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General Bibliography – Volume V

AAQ    Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec

AC    Archives civiles

AD    Archives départementales

ADB    Australian dictionary of biography

AN    Archives nationales

ANQ    Archives nationales du Québec

ANQ-M    Archives nationales du Québec, Centre

    régional de Montréal

ANQ-MBF     Archives nationales du Québec,

    Centre régional de la Mauricie–


ANQ-Q    Archives nationales du Québec, Centre

    d’archives de la Capitale

AO    Archives of Ontario

AP    Archives paroissiales

ASQ    Archives du séminaire de Québec

ASSM    Archives du séminaire de Saint-

    Sulpice, Montréal

AUM    Archives de l’université de Montréal

BL    British Library

BRH    Le Bulletin des recherches historiques

CCHA    Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CÉA    Centre d’études acadiennes

CHA    Canadian Historical Association

CHR    Canadian Historical Review

CND    Congregation of Notre-Dame

DAB    Dictionary of American biography

DBF    Dictionnaire de biographie française

DCB    Dictionary of Canadian biography

DNB    Dictionary of national biography

DOLQ    Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du


DPL    Detroit Public Library

DSB    Dictionary of scientific biography

GRO    General  Register Office for Scotland

HBC    Hudson’s Bay Company

HBCA    Hudson’s Bay Company Archives

HBRS    Hudson’s Bay Record Society

MAC-CD    Ministère des Affaires culturelles,

    Centre de documentation

MTL    Metropolitan Toronto Library

NWC    North West Company

NYCD    Documents relative to the colonial

    history of the state of New-York

NYPL    New York Public Library

OH    Ontario History

PAC    Public Archives of Canada

PAM    Provincial Archives of Manitoba

PANB    Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

PANL    Provincial Archives of Newfoundland

    and Labrador

PANS    Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAPEI    Public Archives of Prince Edward


PCA    Presbyterian Church in Canada


PRO    Public Record Office

QDA    Quebec Diocesan Archives

QUA    Queen’s University Archives

RHAF    Revue d’ histoire de l’Amérique


RSC    Royal Society of Canada

SCHÉC    Société canadienne d’histoire de

    l’Église catholique

SGCF    Société généalogique canadienne-


SH    Social History, a Canadian Review

SPG    Society for the Propagation of the


SRO    Scottish Record Office

UNBL    University of New Brunswick Library

USPG    United Society for the Propagation of

    the Gospel

UTL-TF    University of Toronto Library,

    Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

UWO    University of Western Ontario

General  Bibliography

The General  Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume V. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Section i describes the principal archival sources and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part a contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial governments; part b provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section iii includes dictionaries, indexes, inventories, almanacs, and directories. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses. Section V describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.



ARCHIVES CIVILES. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. A guide to the collection is available in SCHÉC Rapport, 2 (1934–35): 65–73.

Series cited in volume V:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

    12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques

20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec

  210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. Inventories of the correspondence of a number of the bishops of Quebec, compiled by Ivanhoë Caron, are available in ANQ Rapport [see section iii].

22 A: Copies de lettres expédiées

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

CB: Structures de direction

1 CB: Vicaires généraux

CD: Discipline diocésaine

303 CD: Titres cléricaux

42 CD: Abjurations

516 CD: Séminaire de Québec

    61 CD: Paroisses

    69 CD: Visites pastorales

    71–31 CD: Sulpiciens

    940 CD: Procès-verbaux de liberté au mariage

Diocèse de Québec (in process of reclassification)

    CM: Église universelle

10 CM: Correspondance de Rome

  7 CM: États-Unis

  9 CM: Europe

90 CM: Angleterre

CN: Église canadienne

    30 CN: Terre-Neuve

  301 CN: Îles de la Madeleine

310 CN: Île-du-Prince-Édouard

311 CN: Nouveau-Brunswick

312 CN: Nouvelle-Écosse

320 CN: Haut-Canada

    60 CN: Gouvernement du Canada

ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTREAL. The Service des archives of the Université de Montréal has prepared an important series of publications relating to the archive groups and collections in its custody; a list of these can be found in Bibliographie des publications du Service des archives (3e éd., Montréal, 1980), compiled by Jacques Ducharme and Denis Plante.

The following collection is cited in volume V:

P 58: Collection Baby. The researcher may usefully

consult the Catalogue de la collection François

Louis-Georges Baby, compiled by Camille

Bertrand, with preface by Paul Baby and

introduction by Lucien Campeau (2v., Montréal, 1971).

Transcripts of the bulk of the

Collection Baby, which is being classified at

present, are located at the PAC.

A: Documents d’ordre familial

    Al: Actes d’état civil

    A2: Notes généalogiques et biographiques

    A3: Contrats de mariage

    A4: Testaments et donations

    A5: Successions et tutelles

C: Colonisation

    C2: Ventes et échanges

    C3: Accords, arbitrages, arpentages

G: Commerce et finance

    GI: Grandes compagnies de fourrures

    G2: Commerce, finance, affaires

H: Affaires religieuses et communautés

    H2: Jésuites

    H3: Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal

J: Archives judiciaires

    J2: Documents judiciaires

L: Affaires politiques et parlementaires

P: Documents militaires

    P1: Commissions militaires

    P2: Papiers militaires

S: Papiers de William Berczy

U: Correspondance générale

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC. Analytical and chronological card indexes as well as numerous inventories are available in the archives.

    The following series were cited in volume V:

C: Livres de comptes du séminaire

    C 11: 1749–77

    C 35: 1753–80

    C 36: 1771–1801

    C 37: 1781–1809


Fichier des anciens

Fonds Viger–Verreau

    Cartons: Papiers de H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau; Jacques


    Série O: Cahiers manuscrits

019: Registre des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures, Saint-Joseph des Illinois (Mich.)

095–125; 0139–52: Jacques Viger, “Ma Saberdache.” See Fernand Ouellet, “Inventaire de la Saberdache de Jacques Viger,” ANQ Rapport, 1955–57: 31–176.

    0165–71: Journal personnel de Jacques Viger


    M: 1685–1789

    P: 1685–1887

    R: 1686–1946

    S: 1663–1871

    T: 1731–1875

mss: Cahiers manuscrits divers

1l: Élèves du petit séminaire

12: Grand livre du séminaire

13: Plumitif du conseil du séminaire commencé en 1678

342: A.-E. Gosselin, Notes biographiques des prêtres

du séminaire

431–32: A.-E. Gosselin, Liste d’élèves, d’ordinations du grand séminaire

433: A.-E. Gosselin, Officiers et professeurs du séminaire de Québec

436–37: A.-E. Gosselin, Prêtres du séminaire

mss-m: Cahiers de cours manuscrits

134: P.-J. Bossu, Cours de géométrie par l’abbé Antoine Robert

208: Joseph Signay, Cours de théologie par l’abbé P.-J. Bossu

427: N.-C. Fortier, Cours de catéchisme par l’abbé H.-F. Gravé

978: F.-C. Gagnon, Cours d’histoire ancienne par l’abbé Joseph Signay

Paroisse de Québec

Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures

S: Seigneuries du séminaire

S-11: Terrier, Île Jésus, Saint-François, Saint-

    Elzéar, Saint-Antoine, Sainte-Rose

S-168: Terrier censier, Petite-Rivière, Baie-Saint-

    Paul, Saint-Urbain, Île aux Coudres

S-169: Terrier censier, Ange-Gardien, Château-Richer,

Sainte-Anne, Saint-Joachim

Séminaire: Affaires diverses


The following sections were used in the preparation of volume V:

Section 8: Seigneuries, fiefs, arrière-fiefs et domaines

A: Seigneurie du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes

Section 11: Enseignement

47–49: Enseignement secondaire

Section 14: Successions

Dossier 9: Rente viagère

Dossier 18: Huet de La Valinière, Pierre

Section 15: Testaments

Section 19: Statistiques

Section 21: Correspondance générale

Section 24: Histoire et géographie, biographies, divers

Dossier 2: Biographies

Dossier 5: Catalogue des prêtres de Saint-Sulpice

Dossier 6: Cahiers Faillon

Section 25: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice

Dossier 1: Règlements, visites, comptes rendus des assemblées

Section 33: Sépultures, certificats

Section 36: Missions

Section 49: Prédication

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. In 1980 the archives undertook to establish a new uniform classification system for its regional centres. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and finding aids are available on microfiche in all the regional repositories of the ANQ.


The following sources were used in volume V:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CA: Arpenteurs

    1: Québec

3: Bédard, J.-B.

CC: Tutelles et curatelles

    1: Québec

CE: État civil

    1: Québec

1: Notre-Dame de Québec

5: Notre-Dame de Miséricorde (Beauport)

6: La Visitation de Notre-Dame (Château-Richer)

7: Saint-Charles-Borromée (Charlesbourg)

8: Sainte-Famille (Cap-Santé)

10: Saint-Laurent (île d’Orléans)

11: Sainte-Famille (île d’Orléans)

15: Saint-François-de-Sales (Neuville)

19: Saint-Joseph-de-la-Pointe-Lévy (Lauzon)

20: Notre-Dame-de-Foy (Sainte-Foy)

28: Saint-Ambroise (Loretteville)

61: Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Quebec)

66: St Andrew’s (Quebec)

2: Montmagny

2: Notre-Dame de l’Assomption (Berthieren-Bas)

7: Saint-Thomas (Montmagny)

8: Saint-Vallier (Bellechasse)

3: Kamouraska

  1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)

3: Saint-Louis (Kamouraska)

12: Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière (La Pocatière)

    4: Saguenay

1: Saints-Pierre-et-Paul (Baie-Saint-Paul)

CN: Notaires

    1: Québec

11: Barolet, Claude

16: Bélanger, Jean

21: Bernard, Joseph

25: Berthelot Dartigny, M.-A.

26: Berthelot, Michel

27: Besserer, L.-T.

49: Campbell, Archibald

    60: Chavigny de La Chevrotière, Ambroise

    63: Chevalier, F.-X.

    76: Crespin, Antoine (père)

    77: Crespin, Antoine (fils)

    79: Decharnay, J.-B.

    83: Deschenaux, P.-L.

    91: Du Laurent, C.-H.

    92: Dumas, Alexandre

    99: Faribault, Barthélemy

    103: Fortier, Joseph

    107: Gagnon, Pierre

    115: Genest, André

    122: Gouget, Jacques

    145: Jones, John

    147: Laforce, Pierre

    148: Lemaître Lamorille, François

    151: Lanoullier Des Granges, P.-A.-F.

    157: Larue, F.-X.

    168: Lebrun de Duplessis, J.-B.

    171: Lee, Thomas

    178: Lelièvre, Roger

    189: Louet, Claude

    193: Martineau, J.-M.

    197: McPherson, L. T.

    200: Miray, Louis

    202: Moreau, F.-E.

    205: Panet, J.-A.

    206: Panet, J.-B.

    207: Panet, J.-C.

    209: Panet, P.-L.

    212: Parent, A.-A.

    224: Pinguet, J.-N.

    230: Planté, J.-B.

    245: Rousseau, F.-D.

    248: Saillant, J.-A.

    250: Sanguinet, Simon

    253: Scott, W. F.

    256: Stewart, Charles

    262: Têtu, Félix

    284: Voyer, Charles

    285: Voyer, Jacques

    2: Montmagny

    7: Boisseau, N.-G.

    3: Kamouraska

    1l: Cazes, Louis

    18: Dionne, Joseph

    4: Saguenay

    14: Lavoye, Michel

    16: Néron, Jean

E: Pouvoir exécutif

    1: Intendants

    4: Secrétaire provincial

    17: Justice

    18: Registraire

21: Terres et forêts

P: Fonds et collections privées

20: Henry Caldwell

    81: Famille Fraser

    92: J.-J. Girouard

    128: Papiers Laforce

    192: Famille Neilson

    193: Imprimerie Neilson

    200: J.-A. Panet

    238: J.-T. Taschereau

    239: P.-G. Roy

    240: Seigneuries

    244: Famille Tarieu de Lanaudière

    289: Famille Salaberry

    297: Famille Fraser

    313: George Allsopp

    319: Jonathan Sewell

    398: François Baillairgé

    417: Famille Papineau

1694: J.-B.-N. Pouget

P1000: Petits fonds

    11-185: M.-A. Berthelot Dartigny

    18-334: Jacques Cartier

    19-347: Famille Céloron de Blainville

    27-502: Davidson and John Lees

    32-592: Joseph Drapeau

54-1047: Famille Juchereau

55-1053: Due de Kent

80-1666: J.-R. Piuze

93-1905: Édouard-Alphonse Salaberry

95-1936: François Signay

R: Représentation du pouvoir royal

G: Gouverneurs

T: Pouvoir judiciaire

6-1: Cours de justice, Régime anglais

11-1: Cour supérieure

13-1: Cour provinciale

Z: Copies de documents conservés au-dehors des ANQ-Q

C: Canada (en dehors du Québec)

22: Simcoe, John Graves

Q: Québec (en dehors des ANQ)

60: État civil, Catholiques, Sainte-Anne (Restigouche)

75: Mal de la Baie-Saint-Paul



The following sources were used in volume V:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Trois-Rivières

13: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Nicolet)

15: Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue (Louiseville)

48: Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)

50: St James (Trois-Rivières)

52: Sainte-Anne (Yamachiche)

CN: Notaires

1: Trois-Rivières

4: Badeaux, A.-I.

5: Badeaux, J.-B.

6: Badeaux, Joseph

29: Dielle, Paul

32: Dumoulin, J.-E.

76: Poulain, Pierre

79: Ranvoyzé, Étienne

80: Rigaud, É.-F.

91: Trudel, Augustin


    Sources cited in volume V include:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CA: Arpenteurs

1: Montréal

    16: Charland, Louis

CC: Tutelles et curatelles

CE: État civil

1: Montréal

    3: La Nativité (Laprairie)

    4: La Visitation-de-la-Bienheureuse-

    Vierge-Marie (Sault-au-Récollet)

    10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)

    12: Saint-Antoine (Longueuil)

    13: Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue (Saint-


    22: Sainte-Famille (Boucherville)

    23: Saint-François d’Assise (Montréal)

    26: Saint-François-Xavier (Verchères)

    37: Saint-Joachim (Pointe-Claire)

    39: Saint-Joseph (Chambly)

    44: Saint-Laurent (Montréal)

    46: Saint-Marc-de-Cournoyer (Saint-Marc)

    50: Saint-Michel (Vaudreuil)

    51: Notre-Dame de Montréal

    63: Christ Church (Montreal)

    79: St Stephen (Chambly)

    141: Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal

2: Saint-Hyacinthe

12: Saint-Denis (Saint-Denis, sur le Richelieu)

CL: Licitations, adjudications, ventes par les shérifs

CM: Testaments olographes

1: Montréal

CN: Notaires

1: Montréal

16: Barron, Thomas

29: Beek, J. G.

