As part of the funding agreement between the Dictionary of Canadian Biography and the Canadian Museum of History, we invite readers to take part in a short survey.
AAQ Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec
ACAM Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de Montréal
ACND Archives de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Montréal
AD Archives départementales, France
AHDQ Archives de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
AHGQ Archives de l’Hôpital Général de Québec
AHSJ Archives générales des Religieuses
hospitalières de Saint-Joseph, Montréal
AJM Archives judiciaires de Montréal
AJQ Archives judiciaires de Québec
AJTR Archives judiciaires de Trois-Rivières
AMUQ Archives du monastère des Ursulines de Québec
AN Archives nationales, Paris
ANDM Archives paroissiales de Notre-Dame de Montréal
ANDQ Archives paroissiales de Notre-Dame de Québec
ANQ Archives nationales du Québec
ANQ-M Archives nationales du Québec, dépôt de Montréal
APQ Archives de la province de Québec
AQ Archives du Québec
ARSI Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Rome
ASGM Archives des sœurs Grises, Montréal
ASJCF Archives de la Compagnie de Jésus, province du Canada français
ASQ Archives du séminaire de Québec
ASSM Archives du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montréal
BM British Museum, London
BN Bibliothèque nationale, Paris
BRH Le Bulletin des recherches historiques
CCHA Canadian Catholic Historical Association
CHA Canadian Historical Association
CHR Canadian Historical Review
CTG Comité technique du Génie, Paris
DAB Dictionary of American biography
DBF Dictionnaire de biographie française
DCB Dictionary of Canadian biography
DNB Dictionary of national biography
DPL Detroit Public Library
HBC Hudson’s Bay Company
HBRS Hudson’s Bay Record Society
IOA L’Inventaire des œuvres d’art, Québec
JR Jesuit relations and allied documents
NYCD Documents relative to the colonial
history of the state of New-York
PAC Public Archives of Canada
PANL Public Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
PANS Public Archives of Nova Scotia
PRO Public Record Office, London
RHAF Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française
RSCT Royal Society of Canada Proceedings
and Transactions
RUL La Revue de l’université Laval
SCHÉC Société canadienne d’histoire de
l’Église catholique
SGCF Société généalogique canadienne-française
SHA Service historique de l’Armée, Paris
SHM Société historique de Montréal
SHQ Société historique de Québec
SHS Société historique du Saguenay
USPG United Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel, London
General Bibliography
The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in individual bibliographies in volume III. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 18th century.
Section i provides a description of the principal archival sources used for this volume and is divided by country. Section ii contains printed primary sources: documents and printed works of the 18th century which may be regarded as contemporary sources. Section iii includes various dictionaries, nominal lists, indexes, and inventories of documents. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories, and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies which contain material on the 18th century.
ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. This archives, which contains documents dating to 1896 inclusively, consists of photographs, maps, 634 registers in 17 series (including, in particular, the correspondence of the bishops of Montreal), and some 500,000 dossiers containing unbound items relating to dioceses, clergy, laity, institutions, missions, religious communities, etc. For a description of the archives see: RHAF, XIX(1965–66), 652–55; SCHÉC Rapport, 1963, 69–70. There is a detailed inventory of a number of registers and dossiers in RHAF,XIX (1965–66), 655–64; XX (1966–67), 146–66, 669–700; XXIV (1970–71), 111–42.
ARCHIVES DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JESUS, PROVINCE DU CANADA FRANÇAIS, Saint-Jérôme, Terrebonne. Founded in 1844 by Father Félix Martin*, the archives was originally housed in the Collège Sainte-Marie, Montreal, and known by the initials ACSM. In 1968 the records were moved to the noviciate of the province of French Canada at Saint-Jérôme, and are now identified by the initials ASJCF. Richly endowed in the year of its foundation by a valuable gift from the community of the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, which had preserved some of the records (1635–1800) of the old Jesuit college in Quebec, the archives contains numerous documents, both originals
and copies, concerning the history of the Jesuit missions in New France, Canada, and the United States, as well as documents relating to the history of the Catholic Church in Canada [see: ARCHIVES DU COLLÈGE SAINTE-MARIE, DCB, I,686] .
Documents from the following sections were used in the preparation of volume III:
The section which consists of 140 metal boxes containing approximately 6,800 numbered documents (personal papers and correspondence, both originals and copies) and the Fonds Bernier and Fonds Baraga, which are not yet numbered:
1–5,343: Fonds général
5,344–5,565: Fonds Guérin
6,000–6,800: Fonds Prud’homme
Fonds Rochemonteix: 28 notebooks of documentation, numbered 4,001 to 4,028, which were used by Camille de Rochemonteix in the preparation of Les Jésuites et la N.-F. au XVIIe siècle and Les Jésuites et la N.-F. au XVIIIe siècle [see section iv].
The section of original manuscripts written by Jesuit missionaries:
Abbé Maillard, “Livre de prières en langue micmaque avec traduction française en regard”
Séries A-1 à 20, B-1 à 24: correspondence, diaries, papers relating to various Jesuit missions, colleges, retreat houses, and residences in Canada
Série BO: papers left by the Jesuit fathers
Série D: papers left by the Jesuit fathers at the time of their deaths
Cahier des vœux
Extraits des catalogues
ARCHIVES DE LA CONGRÉGATION DE NOTRE-DAME, Montréal. In the process of being catalogued.
The principal documents used in the preparation of volume III:
La Congrégation de Notre-Dame: son personnel, 1653–1768. 2v.
Fichier général des sœurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame
Nominations, la Congrégation de Notre-Dame et son personnel
Plan des lieux de sépulture depuis 1681-CND
Registre des sépultures des sœurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame
Registre général des sœurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Montréal
ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. Contains about 1,060 feet of documents, an analytical card file for all documents prior to 1930, and a six volume general index to the official registers of the archdiocese from 1659 to the present. There is a guide to this archives in SCHÉC Rapport, 1934–35, 65–73.
Series used in the preparation of volume III:
A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec
12A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques
20A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec
22 A: Copies de lettres expédiées
B: Chapitre de la cathédrale de Québec
10 B: Registre des délibérations
11 B: Correspondance
C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie
CB: Structures de direction
1 CB: Vicaires généraux
CD: Discipline diocésaine
42 CD: Abjurations
61 CD: Notre-Dame de Québec
69 CD: Visites pastorales
CM: Église universelle
91 CM: France
CN: Église canadienne
312 CN: Nouvelle-Écosse
T: Fonds privés. Manuscrits amérindiens
Manuscrits Maillard
W: Copies d’archives étrangères
1 W: Église du Canada
ARCHIVES DE L’HÔPITAL GÉNÉRAL DE QUÉBEC. The following documents have been used in the preparation of volume III:
Actes capitulaires. 1699–1941. (This series also contains the Registre des entrées et des dots, 1699–1860.)
Actes de profession et contrats de dot. 1717–1845.
“Annales.” 3v., 1693–1793.
Cahiers divers, notices, éloges funèbres, circulaires, notes diverses. 1v., 1727–1952.
Divers extraits de nos annales et autres notes diverses. 1v., 1686–1866.
Livres de comptes. 4v., 1693–1760.
“La vie de Mongr. Jean-Baptiste de La Croix de Chevrières de St Vallier, second évêque de Québec.” (This manuscript dates from about 1850.)
ARCHIVES DE L’HÔTEL-DIEU DE QUÉBEC. This repository contains about 200 feet of documents concerning the establishment, government, and administration of the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec (hospital and convent). For a description of the archives, now being reorganized, see: Claire Gagnon et François Rousseau, “Deux inventaires des archives de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec,” Archives, 73–1 (Québec), 62–82.
The principal documents used in the preparation of volume III:
Registre des malades, I–IV. 1689–1804.
Registre des comptes du monastère, I–VIII. 1691–1824.
Registre des comptes de l’hôpital, I–IV. 1665–1826.
Registre d’entrées, vêtures, et professions des sœurs de chœurs et des sœurs converses (in the process of being catalogued). 7v., 1646–1825.
Jeanne-Françoise Juchereau de La Ferté de Saint-Ignace, “Histoire abrégée de l’établissement de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec.” This manuscript, written by Marie-Andrée REGNARD Duplessis de Sainte-Hélène, has been published under the title Les annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, 1636–1716 [see section ii, JUCHEREAU].
ARCHIVES DES FRANCISCAINS, Montréal. This repository contains copies of documents concerning the Recollets in Canada, 1615–1849. These copies, collected by Fathers Odoric-Marie Jouve and Archange Godbout, are handwritten and not easily legible, and have not been entirely classified. There are two sections where the classification work is more advanced: the biographical dossiers of the Recollets and the dos-
siers of the parishes where they worked. The biographical dossiers have been used in the preparation of volume III.
ARCHIVES DES SŒURS GRISES, Montréal. The documents which were at the Hôpital Général of Montreal when Mme d’Youville [Dufrost*] became administratrix there in 1747 make up the Fonds “Charon” and are the source of this archival repository. Subsequently the items necessary for the general administration of the community were added. The classification for this repository is alphabetical for the dossiers and chronological within each dossier. The archives contains thousands of documents, the earliest dating from 1663, and about 300 maps and plans.
The principal documents used in the preparation of volume III:
Lettres patentes
Maison mère
10 [Sœur Baby. Julie Casgrain, 1835–1898]
Notices biographiques
1741–1848 [Mère McMullen, s.g.m.]
Recette et dépense de juin 1718 à septembre 1746
Recueil des règles et constitutions à l’ usage des filles séculières administratrices de l’Hôpital Général de Montréal dites Sœurs de la Charité recueillies sur les anciens titres et usages de la communauté, M. Montgolfier, Étienne, p.s.s., 1694–1796
Registre d’admission des pauvres. 1694–1796.
Registre des baptêmes et sépultures de l’Hôpital Général de Montréal. 1725–1776.
Registre des baptêmes de la paroisse de Saint-François-du-Lac
Registre des sépultures. 1725–1759.
Registre des vêtures, professions, etc. des frères Charon. 1701–1748.
ARCHIVES DU MONASTÈRE DES URSULINES DE QUÉBEC. In the process of being catalogued.
The following documents were used in the preparation of volume III:
Actes d’élection des supérieures. 1788–1941.
Actes des assemblées capitulaires. 1686–1802.
Actes des professions et des sépultures. 1688–1781.
“Annales,” I. 1639–1822.
Cahier du P. Ragueneau, copié par Jacques Bigot, s.j., et dédié à M. S.-Benoît
Charlotte Daneau de Muy, dite de
Sainte-Hélène, “Abrégé de la vie de Mme la comtesse de Pontbriand”
Entrées, vêtures, professions et décès des religieuses, I. 1647–1861.
Fonds des pères jésuites
Lettres du père Charles-Michel Mésaiger
Lettre autographe de M. S.-Pierre, 18 juin 1699
Livre des entrées et sorties des filles françaises et sauvages. 1641–1720.
Registre de l’examen canonique des novices, I. 1689–1807.
Registre des entrées des pensionnaires. 1704–1761,1719–1838.
ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC. One of the most important archival repositories in North America. The records date from the founding of the seminary in 1663, but Mgr Thomas-Étienne Hamel* and Mgr Amédée Gosselin* may be considered to have founded the ASQ at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. ASQ contains some 1,172 feet of documents (seminary and private papers, the oldest dating from 1636 and the majority from 1675 to 1950), 2,000 maps, and 160 feet of engravings and photographs.
Documents used in the preparation of volume III include:
Brouillard. 2v., 1705–1753.
Carton Laverdière. 1 carton.
Chapitre. 1 carton containing 340 items, 1666–1785.
Documents Faribault. 1 carton containing 70 items.
Évêques. 1 carton containing 330 items, 1626–1860.
Fichier des écoliers
Fonds Casgrain
Fonds Verreau. Includes the Fonds Viger and is therefore frequently called Viger-Verreau. The collections of Abbé H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau* and Jacques Viger* consist in the main of about a hundred cartons, several notebooks, and the series of Viger’s manuscript volumes entitled “Ma Saberdache” (see: Fernand Ouellet, “Inventaire de la Saberdache de Jacques Viger,” APQ Rapport, 1955–57, 31–176).
Grand livre de délibération, 1734–1736
Lettres, M, 171 items-, N, 181 items; O, 157 items; P, 100 items; R, 190 items; S, 188 items; T, 156 items
Livres de comptes, C 8, 1730–1747; C 10, 1730–1735
Manuscrits, 2, “Annales du petit séminaire”; 12, Grand Livre, 1730–1747; 71–a–1, J.-F. Le Sueur, “Catechismus prolixus de Baptismo et dissertatio christiana de justifica-
tione . . . apud Uanbanakaeos Nanransuakos, 1730”; 176, Charles Plante, “Éloges funèbres de Mgr de St-Vallier” ; 196, Maillard, “La Religion” (a poem with explanatory notes); 436–37, A.-É. Gosselin, “Prêtres du séminaire de Québec (notices), du début à nos jours”; 457, 466–67, “Annales du petit séminaire”
Missions. 2 cartons (numbering continuous).
Paroisse de Québec. 1 carton containing 101 items, 1652–1877.
Polygraphie. 248 cartons.
Registre des copies de tous les titres du séminaire de Québec. 1710–1754. [Registre A.]
Seigneuries, XIII, île Jésus
Séminaire. 204 cartons.
ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE SAINT-SULPICE, Montréal. An important archival repository for the history of the Montreal region under the French régime; on his departure in 1665 Paul de Chomedey* de Maisonneuve left there the greater part of his papers, dating from 1642. The repository, divided into 49 sections, contains 190 feet of documents for the years 1586–1950, and about 1,200 maps and plans.
The following sections were most useful in the preparation of volume III:
Cahiers Faillon. 24 notebooks containing copies of documents (1677–1834) made under the direction of É.-M. Faillon*, with a view to continuing the writing of his Histoire de la colonie française en Canada (3v., Villemarie [Montréal], 1865–66).
Catalogue historique et chronologique des prêtres du séminaire de Montréal. 1 notebook.
Joseph-Vincent Quiblier, “Notes sur le séminaire de Montréal, 1847” (typescript)
Section de la correspondance générale. 49 cartons, 1670–1928.
Section de la seigneurie du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes. 69 cartons, 1717–1936.
Section des associations et des communautés. 5 drawers and 18 cartons, in part not classified, 1659–1900.
Section des biographies. 88 items arranged in alphabetical order, 1657–1926.
Section des cartes et plans. About 1,200 items.
Section des concessions de terre et d’emplacement de l’île de Montréal. 25 drawers (5,000 documents), 1648–1854.
Section des manuscrits indiens. 10 cartons, 1660–1880.
Section des titres de propriété du séminaire de Montréal. 1 drawer, 1636–1840.
Section prédication. 8 double drawers, 1724–1940.
ARCHIVES GÉNÉRALES DES RELIGIEUSES HOSPITALIÈRES DE SAINT-JOSEPH, Montréal. This archival repository contains about 200 feet of manuscripts and 250 maps and plans for the period 1589–1900. These documents relate particularly to the administration of the community and of the hospital. There is a well defined system of classification for pre-1760 documents, completed as the preparation of volume III of the DCB was drawing to a close. For a description of the archives see: “Cadre de classement des documents antérieurs à 1760” (manuscript guide available at AHSJ); Jacques Ducharme, “Historique des archives de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal et des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph,” in L’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal (1642–1973) (Cahiers du Québec, 13, Montréal, 1973).
The principal documents used in volume III of the DCB:
Annales de sœur Marie Morin. 1697–1725.
Annales de sœur Véronique Cuillerier. 1725–1747.
Déclarations de nos anciennes mères pour constater la profession et le décès de nos sœurs
Marie Morin, “Histoire simple et véritable de l’établissement des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph en l’île de Montréal, dite à présent Ville-Marie, en Canada, de l’année 1659. . . .” Published as Annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal [see section ii, MORIN].
ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. The repositories of the judicial archives are to be found in the chief towns of the various judicial districts of Quebec. They preserve the registers of births, deaths, and marriages and numerous documents relating to the judicial affairs of their districts, as well as the greffes of the notaries and surveyors who practised there.
Documents from the archives of the following districts were particularly useful in the preparation of volume III:
Beauce (Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce). (See: “Inventaire sommaire des archives judiciaires conservées au palais de justice de Saint-Joseph, district de Beauce,” APQ Rapport, 1921–22, 388–90.)
