In the last fiscal year, it had a paid-up capital of more than $990,890 and
company, whose head office he quickly transferred to 61 Rue Saint-François-Xavier in Montreal, had two factories in Ontario: one for black powder in Cumminsville and one for nitroglycerin near Kingston
). Biographies include: Sir Alfred Lyall, The life of the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava (2v., London, 1905); C. E. D. Black, The Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
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