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Canadian provinces. Between July and November 1796 he travelled from Lake Champlain to Montreal and Quebec, returning through Montreal and continuing his journey to Kingston, Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake
. Apart from his official printing Desbarats received the commission to reprint Samuel de Champlain*’s works, edited by Abbé Charles-Honoré
public trustees, in accordance with the provisions of the 1829 school act. He was mha for Champlain county from 20 Oct. 1830 to 27 March 1838, and it was at his
was one of the Montreal promoters who merged this railway with its major competitor, the Champlain and St Lawrence, in 1855, after a vicious rate war threatened to bankrupt both companies. He also
Cartier*, the military alliance of Samuel de Champlain* with the Hurons, and the behaviour of Jacques-René de
with the work of Samuel de Champlain*, Bishop François de Laval*, the wars
Reformers faced the supporters of Governor Charles Metcalfe*, and was elected on the Reform ticket in the county of Champlain. His
for the government a series of historical portraits: Champlain
emigrated to the United States and settled on the shores of Lake Champlain. From 1818 to 1850 he set aside some 14 days each year for these people, who could not be ministered to for want of American priests
pioneer Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad and a fervent promoter, major shareholder, and director of the St Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad; the latter, running 245 miles from Saint-Lambert
working as a clerk to the military secretary at Halifax. During the War of 1812 he was in Montreal. On 15 May 1817, at Champlain, N.Y., he married Louisa, younger daughter of Daniel
]. The Torrances were equally interested in railway development. As early as 1832 they were among the incorporators of the Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad. By 1847 their firm had invested £1,000 in
. In the elections that followed he was defeated by Louis Guillet in Champlain and by Louis-Joseph Papineau in
d’André Michaux en Canada, depuis le lac Champlain jusqu’à la baie d’Hudson (Québec, 1861).  j.r
Celles, Cartier et son temps (Collection Champlain, Montréal, 1913); a brief, rather laudatory biography. J.-L.-K. Laflamme, Le centenaire Cartier, 1814–1914
director, then president, of the Champlain and St Lawrence Railway Company, until it was combined with the Grand Trunk in 1872. In 1857 he joined with 32 of the principal capitalists of Montreal to
. Vincislas-Paul-Wilfrid Dorion’s father was a merchant, a member of the assembly in 1829–38 for Champlain County, and a staunch supporter of Louis-Joseph
.” In 1870 the first Canadian edition of the Œuvres de Champlain appeared. This edition, which Laverdière had been shaping and recasting since 1864, was according to Narcisse-Henri-Édouard
had been a member of the city council for the district of Champlain since 1846 and he occupied this post until 1854. In 1852 he also became inspector and superintendent of police for the city of Quebec
–75. F.-J. Audet, Les députés de Saint-Maurice, 1808–1838, et de Champlain, 1830–1838 (Pages trifluviennes, sér. A, 12, Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1934), 45–48
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