General Bibliography – Volume I

AAM    Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de Montréal

AAQ    Archives de l’archevêché de Québec

ACM    Archives de la Charente-Maritime

ACND    Archives de la congrégation de Notre-Dame, Montréal

ACSM    Archives du Collège Sainte-Marie, Montréal

AE    Archives du Ministère des Affaires

    étrangères, Paris

AHDM    Archives des Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal

AHDQ    Archives de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec

AJM    Archives judiciaires de Montréal

AJQ    Archives judiciaires de Québec

AJTR    Archives judiciaires de Trois-Rivières

AN    Archives nationales, Paris

ANDQ    Archives paroissiales de Notre-Dame de Québec

APQ    Archives de la province de Québec

ASM    Archives de la Seine-Maritime, Rouen

ASQ    Archives du Séminaire de Québec

BM    British Museum

BN    Bibliothèque nationale, Paris

BRH    Bulletin des Recherches historiques

CCHA    Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CF    Canada Français

CHA    Canadian Historical Association

CHR    Canadian Historical Review

DAB    Dictionary of American Biography

DNB    Dictionary of National Biography

HBC    Hudson’s Bay Company

HBRS    Hudson’s Bay Record Society

Hist. MSS Com.  Royal Commission on

    Historical Manuscripts

JJ (Laverdière et Casgrain) Journal des Jésuites

JR (Thwaites) Jesuit Relations and allied documents

NF    Nova Francia

NYCD    Documents relative to the colonial history

of the State of New York

PAC    Public Archives of Canada

PANS    Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAO    Public Archives of Ontario

PRO    Public Record Office, London

RC    Revue canadienne

RHAF    Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française

RSCT    Royal Society of Canada Transactions

RUL    Revue de l’ Université Laval

SCHEC    Société canadienne de l’histoire de

    l’Église catholique

SGCF    Société généalogique canadienne française

SGQ    Société de géographie de Québec

SHM    Société historique de Montréal

SHQ    Société historique de Québec

General Bibliography

This General  Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in individual bibliographies in Volume I. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada up to 1700. Sections I and II however do give a reasonably full guide to the documentation for this period. Section II (primary printed sources) will be found to include also printed works of the 17th and 18th centuries which may be regarded as contemporary sources.


ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. These archives contain photographs, maps, 634 registers divided into 17 series which include the correspondance of the bishops of Montreal, and some 500,000 separate items. The latter are particularly relevant to Volume I since they date from 1675. On the French régime there are documents concerning the diocese of Quebec; the parishes of Notre-Dame de Montréal, Saint-François-de-Sales and Saint-Vincent-de-Paul on Île Jésus, Saint-Joseph of Rivière-des-Prairies, of L’Assomption and of Repentigny; the priests of Saint-Sulpice; the religious of the congregation of Notre-Dame; the religious hospitallers of Saint-Joseph; and the Hurons.

ARCHIVES DE LA CHARENTE-MARITIME, La Rochelle. The classification system is the same as that for all departmental archives in France. Marcel Delafosse, Guide des Archives de la Charente-Maritime (La Rochelle, 1958) gives an introduction to the contents of the archives and finding aids.

For Volume I persons, the following series are most important:

B (Cours et juridictions avant 1790), Amirauté de La Rochelle (B 174–264, 5580–6094)

E (Titres de familles, Communautés, Notaires), Notaires.

ARCHIVES DE LA CONGRÉGATION DE NOTRE-DAME, Montréal. These archives are in the process of being catalogued.

The most important document cited in Volume I of the DCB/DBC is:

M1: Ecrits autographes de sœur Marguerite Bourgeois. The original manuscript was destroyed in a fire, but the archives possess a microfilm and photostats of the copy prepared for the cause of beatification, M1,

considered an original version; a copy sent to the Archives of the Vatican, V2; and another, slightly different copy, V1, also in the Vatican.

ARCHIVES DE LA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC. At the Conquest, articles 43, 44 and 45 of the capitulation of Montreal  – contrary to the custom of international law at that time  – permitted the administrators of New France to take back to France the documents relating to the government of the colony. Only archives having a legal value for individuals were to remain in the country and these were to suffer various misfortunes before the office of the Archives of the Province of Quebec was formed in 1920, with Pierre-Georges Roy as archivist. (See Fernand Ouellet, “L’histoire des archives du gouvernement en Nouvelle-France,” RUL, XII (1958), 397–415.) The archives now comprise 3,300 feet of documents  – official and private papers, originals and copies  – the majority for the period 1663–1867.

The following series are cited in Volume I:

Collection de pièces judiciaires et notariales, 70 bundles in 122 cartons, each collection of documents numbered very irregularly from 1 to 4,324. The series covers the entire French régime and also includes many documents from the English period.

Documents divers, 2 vols. Judicial and notarial documents relating especially to the government of Trois-Rivières under the French régime.

Fois et hommages, Régime français, 1666–1764, 4 vols.

Manuscrits concernant la Nouvelle-France, 2e série,1614–1727, 11 vols. Manuscript copies of documents in various French archives.

Ordres du roi, 1663–1745, 81 vols. Copies of

documents in AN, Col., B series. Also on microfilm.

La Prévôte dé Québec, 1666–1759, 115 vols.

    numbered 1 to 110.

La    Prévôté de Trois-Rivières, 1646–1757, 14


Registres des Insinuations du Conseil souverain, 10 registers, dated 23  Sept.  1663 to 21  Aug.  1758.

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE QUÉBEC. Contains about 650 feet of documents, an analytical card file for all the documents prior to 1940, and a Répertoire général des Registres de l’archevêché de Québec in 6 vols., from 1659 to the present.

The principal series concerning the French régime:

Lettres des évêques de Québec

Registres d’insinuation de 1659 à 1870, 30 cahiers

Registre de l’ancien chapitre de Québec, 1684–1773

Correspondance des vicaires généraux

Copies de lettres des évêques de Québec (copies of documents in Paris and the Vatican concerning Canada and Louisiana 1659–1763), 3 cahiers

Église du Canada (copies made in Paris of the correspondence of the bishops of Quebec with the Vatican and Paris), 7 manuscript vols.

Some of the documents are inventoried in Caron, “Inventaire de documents,” APQ Rapport, 1939–40, 157–353.

ARCHIVES DE LA SEINE-MARITIME, Rouen. The classification system is the same as that for all departmental archives in France. For lists of analytical inventories see : France, Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938), and Supplément, 1937–54 [by Robert H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955).

Important series for Volume I persons:

A: Actes du pouvoir souverain

B: Cours et juridictions (parlements, bailliages, amirautés). Parlements de Normandie et Rouen

E: Féodalité, communes, bourgeoisie et familles

G: Clergé séculier



The chief document cited in Volume I of the DCB/DBC is:

Morin, Marie, “Histoire simple et véritable de l’établissement des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph en l’Île de Montréal, dite à présent Ville-Marie, en Canada, de l’année 1659 .  .  .  .” The published version is entitled: Annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal [see section II].

ARCHIVES DU COLLÈGE SAINTE-MARIE, Montréal. These archives were founded by Father Félix Martin in 1844, and in that year received a rich gift from the religious of the Hôtel-Dieu in Québec. They contain many documents on the missions in Canada of the Company of Jesus, among them 75 items (originals, facsimiles, or Photostats) from the 17th century : several originals such as MS 90, Father Isaac Jogues’s “Novum Belgium, ou Description de la ville de New-Netherland [New York],” (1646); MS 296, Father Jacques Marquette’s journal (1674); and MS 343, Father Claude Chauchetière’s “Vie de Catherine Tegakouita” (1695); attestations of miracles; concessions of land, and so on. ACSM also possess “Mémoires touchant la mort et les vertus des pères Isaac Jogues .  .  .  ,” by Father Paul Ragueneau [section II]; “Etude sur les Relations des Jésuites,” by Father Félix Martin, of which there is another copy in ASQ; 28 notebooks of documentation (including ff. 4004, 4006, and 4015) used in the preparation of Rochemonteix’s Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVlle siècle [see section IV] and Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIIe siècle (2v., Paris, 1906); biographical sketches of Jesuit missionaries by Father Martin (ff.38, 133, 301, 402); and copies from archives in Rome, Paris, Saint-Malo, and Vannes.

ARCHIVES DU MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ÉTRANGÈRES, Paris. On the holdings of the archives see France, Archives des Affaires étrangères, Inventaire sommaire des archives du département des Affaires étrangères (6v., Paris, 1883–1903). Three volumes are devoted to each of the two main divisions of the archives: Correspondance politique and Mémoires et documents. See also : France, Archives des Affaires étrangères, État numérique des fonds de la correspondance politique de l’origine à 1871 (Paris, 1936); Archives publiques du Canada, Division des manuscrits, Inventaire provisoire, Fonds de manuscrits, no 5 (Ottawa, 1955), 6–8, 27–30; and W. G. Leland et al., Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris, Volume II: Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication 392, 1943).

Documents concerning persons and events in Volume I are found in :

Correspondance politique, Angleterre, vols. 1–211

Mémoires et documents, Amérique, 4–5, 21–24

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUEBEC. One of the most important deposits of documents in North America. The archives date from the founding of the Séminaire in 1663, but Mgr Thomas-Étienne Hamel and Mgr Amédée Gosselin may be considered to have founded the ASQ at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. ASQ contains 1,172 feet of documents (seminary and private papers, the oldest from 1636 and the majority from 1675 to 1950), 2,000 maps and 160 feet of engravings and photographs.

For Volume I the following have been used principally:

Album Gaspé. 1 vol.; containing 146 pages and 138 separate manuscripts (numbered 147 to 284), and Index. Manuscripts, signatures, engravings, photographs.

Carton Plante. 266 pieces. 1734–1869

Chapitre. 1 carton containing 340 pieces. 1666–1785

Documents Faribault. 1 carton containing 300 various pieces. 1626–1860

Évêques. 1 carton containing 227 pieces. 1657–1920

Fonds Verreau. Includes Fonds Viger, hence frequently called Viger-Verreau. The collections of the Abbé Hospice-Anthelme Verreau and of Jacques Viger, principally composed of about a hundred cartons, several large notebooks, and the series of Viger’s manuscript volumes entitled “Ma Saberdache.”

A.-E. Gosselin, “Notes pour servir à la biographie des prêtres du Séminaire de Québec,” with marginal references

Lettres. Carton M, 171 pieces; N, 180 pieces; O, 157 pieces; P, 207 pieces; S, 188 pieces

Manuscrits. A series of volumes of which the following are relevant: 17, “Documents relatifs à Mgr de Laval”; 29, “Histoire du Séminaire de Québec, “ by J.-A. Taschereau; 43, “Etude Sur les Relations des Jésuites,” by Félix Martin (another copy is in ACSM); 132, 133, ”Personnel militaire et civil, Alphabet Laffilard, officiers français aux colonies, 1627–1780” (typewritten copy of AN, Col., D2C, 222, “Liste alphabétique des militaires et fonctionnaires coloniaux,” compiled by F.-M. Laffilard, archivist of the Marine 1740–54);200, “Mortuologe des Freres

Mineurs Recolets de la Province de St. Denys en France dans lequel le nom et les qualitez de tous ceux des trois Ordres de St. François qui sont enterrez dans leurs couvents sont écrits”; C, vol. II (1674–86) [Livres de comptes] (vol. I is no longer in existence).

