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parish church. Ostracism by the clergy undermined his honour and his health, and he died in 1855 at the age of 40. Bourget lifted the excommunication but the Filiatreault family continued to suffer
secular clergy and become bishop of Joliette and later archbishop of Ottawa. On 3 Sept. 1886 Forbes reached Maison-Carrée, the mother house and
classical program in 1826. In his work as an educator Girouard thought he had “many enemies, even within the clergy,” and at the same time “many friends
clergy, which undermined the established New Brunswick practice of allowing congregations to choose their own clergy, and in attempting to introduce synods, which would “augment the powers vested in the
. They saw this requirement as a considerable saving for working-class families, who often had to buy new texts when their children changed schools. The Roman Catholic clergy were strongly opposed to
newspaper L’Écho du Manitoba, which is written in a spirit of malevolence.” The clergy set out to reduce the readership of the publication, which had routinely condemned their intervention in favour
1850 that “we shall get no real reforms from the French,” Lindsey was particularly upset over delays in the secularization of the clergy reserves in Upper Canada, and he made this issue the subject of a
lacking sufficient Roman Catholic clergy. Mass migration, he argued, frequently stripped his people of their religion. He demonstrated these concerns throughout his career, addressing open letters to the
Signay of Quebec that “Maria Monk has given the public a new pamphlet in which she spews forth more horrible stuff than ever against the clergy of this country, in which she is stupid enough to
-Rouville witnessed an unprecedented confrontation as two sides formed to defend their conflicting interests. The affair got into the newspapers and soon was creating a stir in clergy and lay circles. Early
dogmatics and moral theology and of carefully chosen religious and devotional works suitable for clergy, as well as vigilance with regard to strong drink and “members of the other sex
increased the number of French-speaking clergy in his diocese and was instrumental in establishing the francophone Collège Sainte-Anne at Church Point, N.S., under the direction of Eudist priests [see
4 July. Before he could effectively supervise his new mission, however, he had first to assert his jurisdiction. He attempted to send away all unauthorized clergy, but although some left quietly
but had to give up in the face of his clergy’s hesitations. The discussion between Pelletier and Langevin became heated, each interpreting in his own way a new reply from the prefect of the Sacred
attacks of fever, he made a circuit of 240 miles visiting these places, taking services, preaching, and leaving “useful sermons at the houses where I staid.” He agitated to have some of the clergy reserves
clergy reserves and cancellation of the rectory patents set up by Lieutenant Governor Sir John Colborne* in 1836. For a while, he
the clergy reserves were province-wide issues in the election of 1828. Robinson again won his seat narrowly, but his work was made more difficult by the fact that the new house was overwhelmingly anti
Constitution of the Clergy. Roux had informed his father of this step, and on 26 Nov. 1791 had been invited by him to come and live with the family in Martinique. There was no doubt some notion that he
colleagues Chabrand Delisle and De Montmollin, determined it to reverse its post-conquest proselytist policy. Beginning in the 1790s, it would, with a British clergy, concentrate its attentions on the colony’s
pupils and handed on to others. During this controversy Whitaker received the support of many clergy, including Edward Henry
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