43: Boileau, René

68: Cadieux, J.-M.

74: Chaboillez, Louis

88: Cherrier, F.-P.

100: Courville, Louis de

108: Danré de Blanzy, L.-C.

117: Deguire, J.-B.

120: De Lisle, Jean

121: De Lisle, J.-G.

    126: Desautels, Joseph

    128: Desève, J.-B.

    134: Doucet, N.-B.

    150: Duvernay, P.-C.

    158: Foucher, Antoine

    167: Gauthier, J.-P.

    184: Gray, E. W.

    185: Gray, J. A.

    187: Griffin, Henry

    189: Grisé, Antoine

    194: Guy, Louis

    200: Henry, Edme

    217: Jorand, J.-J.

    243: Latour, L.-H.

    254: Leguay, François (père)

    255: Leguay, François (fils)

    259: Lepallieur, François

    269: Lukin, Peter

    290: Mézière, Pierre

    295: Mondelet, J.-M.

    308: Panet, Pierre

    309: Panet, P.-L.

    313: Papineau, Joseph

    339: Raimbault, J.-C.

    363: Sanguinet, Simon

    364: Saupin, J.-J.

    372: Simonnet, François

    375: Soupras, L.-J.

    383: Thibaudault, Louis

    2: Saint-Hyacinthe

    11: Bourdages, Louis

    27: Dutalmé, P.-P.

    41: Jehanne, Marin

    56: Michaud, Christophe

    3: Verchères

    31: Glandon-Desdevens. M.-L. de

P: Fonds et collections privées

10: Documents judiciaires, Cour du banc du roi

24: Viger, famille

P1000: Petits fonds

14-633: Lettres diverses

48-1020: Documents judiciaires, Cour des plaidoyers


S: Seigneuries

1: Montréal

1-11: L’Assomption

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. Unpublished inventories, calendars, catalogue entries, guides, and other finding aids are available in the archives, which is also making available finding aids on microfiche.

    Materials used in volume V include:

MS: Microfilm Series

    4: Robinson (John Beverley) papers

    35: Strachan (John) papers

    43: Richard Cartwright, letterbook, 1793–96

    74: Merritt (William Hamilton) papers

75: Russell family papers

78: Macaulay papers

87: Eli Playter, diary

88: Baldwin (William Warren and Robert)


    392: Hiram Walker Historical Museum collection

    444: Macdonald (Father Ewen) collection

    496: Tupper (Ferdinand Brock) papers

    497: Gilkison (William and Jasper T.) papers

    500: Street (Samuel) papers

    503: Nelles (Robert) papers

    517: Simcoe (John Graves) papers, Canadian


    519: Stone (Joel) papers

    520: Jones (Solomon) papers

    521: Jessup (Edward) papers

    522: Rogers papers

    525: Galt (Alexander T.) papers

    526: Berczy (William) papers

    536: Askin (John) papers

    537: Ridout papers

MU: Manuscript Units

    490–92: Canniff (William) papers

    500–15: Cartwright family papers

    1106–9: French (Frederick John) papers

    1368: High treason register

1532–37: Jarvis-Powell papers

1730: Peter Hunter, letterbook

1750: McCall (Daniel Abial) papers

1776–78: Macdonell (Alexander) papers

2095–143: Miscellaneous collection

2438–41: Roe family papers

2554–55: Rousseau collection

2828–31: Smith (F. P.) papers

2923: Stuart family papers

3054: United Empire Loyalists collection

RG l: Records of the Ministry of Natural Resources

A: Offices of surveyor general and commissioner of crown lands

I: Correspondence

1: Letters received, surveyor general

2: Surveyor general’s letterbooks (available on microfilm as MS 627)

6: Letters received, surveyor general and commissioner (available on microfilm as MS 563)

II: Reports and statements

1: Surveyor general’s reports

5: Heir and Devisee Commission reports

IV: Schedules and land rolls

C: Lands Branch

    I: Land grants

3: Fiats and warrants

4: Locations

9: Miscellaneous

IV: Township papers

CB-1: Survey diaries, field notes and reports

RG 4: Records of the attorney general

A: Attorney general

I: Pre-confederation records

RG 21: Municipal records

sect.A: Records of municipalities

RG 22: Court records

ser.04: Court of Common Pleas (pre-1794)

ser.6-2: Records of the Surrogate Court of Ontario

ser.54: Midland District, Court of General  Quarter Sessions of the Peace, minutes

ser.131: King’s Bench, judgement docket-book

ser.134: King’s Bench, assize minute-books, criminal

ser.155: Probate Court estate files

RG 53: Records of the department of the provincial secretary,    recording office

ser. l: Land patents

ser.2-2: Index to patents by name

ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. The more noteworthy of the holdings of Quebec parish archives are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials; copies are deposited with the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account-books, records of the fabriques, and registers of parish confraternities.

CENTRE D’ÉTUDES ACADIENNES, Université de Moncton, N.-B. For further information about the collections see CÉA, Inventaire général des sources documentaires sur les Acadiens (3v., Moncton, N.-B., 1975–77), 1.

Materials used in volume V include:

A: Fonds personnels

Gaudet, Placide

EVA BROOK DONLY MUSEUM, Simcoe, Ont. For information on the Norfolk Historical Society collection housed in the museum see Collections of the Norfolk Historical Society, preliminary inventory (Ottawa, 1957), published by the PAC in cooperation with the society.

The following materials were used in the preparation of volume V:

Norfolk Historical Society collection

Thomas Welch papers

Miscellaneous papers

HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES. See Provincial Archives of Manitoba

McCORD MUSEUM, Montreal.

The following material was used in the preparation of volume V:

Beaver Club minute-book

J.-B. Blondeau, account-book

Arthur Davidson papers

William Grant papers

McCord papers

Samuel Morin, account-book

Riedesel papers

MARITIME HISTORY GROUP ARCHIVES, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s. For information on the collections held at the archives see: Preliminary inventory of records held at the Maritime History Group, comp. Roberta Thomas under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s, 1978]); Check list of research studies pertaining to the history of Newfoundland in the archives of the Maritime History Group (4th ed., [St  John’s], 1981), a listing of research studies prepared by Memorial University students which is housed in the archives; and An index to the name files .  .  .  , comp. Gert Crosbie under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St  John’s], 1981). Various other indexes to individual collections at the archives are also available.

Materials cited in volume V include:

Name file collection. This collection consists of some 20,000 files, arranged by surname, concerning anyone connected in any way with the Newfoundland trade or fisheries, 1640–1850. The files are compiled from a wide range of sources, and each entry includes a reference to the original source.

METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY. For information on the library’s manuscript holdings, see Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954).

Manuscripts consulted for volume V include:

William Allan papers

Robert Baldwin papers, sect.ii

William Jarvis papers

William Dummer Powell papers

Elizabeth Russell papers

Peter Russell papers

D. W. Smith papers

U.C., Court of Common Pleas, Nassau District, minutes

Alexander Wood papers

York, U.C., minutes of town meetings and lists of inhabitants


NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John, N.B. For a description of its holdings see New Brunswick Museum, Archives Division, Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 ([Saint John, 1967]).

Materials used in volume V include:

F41: Scrapbook, newspaper clippings  – New


F49: Land petitions, typescript abstracts

F50: Muster rolls

F53: Typescripts relating to Kingston, King’s

County, N.B.

F71: Miscellaneous records, 1786–1860

Hazen family papers

H. T. Hazen collection

Ward Chipman papers

Odell family papers

Petitions, Northumberland County (abstracts)

SB 39: Scrapbook, newspaper clippings  – “Historic homes of


Simonds, Hazen, and White papers



The following material was used in the preparation of volume V:

St Gabriel Street Church (Montreal), Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials


The following series was consulted in the preparation of volume V:

Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. The PRO and the PAC hold microfilm copies of the records for the years 1670 to 1870. For more information concerning copies held at the PAC and the finding aids that are available see General inventory, manuscripts, 3. The articles by R. H. G. Leveson-Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December  1933): 40–42, 64, and by Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970): 65–70, provide useful information to researchers. For series of HBCA documents published by the HBRS, see section ii.

Section A: London office records

A.1/: London minute-books

A.5/: London correspondence books outwards  – general

A.6/: London correspondence books outwards  – official

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers and account-books

A.30/: Lists of servants

A.32/: Servants’ contracts

A.36/: Officers’ and servants’ wills

Section B: North American trading post records

B.3/a: Albany journals

B.3/b: Albany correspondence books

B.10/e: Lake Attawapiskat, report on districts

B.22/a: Brandon House journals

B.30/a: Cat Lake journals

B.42/a: Fort Churchill journals

B.59/a: Eastmain journals

B.59/z: Eastmain miscellaneous items

B.78/a: Gloucester House journals

B.86/a: Henley House journals

B.105/a: Lac La Pluie journals

B.123/a: Martin Fall journals

B.135/a: Moose journals

B.135/b: Moose correspondence books

B.135/f: Moose lists of servants

B.149/a: Nipigon House journals

B.155/a: Osnaburgh House journals

B.155/e: Osnaburgh House reports on districts

B.166/a: Portage de File journals

B.198/a: Severn journals

B.203/a: Somerset House (Swan River) journals

B.220/a: Trout Lake journals

B.239/a: York Factory journals

B.239/b: York Factory correspondence books

B.239/f: York Factory lists of servants

Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC

C.1: Ships’ logs

Section D: Governors’ papers

D.13: Commissioners’ outward letterbooks to London

Section E: Miscellaneous records

E.2: “Observations on Hudson’s Bay.”

Pieces 1–3 are by James Isham, 4–13 by Andrew Graham.

E.3: Peter Fidler, journals

Section F: Records of allied and subsidiary companies

F.3: North West Company correspondence

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. As a result, individual references to PANB collections in volume V will not always correspond to those currently in use at the archives, although the old references are still usable for the purposes of location and retrieval. The following description is an attempt to indicate the latest changes as the volume goes to press. For information on the manuscript holdings, A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. C. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977), remains useful, although the classification system used when it was published is now obsolete.

Materials used in the preparation of volume V include:

MC 58: “Bishop  Inglis letters, 1787–1842.” Compiled by W. O. Raymond.

“New Brunswick political biography.” Compiled by J. C. and H. B. Graves. 11 vols., typescript.

RG 1: Records of the lieutenant-governor

RS330: Thomas Carleton

A1–A8: Letterbooks

RG 2: Records of the central executive

RS6: Minutes and orders- in-council of the Executive Council

RS7: Executive Council records, Ottawa series (being reorganized)

RS8: Executive Council records, New Brunswick series (being reorganized) Appointments and commissions Indians Unarranged Executive Council documents

RG 4: Records of the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly

RS24: Legislative Assembly sessional papers

RG 5: Records of the superior courts

RS55: Court of Equity records, original jurisdiction

RG 7: Records of the probate courts

RS63: Charlotte County Probate Court records

RS72A: Sunbury County Probate Court records

RS75: York County Probate Court records

RG 10: Records of the Department of Natural


RS 107: Crown Lands and Lands Branch records

RS 108: Land petitions

RG 18: Records of the Department of Municipal


RS 153: Northumberland County records

Minutes of the courts of quarter sessions


LABRADOR, St John’s. For information on the collections see Preliminary inventory of the holdings .  .  .

and Supplement .  .  . (2 nos., St John’s, 1970–74).

The following materials were cited in volume V:

GN: Government records  – Newfoundland

GN l: Governor’s office

13: Census records

4: St John’s, 1794–95

GN 2: Department of the Colonial secretary

l: Letterbooks, outgoing correspondence

2: Incoming correspondence

GN 5: Court records

l: Surrogate Court

A: Central District

1: Minutes

B: Northern District

1: Minutes

9: Estate records

C: Southern District

1: Minutes

2: Supreme Court

A: Central District

1: Minutes

4: Sessions Court

A: Central District

P: Private records

P 1: Governors’ private papers

5: Duckworth papers

P 5: Miscellaneous groups

11: Job Brothers, papers

P 7: Businesses

A: Fishing related

6: Slade & Sons, Fogo, ledgers

53: Munn & Co., Ltd., Harbour Grace, records

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. The PAC has published a Guide to the manuscript groups and record groups of the Manuscript Division, compiled by Grace Maurice Hyam (1978), and Federal Archives Division, a guide compiled by Terry Cook and G. T. Wright (1983). Collections at the PAC are listed in the Union list of MSS, which it also publishes [see section iii]. Addenda to published inventories, unpublished inventories of manuscript and record groups, and finding aids to individual collections are available at the PAC, which also makes available a large number of finding aids on microfiche.

The following inventories to materials in the Manuscript and the Federal Archives divisions which were used in the preparation of volume V have been published:

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 1, MG 1–MG 10 (1971)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 2, MG 11–MG 16 (1976)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 3, MG 17–MG 21 (1974)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 4, MG 22–MG 25 (1972)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 7, MG 29 (1975)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 8, MG 30 (1977)

General inventory series, no.1: records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10) (1975)

An older series of inventories has been largely superseded by unpublished inventories available at the PAC, but the following are still of some limited use:

Record group 1, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867 (1953)

Record group 4, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867; Record group 5, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953)

Record group 7, governor general’s office (1953)

Record group 8, British military and naval records


Record group 9, Department of Militia and Defence, l776–1922 ([1957])

Record groups, no.14: records of parliament,

1775–1915; no.15: Department of the Interior;

no.16: Department of National Revenue (1957)

Material from the following collections was cited in volume V:

MG 5: Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Paris

B: Mémoires et documents 2: Angleterre

MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-

    France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècle)

A: Documents généraux 7: Actes de foi et hommage

F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux

25: Gaspé

57: Montréal

131: Les Éboulements

138: île Bizard

G: Archives paroissiales

65: Montreal, Christ Church (Anglican)

MG 9: Provincial, local and territorial records

A: New Brunswick

12: Local records

11: Westmorland County

B: Nova Scotia

9: Local records

14: Shelburne

C: Prince Edward Island

3: Collector of customs

D: Ontario

7: Church records

    2: Boston, Baptist Church

8: Local records

    8: Eastern District

21: Lunenburg District

MG 11: Public Record Office, London, Colonial

    Office papers

[CO 42]. Q series. The Q transcripts were prepared by the PAC before the PRO reorganization of 1908–10 and include most of what is now in CO 42, material now found in CO 43, and items from other series. Documents for the period covered by volume V are calendared in PAC Report, 1890–93, 1896.