Paroisse de Québec. 1 carton containing 156 pieces. 1652–1877

Paroisses diverses. 1 carton containing 101 pieces. 1672–1880

Polygraphie. 248 cartons

Registre A. Register of copies of all the title-deeds of the seminary. 1663–1754

Seigneuries. Cartons I–XI, Sault-au-Matelot; XXIV–XXVI, Beaupré; XLVI, Île-aux-Coudres; XLVII–XLVIII, Coulonge-Saint-Michel; XLIX–LXVI, Île-Jésus

Séminaire. 204 cartons.


The following greffes and register contain material on persons in Volume I:

Bénigne Basset Des Lauriers, 1657–99

Raphaël-Lambert Closse, 1651–56

Claude Maugue, 1677–96

Jean de Saint-Père, 1648–51

Registre des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, 1690, 1694–96


The following greffes are cited in Volume I:

Claude Auber, 1652–93

Guillaume Audouart, dit Saint-Germain, 1634–63

Henry Bancheron, 1646–47

Romain Becquet, 1637–82

Laurent Bermen, 1647–49

Louis Chambalon, 1692–1716

Pierre Duquet de La Chesnaye, 1663–84

Michel Fillion, 1660–88

François Genaple de Bellefonds, 1682–1702

Rolland Godet, 1652–53

Jean Guitet, 1637–38

Jean de Lespinasse, 1637

Claude Maugue, 1674–79

J.-B. Peuvret de Mesnu, 1653–59

Martial Piraube, 1639–45

Gilles Rageot, 1666–1702

Louis Rouer de Villeray, 1653–56

Paul Vachon, 1644–93

Insinuations de la prévôté de Québec. 12 registres. 1667–1759.

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES DE TROIS-RIVIÈRES. For an indication of the documents in these archives see

J.-B.-Meilleur Barthe, “Inventaire sommaire des archives conservées au palais de Justice des Trois-Rivières,” APQ Rapport, 1920–21, 328–49.

For Volume I the following greffes are useful:

Séverin Ameau, 1651–90

Nicolas Gastineau, dit Duplessis, 1650–53

Guillaume de La Rue, 1664–76

Jacques de La Touche, 1664–68

ARCHIVES NATIONALES, Paris. The Archives nationales were founded in 1789 to accommodate the original papers of the Constituent Assembly and later of the pre-Revolutionary administrations. The basic inventories are: France, Direction des Archives, Inventaire sommaire et tableau méthodique des fonds conservés aux Archives nationales, 1ère partie, Régime antérieur à 1789 (Paris, 1871), and État sommaire par séries des documents conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1891). Recent guides to finding aids are: France, Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des Archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938), and Supplément, 1937–54, [by Robert H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955). J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les Archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada (PAC pub., 6, 1911) and H.  P.  Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, La., 1957) give sketches of the history and organization of the archives. For copies in the PAC of documents in the Archives nationales see Archives publiques du Canada, Division des manuscrits, Inventaire provisoire, Fonds des manuscrits N° 3 (Ottawa, 1953).

Series of documents relevant to persons in Volume I:

E: Conseil d’État du Roi

E1: Conseil des finances (vols. 1–1683)

F: Administration générale de la France

G: Administrations financières et spéciales

H: Administrations provinciale et locale

T: Documents placés sous séquestre lors de la Révolution ou antérieurement

V: Grande Chancellerie et conseils

V6: Conseil privé. Décisions et arrêts

X: Parlement de Paris

X1b: Minutes du Parlement civil

Y: Châtelet de Paris

Z: Juridictions spéciales et ordinaires

Minutier central des notaires de Paris et du Département de la Seine

AN, Archives des Colonies. These archives date from about 1669. Colbert established the distinction between papers relating to the Marine and those concerning the colonies and also laid down

the major series in the Archives des Colonies. The complicated development of the archives and its close proximity to the Archives de la Marine under the department of the Marine, as well as later subdivisions of series, sometimes make it difficult to identify the documents in this depository in various 19th- and 20th-century calendars. For copies of manuscripts in the PAC in the latest classification system see: Inventaire provisoire, Fonds des manuscrits N° 1 (Ottawa, 1952).

Series containing information on persons in Volume I:

B: Lettres envoyées. Dispatches of the king, the minister of the Marine, and the Conseil d’État to officials in New France. For the 17th century see the following calendars: Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire analytique de la Correspondance générale avec les colonies, depart, Série B (déposée aux Archives nationales), I–, registres 1 à 37 (1654–1715) (Paris, 1959) and PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 245ff.

C11A: Correspondance générale. Letters of officials in New France to the king and the minister of the Marine and some drafts of documents sent to the colony. A calendar of 17th-century documents is published in PAC Report, 1885, xxixff. and in D. W. Parker, A guide to the documents in the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives of Canada, Vol. I (PAC pub., 10, 1914), 227ff.

C11C: Amérique du Nord. Papers concerning Newfoundland, Îles de la Madeleine, and Gaspé. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 246ff. PAC Report, 1887, cccxciv ff.

C11D: Correspondance générale, Acadie. Dispatches to the minister of the Marine from Acadia. See calendars in PAC Report, 1887, ccxxxix ff. and in Parker, Guide, 238–41.

C11G: Correspondance Raudot-Pontchartrain et correspondance générale du Domaine d’Occident et de l’Île Royale. See calendars in Parker, Guide, 246, and PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 201–44.

C13C: Louisiana

D2C: Troupes coloniales. Many volumes contain information on officers who served in Canada. Alphabet Laffilard (vol. 222) is particularly useful. For copies in the PAC see: Inventaire provisoire, Fonds des manuscrits, N° 1 (1952), 14–15.

E :    Dossiers personnels. Correspondence regarding pensions,  employment, and so on.

F1A: Fords des colonies

F3: Collection Moreau Saint-Méry. Eighteenth-

and 19th-century copies of documents in the C11A and B series and of others that have since disappeared. Papers relating to Canada, Louisiana, Île-Royale, Saint-Pierre, and Miquelon have been copied and microfilmed by PAC. Calendared in PAC Report, 1899, Supp., 39–191; Report, 1905, I, 447–505; and Parker, Guide, 249–53. [Note that volumes have since been renumbered to agree with AN classification.]

G: See AN, Archives d’Outre-Mer

AN, Archives de la Marine. The papers relating to the Marine, now housed in the Archives nationales, have been collected in the Archives de la Marine since the formation of the Marine under Colbert. In 1882 the Archives des Colonies were separated from the Marine. For descriptions of the archives and documents see: Didier Neuville, État sommaire des Archives de la Marine antérieures à la Révolution (Paris, 1898); —— et al., Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, série B: service général (9v., Paris, 1885–1930); and J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les Archives de France, 157 ff. For copies of manuscripts in the PAC see: Inventaire provisoire, Fonds des manuscrits, N°  2 (1953).

Series pertinent for Volume I:

B2:    Ordres et dépêches. The kings’ and the ministers’ orders to the department of the Marine, military commanders, and intendants of the Marine in French ports.

B3: Correspondance des ports du Lévant et du Ponant. Comprises 797 volumes of dispatches and letters from the officers of the Marine to the minister, from 1644 to 1789.

C: Personnel

C1: “Revues Laffilard” and “Alphabets Laffilard,” in vols. 105–7, 151, 153–55, 157, 160–61

AN, Archives d’Outre-Mer. Two series of documents only are housed in the Archives d’Outre-Mer, which survive from the Ministère de la France d’Outre-Mer (the old Ministère des Colonies), no longer in existence. This special repository is under the authority of the AN, but has a chief archivist.

G1:    Registres de l’état civil, recensements et divers documents

460–61, Recensements de Canada, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1681, 1683, 1685, and later

466, Recensements de l’Acadie, 1671, 1686, 1689, 1693, 1695, 1698, 1700, and later

467, Recensements de Plaisance et Terre-Neuve, from 1671 and 1687. See PAC, Inventaire provisoire, Fonds de manuscrits N° 1, 17–18.

Dépôt des fortifications des colonies. This series

contains technical reports, maps, reports on discoveries, fisheries, commerce, and military campaigns, as well as papers on the Compagnie des Indes. See: PAC Report, 1905, I, pt. III, 1–43; J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 536 ff; and PAC, Inventaire provisoire, Fonds de manuscrits, N° 1, 19.


Registre des mariages, 1621–1667 (1 registre)

Registre des baptêmes

Registre des sépultures

Registre des baptêmes de Sillery

ARCHIVO DE INDIAS, Seville. The “Council of the Indies” series contains material on early exploration.

ARCHIVO GENERAL, Simancas. There are occasional references in the “Estado” series to the early explorers.

ARCHIVUM ROMANUM SOCIETATIS IESU, Rome. Despite the destruction of a large part of these archives following the brief suppression of the order in 1773, a number of valuable documents on the history of the Company of Jesus in North America have survived. These include correspondence between the general of the order and missionaries, annual letters from America, catalogues and death notices which provide biographical information. Unfortunately the archives are not open to researchers. However the American Jesuits and the Congregation have published certain of their more important manuscripts. The Institutum Historicum Societatis Jesu in Rome, has published the series “Monumenta Historica Missionum Societatis Jesu.”

BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, Paris. The library collection of the kings of France, from the time of François I, form the basis of the BN. In the 17th century the manuscripts and printed works were separated. From 1926 the libraries of the Arsenal, Opéra, and Conservatoire national de musique have functioned in conjunction with the Bibliothèque nationale. The main divisions at the present time are Cartes et Plans, Estampes, Imprimés, Journaux et Périodiques, Manuscrits, Médailles, and Musique. Most important for Volume I are the manuscripts, which number over 160,000. Most of the documents have been integrated with the Fonds français (Fr., nos. 1–33264) or with Nouvelles acquisitions françaises (NAF, nos.1–    ); documents most recently integrated

have double numbering. Among the collections not integrated are Baluze, Cinq-Cents and Mélanges de Colbert, and Clairambault. J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada (PAC pub., 6, 1911), 663 ff. outlines the organization of the BN and lists the 18-volume catalogue to the Fr. and NAF (1–10,000) for which there is a Table générale alphabétique (6v., Paris, 1931–48). Another guide is W. G. Leland, Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris, Volume I: Libraries (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication 392, 1932). See also BN, Département des manuscrits, Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection Clairambault, par Philippe Lauer (3v., Paris, 1923–32); Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection des Cinq Cents de Colbert, par Charles de La Roncière (Paris, 1908); Catalogue des manuscrits de la collection des Mélanges de Colbert, par Charles de La Roncière et P.-M. Bondois (2v., Paris, 1920–22); Nouvelles acquisitions du département des manuscrits pendant les années 1898–1899, inventaire sommaire (Paris, 1900), 49–85 (“Amérique, Canada, Nouvelle-France, Acadie, et Louisiane” [catalogue sommaire de la collection Pierre Margry], par Charles de La Roncière); Robert Latouche, “Inventaire sommaire de la collection Arnoul conservée à la Bibliothèque nationale,” Revue des bibliothèques, XVIII (1908), 244–63.

BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Oxford University. The Malone, Rawlinson, and Tanner manuscripts contain material on Volume I persons.

BRITISH MUSEUM, London. Founded in the 1750’s to house the Sloane, and other collections. For a brief guide to catalogues of the Sloane, Cotton, Egerton, Harley, King’s, Lansdowne, Royal, and additional manuscripts seeT. C. Skeat, “The catalogues of the British Museum, 2. Manuscripts,” Journal of Documentation, VII (1951), 18–60; revised as British Museum: the catalogues of the manuscript collections (London, 1962). For copies of documents in the PAC see Manuscript Division, Preliminary inventory, Manuscript Group 21, transcripts from papers in the British Museum (Ottawa, 1955).

FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT LIBRARY, Hyde Park, N.Y. Contains the originals of the Livingstone Indian records.

HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES, London. The HBC archives comprise over thirty thousand volumes and files of records dating from the founding of the Company in 1670. The archives

as presently constituted were established in 1932. The work of organization proceeded thereafter, a publishing programme was undertaken by the Hudson’s Bay Record Society [see section II], and in 1949 the HBC and the PAC arranged jointly to microfilm the records. On the organization of the archives see R. H. Leveson Gower, “The Archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264, no.3 (December, 1933), 40–42, 64, and for copies in North America of documents see H. P. Beers, The French & British in the old Northwest: a bibliographical guide to archive and manuscript sources (Detroit, 1964), 187–88.

Documents on persons and events in Volume I are found in:

Section A: London Office records

A.1/: Minute books of the Governor and Committee

A.6/: London outward correspondence books-HBC official

A.9/: Memorial books

A.14/: Grand ledgers (London)

A.15/: Grand journals (London)

A.37/: Charters, deeds, agreements and byelaws

MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Boston, Mass. Founded in 1791, it is the oldest historical society in the United States. About half the holdings of the Society are manuscripts and transcriptions. See Stephen T. Riley, The Massachusetts Historical Society 1791–1959 (Boston, 1959) and “The manuscript collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society: a brief listing,” M. H. S. Miscellany, no.5 (December  1958).

Of interest for 17th century Canadian history are the Parkman transcripts from European archives (1565–1768), 100 volumes; the F. L. Gay transcripts from English archives (1630–1776), 124 volumes; and the Annie H. Thwing typescript, in 22 vols., Suffolk deeds, 1630–1800, compiled by streets (1916) and card index, from Boston records.

MASSACHUSETTS, SECRETARY OF THE COMMONEALTH’S OFFICE, ARCHIVES, Boston, Mass. These archives contain primarily the records of the General  Court of Massachusetts from the 17th century until the present day.

The following series of documents are of interest for 17th-century Canadian history:

“Massachusetts Archives.” This is the title usually given to the 326 volumes of legislative records rearranged in the 19th century by J. B. Felt and his successor according to subject. Excellent name card-indexes have been prepared for about 55 volumes on such subjects as colonial affairs

(including letters received and sent to other North American and West Indian colonies), commerce, depositions, foreign affairs, judicial and pecuniary matters, and military records.

Executive records of the Council (called Council Records), about 150 volumes. For the 17th century, the records cover 1650–56, 1686–87, and 1692 on.

Legislative records of the Council (called Court Records), 73 vols. Those for 1630 to 1686 were printed under the title Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay [see section II].

J. B. Poore’s transcripts from French archives, from the discovery of America to 1780, 10 vols. Copies of these copies were published 40 years later by the Quebec legislature as Coll. de manuscrits relatifs à la Nouv.-France [see section II; see alsoH. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, La., 1957), 153–56].

For copies of documents in the PAC see: Preliminary inventory, Manuscript Group 18, pre-Conquest papers (Ottawa, 1964).

NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, Boston, Mass. The society specializes in family history and genealogy and its collections are on the national scale. It also has one of the largest collections on this continent of copies of English parish records.

NEW YORK STATE, ARCHIVES, Albany, N.Y. On the development and present organization of these various archives see E. F. Rowse, “The archives of New York,” American Archivist, IV (1941), 267–74, and Historical Records Survey, Guide to depositories of manuscript collections in the United States (Columbus, 1938), 76–77. On NYCD see H. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, 1957), 145–53.

NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Nottingham, England. The Middleton Manuscripts are important for the early history of Newfoundland.

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. In 1873 the government of Canada commissioned the Abbé H.-A. Verreau to investigate the holdings of English and French archives with a view to copying documents concerning the early history of Canada. The work of transcribing and microfilming

such manuscripts has proceeded since that time. Many unpublished finding aids are available only in the archives, but the Manuscript Division has published the following Preliminary Inventories and Inventories: Fonds des Manuscrits N° 1, Archives des Colonies (1952); Fonds des Manuscrits N° 2, Archives de la Marine, N° 3, Archives nationales, N° 4, Archives de la Guerre (1953); Fonds des Manuscrits N° 5, Ministère des Affaires étrangères (1955); Manuscript Group 8, Quebec provincial and local records; Manuscript Group 9, Provincial, local and territorial records (1961); Manuscript Group 11, Public Record Office, London, Colonial Office papers (1961); Manuscript Group 18, Pre-Conquest papers (1964); Manuscript Group 21, transcripts from papers in the British Museum (1955). See also “Guides to calendars of series and collections in the Public Archives,” PAC Report, 1949, 451–59; H. P. Beers, The French & British in the old Northwest: a bibliographical guide to archive and manuscript sources (Detroit, 1964) and The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, 1957).

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. These archives contain bound volumes of transcripts of documents from European archives relating to the earliest history of Acadia or Nova Scotia. See: Catalogue or list of manuscript documents, arranged, bound and catalogued under the direction of the commissioner of public records .  .  . (Halifax, 1877; 2d ed., 1886) and J. P. Edwards, The public records of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1920).

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the contents and arrangement of these archives see: Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (2v., London, 1963).

The documentary series cited in Volume I include:


Adm. 6: Admiralty and secretariat, registers, returns and certificates, various (1673–1859).

Adm. 8: Ibid., list books (1673–1893).

Adm. 51: Admiralty and secretariat, log books, etc., captains’ logs (1669–1852).

Records of the Chancery

C. 2: Chancery files or brevia regia, judicial proceedings (equity side), proceedings, Chancery proceedings, series I, Elizabeth I to Charles I.

C. 142: Chancery files or brevia regia, inquisitions, inquisitions post mortem, series II, Henry VII to Charles II.

Colonial Office (see R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominion offices (PRO Handbooks, III, 1964))

C.O. 1: General series (1574–1757). Includes papers relating to America and the West Indies, preponderantly before 1688, from which date most of these papers are in C.O. 5.

C.O. 5: America and West Indies, original correspondence ([1606] to 1807). Comprises the original correspondence and entry books of the Board of Trade and the secretary of state and other papers.

Records of the Exchequer, the King’s Remembrancer

E.101: Accounts, various, Henry II to George III.

E. 146: Deeds, forest proceedings, Henry III to 1653.

E. 159: Inquisitions post mortem, memoranda rolls, 2 Henry III to 1926.

Records of the High Court of Admiralty

H.C.A. 1: Criminal, oyer and terminer records (1535–1834).

H.C.A. 13: Instance and prize courts, court minute books (prize), examinations, etc. (1536–1826).

H.C.A.14: Ibid., exemplifications (1531–1768).

H.C.A. 24: Ibid., instance papers, libels, etc. (1519–1814).

Privy Council Office

P.C. 2: Registers (1540–1920).

Privy Seal Office

P.S.O. 2: Warrants for the Privy Seal, series II, Henry VII to Charles II.

P.S.O. 3: Ibid., series III, 1766 to 1851.

State Paper Office, State papers domestic and foreign

S.P. 12: Domestic, Elizabeth I (1558–1603).

S.P. 16: Domestic, Charles I (1625–49).

S.P. 25: Domestic, Interregnum, Council of State, etc. (1649–60).

    S.P. 29: Domestic, Charles II (1660–85).

    S.P. 63: Ireland, Elizabeth I to George III (1558–1782).

    S.P. 78: Foreign, France (1577–1780).

    S.P. 94: Foreign, Spain (1577–1780).

ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, London. The commission was instituted in the reign of Queen  Victoria to inspect and report on collections of manuscripts and records belonging to private families or institutions, other than those of the central government, to publish reports, and to record particulars in the National Register of Archives. For details of publications see: Publications of the Royal Commission on Historical manuscripts: sectional list no.17 (London, 1962); annual Lists of accessions; and Bulletins of the National Register of Archives.

SOMERSET HOUSE, London. This is the repository for registers of births, marriages, burials, wills, etc., including church records transferred there after 1857. The Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.), with York, had jurisdiction to grant probate or administration when the diocesan court could not entertain the case because the deceased died possessed of goods above the value of £5 in each of two or more dioceses. This jurisdiction was transferred in 1857 to the High Court of Justice, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty division.

SUFFOLK COUNTY COURT HOUSE, Boston, Mass. Two groups of records are of interest for Volume I, the registry of probate and the registry of deeds. Although the probate records are not in print, there is an index: Index to the Probate records of the County of Suffolk, Massachusetts, 1636 to 1893 (3v., Boston, 1895). Records of deeds from 1629 to 1697 only were published as Suffolk deeds [see section II].


Acadiensia Nova (1598–1779): new and unpublished documents and other data relating to Acadia. Edited by W. I. Morse. 2 vols. London, 1935.

[ALEXANDER, SIR WILLIAM.] The Earl of Stirling’s register of royal letters, relative to the affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia from 1615 to 1635. Edited by Charles Rogers. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1885.

——  An encouragement to colonies. London, 1624.


APQ Rapports. Documents from the APQ-as well as from other archives-have been published in the Rapport de l’Archiviste de la Province de Québec. Volumes correspond to the fiscal years for 1920–21 to 1948–49 and

1959–60; those for the years 1949–51 to 1957–59 include two years; no volumes were published for 1961 or 1962, but publication was resumed in 1963.

Bulletin des Recherches historiques [see sect. IV]. Lettres de noblesse (P.-G. Roy).

Ord. comm. (P.-G. Roy).

Papier terrier de la Cie des 1.0. (P.-G. Roy).

