Contributors – Volume V

Allaire, Gratien. Professeur adjoint d’histoire, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Charles Chaboillez. Charles-Jean-Baptiste Chaboillez.

Allen, Robert S. Deputy chief, Treaties and historical research, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa, Ontario.

Cecil Bisshopp.

Andrew, Sheila Muriel. Graduate student in history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Louis Mercure.

Andrews, Alan. Professor of theatre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Charles Stuart Powell.

Angrignon, Pierre. Professeur d’histoire, Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel de Valleyfield, Québec.

Jean-Joseph Trestler.

Angus, Margaret Sharp. Writer, Kingston, Ontario.

William Fairfield.

Archer, Christon I. Professor of history, University of Calgary, Alberta.

Pedro de Alberni. Dionisio Alcalá-Galiano.

Armour, David A. Assistant superintendent, Mackinac Island State Park Commission, Michigan, U.S.A.

Joseph-Louis Ainsse. Jean-Baptiste Cadot. John Dease. Joseph-Marie Ducharme. Madjeckewiss. Daniel Robertson. Patrick Sinclair.

Armstrong, Frederick H. Professor of history, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

Henry Allcock. Duncan Fisher.

Arsenault, Georges. Professeur invité en études acadiennes, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

Xavier Gallant, known as Pinquin.

Axtell, James. Professor of history, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

Jemima Sawtelle (Phipps; Howe; Tute).

Bailey, Alfred G. Professor emeritus of history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Jonathan Odell.

Beamish, Derek F. Principal lecturer in history, Dorset Institute of Higher Education, Bournemouth, England.

Benjamin Lester.

Beauregard, Yves. Étudiant au doctorat en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Charles-Louis Tarieu de Lanaudière. Xavier-Roch Tarieu de Lanaudière.

Beck, J. Murray. Formerly professor of political science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

John Creighton. Dettlieb Christopher Jessen.

Béland, François. Étudiant à la maîtrise en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Maurice-Régis Blondeau. François Malhiot [in collaboration with H. Paré]. Nicholas Montour. Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Testard Louvigny de Montigny.

Bergeron, Adrien, s.s.s. Montréal, Québec.

Cécile Boudreau (Pitre; Pellerin).

Bernier, Jacques. Professeur d’histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Philippe-Louis-François Badelard.

Bérubé, André. Chef adjoint, Sites industriels, Parcs Canada, Québec, Québec.

John Purss.

Best, Henry B. M. President, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario.

Jacques Cartier.

Birk, Douglas A. Chairman, Institute for Minnesota Archaeology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

John Sayer.

Bishop, Charles A. Professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Oswego, New York, U.S.A.

Chejauk. Zheewegonab.

Blakeley, Phyllis R. Provincial archivist, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Francis Green. Sir Richard Hughes. Alexander McNutt.

Bowler, Reginald Arthur. Associate professor of history, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.

Edward Jessup.

Bowsfield, Hartwell. Associate professor of history, York University, Downsview, Ontario.

Owen Keveny. Robert Semple.

Brisson, Réal. Étudiant au doctorat en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Antoine Juchereau Duchesnay.

Brock, Daniel James. Teacher, London and Middlesex County Roman Catholic Separate School Board, London, Ontario.

Ebenezer Allan. Abraham Iredell. William Robertson. Samuel Ryerse. Thomas Welch. David Zeisberger.

Brown, Jennifer S. H. Associate professor of history, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Charles Thomas Isham. Duncan McDougall. Duncan McGillivray [in collaboration with S. M. Van Kirk]. William Richards.

Brown, Wallace. Professor of history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Mather Byles.

†Browne, G. P. Professor of history, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dorchester. Arthur Davidson. Thomas Walker.

Buggey, Susan. Chief, Historical research, Parks Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Edward Mortimer.

Bumsted, J. M. Professor of history, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Joseph Aplin. Jonathan Binney. William Burn. James Curtis. Edmund Fanning. Robert Hodgson. David Lawson. Helen MacDonald of Glenaladale (MacDonald). Peter Magowan. Seth Noble. Joseph Robinson. Charles Stewart. Peter Stewart. John Wentworth. James Williams.

Burgess, Joanne. Professeur d’histoire, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Richard Dobie. Pierre Foretier. William Grant (1743-1810).

Burns, Robert J. Historian, Parks Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Robert Isaac Dey Gray. William Jarvis.