Registre d’état civil
Montréal. (For pre-1900 documents see section i, ANQ, Montréal.)
Québec. (For the greffes of notaries see section i, ANQ, Québec.)
Registre d’état civil
Fort Beauharnois-de-la-Pointe-à-la-Chevelure
L’ Ange-Gardien
Notre-Dame de Québec
Notre-Dame-de-Miséricorde-de- Beau port
Registre d’état civil
Trois-Rivières. (See: J.-B.-M. Barthe, “Inventaire sommaire des archives conservées au palais de justice des Trois-Rivières,” APQ Rapport, 1920–21, 328–49.)
Greffes de: J.-B. Badeau, 1770–1796
Nicolas Duclos, 1751–1769
Louis Pillard, 1736–1767
A.-B. Pollet, 1730–1754
J.-B. Pottier, 1699–1711
Pierre Poulain, 1711–1720
H.-O. Pressé, 1735–1746
Registre d’état civil
Immaculée-Conception de Trois-Rivières
Notre-Dame de Trois-Rivières
Grand voyer
Registre des procès-verbaux
ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. At the conquest, articles 43, 44, and 45 of the capitulation of Montreal – contrary to the custom of international law at that time – permitted the administrators of New France to take back to France documents relating to the government of the colony. Only records having a legal value for individuals were to remain in the country, and these were to suffer many misfortunes before the office of the Archives de la province de Québec – now the Archives nationales du Québec – was created in 1920 [see: Gilles Héon, “Bref historique des Archives du Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1970, 13–25]. Some 3,300 feet of documents are preserved there today (official and private papers, originals and copies), the majority for the period 1663–1867. In 1968 the ANQ published an État général des archives publiques et privées and established a new system of classification.
The following documents were used in the preparation of volume III:
Greffes de: Jacques Barbel, 1703–1740
R.-C. Barolet, 1731–1761
Nicolas Boisseau, 1731–1744
Gilbert Boucault de Godefus, 1736–1756
Louis Chambalon, 1692–1716
J.-B. Choret, 1730–1755
Antoine Crespin, 1750–1782
J.-É. Dubreuil, 1708–1739
C.-H. Du Laurent, 1734–1760
François Genaple de Bellefonds, 1682–1709
Henry Hiché, 1725–1736
Jacques de Horné, dit Laneuville, 1701–1730
Jacques Imbert, 1740–1749
Étienne Jeanneau, 1674–1743
Florent de La Cetière, 1702–1728
P.-A.-F. Lanoullier Des Granges, 1749–1760
Jean de Latour, 1736–1741
Claude Louet, 1718–1737
J.-C. Louet, 1738–1767
Abel Michon, 1709–1749
J.-C. Panet, 1745–1775
N.-C. Pinguet de Bellevue, 1749–1751
J.-N. Pinguet de Vaucour, 1726–1748
François Rageot, 1709–1753
Pierre Rivet Cavelier, 1709–1719
Guillaume Roger, 1694–1702
J.-A. Saillant, 1750–1776
Simon Sanguinet, 1748–1771
Jean Taché, 1768
AP: Archives privées. In the process of being
classified according to a numerical system.
NF: Nouvelle-France
Arrêts du Conseil d’état du roi, 1663–1753. 9v.
Aveux et dénombrements, 1723–1758. 5v.
Collection de pièces judiciaires et notariales, 1638–1759. 125v.
Cours seigneuriales, 1662–1760. lv.
Documents de la juridiction de Montréal, 1675–1705. 1 carton.
Documents de la juridiction des Trois-Rivières, 1646–1759. 20v.
Documents de la Prévoté de Québec, 1668–1759. 17v.
Dossiers du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1759. 11v.
Foi et hommage, 1667–1759. 5v.
Insinuations de la Prévôté de Québec, 1667–1863. 207 boxes.
Insinuations du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1758. 10v.
Ordonnances des intendants, 1666–1760. 46v.
Procès-verbaux des grands voyers, 1668–1780. 9v.
Registres de la Prévoté de Québec, 1666–1759. 113v.
Registres d’intendance, 1672–1759. 4v.
Registres divers et pièces détachées du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1760. 5v.
Registres du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1760. 69v.
Taxes de dépens du Conseil supérieur, 1703–1759. 10 cartons.
QBC: Québec et Bas-Canada
Cours de justice, 1760–1880. 67v.
Chambres des milices. Montréal, 1760–1764. 6v.
Conseil militaire. Québec, 1760–1764. 6v.
Copies d’archives d’autres dépôts
Paroisses. Saint-Pierre, île d’Orléans,
Manuscrits relatifs à l’histoire de la
Nouvelle-France. 3e série: manuscrits relatifs à l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France, 1713–1731. 7v.
Archives de la Guerre
“Inventaire analytique des Archives de la Guerre concernant le Canada (1755–1760),” compilé par Jehan-Éric Labignette et Louise Dechêne.
ANQ, Montréal. On 21 Sept. 1971 the ANQ took possession of a repository in Montreal where it preserves pre-1900 documents formerly kept at AJM. In the individual bibliographies we have used the old AJM system of classification, whose series titles appear here in square brackets. For further information, consult “État sommaire des Archives nationales du Québec à Montréal,” ANQ Rapport, 1972, 1–29.
Series cited in volume III include:
Greffes de: Antoine Adhémar, 1668–1714
J.-B. Adhémar, 1714–1754
Guillaume Barette, 1709–1744 Bénigne Basset Des Lauriers, 1657–1699
Hilaire Bourgine, 1685–1690
François Comparet, 1736–1755
C.-F. Coron, 1734–1767
François Coron, 1721–1732
L.-C. Danré de Blanzy, 1738–1760 Jacques David, 1719–1726
Antoine Foucher, 1746–1800
C.-R. Gaudron de Chevremont, 1732–1739
N.-A. Guillet de Chaumont, 1727–1752
F.-M. Lepailleur, 1733–1739
Michel Lepailleur, 1703–1732
Antoine Loiseau, 1730–1760
Claude Maugue, 1677–1696
Cyr de Monmerqué, 1731–1765
Michel Moreau, 1681–1698
Pierre Panet, 1755–1778
J.-C. Porlier, 1733–1744
J.-C. Raimbault, 1727–1737
Pierre Raimbault, 1697–1727
Simon Sanguinet, 1734–1747
Nicolas Senet, 1704–1731
François Simonet, 1737–1778
Marien Tailhandier,ditLa Beaume, 1699–1730
J.-B. Tétro, 1712–1728
État civil [Registre d’état civil]
Notre-Dame de Montréal
Documents judiciaires
Pièces détachées de documents surtout à caractère judiciaire, classées par ordre chronologique [Documents judiciaires], 1677–1760. 163v.
Dossiers sur divers procès célèbres [Procès fameux], 1660–1756. 5v.
Bailliage. Juridiction de Montréal [Registre du bailliage], 1665–1687. 2 registers.
Registres des audiences, 1687–1760. 30 registers.
Procès-verbaux d’arpenteurs
Procès-verbaux divers [Arpentage], 1663–1913. 4v.
Inventaires, clôtures d’inventaires et successions
Inventaires et clôtures d’inventaires [Clôtures d’inventaires], 1665–c. 1760. 9v.
Arrêts, ordonnances et mandements
Ordonnances (especially those of the governors of Montreal; also some ordinances of intendants and certain pastoral letters of bishops) [Documents divers], 1653–1765. 7v.
ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. Contain in particular the registers of births, marriages, and deaths, of which copies are kept in the judicial archives of the district, and the parish account books.
The following documents from parish archives have been consulted in the preparation of volume III:
Notre-Dame-de-Foy (Sainte-Foy, Québec)
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Notre-Dame de Montréal
Livres de comptes, 1724–1735
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Notre-Dame de Québec
Livres de comptes, 1709–1724
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Saint-Ambroise (Loretteville, Québec)
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Saint-Charles (Charlesbourg, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I, 1675–1749
Saint-Charles (Lachenaie, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I, 1725–1739
Sainte-Anne (Beaupré, Québec)
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Sainte-Anne (La Pérade, Québec)
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Sainte-Anne (Varennes, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I, 1725–1729
Sainte-Geneviève (Berthier, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I–II
Sainte-Geneviève (Pierrefonds, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I
Saint-Étienne (Beaumont, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I
Saint-François-de-Sales (Laval, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I
Saint-François-de-Sales (Neuville, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Saint-François-de-Sales (Saint-François, île d’Orléans)
Livres de comptes, I
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Saint-François-Xavier (Verchères, Québec)
Livres de comptes, I
Saint-Louis (Lotbinière, Québec)
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures
Saint-Pierre (Saint-Pierre, île d’Orléans)
Livres de comptes
L’INVENTAIRE DES ŒUVRES D’ART, Québec. In 1940 Gérard Morisset* established the Service de l’Inventaire des œuvres d’art for the purpose of recording and locating works of art. In taking over responsibility for this work in the same year, the government of Quebec gave recognition to a project which had been conducted personally by Morisset for more than ten years. Aided by a staff which he had trained himself, until 1967 Morisset
photographed articles of silver, works of architecture, and paintings, searched parish account books, newspapers, and notarial registers, and accumulated many thousands of documents on artisans and their work. This impressive collection (about 70,000 photographs, 40,000 biographical cards, 20,000 slides, and 5,000 old photographs) had already acquired an archival value as the result of the disappearance of a number of the works of art. The conservation and processing of the collection was undertaken by the Ministère des Affaires culturelles in 1970. In collaboration with the Centre de documentation de l’université Laval, the documents were studied, reclassified according to Geographical location, and described in a manner which allows researchers to identify quickly the title, the symbolic content, and the technical features of each work. The collection is open to all researchers upon application to the Ministère des Affaires culturelles.
PUBLIC ARCHIVES of CANADA, Ottawa. In 1873 the government of Canada commissioned Douglas Brymner and Abbé H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau* to investigate the holdings of English and French archives with a view to copying documents concerning the early history of Canada. The work of transcribing and microfilming such manuscripts, and of collecting original materials, has proceeded since that time.
Many unpublished finding aids are available only in the archives. The following Preliminary inventories and Inventories to manuscript and record groups used in the preparation of volume III have been published by the manuscript division:
General inventory, manuscripts, I (1971).
MG 1–MG 10.
General inventory, manuscripts, IV (1972).
MG 22–MG 25.
Manuscript group 11, Public Record Office,
London, Colonial Office papers (1961)
Manuscript group 17, religious archives (1967)
Manuscript group 18, pre-conquest papers (1964)
Manuscript group 19, fur trade and Indians, 1763–1867 (1954)
Manuscript group 21, transcripts from papers
in the British Museum (1955)
Manuscript group 30, twentieth century manuscripts (1966)
Record group 1, Executive Council, Canada,
1764–1867 (1953)
Record group 4, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867 (1953)
Record group 10, Indian affairs (1951)
Unpublished “addenda” for the above inventories are available for consultation at the PAC. Also available is the unpublished provisional inventory, “Manuscript group 36, finding aids to sources in other archival repositories.” Revised inventories to record groups 1 and 4 are in preparation.
See also: “Guides to calendars of series and collections in the Public Archives,” PAC Report, 1949, 451–59; H. P. Beers, The French & British in the old Northwest: a bibliographical guide to archive and manuscript sources (Detroit, 1964) and The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, 1957).
The following collections were found useful in the preparation of volume III:
MG 6: Archives départementales, municipales, maritimes et de bibliothèques (France)
A: Archives départementales
2: Charente-Maritime (La Rochelle). Transcriptions, 1599–1786; microfilm, 1616–1787.
MG 7: Bibliothèques de Paris
I: Bibliothèque nationale
A: Département des manuscrits
3: Nouvelles acquisitions françaises. Transcriptions, 1510–1889; microfilm, 1660–1889; photocopies, 1619–86.
II: Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal. Transcriptions, 1673–1772.
V: Bibliothèque du Musée d’histoire naturelle. Transcriptions, 1749–55.
MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-
France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècles)
A: Documents généraux
2: Jugements et délibérations du Conseil supérieur. Transcriptions, 1717–59.
6: Ordonnances des intendants. Transcriptions, 1705–60.
14: Conseil supérieur: matières civiles. Transcriptions, 1682–1712.
B: District de Québec
1: Registres de la Prévôté de Québec. Transcriptions, 1666–1759.
3: Prévôté: pièces diverses. Transcriptions, 1689–1746.
6: Successions, tutelles et émancipations. Transcriptions, 1639–1736.
C: District de Montréal
3: Répertoire de greffes de notaires. Transcriptions, 1648–1842; photocopies, 1740–1814.
4: Index des contrats de mariage. Transcriptions, 1650–1839.
E: Régime militaire
6: Chambre de milice de Montréal. Transcriptions, 1760–64.
F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux
50: Livaudière. Transcriptions, 1733–54.
G: Archives paroissiales
24: Québec. Transcriptions, 1621–1847.
MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records
B: Nova Scotia
8: Church records
9: Local records
MG 11: Public Record Office, London: Colonial Office papers
Nova Scotia A: Correspondence. Transcripts and photocopies, 1603–1840. Up to 1801 this series is a composite of transcripts from various sources in Great Britain, especially the PRO. By the time that the work of transcription had reached 1802 the PRO had established the CO 217 series. For the period 1802–31 Nova Scotia A consists of transcripts from CO 217, and for the period 1831–40 of photocopies from the same series. Documents for the period covered by volume III are calendared in PAC Report, 1894.
Nova Scotia B: Minutes of the Executive
Council. Transcripts, 1720–85. A composite series taken principally from sources which are now part of PRO, CO 217 or CO 220. Documents for the period covered by volume III are calendared in PAC Report, 1949.
MG 17: Religious archives
A: Église catholique
3: Séminaire des Missions étrangères, Paris. Transcriptions, 1640–1851.
D: Moravian Brethren
1: Moravian Brethren. Originals, 1827–1955; transcripts, 1752, 1770–79; microfilm, 1749–1944.
MG 18: Pre-conquest papers
F: Acadia and Newfoundland
10: Morris, Charles. Photocopies, [1748].
12: Pichon, Thomas. Transcripts, 1750–62; photocopies, 1754–55.
13: Lawrence, Charles. Photocopies, 1754–55; typewritten copies, 1747–61.
20: Chalmers collection. Photocopies, 1755–1817.
23: Holdsworth, Arthur. Originals, 1730–73.
24: Keen, William. Original, 1736.
H: New France
13: Denys, famille. Original, 1710; transcriptions, 1655–1787; microfilm, 1654–1870; photocopies, 1658, 1724.
17: Taschereau, famille. Originaux, 1707–1874.
28: Morin, Pierre-Louis. Originaux, 1836–84; transcriptions, 1504–1763.
J: Memoirs and travel
8: Boucault, Nicolas-Gaspard, Originaux, 1754; photocopies, 1728, 1738.
L: British officers
1: Colvill(e), Alexander, Baron. Photocopies, 1732–64.
4: Amherst family. Microfilm, 1758–63; transcripts, 1758–1836; photocopies, 1758–1854.
M: Northcliffe collection [see also section ii]
Series 1: Robert Monckton papers. Originals, transcripts, and printed papers, 1742–1834.
Series 3: Separate items. Originals, transcripts, and printed items, 1683–1799.
N: Military and naval documents
8: New England troops, muster rolls of. Originals, 1760; transcripts, 1710–60.
13: Beaujeu, Louis Liénard de. Photocopie, 1747.
15: Seven Years’ War. Originals, 1758–60; transcripts, 1754–59.
16: Louisbourg: 1758 campaign. Originals, 1758; transcripts, 1757.
30: Hopson, Peregrine Thomas. Originals, 1752–58.
O: Miscellaneous
6: Couagne, famille. Originaux, 1761–69.
9: Hancock, Thomas and John. Microfilm, 1744–83.
MG 19: Fur trade and Indians
F: Indians
1: Claus family. Originals, 1755–1886.
MG 21: Transcripts from papers in the British Museum
E: Nova Scotia
5: Add. mss 19069–76. Papers relating to Nova Scotia collected by Dr Andrew Brown. Transcripts, Add. mss 19069–74; photocopies, Add. mss 19075–76.