P.-G. Roy. Index des jugements et délibérations du Conseil souverain de 1663 à 1716. Québec, 1940.

——  Inv. coil. pièces jud. et not.

——  Inv. concessions.

——  Inv. contrats de mariage.

——  Inventaire de pièces sur la côte de Labrador.

——  Inventaire des procès-verbaux des grands voyers.

——  Inv. ins. cons. souv.

——  Inv. ins. prév. Québec.

——  Inv. ord. int.

——  Inv. testaments.

——  et al. Inv. greffes not.

[For complete descriptions see individual titles and P.-G. Roy, infra.]


BAUGY, [HENRI DE]. Journal d’une expédition contre les Iroquois en 1687: lettres et pièces relatives au fort Saint-Louis des Illinois. Édité par Ernest Serrigny. Paris, 1883.

Beatifications seu declarationis martyrii servorum Dei .  .  . Brébeuf .  .  . Lalemant .  .  . Daniel .  .  . Garnier .  .  . Chabanel .  .  . Jogues .  .  . Goupil .  .  . Lalande a Societate Jesu: positio super introductione causae. Edited by A.Vico. Romae,1916.


BEST, GEORGE. A true discourse of the late voyages of discoverie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the northweast, under the conduct of Martin Frobisher generall.  .  .  . London, 1578. Reprinted in Three voyages of Martin Frobisher (Stefansson), I, 4ff., and in Hakluyt, Principal navigations (1903–5), VII.

BIGGAR, H. P. A collection of documents relating to Jacques Cartier and the sieur de Roberval. (Public Archives of Canada publications, XIV.) Ottawa, 1930. Contains the original French texts.

[BOUCHER, PIERRE.] Histoire véritable et naturelle des mœurs et productions du pays de la Nouvelle-France, vulgairement dite le Canada. Paris, 1664. (Société historique de Bouchervillé, I, 1964.)

[BRESSANI, F.-J.] Relation abrégée de quelques missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France par le R. P. Bressany de la même compagnie. Édité par Félix Martin. Montréal, 1852.

BRISTOL RECORD SOCIETY. Founded in 1929 “to make available something of the wealth of historical material contained in the city archives, and in the collections of lay and ecclesiastical corporations.” Publications pertinent for Volume I:

II, IV, VIII, XVI, XVIII: The great red book of Bristol. Edited by E. W. W. Veale. 5 vols. 1931, 1933, 1938, 1951, 1953.

V: The staple court books of Bristol. Edited by E. E. Rich. 1934.

VII: The overseas trade of Bristol in the later Middle Ages. Edited by E. M. Carus-Wilson. 1937.

XVII: Records relating to the Society of Merchant Venturers of the city of Bristol in the seventeenth century. Edited by Patrick McGrath. 1952.

XIX: Merchants and merchandise in seventeenth century Bristol. Edited by Patrick McGrath. 1955.

CANADA (New FRANCE, –1763). STATUTES. Edits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d’état du roi concernant le Canada: revus et corrigés d’après les pièces originales déposées aux archives provinciales. 3 vols. Québec, 1854–56.

II: Arrêts et règlements du Conseil supérieur de Québec, et ordonnances et jugements des intendants du Canada, 1855.

III: Complément des ordonnances et jugements des gouverneurs et intendants du Canada, précédé des commissions des dits gouverneurs et intendants et des différents officiers civils et de justice .  .  .  .

CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire des documents concernant l’Église du Canada,” APQ Rapport, 1939–40, 157–353.

CARTIER, JACQUES. Bref récit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI par le capitaine Jacques Cartier aux isles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Édité par M. d’Avezac. Paris, 1863.

[——]  Brief récit & succincte narration .  .  .  . Paris, 1545. Reproduced by photostat in Jacques Cartier et la “grosse maladie.” (XIXe Congrès international de Physiologie publication distributed to members.) Montréal, 1953.

[——]  Relation originale du voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534: documents inédits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada (nouvelle série).

Édité par H. Michelant et A. Ramé. Paris, 1867.

[——]  Voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534. Nouvelle édition publiée d’après Ramusio par M. H. Michelant, avec deux cartes, documents inédits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada

    communiqués par M. Alfred Ramé. Paris, 1865.

[——]  Voyages de découverte au Canada, entre les années 1534  et  1542, par Jacques Quartier, le sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc., suivis de la description de Québec et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lieu de l’hivernement de Jacques Quartier en 1535–36. (Société littéraire et historique de Québec/Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, D.3, 1st series.) Québec, 1843.

[CAVELIER, JEAN.] The journal of Jean Cavelier: the account of a survivor of La Salle’s Texas expedition, 1684–1688. Translated and annotated by Jean Delanglez. Chicago, 1938.


[CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE.] Œuvres de Champlain. Publiées par C.-H. Laverdière. 2e édition. 6 vols. en 4. Québec, 1870. Text paged continuously throughout the set.

[——]  Les voyages de la Nouvelle France occidentale, dicte Canada, faits par le Sr de Champlain .  .  . & toutes les descouvertes qu’il a faites en ce pais depuis l’an 1603 jusques en l’an 1629. Paris, 1632.

[——]  Les voyages de Samuel Champlain, saintongeois, père du Canada. Édités par Hubert Deschamps. (Colonies et empires, 2e série.) Paris, 1951.

[——]  Works. Reprinted, translated and annotated by six Canadian scholars under the general editorship of H. P. Biggar. 6 vols. (Champlain Society publications, New Series.) Toronto, 1922–36. I: 1599–1607 (1922). II: 1608–1613 (1925). III: 1615–1618 (1929). IV: 1608–1620 (1932). V: 1620–1629 (1933). VI: 1629–1632 (1936). Includes original French text.

CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. “Founded in 1905, with headquarters in Toronto, for the purpose of publishing rare and inaccessible materials relating to the history of Canada. Its publications are issued only to elected members, limited in number .  .  .  .” Volumes relative to this work include:


I: Lescarbot, History (Grant), I.

II: Denys, Description and natural history (Ganong).

V : Le Clercq, New relation of Gaspesia (Ganong).

VII, IX: Lescarbot, History (Grant). II, III.

XVIII: Documents relating to Hudson Bay (Tyrrell).

XX: Dièreville, Relation of a voyage to Port-Royal (Webster).

XXV : Sagard, Long journey (Wrong and Langton).


Champlain, Works (Biggar).

[For complete citations see individual listings.]

CHARLEVOIX, [FRANÇOIS-XAVIER] DE. Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France avec le journal historique d’un voyage fait par ordre du roi dans l’Amérique septentrionale. 3 vols. ; another edition 6 vols. Paris, 1744.

[——]  History and general description of New France. Translated, with notes, by J. G. Shea. 6 vols. New York, 1866–72.

[CLODORÉ, JEAN DE?] I.C.S.D.V. Relation de ce qui s’est passé dans les Isles & Terre-Ferme de l’Amérique, pendant la dernière guerre avec l’Angleterre, & depuis en execution du Traitté de Breda. Avec un journal du dernier voyage du Sr de la Barre en la Terre-Ferme, & Isle de Cayenne, accompagné d’une exacte description du pays, mœurs & naturel des habitans .  .  .  . Où est joint le journal d’un nouveau voyage fait en Guynée .  .  .  . Paris, 1671.

Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres, mémoires, et autres documents historiques relatifs à la Nouvelle-France. 4 vols. Québec, 1883–85. [See Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office, Archives, section I.]

“Correspondance échangée entre la cour de France et le gouverneur de Frontenac, pendant sa première administration (1672–1682),” APQ Rapport, 1926–27, 1–144.

“Correspondance échangée entre la cour de France et le gouverneur de Frontenac, pendant sa seconde administration (1689–1699),” APQ Rapport, 1927–28, 3–211; 1928–29, 247–384.

“Correspondance échangée entre la cour de France et l’intendant Talon pendant ses deux administrations dans la Nouvelle-France,” APQ Rapport, 1930–31, 3–182.

Danish arctic expeditions, 1605 to 1620. Edited by C. C. A. Gosch. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, 1st series, XCVI, XCVII.) London, 1897. Book I: The Danish expeditions to Greenland in 1605, 1606, and 1607; to which is added Captain  James Hall’s voyage to Greenland in 1612.

Book II: The expedition of Captain  Jens Munk to Hudson’s Bay in search of a north-west passage in 1619–20.

Découvertes et établissements des Français dans l’ouest et dans le sud de l’Amérique septentrionale, 1614–1754: mémoires et documents inédits. Édités par Pierre Margry. 6 vols. Paris, 1879–88. Documents reproduced here should be checked against the originals.

DENYS, NICOLAS. The description and natural history of the coasts of North America (Acadia). Translated and edited, with a memoir of the author, collateral documents, and a reprint of

the original, by W. F. Ganong. (Champlain Society publications, II.) Toronto, 1908.

Description géographique et historique des cosies de l’Amérique septentrionale: avec l’histoire naturelle du pais (Tome I). Histoire naturelle des peuples, des animaux, des arbres & plantes de l’Amérique septentrionale, & de ses divers climats: avec une description exacte de la pesche des moluës .  .  . (Tome II). 2 vols. Paris, 1672.

DIÉREVILLE, SIEUR DE. Relation of the voyage to Port Royal in Acadia or New France. Edited by J. C. Webster. (Champlain Society publications, XX.) Toronto, 1933. Includes original French text.

Le discours de la navigation de Jean et Raoul Parmentier de Dieppe: voyage à Sumatra en 1529: description de lisle de Sainct-Domingo. Édité par Christian Schefer. (Recueil de voyages, IV.) Paris, 1883.

Documentary history of the State of Maine. Edited by William Willis et al. 24 vols. (Maine Historical Society Collections, 2d series.) Portland, 1869–1916. Not to be confused with Maine Historical Society, Collections and Proceedings [q. v.].

Documents relating to the early history of Hudson Bay. Edited by J. B. Tyrrell. (Champlain Society publications, XVIII.) Toronto, 1931.

Documents relative to the colonial history of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France .  .  .  . Edited by E. B. O’Callaghan and Berthold Fernow. 15 vols. Albany, N.Y., 1853–87.

[DOLLIER DE CASSON, FRANÇOIS.] Histoire du Montréal 1640–1672. Avec apostilles par Pierre Margry et notes et appendices par J. Viger. (Société historique de Montréal, Mémoires, IV.) Montréal, 1868.

[——]  Histoire du Montréal 1640–1672. (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, D.6, 3d series.) Québec, 1871.

[——]  A history of Montreal 1640–1672 from the French of Dollier de Casson. Edited and translated by Ralph Flenley. Toronto, 1928.

DU CREUX, FRANÇOIS. The history of Canada or New France. Translated with an introduction by P. J. Robinson; edited with notes by J. B. Conacher. 2 vols. (Champlain Society publications, XXX, XXXI.) Toronto, 1951, 1952. Includes original French text.