Burroughs, Peter. Professor of history, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Robert Prescott. Sir George Prevost.

Burton Historical Collection Staff. Detroit Public Library, Michigan, U.S.A.

Philippe Dejean.

Cadotte, Marcel. Professeur agrégé de pathologie, Université de Montréal, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste Rieutord [in collaboration with R. Lessard].

Campbell, Lyall. Free-lance writer and editor, Vancouver, British Columbia.

James Rainstorpe Morris [in collaboration].

Campbell, Marjorie Wilkins. Writer, Toronto, Ontario.

François Decoigne [in collaboration]. John Gregory. John Ogilvy.

Campbell, Rod. Director of professional development, New Brunswick Teachers’ Association, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

William Hazen.

Castonguay, Jacques. Doyen des études collégiales, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec.

James Bell.

Cauchon, Michel. Directeur, Études et Inventaires, Ministère des Affaires culturelles, Québec, Québec.

Antoine Jacson. Philippe Liébert.

Caya, Marcel. University archivist, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Henry Caldwell. Thomas Aston Coffin.

Chaput, Donald. Curator of history, Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Jean-Gabriel Cerré.

Chard, Donald F. Historic park planner, Parks Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Charles Morris.

Chard, Elizabeth A. Registrar, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

George Gillmore [in collaboration].

Chaussé, Gilles, s.j. Professeur d’histoire, Collège Jeande-Brébeuf, Montréal, Québec.

François Cherrier.

Chiasson, Anselme, o.f.m. cap. Ex-directeur, Centre d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Gabriel Champion.

Christie, Carl A. Historian, Directorate of History, National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario.

Joseph Bunbury. Prideaux Selby.

Clarke, John. Associate professor of geography, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

François Baby. Thomas McKee.

Collard, Elizabeth. Writer and museum consultant, Ottawa, Ontario.

James Rollo.

Colthart, James M. Marketing manager, Sinclair Radio Laboratories Ltd, Concord, Ontario.

Alexander Ellice.

Condon, Ann Gorman. Assistant professor of history, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, New Brunswick.

John Caleff. Joshua Upham. Edward Winslow.

Cook, Cyril Stewart. Minister, McLeod-Stewarton United Church, Ottawa, Ontario.

Clark Bentom.

Cooper, John Irwin. Professor emeritus of history, McGill University; Tillsonburg, Ontario.

James McGill.

Craig, G. M. Professor of history, University of Toronto, Ontario.

Michael Smith.

Cuthbertson, Brian C. U. Public records archivist, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Moses Delesdernier.

Cutter, Donald C. Professor of history, St Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

Manuel José Antonio Cardero. Tadeo Haenke. Alejandro Malaspina.

Cyr, Céline. Rédactrice-historienne, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Les Presses de l’université Laval, Québec, Québec.

René-Amable Boucher de Boucherville. Louis Chaboillez. Joseph Drapeau [in collaboration with P. Dufour]. Jean-Baptiste-Melchior Hertel de Rouville. Jean-Baptiste Le Comte Dupré. Jérôme Martineau.

Day, Réginald. Agent des relations internationales, Ministère de l’Énergie, des Mines et des Ressources, Ottawa, Ontario.

Felix O’Hara.

Derome, Robert.

Professeur d’histoire de l’art, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Désilets, Andrée. Professeur d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec.

Véronique Brunet, dit L’Estang, named Sainte-Rose. Marie-Louise Compain, named Saint-Augustin. Marie Raizenne, named Saint-Ignace.

Desjardins, Édouard, m.d. Rédacteur émérite, L’Union médicale du Canada, Montréal, Québec.

Jacques Dénéchaud.

Desjardins, Marc. Chercheur, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, Québec, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste Allain.

Desloges, Yvon. Agent de recherche en histoire, Parcs Canada, Québec, Québec.

Malcolm Fraser. René-Hippolyte Laforce.

Désy, Louise. Recherchiste; étudiante à la maîtrise en histoire de l’art, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Denis Viger.

Deveau, J. Alphonse. Directeur, Centre acadien, Université Sainte-Anne, Church Point, Nouvelle-Écosse.

Amable Pichard.

Dionne-Tousignant, Madeleine. Recherchiste, Montréal, Québec.

Sir Frederick Haldimand [in collaboration with S. R. J. Sutherland and P. Tousignant].

†Donnelly, Joseph P., s.j. Professor emeritus of English, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, U. S. A.