H: Military and naval
10: The King’s topographical collection, CXIX, 107B. Report by J. H. Bastide on the fortifications of Newfoundland. Photocopy, 1750.
MG 23: Late eighteenth century papers
C: Nova Scotia
16: How, Edward. Transcripts, 1744–90.
GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures
l: Murray, James. Originals, 1757–78; transcripts, 1734–92; photocopies, 1765–93.
2: Collier, John and family. Transcripts, 1723–79.
19: Monk family. Originals, 1735–1888.
GIII: Quebec and Lower Canada: merchants and settlers
25: Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal. Microfilm, 1712–1930.
28: Guy, Pierre, père et fils. Microfilm, 1739–79.
MG 24: Nineteenth century pre-confederation papers
L: Miscellaneous
3: Collection Baby. Originaux, 1871, 1879; transcriptions, 1629–1907; microfilm, 1691, 1740–1836.
MG 30: Twentieth century manuscripts
D: Education and cultural development
58: Roy, Pierre-Georges. Originaux, c.1915–23; photocopie, 1917.
62: Audet, Francis Joseph. Originaux, 1907–42.
RG 1: Executive Council of Canada, 1764–1867
E: State records
1: Minute books (state matters). Originals, 1764–1867; certified typed copies, 1764–91.
RG 4: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Quebec, Lower Canada and Canada East
A: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1760–1841
1: S series. Originals, 1760–1840.
RG 10: Indian affairs records
A: Administration records of the imperial government, 1677–1860
2: Records of the superintendent’s office. Originals, 1755–1830.
3: Records of the military. Originals, 1677–1841.
National Map Collection. A separate division within the PAC since 1908, the National Map Collection has assembled much of the cartographic record of Canada, both archival and current, as well as architectural and engineering drawings of national interest. For the period 1700–1800 over 2,000 maps, charts, plans, atlases, drawings, and related cartographical materials have been acquired, touching upon the exploration of the country, the settlement of the land, the evolution of political boundaries, and urban development. These include original and printed items as well as many photocopies of materials, the originals of which are in other archives, mainly French and British.
PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. Founded in 1857 when the Nova Scotian government decided to preserve and arrange “the ancient records and documents illustrative of the History and progress of Society in this province,” thus establishing the first provincial archives in Canada. The present fireproof building was officially opened on 14 Jan. 1931, and records were transferred from various government departments. The archives also contains court papers, municipal records, family and business papers, collections of societies such as the Nova Scotia Historical Society, community and church records, microfilm copies of deeds and wills from county registries and courts of probate, and a collection of Nova Scotian newspapers. For further information see: C. B. Fergusson, The Public Archives of Nova Scotia (PANS Bull., 19, Halifax, 1963). For a further description of the collections cited in volume III see: Catalogue or list of manuscript documents, arranged, bound and catalogued under the direction of the commissioner of public records . . . (Halifax,1877; 2nd ed., 1886). Available for use at PANS are sections of an “Inventory of manuscripts” which is now being compiled for publication in 1975.
Materials used in the preparation of volume III include:
MG 1: Papers of families and individuals
109–11: Winthrop Bell, “Register of Lunenburg settlers.” Originals.
472–74: Edward How family. Originals.
RG 1: Miscellaneous government documents which had been arranged in bound volumes
7: Annapolis Royal, N. S. – Letters and other documents from governors Nicholson and Philipps at Annapolis Royal to Secretary of State and Plantations Office, 1712–25. Transcripts.
8: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Letters and orders relating to affairs of Annapolis Royal, 6 June 1711–October 1713, while under the government of Colonel Samuel Vetch. Transcripts.
9: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Government at Annapolis Royal, including memorials of Captain Paul Mascarene, 1713, 1714, 1720–25; private letter book and journal of Governor Paul Mascarene, 1742–53; also letters from and to Mascarene, Governor William Shirley, and others, as well as other papers, 1710–53. Transcripts.
12: Nova Scotia – Documents relating to Nova Scotia and its connection with the government of Massachusetts Bay, 1725–44, including journal of proceedings of conference held by governors of Mas-
sachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York with eastern Indians at Casco Bay, 1725. Transcripts.
13: Nova Scotia – Papers from Public Record Office, London, regarding Nova Scotia, 1745–50. Transcripts.
13½: Nova Scotia – Papers from Public Record Office, London, regarding Nova Scotia, 1745–49. Transcripts.
14: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Letters written by governors R. Philipps, Paul Mascarene, Lawrence Armstrong, and others to the Board of Trade and Secretary of State, to French deputies and others, 2 Jan. 1719–8 June 1742. Contemporary copies. Published in abstract in N.S. Archives, II [see section ii].
17: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Dispatches from governors of Nova Scotia to Secretary of State, 1720–48. Transcripts.
18: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Dispatches from governors of Nova Scotia to Board of Trade and Plantations, February 1715/16–April 1749. Transcripts.
21: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Commission and letter book, 1742–49. Original.
23: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Minutes of H.M. Council at Annapolis Royal, September 1720–1732. Transcripts.
26: Annapolis Royal, N.S. – Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials at Annapolis Royal, 1702–28. Original, in French.
37: Nova Scotia – Dispatches from governors of Nova Scotia to Board of Trade and Plantations, 26 Oct. 1760–25 Nov. 1781. Transcripts.
134: Nova Scotia–Dispatches and letters of governors and secretaries of Nova Scotia and other colonies in North America, including several documents relating to the Acadians, and to the French governors of Cape Breton, November 1753–June 1755. Original, known as “Inland letter-book.”
163: Nova Scotia commission and order book, July 1749–Nov. 1759. Original.
163/ 1: 14 July 1749–23 Sept. 1752
163/2: 3 Aug. 1752–27 Oct. 1753
163/3: 2 Nov. 1753–13 Nov. 1759
164: Nova Scotia commission book, 1749–66. Original.
164/ 1: May 1749–29 July 1752
164/2: 4 May 1752–4 June 1766
165: Nova Scotia commission and order book, 1759–66. Original.
206: Nova Scotia minutes of Council concerning intestate and insolvent estates, 4 March 1761–19 Feb. 1781. Originals.
342: Nova Scotia – Papers connected with crown prosecutions for treason, murder, etc., 1749–79, and also concerning the Lunenburg riots of 1753. Originals.
382: Lunenburg, N.S. – Documents relative to the settlement of the town, 1751–99, 1828. Originals.
492: Nova Scotia court of vice-admiralty, record of proceedings and some commissions and letters of marque, June 1751–November 1756. Originals.
RG 3: Minutes of Nova Scotia Council, 1750–66. Originals and transcripts.
ARCHIVES DÉPARTEMENTALES. The departmental archives of France contain valuable information on many figures belonging to early Canadian history. For lists of analytical inventories see: France, Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–54 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières . . . à la date du 31 décembre 1961 (Paris, 1962). For copies of documents in the PAC see: General inventory, manuscripts, I (Ottawa, 1971), 87–99. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives. A list of the various series maybe found in DCB, II, 683–84.
Series cited in volume III:
B: Cours et juridictions
E: Titres de famille, états civils, notaires [États civils are often more complete in municipal archives.]
The archives of the following departments have been consulted:
Alpes-Maritimes Loire-Atlantique
Ardennes Maine-et-Loire
Bouches-du-Rhône Nord
Charente-Maritime Puy-de-Dôme
Côte-d’Or Seine-Maritime
Eure Tarn-et-Garonne
Gironde Var
Haute-Vienne Vendée
Haut-Rhin Vienne
Ille-et-Vilaine Yonne
Landes Yvelines
INSPECTION DU GÉNIE. The Dépôt des fortifications was for a long time subject to the
authority of the Ministère de la Guerre; in 1791, however, it was placed under the Direction des officiers du Génie, and later the Comité technique du Génie. The governing authority is now the Inspection du Génie. The aim of the establishment has always been to create a collection illustrating the art of fortification by the accumulation of memoirs, maps and plans, and printed works.
There are two repositories:
Archives du Génie. Situated at the Château de Vincennes, this archives originally included 23 articles. A certain number have been turned over to other archives, notably article 9 (Colonies françaises), which is now in AN, Section Outre-mer, Dépôt des fortifications des colonies, and article 16 (Cartes), which has passed to the BN. There remain, however, several registres or cartons which contain information on former French colonies.
Articles used in the preparation of volume III include:
Article 3: Personnel
Article 8: Place française
Article 14: Places étrangères: Amérique septentrionale, possessions anglaises, États-Unis, Louisbourg, île Royale . . .
Article 15: Histoire militaire, campagnes et sièges
Bibliothèque du Génie, 39, rue de Bellechasse. The library contains both manuscript items, dating from the middle of the 17th century, and printed works. The manuscripts are catalogued in France, Ministère de la Guerre, Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: bibliothèques de la Guerre (Paris, 1911).
Manuscript items used in the preparation of volume III include:
mss in 4°, 66: Collection Lafitte (mémoires divers sur les sièges et campagnes)
mss in fol., 205b: “Registres des lettres écrites de rapport au service des fortifications de l’Isle Royale et du Canada.” 1750–55.
mss in fol., 208: “Estat alphabétique des ingénieurs du Roi en 1743 où sont marqués les apointements qu’ils avoient en 1717 et les grades et augmentations qui leur ont été accordés depuis.” The list stops at the letter V, which is incomplete.
mss in fol., 208c: État des ingénieurs du roi. 1683–1777.
mss in fol., 210f: contains a manuscript account of Louis FRANQUET’s journey to Île Saint-Jean, Baie-Verte, Beauséjour, Fort Gaspereau, and Port-Toulouse in 1751; several letters (with maps and plans) from
Franquet to Noël de Régemortes, dated from Louisbourg in 1751; and a manuscript account of François-Claude-Victor GRILLOT de Poilly’s survey of Île Royale in 1757.
SERVICE HISTORIQUE DE L’ARMEE. This archival group was officially formed in 1688; the earliest volumes date from 1631. Now housed at the Pavillon du Roi, Château de Vincennes, the archives were, before 1919, referred to as the Archives de la Guerre. The organization of the archives is described in Madeleine Lenoir, “La documentation historique militaire en France,” Revue de défense nationale (Paris), numéro hors série (décembre 1952); J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii]. The archives consists of two separate collections, the historical archives and the administrative archives. A manuscript inventory is available at PAC: Louise Dechêne, “Inventaire analytique des documents relatifs à l’histoire du Canada conservés en France au Service historique de l’Armée.”
The following series from the two collections were used in the preparation of volume III:
Archives historiques
A: Archives antérieures à 1789
A1: Correspondance générale, opérations militaires. Inventoried in France, Archives de la Guerre, Inventaire sommaire des archives historiques (archives anciennes: correspondance) . . . ,Félix Brun, comp. (Paris, 1898).
A3: Fonds divers
Mémoires historiques et reconnaissances militaires. Inventoried in Louis Tuetey, Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: Archives de la Guerre (3v., Paris, 1910–12).
Mémoires historiques. Comprising diaries of campaigns, accounts of battles and sieges. (The Reconnaissances militaires are mostly documents of a topographic nature. Also included in the series are more than 1,100 articles relating to military administration.)
Archives administratives
X: Corps des troupes
Xe: Génie: administration des corps et écoles, bâtiments (à l’exclusion des travaux) (1715–1870)
X1: Troupes coloniales (1770–1830)
Y: Documents individuels
Ya: Mémoires et projets
Yb: Contrôles “officiers.” Classified only for the years 1715–90.
Yd: Dossiers individuels. Not yet classified.
Y4d: Brigadiers
Sub-series Xe, Xi, Yb, and Yd are inventoried in France, Archives de la Guerre, Inventaire des archives conservées au Service historique de l’État-major de l’Armée, château de Vincennes (archives modernes) (2e éd., rev. et complétée par M.-A. Fabre et al.,Paris, 1954).
ARCHIVES NATIONALES, Paris. The Archives nationales was founded in 1789 to accommodate the original papers of the Constituent Assembly. The papers of the pre-revolutionary administration were added later. The basic inventories are: France, Direction des Archives, Inventaire sommaire et tableau méthodique des fonds conservés aux Archives nationales, lre partie, régime antérieur à 1789 (Paris, 1871); État sommaire par séries des documents conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1891); Catalogue des manuscrits conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1892). Guides to finding aids are: France, Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, cornmunales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938), and Supplément, 1937–54 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); Gilles Héon, “Fonds intéressant le Canada conservés en France: quelques instruments de recherche,” Archives, 73–1 (Québec), 40–50. J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii], and H. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, 1957), give sketches of the history and organization of the archives. For copies in the PAC of documents in the Archives nationales see: General inventory, manuscripts, I (Ottawa, 1971), 5–48.
The basic classification of the Archives nationales is as follows:
I: Section ancienne (which includes the Fonds des Colonies and the Fonds de la Marine)
II: Service des Sceaux
III: Section moderne
IV: Section contemporaine
V : Section Outre-mer
VI: Département des activités scientifiques, culturelles, et techniques
The following material from sections I, V, and VI was used in the preparation of volume III:
I: Section ancienne
G: Administration financière, etc.
G5: Amirauté et conseil des prises, 1675–1758
L: “Monuments” ecclésiastiques
LL: Registres
M: Mélanges
Fonds des Colonies. These records date from 1458 and consist largely of pre-1815 documents, although some material up to 1898 is included. Eventually they will be integrated with the Section Outre-mer [q.v.]. Colbert established the distinction between papers relating to the Marine and those concerning the colonies and also laid down the major series in the Fonds des Colonies. These series and the many later sub-divisions of series are described in Étienne Taillemite, “Les archives des colonies françaises aux Archives nationales,” Gazette des Archives (Paris), XLVI (1964), 93–116. For copies of manuscripts in the PAC see: General inventory, manuscripts, I, 5–16.
A: Actes du pouvoir souverain, 1669–1782. Royal edicts and ordinances, proclamations of the Conseil d’État, etc.
B: Correspondance envoyée, 1663–1815. Dispatches of the king, the minister of Marine, and the Conseil d’État to officials in the colonies. For the 17th and 18th centuries see the following calendars: Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire analytique de la correspondance générale avec les colonies, depart, série B (déposée aux Archives nationales), I, registres 1 à 37 (1654–1715) (Paris, 1959), and PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 245–548; Report, 1904, App. K, 1–312; Report, 1905, I,pt. vi, 3–446.
C: Correspondance générale, lettres reçues. Letters from officials in the colonies to the king and to the minister of Marine and some drafts of documents sent to the colonies.
C2: Inde, 1664–1808
C8: Martinique
C8A: 1663–1815. For an analysis of this series see: Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire de la série Colonies C8A, Martinique (correspondance à l’arrivée) (2v., Paris, 1967–71). [Articles I to 121.]
C8B: 1635–1789
C9: Saint-Domingue
C9A : 1664–1789
C11: Canada et colonies d’Amérique du Nord
C11A: Canada, 1458–1784. A calendar of documents is published in PAC Report, 1885, xxix–lxxix; Report, 1886, xxxix–cl; Report, 1887, cxl–ccxxxix. See also: Parker, Guide, 227ff [see section iii]. An unpublished index for this series exists at the PAC.
C11B: Île Royale, 1712–62. Volumes 1–38 are calendared in Parker, Guide, 241–45, and PAC Report, 1887, cclxxxii–cccxciv.
C11C: Amérique du Nord, 1661–1898. Papers concerning Newfoundland, Îles de la Madeleine, Île Royale, and Gaspé. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 246, and PAC Report, 1887, cccxiv–cccxcviii. An unpublished index to C11B and C11Cis available at the Fortress of Louisbourg and on microfilm at the PAC.
C11D: Acadie, 1603–1788. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 238–40, and PAC Report, 1887, ccxxxix–cclxiii.
C11E: Canada, divers, 1651–1818. Letters etc. dealing with boundary disputes. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 240–41, and PAC Report, 1887,cclxiii–cclxxxii.
C11G: Correspondance Raudot-Pontchartrain, Domaine d’Occident et île Royale, 1677–1758. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 246–48, and PAC Report, 1889, Supp.,201–44.
C13: Louisiane
C13A: 1678–1803
C13B: 1699–1803
C13c: 1673–1782
D: Matricules des troupes
D2C: Troupes des colonies, 1627–1885. Selected volumes are calendared in PAC Report, 1905, 1, pt. vi, 508–18.
The following volume was particularly useful:
222: Alphabet Laffilard. Service records of officers who served in the colonies before 1740.