[CO 188]. New Brunswick A. Pre–1784 documents relating to the area now known as New Brunswick are found in the Nova Scotia classes of the CO records. For the period 1784–1801 the New Brunswick A series is a composite collection of transcripts from a number of British sources which were not included in CO 188 as established by the PRO reorganization of 1908–10. From 1802 on the transcripts and CO 188 are virtually identical. A calendar for vols. 1–14 (1784–1801) is available in the PAC Report, 1895.

[CO 217]. Nova Scotia A; Cape Breton A. Up to 1801 these series are composites of transcripts from various sources in Great Britain, especially the PRO. By the time the work of transcription had reached 1802 the PRO had established the CO 217 series. From 1802 the transcripts are from CO 217 only. Documents of Nova Scotia A for the period covered by volume V have been calendared in PAC Report, 1894 and 1946, and of Cape Breton A in Report, 1895.

[CO 220]. Cape Breton B (minutes of the Executive Council, 1785–1807). A composite series taken principally from sources now part of PRO, CO 220.

[CO 226]. Prince Edward Island A. For the period prior to 1820 this is a composite series of transcripts derived primarily from sources now in PRO, CO 226, but also including material copied from the Dartmouth papers (PAC, MG 23, A1). Post-1820 documents are from CO 226 only. A calendar for vols. 1–16 (1763–1801) appears in PAC Report, 1895.

MG 17: Ecclesiastical archives

A: Roman Catholic Church

7–2: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice,


D: Moravian Brethren

l: Moravian Brethren

MG 18: Pre-conquest papers

H: New France

17: Taschereau, famille

K: French officers 3: Chartier de Lotbinière, Michel-Eustache-Gaspard, marquis de

L: British officers

4: Amherst family

M: Northcliffe collection

ser.2: George Townshend papers

N: Military and naval documents

13: Beaujeu, Louis Liénard de

20: Laforce, le sieur

MG 19: Fur trade and Indians

A: Fur trade, general

1: Edgar, William

2: Ermatinger estate

3: Askin family

5: McTavish, Frobisher & Co.

7: Mackenzie, Sir  Alexander

13: Henry, Alexander, the younger

35: McGillivray, Simon

B: Fur trade, companies and associations

1: North West Company

3: Beaver Club

C: Fur trade, collections

1: Masson collection

    E: Red River settlement

    1: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of

    2: Red River settlement

    4: Macdonell, Miles

    F: Indians

    1: Claus family

    2: Johnson family

    6: Brant family

    16: McKee, Alexander and Thomas

MG 22: Autographs

    A: Canadian autographs

    9: Sandham, Alfred, collection

MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers

    A: British statesmen

    1: Dartmouth, William Legge,

2nd Earl of

    3: Sydney, Thomas Townshend,

    1st Viscount

    4: Shelburne, William Fitzmaurice

    Petty, 2nd Earl of, 1st Marquis of


    6: Germain, George Sackville,

    1st Viscount Sackville

    8: Richmond and Lennox, Charles

    Lennox, 3rd Duke of

    B: American revolution

1: British headquarters papers

7: Quebec: journal of events of the siege, 1775–76

14: Purdy, Gilbert

19: Cazeau, François

C: Nova Scotia

6: Inglis family

8: Grant, John

9: Committee for loyalists

D: New Brunswick

1: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr

3: Carleton, Thomas

4: Botsford, Amos

6: Byles family

104: Price, Evan John

E: Prince Edward Island

5: Fanning, Edmund

7: Townshend, William

12: DesBrisay, Thomas de la Cour

F: Cape Breton

1: DesBarres, Joseph Frederick Wallet

GI: Quebec and Lower Canada: government

5: Quebec: administration of justice

6: Montréal: petition des citoyens et habitants catholiques

GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures

1: Murray, James

3: Gray, Edward William

6: Dorchester, Sir  Guy Carleton,

1st Baron

9: Finlay, Hugh

10: Sewell, Jonathan, and family

14: Smith, William

15: Gray, Alexander

17: Prescott, Robert

19: Monk family

20: Coffin, Thomas Aston

22: Haldimand, Sir  Frederick

23: Mabane, Adam

26: Ainslie, Thomas

GIII: Quebec and Lower Canada: merchants and settlers

l: Allsopp family

3: Ruiter (Ruyter) family

8: Birnie, Samuel

23: Nairne, John and Thomas

32: Fisher, Duncan

GV: Quebec and Lower Canada: miscellaneous

l: Boisseau, Nicolas-Gaspard

7: Verreau, Hospice-Anthelme-Jean-Baptiste

8: Badelard, Philippe-Louis-François

HI: Upper Canada: political figures

1: Simcoe, John Graves

2: Russell family

3: Jarvis family

4: Powell, William Dummer, and family

5: White, John

7: Cartwright, Richard

HII: Upper Canada: merchants and settlers

1: McDonald–Stone family

6: Berczy, William von Moll

7: Farmer, Hugh Hovell

11: Gray, Robert Isaac Dey

18: Pettit, Nathaniel

I: Colonies general

13: Sharpe, Joshua

J: Exploration and travel

9: Mathews, Robert

K: Military documents

1: Fraser family

12: Jessup, Edward

MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers

A: British officials and political figures

1: Brock, Sir  Isaac

6: Hunter, Peter

9: Prevost, Sir  George

14: Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,

4th Duke of

41: Drummond, Sir  Gordon

45: Duckworth, Sir  John Thomas

B: North American political figures and events

1: Neilson collection

2: Papineau, famille

3: Ryland, Herman Witsius, and family

4: Young, John, and family

7: Jones, Charles

10: Dunn, Thomas

16: Cochran, Andrew Wilson

118: Caldwell, Henry

130: Clark(e), Thomas, and family

C: Correspondents of political figures

1: Willcocks, Joseph

D: Industry, commerce, and finance

4: Goring, Francis

15: Brehaut, Peter

49: Spencer papers

99: Birnie, George and Alexander

F: Military and naval figures

4: Bisshopp, Cecil

I: Immigration, land, and settlement

8: Macdonell of Collachie family

9: Hill collection

20: Bridge, Samuel Southby

26: Hamilton, Alexander

153: Williams, Jenkin

179: Foretier, Pierre

J: Religious figures

48: Whittaker, John William

K: Education and cultural development

2: Coventry, George

3: Painchaud, Abbé Charles- François

L: Miscellaneous

3: Collection Baby

MG 25: Genealogy

59: Jessup family

MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts

A: Economic

5: Strathcona and Mount Royal, Sir  Donald Alexander Smith, 1st Baron

D: Cultural

72: LeMoyne, James MacPherson

MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century

C: Social

5: Mercure, Prudent-L.

D: Cultural

1: Audet, Francis-Joseph

56: Leymarie, A.-Léo

136: Brunet, Pierre

MG 40: Records and manuscripts from British repositories

B: Letters patent, commissions, instructions

1: Letters patent, 1610–1869

L: Great Britain: General  Post Office

MG 53: Lande collection

55: Early records of business transactions in Canada

177: The manuscript poems of Joseph Quesnel

MG 55: Miscellaneous documents

RG l: Executive Council: Quebec, Lower Canada,

    Upper Canada, Canada, 1764–1867

E: State records

1: Minute-books (state matters)

3: Upper Canada: submissions to the Executive Council, state matters

14: Executive Council office: correspondence and records of the clerk

15: Public accounts: Board of Audit

17: Quebec and Lower Canada: committee on highways,

roads, and bridges

L: Land records

1: Minute-books (land matters)

3: Upper Canada and Canada: petitions for land grants and leases

3L: Quebec and Lower Canada: land petitions and related records

4: Upper Canada, land board: minutes and records

7: Miscellaneous records

RG 4: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices:

Quebec, Lower Canada, and Canada East

A: Secretaries’ correspondence

1: S series

3: Reference books, registers, day books, and miscellaneous correspondence

B: Office records

1: Addresses

3: Proclamations

6: Ordinances

8: Notaries and advocates: applications to act as

9: Commissions

16: Court records

17: Suits

28: Bonds, licences, and certificates

33: Civil service records

43: Records of the committee of the Executive Council investigating the claims of Dr James Bowman and his work combatting the St Paul’s Bay disease

58: Customs records

RG 5: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices:

Upper Canada and Canada West

A: Secretaries’ correspondence

1: Upper Canada sundries B: Miscellaneous records

2: Records of the Robert Isaac Dey Gray estate

11: Records relating to education

RG 7: Canada: governor general’s office

    GI: Despatches from the Colonial Office

    G2: Despatches to the Colonial Office

    G5: Letterbooks of despatches from the Colonial


G8D: Records from the lieutenant-governors’ offices, Prince Edward Island G 14: Miscellaneous records

G15C: Letterbooks, Quebec and Lower Canada: civil secretary’s letterbooks

G 16C: Letterbooks, Upper Canada: civil secretary’s letterbooks G18: Miscellaneous records

RG 8: British military and naval records

I: C series (British military records)

RG 9: Department of Militia and Defence

I: Pre-confederation records

A: Adjutant general’s office, Lower Canada

1: Correspondence

7: Nominal rolls and paylists, 1812–15

B: Adjutant general’s office, Upper Canada

1: Correspondence

3: Militia: general orders

4: Pensions and land grants

7: Nominal rolls and paylists, 1812–15

RG 10: Indian affairs

A: Administrative records of the imperial government

1: Records of the governor general and the lieutenant governors

1–7: Upper Canada, civil control

486–87: Lower Canada, civil control

2: Records of the superintendent’s office

8–21: Superintendent general’s office

26–46: Deputy superintendent general’s office, correspondence

6: General office files

659: General administration records, Quebec and Lower Canada

B: Ministerial administration records

8: General headquarters administration records

766–68A: G. M. Mathieson, notes and indices

RG 14: Records of parliament, 1791–1867

A: Lower Canada

1: Legislative Council, minutes, addresses, and petitions

3: Legislative Assembly, journals

RG 16: Department of National Revenue

A: Customs, excise and inland revenue

1: Correspondence and returns

RG 19: Department of Finance

RG 42: Department of Marine

I: Shipping registers

RG 68: Registrar general of Canada


description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1976).

Materials used in the preparation of volume V include:

MG 1: Papers of families and individuals

12–14: William Bruce Almon, accounts

91–104: Jacob Bailey documents

161: Burbidge family papers

163–64A: Byles family documents

219: John Clarkson documents

258: Isaac Deschamps documents

277–311: Arthur W. H. Eaton documents

313B: Fawson family documents

328: Gillmore family genealogy, “The Gillmore saga”

332D: Francis Green, “Genealogical and biographical anecdotes of the Green family” (1806)

472–74A: Edward How, documents

479–80: Charles Inglis documents

481–82: John Inglis documents

544: T. H. Lodge collection, genealogies

583–695: Miller family documents

731A-B: O’Brien family documents

742–44: George Patterson documents

748A: Simeon Perkins documents

749–52: Simeon Perkins diary (copy)

793: Simon B. Robie documents

817–63: Thomas B. Smith, genealogy

936B: Sir  Brook Watson, “Autobiographical sketch”

939–41: Sir  John Wentworth, documents

947–62: White family documents

979–80: Peleg Wiswall documents

MG 3: Business papers

150–51: William Forsyth, Halifax, sales and letterbook

MG 4: Churches and communities

12: Chebogue church records

18: Cornwallis Township church records

77–79: Liverpool church records

91: Lunenburg, Anglican church records

92: Lunenburg County documents

94–105: Lunenburg County genealogies, comp. E. A. Harris

140–41, 143: Shelburne County church and community records

MG 9: Scrapbooks

no.43: H. W. Cunningham, “St George’s parish notes”

no.109: F. S. Crowell, “New Englanders in Nova Scotia”

    no.170: Miscellaneous

MG 12: Great Britain, Army

MG 13: Great Britain, Navy

MG 20: Societies and special collections

61–70: Charitable Irish Society, Halifax, collection

211–25: Nova Scotia Historical Society

215, no.10: Log of the privateer Charles Mary Wentworth

670–707: Nova Scotia Historical Society, unpublished papers

677, no.14: D. A. Story, “Old St George’s Church, Halifax, N.S.”

MG 24: Shubenacadie Canal papers

MG 100: Documents, newspaper clippings and miscellaneous items

RG 1: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records

    for the period 1624–1867

29–185: Documents relating to the governing of

Nova Scotia: dispatches, letter-books, and commission books

    186–214½H: Council, minutes

    219–85: Miscellaneous documents

    286–300: Legislative Council, selections

    from the files

    301–14: Legislative Assembly, selections

    from the files

    326–30: Miscellaneous papers relating to

    Cape Breton

    341–96c: Special subjects

    409: Papers relating to settlement on the

    River Saint John

    419–22: Negro and maroon settlement

    423: Extracts from the Dorchester papers

    concerning negroes

    424–26½: Government establishment on

    Sable Island

    443–54: Census and poll tax

    458–65½: Mines and minerals

    499–501: Letters of agency of the Vice-

    Admiralty Court of Nova Scotia

RG 5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of

    Nova Scotia

    A: Assembly papers

    E: Election writs

    GP: Governor’s petitions

    S: Statutes

RG 8: Records of the Central Board of Agriculture of Nova Scotia

RG 20: Lands and Forests

A: Land grants and petitions

RG 34: Court of General  Sessions of the Peace

312: Halifax County

318: Pictou County

321: Shelburne County

RG 36: Chancery Court

RG 39: Supreme Court

C: Civil and criminal cases

J: Judgement books

RG 46: Commissions, oaths, and bonds folder 3: Commissions as justices of the peace


Materials used in the preparation of volume V include:

Acc. 2333: Unnamed. Contains architectural plans by John Plaw.

2541: Natural History Society for Prince Edward Island

2702: Smith–Alley collection

2810: Ira Brown papers

2849: Palmer family papers

2987: Unnamed. Concerns visit of Bishop  Plessis, 1812.

RG l: Lieutenant governor, Commission books

RG 3: House of Assembly

RG 5: Executive Council, Minutes

RG 6: Courts, Supreme Court records

RS2: Chancery Court records

RG 9: Customs, shipping registers

RG 16: Registry Office, Land Registry records Conveyance registers

RG 20: City of Charlottetown records

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE. The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires of Quebec, which are under the joint jurisdiction of the courts and the Ministère de la Justice, are now separate repositories as a result of the reclassification of the former Archives judiciaires. They are deposited at the court-houses in the administrative centres of the 34 judicial districts of Quebec.