EBURNE, RICHARD. A plaine path-way to plantations. [London], 1624.

——  A plain pathway to plantations (1624). Edited by L. B. Wright. Ithaca, N.Y., 1962.

EDEN, RICHARD. The first three English books on America. [1511?]–1555 A.D, Edited by Edward

Arber. Birmingham, 1885.

Édits ord. See CANADA (New France, –1763). Statutes. Edits, ordonnances .  .  .  .

Eyrbyggja saga .  .  . Eiriks saga rauða; Grœnlendinga saga .  .  .  . Edited by E. O. Sveinsson and Mattias Þórdarson (Íslenzk fornrit, edited by Sigurður Nordal, IV.) Reykjavík, 1935.

Factum du procez entre Messire Jean de Biencourt chevalier sieur de Poutrincourt, Baron de S. Just, appelant d’une part, et de Pierre Biard, Enemond Masse & consorts, soy disans Prestres de la Société de Jesus, intimez. Sans lieu, 1614.

FONTENEAU, JEAN [JEAN ALFONSE]. La cosmographie avec l’espère et régime du soleil du nord par Jean Fonteneau dit Alfonse de Saintonge, capitaine-pilote de François Ier.  .  .  . Éditée par P. L. G. Musset (Recueil de voyages, XX.) Paris, 1904.

——  “Routier de Jean Alphonse.” See Richard Hakluyt, Principal navigations (1903–5).

Les Français en Amérique pendant la première moitié du XVIe siècle: textes des voyages de Gonneville, Verrazano, J. Cartier et Roberval. Édité par Ch.-A. Julien et al. (Colonies et empires, 2e série, I.) Paris, 1946.

The French foundations, 1680–1693. Edited by T. C. Pease and R. C. Werner. (Illinois State Historical Library Collections, XXIII, French series, I.) Springfield, Ill., 1934.

[GENDRON, FRANÇOIS.] Quelques particularitez du pays des Hurons en la Nouvelle France, remarquées par le Sieur Gendron, docteur en médecine, qui a demeuré dans ce pays-là fort longtemps. Rédigées par J.-B. de Rocoles. Troyes et Paris, 1660. [Réimprimées à Albany, 1868].

GRISELLE, EUGÈNE. La Vénérable Mère Marie de l’Incarnation, première supérieure des Ursulines de Québec: supplément à sa correspondance. Paris, [1909?].

[GROYER, PIERRE.] Les aventures du Rochelais Nicolas Gargot dit “Jambe-de-Bois.” Éditées par Charles Millon. La Rochelle, 1928. New edition of Gargot’s Mémoires.

——  Mémoires de la vie et des aventures de Nicolas Gargot, capitaine de marine. [Paris, 1668.]

GUYART DE L’INCARNATION, MARIE. Lettres de la révérende Mère Marie de l’Incarnation (née Marie Guyard), première supérieure du Monastère des Ursulines de Québec. Éditées par P.-F. Richaudeau. 2 vols. Paris, Leipzig, Tournai, 1876.

——  Lettres de la Vénérable Mère Marie de l’Incarnation, première supérieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle-France, divisées en deux parties. Éditées par Dom Claude Martin. Paris, 1681.

——  Lettres historiques de la Vénérable Mère

Marie de )’Incarnation sur le Canada. Éditées par Benjamin Sulte. Québec, 1927.

——  Marie de l’Incarnation, Ursuline de Tours, fondatrice des Ursulines de la Nouvelle-France: Écrits spirituels et historiques: publiées par Dom Claude Martin .  .  .  . Éditées par Dom Albert Jamet. 4 vols. Paris, 1929–39.

HAKLUYT, RICHARD. “A particuler discourse concerning the greate necessitie and manifolde comodyties that are like to growe to this Realme of Englande by the westerne discoveries lately attempted.” 1584. First published as “A discourse concerning western planting,” edited by Charles Deane, in Documentary history of Maine, II, 1–241; also published in Hakluyt, Original writings (Taylor), II, 211–326, with the title “A discourse of western planting.”

——  Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America and the Ilands adjacent unto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen and afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons. London, 1582. Reprinted in 1850 in Hakluyt Society publications (1st series, VII), and edited by J. W. Jones.

——  The original writings & correspondence of the two Richard Hakluyts. Edited by E. G. R. Taylor. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, 2d series, LXXVI, LXXVII.) London, 1935.

——  The principall navigations voiages and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or over land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres: devided into three severall parts .  .  .  . London, 1589. Reprinted in facsimile, edited by D. B. Quinn and R. A. Skelton. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, Extra Series, [XXXIX].) Cambridge, 1965.

——  The principal navigations, voiages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation made by sea or over-land .  .  .  . 3 vols. London, 1598, 1599, 1600. [Titles of vols II and III vary slightly.]

——  Hakluyt’s collection of the early voyages, travels, and discoveries of the English nation. [Edited by R. H. Evans.] 5 vols. London, 1809–12. Part of Vol. IV and Vol. V were issued separately under the title: A selection of curious, rare and early voyages and histories of interesting discoveries, chiefly published by Hakluyt, or at his suggestion, but not included in his .  .  . compilation, to which, to Purchas, and other general collections, this is intended as a supplement. [Edited by R. H. Evans.] London, 1812.

——  The principal navigations voyages traffiques & discoveries of the English nation made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the com­

passe of these 1600 yeeres. 12 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, Extra Series, I-XII.) Glasgow, 1903–5. The text of this edition is an exact reprint of that of 1598–1600.

The Principal navigations includes accounts of the voyages of the following explorers whose biographies appear in Vol. 1: Nicolas of Lynne (Vol. I of the Hakluyt Society edition); Robert Thorne (II); John and Sebastian Cabot, Sir  Humphrey Gilbert, Martin Frobisher, James Beare, John Davis, and Nicolò and Antonio Zeno (VII); Richard Hore, Anthony Parkhurst, Edward Hayes, Stephanus Parmenius, Richard Clarke, La Court de Pré-Ravillon, Thomas James, George Drake [see Richard Fisher], Sylvester Wyet, Charles Leigh, Jacques Cartier, Jean Fonteneau dit Alfonse, Jean-François La Rocque de Roberval, and Giovanni da Verrazzano (VIII); Sir  Francis Drake (IX); and Henry May (X).

HAKLUYT SOCIETY publications. The society was formed in 1846 with the aim of printing rare or unpublished voyages and travels. Of the 221 volumes published to date, the following are relevant for Vol. I:

FIRST SERIES (London, 1849–99)

V: Narratives of voyages towards the North West in search of a passage to Cathay and India 1496 to 1631 .  .  .  . Edited by Thomas Rundall. 1849.

VII: Hakluyt, Divers voyages (1850).

XXVII: Henry Hudson the navigator: the original documents in which his career is recorded, collected, partly translated, and annotated. Introduction by G. M. Asher. 1860.

XXXVIII: Three voyages of Frobisher (Collinson).

L: The voyages of the Venetian brothers Nicolò & Antonio Zeno, to the northern seas, in the XIVth century, comprising the latest known accounts of the lost colony of Greenland: and of the Northmen in America before Columbus. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 1873.

LVI: The voyages of Sir  James Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies .  .  . and the voyage of Captain John Knight (1606) to seek the North-West Passage. Edited by C. R. Markham. 1877.

LIX: The voyages and works of John Davis, the navigator. Edited by A. H. Markham. 1880.

LXIII: The voyages of William Baffin, 1612–1622. Edited by C. R. Markham. 1881.

LXXXVI: The journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyages, 1492–93) and documents relating to the voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real. Translated by C. R. Markham. 1893.

LXXXVIII, LXXXIX: Voyages of Foxe and James (Christy).

XCVI, XCVII: Danish arctic expeditions (Gosch).

SECOND SERIES (London and Cambridge, 1899–    )

LXIX : Roger Barlow. A brief summe of geographie. Edited by E. G. R. Taylor. 1932.

LXXVI, LXXVII: Hakluyt, Original writings (Taylor).

LXXXIII, LXXXIV : Voyages of Gilbert (Quinn).

CIV, CV: Roanoke voyages (Quinn).

CXI: English privateering voyages to the West Indies 1588–1595. Edited by K. R. Andrews. Cambridge, 1959.

CXX: Williamson, Cabot voyages (1962).


Hakluyt, Principal navigations (1903–5).

Purchas, Pilgrimes (1905–7).

Hakluyt, Principall navigations (Quinn and Skelton).

[For full citations for short titles above, see individual entries.]

HARRISSE, HENRY. Les Corte-Real et leurs voyages au Nouveau-Monde .  .  . suivi du texte inédit d’un récit de la troisième expédition de Gaspar Corte-Real. [III.] Les Corte-Real: Post-Scriptum: Gaspar Corte-Real: la date exacte de sa dernière expédition au Nouveau-Monde. [III bis.] (Recueil de voyages, III, IIIbis.) Paris, 1883. See documents, III, 177–257.

——  Jean et Sébastien Cabot; leur origine et leurs voyages, étude d’histoire critique suivie d’une cartographie, d’une bibliographie et d’une chronologie des voyages au Nord-Ouest, de 1497 à 1550, d’après des documents inédits. (Recueil de voyages, I.) Paris, 1882. See documents, 309–66.

——  John Cabot, the discoverer of North America, and Sebastian Cabot his son. London, 1896. See documents, 385–469.

HENNEPIN, LOUIS. Description de la Louisiane .  .  .  . Paris, 1683.

——  Nouveau voyage d’un païs plus grand que l’Europe, avec les réflections des entreprises du sieur de La Salle .  .  .  . Utrecht, 1698. A continuation of the author’s Nouvelle découverte, infra.

——  Nouvelle découverte d’un très grand pays situé dans l’Amerique entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la mer glaciale .  .  .  . Utrecht, 1697.

——  A new discovery of a vast country, by Father Louis Hennepin, reprinted from the second London issue of 1698. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1903.

——  Voyage ou nouvelle découverte d’un très

grand pays .  .  .  . Amsterdam, 1704.

HENNIG, RICHARD. Terrae incognitae: eine Zusammenstellung and kritische Bewertung der wichtigsten vorcolumbischen Entdeckungsreisen .  .  .  . 2d edition. 4 vols. Leiden, 1944–56.

HUDSON’S BAY RECORD SOCIETY. Initiated in 1938 by the Company after classification of its London Archives, begun in 1932, had progressed to the point where publication was feasible. Membership in the Society is limited. Inquiries should be directed to : the Hon. Secretary, Beaver House, Great Trinity Lane, London, E.C.4, England.


General editor for vols. I–XXII, E. E. Rich: for vols. XXIII–    , K. G. Davies. XXIV vols. published to date. Vols. I–XII issued in association with the Champlain Society, Toronto; vols. XXI and XXII issued in Toronto by McClelland & Stewart Ltd.

V: Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company 1671–74. Edited by E. E. Rich. 1942.