D2D: Personnel militaire et civil, 1685–1789
E: Personnel individuel
F: Documents divers
F1: Commerce aux colonies
F1A: Fonds des colonies, 1670–1789. Financial documents.
F2: Commerce aux colonies
F2B: Commerce des colonies, 1663–1790
F2C:Colonies en général, 1704–89
F3: Collection Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1540–1806. Seventeenth-, 18th- and 19th-century originals, and copies of documents in the C11A and B series and of others that have since disappeared. Papers relating to Canada, Louisiana, Île Royale, Saint-Pierre, and Miquelon
have been copied and microfilmed by the PAC. Calendared in PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 39–191 ;Report, 1905, I, pt. vi, 447–505; Parker, Guide, 249–53.
F5A: Missions religieuses, 1639–1808. Inventoried in Albert Mirot, Inventaire général des documents relatifs aux missions religieuses conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, s.d.), and PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 192–200.
Fonds de la Marine. After the formation of the Marine under Colbert, papers relating to the navy and to colonial affairs were collected in the Fonds de la Marine. In 1884 the Fonds des Colonies were separated from the Marine. The material in the Fonds de la Marine extends to 1870. For descriptions of the archives see: Didier Neuville, État sommaire des Archives de la Marine antérieures à la Révolution (Paris, 1898); J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 157–243; Étienne Taillemite, Les archives anciennes de la Marine (Académie de Marine, Paris, [1961]). For copies of manuscripts in the PAC see: General inventory, manuscripts, I,24–30.
A: Actes du pouvoir souverain, 1558–1790
B: Service général. Inventoried in Didier Neuville et al., Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, série B: service général (8v., Paris, 1885–1963).
B1: Décisions, 1686–1786. Reports prepared for the council of the Marine, the king, the minister of Marine, and the Conseil d’État.
B2: Correspondance, lettres envoyées, 1662–1789. The kings’ and ministers’ orders to the department of the Marine, military commanders, and intendants of the Marine in French ports.
B3: Correspondance, lettres reçues, 1660–1789. Correspondence received by the minister from the ports of France and from various authorities. For a name and subject index to this and the two preceding series see: Étienne Taillemite et al., Tables des noms de lieux, de personnes, de matières et de navires, sous-série B1, B2 et B3 (Paris, 1969).
B4: Campagnes, 1640–1789. Material relating to naval campaigns.
C: Personnel
C1: Officiers militaires de la Marine, 1400–1789. “Revues Laffilard” and “Alphabets Laffilard” are contained in volumes 105–7, 151, 153–55, 157, 160–61.
C2: Officiers civils de la Marine, 1663–1770
C6: Rôles d’équipage, 1668–1792
C7: Personnel individuel, 1651–1789
G: Mémoires et documents divers
Dépôt du service central hydrographique (formerly Archives du service hydrographique)
1 JJ: Correspondance du directeur du service central hydrographique, 1643–1909
4 JJ: Journaux de bord, [1594]–1789, 1815–71. For an analysis of this sub-series see: Georges Bourgin et Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire des archives de la Marine, service hydrographique, sous-série 4 JJ (journaux de bord) . . .(Paris, 1963).
V: Section Outre-mer. The Section Outre-mer came into being on 1 Jan. 1961 when the Ministère de la France d’Outre-mer ceased to exist. This section preserves post-1815 documents relating to the colonies; pre-1815 material remains in the Section ancienne as the Fonds des Colonies [q.v.]. Two important series dealing with the earlier period are, however, to be found in the Section Outre-mer and were of use in the preparation of volume III. For copies of manuscripts in the PAC see: General inventory, manuscripts, I, 31–48.
Dépôt des fortifications des colonies. This series contains technical reports, maps, reports on discoveries, fisheries, commerce, and military campaigns, as well as papers on the Compagnie des Indes. Series Amérique septentrionale and Louisiane were used in the preparation of volume III. Another series, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, concerns North America. A manuscript inventory of the various series is available at the AN. See: PAC Report, 1905, I, pt. iii, 3–43; J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 535–59.
G: Dépôt des papiers publics des colonies
G1: Registres d’état civil, recensements et documents divers
406–9: État civil de Louisbourg, 1722–58
410: bat civil de l’île Royale, 1715–57
411: État civil de l’île Saint-Jean, 1721–44, 1749–58
412: État civil de la Louisiane, 1720–34
413: État civil de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 1763–89
459: Réfugiés, 1781–89. Lists of French inhabitants of North America who took refuge in France or in the French colonies.
462: Concessions du Canada, de l’île Royale et de l’île Saint-Jean, 1670–1760
464: Louisiane, 1706–37. General correspondence, lists of passengers who embarked for Louisiana, censuses, etc.
465: Concessions de la Louisiane, 1696–1881
466: Recensements de l’Acadie, de l’île Royale et de l’île Saint-Jean, 1671–1758, et des pièces relatives aux concessions de l’île Royale.
467: Recensements de Terre-Neuve, de Saint-Pierre et de Miquelon, 1671–1784
G2: Greffes des tribunaux
178–83, 185, 188–89, 190–93: Conseil supérieur de Louisbourg, 1678, 1711–58
196–99, 202–7, 209: Bailliage de Louisbourg, 1733–58
212: Bailliage de Louisbourg, 1756–57; Conseil de Louisbourg, 1749–56
213, 215: Conseil supérieur et contrôle de la Marine à Québec, 1666–1758
G3: Notariat
7–8, 2037–39, 2041–47, 2055–58: Louisbourg, 1715–58
VI: Département des activités scientifiques, culturelles, et techniques
AQ: Archives d’entreprises. Inventoried in Bertrand Gille, État sommaire des archives d’entreprises conservées aux Archives nationales (série AQ) ( date, Paris, 1957). [Covering l AQ to 64 AQ.]
62 AQ: Papiers Du Gard
Minutier central des notaires de Paris et du département de la Seine
BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, Paris. The holdings of the BN are based on the collections of the Bibliothèque du Roi, founded by Charles V; collections seized during the revolution (the libraries of émigrés and Paris convents) were added later. From the time of François I copyright has assured it all works printed or published in French territory.
Since 1721 the Bibliothèque nationale has been divided into departments on the basis of the nature of the documents kept: Cartes et plans, Estampes, Imprimés, Manuscrits, Médailles, Musique, Périodiques. For biographical research on Canada the most important is the manuscript department, consisting of documents classified by language as well as independent collections. The French manuscripts are the most numerous and are divided among the Fonds français (Fr.), the Nouvelles acquisitions françaises (NAF), and
the Clairambault, Colbert (Cinq-cents and Mélanges), Joly de Fleury, and Moreau collections. For a description of the BN see: J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii]; W. G. Leland et al., Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris . . .(CarnegieInstitution of Washington Pubs., 392, 2v., Washington, 1932–43), I: Libraries. See also the following catalogues to the French manuscripts (alphabetical indexes are available): J.-A. Taschereau et al., Catalogue des manuscrits français (5v., Paris, 1868–1902) [Fr. 1–6170]; H.-A. Omont et al., Catalogue général des manuscrits français (13v., Paris, 1895–1918) [Fr. 6171–33264; NAF 1–11353, 20001–2811]; BN, Dép. des mss, Nouvelles acquisitions françaises, 1946–1957 (Paris, 1967) [NAF 13005–4061, 24219–5100]; Philippe Lauer, Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection Clairambault (3v., Paris, 1923–32); C.-G.-M. Bourel de La Roncière, Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection des Cinq cents de Colbert (Paris, 1908); C.-G.-M. Bourel de La Roncière et P.-M. Bondois, Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection des Mélanges de Colbert (2v., Paris, 1920–22); Auguste Molinier, Inventaire sommaire de la collection Joly de Fleury (Paris, 1881); H.-A. Omont, Inventaire des manuscrits de la collection Moreau (Paris, 1891). For other guides to the Manuscrits and for catalogues to other departments see: Les catalogues imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale: liste établie en l943 suivie d’un supplément (1944–1952) (Paris, 1953); Catalogues et publications en vente (Paris, 1973). A revised guide to the catalogues is under way; Les catalogues du département des Imprimés appeared in 1970; “Les catalogues du département des Manuscrits” will be published shortly.
BRITISH MUSEUM, London. In 1753 the British Museum was established as the repository for the Sloane collection of manuscripts, which were numbered from 1 to 4100. Since that time many collections have been acquired and variously designated. Used in the preparation of volume III were the Egerton, Sloane, and Additional manuscripts and the King’s topographical collection. For a brief guide to catalogues of the manuscript
collections see: T. C. Skeat, “The catalogues of the British Museum, 2: Manuscripts,” Journal of Documentation (London), VII (1951), 18–60; revised as British Museum: the catalogues of the manuscript collections (London, 1962). For copies in the PAC of documents from the British Museum see: Preliminary inventory, manuscript group 21 . . . (Ottawa, 1955).
Add. mss 15955–57: Private and official correspondence of George, Lord Anson, 1744 –62
Add. mss 19069–76: Papers relating to Nova Scotia collected by Dr Andrew Brown
19070: Paul Mascarene papers, 1713–46/47
19071: Papers relating to Nova Scotia, 1720–91
Add. mss 21631–60: Henry Bouquet papers, 1757–65
Add. mss 21661–892: Official correspondence and papers of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 1758–85
21661: Correspondence mainly with Sir Jeffery Amherst on military affairs, 1758–77
21662: Correspondence with Thomas Gage on military affairs, I: Three Rivers, in Lower Canada, 1758–66
21670: Correspondence with Sir William Johnson and Guy Johnson, together with other papers relating to Indian affairs, 1759–74
21679: Correspondence mainly with military agents in New York and London, 1765–78
21687: Miscellaneous papers, regimental returns, etc., relating to troops in North America, 1756–76
21728: Miscellaneous correspondence, 1757–68
Add. mss 23780–830: Original despatches and letters of Thomas Robinson [later Baron Grantham], 1730–50
23830: October 1748–July 1750
Add. mss 28126–57: Papers of Sir John Norris, 1703–46
Add. mss 32686–992: Official correspondence of Thomas Lekham Holles, Duke of Newcastle, 1697–1768
32709: Home correspondence, October–December 1746
32713: Home correspondence, September–December 1747
32716: Home correspondence, August–September 1748
32733: Home correspondence, October–December 1753
32736: Home correspondence, July–September 1754
Add. mss 33028–30: Papers relating to Ameri-
can and West Indian colonies which passed through the Duke of Newcastle’s hands, 1701–68 (with a few of later date, to 1802)
33029: 1744–58
Add. mss 35349–36278: Hardwicke papers
35870: Minutes of cabinet and privy council, 1733–66
35909: Papers relating to the American plantations, 1710–58
35915: Papers relating to Canada and Newfoundland, 1766–73
Egerton mss
929: Miscellaneous letters and papers chiefly addressed to Charles Montagu [later Earl of Halifax]
3324–508: Leeds papers
3401–97: Papers of Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holdernesse
Sloane mss
3607: Correspondence and orders of Samuel Vetch, 1711–13
The King’s topographical collection comprises the map collection of King George III, purchased in 1828. It includes “many important contemporary ms surveys of the North American colonies and theatres of war in America.” The K. Top. collection was supplemented in 1968 by the collection of maps formed by Field Marshal Lord Amherst, many of which relate to the Seven Years’ War in North America. The relevant part of it is numbered Add. mss 57701–10.
HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES, London. The HBC archives comprises over 30,000 volumes and files of records dating from the founding of the company in 1670. The archives as constituted at present was established in 1932, and the work of organization proceeded thereafter [see R. H. G. Leveson Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver (Winnipeg), outfit 264 (December 1933), 40–42, 64; Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970), 65–70]. A publishing programme was undertaken by the Hudson’s Bay Record Society [see section ii], and in 1949 the HBC and PAC arranged jointly to microfilm the records. In 1974 the original records will move to Winnipeg, where they will form part of the Manitoba Provincial Archives. Information on the PAC copies is found in PAC Report, 1950, 13–14; 1952, 16–18; 1953–54, 21–22; 1955–58, 44–46.
Documents from the following categories were used in the preparation of volume III:
Section A: London office records
A.1/: Minute books of the governor and committee
A.2/: General Court minute books
A.5/: London outward correspondence books – general
A.6/: London outward correspondence books – HBC official
A.11/: Correspondence from HBC factories to governor and committee
A.15/: Grand journals
A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers
A.43/: Transfer books (books of assignments of stock)
A.44/: Register books of wills and administrations
Section B: North America trading post records
B.3/a: Albany journals
B.3/b: Albany correspondence
B.3/d: Albany account books
B.42/a: Churchill records
B.42/d: Churchill account books
B.59/a: Eastmain journals
B.68/a: Flamborough House journals
B.68/b: Flamborough House correspondence books
B.86/a: Henley journals
B.135/a: Moose journals
B.182/a: Richmond journals
B.239/a: York journals
B.239/b: York correspondence books
Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC
C.1/: Ships’ logs
C.2/: Seamen’s wages books
Section E: Records of a varied nature, mainly originating from Canada, which do not be long in sections such as B (post records)
E.2/: “Observations on Hudson’s Bay.” Pieces 1–3 are by James Isham, 4–13 by Andrew Graham.
E.18/1: Parliamentary select committee of enquiry on state and condition of countries adjoining Hudson’s Bay, held in 1749 – miscellaneous papers, 1733–49
E.18/2: Parliamentary select committee of enquiry on state and condition of countries adjoining Hudson’s Bay, held in 1749 – log of California,1746–47
Section G: Maps, both manuscript and published (not including maps which are attached to journals or other documents)
G.l/: Manuscript charts
PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the contents and arrangement of these archives see: Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68). Since
1969 the holdings of the PRO have been divided between two repositories, Chancery Lane and Portugal Street. Of the series cited in volume III, CO 5, CO 110, CO 194, and CO 217 are to be found at Chancery Lane; the remainder are at Portugal Street. Lists of additions to the archives since 1966 are available at both repositories. For copies of Colonial Office documents available at the PAC see: Preliminary inventory, manuscript group 11 . . . (Ottawa, 1961).
The documentary series cited in volume III include:
Accounting departments
Adm. 25: Officers, half pay (1693–1836)
Ships’ musters
Adm. 36: Series I (1688–1808)
Ships’ pay books
Adm. 33: Treasurer’s. Series I (1669–1778)
Admiralty and secretariat
Adm. 1: Papers (1660–1951)
Adm. 2: Out-letters (1656–1859)
Adm. 3: Minutes (1657–1881)
Log books
Adm. 50: Admirals’ journals (1702–1916)
Adm. 51: Captains’ logs (1669–1852)
Adm. 52: Masters’ logs (1672–1840)
Registers, returns and certificates
Adm. 6: Various (1673–1859)
Adm. 7: Miscellanea (1563–1871)
Adm. 8: List books (1673–1893)
Greenwich Hospital
Adm. 80: Various (1639–1957)
Navy Board
Adm. 107: Passing certificates (1691–1848)
Colonial Office. [See: R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (PRO handbooks, 3, London, 1964).]
America and West Indies
CO 5: Original correspondence ([1606]–1807)
CO 110: Original correspondence, etc. (1758–1816)
CO 194: Original correspondence (1696–1922)
CO 195: Entry books (1623–1867)
Nova Scotia and Cape Breton
CO 217: Original correspondence (1710/11–1867)
CO 218: Entry books (1710–1867)
Colonies, general
CO 325: Miscellanea (1744–1858)
Court of King’s (Queen’s) Bench
Plea Side
KB 122: Plea or judgement rolls (1702–1875)
Exchequer and Audit Department
AO 17: Absorbed departments (1580–1867)
High Court of Admiralty
Instance and prize courts
HCA 32: Prize papers (1661–1855)
Index (available for various classes)
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (formerly held at Somerset House)
Prob. 6: Act books: administrations (1559–1858)
Prob. 11: Registered copy, wills (1384–1858)
Privy Council Office
PC 2: Registers (1540–1957)
Public Record Office
Documents acquired by gift, deposit or purchase
PRO 30/8: Chatham papers
State Paper Office
SP 42: Naval (1689–1782)
SP 43: Regencies (1716–1760)
T 38: Departmental (1558–1881)
T 29: Minute books (1667–1870)
War Office
WO l: In-letters (1732–1868)
WO 4: Out-letters: secretary-at-war (1684–1861)
WO 12: Muster books and pay lists: general (1732–1878)
WO 25: Registers, various (1660–1938)
Private Collections
WO 34: Amherst papers (1712–1784)
Ordnance Office
WO 55: Miscellanea (1568–1923)
Judge Advocate General’s Office Courts martial
WO 71: Proceedings (1668–1956)
UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. Formed in 1965, the USPG is responsible for continuing work formerly carried on by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (incorporated by royal char-
ter, 1701) and the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa (founded, 1857). The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. Thus classifications used by Canadian archives holding USPG microfilm do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. Indexes are available at USPG, however, and most dated references are easily transferred. For copies of USPG archives documents in the PAC see: Preliminary inventory, manuscript group 17 . . .(Ottawa, 1967).