ARCHIVES CIVILES. At the time of the reorganization, these archives were supposed to retain documents for the last 100 years, including registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute-books), and records of surveyors active in the district; all earlier documents were to be moved to the ANQ. This transfer, however, was not completed until December  1982. Since the early documents had not been accessioned or classified by the ANQ when volume V went to press, they are cited as Archives civiles.

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES, CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION, Québec. The Ministère des Affaires culturelles has consolidated into one documentation centre the collections of all its previously existing centres, including that of the Inventaire des biens culturels.

The following materials were used in the preparation of volume V:

Fonds Morisset

2: Artistes et artisans

  A762/J65.3.2: Arnoldi, Johann Peter

    A762/M621.1: Arnoldi, Michael

B157/J43: Baillairgé, Jean

    B157/P622.7: Baillairgé, Pierre-Florent

    C226/E25.5/1: Cannon, Edward

    C747.3/P622: Conefroy, Pierre

    C958.8/R639: Cruickshank, Robert

    D348.3/I24.3: Delezenne, Ignace-François

    E54.5/P622: Émond, Pierre

    F744/M623: Forton, Michel

G933.5/F825: Guernon, ditBelleville, François

H243/J27.5/2: Hanna, James

H459/L888.4: Heer, Louis-Chrétien de

H894.5/L888.9: Huguet,dit Latour, Louis

H894.5/P622/ 1: Huguet, ditLatour, Pierre, père

L716.4/P551: Liébert, Philippe

    N282/J43: Natte, dit Marseille, Jean

R213.5/F825: Ranvoyzé, François

R888/M623/2: Roy, Michel

R888/N222.5: Roy, Narsise

    S336/J83: Schindler, Joseph

    V674/D395: Viger, Denis

QUEBEC DIOCESAN ARCHIVES, Quebec. For a description of this archives see: A. R. Kelley, “The Quebec Diocesan Archives; a description of the collection of historical records of the Church of England in the Diocese of Quebec,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47: 181–298; [A.  ] M. Awcock, “Catalogue of the Quebec Diocesan Archives” (typescript, Shawinigan, Que., 1973; copy available at the archives).

The following sections were cited in volume V:

Section B: Parish reports, correspondence and other material relating to the parishes

58 (B–12): Letters testimonial concerning clergy and church in the District of Montreal, prior to the formation of the Diocese of Montreal

60 (B–14): Quebec cathedral

Section C: Correspondence of the Right Reverend  Jacob Mountain

72 (C-1)–80 (C-9): 1792–1821

Section D: Copies of letters and papers referring to the Diocese of Quebec

83 (D–2): 1781–88

84 (D–3): 1789–93

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Kingston, Ont. For information on the collection see A guide to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives (Kingston, 1978).

Materials used in volume V include: Richard Cartwright papers

UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARY, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.

Materials used in volume V include:

MG H: Historical

H 2: Winslow family papers

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. For a description of holdings see The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: a brief guide to the collections (Toronto, 1982).

Materials consulted in the preparation of volume V include:

ms coll. 30: J. N. Wallace, “Encyclopedia of the fur trade, biographical & Geographical”

ms coll. 31: W. S. Wallace collection

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO, D. B. Weldon Library, London, Ont. A description of the municipal record and personal manuscript collections is available on microfiche in Regional collection: the D. B. Weldon Library catalogue, ed. S. L. Sykes (4 fiches, London, 1977).

The following material proved useful in the preparation of volume V:

London District, U.C., Surrogate Court, estate files

William Robertson papers

Thomas Walsh papers


ARCHIVES DÉPARTEMENTALES. For a list of analytical inventories see: France, Direction des archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières .  .  . à la date du 31  décembre  1961 (Paris, 1962). For copies of documents held by the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 1: 87–99. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives. A list of the various series may be found in DCB, 2: 683–84.

The following series was cited in volume V:

E: Titres de famille, états civils, notaires [The registers of births, marriages, and deaths (états civils) are often more complete in the municipal archives.]

ARCHIVES NATIONALES, Paris. The basic inventories of the Archives nationales are: France, Direction des archives, Inventaire sommaire et tableau méthodigue des fonds conservés aux Archives nationales, 1re partie, régime antérieur à 1789 (Paris, 1871); État sommaire par séries des documents conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1891); and Catalogue des

manuscrits conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1892). More recent finding aids include: État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938), and its Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955), published by the Direction des archives; Gilles Héon, “Fonds intéressant le Canada conservés en France: quelques instruments de recherche,” Archives (Québec), 5 (1973), no.1: 40–50. J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada (Ottawa, 1911), and H. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, La., 1957), give sketches of the history and organization of the archives. For information on copies of AN documents available at the PAC, see General inventory, manuscripts, 1: 5–48.

Series cited in volume V:

Fonds des Colonies. For a description of the series and sub-series, see Étienne Taillemite, “Les archives des colonies françaises aux Archives nationales,” Gazette des Archives (Paris), 46 (1964): 93–116.

B: Correspondance envoyée. For the 17th and 18th centuries, see Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire analytique de la correspondance générale avec les colonies, départ, série B (déposée aux Archives nationales), I, registres 1 à 37 (1654–1715) (Paris, 1959), and Édouard Richard, “Report of Mr.  Édouard Richard,” PAC Report,

1899, supp., 245–548, and his “Summary of documents in

Paris .  .  .  ,” PAC Report, 1904, app.K: 1–312; 1905, 1, 3–446.

C: Correspondance générale, lettres reçues

C11: Canada et colonies d’Amérique du Nord

C11A: Canada. A calendar is available in PAC Report, 1885: xxix–lxxix; 1886: xxxix–cl; 1887: cxl–ccxxxix. See also D. W. Parker, A guide to the documents in the manuscript room at the Public Archives of Canada (Ottawa, 1914), 227–29. There is an unpublished index to this series at the PAC.

C11B: Île Royale. Volumes 1 to 38 are calendared in Parker, Guide, 241–45, and PAC Report, 1887: cclxxxii–cccxciv.

C11E: Canada, divers. Letters, etc., dealing with boundary disputes. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 240–41, and PAC Report, 1887: cclxiii-cclxxxii.

C12: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

D: Matricules des troupes

D2C: Troupes des colonies. Selected volumes are

    calendared in PAC Report, 1905, 1,


D2D: Personnel militaire et civil

E: Personnel individual

F: Documents divers

F1: Commerce aux colonies

    F1A: Fonds des colonies. Financial documents.

F3: Collection Moreau de Saint-Méry. Papers relating to Canada, Louisiana, Île Royale, Saint-Pierre, and Miquelon have been copied and microfilmed by the PAC. Calendared in PAC Report, 1899, supp., 39–191; 1905, 1, 447–505; Parker, Guide, 249–53.

Fonds de la Marine. For descriptions of the archives, see Didier Neuville, État sommaire des archives de la Marine antérieures à la Révolution (Paris, 1898); Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 157–243; and Étienne Taillemite, Les archives anciennes de la Marine (Paris, [1961]).

B: Service général. Calendared in Didier Neuville et al., Inventaire des archives de la Marine, série

B: service général (8v., Paris, 1885–1963).

B2: Correspondance, lettres envoyées

B3: Correspondance, lettres reçues. For a name and subject index to this and the preceding sub-series, see Étienne Taillemite et al., Table de noms de lieux, de personnes, de matières

et de navires (sous-séries B1, B2 et B3)

    (Paris, 1969).

B4: Campagnes

C: Personnel

C1: Officiers militaires de la Marine

C2: Officiers civils de la Marine

    C6: Rôles d’équipages

    C7: Personnel individuel

Service central hydrographique

3JJ: Journaux, mémoires, correspondance

Section Outre-mer.

Dépôt des fortifications des colonies. A manuscript inventory of the various series in this section is available at the AN. See also PAC Report, 1905, 1, pt.iii: 1–44, and Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 535–59.

G: Dépôt des papiers publics des colonies

Gl: Registres d’état civil, recensements et documents divers


BRITISH LIBRARY, London. For a brief guide to catalogues and indexes of the manuscript collections, see T. C. Skeat, “The catalogues of the British Museum, 2: manuscripts,” Journal of Documentation (London), 7 (1951): 18–60, which has been revised as British Museum: the catalogues of the manuscript collections (London, 1962), and M. A. E. Nickson,

The British Library: guide to the catalogues and indexes of the Department of Manuscripts ([London], 1982). Information on some collections of Canadian interest is available in A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J. W. Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979). For copies of documents from the British Library in the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

Used in the preparation of volume V were the King’s Maps and King’s, Stowe, and Additional manuscripts:

Add. mss 7972–8090: Puisaye (Joseph de), Count, correspondence and papers relating to the affairs of the French royalists

Add. mss 11038: A collection of philological papers

Add. mss 15332: Ten large maps and plans of Asia and America

Add. mss 19069–70: Letters and papers of Jean-Paul Mascarene, commander-in-chief of Nova Scotia

Add. mss 19071–73, 19075–76: Papers relating to Nova Scotia collected by Dr Andrew Brown

Add. mss 21631–60: Henry Bouquet papers

Add. mss 21661–892: Official correspondence and papers of Lieutenant  Governor Sir  Frederick Haldimand

Add. mss 24322: Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to American affairs

Add. mss 35349–6278: Hardwicke papers

Add. mss 37216–22: Correspondence of the Rev. Philip Morant, historian of Essex

Add. mss 37842–935: Windham papers

Add. mss 38190–489: Liverpool papers

Add. mss 41262–67: Clarkson papers

Add. mss 58855–9494: Dropmore papers

King’s mss 208–9: Robert Morse, “A general description of the province of Nova Scotia, and a report of the present state of its defences .  .  .”

King’s Maps CXIX, 107b: “Plan of Trinity’s Harbour, Newfoundland, 1748”

Stowe mss 793: [Sir  Alexander Mackenzie], “Journal of a Voyage performed by order of the N.W. Company, in a bark canoe, in search of a passage by water through the N.W. Continent of America from Athabasca to the Pacific Ocean, in summer 1789”

DEVON RECORD OFFICE, Exeter, Eng. Descriptions of some materials appear in Devon Record Office: brief guide, part 1: official and ecclesiastical (1v. to date, [Exeter, 1969–    ]); A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J. W. Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979); and Britain and the Dominions: a guide to business and related records in the United Kingdom concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa, comp. C. A. Jones (Boston, 1978). Many of the parish registers held by the office are listed in Original parish

registers in record offices and libraries ([Cambridge, Eng.], 1974) and its First supplement (1976).

The following materials were used in the preparation of volume V:

53/6, box 34: Kingskerswell, documents relating

to land, 1657–1811

73A: Coffinswell

PO: Settlement examinations

1038: Simcoe papers

2537A: St Petrox, Dartmouth, parish records

2659A: Broadhempston, parish records

2954A: Abbotskerswell, parish records

2992A: St Saviour, Dartmouth, parish records

2993A: St Clement, Townstall (Dartmouth), parish records

3119A: Kingskerswell, parish records

3289S: Exeter, shipping registers

3419A: Combeinteignhead, parish records

3420A: Stokeinteignhead, parish records

DD60501–8053: Dartmouth Corporation records

Exeter City Archives

Town customs accounts

DORSET RECORD OFFICE, Dorchester, Eng. Descriptions of some materials concerning Canada appear in A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J. W. Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979), and in Britain and the Dominions: a guide to business records in the United Kingdom concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa, comp. C. A. Jones (Boston, 1978).

The following were used in the preparation of volume V:

D: Deposited documents

D203: Bridport–Gundry records

A1–A54: Joseph Gundry & Co. records

D365: Records of the Lester and Garland families

F2–F10: Benjamin and Isaac Lester, diaries

P: Parish records

P70: Blandford Forum

OV: Overseers’ records

P227: St James Church, Poole

CW: Churchwardens’ records

OV: Overseers’ records

RE: Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials

GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND, Edinburgh. Information concerning the parish registers held by the GRO is available in the Detailed list of Old Parochial Registers of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1872). Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials for several Scottish parishes were used in the preparation of volume V.

NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, London. For information on the manuscript collections see Guide to the

manuscripts in the National Maritime Museum, ed. R. J. B. Knight (2v., London, 1977–80).

The following materials have been used in the preparation

of volume V:

Artificial collections

AGC: Letters

JOD: Journals and diaries

LBK: Letterbooks

Personal collections

DUC: Duckworth papers

GRV: Graves papers

KEA: Keats papers

POL: Pole papers

YOR: Yorke papers Public records

HAL: Halifax Dockyard records

F: Commissioners’ letterbooks

PUBLICRECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives see Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68). For copies of PRO documents available at the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 2.

The following series were used in the preparation of volume V:


Accounting departments

ADM 36: Ships’ musters, series i

ADM 42: Yard pay books

Admiralty and Secretariat

ADM 1: Papers

ADM 2: Out-letters

ADM 6: Various

ADM 7: Miscellanea

ADM 9: Returns of officers’ services

    ADM 50: Admirals’ journals

    ADM 51: Captains’ logs

    ADM 52: Masters’ logs

ADM 55: Log books, supplementary, series ii: explorations

Greenwich Hospital

    ADM 68: Accounts and ledgers, various

    ADM 80: Miscellanea, various

Navy Board

ADM 106: Navy Board records

ADM 107: Passing certificates Board of Customs and Excise

CUST 65: Outport records, Dartmouth, England

Board of Inland Revenue

IR 26: Estate duty office: death duty registers

Board of Trade General

BT 1: In-letters and files, general

BT 5: Minutes

    BT 6: Miscellanea

Registrar general of shipping and seamen

BT 98: Agreements and crew lists, series i


Judicial proceedings (equity side)

C108: Masters’ exhibits

Colonial Office. [See R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (London, 1964).]

CO 1: Colonial papers, general series America and West Indies

CO 5: Original correspondence Barbados

CO 33: Miscellanea Bermuda

CO 41: Miscellanea Canada

CO 42: Original correspondence

    CO 43: Entry books

New Brunswick

    CO 188: Original correspondence

    CO 189: Entry books

    CO 190: Acts

    CO 191: Sessional papers

    CO 193: Miscellanea


    CO 194: Original correspondence

    CO 195: Entry books

    CO 199: Miscellanea

Nova Scotia and Cape Breton

    CO 217: Original correspondence

    CO 218: Entry books

Prince Edward Island

    CO 226: Original correspondence

    CO 227: Entry books

    CO 229: Sessional papers

Sierra Leone

    CO 267: Original correspondence

    CO 270: Sessional papers

Colonies general

    CO 324: Entry books, series i

    CO 325: Miscellanea

Maps and plans

    CO 700: Maps

Exchequer and Audit Department

AO 1: Declared accounts (in rolls)

AO 3: Accounts, various

AO 12: Claims, American loyalists, series i

AO 13: Claims, American loyalists, series ii

Exchequer, King’s Remembrancer

E 190: Port books

Foreign Office. [See Records of the Foreign Office, 1782–1939 (London, 1969).]

