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VERREAU, BARTHÉLEMY, clerk of court and notary; b. 12 July 1678 at Château-Richer; son of Barthélemy Verreau
BARRAT, CLAUDE, clerk of court and notary at Placentia (Plaisance), Newfoundland; b. c. 1658 at Troyes; d. after 1711
BOURG, dit Belle-Humeur, ALEXANDRE, notary, king’s
CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, notary and seigneur; b. 29 June 1790 at Quebec, son of Archibald Campbell, a
notary; b. c. 1666, son of Jean Dubreuil and Catherine Lemarinier of the parish of Saint-Médéric in Paris; d. 4 June 1734 and buried the following day at Quebec
Pierre Dubois Davaugour, clerk of the seneschal’s court and of the Conseil Souverain, deputy to the attorney-general, seigneurial attorney, seneschal judge, and royal notary; b. c
GRISÉ, ANTOINE (also called Grisé, dit Villefranche), royal notary; b. 19 Oct
GUYART DE FLEURY, JEAN-BAPTISTE, soldier, court officer, royal notary; b. c. 1719 at
HODIESNE, GERVAIS, Brother Hospitaller of the Cross and of St Joseph, tonsured cleric, royal notary; b. 1692 in
NAVARRE, ROBERT, notary and subdelegate of the intendant; said to have been b. 1709 at Villeroy (dept of Seine-et
PINSONAUT, PAUL-THÉOPHILE, notary, militia officer, businessman, and jp; b. 10
PRESSÉ, HYACINTHE-OLIVIER, clerk of court, court officer, and royal notary; fl. 1735
RIVET CAVELIER, PIERRE, clerk of court, royal notary, acting king’s attorney, legal practitioner, director of the tax-farm of the
SIROIS, JOSEPH (baptized Louis-Philippe-Marie-Joseph), notary and professor; b. 2 Oct. 1881 in Quebec City
JOBIN, ANDRÉ, notary, Patriote, justice of the peace, politician, militia officer, and office holder; b. 8 Aug
BECQUET, ROMAIN, notary, court officer, clerk of the diocesan officiality (l’officialité diocésaine), seigneurial judge, and
, legal practitioner, seigneurial attorney, and notary; b. c. 1640 in France; buried 1 Dec. 1729 at Quebec. Hilaire Bernard de La
LOPPINOT, JEAN-CHRYSOSTOME, notary, clerk of court and king’s attorney at Port-Royal (Annapolis Royal, N.S.), then clerk of court at
MOUCHY, NICOLAS DE, often erroneously called Monchy, a native of Lyon (France), notary, clerk of court, deputy
Piedmont), royal notary, clerk of the court of Montreal, and on several occasions acting lieutenant-general, son of the judge
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