VIII: Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company 1679–1684: first part, 1679–82. Edited by E. E. Rich. 1945.

IX: Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company 1679–1684: second part, 1682–84. Edited by E. E. Rich. 1946.

XI: Copy-book of letters outward & c. begins 29th May, 1680, ends 5  July, 1687. Edited by E. E. Rich and A. M. Johnson. 1948.

XX: Hudson’s Bay copy booke of letters commissions instructions outward 1688–1696. Edited by E. E. Rich and A. M. Johnson. 1957.

XXI: Rich. History of the HBC. I: 1670–1763.

XXII: Rich. History of the HBC. II: 1763–1870.

HUTCHINSON, [THOMAS]. The history of the colony of Massachuset’s Bay, from the first settlement thereof in 1628, until its incorporation with the colony of Plimouth, Province of Main, & c. by the charter of King  William and Queen  Mary, in 1691. 2d edition. London, 1765. The 1st edition was published in Boston in 1764 and a 3d edition in Boston in 1795.

——  The history of the province of Massachusets-Bay, from the charter of King  William and Queen  Mary, in 1691, until the year 1750. 2d edition. London, 1768. The 1st edition was published in Boston in 1767 and a 3d edition in Boston in 1795.

——  The history of the colony and province of Massachusetts-Bay, edited from the author’s own copies of volumes I and II and his manuscript of volume III, with a memoir and additional notes. Edited by L. S. Mayo. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1936. Volumes I and II include Governor

Hutchinson’s corrections of the 2d editions.


The Indian tribes of the upper Mississippi Valley and region of the Great Lakes, as described by Nicolas Perrot; Bacqueville de la Potherie; Morrell Marston; and Thomas Forsyth. Edited and translated by E. H. Blair. 2 vols. Cleveland, 1911, 1912.

Jacques Cartier, documents nouveaux. Édité par F. Joüon Des Longrais. Paris, 1888.

[JÉRÉMIE, NICOLAS.] Twenty years of York Factory 1694–1714: Jérémie’s account of Hudson Strait and Bay. Translated from the French edition of 1720 with notes and Introduction by R. Douglas and J. N. Wallace. Ottawa, 1926.

The Jesuit Relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France 1610–1791: the original French, Latin and Italian texts, with English translations and notes. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 73 vols., including 2 Index vols. Cleveland, 1896–1901. Facsimile reproduction, 73 vols. in 36, New York, 1959. [For a discussion of the Relations, see pp. 455–57.]

Jésuites de la Nouvelle-France.  .  .  . Édité par François Roustang. (Collection Christus, VI.) [Bruges ou Bruxelles], 1961.

Le journal des Jésuites, publié d’après le manuscrit original conservé aux Archives du Séminaire de Québec. Édité par les Abbés Laverdière et Casgrain. 2e édition; Montréal, 1892.

JUCHEREAU DE LA FERTÉ DE SAINT-IGNACE, JEANNE-FRANÇOISE, et MARIE-ANDRÉE DUPLESSIS DE SAINTE-HÉLÈNE. Les annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, 1636–1716. Éditées par Albert Jamet. Québec et Montréal, 1939.

Jugements et déliberations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France [1663–1716]. 6 vols. Québec, 1885–91. Index. By P.-G. Roy. Québec, 1940.

LA CROIX DE CHEVRIÈRES DE SAINT-VALLIER, JEAN-BAPTISTE DE. Estat present de l’Église et de la colonie française dans la Nouvelle-France.  .  .  . Paris, 1688; Québec, 1856 ou 1857.



[LATOUR, BERTRAND DE.] Mémoires sur la vie de M. de Laval, premier évêque de Québec. Cologne, 1761.

LE BLANT, ROBERT. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France: les sources narratives du début du XVllle siècle et le Recueil de Gédéon de Catalogne. 1 vol. paru. Dax, sans date.

LE CLERCQ, CHRESTIEN. The first establishment of the faith in New France. Translated by J. G. Shea. 2 vols. New York, 1881.

——  New relation of Gaspesia with the customs

and religion of the Gaspesian Indians. Translated and edited by W. F. Ganong. (Champlain Society publications, V.) Toronto, 1910.

——  Premier établissement de la foy dans la Nouvelle-France. 2 vols. Paris, 1691.

LE ROY DE BACQUEVILLE DE LA POT(H)ERIE, CLAUDE-CHARLES. Histoire de l’Amérique septentrionale. 4 vols. Paris, 1722; autres éditions Rouen, 1722, Paris, 1753.

LESCARBOT, MARC. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France .  .  . suivie des Muses de la Nouvelle-France. Nouvelle édition publiée par Edwin Tross. 3 vols. Paris, 1866.

——  The history of New France containing the voyages, discoveries, and settlements made by the French in the West Indies and New France .  .  . from one hundred years ago until now .  .  .  . Translation by W. L. Grant; Introduction by H. P. Biggar. 3 vols. (Champlain Society publications, 1, VII, XI.) Toronto, 1907, 1911, 1914. [Based on the 3d edition, Paris, 1618.]

LE TAC, SIXTE. Histoire chronologique de la Nouvelle France ou Canada depuis sa découverte (mil cinq cents quatre) jusques en l’an mil six cents trente deux .  .  . publiée pour la première fois d’après le manuscrit original de 1689 et accompagnée de notes et d’un appendice tout composé de documents originaux et inédites. Par Eugène Réveillaud. Paris, 1888.

“Lettres inédites du gouverneur d’Argenson.” See [VOYER D’ARGENSON.]

Lettres de noblesse, généalogies, érections de comtés et baronnies insinuées par le Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. Éditées par P.-G. Roy. 2 vols. Beauceville, 1920.

LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC / SOCIÉTÉ LITTÉRAIRE ET HISTORIQUE DE QUÉBEC. The oldest historical society in Canada, founded 6  Jan.  1824 in Quebec. It has published (a) a lengthy series of Transactions:old series, I (1824/29)–V (1862); new series, I (1863)–XXX (1924); (b) another collection, Historical Documents, consisting of 12 vols. in 9 series (1838–1915), numbered consecutively D.1, D.2, etc., irrespective of the fact that the first series contains 4 vols., while the remaining eight series contain only one vol. each; (c) Bulletin, I (1900)–IV (1907); (d) Index to the archival publications .  .  . 1824–1924. Québec, 1923. Relative to this volume are:

[CARTIER et al.] Voyages de découverte au Canada .  .  .  . (Historical Documents, D.3, 1st series.)

[DOLLIER DE CASSON.] Histoire du Montréal 1640–1672. (Historical Documents, D.6, 3d series.)


Canada .  .  . in Collection de mémoires et de relations sur l’histoire ancienne du Canada, d’après des manuscrits récemment obtenus des archives et bureaux publics en France, no 4. (Historical Documents, D.2, 1st series.) Québec, 1840. Reprinted with the title Recueil de ce qui s’est passé au Canada au sujet de la guerre tant des Anglais que des Iroquois, in 1871 (Historical Documents, D.6, 3d series) and in 1886 (Transactions, XVIII, 21–56).

The Livingston Indian Records 1666–1723. Edited by L. H. Leder. Gettysburg, 1956.

LOM D’ARCE DE LAHONTAN, L.-A. New voyages to North America. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1905.

——  Nouveaux voyages .  .  . dans l’Amérique Septentrionale .  .  .  . 2 vols. La Haye, 1703.

MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY publications, Port-land, Maine.

Collections, 1st series. 10 vols. 1831–91.

Collections and proceedings, 2d series. 10 vols. 1890–99.

Collections, 3d series. 2 vols. 1904–6.

Documentary history of the State of Maine [q.v.].

Province and court records of Maine. Edited by G. T. Libby et al. 4 vols., in progress. 1928–58–    .

Mandements, lettres pastorales et circulaires des évêques de Québec. Édités par H. Têtu et C.-O. Gagnon. 9 vols. Québec, 1887–98.

MARGRY, PIERRE, ed. See: Découvertes et établissements .  .  .  .


De orbe novo. Decade III. Alcalâ, 1616. Decade VII. Alcalâ, 1530. Decade VIII. Edited by Richard Hakluyt. Paris, 1587. [For other editions, see Hoffman, Cabot to Cartier, 230–31.]


Collections. 7 series of 10 vols. each plus 9 volumes published to date. 1792–    .

Proceedings. 2 series of 20 vols. each plus 36 vols. published to date. 1879–    .

Shipton. Sibley’s Harvard graduates.

As a guide to contents and indexes see: Handbook of the publications and photostats 1792–1935 (1937).

MASSICOTTE, É.-Z. Répertoire des arrêts, édits, mandements, ordonnances conservés dans les Archives du Palais de Justice de Montréal, 1640–1760. Montréal, 1919.

Mémoires des commissaires du roi et de ceux de Sa Majesté britannique, sur les possessions & les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amérique: avec les actes publics & pièces justificatives. 1ère édition. 4 vols. Paris, 1755, 1757. 2e édition. 6 vols. Paris, 1756–57. Vols. I–III (1ère éd.)

were published in 1755 and vol. IV in 1757. The latter volume is probably in answer to the English Memorials .  .  .  , 1755 infra. Vol. I contains Mémoires sur l’Acadie et sur l’isle de Sainte-Lucie;Vol. II, Pièces justifcatives .  .  . sur les limites de l’Acadie;Vol. IV, Les derniers mémoires sur l’Acadie.

Memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 2 vols. London, 1755. Vol. I relates to Nova Scotia; Vol. II, to St. Lucia. See also: Mémoires, supra.

MORIN, MARIE. Annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal. Éditées par A. Fauteux, É.-Z. Massicotte et C. Bertrand. (Société historique de Montréal, Mémoires, XII. Montréal, 1921. This is an incomplete and inexact published version of the manuscript in AHDM [q.v.] by Marie Morin.

Narratives of the discovery of America. Edited by A. W. Lawrence and Jean Young. London, New York, and Toronto, 1931. Contains translations of the principal documents of discovery.

NAVY RECORDS SOCIETY, London. Founded in

1893 “for the purpose of rendering accessible the sources of [Britain’s] naval history.”

XXII, XXIII, XLIII, XLV, XLVII: The naval tracts of Sir  William Monson. Edited by M. Oppenheim. 5 vols. 1902–14.

XXVI, XXVII, XXXVI, LVII: A descriptive catalogue of the naval manuscripts in the Pepysian Library. Edited by J. R. Tanner. 4 vols. 1903–22.

LI: The autobiography of Phineas Pett. Edited by W. G. Perrin. 1918.

NYCD (O’Callaghan and Fernow). See: Documents relative to the colonial history of the State of New York .  .  .  .

OLIER, JEAN-JACQUES. See: Les Véritables Motifs .  .  . Ordonnances, commissions, etc., etc., des gouverneurs et intendants de la

Nouvelle-France, 1639–1706. Éditées par P.-G. Roy. 2 vols.

Beauceville, 1924.