Pierre Gibault.

Douglas, R. Alan. Curator, Hiram Walker Historical Museum, Windsor, Ontario.

Charles Réaume.

Douglas, W. A. B. Director, Directorate of History, National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jean-Baptiste Bouchette.

Douville, Raymond. Ex-sous-secrétaire et ex-archiviste du gouvernement du Québec, Québec.

Joseph-Laurent Bertrand. Pierre-Louis Deschenaux.

Ducharme, Jacques. Conservateur adjoint, Archives nationales du Québec, Montréal, Québec.

Marie-Catherine-Françoise Céloron.

Dufour, Pierre. Historien, Parcs Canada, Québec, Québec.

Joseph Boucher de Niverville. Joseph Drapeau [in collaboration with C. Cyr]. Clément Gosselin. Pierre-Paul Margane de Lavaltrie. [Biographies written in collaboration with G. Goyer.] Jean-Baptiste-Noël Pouget. Pierre de Sales Laterrière [in collaboration with J. Hamelin].

Dumais, Raymond. Chef, Division des services, Archives nationales du Québec, Montréal, Québec.

Pierre Panet. Eustache-Ignace Trottier Desrivières Beaubien.

Dunlop, Allan C. Assistant provincial archivist, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

James Brenton. John Burbidge.

Edwards, Mary Jane. Professor of English, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

James Tanswell.

Edwards, Ron. Toronto, Ontario.

Patrick McNiff.

Elliott, Shirley B. Formerly legislative librarian, Nova Scotia Legislative Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Benjamin Belcher.

Engstrand, Iris H. Wilson. Professor of history, University of San Diego, California, U.S.A.

Jose Mariano Moziño Losada Suárez de Figueroa.

Erickson, Vincent O. Professor of anthropology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Noël Bernard.

Evans, Calvin D. Assistant librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Aaron Graham.

Everest, Allan S. Professor of history, State University College of Arts and Science, Plattsburgh, New York, U. S. A.

Moses Hazen.

Fahey, Curtis. Manuscript editor, Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada, University of Toronto Press, Ontario.

Benedict Arnold.

Faribault-Beauregard, Marthe. Bibliothécaire-archiviste, Société généalogique canadienne-française, Montréal, Québec.

Barthélemy Faribault [in collaboration with C. Lessard].

Farrell, David R. Associate professor of history, University of Guelph, Ontario.

Toussaint-Antoine Adhémar, dit Saint-Martin. John Askin. Walter Roe.

Fellows, Jo-Ann Carr. Director, Economic research, Department of Fisheries, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Jacob S. Mott.

Fellows, Robert. Archivist, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

George Sproule.

†Fergusson, Charles Bruce. Archivist emeritus, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia; associate professor of history, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Simeon Perkins.

Fingard, Judith. Professor of history, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Charles Inglis. Sir John Wentworth.

Firth, Edith G. Formerly head, Canadian History Department, Metropolitan Toronto Library, Ontario.

Jabez Collver. John Elmsley. Peter Russell. William Willcocks.

Fisher, Robin. Associate professor of history, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.


Fleurent, Maurice. Chargé de cours, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Québec.

Louis Demers. Grégoire Trahan, known as Gregory Strahan.

Fraser, Robert Lochiel, iii. Hamilton, Ontario.

Elijah Bentley. John Macdonell (Greenfield) [in collaboration with C. M. Whitfield]. Edward McSwiney. Mary Osborn (London). Jacob Overholser. Angelique Pilotte. Joseph Seely.

French, G. S. President, Victoria University, Toronto, Ontario.

James Man. Barbara Ruckle (Heck).

Frenette, Yves. Étudiant au doctorat en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

John Lees.

Galarneau, Claude. Professeur titulaire d’histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste Lahaille. Henry-Antoine Mézière.

Gauthier, Raymonde. Professeur d’histoire de l’art, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Pierre-Florent Baillairgé. Edward Cannon. Pierre Émond.

Gervais, Jean-Francis. Directeur de sociétés, Limalonges, France.

François Cazeau.

Gilman, Rhoda R. Assistant director for education, Minnesota Historical Society, St Paul, Minnesota, U. S. A.

James Aird.

Godfrey, William Gerald. Associate professor and head, History Department, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.

Thomas Carleton. James Glenie. Joshua Winslow.

Goltz, Herbert C. W., Jr. Associate professor of history, St Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Michikinakoua. Tecumseh.