General correspondence

FO 5: America, United States of, series ii

High Court of Admiralty

HCA 26: Letters of marque

Indexes (available for various classes)

IND 16663: Chancery proceedings, modern series, index to pleadings Paymaster General’s Office

    PMG 4: Half pay

Prerogative Court of Canterbury (formerly held at

Somerset House)

    PROB 6: Act book: administrations

    PROB 11: Registered copy wills

Privy Council Office

PC 2: Registers

Public Record Office

Documents acquired by gift, deposit, or purchase

    PRO 30/8: Chatham papers

PRO 30/55: Carleton papers

Registrar General

RG 4/464: Authenticated register, Presbyterian

Old Meeting, Poole


In-letters and files

    T 1: Treasury Board papers


T 28: Various


T 50: Documents relating to refugees

T 64: Various

War Office


WO 1: In-letters

WO 40: Selected unnumbered papers


WO 17: Monthly returns

WO 25: Registers, various


WO 28: Headquarters records

Private collections

WO 34: Amherst papers

WO 36: American rebellion: entry books

Judge Advocate General’s Office

WO 71: Courts martial, proceedings

WO 81: Letterbooks

Commissariat department

WO 57: In-letters

WO 58: Out-letters

WO 60: Accounts

SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE, Edinburgh. A comprehensive listing of materials relating to Canada is provided by the SRO’s “List of Canadian documents” (typescript, 1977, with updates to 1981). An appendix records Canadian documents in private archives as surveyed by the National Reg. of Arch. (Scotland). This guide is based on an earlier compilation, A source list of manuscripts relating to the U.S.A. and Canada in private archives preserved in the Scottish Record Office (Edinburgh, 1970), and is available at the PAC, all provincial archives, and other selected Canadian

institutions. Some items are also described in A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J. W. Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979), and Britain and the Dominions: a guide to business and related records in the United Kingdom concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa, comp. C. A. Jones (Boston, 1978).

The following were cited in volume V:

Church of Scotland records

CH2: Presbytery records

Gifts and deposits

GD1: Miscellaneous gifts and deposits

151: James Dunlop, letterbook

GD45: Dalhousie muniments

GD51: Melville Castle muniments

GD293: Montgomery estate papers in the muniments of Messrs. Blackwood and Smith, W.S., Peebles, estate papers

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. Thus classifications used by Canadian archives holding USPG microfilm do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. Indexes are available at USPG, however, and most dated references are easily transferred. For copies of USPG documents available at the PAC, see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

The following were consulted in the preparation of volume V:

B: Original letters received from the American colonies, the West Indies, Newfoundland, Nova


C/Am: Unbound letters from the American colonies

C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada. Letters

from Montreal, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia,

Quebec, and Pre-Diocesan groupings were used. A nominal card index is available at USPG.

X: Miscellaneous volumes and papers, 18th–20th centuries

Dr Bray’s Associates, minute-books and unbound papers

Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860).


DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit, Mich. The Collection’s holdings are listed in The national union catalog of manuscript collections .  .  . (18v. plus 7 index vols. to date, Ann Arbor and Washington, 1962– ).

    Materials used in volume V include:

John Askin papers

J.-B. Barthe papers

Thomas Williams papers

MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Boston. For information about the collections see:S. T. Riley, The Massachusetts Historical Society, 1791–1959 (Boston, 1959); “The manuscript collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society: a brief listing,” M.H.S. Miscellany (Boston), 5 (December  1958); Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (9v. to date, Boston, 1969–    ).

The following items were used most frequently in the preparation of volume V:

Robert Haswell, “A voyage round the world onboard the ship Columbia-Rediviva and sloop Washington,” [1787–89]

———  “A voyage on discoveries in the ship Columbia Rediviva,” [1791–93]

NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division. For information on the manuscript collections see Dictionary catalog of the Manuscript Division (2v., Boston, 1967) and Guide to the research collections of the New York Public Library, comp. S. P. Williams (Chicago, 1975), 41–47.

Manuscripts cited in volume V include:

William Edgar papers

Phillip Schuyler papers

STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN, Madison. For information on the manuscript collection see Guide to the manuscripts of the Wisconsin Historical Society, ed. A. M. Smith (Madison, 1944), Supplement number one, ed. J. L. Harper and S. C. Smith (1957), and Supplement number two, ed. J. L. Harper (1966). The Draper mss are not included in any of these volumes, but are discussed at length in the Guide to the Draper manuscripts, ed. J. L. Harper (Madison, 1983).

Materials used in the preparation of volume V include:

Consolidated returns of trade licences

Draper mss

WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Brief descriptions of the manuscript collections of the Clements Library appear in The national union catalog of manuscript collections .  .  . (18v. plus 7 index vols. to date, Ann Arbor and Washington, 1962- ), and Guide to the manuscript collections in the William L. Clements Library, comp. A. P. Shy assisted by B. A. Mitchell (3rd ed., Boston, 1978).

Materials used in the preparation of volume V include:

Thomas Gage papers American series

Supplementary accounts



“Accounts of the receiver-general of Upper Canada .  .  . [ 1801–2] .” AO Report, 1914: 729–81.

[AINSLIE, THOMAS.] Canada preserved; the journal of Captain  Thomas Ainslie. Edited by Sheldon S. Cohen. [Toronto, 1968.]

American archives: consisting of a collection of authentick records, state papers, debates, and letters and other notices of publick affairs, the whole forming a documentary history of the origin and progress of the North American colonies .  .  . Compiled by Matthew St Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 2 ser. in 9 vols. Washington, 1837–53; reprinted [New York, 1972]. Six series covering the years up to 1787 were projected but only the 4th and part of the 5th series appeared, covering the years 1774–76.


    PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

Rapport. 54 vols. 1920/21–77. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) ([Québec], 1965).

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto PUBLICATIONS Report. 22 vols. 1903–33.


“Board of land office for the District of Hesse, 1789–1794; minutes of meetings, etc.” AO Report, 1905: 1–268 .

Les bourgeois de la compagnie du Nord-Ouest: récits de voyages, lettres et rapports inédits relatifs au Nord-Ouest canadien. Louis-[François-] Rodrigue Masson, éditeur. 2 vols. Québec, 1889–90; réimprimé New York, 1960.

CAMPBELL, PATRICK. Travels in the interior inhabited parts of North America in the years 1791 and 1792.  .  .  . Edinburgh, 1793. [New edition.] Edited by Hugh Hornby Langton and William Francis

Ganong. (Champlain Society publications, 23.) Toronto, 1937.


52 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series, and the unnumbered series.

8–10: Knox, Hist. journal (Doughty).

13–15, 17: Select British docs. of War of 1812 (Wood).

21: Journals of Hearne and Turnor (Tyrrell).

22: Docs. relating to NWC (Wallace).

23: P. Campbell, Travels in North America (Langton and Ganong).

29: Perkins, Diary, 1766–80 (Innis).

35: Douglas, Lord  Selkirk’s diary (White).

36: Perkins, Diary, 1780–89 (Harvey and Fergusson).

39: Perkins, Diary, 1790–96 (Fergusson).

41–42: Smith, Diary and selected papers (Upton).

43: Perkins, Diary, 1797–1803 (Fergusson).

46: Norton, Journal (Klinck and Talman).

50: Perkins, Diary, 1804–12 (Fergusson).


11 vols. to date.

3: Kingston before War of 1812 (Preston).

4: Windsor border region (Lajeunesse).

5: Town of York, 1793–1815 (Firth).

7: Valley of Six Nations (Johnston).

Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis.

Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. 12 vols. Montréal et Québec, 1889–95.

The correspondence of Lieut.  Governor John Graves Simcoe, with allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada. Edited by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank. (Ontario Historical Society publication.) 5 vols. Toronto, 1923–31.

The correspondence of the Honourable  Peter Russell, with allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada during the official term of Lieut.-Governor J. G. Simcoe, while on leave of absence. Edited by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank and Andrew Frederick Hunter. (Ontario Historical Society publication.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1932–36.

“Les dénombrements de Québec faits en 1792, 1795, 1798  et  1805.” Joseph-Octave Plessis, compilateur. ANQ Rapport, 1948–49: 1–250.

The documentary history of the campaign upon the Niagara frontier.  .  .  . Edited by Ernest [Alexander] Cruikshank. (Lundy’s Lane Historical Society publication.) 9 vols. Welland, Ont., [1896]–1908.

Documents relatifs à l’histoire constitutionnelle du Canada.  .  .  . Adam Shortt et al., éditeurs. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1911–35.

[1]: 1759–1791. Adam Shortt et Arthur George

Doughty, éditeurs. 2e édition. (PAC, Board of Historical Publications.) 2 parties. 1921.

[2]:    1791–1818. Arthur George Doughty et

    Duncan A. McArthur, éditeurs.

[3]:    1819–1828. Arthur George Doughty et Norah

    Story, éditeurs.

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada .  .  . Edited by Adam Shortt et al. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35.

[1]:    1759–1791. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 2nd edition. (PAC, Board of Historical Publications.) 2 parts. 1918.

[2]:    1791–1818. Edited by Arthur George Doughty

    and Duncan A. McArthur.

[3]:    1819–1828. Edited by Arthur George Doughty

    and Norah Story.

Documents relating to the North West Company.

Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (Champlain Society publications, 22.) Toronto, 1934.

Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York.  .  .  . Edited by Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan and Berthold Fernow. 15 vols. Albany, N.Y., 1853–87.

[DOUGLAS, THOMAS.] Lord  Selkirk’s diary, 1803–1804; a journal of his travels in British North America and the northeastern United States. Edited by Patrick Cecil Telfer White (Champlain Society publications, 35.) Toronto, 1958; reprinted New York, 1969.

“Early records of St. Mark’s and St. Andrew’s churches, Niagara.” Compiled by Janet Carnochan. OH, 3 (1901): 7–85.

“État général des billets d’ordonnances dont j’ay fait la vérification sur les bordereaux que m’en ont remis les porteurs et propriétaires d’ycelles du gouvernement de Montréal, au désir du règlement fait le vingt-deux may dernier approuvé de son excellence monsieur le gouverneur .  .  .  .” Pierre Panet, compilateur. ANQ Rapport, 1924–25: 231–342.

Gentleman’s Magazine. London, 1731–1907. Monthly.

“Grants of crown lands in Upper Canada .  .  . [1792–98].” AO Report, 1928: 7–228; 1929: 9–177; 1930; 1931.

[GWILLIM, ELIZABETH POSTHUMA.] The diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe, wife of the first lieutenant-governor of the province of Upper Canada, 1792–6. Edited by John Ross Robertson. Toronto, 1911; reprinted [1973]. [Revised edition.] 1934.

HENRY, ALEXANDER. Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories, between the years 1760 and 1776. New York, 1809. New edition. Edited by James Bain. Toronto, 1901; Boston, 1901; reprinted Edmonton, [1969], New

York, [1969], Rutland, Vt., [1969], and St Clair Shores, Mich., 1972. Part i of the original has also been published as Attack at Michilimackinac .  .  .  , ed. D. A. Armour (Mackinac Island, Mich., 1971).


32 vols. to date. General editor for vols.l–22, Edwin Ernest Rich; vols.23–25, Kenneth Cordon Davies; vols.26–30, Glyndwr Williams; vols.31-, Hartwell Bowsfield. Vols.l–12 were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein.

21–22: Rich, Hist. of HBC [see section iv].

27: [Graham, Andrew.] Andrew Graham’s observations on Hudson’s Bay, 1767–91. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, introduction by Richard [Gilchrist] Glover. London, 1969.

Invasion du Canada. [Hospice-Anthelme-Jean-Baptiste] Verreau, éditeur. Montréal, 1873. A collection of five pamphlets originally issued separately between 1870 and 1872. Further volumes were projected but only one additional pamphlet appeared. See Biblio. of Canadiana (Staton and Tremaine) [section iii].

The John Askin papers. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. (DPL, Burton historical records, 1–2.) 2 vols. Detroit, 1928–31.

Johnson papers (Sullivan et al.). See The papers of Sir  William Johnson

“Journal par Messrs Frans Baby, Gab. Taschereau et Jenkin Williams dans la tournée qu’ils ont fait dans le district de Québec par ordre du général Carleton tant pour l’établissement des milices dans chaque paroisse que pour l’examen des personnes qui ont assisté ou aider les rebels dont nous avons pris notes.” Ægidius Fauteux, éditeur. ANQ Rapport, 1927–28: 435–99; 1929–30: 138–40.

Journals of Samuel Hearne and Philip Turnor. Edited by Joseph Burr Tyrrell. (Champlain Society publications, 21.) Toronto, 1934; reprinted New York, 1968.

“The journals of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada .  .  . [1792–1821] .” AO Report, 1909, 1911–13. The journals for part of 1794 and for 1795–97, 1809, 1813, and 1815 are missing.

Kingston before the War of 1812: a collection of documents. Edited by Richard Arthur Preston. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 3.) Toronto, 1959.

KNOX, JOHN. An historical journal of the campaigns in North-America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760.  .  .  . 2 vols. London, 1769. [New edition.] Edited by Arthur George Doughty. (Champlain Society publications, 8–10.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1914–16; reprinted New York, 1968.


recollections of Colonel  Landmann, late of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 2 vols. London, 1852.



    Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1820.


    Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1792/94–1820.

Provincial statutes/Les statuts provinciaux. Quebec, 1792/96–1820.

For further information see Thériault, Les pub.

parl. [section iii].

[MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER.] The journals and letters of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie. Edited by William Kaye Lamb. (Hakluyt Society, [Works], extra series, 41.) Cambridge, Eng., 1970; Toronto, 1970.

[MASERES, FRANCIS.] The Maseres letters, 1766–1768. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (University of Toronto studies, History and economics series, vol.3, no.1) Toronto, 1919.

Michigan Pioneer Collections. Lansing. 40 vols. 1874/76–1929. To avoid confusion the Michigan Historical Commission, Department of State, Lansing, has standardized the citation for the volumes, which were originally published by various historical agencies and under various titles. Volumes are traditionally cited by their spine dates.