Documents from the following groups were used in preparing this volume:
A: Contemporary copies of letters received, 1701–38
B: Original letters received from the American colonies, the West Indies, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, 1701–86
Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860) of which the first two cover the eighteenth century.
DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit, Mich. Founded on the private library of Clarence Monroe Burton the collection concentrates on the history of Detroit and Michigan from the 17th century to the present. The collection contains personal papers, business records, church records, books, pamphlets, newspapers, maps, pictures, etc. Its holdings are listed in The national union catalog of manuscript collections . . .(Ann Arbor and Washington, 1962– ) .
Materials used in volume III include:
Macdonald (George Fortune) papers
Porteous (John) papers
Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de Sainte-Anne (Detroit, Mich.), 2 Feb. 1704–30 Dec. 1848. 5 vols. in 7. Manuscript copy.
Christian Denissen. [Genealogy of the French families of Detroit.] 26 vols. Typescript, n.d.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Cambridge, Mass. Founded in 1638 it now contains more than 8,800,000 volumes. The Canadian history and literature shelflist of its central research collection in the Widener Library, published in 1968
(Widener Library shelflist, 20 . . .), lists12,712 volumes and 1,078 pamphlets. The library of Francis Parkman* was received by bequest in 1894. Rare books and manuscripts, most of them not listed in the Shelflist, are housed in the Houghton Library, adjacent to the Widener. Manuscripts are traditionally cited under the heading, Harvard College Library.
The following collections were used in the preparation of volume III:
MS Can 1: the Chadenat collection of documents bearing on the history of the French in Canada, 3 boxes
MS Can 3: alphabetical file of autograph letters and documents
MS Can 39: “Reflexions Sur la contestation,” 1728
MS Can 45: Robert Stobo’s memoirs, 1760
MS Can 62: documents concerning the British army in Canada, 1744–45
MS Sparks 4: papers of Governor Francis Bernard, 12 vols.
Pepperrell papers
MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Boston, Mass. Founded in 1791 it is the oldest historical society in the United States. About half the holdings of the society are manuscripts and transcriptions. For further information see: S. T. Riley, The Massachusetts Historical Society, 1791–1959 (Boston, 1959); “The manuscript collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society: a brief listing,” M.H.S. Miscellany, 5 (December 1958); Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (7v., Boston, 1969).
The following collections were used in the preparation of volume III:
Belknap papers
Louisbourg mss
Mascarene family papers
Miscellaneous Large collection
Pepperrell papers
Waldo papers
Winslow papers
MASSACHUSETTS, SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH’S OFFICE, ARCHIVES, Boston, Mass. This archives contains primarily the records of the General Court of Massachusetts from the 17th century until the present day. For copies of documents in the PAC see: Preliminary inventory, manuscript group 18 . . . (Ottawa, 1964) .
The following series of documents are of interest for 17th- and 18th-century Canadian history:
“Massachusetts Archives.” This is the title usually given to the 326 volumes of legislative records rearranged in the 19th century by J. B. Felt and his successor according to subject. Excellent name card-indexes have been prepared for about 55 volumes on such subjects as colonial affairs (including letters received and sent to other North American and West Indian colonies), commerce, depositions, foreign affairs, judicial and pecuniary matters, and maritime records.
Executive records of the Council (called Council Records), about 150 vols. For the 17th and 18th centuries, the records cover 1650–56, 1686–87, and 1692 on.
Legislative records of the Council (called Court Records). These records cover the period 1692–1780. The first five volumes of the Court Records (binder’s title) are Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (Boston, 1853–54), which covers the period 1628–86.
Military records. These records consist of petitions, orders, receipts, and muster rolls for the period 1643–1788.
J. B. Poore’s transcripts from French archives, from the discovery of America to 1780, 10 vols. Copies of these copies were published by the Quebec legislature as Coll. de manuscrits relatifs à la N.-F. [See section ii; see also H. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, 1957), 153–56.]
WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The Clements Library houses source materials on America from 1493 to 1860. Its manuscript collections are concentrated in the years 1740 to 1840, and several of these collections concern the British side of the American revolution. These items are catalogued, and brief descriptions appear in The national union catalog of manuscript collections . . . (AnnArbor and Washington, 1962– ), and Guide to the manuscript collections in the William L. Clements Library, comp. W. S. Ewing (2nd ed., Ann Arbor, 1953).
The main documents used in volume III include:
George Clinton papers
Thomas Gage papers:
American series
Supplementary accounts
Peter Warren papers
Louisbourg papers
[AMHERST, JEFFERY.] The journal of Jeffery Amherst, recording the military career of General Amherst in America from 1758 to 1763. Edited with introduction and notes by John Clarence Webster. (Canadian historical studies. . . .) Toronto and Chicago, 1931.
Anglo–French boundary disputes in the west, 1749–1763. Edited with introduction and notes by Theodore Calvin Pease. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections,XXVII, French series, II.) Springfield, Ill., 1937.
APQ, AQ, and ANQ Rapports. Documents from the ANQ – as well as from other archives – have been published in the Rapport de l’archiviste de la province de Québec. Volumes correspond to the fiscal years for 1920–21 to 1948–49 and 1959–60; those for the years 1949–51 to 1957–59 include two years; no volumes were published for 1961 or 1962, but publication was resumed in 1963 as the AQ Rapport;the title ANQ Rapport dates from 1970. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) (1965).
L’île de Montréal en 1731 (A. Roy).
Inv. de pièces du Labrador (P.-G. Roy).
Inv. des papiers de Léry (P.-G. Roy).
Lettres de noblesse (P.-G. Roy).
I: Papiers Contrecœur (Grenier).
II: Provost, Le séminaire de Québec: documents et biographies.
“Aveu et dénombrement de messire Louis Normand, prêtre du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice de Montréal, au nom et comme fondé de procuration de messire Charles-Maurice Le Pelletier, supérieur du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice de Paris, pour la seigneurie de l’île de Montréal (1731),” APQ Rapport, 1941–42,1–163.
BORNIER, PHILIPPE. Conférences des ordonnances de Louis XIV, roi de France et de Navarre, avec les anciennes ordonnances du royaume, le droit écrit & les arrêts. . . .
Nouvelle édition. 2 vols. Paris, 1737.
Records relating to the early history of Boston. Edited by William Henry Whitmore et al.39 vols. Boston, 1876–1909.
Numbers used in volume III include:
[6]: Roxbury land and church records. 1881.
[12]: Boston records, 1729–1742. 1885.
[13]: Records of Boston selectmen, 1716–1736. 1885.
[15]: Records of Boston selectmen, 1736–1742. 1886.
[19]: Selectmen’s minutes, 1754–1763. 1887.
[24]: Boston births, 1700–1800. 1894.
[28]: Boston marriages, 1700–1751. 1898.
[34]: F. S. Drake, The town of Roxbury.1905.
Boston Evening-Post, Boston, Mass. Published from 18 Aug. 1735 to 24 April 1775. Weekly.
Boston News-Letter, Boston, Mass. Published from 24 April 1704 to [29 Feb. 1776]. Weekly, except for the last eight months of 1709 when it was not published. Title varies. See: C. S. Brigham, History and bibliography of American newspapers, 1690–1820 (American Antiquarian Soc. pub., 2v., Worcester, Mass., 1947) .
[BOUGAINVILLE, LOUIS-ANTOINE DE.] Adventure in the wilderness: the American journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756–1760. Translated and edited by Edward Pierce Hamilton. Norman, Okla., 1964.
——— “Le journal de M. de Bougainville,” Amédée Gosselin, édit., APQ Rapport, 1923–24, 202–393.
“Cadillac papers.” See: Michigan Pioneer Collections.
CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. “Founded in 1905, with headquarters in Toronto, for the purpose of publishing rare and inaccessible materials relating to the history of Canada. Its publications are issued only to elected members, limited in number. . . .”
III: Documents relating to seigniorial tenure (Munro).
IV: Logs of the conquest (Wood).
V: Le Clercq, New relation of Gaspesia (Ganong).
VIII, IX, X: Knox, Historical journal (Doughty).
XVI: Journals and letters of La Vérendrye (Burpee).
XXXII: Walker expedition (Graham).
CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. ONTARIO SERIES. The Champlain Society was invited by the Ontario government to prepare and publish a series of documentary volumes “to preserve in printed
form . . . a representative selection of the more interesting and significant records of the past. . . .” This series is sold through normal publishing channels.
II: Royal Fort Frontenac (Preston and Lamontagne).
IV: Windsor border region (Lajeunesse).
Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal historique d’un voyage fait par ordre du roi dans l’Amérique septentrionnale. 3 vols.; another edition 6 vols. Paris, 1744.
History and general description of New France. Translated and edited, with notes, by John Gilmary Shea. 6 vols. New York, 1866–72; reprinted Chicago, 1962.
[CHAUSSEGROS DE LÉRY, GASPARD-JOSEPH.] “Journal de Joseph-Gaspard Chaussegros de Léry, lieutenant des troupes, 1754–1755,” APQ Rapport, 1926–27, 348–71; 1927–28, 355–429.
“Church and state papers for the years 1759 to 1786, being a compendium of documents relating to the establishment of certain churches in the province of Quebec,” ed. A. R. Kelley, APQ Rapport, 1948–49, 293–340.
Collection de documents inédits sur le Canada et l’Amérique, publiés par “Le Canada français.”3 vols. Québec, 1888–90,
Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres, mémoires, et autres documents historiques relatifs à la Nouvelle-France. . . .4 vols. Québec, 1883–85. [See section i, MASSACHUSETTS, SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH’S OFFICE, ARCHIVES.]
Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. 12 vols. Montréal et Québec, 1889–95.
[I]: Journal des campagnes du chevalier de Lévis.
[II]: Lettres du chevalier de Lévis.
[III]: Lettres de la cour de Versailles.
[IV] Lettres et pièces militaires.
[V]: Lettres de M. de Bourlamaque.
[VI]: Lettres du marquis de Montcalm.
[VII]: Journal du marquis de Montcalm.
[VIII]: Lettres du marquis de Vaudreuil.
[IX]: Lettres de l’intendant Bigot.
[X]: Lettres de divers particuliers.
[XI]: Guerre du Canada: relations et journaux.
[XII]: Table analytique de la collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis.
Collections. 30 vols., in progress. 1860–19
The papers of Thomas Fitch, Jonathan Law, William Pitkin, and George Wyllys, governors of Connecticut, have been published in the Collections and were used in the preparation of volume III.
“La correspondance de madame Bégon, 1748–1753,” Claude de Bonnault, édit., APQ Rapport, 1934–35, 1–277.
“Correspondance entre M. de Vaudreuil et la cour,” APQ Rapport, 1938–39, 12–179; 1939–40, 355–463; 1942–43, 399–443; 1946–47, 371–460; 1947–48, 135-339.
Correspondence of William Pitt, when secretary of state, with colonial governors and military and naval commissioners in America. Edited by Gertrude Selwyn Kimball. 2 vols. New York and London, 1906.
Correspondence of William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts and military commander in America, 1731–1760. Edited by Charles Henry Lincoln. 2 vols. New York, 1912.
The critical period, 1763–1765. Edited with introduction and notes by Clarence Walworth Alvord and Clarence Edwin Carter. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections, X, British series, I.) Springfield, Ill., 1915.
Découvertes et établissements des Français dans l’ouest et dans le sud de l’Amérique septentrionale . . . mémoires et documents inédits. [1614–1754.] Pierre Margry, éditeur. 6 vols. Paris, 1879–88. Documents reproduced here should be checked against the originals. Copies of an English translation of this work, completed in 1914, are in the possession of the Burton Historical Collection (Detroit Public Library), the Michigan Historical Commission (Lansing), and the University of Chicago.
Les derniers jours de l’Acadie (1748–1758), correspondances et mémoires: extraits du portefeuille de M. Le Courtois de Surlaville, lieutenant-général des armées du roi, ancien major des troupes de l’île Royale. Gaston Du Boscq de Beaumont, éditeur. Paris, 1899.
DESROSIERS, LOUIS-ADÉLARD. “Correspondance de cinq vicaires généraux avec les évêques de Québec, 1761–1816,” APQ Rapport, 1947–48, 71–133.
DOBBS, ARTHUR. Remarks upon Capt. Middleton’s defence: wherein his conduct during his late voyage for discovering a passage from Hudson’s-Bay to the South-Sea is impartially examin’d. . . .London, 1744.
Documentary history of the state of Maine. Edited by William Willis et al. (Maine Historical Society Collections, 2nd series.) 24 vols.
Portland, Maine, 1869–1916. Not to be confused with Maine Historical Society Collections and Proceedings [q.v.].
The documentary history of the state of New-York. Edited by Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan. 4 vols. Albany, 1850–51.
Documents relating to Canadian currency, exchange and finance during the French period. Selected and edited with notes and introduction by Adam Shortt. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1925.
Documents relating to currency, exchange and finance in Nova Scotia, with prefatory documents, 1675–1758. Selected by Adam Shortt, completed with an introduction by Victor Kenneth Johnston, and revised and edited by Gustave Lanctot. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) Ottawa, 1933.
Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada. . . .Edited by Adam Shortt, Arthur George Doughty et al. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35.
I : 1759–1791. 2nd edition. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) 1918.
Documents relating to the seigniorial tenure in Canada, 1598–1854. Edited with an introduction and notes by William Bennett Munro. (Champlain Society publications, III.) Toronto, 1908.
Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York; procured in Holland, England and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead. . . .Edited by Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan and Berthold Fernow. 15 vols. Albany, 1856–87.
Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d’état du roi concernant le Canada. [II]: Arrêts et réglements du Conseil supérieur de Québec, et ordonnances et jugements des intendants du Canada. [III]: Complément des ordonnances et jugements des gouverneurs et intendants du Canada, précédé des commissions des dits gouverneurs et intendants et des différents officiers civils et de justice. . . .3vols. Québec, 1854–56.
Extraits des archives des ministères de la Marine et de la Guerre à Paris; Canada, correspondance générale: MM. Duquesne et Vaudreuil, gouverneurs-généraux, 1755–1760. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. Québec, 1890.
[FRANQUET, LOUIS.] Voyages et mémoires sur le Canada par Franquet. (Institut canadien de Québec publication.) Québec, 1889. Also published in Institut canadien de Québec Annuaire, 13 (1889), 31–240.
The French regime in Wisconsin: I, 1634–1727. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. (Wisconsin
State Historical Society Collections, XVI.)Madison, 1902.
The French regime in Wisconsin: II, 1727–1748. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. (Wisconsin State Historical Society Collections, XVII.)Madison, 1906.
“The French regime in Wisconsin, 1743–1760,” ed. R. G. Thwaites, Wis. State Hist. Soc. Coll., XVIII (1908), 1–222.
GAULTIER DE LA VÉRENDRYE. See: Journals and letters. . . .
Gentleman’s Magazine: or, monthly intelligencer, London. Published from January 1731 to September 1907. Monthly. Title varies: Gentleman’s Magazine: and historical chronicle from 1736 to 1833 and from July 1856 to May 1868. Volume numbering irregular.
GREAT BRITAIN, PARLIAMENT, HOUSE OF COMMONS. Report from the committee appointed to inquire into the state and condition of the countries adjoining to Hudson’s Bay, and of the trade carried on there. London, 1749.
——— Report relating to the finding a north-west passage. London, 1745.
Guerre du Canada: relations et journaux de différentes expéditions faites durant les années 1755–56–57–58–59–60. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [XI].)Québec, 1895.
