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The Dictionary of Canadian Biography, winner of the Pierre Berton Award!
From left to right: Réal Bélanger, directeur général adjoint, John English, general editor,
and His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston Governor General of Canada.
Photo credit: MCpl Dany Veillette, Rideau Hall.
In 2012 the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, considered one of the best national biographical dictionaries in the world, had the honour of receiving the Governor General’s History Award for Popular Media, the Pierre Berton Award, in recognition of its excellence and intellectual rigour. This prestigious award also acknowledges the accessibility of its content – over 8,400 biographies of persons who have played a role in Canadian history are freely available to researchers. The DCB is proud of this confirmation that it is achieving its goal: working to further the interests of Canadian history and the general public. For more information on the Pierre Berton Award, click here. To read the press release issued by Canada’s History Society, click here.