Military operations in eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the revolution, chiefly compiled from the journals and letters of Colonel  John Allan, with notes and a memoir of Col.  John Allan. Edited by Frederic Kidder. Albany, N.Y., 1867; reprinted New York, 1971.

“Minutes of the Court of General  Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Home District, 13th March, 1800, to 28th December, 1811.” AO Report, 1932.

The Naval Chronicle .  .  . containing a general and biographical history of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom; with a variety of original papers on nautical subjects. London. 1 (January–June  1799)–40 (July–December  1818).


Journal. Fredericton, 1786–1842. Title varies; see Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section iii].


Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick .  .  . [1786–1830]. 2 vols. Fredericton, 1831.



Collections. 12 nos. in 4 vols. and 21 additional

nos. to date. 1894/97–    . Used primarily for the documents reproduced.

New light on the early history of the greater northwest: the manuscript journals of Alexander

Henry, fur trader of the Northwest Company, and of David Thompson, official geographer and explorer of the same company, 1799–1814.  .  .  . Edited by Elliott Coues. 3 vols., New York, 1897; reprinted 3 vols. in 2, Minneapolis, Minn., [1965]. [NORTON, JOHN.] The journal of Major  John Norton, 1816. Edited by Carl Frederick Klinck and James John Talman. (Champlain Society publications, 46.) Toronto, 1970.



Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1761–1820. Title varies; see Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section iii].



Corr. of Hon. Peter Russell (Cruikshank and


Corr. of Lieut.  Governor Simcoe (Cruikshank).

[OSGOODE, WILLIAM.] “Letters from the Honourable Chief

Justice William Osgoode: a selection from his Canadian

correspondence, 1791–1801.” Edited by William Colgate.

OH, 46 (1954): 77–95, 149–68.

The papers of Sir  William Johnson. Edited by James

Sullivan et al. 14 vols. Albany, N.Y., 1921–65.

The parish register of Kingston, Upper Canada, 1785–1811. Edited by Archibald Hope Young. (Kingston Historical Society publication.) Kingston, Ont., 1921.

[PERKINS, SIMEON. ] The diary of Simeon Perkins.  .  .  .

Edited by Harold Adams Innis et al. (Champlain Society publications, 29, 36, 39, 43, 50.) 5 vols. Toronto, 1948–78.

[1]: 1766–1780. Edited by Harold Adams Innis.

[2]: 1780–1789. Edited by Daniel Cobb Harvey with notes by Charles Bruce Fergusson.

[3]: 1790–1796; [4]: 1797–1803; [5]: 1804–1812.

Edited by Charles Bruce Fergusson.

“Petitions for grants of land .  .  . [1792–99].” Edited

by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank. OH, 24 (1927): 17–144; 26 (1930):


“Political state of Upper Canada in 1806–7.” PAC

Report, 1892: 32–135.



Journal. Charlottetown, 1788–1820. Title varies; see Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section iii].



Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1759–91

(Shortt et Doughty; 1921).

Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1759–91

(Shortt and Doughty; 1918).


OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1759–91

(Shortt et Doughty; 1911).

Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1791–1818

(Doughty et McArthur; 1915).

Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1819–28

(Doughty et Story; 1935).

Does. relating to constitutional hist., 1759–91

(Shortt and Doughty; 1907).

Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1791–1818

(Doughty and McArthur; 1914).

Does. relating to constitutional hist., 1819–28

(Doughty and Story; 1935).

Report/Rapport. 1881–    . Annually, with some omissions, until 1952; irregularly thereafter. For indexes, see section iii.



For further information see Thériault, Les pub. parl. [section iii].

The royal commission on the losses and services of American loyalists, 1783 to 1785, being the notes of Mr.  Daniel Parker Coke, M.P., one of the commissioners during that period. Edited by Hugh Edward Egerton. Oxford, Eng., 1915.

Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions.  .  .  . 1 (1665–66)–177 (1886). Carried on from 178 (1887) in two separate series: A, Mathematical and physical sciences; B, Biological sciences. Title and volume numbering vary.

Select British documents of the Canadian War of 1812. Edited by William [Charles Henry] Wood. (Champlain Society publications, 13–15, 17.) 3 vols. in 4. Toronto, 1920–28; reprinted New York, 1968.

Le séminaire de Québec: documents et biographies. Honorius Provost, éditeur. (ASQ publication, 2.) Québec, 1964.

SMITH, WILLIAM. The diary and selected papers of Chief Justice William Smith, 1784–1793. Edited by Leslie Francis Stokes Upton. (Champlain Society publications, 41–42.) 2 vols. Toronto, 1963–65.

STEWART, JOHN. An account of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, North America.  .  .  . London, 1806; reprinted [East Ardsley, Eng., and New York], 1967.

“Surveyors’ letters; notes, instructions, etc., from 1788 to 1791.” AO Report, 1905: 405–99.

The town of York, 1793–1815: a collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 5.) Toronto, 1962.

“United Empire Loyalists: enquiry into the losses and services in consequence of their loyalty; evidence in the Canadian claims.” AO Report, 1904.

UNITED STATES, CONGRESS. American state papers: documents, legislative and executive, of the Congress of the United States.  .  .  . Edited by Walter Lowrie et al. 38 vols. in 10 classes. Washington, 1832–61.

“Upper Canada land book B, 19th August, 1796, to 7th April, 1797.” AO Report, 1930: xi–126.

“Upper Canada land book C, 29th June, 1796, to 4th July, 1796; 1st July, 1797, to 20th December, 1797.” AO Report, 1931: ix–98.

“Upper Canada land book C, 11 th April, 1797, to 30th June, 1797.” AO Report, 1930: 127–75.

“Upper Canada land book D, 22nd December, 1797, to 13th July, 1798.” AO Report, 1931: 99–194.

The valley of the Six Nations; a collection of documents on the Indian lands of the Grand River. Edited by Charles Murray Johnston. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 7.) Toronto, 1964.

The Windsor border region, Canada’s southernmost frontier; a collection of documents. Edited by Ernest Joseph Lajeunesse. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 4.) Toronto, 1960.

Winslow papers, A.D. 1776–1826. Edited by William Odber Raymond. Saint John, N.B., 1901.


Collections. 31 vols. 1854–1931.


The following newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume V. Numerous sources have been used to determine their various titles and their dates of publication. The printed sources include, for all areas of the country: Canadian Library Assoc., Canadian newspapers on microfilm, catalogue (2 pts. in 3, Ottawa, 1959–69), Union list of Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries/Liste collective des journaux canadiens disponibles dans les bibliothèques canadiennes (Ottawa, 1977), and for pre-1800 newspapers, Tremaine, Biblio. of Canadian imprints [see section iii]; for Newfoundland: “Chronological list of Newfoundland newspapers in the public collections at the Gosling Memorial Library and Provincial Archives,” comp. Ian MacDonald (copy deposited in the Reference Library, Arts and Culture Centre, St John’s); for Nova Scotia: G. E. N. Tratt, A survey and listing of Nova Scotia newspapers, 1752–1957, with particular reference to the period before 1867 (Halifax, 1979), and An historical directory of Nova Scotia newspapers and journals before confederation, comp. T. B. Vincent (Kingston, Ont., 1977); for Ontario: Catalogue of Canadian newspapers in the Douglas Library, Queen’s University, [comp. L. C. Ellison et al.] (Kingston, 1969), Early Toronto newspapers, 1793–1867 .  .  .  , ed. E. G. Firth, intro. H. C. Campbell (Toronto, 1961), and W. S. Wallace, “The periodical literature of Upper Canada,” CHR, 12 (1931): 4–22; and for Quebec: Beaulieu et Hamelin, La presse québécoise, vol.1 [see section iii].

Acadian Recorder. Halifax. Began publication on 16

Jan.  1813 as a weekly. A tri-weekly began on 5  Sept.  1864, and was joined by a daily on 1  Dec.  1868. Both editions ceased publication in May  1930.

Le Canadien. Québec; Montréal. A prospectus appeared on 13  Nov.  1806; the paper was published in Quebec as a weekly from 22  Nov.  1806 to 2  March  1825. It resumed publication on 7  May  1831 as a semi-weekly, becoming a tri-weekly on 9  May  1832 and a daily on 8  May  1857. Published in both tri-weekly and daily editions from 1874 to 1890. The paper moved to Montreal in 1891 and ceased publication in 1893, reappearing between 22  Dec.  1906 and December  1909.

Le Courier de Québec. Prospectus issued on 29  Oct.  1806. A semi-weekly, it was published from 3  Jan.  1807 to 31  Dec.  1808.

Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser. Quebec. Began publication on 24  Nov.  1788 as a weekly. The title of this first issue was Quebec Herald and Universal Miscellany, but for the rest of the paper’s run from 1  Dec.  1788 to 16  Nov.  1789 the title was shortened to Herald and Universal Miscellany. The paper continued as the Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser, and became a semi-weekly from 23  Nov.  1789 until 19  May  1791, when it reverted to its original weekly format. It appears to have ceased publication on 11  Feb.  1793, although the last issue extant is that of 23  July  1792. The paper was numbered in volumes of 52 issues apiece (the two semi-weekly editions had separate volume, issue, and page numbering), for which indexes and separate title pages were published annually. The title page for the first volume retained the original title Quebec Herald and Universal Miscellany; those of subsequent volumes were entitled Quebec Herald, Miscellany and Advertiser, a title under which the paper is commonly known.

Kingston Gazette. Kingston, [Ont.]. A weekly, the paper was published under this title from 25  Sept.  1810 to 29  Dec.  1818. It continued as the Kingston Chronicle from 1  Jan.  1819 to 22  June  1833, and then appeared as the Chronicle & Gazette (which became semi-weekly in 1835) from 29  June  1833 until 1847.

Lloyd’s List. London. Began publication as a weekly in 1733/34 and seems to have become semi-weekly at the beginning of 1736/37; the earliest surviving issue is that of 2  Jan.  1740/41. It became a daily on 1  July  1837, and has continued, with several changes in title, to the present.

Montreal Gazette/La Gazette de Montréal. A bilingual continuation of La Gazette littéraire pour la ville et district de Montréal (1778–79), the paper was published as a weekly from 3  Aug.  1785 to 31  Jan.  1824. From August  1822 to the present time the paper has appeared only in English with several changes in title and frequency.

Montreal Herald. Published under various titles from 19  Oct.  1811 to 18  Oct.  1957. Frequency varied until the 1830s when it became a daily; a weekly edition also appeared under differing titles beginning in 1834.

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette. Halifax. Published under this title from 3  Jan.  1801 to 9  Feb.  1843. A weekly, it began publication as the Halifax Gazette on 23  March  1752. It was continued under various titles, including the Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle (4  Sept.  1770–31  March  1789) and the Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser (7  April  1789–30  Dec.  1800). On 16  Feb.  1843 the paper became the Royal Gazette, which continues to the present.

Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec. Published weekly from 21  June  1764 to 25  Dec.  1817, and semi-weekly from 19  Jan.  1818 to 30  April  1832. The paper appeared tri-weekly from 2  May  1832 until its last issue on 30  Oct.  1874, except for a brief period between 1848 and 1850 during which it alternated between daily and tri-weekly publication. It remained bilingual from 2  May  1832 until 30  April  1842 but the French and English editions were published separately; from 29  Oct.  1842 to 30  Oct.  1874 only the English edition appeared.

Quebec Herald, Miscellany and Advertiser. See Herald, Miscellany & Advertiser

Quebec Mercury. Began publication on 5  Jan.  1805 as

a weekly, becoming a semi-weekly on 14  May  1816. The paper was issued tri-weekly from 17  May  1831 to 29  April  1848 and from 31  Oct.  1848 to 8  Jan.  1863. It appeared daily between 1  May and 30  Oct.  1848, and resumed daily publication from 12  Jan.  1863 until its last issue of 17  Oct.  1903.

Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St John’s. Published from 27  Aug.  1807 as a weekly. In October  1924 the paper became the Newfoundland Gazette, the official government gazette which continues to the present.

Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser. See Nova Scotia Royal Gazette

Upper Canada Gazette. Published at Newark, later Niagara [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.], from its inception on 18  April  1793 to 25  Aug.  1798, and then at York [Toronto]. Irregular until 1800, when it became a weekly. Its full title to 28  March  1807 was the Upper Canada Gazette; or, American Oracle; from 15  April  1807 to the end of 1816 it appeared under the title York Gazette, switching back to Upper Canada Gazette in 1817. From 1821 to 1828 it was issued in two parts, with official government announcements appearing as Upper Canada Gazette and the newspaper portion under a variety of other titles. It is believed to have ceased publication in 1849, though no copies later than March  1848 seem to have survived.

York Gazette. See Upper Canada Gazette


ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien -français. 6 vols. Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34.

[1]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.

[2]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1908.

[3]: [Suppléments.] 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1910–19.

[4]: Le clergé canadien-français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), 1 (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.

[5]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1928–32.

[6]: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.

Almanach de Québec. See Quebec Almanac


P.-G. Roy, Inv. concessions.

——  Inv. testaments.

——  Les juges de la prov. de Québec.

ARMSTRONG, FREDERICK HENRY. Handbook of Upper Canadian chronology and territorial legislation.

(University of Western Ontario, Lawson Memorial Library publication.) London, 1967.

AUDET, FRANCIS-JOSEPH. Les députés de Montréal (ville et comtés), 1792–1867.  .  .  . Montréal, 1943.

——  “Les législateurs du Bas-Canada de 1760 à 1867.” Manuscript held by the Morisset Library, University of Ottawa, 3 vols., 1940.

——  ET ÉDOUARD FABRE SURVEYER. Les députés au premier Parlement du Bas-Canada [1792–1796].  .  .  . Montréal, 1946.

Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et al. 8 vols. to date. Melbourne, [1966]–    . Vols.l–2 cover the years 1788–1850; vols.3–6, the years 1851–90; and vols.7–8, “A to Gib” for the years 1891–1939.

BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, ET JEAN HAMELIN. La presse québécoise des origines à nos jours. [2e édition.] 5 vols. to date [1764–1919]. Québec, 1973–    .

A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited

by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted 1965.

A bibliography of Canadiana: first supplement.  .  .  . Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Colbeck. Toronto, 1959; reprinted 1969.

Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne.  .  .  .

[Joseph-François et Louis-Gabriel Michaud, éditeurs.] 85 vols. [vols. l–52, “A” to “Z”; vols.53–55, Partie mythologique, “A” to “Z”; vols.56–85, Supplément, “A” to “Vil”]. Paris, 1811–62. Nouvelle édition. [Louis-Gabriel Michaud et Eugène-Ernest Desplaces, éditeurs.] 45 vols. [1854–65]; réimprimé Graz, Austria, 1966–70.