Gough, Barry Morton. Professor of history, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.

Joseph Billings. James Colnett. Robert Haswell. Alexander Henry. John Meares. Peter Pond. Nathaniel Portlock.

Goyer, Gérard. Archiviste, Division des archives, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Clément Gosselin. Pierre-Paul Margane de Lavaltrie. [Biographies written in collaboration with P. Dufour.]

Graves, Ross. Senior English teacher and school librarian, South Colchester High School, Brookfield, Nova Scotia.

William Schurman.

†Gray, John Morgan. Director, The Macmillan Company of Canada, Toronto, Ontario.

Thomas Douglas, Baron Daer and Shortcleuch, 5th Earl of Selkirk.

Graymont, Barbara. Professor of history, Nyack College, New York, U.S.A.

Atiatoharongwen. Thayendanegea.

Greenhill, Basil. Director, National Maritime Museum, London, England.

George Hardy.

Greenwood, F. Murray. Associate professor of history, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Black.

Gwyn, Julian. Professor of history, University of Ottawa, Ontario.

Sir George Cranfield Berkeley.

Hamelin, Jean. Directeur général adjoint, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Les Presses de l’université Laval; professeur d’histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Pierre Denaut [in collaboration with M. Paquin]. Pierre de Sales Laterriére [in collaboration with P. Dufour].

Hamilton, William B. Director, Atlantic Institute of Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

George Wright.

Handcock, Gordon. Associate professor of geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

Charles Garland. Thomas Slade. Thomas Street. John Waldron.

Hare, John E. Professeur agrégé d’histoire, Université d’Ottawa, Ontario.

Edward Edwards. Alexandre Menut. Joseph Quesnel. William Vondenvelden.

Harel, Bruno, p.s.s. Archiviste, Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montréal, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste-Jacques Chicoisneau. Charles Ecuier. Michel Leclerc. Claude Poncin.

Head, C. Grant. Associate professor of geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.

Sir Erasmus Gower.

Henry-Dixon, Natasha. Assistant professor of history, York University, Toronto, Ontario.

Peter Martin, also known as Martin Stout. Name Unrecorded.

Heron, Craig. Assistant professor of history, York University, Downsview, Ontario.

Samuel Heron. Abner Miles.

Hiller, James K. Associate professor of history, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

William Turner.

Hoeniger, Judith F. M. Associate professor of microbiology, University of Toronto, Ontario.

Andre Michaux.

Holman, H. T. Law student, Ottawa, Ontario.

Peter Byers, known as Black Peter. William Townshend. Thomas Wright.

Horsman, Reginald. Distinguished professor of history, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Matthew Elliott. Myeerah. Stayeghtha. Weyapiersenwah.

Hubbard, R. H. Honorary historian to the governor general, Ottawa, Ontario.

Thomas Davies. John Ramage. Sir Hervey Smythe.

Hutcheson, Maud M. Toronto, Ontario.

John Wiswall.

Janson, Gilles. Archiviste, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Charles Blake. Pierre-Joseph Compain. Dominique Mondelet.

Janzen, Carol Anne. Businesswoman, Kentville, Nova Scotia.

Thomas Millidge.

Jarrell, Richard A. Associate professor of natural science, York University, Downsview, Ontario.

Francis Masson.

Joanette, Ginette. Étudiante à la maîtrise en histoire, Université de Montréal, Québec.

Pierre Guy [in collaboration with C. Joron].

Jobling, J. Keith. Programme director, History and comparative education, Department of Administration and Policy Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Finlay Fisher.

Johnson, J. K. Professor of history, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

Joshua Booth. Richard Duncan. Benjamin Pawling. Hazelton Spencer.

Johnston, Charles M. Professor of history, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

John Deserontyon. John Baptist Rousseaux St John.

Jones, Elwood H. Professor of history, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.

Joseph Willcocks.

Jones, Frederick. Senior lecturer in business and professional studies, Dorset Institute of Higher Education, Bournemouth, England.

James Balfour. John Clinch. John Harries.

Joron, Claire. Recherchiste, Pierrefonds, Québec.

Pierre Guy [in collaboration with G. Joanette].

Karel, David. Professeur agrégé d’histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Jean-Sébastien Natte, dit Marseille.

Kernaghan, Lois Kathleen. Historical researcher, Boutilier’s Point, Nova Scotia.