“Historical records of the Church of England in the diocese of Quebec,” ed. A. R. Kelley, APQ Rapport, 1946–47,179–298.
HUDSON’S BAY RECORD SOCIETY. Initiated in 1938 by the Hudson’s Bay Company after classification of its London archives, begun in 1932, had progressed to the point where publication was feasible. Membership in the society is limited.
General editor for vols. I–XXII, Edwin Ernest Rich; for vols. XXIII–XXV, Kenneth Gordon Davies; for vols. XXVI–XXVII, Glyndwr Williams. 27 vols. to date. Vols. I–XII issued in association with the Champlain Society, Toronto.
XII: James Isham’s observations on Hudsons Bay, 1743, and notes and observations on a book entitled “A voyage to Hudsons Bay in the Dobbs Galley,” 1749. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich and Alice Margaret Johnson. London, 1949; reprinted Nendeln, Liechtenstein, 1968.
XXI, XXII: Rich, History of the HBC. [See section iv.]
XXIV: Northern Quebec and Labrador journals and correspondence, 1819–35. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies and Alice Mar-
garet Johnson, with an introduction by Glyndwr Williams. London, 1963.
XXV: Letters from Hudson Bay, 1703–40. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies and Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Richard Glover. London, 1965.
XXVII: [Graham, Andrew.] Andrew Graham’s observations on Hudson’s Bay, 1767–91. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, with an introduction by Richard Glover. London, 1969.
HUTCHINSON, THOMAS. The history of the colony and province of Massachusetts-Bay. Edited from the author’s own copies of vols. I and II and his manuscript of vol. III, with a memoir and additional notes, by Lawrence Shaw Mayo. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1936. [For earlier editions see: DCB,II,692.]
L’île de Montréal en 1731: aveu et dénombrement des messieurs de Saint-Sulpice, seigneurs de Montréal. Antoine Roy, éditeur. (APQ publication.) Québec, 1943.
Illinois on the eve of the Seven Years’ War, 1747–1755. Edited with an introduction and notes by Theodore Calvin Pease and Ernestine Jenison. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections,XXIX, French series, III.) Springfield, Ill., 1936.
Collections. 35 vols. to date. 1903–
X: Critical period, 1763–65 (Alvord and Carter).
XI: New régime, 1765–67 (Alvord and Carter).
XVI: Trade and politics, 1767–69 (Alvord and Carter).
XXVII: Anglo-French boundary disputes, 1749–63 (Pease).
XXIX: Illinois on eve of Seven Years’ War (Pease and Jenison).
“Indian treaties,” Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., 1st ser., III (1853), 359–447.
Inventaire de pièces sur la côte de Labrador conservées aux Archives de la province de Quebec. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (APQ publication.) 2 vols. Quebec, 1940–42.
Inventaire des papiers de Léry conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (APQ publication.) 3 vols. Quebec, 1939–40.
The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610–1791, the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes. . . .Edited by
Reuben Gold Thwaites. 73 vols., including 2 index vols. Cleveland, 1896–1901; facsimile reproduction, 73 vols. in 36, New York, 1959. [For a discussion of the Relations see: DCB, I, 455–57. ]
Johnson papers (Sullivan et al). See: The papers of Sir William Johnson.
Journal des campagnes du chevalier de Lévis en Canada de 1756 à 1760. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [I].) Montréal, 1889.
Journal du marquis de Montcalm durant ses campagnes en Canada de 1756 à 1759. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [VII].)Québec, 1895.
“Journal du siège de Québec du 10 mai au 18 septembre 1759 . . . ,” Ægidius Fauteux, édit., APQ Rapport, 1920–21, 137–241.
Journals and letters of Pierre Gaultier de Varennes de La Vérendrye and his sons, with correspondence between the governors of Canada and the French court, touching the search for the Western Sea. Edited with introduction and notes by Lawrence Johnstone Burpee. (Champlain Society publications, XVI.) Toronto, 1927.
JUCHEREAU [DE LA FERTÉ] DE SAINT-IGNACE, JEANNE-FRANÇOISE, ET MARIE-ANDRÉE [REGNARD] DUPLESSIS DE SAINTE-HÉLÈNE. Les annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, 1636–1716. Albert Jamet, éditeur. Québec et Montréal, 1939. The original work was dictated to Mother Duplessis [REGNARD] by Mother Juchereau*, and was printed in Montauban, France, in 1751 by Louis Bertrand* de Latour, as Histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec.
Jugements et délibérations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. [1663–1716.] 6 vols. Québec, 1885–91. Index par Pierre-Georges Roy. (APQ publication.) Québec, 1940.
KNOX, JOHN. An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760. Edited with introduction, appendix, and index by Arthur George Doughty. (Champlain Society publications, VIII, IX, X.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1914–16.
LA VÉRENDRYE, GAULTIER DE. See: Journals and letters. . . .
LE CLERCQ, CHRESTIEN. New relation of Gaspesia, with the customs and religion of the Gaspesian Indians. Translated and edited, with a reprint of the original, by William Francis Ganong. (Champlain Society publications, V.) Toronto, 1910.
Lettre d’un habitant de Louisbourg. . . . See: Louisbourg in 1745 (Wrong).
Lettres de divers particuliers au chevalier- de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [X].) Québec, 1895.
“Les lettres de Doreil,” APQ Rapport, 1944–45, 1–171.
Lettres de la cour de Versailles au baron de Dieskau, au marquis de Montcalm et au chevalier de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [III].) Québec, 1890.
Lettres de l’intendant Bigot au chevalier de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [IX].) Québec, 1895.
Lettres de M. de Bourlamaque au chevalier de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [V].) Québec, 1891.
Lettres de noblesse, généalogies, érections de comtés et baronnies insinuées par le Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (APQ publication.) 2 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1920.
Lettres du chevalier de Lévis concernant la guerre du Canada (1756–1760). Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [II].)Montréal, 1889.
Lettres du marquis de Montcalm au chevalier de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [VI].)Québec, 1894.
Lettres du marquis de Vaudreuil au chevalier de Lévis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [VIII].)Québec, 1895.
“Lettres et mémoires de l’abbé de L’Isle-Dieu,” APQ Rapport, 1935–36, 275–410; 1936–37, 331–459; 1937–38, 147–253.
Lettres et pièces militaires, instructions, ordres, mémoires, plans de campagne et de défense, 1756–1760. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. (Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Lévis, [IV].)Québec, 1891.
LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC/SOCIÉTÉ LITTÉRAIRE ET HISTORIQUE DE QUÉBEC. The oldest historical society in Canada, founded 6 Jan. 1824 in Quebec.
The most useful of its publications is its collection, Historical Documents. This collection consists of 12 vols. in 9 series (1838–1915), later numbered consecutively by the society D.1, D.2, etc., irrespective of the fact that the first series contains 4 vols. and the remaining 8 series only 1 vol. each. For this and other
collections see: Index to the archival publications . . . 1824–1924 (Quebec, 1923).
[D.1]: Mémoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu’à 1760.
[D.4]: Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay.
The logs of the conquest of Canada. Edited with an introduction by William Wood. (Champlain Society publications, IV.) Toronto, 1909.
Louisbourg in 1745: the anonymous “Lettre d’un habitant de Louisbourg” (Cape Breton), containing a narrative by an eye-witness of the siege in 1745. Edited and translated by George McKinnon Wrong. (University of Toronto studies, History, 2nd series, I.) Toronto, 1897; reprinted 1901. The original letter was printed surreptitiously in France in 1745 under the title Lettre d’un habitant de Louisbourg, contenant une relation éxacte et circonstanciée de la prise de l’Isle-Royale, par les Anglais. It bore a fictitious Quebec imprint.
Louisbourg journals, 1745. Edited by Louis Effingham De Forest. (Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York publications, 44.) New York, 1932.
Collections. 1st series. 9 vols. and index. 1831–91.
Collections and Proceedings. 2nd series. 10 vols. 1890–99.
Documentary history of the state of Maine.
Province and court records of Maine.
Mandements, lettres pastorales et circulaires des évêques de Québec. 18vols. to date. Québec, 1887–19 . The first six volumes were edited by Henri Têtu and Charles-Octave Gagnon; no editors are given for later volumes. Volume numbering is peculiar: [1re série], I–IV; nouvelle série [2e série], I–V; nouvelle série [3e série], I–III; a second set of cumulative volume numbers begins with vol. V of the nouvelle série [2e série].
Collections. 7 series of 10 vols. each plus 10 vols. to date. 1792–19
Proceedings. 3 series of 20 vols. each plus index volumes for each series and an additional 23 vols. to date. 1859–19
Shipton, Sibley’s Harvard graduates. [See section iii.]
As a guide to contents and indexes see: Handbook of the publications and photostats, 1792–1935 (1937).
“Mémoire du Canada,” APQ Rapport, 1924–25, 96–198.
Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville le 18e septembre 1759. . . . (Literaryand Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, 1st series, [D.4].) Québec, 1861. The “Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay . . . ,” with accompanying documents, forms the second part of the compilation.
Mémoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu’à 1760. . . . (Literaryand Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, 1st series, [D.1].) Quebec, 1838; reprinted 1873.
Michigan Pioneer Collections. 40 vols. 1874–1929. To avoid confusion the Michigan Historical Commission, Department of State, Lansing, has standardized the citation for these volumes, which were originally published by various historical agencies and under various titles. Volumes are traditionally cited by their spine dates. The following volumes were particularly useful for volume III:
XXXIII, XXXIV: containing “Cadillac papers.” 1903, 1904.
MORIN, MARIE. Annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal. Ægidius Fauteux et al.,éditeurs. (Société historique de Montréal, Mémoires, XII.) Montréal, 1921. An incomplete and inaccurate edition of the manuscript in AHSJ, “Histoire simple et véritable . . .” [see section i].
NAVY RECORDS SOCIETY, London, Eng. Founded in 1893 “for the purpose of rendering accessible the sources of [Britain’s] naval history.”
XCIV: Walker expedition (Graham).
The new régime, 1765–1767. Edited with an introduction and notes by Clarence Walworth Alvord and Clarence Edwin Carter. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections, XI,British series, II.) Springfield, Ill., 1916.
Collections. 1st series. 5 vols. 1811–30.
2nd series. 4 vols. 1841–59.
John Watts de Peyster publication fund series. 82 vols. to date. 1868–19 . Subtitle varies: vols. 1–35, Publication fund series.
The last series was used in volume III.
The Northcliffe collection. . . . (PACpublication.) Ottawa, 1926.
[Nova Scotia Archives, I:] Selections from the public documents of the province of Nova Scotia . Edited by Thomas Beamish Akins. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1869.
Nova Scotia Archives, II: a calendar of two letter-books and one commission-book in the possession of the government of Nova Scotia, 1713–1741. Edited by Archibald McKellar MacMechan. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1900.
——— III: original minutes of His Majesty’s council at Annapolis Royal, 1720–1739. Edited by Archibald McKellar MacMechan. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1908.
——— IV: minutes of His Majesty’s council at Annapolis Royal, 1736–1749. Edited by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1967.
Collections. [See also section v. ]
III, IV: contain [Winslow], “Journal.”
The papers of Sir William Johnson. Edited by James Sullivan et al. (New York State, Division of archives and history publication.) 14 vols., including General index. Albany, 1921–65.
Papiers Contrecœur et autres documents concernant le conflit anglo-français sur l’Ohio de 1745 à 1756. Fernand Grenier, éditeur. (ASQ publications, I.) Québec, 1952.
PENHALLOW, SAMUEL. The history of the wars of New-England, with the eastern Indians. . . .Boston, 1726. Reprinted in 1824 in New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, I,and in 1859, with a memoir and notes, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pennsylvania archives. . . .Edited by Samuel Hazard et al. 9 series [with varying subtitles and varying numbers of vols.]. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1852–1935. As a guide to contents and indexes see: H. H. Eddy, Guide to the published archives of Pennsylvania covering the 138 volumes of colonial records and Pennsylvania archives series I–IX (Harrisburg, 1949).
[PENNSYLVANIA. Colonial Records.] Minutes of the provincial council of Pennsylvania, from the organization to the termination of the proprietary government. [1683–1775.] 10 vols. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1851–52.
[PICHON, THOMAS.] Lettres et mémoires pour servir à l’histoire naturelle, civile et politique du Cap Breton, depuis son établissement jusqu’à la reprise de cette isle par les Anglois en 1758. La Haye, Pays-Bas, 1760. An English translation was published in London in the same year under the title Genuine letters and memoirs, relating to the natural, civil, and commercial history of the islands of Cape Bre-
ton, and Saint John, from the first settlement there, to the taking of Louisburg by the English, in 1758 . . . ; the original French has been reprinted, [East Ardsley, Eng.] and [New York], 1966.
“Procès-verbaux du procureur général Collet sur le district des paroisses de la Nouvelle-France . . . ,” Ivanhoë Caron, édit., APQ Rapport, 1921–22, 262–380.
Province and court records of Maine. [1636–1718. ] Edited by Charles Thornton Libby et al. (Maine Historical Society publication.) 5 vols., in progress. Portland, Maine, 1928– .
PROVOST, HONORIUS. Le séminaire de Québec: documents et biographies. (ASQ publications, II.) Québec, 1964.
Documents relating to Canadian currency during the French period (Shortt).
Documents relating to constitutional history, 1759–91 (Shortt and Doughty; 1918).
Documents relating to currency in Nova Scotia, 1675–1758 (Shortt).
OTHER PUBLICATIONS. [See also section iii.]
Documents relating to constitutional history, 1759–91 (Shortt and Doughty).
Reports and Rapports. 1881–19 . Published annually until 1952; irregularly thereafter.
N.S. Archives, I.
N.S. Archives, II.
N.S. Archives, III.
N.S. Archives, IV.
The following calendars contain information on events in or affecting Canada in the 17th and 18th centuries, and were used in the preparation of volume III:
Acts of the Privy Council of England: colonial series. [1613–1783.] Edited by William Lawson Grant and James Munro. 6 vols. Hereford and London, 1908–12.
Calendar of state papers, colonial series, America and West Indies. . . . [1574–1738.] Edited by William Noel Sainsbury et al. 44 vols., in progress. London, 1860–19
Calendar of Treasury papers. . . . [ 1556–1728.] Edited by Joseph Redington. 6 vols. London, 1868–89.
Journal of the commissioners for Trade and Plantations. . . . [1704–82.] 14 vols. London, 1920–38.
Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec, Quebec. Published from 21 June 1764 to 30 Oct. 1874. Frequency of publication varies. The paper was originally bilingual; after 30 April 1832 separate French and English editions appeared. With the issue of 29 Oct. 1842 the French edition was discontinued. See: André Beaulieu et Jean Hamelin, La presse québécoise: des origines à nos jours (lv. to date, Québec, 1973).
1681: Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., V, 53–92. [See section iv.]
1716: Recensement de la ville de Québec pour 1716. Louis Beaudet, éditeur. Québec, 1887.
1739: Census of Canada . . . Recensements du Canada (5v., Ottawa, 1873–78), IV, 60.
1741: “Un recensement inédit de Montréal, en 1741,” É.-Z. Massicotte, édit., RSCT, 3rd ser., XV (1921), sect. i, 1–61.
1744: “Le recensement de Québec, en 1744,” APQ Rapport, 1939–40, 1–154.
1762: “Le recensement du gouvernement de Québec en 1762,” Amédée Gosselin, édit., APQ Rapport, 1925–26, 1–143.
1687, 1691, 1693, 1694, 1704: “Recensement de Terre-Neuve, 1687 à 1704,” F.-D. Thibodeau, édit., SGCF Mémoires, XIII (1962), 204–8, 244–55.
See also: Canada, Bureau of Statistics, Demography branch, Chronological list of Canadian censuses (Ottawa, 1942).
Since the printed versions of the censuses are not always accurate it is preferable to consult the originals. See section i, ARCHIVES NATIONALES, Section Outre-mer, série G.
Royal Fort Frontenac. Texts selected and translated by Richard Arthur Preston; edited with introduction and notes by Léopold Lamontagne. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, II.) Toronto, 1958.
Trade and politics, 1767–1769. Edited with introduction and notes by Clarence Walworth Alvord and Clarence Edwin Carter. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections, XVI, British series, III.) Springfield, Ill., 1921.
TRUDEL, MARCEL. Atlas historique du Canada français: des origines à 1867. Québec, 1961.