Original narratives of early American history.

Edited by J. F. Jameson. 19 vols. New York. 1906–17.

Early English and French voyages, chiefly out of Hakluyt. Edited by H. S. Burrage. 1906.

Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, 1604–1618. Edited by W. L. Grant. 1907.

Winthrop’s journal “History of New England” 1630–1649. Edited by J. K. Hosmer. 2 vols. 1908.

Narratives of New Netherland, 1609–1664. Edited by J. F. Jameson. 1909.

Narratives of early Pennsylvania, west New Jersey and Delaware, 1630–1707. Edited by A. C. Myers. 1912.

Early narratives of the Northwest, 1634–1699. Edited by L. P. Kellogg. 1917.

Papier terrier de la Compagnie des Indes occidentales, 1667–1668. Édité par P.-G. Roy. Beauceville, 1931.

PERROT, NICOLAS. “Memoir on the manners, customs and religion of the savages of North America.” Translated from the French in Indian tribes of the upper Mississippi Valley and region of the Great Lakes. Edited by E. H. Blair. 2 vols. Cleveland, 1911.

——  Mémoire sur les mœurs, coustumes et relligion des sauvages de l’Amérique septentrionale. Édité par J. Tailhan. Leipzig et Paris, 1864.

Pièces et documents relatifs à la tenure seigneuriale, demandés par une adresse de l’assembée législative, 1851. 2 vols. Québec, 1852.

Positio causae .  .  .  . See: Beatificationis seu declarationis .  .  .

The Positio of the Historical Section of the Sacred Congregation of Rites on the introduction of the cause for beatification and canonization and on the virtues of the servant of God Katharine Tekakwitha, the Lily of the Mohawks. New York, [1940].

The precursors of Jacques Cartier 1497–1534: a collection of documents relating to the early history of the Dominion of Canada. Edited by H. P. Biggar. (Public Archives of Canada publications, V.) Ottawa, 1911.

Premier registre de l’église Notre-Dame de Montréal. Montréal, 1961.

Première mission des Jésuites au Canada: lettres et documents inédits. Éditée par Auguste Carayon. Paris, 1864.


XVI: Radisson, Voyages (Scull).

XVII: Capt.  John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire, including his tract on Newfoundland. Edited by J. W. Dean. 1887.

XXIX: Sir  Humfrey Gylberte and his enterprize of colonization in America. Edited by Carlos Slafter. 1903.

Province and court records of Maine. See MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS



I: Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. 1909.

V: Precursors (Biggar).

VI: J.-E. ROY. Rapport sur les archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada. 1911.

VIII: H. R. HOLMDEN. Catalogue des cartes, plans et cartes marines conservés au dépôt des cartes des archives canadiennes. 1912.

X: D. W. PARKER. A guide to the documents in

the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives of Canada Vol. I. 1914.

XI: Voyages of Cartier (Biggar).

XIII: MAGDALEN CASEY. Catalogue of pamphlets in the PAC 1493–1931 with Index. 2 vols. 1931–32.

XIV: BIGGAR. Documents relating to Cartier and Roberval.


Annual Reports. 1881–1952 (irregular thereafter).

Sixteenth-century maps relating to Canada: a check-list and bibliography. Edited with an Introduction by T. E. Layng. 1956.

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE PUBLICATIONS. The following calendars contain information on events in or affecting Canada before the 18th century

Acts of the Privy Council of England. New series [1541–1631]. Edited by J. R. Dasent et al. 45 vols., in progress. 1890–

VIII: 1571–1575. 1894.

XVII: 1588–1589. 1898.

XXVI: 1596–1597. 1902.

XXVII: 1597. 1903 .

XXVIII: 1597–1598. 1904.

XXXVIII: 1621–1623. 1932.

XLV: 1629–1630. 1961.

Acts of the Privy Council of England. Colonial series [1613–1783]. Edited by W. L. Grant and J. Munro. 6 vols. 1908–12.

1: 1613–1680. 1908.

VI: “The unbound papers,” 1676–1783. 1912.

Calendar of letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII. Edited by J. S. Brewer et al. 21 vols. in 35. 1864–1932.

IV, Part II: 1526–1528. 1872.

Calendar of state papers, colonial series. [1574–1736.] Edited by W. N. Sainsbury et al. 41 vols., in progress. 1860–

I: [America and West Indies] 1574–1660.1860.

II: [East Indies, China and Japan], 1513–1616. 1862.

III: [East Indies, China and Japan], 1617–1621. 1870.

V: America and West Indies, 1661–1668. 1880.

VII: [America and West Indies], 1669–1674. 1889.

VIII: East Indies and Persia, 1630–1634. 1892.

IX: America and West Indies, 1675–1676, with Addenda 1574–1674. 1894.

X: America and West Indies, 1677–1680. 1896

XI: America and West Indies, 1681–1685. 1898.

XIII: America and West Indies, 1689–1692. 1901.

XIV : America and WestIndies, 1693–1696. 1903.

XV: America and West Indies, May, 1696–Oct., 1697. 1904.

XVI: America and West Indies, Oct., 1697–Dec., 1698. 1905.

XVII America and West Indies, 1699, with Addenda, 1621–1698. 1908.

Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reigns of Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth I and James I. [1547–1625.] Edited by R. Lemon and Mrs. Everett Green. 12 vols. 1856–72.

IX: 1611–1618. 1858.

X: 1619–1623. 1858.

XI: 1623–1625. 1859.

Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles I. [1625–49.] Edited by John Bruce et al. 23 vols. 1858–97.

III: 1628–1629. 1859.

IV: 1629–1631. 1860.

V: 1631–1633. 1862.

IX: 1635–1636. 1866.

Calendar of state papers, domestic series, the Commonwealth. [1649–60.] Edited by Mrs. Everett Green. 13 vols. 1875–86.

VII: 1654. 1881.

Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles II. [1660–85.] Edited by Mrs. Everett Green et al. 23 vols. 1860–1947.

1: 1660–1661. 1860.

III: 1663–1664. 1862.

V: Oct.  1,  1665, to July  31, 1666. 1864.

VII: 1667. 1866.

VIII: Nov.  1667–Sept.  8,  1668. 1894.

XIV: Oct.  1672–Feb.  1673. 1901.

XV: March–Oct.  1673. 1902.

XXI: 1679–Aug.  1680. 1915.

XXIV: Jan.  1–June  30, 1683. 1933.

XXV: July–Sept.  30, 1683. 1934.

XXVII: May  1684–Feb.  5th, 1685. 1938.

Calendar of state papers relating to Ireland, of the reign of James I. [1603–25.] Edited by C. W. Russell and J. P. Prendergast. 5 vols. 1872–80.

IV: 1611–1614. 1876.

Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Elizabeth. [1558-July  1589.] Edited by the Rev.  J. Stevenson et al. 23 vols. in 26. 1863–1950.

VII: 1564–1565. 1870.

XVI: May-Dec., 1582. 1909.

XVII: Jan.-June, 1583, with Addenda 1553 (?)–1583. 1913.

Calendar of state papers existing in the archives and collections of Milan. Edited by A. B. Hinds. 1 vol. [1383–1618.] 1912.

Calendar of letters and state papers relating to English affairs, preserved principally in the

archives at Simancas. [1558–1603.] Edited by M. A. S. Hume. 4 vols. 1892–99.

III: Elizabeth, 1580–1586. 1896.

Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice, and in other libraries of northern Italy. [1202–1674.] Edited by Rawdon Brown et al. 38 vols. in 40. 1864–1947.

XII: 1610–1613. 1905.

XIII: 1613–1615. 1907.

XVI: 1619–1621. 1911.

XXXIII: 1661–1664. 1932.

Calendar of Treasury papers. [1556–1728.] Edited by J. Redington. 6 vols. 1868–89.

I: 1557–1696. 1868.

II: 1697–1702. 1871.

Memorials of Henry the Seventh, Bernardi Andreæ, Tholosatis vita Regis Henrici Septimi; necnon alia guaedam ad eundem Regem Spectantia. Edited by J. Gairdner. 1858.

Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. [1545–1625.] Edited by J. H. Burton and David Masson. 14 vols. 1877–98.

[See also British Government publications, Record publications: sectional list No. 24 (London, 1962).]

PULIDO RUBIO, J. El piloto mayor de la Casa de la Contrataciôn de Sevilla. Sevilla, 1950. Reproduces documents on Sebastian Cabot’s voyages.

PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his pilgrimes, contayning a history of the world, in sea voyages and lande travells, by Englishmen and others .  .  .  . 20 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, Extra Series.) Glasgow, 1905–7. Reproduces the 4-volume edition of 1625.

QUINN, D. B. “The voyage of Etienne Bellenger to the Maritimes in 1583: a new document,” CHR, XLIII (1962), 328–43.

[RADISSON, PIERRE ESPRIT.] The explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson from the original manuscript in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum.  Edited by A. T. Adams. Minneapolis, 1961. A recent edition of the Voyages which offers a new theory to explain the discrepancies in the sources.

[——]  Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson, being an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians, from 1652 to 1684, transcribed from original manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum.  Edited by G. D. Scull. (Prince Society publications, XVI.) Boston, 1885; New York, 1943.

[RAGUENEAU, PAUL.] “Mémoires touchant la mort et les vertus des pères Isaac Jogues, Anne de Nouë, Anthoine Daniel, Jean de Brébeuf,

Gabriel Lallement, Charles Garnier, Noël Chabanel et un séculier René Goupil,” manuscript in ACSM known as the “Manuscrit de 1652,” reproduced in APQ Rapport, 1924–25, 3–93.

RAMÉ, ALFRED. Documents inédits sur le Canada. Paris, 1865.

RAMUSIO, G. B. Primo volume delle navigationi et viaggi nel qual si contiene la descrittione dell’ Africa.  .  .  . Venetia, 1550.

——  Terzo volume delle navigationi et viaggi nel quale si contengono Le Navigationi al Mondo Nuovo.  .  .  . Venetia, 1556.

[For various editions of Ramusio see Hoffman, Cabot to Cartier, 254–55.]



1671: “Familles establies à l’Acadie,” in Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., IV, 150–54.

1686: “Un Recensement de l’Acadie en 1686. Recensement des peuples de la rivière de Miramichy, de Chedabouctou, de Nepesiguy et de l’Île Percée,” BRH, XXXVIII (1932), 677–96, 721–34. Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., VI, 6–9.


1666: “Estat general des habitans du Canada en 1666,” APQ Rapport, 1935–36, 3–154.

Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., IV, 51–63.

“Le premier recensement nominal de Québec,” éd. P.-G. R[oy], BRH, XXXVII (1931), 321–31, 385–404.

1667: Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., IV, 64–78.

1681: Sulte, Hist. des Can. fr., V, 53–92.

See also Canada, Bureau of Statistics, Demography Branch. Chronological list of Canadian censuses. Ottawa. 1942.