William James Almon. Duncan Clark. Deborah How (Cottnam). Alexander Howe. John Philipps.

Knight, R. J. B. Deputy head, Department of Printed Books and Manuscripts, National Maritime Museum, London, England.

Henry Duncan.

LaBrèque, Marie-Paule R. Directrice, Bibliothèque municipale, Acton-Vale, Québec.

James Caldwell. John Coffin.

Lacasse-Gales, Suzanne. Consultante, Ottawa, Ontario.

Louis-Chrétien de Heer [in collaboration with P. N. Moogk].

Lacelle, Claudette. Historienne, Parcs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Pierre Conefroy.

Lachance, André. Professeur titulaire d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec.

Nicolas-Gaspard Boisseau.

Lahey, Raymond J. Vicar-general, Archdiocese of St John’s, Newfoundland.

Edmund Burke (fl. 1785-1801). Patrick Lambert.

Lamb, W. Kaye. Formerly dominion archivist and national librarian; Vancouver, British Columbia.

Robert Gray. Sir Alexander Mackenzie. Jonathan Thorn.

Lambert, James H. Rédacteur-historien, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Les Presses de l’université Laval, Québec, Québec.

David-François de Montmollin. Thomas Scott [in collaboration with D. Roberts]. Alexander Spark.

Langelier, Gilles. Archiviste, Collection nationale de cartes et plans, Archives publiques du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jean-Baptiste Bédard. Louis Charland. Étienne Guy.

LaPlante, Corinne. Bathurst, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Michel Bastarache, dit Basque.

Lapointe, Gabrielle, o.s.u. Québec, Québec.

Marguerite Davanne, named de Saint-Louis de Gonzague.

Lauzier, Roch. Travailleur autonome, Québec, Québec.

François Boucher. James Frost. John Painter.

Lee, David. Historian, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Department of the Environment, Ottawa, Ontario.

Francis Le Maistre.

Leighton, Douglas. Associate professor of history, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

Simon Girty.

Lemieux, Lucien. Vicaire épiscopal, Longueuil, Québec.

Pierre Huet de La Valinière.

Lessard, Claude. Professeur d’histoire, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Québec.

Barthélemy Faribault [in collaboration with M. Faribault-Beauregard].

Lessard, Renald. Étudiant à la maîtrise en histoire, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste Rieutord [in collaboration with M. Cadotte]. Alexandre Serres. François-Michel Suzor.

Lochhead, Douglas G. Director, Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.

Silvester Tiffany.

Lortie, Léon. Professeur à la retraite, Montréal, Québec.

Jean De Lisle. Jean-Guillaume De Lisle.

†Lysaght, Averil M. London, England.

Sir Joseph Banks.

L’Heureux, Jacques. Professeur titulaire de droit, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Jean-Baptiste Lebrun de Duplessis. Maurice Morgann.

MacDonald, Allan J. Archivist, Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario.

John McDonell (Aberchalder). Angus Macdonell (Collachie).

MacDonell, Margaret. Professor of Celtic studies, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Calum Bàn MacMhannain.

†Mackay, Donald C. Principal, Nova Scotia College of Art, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Charles Oliver Bruff.

MacKenzie, A. Anthony. Associate professor of history, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

James Jones. Ranald McKinnon. Robert Patterson.

MacKinnon, Neil J. Associate professor of history, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

George Panton.

MacLean, R. A. Professor of history, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Edmund Burke (1753-1820). John Harris.

Macmillan, David S. Professor of history, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.

James Douglas. James Dunlop [in collaboration with A. J. H. Richardson]. Joseph Forsyth. William Pagan [in collaboration with R. Nason].

†MacNutt, William Stewart. Professor emeritus of history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn [in collaboration].

Mannion, John. Associate professor of geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

Archibald Nevins.

Martin, Albertus. Évêque de Nicolet, Québec.

Pierre-Michel Cressé. Benjamin-Nicolas Maillou.

Matteau, Pierre. Conseiller pédagogique aux professeurs, Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel de La Pocatière, Québec.

Jean Digé. Jacques-Nicolas Perrault.

Matthews, Keith. Professor of history; chairman, Maritime History Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

Samuel Bulley. Richard Hutchings. Robert Newman. Peter Ougier. Andrew Pinson. Richard Routh.

McCloy, T. R. Librarian emeritus, Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta.

John McKay.