——— Atlas de la Nouvelle-France/An atlas of New France. Québec, 1968. Described by the author as “a complete revision of our Atlas historique du Canada français. . . .”
The Walker expedition to Quebec, 1711. Edited with an introduction by Gerald Sandford Graham. (Champlain Society publications,
XXXII; Navy Records Society publications, XCIV.) Toronto and London, 1953.
The Windsor border region, Canada’s southernmost frontier. . . .Edited with an introduction by Ernest Joseph Lajeunesse. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, IV.) Toronto, 1960.
[WINSLOW, JOHN.] “Journal of Colonel John Winslow of the provincial troops, while engaged in removing the Acadian French inhabitants from Grand Pré, and the neighbouring settlements, in the autumn of the year 1755,” N.S. Hist. Soc. Coll., III (1883), 71–196;
“. . . while engaged in the siege of Fort Beauséjour, in the summer and autumn of 1755,” N.S. Hist. Soc. Coll., IV (1885), 113–246.
Collections. 31 vols. 1855–1931.
XVI: French regime in Wis., 1634–1727 (Thwaites)
XVII: French regime in Wis., 1727–48 (Thwaites)
XVIII: “French regime in Wis., 1743–60” (Thwaites)
ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-francais. 6 vols. Montréal, 1910–34.
PUBLICATIONS. [See also section ii.]
P.-G. Roy, Inv. coll. pièces jud. et not.
——— Inv. concessions.
——— Inv. contrats de mariage.
——— Inv. ins. Cons. souv.
——— Inv. ins. Prév. Québec.
——— Inv. jug. et délib., 1717–1760.
——— Inv. ord. int.
——— Inv. procès-verbaux des grands voyers.
——— Inv. testaments.
P.-G. Roy et al., Inv. greffes not.
Army list. See: GREAT BRITAIN, WAR OFFICE, A list. . . .
AUBERT DE LA CHESNAYE-DESBOIS, FRANÇOIS-ALEXANDRE, ET ——— BADIER. Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies, l’histoire & la chronologie des families nobles de la France. . . . 2e édition. 15 vols. Paris, 1770–86; 3e édition, 19 vols., 1863–76. The first edition of this work, written by La Chesnaye-Desbois alone, is entitled Dictionnaire généalogique, héraldique, chronologique et historique . . . (7v., Paris, 1757–65).
A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine, with an introduction by George Herbert Locke. Toronto, 1934.
A bibliography of Canadiana: first supplement. Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle and Marjorie Colbeck, with an introduction by Henry Cummings Campbell. Toronto, 1959.
Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne. . . .
Joseph-François et Louis-Gabriel Michaud, éditeurs. 85 vols. Paris, 1811–62; nouvelle édition, Louis-Gabriel Michaud et Eugène-Ernest Desplaces, édit., 45 vols., 1854–65; reprinted Graz, Austria, 1966.
BONNAULT, CLAUDE DE. “Le Canada militaire: état provisoire des officiers de milice de 1641 à 1760,” APQ Rapport, 1949–51, 261–527.
BURKE, JOHN. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the United Kingdom. London, 1826; 105th edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Peter Townend, 1970.
CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire des documents concernant l’Église du Canada sous le régime français,” APQ Rapport, 1939–40, 155–354; 1940–41, 333–473; 1941–42, 179–298.
CHARLAND, PAUL-VICTOR. “Notre-Dame de Québec: le nécrologe de la crypte ou les inhumations dans cette église depuis 1652,” BRH, XX (1914), 137–51, 169–81, 205–17, 237–51, 269–80, 301–13, 333–47.
CHARNOCK, JOHN. Biographia navalis: or, impartial memoirs of the lives and characters of officers of the navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the present time; drawn from the most authentic sources, and disposed in a chronological arrangement. 6 vols. London, 1794–98.
[COKAYNE, GEORGE EDWARD.] Complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant.. . . 8 vols. London and Exeter, Eng., 1887–98; new edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Vicary Gibbs et al.,13 vols. in 14, London, 1910–59.
Dictionary of American biography [to 1928]. Edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone. 20 vols. and index. New York, 1928–37. 3 sup-
plements [to 1945]. New York, 1944–73. New edition, comprising 22 vols. in 11. New York, 1959. Concise DAB. New York, 1964. In progress.
Dictionary of national biography [to 1900]. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols.; supplement, 3 vols.; index and epitome. London, 1885–1903. 6 supplements [to 1960]. London, 1912–70. Concise DNB. 2 vols. London, 1952–61. In progress. Corrections and additions to the “Dictionary of national biography”. . . . (Universityof London, Institute of historical research publication.) Boston, Mass., 1966.
Dictionnaire de biographie française. Jules Balteau et al., éditeurs. 13 vols. to date. Paris, 1933– . “A” to “Féréol” included.
Encyclopedia Canadiana. John Everett Robbins, editor-in-chief. 10 vols. Ottawa, 1957–58.
English army lists and commission registers, 1661–1714. Edited by Charles Dalton. 6 vols. London, 1892–1904.
FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. Les chevaliers de Saint-Louis en Canada. Montréal, 1940.
GAREAU, JEAN-BAPTISTE. “La Prévôté de Québec, ses officiers, ses registres,” APQ Rapport, 1943–44, 51–146.
GAUTHIER, HENRI. Sulpitiana. 1re édition. s.l., 1912; 2e édition, Montréal, 1926.
GODBOUT, ARCHANGE. “Nos ancêtres aux XVIIe siècle,” APQ Rapport, 1951–53, 447–544; 1953–55, 443–536; 1955–57, 377–489; 1957–59, 381–440; 1959–60, 275–354; AQ Rapport, 1965, 145–81. “A” to “Brassard” included. The last instalment includes notes by R.-J. Auger.
GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. The commissioned sea officers of the Royal Navy, 1660–1815. Editing begun by David B. Smith; project continued by the Royal Naval College in cooperation with the National Maritime Museum. 3 vols. [n.p., 1954?]
GREAT BRITAIN, WAR OFFICE. A list of the general and field officers as they rank in the army. . . . [London, 1754–1868.] The first known official army list was published in 1740 and has been reprinted as The army list of 1740 . . . with a complete index of names and of regiments (Soc. for Army Hist. Research, Special no., III, Sheffield, Eng., 1931).
Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, 30.) 2 vols. Washington, 1907–10; reprinted New York, 1965. The Canadian material in this work has been revised and republished as an appendix to the tenth report of the
Geographical Board of Canada, entitled Handbook of Indians of Canada (Ottawa, 1913).
HOZIER, LOUIS-PIERRE D’, ET ANTOINE-MARIE D’HOZIER DE SÉRIGNY. Armorial général, ou Registres de la noblesse de France. 1re édition. 6 registres en 10 vols. Paris, 1738–68; 2e édition, 7 registres en 13 vols., 1865–1908; 3e édition, 7 registres en 13 vols., 1970.
LABRÈQUE, LUCILE. “Inventaire de pièces détachées de cours de justice de la Nouvelle-France (1638–1760),” ANQ Rapport, 1971, 5–50.
LEBŒUF, JOSEPH-AIMÉ-ARTHUR. Complément au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay. (Société généalogique canadienne-française publications, 2, 4, 6.) 3 séries [3 vols.]. Montréal, 1957–64.
LE JEUNE, LOUIS-MARIE. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1931.
LÉTOURNEAU, HUBERT, ET LUCILE LABRÈQUE. “Inventaire de pièces détachées de la Prévôté de Québec (1668–1759),” ANQ Rapport, 1971, 51–413.
MARION, MARCEL. Dictionnaire des institutions de la France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris, 1923; reprinted 1968.
MASSICOTTE, ÉDOUARD-ZOTIQUE. “Inventaire des documents et des imprimés concernant la communauté des frères Charon et l’Hôpital Général de Montréal sous le régime français . . . ,” APQ Rapport, 1923–24, 163–201.
——— “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest conservés dans les Archives judiciaires de Montréal . . . ,” APQ Rapport, 1929–30, 191–466; 1930–31, 353–453; 1931–32, 243–365; 1932–33, 245–304.
[MÉLANÇON, ARTHUR.] Liste des missionaires jésuites: Nouvelle-France et Louisiane, 1611–1800. Montréal, 1929.
“Les notaires au Canada sous le régime français,” APQ Rapport, 1921–22, 1–58. Contains biographies of nearly 200 notaries.
PARKER, DAVID WILLSON. A guide to the documents in the manuscript room at the Public Archives of Canada. (PACpublications, 10.) Ottawa, 1914.
Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. With an introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publication, Nova Scotia series, III.) Halifax,, 1967.
1: Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. Ottawa, 1909.
6: J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France.
10: Parker, Guide.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS [See also section ii.]
Inventories of holdings in the manuscript division. [See section i.]
Union list of manuscripts (Gordon et al.).
ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Rapport sur les archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada. (PAC publications, 6.) Ottawa, 1911.
ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie, fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements, conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (APQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1927–29.
——— Inventaire des contrats de mariage du régime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (APQ publication.) 6 vols. Québec, 1937–38.
——— Inventaire des insinuations de la Prévôté de Québec. (APQ publication.) 3 vols. Beauceville, Qué., et Québec, 1936–39.
——— Inventaire des insinuations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. (APQ publication.) Beauceville, Qué., 1921.
——— Inventaire des jugements et délibérations du Conseil supérieur de la Nouvelle-France de 1717 à 1760. (APQ publication.) 7 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1932–35.
——— Inventaire des ordonnances des intendants de la Nouvelle-France conservées aux Archives provinciales de Québec. (APQ publication.) 4 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1919.
——— Inventaire des procès-verbaux des grands voyers conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (APQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1923–32.
——— Inventaire des testaments, donations et inventaires du régime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (APQ publication.) 3 vols. Québec, 1941.
——— Inventaire d’une collection de pièces judiciaires, notariales, etc., etc., conservées aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (APQ publication.) 2 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1917.
——— Les officiers d’état-major des gouvernements de Québec, Montréal et Trois-Rivières sous le régime français. Lévis, Qué., 1919.
ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES, et al. Inventaire des
greffes des notaires du régime français. (APQ publication.) 23 vols., in progress. Québec, 1943– . Vols. 1–I1 prepared by P.-G. and Antoine Roy; vols. III–XIX by Antoine Roy.
SEDGWICK, RICHARD [ROMNEY]. The history of parliament: the House of Commons, 1715–1754. 2 vols. London, 1970.
SHIPTON, CLIFFORD KENYON. Sibley’s Harvard graduates. . . .(MassachusettsHistorical Society publication.) 13 vols., in progress. Cambridge, Mass., and Boston, 1933– . A continuation of Sibley, infra, the volumes are numbered consecutively from it. Vols. IV–XVI include graduates of the years 1690–1767.
SIBLEY, JOHN LANGDON. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1873–85. Includes graduates of the years 1642–89.
TAILLEMITE, ÉTIENNE. Inventaire analytique de la correspondance générale avec les colonies, départ, série B (déposée aux Archives nationales), I, registres 1 à 37 (1654–1715). (Ministère de la France d’Outre-mer, Service des archives, publication.) Paris, 1959.
TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des families canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90. Complément . . . parJ.-A.-A. Lebœuf [q. v. ].
——— Répertoire général du clergé canadien par ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. Québec, 1868.
Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories. Edited by Robert S. Gordon et al. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968.
VACHON, ANDRÉ. “Inventaire critique des notaires royaux des gouvernements de Québec, Montréal et Trois-Rivières (1663–1764),” RHAF, IX(1955–56), 423–38, 546–61; X (1956–57), 93–103, 257–62, 381–90; XI (1957–58), 93–106, 270–76, 400–6.
WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1963. First published in Toronto in 1926 as The dictionary of Canadian biography.
WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A checklist of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1960. . . . 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Toronto and Buffalo, 1972.
AHERN, MICHAEL-JOSEPH ET GEORGE. Notes pour servir à l’histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada depuis la fondation de Québec
jusqu’au commencement du XIXe siècle. Québec, 1923.
country, 1673–1818. (Centennial history of Illinois, I.) Springfield, Ill., 1920; Chicago, 1922; reprinted (The American west, [I]), Chicago, 1965.
ARSENAULT, BONA. Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens. 2 vols. Québec, [1965].
BELL, WINTHROP PICKARD. The “foreign Protestants” and the settlement of Nova Scotia: the history of a piece of arrested British colonial policy in the eighteenth century. Toronto, 1961.
BELTING, NATALIA MAREE. Kaskaskia under the French régime. (University of Illinois studies in the social sciences, XXIX, no.3.) Urbana, Ill., 1948.
BREBNER, JOHN BARTLET. The neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia, a marginal colony during the revolutionary years. New York, 1937; reprinted, with an introduction by William Stewart MacNutt (Carleton library, 45), Toronto and Montreal, 1969.
——— New England’s outpost: Acadia before the conquest of Canada. (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law, 293.) New York and London, 1927.
BRUNET, MICHEL. Les Canadiens après la conquête, 1759–1775: de la Révolution canadienne à la Révolution américaine. (Collection Fleur de lys.) Montréal, 1969.
CALNEK, WILLIAM ARTHUR. History of the county of Annapolis, including old Port Royal and Acadia, with memoirs of its representatives in the provincial parliament, and biographical and genealogical sketches of its early English settlers and their families. Edited and completed by Alfred William Savary. Toronto, 1897; reprinted (Canadiana reprint series, 30), Belleville, Ont., 1972. Supplement . . . by A. W. Savary [q. v.].
CASGRAIN, HENRI-RAYMOND. Histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. Québec, 1878.
——— L’île Saint-Jean – île du Prince-Édouard sous le régime français: une seconde Acadie. Québec, 1894.
——— Les Sulpiciens et les prêtres des Missions-Étrangères en Acadie (1676–1762). Québec, 1897.
——— Un pèlerinage au pays d’Évangéline. Québec, 1887; 2e édition, 1888.
CHAMPAGNE, ANTOINE. Les La Vérendrye et le poste de l’Ouest. (Cahiers de l’institut d’histoire, 12.) Québec, 1968.
——— Nouvelles études sur les La Vérendrye et le poste de l’Ouest. (Cahiers de l’institut d’histoire, 17.) Québec, 1971.
CHARLAND, THOMAS-MARIE. Histoire des Abénakis d’Odanak (1675–1937). Montréal, 1964.
[CIMON], ADÈLE, DITE DE SAINTE-MARIE, ET CATHERINE [BURKE], DITE DE SAINT-THOMAS. Les Ursulines de Québec, depuis leur établissement jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Québec, 1863–66; 2e édition, 1866–78.
CLARK, ANDREW HILL. Acadia: the geography of early Nova Scotia to 1760. Madison, 1968.
COLEMAN, EMMA LEWIS. New England captives carried to Canada between 1677 and 1760 during the French and Indian wars. 2 vols. Portland, Maine, 1925.
CORBETT, JULIAN STAFFORD. England in the Seven Years’ War: a study in combined strategy. 2 vols. London, 1907; 2nd edition, 1918.
D’ALLAIRE, MICHELINE. L’Hôpital-Général de Québec, 1692–1764. (Collection Fleur de lys.) Montréal, 1971.
DALTON, CHARLES. George the first’s army, 1714–1727. 2 vols. London, 1910–12.
DELANGLEZ, JEAN. The French Jesuits in lower Louisiana (1700–1763). New Orleans, 1935.
DOUGHTY, ARTHUR GEORGE, AND GEORGE WILLIAM PARMELEE. The siege of Quebec and the battle of the Plains of Abraham. 6 vols. Quebec, 1901. The last three volumes of this work consist of documents.
DUBÉ, JEAN-CLAUDE. Claude-Thomas Dupuy, intendant de la Nouvelle-France, 1678–1738. (Collection Fleur de lys.) Montréal et Paris, 1969.
ECCLES, WILLIAM JOHN. The Canadian frontier, 1534–1760. (Histories of the American frontier.) New York, 1969.
——— France in America. New York, 1972.
FAUTEUX, JOSEPH-NOËL. Essai sur l’industrie au Canada sous le régime français. 2 vols. Québec, 1927.
FRÉGAULT, GUY. La civilisation de la Nouvelle-France (1713–1744). Montréal, 1944; 2e édition (Collection du Nénuphar), 1969.