BISHOP, OLGA BERNICE. Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1957.

BOATNER, MARK MAYO. Encyclopedia of the American revolution. New York, [ 1966] . [Revised edition.] 1974.

BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH. A topographical description of the province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the relative connexion of both provinces with the United States of America. London, 1815; reprinted [Saint-Lambert, Que., 1973]. Published in French as Description topographique de la province du Bas Canada, avec des remarques sur le Haut Canada, et sur les relations des deux provinces avec les États Unis de l’Amérique (Londres, 1815; réimprimé, John Ellis Hare, éditeur, [Montréal, 1978]).

BURKE, JOHN. A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the United Kingdom.  London, 1826. 105th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 1970.

“Calendar of state papers, addressed by the secretaries of state for the colonies to the lieutenant governors or officers administering the province of Upper Canada, 1796–1820. “PAC Report, 1933: 83–171.



1: Rayburn, Geographical names of P.E.I.

2: ——  Geographical names of N.B.

CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Bernard-Claude Panet, archevêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1933–34: 235–421.

——  “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-François Hubert, évêque de Québec et de Mgr Charles-François Bailly de Messein, son coadjuteur.” ANQ Rapport, 1930–31: 199–351.

——  “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-Olivier Briand, évêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1929–30: 47–136.

——  “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Joseph-Octave Plessis, archevêque de Québec,

1797–1825.” ANQ Rapport, 1927–28: 215–316; 1928–29: 89–208; 1932–33: 3–244.

——  “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Louis-Philippe Mariaucheau D’Esgly, évêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1930–31: 185–98.

——  “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Pierre Denaut, évêque de Québec.”  ANQ Rapport, 1931–32: 129–242.

CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION. Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., [1970]. Vol.1 reprinted with an introduction by William Felix Edmund Money, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

CHARLAND, PAUL-VICTOR. “Notre-Dame de Québec: le nécrologe de la crypte ou les inhumations daps cette église depuis 1652.” BRH, 20 (1914): 137–51, 169–81, 205–17, 237–51, 269–80, 301–13, 333–47.

COLLEDGE, JAMES JOSEPH. Ships of the Royal Navy: an historical index. 2 vols. Newton Abbot, Eng., [1969–70] .

DESJARDINS, JOSEPH. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.

DESROSIERS, LOUIS-ADÉLARD. “Correspondance de cinq vicaires généraux avec les évêques de Québec, 1761–1816.” ANQ Rapport, 1947–48: 73–133.

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–[58]; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?–58]. 4 additional supplements to date [to 1960]. Edited by Edward Topping James et al. [1973]–    . Concise DAB. [1964.] 2nd edition. [1977.] 3rd edition. [1980.]

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 7 additional supplements to date [to 1970] . Edited by Sidney Lee et al. 1912–    . Concise DNB. 2 vols. [1953]–61. Corrections and additions to the Dictionary of national biography. Boston, 1966.

Dictionary of scientific biography. Edited by Charles Coulston Gillispie et al. 15 vols. New York, [ 1970–78] .

Dictionnaire de biographie française. Jules Balteau et al., éditeurs. 15 vols. to date [“A” to “Gilbert”]. Paris, 1933–    .

Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 3 vols. to date [to 1959]. Montréal, [1978]–    .

A directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. Introduction

by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 2.) Halifax, 1958.

Encyclopædia Britannica. [ 14th edition.] Edited by Warren E. Preece et al. 23 vols. and index. Chicago and Toronto, [1966]. 15th edition. 30 vols. [1977.]

Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10 vols. Ottawa, [1957–58]. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H. Pearson et al. Toronto, [1975] .

Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Edited by Helmut Kallmann et al. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., [1981].

GAUTHIER, HENRI. Sulpitiana. n.p., 1912. [2e édition.] Montréal, 1926.

Grand Larousse encyclopédique. 10 vols. Paris, [1960]–64. Nouvelle édition. 1973. 2 supplements to date. 1969–    .

GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. The commissioned sea officers of the Royal Navy, 1660–1815. [Editing begun by David Bonner Smith; project continued by the Royal Naval College in cooperation with the National Maritime Museum.] 3 vols. n. p., [1954?] .

——  WAR OFFICE. A list of the general and field officers as they rank in the army.  .  .  . [London, 1754–1868.] The first known official army list was published in 1740 and has been reprinted as The army list of 1740 .  .  . with a complete index of names and of regiments (Soc. for Army Hist. Research, Special no., 3, Sheffield, Eng., 1931).

Guide to the reports of the Public Archives of Canada, 1872–1972. Compiled by Françoise Caron-Houle. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.

Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. 2 parts. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin, 30.) Washington, 1907–10; reprinted New York, 1971. The Canadian material in this work has been revised and republished as an appendix to the tenth report of the Geographical Board of Canada, entitled Handbook of Indians of Canada (Ottawa, 1913; repr. New York, 1969).

Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant et al. (Smithsonian Institution publication.) 4 vols. to date [6, 8–9, 15]. Washington, 1978–    .

HARE, JOHN [ELLIS], ET JEAN-PIERRE WALLOT. Les imprimés dans le Bas-Canada, 1801–1840: bibliographie analytique. Montréal, 1967. Only one volume, 1801–1810, was published.

Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. (PAC publications, 1.) Ottawa, 1909.

JONES, EDWARD ALFRED. The loyalists of Massachusetts: their memorials, petitions and claims. London, 1930; reprinted Baltimore, Md., 1969.

KELLEY, ARTHUR READING. “Church and state papers .  .  . being a compendium of documents relating to the establishment of certain churches in

the province of Quebec [1759–91].” ANQ Rapport, 1948–49: 297–340; 1953–55: 75–120.

——  “Jacob Mountain, first lord bishop of Quebec: a summary of his correspondence and of papers related thereto for the years 1793 to 1799.  .  .  .” ANQ Rapport, 1942–43: 177–260.

[LANGELIER, JEAN-CHRYSOSTÔME] List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31 st December  1890. Quebec, 1891. Published in French as Liste des terrains concédés par la couronne dans la province de Québec de 1763  au  31  décembre  1890 (1891).

LEBŒUF, JOSEPH-[AIMÉ-]ARTHUR. Complément au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay. (Société généalogique canadienne- française publications, 2, 4, 6.) 3 séries. Montréal, 1957–64. See also Tanguay, Dictionnaire.

LEFEBVRE, JEAN-JACQUES. “Engagements pour l’Ouest, 1778–1788.” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47: 303–69. See also Massicotte, “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest.”

Le Jeune, LOUIS[-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, moeurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].

MARION, MARCEL. Dictionnaire des institutions de la France aux XVlle et XVllle siècles. Paris, 1923; réimprimé 1968, 1969.

MASSICOTTE, ÉDOUARD-ZOTIQUE. “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest conservés dans les Archives judiciaires de Montréal .  .  . [ 1670–1821 ] .” ANQ Rapport, 1929–30: 195–466; 1930–31: 353–453; 1931–32: 243–365; 1932–33: 245–304; 1942–43: 261–397; 1943–44: 335–444; 1944–45: 309–401; 1945–46: 227–340. See also Lefebvre, “Engagements pour l’Ouest.”

MIKA, NICK AND HELEN. Places in Ontario: their name origins and history. 2 parts to date. Belleville, Ont., 1977–    .

Officers of the British forces in Canada during the War of 1812–15. Compiled by L. Homfray Irving. (Canadian Military Institute publication.) [Welland, Ont., 1908.]

“Papiers d’État [1761–99].” PAC Rapport, 1890: 1–340. See also “State papers.”

“Papiers d’État  – Bas-Canada [1791–1830].” PAC Rapport, 1891: 1–206; 1892: 155–293; 1930, app. A: 1–199. See also “State papers.”

Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 3.) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.



l: Index to reports of PAC.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section ii]

Guide to reports of PAC (Caron-Houle).

Inventories of holdings in the Manuscript Division [see section i].

Union list of MSS (Gordon et al.; Maurice).

Union list of MSS, supp. (Maurice and Chabot).


2: Directory of N.S. MLAs.

3: Place-names of N.S.

Quebec almanac .  .  . /Almanach de Québec .  .  . .

Quebec, 1780–1841 (except in 1781, 1790, and 1793). Publishers: William Brown, 1780–89; Samuel Neilson, 1791–92; John Neilson, 1794–1823; Neilson and Cowan, 1824–36; S. Neilson, 1837; W. Neilson, 1838–41. Title varies as to spelling, and also as to language.

Quebec directory. Used in volume V were: The directory for the city and suburbs of Quebec .  .  .  , comp. Hugh MacKay ([Quebec], 1790); Number II of the directory for the city and suburbs of Quebec .  .  ., comp. Hugh MacKay (Quebec, 1791).

RAYBURN, ALAN. Geographical names of New Brunswick. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 2.) Ottawa, 1975.

——  Geographical names of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 1.) Ottawa, 1973.

The register of shipping.  .  .  . London, [1760?]–    .

Title varies: Lloyd’s register of British and foreign shipping, 1834–1913/14; Lloyd’s register of shipping, 1914/15–    .

A register of the regiments and corps of the British army: the ancestry of the regiments and corps of the regular establishment. Edited by Arthur Swinson. London, [1972] .

REID, WILLIAM DANIEL. The loyalists in Ontario: the sons and daughters of the American loyalists of Upper Canada. Lambertville, N.J., [1973].

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie, fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements, conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1927–29.

——  Inventaire des testaments, donations et inventaires du Régime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 3 vols. Québec, 1941.

——  Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) Québec, 1933.

SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American revolution, with an historical essay. [2nd edition.] 2 vols. Boston, 1864; reprinted Port Washington, N.Y., [1966]. First published as The American loyalists, or biographical sketches of adherents to the British crown in the

war of the revolution .  .  . (Boston, 1847).

The service of British regiments in Canada and North America: a resume with a chronological list of uniforms portrayed in sources consulted. Compiled by Charles Herbert Stewart. (Canada, Department of National Defence Library publications, 1.) Ottawa, 1962. [2nd edition.] 1964.

SHIPTON, CLIFFORD KENYON. Sibley’s Harvard graduates.  .  .  . (Massachusetts Historical Society publication.) 17 vols. to date [ 1690–1771]. Cambridge and Boston, Mass., 1933–    . A continuation of J. L. Sibley, Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts[1642–89] (3v., Cambridge, 1873–85), the volumes are numbered consecutively from it.



Handbook of American Indians (Hodge).

Handbook of North American Indians (Sturtevant et al.).

“State papers[1761–99].” PAC Report, 1890: 1–325.

“State papers  – Lower Canada [1791–1830].” PAC Report, 1891: 1–200; 1892: 153–285; 1930, app.A: 1–187.

TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90; réimprimé [New York, 1969]. See also Lebœuf, Complément.

——  Répertoire général du clergé canadien par ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. Québec, 1868. [2e édition.] Montréal, 1893.

THÉRIAULT, YVON. Les publications parlementaires d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. (Vie parlementaire, 2.) Québec, 1978. 2e édition. 1982.

TREMAINE, MARIE. A bibliography of Canadian imprints, 1751–1800. Toronto, 1952.

TURCOTTE, GUSTAVE. Le Conseil législatif de Québec, 1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.

Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/ Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Edited by Robert Stanyslaw Gordon et al. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968. Revised edition. Edited by E. Grace Maurice. 2 vols. 1975. Supplement/Supplément. Edited by E. Grace Maurice et al. 3 vols. to date. 1976–    .

WALBRAN, JOHN THOMAS. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history.  .  .  . (Geographical Board of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1909; reprinted with an introduction by G. P. V. Akrigg, Vancouver, 1971; reprinted Seattle, Wash., and London, 1972.

WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by William

Angus McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, [1978]. First published as The dictionary of Canadian biography (1926).

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A check list of Canadian

literature and background materials, 1628–1950. .  .  . (Humanities Research Council of Canada publication.) Toronto, [1959]. 2nd edition [  .  .  . 1628–1960]. Toronto [and Buffalo, N.Y., 1972].


ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.

AHERN, MICHAEL-JOSEPH ET GEORGE. Notes pour servir à l’histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada depuis la fondation de Québec jusqu’au commencement du XIXesiècle. Québec, 1923.

AKINS, THOMAS BEAMISH. History of Halifax City. Belleville, Ont., 1973. First published as N.S. Hist. Soc., Coll., 8 (1895) [see section v].

ANDRE, JOHN. William Berczy, co-founder of Toronto; a sketch. [Toronto, 1967.]

ARSENAULT, BONA. Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens. 2 vols. Québec, [1965]. [2e édition.] 6 vols. [1978.] Vol.1 of first edition translated and revised in collaboration with Brian M. Upton and John G. McLaughlin as History of the Acadians (Quebec, [1966]).

AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Le système scolaire de la province de Québec [1635–1840] . 6 vols. Québec, 1950–56.

BELL, WINTHROP PICKARD. The “foreign Protestants” and the settlement of Nova Scotia: the history of a piece of arrested British colonial policy in the eighteenth century. Toronto, [1961].

BREBNER, JOHN BARTLET. The neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia, a marginal colony during the revolutionary years. New York, 1937; republished, introduction by William Stewart MacNutt, Toronto and Montreal, [1969]; reprint of 1937 edition, New York, [1970] .

BURNS, ROBERT JOSEPH. “The first elite of Toronto: an examination of the genesis, consolidation and duration of power in an emerging colonial society.” phd thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, 1974.

BURT, ALFRED LEROY. The old province of Quebec. Toronto and Minneapolis, Minn., 1933; republished, introduction by Hilda [Marion] Neatby, 2 vols., [Toronto, 1968]; reprint of 1933 edition, New York, [1970].

CALNEK, WILLIAM ARTHUR. History of the county of Annapolis, including old Port Royal and Acadia, with memoirs of its representatives in the provincial parliament, and biographical and genealogical sketches of its early English settlers and their families. Edited and completed by Alfred William

Savary. Toronto, 1897; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1972. See also Savary, Supplement to hist. of Annapolis.

CAMPBELL, MARJORIE [ELLIOTT] WILKINS. The North West Company. Toronto, 1957. [Revised edition.] [1973.]

CAMPBELL, ROBERT. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.

Canada and its provinces: a history of the Canadian people and their institutions. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1913–17.

Canada’s smallest province: a history of P.E.I. Edited by Francis William Pius Bolger. [Charlottetown, 1973.]