McDougall, Elizabeth Ann Kerr. Historian, Montreal, Quebec.

John Bethune. John Dun.

McGaughey, Elva Richards. Kingston, Ontario.

Ephraim Jones.

McMullen, Lorraine. Professor of English, University of Ottawa, Ontario.

Friederike Charlotte Louise von Massow (Riedesel, Freifrau zu Eisenbach).

Mealing, Stanley R. Professor of history, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.

Æneas Shaw. John Graves Simcoe.

Ménard, José. Étudiante à la maîtrise en histoire de l’art, Université du Québec à Montréal; recherchiste, Musée des beaux-arts, Montréal, Québec.

François Ranvoyzé. Narsise Roy. [Biographies written in collaboration with R. Derome.]

Millman, Thomas R. Formerly archivist, Anglican Church of Canada, Toronto, Ontario.

Richard Bradford. Jehosaphat Mountain. Thomas Charles Heslop Scott. John Stuart.

Mimeault, Mario. Professeur d’histoire, Polyvalente C.-E.-Pouliot, Gaspé, Québec.

Claude Guitet.

Momryk, Myron. Archivist, Manuscript Division, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Edward William Gray. Isaac Todd.

Moody, Barry M. Associate professor of history, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

James DeLancey.

Moogk, Peter N. Associate professor of history, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Louis-Chrétien de Heer [in collaboration with S. Lacasse-Gales]. Colin McNabb. John Young.

Morel, André. Professeur titulaire de droit, Université de Montréal, Québec.

David Lynd. Pierre-Louis Panet. Jenkin Williams.

Morgan, Norma. Graduate student in art history, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

Pierre Huguet, dit Latour [in collaboration with R. Derome].

Morgan, Robert J. Director, Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia.

Ingram Ball. Ranna Cossit. Abraham Cornelius Cuyler. William Macarmick. William McKinnon. James Ogilvie. William Smith. Richard Stout.

Morin, Jacques. Rimouski, Québec.

Liveright Piuze.

Morrison, Jean. Historical research officer, Old Fort William, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Alexander MacKay. Kenneth MacKenzie. Donald McTavish.

Nason, Roger. Bicentennial coordinator, City of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

William Gallop. William Pagan [in collaboration with D. S. Macmillan].

†Nicholson, G. W. L. Military historian, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Skerrett. Thomas Skinner.

Noppen, Luc. Professeur titulaire d’histoire de l’art, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Jean Baillairgé.

Normand, Sylvio. Étudiant à l’école du Barreau du Québec, Québec.

James G. Hanna.

Ouellet, Fernand. Professeur d’histoire, Université d’Ottawa, Ontario.

Joseph Frobisher. George McBeath. Simon McTavish. Joseph Périnault.

O’Gallagher, Marianna, s.c.h. High school teacher, Quebec, Quebec.

John Fraser. John Jones [in collaboration]. Robert Lester [in collaboration].

Paikowsky, Sandra. Associate professor of art history; curator, Sir George Williams Art Galleries, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

Robert Field.

Paquette, Normand. Professeur d’histoire, Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel de Trois-Rivières, Québec.

John Antrobus.

Paquin, Michel. Codirecteur de la redaction, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Les Presses de l’université Laval, Quebec, Quebec.

Pierre Denaut [in collaboration with J. Hamelin].

Paré, Hélène. Recherchiste, Montréal, Québec.

François Malhiot [in collaboration with F. Béland].

Parker, Bruce A. Teacher, Port Hope High School, Ontario.

Richard Hatt. Nathaniel Pettit. Samuel Street. John Warren [in collaboration].

Patterson, Graeme H. Associate professor of history, University of Toronto, Ontario.

William Weekes.

Patterson, Stephen E. Professor of history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Israel Perley.

Pelletier, Gérald. Diplômé de 2e cycle en histoire, Université d’Ottawa, Ontario.

Joseph-Dominique-Emmanuel Le Moyne de Longueuil.

Pigot, F. L. Librarian, Robertson Library, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

Thomas Desbrisay. John MacDonald of Glenaladale. James Robertson.

Pincombe, C. A. Researcher and writer, Moncton, New Brunswick.

John Beardsley.

Plamondon, Lilianne. Quebec, Quebec.

Marie-Catherine Payen de Noyan, named de Saint-Alexis.

Porter, John R. Professeur d’histoire de l’art, Université Laval, Québec, Québec.

François Guernon, dit Belleville.

