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Couillard* and widow of Jean Nicollet*. In a will received by the notary
Chenneque and sister of merchant Martin Chinic*. In the marriage contract signed on 12 October before Quebec notary Michel Berthelot
merchant’s bark. The following year he ran foul of the law. He was sentenced and imprisoned, along with the notary
went to France where he obtained the post of clerk of the Conseil Supérieur of Saint Domingue. However he cannot have held this position long since according to a notarial act he was dead by 1764. His
notarial deeds and lawsuits heard by the provost’s court and the admiralty court of Quebec would provide evidence for an appreciation of the scale of the Martins’ trade. Documents more easily available lead
family environment, the young man became a merchant himself at Saint-Clément-de-Beauharnois. On 1 Feb. 1830 he married Virginie Jobin, daughter of the notary André
about his activities during the years following his arrival. The earliest record of Hector Munro in Montreal is a notarial contract dated 1843 concerning the building of the Commercial Bank of the Midland
become a freeholder and notary at Chambly. He was commissioned a barrister and attorney-at-law in 1768. Two years later, on 11 April, he was issued a trading licence to depart from Montreal for
, he sailed with Edward Cornwallis’ expedition to Nova Scotia as governor’s clerk. In Halifax Nesbitt served for a time as clerk of the General Court and was confirmed as a notary public in April
their wealth. A close study of the notarial contracts made between the principal Quebec merchants would doubtless add a great deal to our knowledge of them, both as individuals and as a social group
entrusted management of the seigneuries to notaries or stewards. Her brothers-in-law Louis Bélair at Baie-Saint-Paul and Augustin Trudel at Rimouski also continued working for her as seigneurial agents
ba. In October 1810 he was admitted to the bar, and began work as a notary and tablion public in the office of William Thompson, prothonotary of the Supreme Court and clerk of the
France. On the same day as Raudot issued the ordinance Levasseur signed before the notary Jacques Barbel* a contract with Pagé, according to the
, who had purchased Paillard’s indenture for 60 livres. Paillard subsequently became Mercereau’s journeyman. Paillard married a notary’s
Panet*, a notary, and Marie-Louise Barolet; d. 23 May 1834 in L’Islet, Lower Canada, and was buried under the step of the high altar in the parish church
, when the company abandoned the North American trade [see Havy], he was thereafter employed by other French shipowners. His name recurs from time to time in notarial and port records, as in 1751
notary Louis-Claude Danré* de Blanzy for the signing of the marriage contract. If we accept Pennisseaut’s own statement (according
place. Several of Piuze’s children settled in the Rivière-Ouelle region. Rémi, the eldest, served as a notary at Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière from 1808 to 1867; Édouard-Ferdinand remained in his native
. On 2 July 1743 François-Antoine Pécaudy de Contrecœur was buried at Montreal, “at about the age of 67.” On 15 Nov. 1701, before the notary Antoine
involved in the rebellion along with his son Zéphyrin, a notary at Sainte-Scholastique (Mirabel) since 1826; on 30 November he was charged with high treason and put in jail. But he was released on 11
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