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                  341 to 360 (of 468)
                  1...16  17  18  19  20  ...24
                  . int., II, 48, 59–60, 82. Tanguay, Dictionnaire
                  ., I, II, III. Tanguay, Dictionnaire.
                  Rapport, 1949–51, 514. P.-G. Roy, Inv. concessions, V, 78–79. Tanguay, Dictionnaire, I, 165; III, 277–78. Azarie Couillard-Després, Histoire de Sorel de ses origines
                  , 205. Tanguay, Dictionnaire, III, 269. Vachon, “Inv. critique des notaires royaux,” RHAF, XI
                  Canada (Irving). Tanguay, Dictionnaire, 3: 269–70. J. D. Borthwick, History of the Montreal prison from A.D. 1784 to A.D. 1886
                  . Benson (2v., New York, 1966), II, 4. Fauteux, Les chevaliers de Saint-Louis, 152. Le Jeune, Dictionnaire. Tanguay, Dictionnaire. P.-G. Roy, “La famille Dazemard de
                  Maine and New Hampshire, ed. Sybil Noyes et al. (Portland, Maine, 1928–39). Tanguay, Dictionnaire. Coleman, New England captives.
                  (Beaudet). P-G. Roy, Inv. jug. et délib., 1717–1760, I, 251, 297. Massicotte, “Les tribunaux et les officiers de justice,” BRH, XXXVII (1931), 190f., 305. Tanguay
                  the Armorial de France of d’Hozier as being the daughter of Simon-François Daumont de Saint-Lusson and Marguerite La Verge. On the other hand Tanguay’s dictionary gives Marguerite Bérin as
                  (A. et V. Bibaud; 1891), 66. Encyclopedia of music in Canada (Kallmann et al.), 253–54. Tanguay, Répertoire (1893): 159. G.-F. Baillairgé, Notices
                  , 235, 239, 282–83. PAC Report, 1905, II, pt.iii, 346–56, Le Jeune, Dictionnaire. Tanguay, Répertoire, 109 [Tanguay is mistaken in the
                  ,” BRH, XXXVII (1931), 190, 303, 307. “Les notaires au Canada,” APQ Rapport, 1921–22, 46. P.-G. Roy, Inv. ord. int., II, 239; III, 63, 100. Tanguay
                  . Tanguay, Dictionnaire. [François Daniel], Histoire des grandes familles francaises du Canada (Montréal, 1867). J.-B.-A. Ferland, Cours d’histoire du Canada (1534–1759
                  , Fonds Verreau, X. “French regime in Wis., 1743–60” (Thwaites), 41. NYCD (O’Callaghan and Fernow). Papiers Contrecœur (Grenier). Tanguay, Dictionnaire. Parkman, Half
                  . Jug. et délib., III, 399. P.-G. Roy, Inv. concessions, IV, 1; VI, 65; Inv. contrats de mariage, II, 119. Webster, Acadia, 94, 106, 110, 170. Tanguay
                  , 57; Inv. contrats de mariage, II, 120. Webster, Acadia. Tanguay, Dictionnaire, I, III. Azarie Couillard Després
                  , 245, 257, 298. P.-G. Roy et al., Inv. greffes not., XVI, 99. Tanguay, Dictionnaire. [The author is wrong in indicating that Alexandre Dagneau Douville married a
                  . Massicotte, “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest,” APQ Rapport, 1929–30; 1930–31. Tanguay, Dictionnaire. Champagne, Les La Vérendrye. Silas Farmer, The history of
                  Sillery. Does this imply that Father Côme made a trip to Quebec, as stated by Abbé Tanguay? Not at all; it was the child’s parents who, passing through Sillery, had the baptismal certificate registered at
                   11, 62, f.168v; NF 25, 64, no.3904. Tanguay
                  341 to 360 (of 468)
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