Potter, Janice. Research associate in history, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Richard Cartwright [in collaboration with G. A. Rawlyk].

Pozzo-Laurent, Jeannine. Recherchiste, Parcs Canada, Quebec, Quebec.

Jean-Guillaume Plantavit de Lapause de Margon.

Preston, Richard A. W. K. Boyd professor of history emeritus, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U. S. A.

James Clark [in collaboration].

Pritchard, James. Associate professor of history, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

Joseph-Bernard de Chabert de Cogolin, Marquis de Chabert.

Provost, Honorius, ptre. Archiviste retraité, Séminaire de Québec, Québec.

Pierre-Jacques Bossu, dit Lyonnais, named Brother Félix. Charles-Ange Collet. Henri-François Gravé de La Rive. Gabriel-Elzéar Taschereau.

Rawlyk, George A. Professor of history, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

Richard Cartwright [in collaboration with J. Potter]. Jonathan Eddy.

†Rich, Edwin Ernest. Emeritus Vere Harmsworth professor of imperial and naval history, University of Cambridge, England.

Robert Longmoor.

Richardson, A. J. H. Formerly assistant chief of research, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Ottawa, Ontario.

James Dunlop [in collaboration with D. S. Macmillan].

Richardson, Gus. Toronto, Ontario.


Rioux, Christian. Historien, Parcs Canada, Québec, Québec.

John Barnes. John Craigie.

Roberts, David. Manuscript editor, Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario.

Thomas Ainslie. George Allsopp. Alexandre Dumas. William Grant (1744-1805). Ralph Gray. James McNabb. Thomas Scott [in collaboration with J. H. Lambert]. James Tod.

Robichaud, Mgr Donat. Curé, Saint-Nom-de-Jésus, Beresford, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Jean-Baptiste Robichaux.

Rodger, Andrew C. Archivist, National Photography Collection, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Nicolas Gautier.

Rogers, Irene L. Historian, Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

John Plaw.

Rome, David. Associate professor of history, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

Jacob Raphael Cohen.

Rompkey, Ronald. Lecturer in English, University of Lethbridge, Alberta.

Bruin Romkes Comingo.

Ross, Julie Martha. Graduate student in history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Jacob Bailey [in collaboration with T. B. Vincent].

Rousseau, François. Historien, Monastère de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Québec.

Marie-Vénérande Melançon, named de Sainte-Claire. Marie-Geneviève Parent, named de Saint-François d’Assise.

Rousseau, Louis. Professeur de sciences religieuses, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Joseph Borneuf.

Roy, Jacqueline. Rédactrice-historienne, Dictionnaire biographique du Canada/Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Les Presses de l’université Laval, Québec, Québec.

Pierre-Joseph Carrefour de La Pelouze. John Lambert. John Nairne. Simon Thibodeau.

Ruddy, David Daniel. Associate professor of history and political science, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec.

Louis Liénard de Beaujeu de Villemonde.

Ryder, Dorothy E. Formerly reference collection development specialist, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

John Bentley.

Ryerson, Stanley Bréhaut. Professeur invité d’histoire, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.

Pierre Brehaut. Louis Dunière.

Séguin, Georgette, s.g.m. Secrétaire, Centre Marguerite-d’Youville, Montréal, Québec.

Marie-Angélique Dussaus.

Smith, Donald B. Associate professor of history, University of Calgary, Alberta.

Kineubenae. David Ramsay.

Smith, Shirlee Anne. Keeper, Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Joseph Colen.

Snowdon, James D. Sessional lecturer in history, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Amos Botsford. Charles Dixon.

Spray, William A. Vice-president (academic), St Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Caleb Jones. Samuel Lee. Alexander Taylor.

†Spurr, John W. Chief librarian emeritus, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario.

Ralph Henry Bruyeres. George Glasgow. Sir Robert Hall. Sir James Lucas Yeo.

Stacey, C. P. University professor emeritus, University of Toronto, Ontario.

Sir Isaac Brock. George Townshend, 4th Viscount and 1st Marquess Townshend.

Stagg, Ronald J. Professor of history, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto, Ontario.

William Berczy.

Stanley, Della M. M. Lecturer in history, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Pierre Cassiet.

Stanley, George F. G. Professor emeritus, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, and Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.

Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond and Lennox.

Steele, Ian K. Professor of history, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

Hugh Finlay.

Steppler, Glenn A. Graduate student in history, University of Oxford, England.