——— Le XVIIIe siècle canadien: études. (Collection Constantes, 16.) Montréal, 1968; reprinted (Collection H.), 1970.
——— François Bigot, administrateur français. (Études de l’Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française.) 2 vols. [Montréal], 1948.
——— Le grand marquis: Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane. (Études de l’Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française.) Montréal et Paris, 1952; 2e édition (Collection Fleur de lys), 1962.
——— La guerre de la conquête, 1754–1760. (Collection Fleur de lys.) Montréal et Paris, 1955; reprinted as vol. IX of Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, Marcel Trudel, directeur général, [1966]; translated as Canada: the war
of the conquest by M. M. Cameron (Toronto, 1969) .
GAUMOND, MICHEL. Les forges de Saint-Maurice. (Société historique de Québec, Textes, 2.) Québec, 1968.
GIPSON, LAWRENCE HENRY. The British empire before the American revolution. . . . 15vols. Caldwell, Idaho, and New York, 1936–70.
GIRAUD, MARCEL. Histoire de la Louisiane française. 3 vols. to date. Paris, 1953– .
I: Le règne de Louis XIV (1698–1715). 1953.
II: Années de transition (1715–1717). 1958.
III: L’époque de John Law (1717–1720). 1966.
GOSSELIN, AMÉDÉE. L’instruction au Canada sous le régime français (1635–1760). Québec, 1911.
GOSSELIN, AUGUSTS [-HONORÉ]. L’Église du Canada après la conquête. 2vols. Québec, 1916–17.
I: 1760–1775.
II: 1775–1789.
——— L’Église du Canada depuis monseigneur de Laval jusqu’à la conquête. 3 vols. Québec, 1911–14.
GOWANS, ALAN [WILBERT]. Church architecture in New France. Toronto, 1955.
HAMELIN, JEAN. Économie et société en Nouvelle-France. (Cahiers de l’institut d’histoire, 3.) [Québec, 1960]; reprinted 1970.
HARRIS, RICHARD COLEBROOK. The seigneurial system in early Canada: a Geographical study. Madison, 1966.
HARVEY, DANIEL COBB. The French régime in Prince Edward Island. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1926.
HILLER, JAMES K. “The foundation and the early years of the Moravian mission in Labrador, 1752–1805.” Unpublished ma thesis for Memorial University of Newfoundland. St John’s, 1967.
[L’Hôpital Général de Montréal]: L’Hôpital Général des Sœurs de la Charité (sœurs grises) depuis sa fondation jusqu’à nos jours. 3 vols. to date. Montréal, 1916– .
XXI, XXII: Rich, History of the HBC.
JENNESS, DIAMOND. The Indians of Canada. (National Museum of Canada Bulletin, 65, Anthropological series, 15.) Ottawa, 1932; 5th edition, 1960.
JOHNSON, MICHELINE DUMONT. Apôtres ou agitateurs: la France missionnaire en Acadie. (Collection 1760.) Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1970.
JOUVE, ODORIC-MARIE. Les Franciscains et le Canada: aux Trois-Rivières. Paris, 1934.
in Wisconsin and the northwest. (Wisconsin State Historical Society publication.) Madison, 1925; reprinted New York, 1968.
KENNETT, LEE. The French armies in the Seven Years’ War: a study in military organization and administration. Durham, N.C., 1967.
LACHANCE, ANDRÉ. Le bourreau au Canada sous le régime français. (Société historique de Québec, Cahiers d’histoire, 18.) Québec, 1966.
LACOUR-GAYET, GEORGES. La marine militaire de la France sous le règne de Louis XV. Paris, 1902; 2e édition, revue et augmentée, 1910.
LA MORANDIÈRE, CHARLES DE. Histoire de la pêche française de la morue dans l’Amérique septentrionale. . . .3vols. Paris, 1962–66.
I, II: (Des origines à 1789).
III: (De la Révolution à nos jours).
LANCTOT, GUSTAVE. Histoire du Canada. . . .3 vols. Montréal, 1959–64.
[I]: Des origines au régime royal.
[II]: Du régime royal au traité d’Utrecht, 1663–1713.
[III]: Du traité d’Utrecht au traité de Paris, 1713–1763.
Translated as A History of Canada by Josephine Hambleton and M. M. Cameron (3v., Toronto and Cambridge, Mass., 1963–65).
LANGDON, JOHN EMERSON. Canadian silversmiths, 1700–1900. Toronto, 1966.
LAUVRIÈRE, ÉMILE. La tragédie d’un peuple: histoire du peuple acadien de ses origines à nos jours. 2 vols. Paris, 1922; nouvelle édition révisée, 1924.
[LEMIRE-MARSOLAIS, DARIE-AURÉLIE, DITE SAINTE-HENRIETTE] ET THÉRÈSE LAMBERT, DITE SAINTE-MARIE-MÉDIATRICE. Histoire de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Montréal. 11vols. (numbered I–X) and an index to date. Montréal, 1910– . Before her death in 1917 Sister Sainte-Henriette had completed nine volumes of her history as well as an index; only two volumes were published, in 1910. In 1941 her complete work was published and the first two volumes reissued. The index was published in 1969 along with two volumes covering the period 1855–1900, written by Sister Thérèse Lambert.
LOUNSBURY, RALPH GREENLEE. The British fishery at Newfoundland, 1634–1763. (Yale historical publications, Miscellany, XXVII.) New Haven, Conn., and London, 1934.
McLENNAN, JOHN STEWART. Louisbourg from its foundation to its fall, 1713–1758. London, 1918; reprinted, without appendices, Sydney, N.S., 1957.
MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. The Atlantic provinces: the emergence of colonial society, 1712–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 9.) Toronto, 1965.
MATHIEU, JACQUES. La construction navale royale à Québec, 1739–1759. (Société historique de Québec, Cahiers d’histoire, 23.) Québec, 1971.
Military affairs in North America, 1748–1765: selected documents from the Cumberland papers in Windsor Castle. Edited by Stanley McCrory Pargellis. New York and London, 1936; reprinted [Hamden, Conn.], 1969.
[MONDOUX, MARIA.] L’Hôtel-Dieu, premier hôpital de Montréal . . . 1642–1763. Montréal, 1942.
Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier et l’Hôpital Général de Québec: histoire du monastère de Notre-Dame des Anges. . . . Québec, 1882.
MORISSET. GERARD. Coup d’œil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1941.
MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER. A history of the Canadian west to 1870–71, being a history of Rupert’s Land (the Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory) and of the North-West Territory (including the Pacific slope). London, [1939]; 2nd edition, edited by Lewis Gwynne Thomas, Toronto, 1973.
MURDOCH, BEAMISH. A history of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865–67.
NEATBY, HILDA. Quebec: the revolutionary age, 1760–1791. (Canadian centenary series, 6.) Toronto, 1966.
NISH, CAMERON. Les bourgeois-gentilshommes de la Nouvelle-France, 1729–1748. (Histoire économique et sociale du Canada français.) Montréal et Paris, 1968.
O’NEILL, CHARLES EDWARDS. Church and state in French colonial Louisiana: policy and politics to 1732. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1966.
PARKMAN, FRANCIS. France and England in North America: a series of historical narratives. 8 parts. Boston, 1851–92. Many editions of each of the parts have been published. Parts used in volume III, with dates of first editions:
5th: Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 1877.
6th: A half-century, of conflict. 2 vols. 1892.
7th: Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. 1884.
For a summary of the various editions of Parkman’s works see: The Parkman reader . . . , ed. S. E. Morison (Boston and Toronto, 1955).
PECKHAM, HOWARD HENRY. Pontiac and the Indian uprising. Princeton, 1947; reprinted Chicago, 1961.
PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895; 2nd edition, London, 1896; reprint of 1st edition (Canadiana reprint series, 33), Belleville, Ont., 1972.
RAWLYK, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Yankees at Louisbourg. (University of Maine Bulletin, 69, no.19 (13 April 1967); University of Maine studies, 2nd series, 85.) Orono, Maine, 1967.
RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (Hudson’s Bay Record Society publications, XXI, XXII.) 2 vols. London, 1958–59; another edition, 3 vols., Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available in the PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.
RICHARD, ÉDOUARD. Acadie: reconstitution d’un chapitre perdu de l’histoire d’Amérique. Henri D’Arles [Marie-Joseph-Henri-Athanase Beaudé], éditeur. 3 vols. Québec et Boston, Mass., 1916–21.
I: Depuis les origines jusqu’à la paix d’Aix-la-Chapelle.
II: Depuis la paix d’Aix-la- Chapelle jusqu’à la déportation.
III: La déportation et au-delà.
ROCHEMONTEIX, CAMILLE DE. Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle. . . .3 vols. Paris, 1895–96.
——— Les Jésuites et !a Nouvelle-France au XVIIIe siècle. . . .2 vols. Paris, 1906.
ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.
ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Bigot et sa bande et l’affaire du Canada. Lévis, Qué., 1950.
——— Fils de Québec. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1933.
——— Hommes et choses du fort Saint-Frédéric. Montréal, 1946.
——— La ville de Québec sous le régime français. (APQ publication.) 2 vols. Québec, 1930.
SAVARY, ALFRED WILLIAM. Supplement to the history of the county of Annapolis. . . . Toronto, 1913; reprinted (Canadiana reprint series, 63), Belleville, Ont., 1973. [See CALNEK.]
SMYTHIES, RAYMOND HENRY RAYMOND. Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) regiment, now 1st battalion the Prince of Wales’s volunteers (South Lancashire regiment), from its formation, in 1717, to 1893. Devonport, Eng., 1894.
STACEY, CHARLES PERRY. Quebec, 1759: the siege and the battle. Toronto, 1959.
STANLEY, GEORGE FRANCIS GILMAN. New France: the last phase, 1744–1760. (Canadian centenary series, 5.) Toronto, 1968.
SULTE, BENJAMIN. Histoire des Canadiens-français, 1608–1880. . . . 8 vols. Montréal, 1882–84.
——— Mélanges historiques. . . . GérardMalchelosse, éditeur. 21 vols. Montréal, 1918–34. This series is a mixture of volumes of articles and monographs.
TRAQUAIR, RAMSAY. The old silver of Quebec. Toronto, 1940.
TROUDE, ORÉSIME [-JOACHIM]. Batailles navales de la France. 4 vols. Paris, 1867–68.
TRUDEL, MARCEL. L’Église canadienne sous le régime militaire, 1759–1764. 2 vols. Québec, 1956–57.
——— L’esclavage au Canada français: histoire et conditions de l’esclavage. Québec, 1960.
Les Ursulines de Québec. See [CIMON].
VACHON, ANDRÉ. Histoire du notariat canadien, 1621–1960. Québec, 1962.
WILLIAMS, GLYNDWR. The British search for the northwest passage in the eighteenth century. (Royal Commonwealth Society, Imperial Studies series, XXIV.) London, 1962.
Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis. Journal of archaeology, history, biography, bibliography, numismatology, etc. Founded by Pierre-Georges Roy* as the organ of the Société des études historiques, the BRH became the journal of the APQ (later the AQ, now the ANQ in March 1923. Published monthly from 1895, it became a quarterly in 1949. After 1956 it was published irregularly. I (1895)–LXX (1968). Index: I(1895)–XXXI (1925). 4 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26. For subsequent years see the manuscript index in the ANQ.
Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Annual review published by “Les Dix,” a group of historians who formed a legal association on 6 Aug. 1935. I (1936)– .
Le Canada français. Québec. First series: Le Canada-français, journal published irregularly under the direction of a committee of professors of Université Laval. Concerned with religion, philosophy, history, fine arts, science and letters. I (1888)–IV (1891), with index in IV. Coll. doc. inédits Canada et Amérique [see section ii], which contains many documents on Acadia, appeared in connection with Le Canada-français, vols. I–III, as a separately paginated supplement. Second series: incorporated Parler français and La Nouvelle-France. Publication of Université Laval and journal of the Société du Parler français au Canada. I (1918–19)–XXXIII (1945–46). Renamed La Revue de l’université Laval [q. v.].
simultaneously each year (except for 1933–34) a Rapport in French and a Report in English, of which the contents are entirely different. 1933-34– . Index: 1933-34–1958. Title varies: Study Sessions/Sessions d’étude from 1966.
CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. The association, founded in 1922, continues the work of the Historic Landmarks Association of Canada (1915–21). Its aims are “to encourage historical research and public interest in history; to promote the preservation of historic sites and buildings, documents, relics, and other significant heirlooms of the past; to publish historical studies and documents as circumstances may permit.” Publications include Annual Report, 1922– (title varies: Historical Papers/Communications historiques from 1966), and historical booklets, issued irregularly. Index to annual reports: 1922–51; 1952–68.
Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. Quarterly. I (1920)– . Index: I(1920)–X (1929); XI (1930)–XX (1939) ; XXI (1940)–XXX (1949). Université Laval has published an index for later volumes: Canadian Historical Review, 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, comp. (Québec, 1969). Each issue includes a current bibliography of publications in English and French, a continuation of the annual Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada (I (for 1895–96)–XXII (for 1917–18); Index: I–X; XI–XX) .
Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Quarterly publication of Dalhousie University. I (1921–22)– .
historic sites in the province of New Brunswick,” RSCT, 2nd ser., V (1899), sect. ii, 213–357.
Mississippi Valley Historical Review. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Lincoln, Neb. Quarterly publication of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association. Succeeded by the Journal of American History. I(1914–15)–L (1963–64). Index: I–L.
New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Boston. Quarterly publication of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. I (1847)– . The title New-England Historical & Genealogical Register and Antiquarian Journal was used in 1869–73. Separate index volumes of places, genealogies and pedigrees, testators, persons, and subjects have been published.
Nova Francia. Paris. Published every two months. Organ of the Société d’histoire du Canada, founded in France in 1924. I (1925–26)–VII (1932).
NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Publishes Collections. Issued irregularly. I (1878)– . The title Report and Collections was used in 1878 and 1882–83.
Revue canadienne. Montréal. Monthly. [1re série]: I (1864)–LIII (1907) (vols. XVII (1881)–XXIII (1887) called nouv. sér. [2e sér.], I–VII; vols. XXIV (1888)–XXVIII (1892) called 3e sér., I–[V]). Nouvelle série: I (1908)–XXVII (1922). Indexes. The numbering of this journal is imprecise.
La Revue de l’université Laval. Québec. Monthly. Publication of the university and organ of the Société du Parler français au Canada. I (1946–47)–XXI (1966). A continuation of the review Le Canada français, it was succeeded in 1968 by Études littéraires.
Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française.
Montréal. Quarterly publication of the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Founded by Canon Lionel Groulx*. I (1947–48)– .
Index: I (1947–48)–X (1956–57); XI (1957–58)–XX (1966–67).
ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Under the patronage of the Marquess of Lorne [John Douglas Sutherland Campbell*], the society was formed in 1882 for the encouragement of literature and science in Canada. Originally it was composed of four sections, two for literature and two for sciences. Publishes Proceedings and Transactions/Mémoires et comptes rendus, of which sections i and ii include historical articles. Annual. First series: I (1882–83)–XII (1894). Second series: I (1895)–XII (1906). Third series: I (1907)–LVI (1962). Fourth series: I (1963)– . Indexes.
SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANÇAISE, Montréal. Founded on the initiative of Father Archange Godbout, 3 Sept. 1943. Publishes Mémoires. Originally biannual, now quarterly. I (1944–45)– .
TÊTU, HENRI. “Le chapitre de la cathédrale de Québec et ses délégués en France: lettres des chanoines Pierre Hazeur de L’Orme et Jean-Marie de la Corne, 1723–1773,” BRH, XIII(1907), 225–43, 257–83, 289–308, 321–38, 353–61; XIV (1908), 3–22, 33–40, 65–79, 97–109, 129–46, 161–75, 193–208, 225–39, 257–70, 289–98, 321–37, 353–64; XV (1909), 3–16, 33–48, 65–79, 97–111, 129–42, 161–76, 193–211, 225–41, 257–74, 289–301, 321–28, 353–60; XVI (1910), 3–10, 33–44, 65–75, 97–109, 129–41, 161–75, 193–206, 225–40, 257–74, 289–302, 321–30, 353–64.
ZOLTVANY, YVES FRANÇOIS. “New France and the west, 1701–1713,” CHR,XLVI (1965), 301–22.