CARON, IVANHOË. La colonisation de la province de Québec. 2 vols. Québec, 1923–27.

[1]: Débuts du Régime anglais, 1760–1791.

[2]: Les cantons de l’Est, 1791–1815.

CHAPAIS, [JOSEPH-AMABLE-]THOMAS. Cours d’histoire du Canada [1760–1867]. 8 vols. Québec, 1919–34. Another edition. 8 vols. Montréal, [ 1944–45] . Réimprimé. [Trois-Rivières, 1972.]

CHRISTIE, ROBERT. A history of the late province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province.  .  .  . 6 vols. Quebec and Montreal, 1848–55. [2nd edition.] Montreal, 1866.

CONDON, ANN GORMAN. “`The envy of the American states’: the settlement of the loyalists in New Brunswick: goals and achievements.” phd thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1975.

COOK, WARREN LAWRENCE. Flood tide of empire: Spain and the Pacific northwest, 1543–1819. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1973.

CRAIG, GERALD MARQUIS. Upper Canada: the formative years, 1784–1841. (Canadian centenary series, 7.) [Toronto], 1963.

CREIGHTON, DONALD GRANT. The commercial empire of the St Lawrence. Toronto, 1937; reprinted under the title The empire of the St. Lawrence, [1956] and [1970].

DAVIDSON, GORDON CHARLES. The North West Company. Berkeley, Calif., 1918; reprinted New York, [1967].

[DOONER, ALFRED JAMES, NAMED] BROTHER ALFRED. Catholic pioneers in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1947.

FINGARD, JUDITH. The Anglican design in loyalist Nova Scotia, 1783–1816. London, 1972.

GALARNEAU, CLAUDE. La France devant l’opinion canadienne (1760–1815). (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 16.) Québec et Paris, 1970.

GATES, LILLIAN FRANCES [COWDELL]. Land policies of Upper Canada. (Canadian studies in history and government, 9.) Toronto, [1968].

GOSSELIN, AUGUSTE [-HONORÉ]. L’Église du Canada après la Conquête [1760–89]. 2 parties. Québec, 1916–17.

HANNAY, JAMES. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.

HITSMAN, JOHN MACKAY. The incredible War of 1812: a military history. Toronto, [1965].

HORSMAN, REGINALD. Matthew Elliott, British Indian agent. Detroit, 1964.

INNIS, HAROLD ADAMS. The fur trade in Canada: an introduction to Canadian economic history. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1930. Revised edition. [Edited by Mary Quayle Innis, Samuel Delbert Clark, and William Thomas Easterbrook.] Toronto, 1956. [Abridged edition (based on the revised edition, foreword by Robin William Winks).] [1962.] Revised edition (reprint of 1956 edition with revised foreword from the 1962 edition). [1970.]

JOHNSTON, ANGUS ANTHONY. A history of the Catholic Church in eastern Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Antigonish, N.S., 1960–71.


2: 1827–1880; with a brief appendix surveying the years 1880–1969.

LAMBERT, JAMES HAROLD. “Monseigneur, the Catholic bishop: Joseph-Octave Plessis; church, state, and society in Lower Canada: historiography and analysis.” D. ès L. thesis, Université Laval, Québec, [1981].

LANCTOT, GUSTAVE. Le Canada et la Révolution américaine. Montréal, 1965. Translated by Margaret M. Cameron as Canada & the American revolution, 1774–1783 (Toronto and Vancouver, 1967).

LANGDON, JOHN EMERSON. Canadian silversmiths, 1700–1900. Toronto, 1966.

LEMIEUX, LUCIEN. L’établissement de la première province ecclésiastique au Canada, 1783–1844. (Histoire religieuse du Canada, 1.) Montréal et Paris, [1968].


de Notre-Dame de Montréal. 11 vols. in 13 and an index to date. Montréal, 1941–    . Before her death in 1917 Sister  Sainte-Henriette had completed nine volumes of her history as well as an index; only two volumes were published, in 1910. In 1941 her complete work was published and the first two volumes reissued. The index for the first nine volumes, prepared by Sister  Sainte-Henriette, was published in 1969.

Life and letters of the late Hon. Richard Cartwright, member of Legislative Council in the first parliament of Upper Canada. Edited by Conway Edward Cartwright. Toronto and Sydney, Australia, 1876.

MacDONALD. “Hon. Richard Cartwright.” See Three hist. theses

McLINTOCK, ALEXANDER HARE. The establishment of constitutional government in Newfoundland, 1783–1832: a study of retarded colonisation. (Imperial studies, 17.) London and Toronto, 1941.

MACMILLAN, DAVID STIRLING. “The ‘new men’ in action: Scottish mercantile and shipping operations in the North American colonies, 1760–1825.” In Canadian business history; selected studies, 1497–1971, edited by David Stirling Macmillan, 44–103. [Toronto, 1972. ]

MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.

MANNING, HELEN TAFT. The revolt of French Canada, 1800–1835; a chapter in the history of the British Commonwealth. Toronto, 1962.

MAURAULT, OLIVIER. Le college de Montréal, 1767–1967. 2e édition. Antonio Dansereau, éditeur. Montréal, 1967. The first edition was published in Montreal in 1918 under the title Le petit séminaire de Montréal.

MILLMAN, THOMAS REAGH. Jacob Mountain, first lord bishop of Quebec; a study in church and state, 1793–1825. (University of Toronto studies, History and economics series, 10.) Toronto, 1947.

MIQUELON, DALE BERNARD. “The Baby family in the trade of Canada, 1750–1820.” ma thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, [1966].

MORGAN, ROBERT J. “Orphan outpost: Cape Breton colony, 1784–1820.” phd thesis, University of Ottawa, 1972.

MORISSET, GÉRARD. Coup d’œil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1941; réimprimé, 1942.

MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER. A history of the Canadian west to 1870–71, being a history of Rupert’s Land (the Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory) and of the North-West Territory (including the Pacific slope). London and Toronto, [1939]. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewis Gwynne Thomas. Toronto [and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973].

MURDOCH, BEAMISH. A history of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865–67.

NEATBY, HILDA MARION. The administration of justice under the Quebec Act. London and Minneapolis, Minn., [1937].

——  Quebec: the revolutionary age, 1760–1791.

(Canadian centenary series, 6.) [Toronto, 1966.]

OUELLET, FERNAND. Le Bas-Canada, 1791–1840: changements structuraux et crise. (Université d’Ottawa, Cahiers d’histoire, 6.) Ottawa, 1976. Translated and adapted by Patricia Claxton as Lower Canada, 1791–1840: social change and nationalism (Canadian centenary series, 15, [Toronto, 1980]).

——  Histoire économique et sociale du Québec, 1760–1850: structures et conjoncture. (Histoire économique et sociale du Canada français.) Montréal et Paris, [1966]. Translated as Economic and social history of Quebec, 1760–1850: structures and conjonctures (n.p., [1980]).

PAQUET, GILLES, ET JEAN-PIERRE WALLOT. Patronage et pouvoir dans le Bas-Canada (1794–1812); un essai d’économie historique. Montréal, 1973.

DROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895. 2nd edition. London, 1896. 3rd edition. Edited by James Raymond Thorns and Frank Burnham Gill. St John’s, 1971. Reprint of 1895 edition. Belleville, Ont., 1972.

RAYMOND, WILLIAM ODBER. The River St. John: its physical features, legends and history from 1604 to 1784. Saint John, N.B., 1910. [2nd edition.] Edited by John Clarence Webster. Sackville, N. B., 1943; reprinted, 1950.

RICH, EDWARD ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (HBRS publications, 21–22.) 2 vols. London, 1958–59. [Trade edition.] 3 vols. Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available at PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.

RIDDELL, WILLIAM RENWICK. The legal profession in Upper Canada in its early periods. Toronto, 1916.

——  The life of William Dummer Powell, first judge at Detroit and fifth chief justice of Upper Canada. Lansing, Mich., 1924.

Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto; a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 series. Toronto, 1894–1914; vols. 1 and 3 reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1974.

Roy, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire de la seigneurie de Lauzon [1608–1840]. 5 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1897–1904.

——  Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.

RUDDEL, DAVID THIERRY. “Quebec City, 1765–1831: the evolution of a colonial town.” D. ès L. thesis, Université Laval, Quebec, 1981.

RUMILLY, ROBERT. La compagnie du Nord-Ouest: une épopée montréalaise. 2 vols. [Montréal, 1980.)

SAVARY, ALFRED WILLIAM. Supplement to the history of the county of Annapolis.  .  .  . Toronto, 1913; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1973. See also Calnek, Hist. of Annapolis (Savary).

STANLEY, GEORGE FRANCIS GILMAN. Canada invaded, 1775–1776. (Canadian War Museum, Historical publications, 8.) Toronto, 1973. Translated by Marguerite MacDonald as L’invasion du Canada, 1775–1776 (Soc. hist. de Québec, Cahiers d’hist., 28, Québec, 1975).

STARK, JAMES HENRY. The loyalists of Massachusetts and the other side of the American revolution. Boston, [1907]. Another edition. 1910.

SULTE, BENJAMIN. Histoire des Canadiens-français, 1608–1800.  .  .  . 8 vols. Montréal, 1882–84.

——  Mélanges historiques.  .  .  . Gérard Malchelosse, éditeur. 21 vols. Montréal, 1918–34. This series is a mixture of volumes of articles and monographs.

Three history theses. (Ontario, Department of Public Records and Archives publication.) [Toronto, 1961.] Particularly useful was Donald C. MacDonald, “Honourable  Richard Cartwright, 1759–1815.”

TOUSIGNANT, PIERRE. “La genèse et l’avènement de la constitution de 1791.” Thèse de phd, université de Montréal, 1971.

TRAQUAIR, RAMSAY. The old silver of Quebec. (Art Association of Montreal publication.) Toronto, 1940.

TRUDEL, MARCEL. L’Église canadienne soul le Régime militaire, 1759–1764.2 vols. [Montréal et] Québec, 1956–57.

——  L’esclavage au Canada français: histoire et conditions de l’esclavage. Québec, 1960.

WALLOT, JEAN-PIERRE. Un Québec qui bougeait: trame socio-politique du Québec au tournant du XIXe siècle. [Québec, 1973.]

WILSON, BRUCE GORDON. “The enterprises of Robert Hamilton: a study of wealth and influence in early Upper Canada: 1776–1812.” phd thesis, University of Toronto, 1978.

WRIGHT, ESTHER CLARK. The loyalists of New Brunswick. Fredericton, [1955]; reprinted Moncton, N.B., [1972].


Acadiensis: a Quarterly devoted to the Interests of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Saint John, N. B. 1 (1901)–8 (1908).

Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. 1 (1971–72)–    .

Beaver: Magazine of the North. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. 1(1920–21)–    . Index: 1 (1920–21)–outfit 284 (June  1953-March  1954). Title varies.

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. Originally the organ of the Société des études historiques, it became in March  1923 the journal of the Archives de la province de Québec (now the ANQ). 1 (1895)–70 (1968). Index: 1 (1895)–31(1925) (4v., Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is an index on microfiche at the ANQ-Q.

BUMSTED, JOHN MICHAEL. “Sir  James Montgomery and Prince Edward Island, 1767–1803.” Acadiensis (Fredericton), 7 (1977–78), no.2: 76–102.

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” 1 (1936)–    .

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/ SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, of which the contents are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)–    . Index: 1 (1933–34)–25 (1958). Title varies: Study sessions/Sessions d’étude from 1966.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Annual report. 1922–    . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68. Title varies: Historical papers/Communications historiques from 1966.

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)–    . Index: 1 (1920)–10 (1929); 11 (1930)–20 (1939); 21 (1940)–30 (1949); 31 (1950)–51 (1970). Université Laval has also published an index: Canadian Historical Review, 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, compil. (Québec, 1969). A continuation of the Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada: 1 (1895–96)–22 (1917–18); Index: 1 (1895–96)–10 (1905); 11 (1906)–20 (1915).

Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History/Lieux historiques canadiens: cahiers d’archéologie et d’histoire. Ottawa. Published by Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch. No.1 (1970)–    .

Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Published by Dalhousie University. 1 (1921–22)–    .

HARE, JOHN [ELLIS]. “L’Assemblée législative du Bas-Canada, 1792–1814: députation et polarisation politique.” RHAF, 27 (1973–74): 361–95.

Island Magazine. Charlottetown. Published by the Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation. No.1 (fall-winter 1976)–    .

MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. “Fanning’s regime on Prince Edward Island.” Acadiensis (Fredericton), 1 (1971–72), no.1: 37–53.

MASSICOTTE, ÉDOUARD-ZOTIQUE. “Les Chaboillez: une famille de traitants au 18e et au 19e siècle.” BRH, 28 (1922): 184–88, 207–9, 241–42, 27476, 311–13, 325–32, 355–59.

NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. [Publication.] 1 (1896)–44 (1939). The first number is called Transactions; nos.2 (1897)–44 list titles of articles included but have no main title; nos.38 (1927)–44 are all called “Records of Niagara.”

NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Collections. 1 (1878)–    ; vols.l–8 reprinted, 2v., Belleville, Ont., 1976–77. Index: 1 (1878)–32 (1959) in 33 (1961).

Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. 1 (1899)–    ; vols.l–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. An index to volumes 1 (1899) to 64 (1972) appears in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.

OUELLET, FERNAND. “Dualité écononuque et changement technologique au Québec (1760–1790).” SH, 9 (1976): 256–96.

Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–53 (1907); nouvelle série, 1 (1908)–27 (1922). Vols. 17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–7; vols.24 (1888)–28 (1892) are also called 3e série, 1–[5]. Tables générales: 1 (1864)–53 (1907).

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. 1 (1947–48)–    . Index: 1 (1947–48)–10 (1956–57); 11 (1957–58)–20 (1966–67); 21 (1967–68)–30 (1976–77).

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/ Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882–83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–    . General index: 1st ser.–2nd ser.; Author index: 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–35 (1941) . The Canadian Library Association has published A subject index to the Royal Society of Canada Proceedings and Transactions: third series, vols. I–XXXI, 1907–1937,

comp. M. A. Martin (Reference publications, 1, Ottawa, 1947).

Social History, a Canadian Review/Histoire sociale, revue canadienne. Ottawa. Published under the direction of an interdisciplinary committee from various Canadian universities. No.1 (April  1968)–    .

SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉALOGIQUE CANADIENNE- FRANÇAISE, Montréal. Mémoires. 1 (1944–45)–    . The society’s numbered publications include 2, 4, 6: Lebœuf, Complément [see section iii].