Kenelm Chandler. Charles Roberts.

Stewart, Alice R. Professor of history, University of Maine at Orono, Maine, U.S.A.

John Allan.

Stewart, Gordon T. Associate professor of history, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U. S. A.

Jonathan Scott.

Story, G. M. Professor of English, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

George Cartwright. Demasduwit.

Sutherland, David A. Associate professor of history, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

William Forsyth. Samuel Hart. Philip Marchinton. William Wilkie.

Sutherland, Maxwell. Chief, Historical Research Division, Parks Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Robert Morse.

Sutherland, Stuart R. J. Military historian, Toronto, Ontario.

Robert Mathews. James Moody. Robert Pringle Skinner. Sir Frederick Haldimand [in collaboration with P. Tousignant and M. Dionne-Tousignant].

Taillemite, Étienne. Inspecteur général des Archives de France, Paris, France.

Jacques Bedout. Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, Comte de Bougainville. Nicolas Renaud d’Avène Des Méloizes.

Théorêt, Marc. Notaire, Laval, Québec.

Jean d’Olabaratz.

Thompson, Frederic Fraser. Professor emeritus, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario.

Mark Milbanke. Francis Pickmore.

Thorpe, F. J. Chief, History Division, National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Samuel Johannes Holland. Nicolas Sarrebource de Pontleroy.

Tousignant, Pierre. Professeur agrégé d’histoire, Université de Montréal, Québec.

Pierre-Amable De Bonne. Thomas Dunn. Jean-Antoine Panet. [Biographies written in collaboration with J.-P. Wallot.] Sir Frederick Haldimand [in collaboration with S. R. J. Sutherland and M. Dionne-Tousignant].

Tratt, Gertrude E. N. Teacher, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

James Humphreys.

†Tratt, Grace M. Special collections librarian, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Isaac Deschamps.

Tunis, Barbara R. Research historian, Ottawa, Ontario.

George Longmore.

Turner, H. E. Associate professor of history, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

John Langhorn.

Turner, Larry P. Graduate student in history, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

Michael Grass.

†Upton, L. F. S. Professor of history, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

John Julien. Sir Brook Watson.

Vachon, Claude. Chef de division, Gestion des documents, Régie des rentes du Québec, Québec.

Michel-Amable Berthelot Dartigny.

Van Kirk, Sylvia M. Associate professor of history, University of Toronto, Ontario.

Isabel Gunn. Duncan McGillivray [in collaboration with J. S. H. Brown].

Vincent, Thomas B. Associate professor of English, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario.

Jacob Bailey [in collaboration with J. M. Ross]. Roger Viets.

Walker, James W. St G. Associate professor and chairman, Department of History, University of Waterloo, Ontario.

David George. Boston King.

Wallace, Carl Murray. Associate professor of history, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario.

Gabriel George Ludlow. George Duncan Ludlow [in collaboration].

Wallot, Jean-Pierre. Vice-recteur aux études; professeur titulaire d’histoire, Université de Montréal, Québec.

John Blackwood. James Campbell. Sir James Henry Craig. Pierre-Amable De Bonne [in collaboration with P. Tousignant]. Thomas Dunn [in collaboration with P. Tousignant]. Édouard-Alphonse d’Irumberry de Salaberry. Jean-Antoine Panet [in collaboration with P. Tousignant] .

White, Stephen A. Généalogiste, Centre d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Pierre Cormier. Amable Doucet.

Whiteley, W. H. Professor of history, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland.

Sir Roger Curtis. Sir John Thomas Duckworth. Thomas Graves, 1st Baron Graves. Pierre Marcoux.

Whiteside, M. Susan. Librarian, Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Isaac Hildrith.

Whitfield, Carol M. Chief of research, Halifax Defence Complex, Parks Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Alexander Grant [in collaboration]. John Macdonell (Greenfield) [in collaboration with R. L. Fraser].

Whitfield, Harvey Amani. Professor of history, University of Calgary, Alberta.


Wickwire, Franklin B. Professor of history, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Richard G. England.

Williams, Glyndwr. Professor of history, University of London, England.

Andrew Graham.

Williamson, John L. Deputy minister, Energy Secretariat, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Samuel Andrews.

Wilson, Bruce Gordon. Chief, London Office, Public Archives of Canada, London, England.

Robert Hamilton.

Young, D. Murray. Professor of history, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Dugald Campbell.