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                  441 to 460 (of 522)
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                  anyone in France for 50 years, until the coming of Champlain
                  , Documents relatifs à la marine normande. Cartier, Voyage de 1534. Champlain, Œuvres (Laverdière). Hakluyt, “Discourse on western planting.” Lescarbot, Histoire (Tross
                  . Frédéric Gingras Champlain, Œeuvres (Laverdière), 1077, 1112, 1184
                  .” Marcel Hamelin Champlain, Œeuvres (Laverdière). “Documents inédits,” éd
                  , Lewis, John, and James in the expeditions to capture Quebec in 1628 and 1629. Upon the surrender of Champlain
                  of the post, to Champlain. He was distinguished by the French for his gentlemanly behaviour and generous
                  Champlain demanding the surrender of the post. Champlain rejected the demand because he was expecting relief from
                  from France itself. In the spring of 1644, the famous Algonkin chief, Pieskaret, with six members of his tribe, was on a hunting trip to Lake Champlain
                  Richelieu and crossed Lake Champlain. Jogues was the first white man to see Lake George, which he named Saint-Sacrement, as his companion
                  . On 20 July 1616, on behalf of the mission, Father Jamet left for France with Champlain and
                  chief to meet Champlain in June 1609 near Quebec, where he had come with Outchetaguin, a Huron chief, to
                   Champlain participated, stopped in various locations and attempts were made to plant wheat and vines. On 2 October, after arriving at Port
                  in Quebec. Farther up along the edge was Champlain’s little wooden fort, and directly below it, on the
                  . Dumas ASQ, MSS, 200, Mortuologe des Recolets. Champlain, Œuvres (Laverdière). Le Clercq, First establishment
                  Champlain was still alive, Montmagny was appointed governor of Canada. His family ties with Jean de Lauson
                  of Algonkins under Pieskaret secreted on an island in Lake Champlain. Brought unharmed to Sillery by the Algonkins
                  of Pierre Dizy, dit Montplaisir, at Champlain on that date. On the marriage certificate he had himself styled “chevalier,” a title without foundation even in the letters of nobility granted to
                  Biencourt de Poutrincourt. That fall he accompanied Champlain and Poutrincourt on a voyage of
                  . Champlain credits him with playing a decisive role in obtaining the trading monopoly for Pierre
                  Champlain’s lieutenant, and it was to him that Champlain, before leaving for France in 1610, had confided the command of the fort at Quebec and of the 16 men remaining in it. Du Parc also was
                  441 to 460 (of 522)
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