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. In 1775 Charles Stewart accompanied his family to St John’s (Prince Edward) Island, where his father had been appointed chief justice. A collector of offices – frequently as a deputy doing
. Family interest in St John’s (Prince Edward) Island began in 1770, when Peter’s brother Robert undertook a settlement of Highlanders on Lot 18. The venture was not very successful, but the attempt
favoured people who in July 1767 received 20,000-acre grants in St John’s (Prince Edward) Island, being awarded Lot 56 in the east end of the Island. In 1770, embarrassed by his Irish expenses, he
became collector of customs and naval officer for St John’s (Prince Edward) Island. He may have obtained the appointments because of a family connection with George, Viscount
four colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton. Upham’s petitions containing these requests graphically describe the rigours endured by public servants in backwoods
general of Prince Edward Island in the place of Joseph Aplin. Wentworth’s distant relationship to the lieutenant
Prince Edward Island, and they had two sons and two daughters; fl. 1803–15. Although a detailed biographical background for James Williams survives on
London, England, son of Thomas Wright and Martha Bisse; m. 6 Dec. 1769 Susanna Turner of Cumberland, N.S., and they had ten children; d. 7 Dec. 1812 on Prince Edward Island
Antinomianism.” Prince Edward Island had seen no Methodist minister since Black’s brief visit in 1794. There were in the entire region about 850 Methodists, a meagre harvest, particularly in the light of the
. In 1799 Calonne decided to leave with a small group of emigrés to develop lands his brother had received on Prince Edward Island that year. From the day he arrived, his main responsibility as
 John’s (Prince Edward) Island in 1784, John Cambridge remains a shadowy figure in historical records. A Privy Council report of 1791 identifies him as being “formerly an obscure chairmaker in St
North America as lieutenant governor of Prince Edward Island – DesBarres sued Mary and sub-agent Wellwood Waugh
in Charlottetown, he became private secretary to the lieutenant governor of Prince Edward Island, Charles Douglass Smith*. The next
Elizabeth, bound for the north shore of St John’s (Prince Edward) Island. Chappell has left no record of his reasons for emigrating, but unemployment was heavy in 1774 among artisans, and the newly
deeply into debt. In the summer of 1777 he therefore eagerly accepted a minor post in New York City as deputy to the muster master general of the loyalist forces, Edward
[Edward* Augustus], Lord Camden (lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1798), and Charles O’Hara (an Irish member of parliament), Colclough was appointed chief justice of Prince Edward Island on 1 Jan
wife was also ejected from the congregation because it was supposed “she was the principal author of the letter.” None the less, Cowdell turned up briefly as a lay preacher in Prince Edward Island
came to Prince Edward Island, where there was a large Scottish population and few competing clergymen of any denomination. He was probably encouraged to migrate to the Island by John Scott, another
Island. Theophilus Desbrisay’s appointment as governor’s chaplain for St John’s (Prince Edward) Island was obtained for him in 1774 by his father
serve under the prince at Halifax in 1795, and on 21 June of the same year he was promoted colonel in the army. Edward Augustus seems to have developed great trust in Despard’s abilities, and his
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