[Since the printed versions of the censuses are not always accurate copies, it is preferable to consult the originals. See Archives nationales, Archives d’Outre-Mer, série G, in section I.]

Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. 6 vols. in 5. Boston, 1853–54.

Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir à l’histoire de la géographie depuis le Xllle jusqu’à la fin du XVIe siècle. Publié par Christian Schefer et Henri Cordier. 24 vols. Paris, 1882–1923.

I: HENRY HARRISSE. Jean et Sébastien Cabot.

III, III bis ——. Les Corte-Real.

IV: Le discours de la navigation.


Relations des Jésuites contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus remarquable dans les missions des pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-

France. 3 vols. Québec, 1858. [For a discussion of the Relations, see pp. 455–57.]

Relation par lettres de l’Amérique septentrionale, années 1709  et  1710. Édité par Camille de Rochemonteix. Paris, 1904.

The Roanoke voyages, 1584–1590. Edited by D. B. Quinn. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, CIV, CV.) London, 1955.

Roy, P.-G. Inventaire de pièces sur la côte de Labrador conservées aux Archives de la Province de Québec. 2 vols. Québec, 1940–42.

——  Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie, fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements conservés aux Archives de la Province de Québec. 6 vols. Beauceville, 1927–29.

——  Inventaire des contrats de mariage du Regime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. 6 vols. Québec, 1937–38.

——  Inventaire des insinuations de la prévôté de Québec. 3 vols. Beauceville, 1936.

——  Inventaire des insinuations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. Beauceville, 1921.

——  Inventaire des ordonnances des intendants de la Nouvelle-France conservées aux Archives provinciales de Québec. 4 vols. Beauceville, 1919.

——  Inventaire des procès-verbaux des grands voyers conservés aux Archives de la Province de Québec. 6 vols. Beauceville, 1923–32.

——  Inventaire des testaments, donations et inventaires du Regime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. 3 vols. Québec, 1941.

——  Inventaire d’une collection de pièces judiciaires, notariales, etc., conservées aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. 2 vols. Beauceville, 1917.

——  et ANTOINE ROY. Inventaire des greffes des notaires du Regime français. 21 vols. parus. Québec, 1943–65.


Series 9, Salisbury (Cecil), MSS.

Series 23, Cowper (Coke MSS).

Series 69, Middleton MSS.

Royal Fort Frontenac. Translated by R. A. Preston; edited by Léopold Lamontagne. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, II.) Toronto, 1958.

Royal letters, charters, and tracts, relating to the colonization of New Scotland and the institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia 1621–1638. Edited by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1867, 1886.

SAGARD, GABRIEL. Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons, situé en l’Amérique vers la Mer douce, ès derniers confins de la Nouvelle-France, dite Canada.  .  .  . Avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronne, pour la commodité de ceux qui ont à

voyager dans le pays, et n’ont l’intelligence d’icelle langue. 2 vols. Paris, 1632. Réédité par Edwin Tross. 2 vols. Paris, 1865.

——  Histoire du Canada et voyages que les Freres mineurs Recollets y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidelles divisez en quatre livres .  .  . depuis l’an 1615 jusques à la prise qui en a este faicte par les Anglois.  .  .  . 4 vols. Paris, 1636. Réédition, Histoire du Canada et voyages que les Frères mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidèles depuis l’an 1615 .  .  . avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronne. Édité par Edwin Tross. 4 vols. Paris, 1866.

——  The long journey to the country of the Hurons. Edited by G. M. Wrong; translated byH. H. Langton. (Champlain Society publications, XXV.) Toronto, 1939.


SHEA, J. G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membré, Hennepin and Anastase Douay. New York, 1852.

1690, Sir  William Phips devant Québec: histoire d’un siège. Édité par Ernest Myrand. Québec, 1893.

SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DE MONTRÉAL. The Society was founded in 1857 to collect, preserve, and publish documents relating to the history of Canada. Of the 12 volumes of Mémoires published between 1859 and 1921 the following are cited in this volume:

II-III: Mémoires et documents relatifs à l’histoire du Canada. 1859–60.

IV: [Dollier de Casson], Histoire du Montréal.

VI: [René de Bréhant de Galinée.] Voyage de MM. Dollier et Galinée. [Notes de l’abbé H.-A. Verreau.] 1875. [Incomplete; see p.184.]

IX: Les véritables motifs (Verreau).

XII:Morin, Annales (Fauteux et al.).

Suffolk Deeds. 14 vols. Boston, 1880–1906. Includes records from 1629 to 1697 in the Registry of Deeds, Suffolk County Court House, Boston, Mass.

Summario de la generale historia de l’Indie occidentals. [Probably edited by G. B. Ramusio.] [Venetia], 1534.

THEVET, ANDRÉ. Cosmographie universelle .  .  . illustrée de diverses figures des choses plus remarquables vues par l’auteur .  .  .  . 2 vols. Paris, 1575.

——  Les singularitez de la France antarctique, autrement nomée Amérique: & de plusieurs terres & isles découvertes de nostre temps. Paris, 1558 ; autre édition, Anvers, 1558. Réédition, Les singularitez de la France antarctique. Edité par Paul Gaffarel. Paris, 1878.

THOMASSY, RAYMOND. Géologie pratique de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orléans et Paris, 1860. First printed the official report of La Salle’s 1682 explorations, “Relation de la découverte de l’embouchure de la rivière Mississipi dans le golfe de Mexique, faite par le sieur  De La Salle, l’année passé 1682,” 9–16 (attributed to Père Zénobe Membré). App. A : “Decouverte des manuscrits de La Salle.” App. B : “Relation inédite de la Salle sur la nécessité de poursuivre la découverte du Mississipi adressée au Comte de Frontenac, en novembre 1680.”

The three voyages of Martin Frobisher, in search of a passage to Cathaia and India by the North-West, A. D. 1576–8, reprinted from the first edition of Hakluyt’s Voyages, with selections from manuscript documents in the British Museum and the State Paper Office. Edited by Richard Collinson. (Hakluyt Society publications, 1st series, XXXVIII.) London, 1867.

The three voyages of Martin Frobisher in search of a passage to Cathay end India by the North-West, A. D. 1576–8. From the original 1578 text of George Best. Edited by Vilhjalmur Stefansson. 2 vols. London, 1938.

[TONTI, HENRI DE?] Dernières découvertes dans l’Amérique Septentrionale de M. de la Sale, mises au jour par M. le Chevalier Tonti, gouverneur du Fort Saint-Louis, aux Islinois. Paris, 1697.

TORIBIO MEDINA, JOSÉ. El portugués Esteban Gomez al servicio de Espana. Santiago de Chile, 1908.

——  El veneciano Sebastian Caboto al servicio de Espana. Santiago de Chile, 1908.

[TROYES, PIERRE DE.] Journal de l’expédition du Chevalier de Troyes à la Baie d’Hudson, en 1686. Édité par Ivanhoë Caron. Beauceville, 1918.

TRUDEL, MARCEL. Atlas historique du Canada Français: des origines à 1867.Québec, 1961.

[VACHON] DE BELMONT, [FRANÇOIS]. See Literary and HistoricalSociety of Quebec.

Les véritables motifs de messieurs et dames de la Société de Notre-Dame de Montréal pour la conversion des sauvages de la Nouvelle-France. Édités par H.-A. Verreau. (Société historique de Montréal, Mémoires, IX.) Montréal, 1880. Attributed to J.-J. Olier.

VIGNERAS, L.-A. “The Cape Breton landfall : 1494 or 1497 ? Note on a letter by John Day,” CHR, XXXVIII (1957), 219–28. Includes a translation of the letter.

——  “New light on the 1497 Cabot voyages to America,” Hispanic American Historical Review, XXXVI (1956), 503–9. The original Spanish letter is printed here.

The Vinland sagas: the Norse discovery of America.

Grœnlendinga saga and Eirik’s saga. Translated with an Introduction by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. [Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1965.]

Voyage à la Nouvelle-France du Capitaine Charles Daniel de Dieppe, 1629. Édité par J. Félix. Rouen, 1881.

The voyages and colonising enterprises of Sir  Humphrey Gilbert. Edited by D. B. Quinn. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, LXXXIII, LXXXIV.) London, 1940.

The voyages of Captain  Luke Foxe of Hull, and Captain  Thomas James of Bristol in search of a north-west passage, in 1631–32; with narratives of the earlier north-west voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hall, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkeridge and others. Edited by Miller Christy. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society publications, LXXXVIII, LXXXIX.) London, 1894.

The voyages of Jacques Cartier. Translated by H.P. Biggar. (Public Archives of Canada publications, XI.) Ottawa, 1924. Includes the original French text.


dites du gouverneur d’Argenson,” BRH, XXVII (1921), 298–309, 328–39.

WATKINS, W. K. “The Expedition to Canada in 1690 under Sir  William Phips,” in Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yearbook, IV (1898), 111ff.

WEBSTER, J. C. Acadia at the end of the seventeenth century: letters, journals and memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia, 1690–1700, and other contemporary documents. (New Brunswick Museum, Monographic series, I). Saint John, 1934.

WILLIAMSON, J. A. The Cabot voyages and Bristol discovery under Henry VII. (Hakluyt Society publications, 2d series, CXX.) London, 1962.

——  The Voyages of the Cabots and the English discovery of North America under Henry VII and Henry VIII. London, 1929.

WRAXALL, PETER. An abridgment of the Indian affairs contained in four folio volumes, transacted in the colony of New York, from the year 1678 to the year 1751. Edited with an Introduction by C. H. McIlwain. (Harvard Historical Studies, XXI.) Cambridge, Mass., 1915.


ALLAIRE, J.-B.-A. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien français. 6 vols. Montréal, 1908–34.

A bibliography of Canadiana: being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by F. M. Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934.

A bibliography of Canadiana: first supplement  .  .  . Edited by G. M. Boyle, assisted by Marjorie Colbeck. Toronto, 1959.

BONNAULT, CLAUDE DE. “Le Canada militaire, état provisoire des officiers de milice de 1641 à 1760,” APQ Rapport, 1949–51, 261–527.

CARON, IVANHOË. “Liste des prêtres séculiers et religieux qui ont exercé le saint ministère en Canada,” BRH, XLVII (1941), 1604–29, pp. 76–78 ; 1629–59, pp. 160–75 ; 1659–69, pp. 192–201; 1670–79, pp. 225–35; 1680–90, pp. 257–68; 1691–99, pp. 289–99. [Title varies.]

The Catholic encyclopedia, an international work of reference .  .  . of the Catholic church. Edited by C. G. Herbermann et al. 15 vols., Index, 1 Supplement. New York, 1907–22.

DAVELUY, MARIE-CLAIRE. “Bibliographie de la Société de Notre-Dame de Montréal (1639–

1663) et de ses membres, accompagnée de notes historiques et critiques,” RHAFV (1951–52), 139–48, 296–307, 445–60, 603–16; VI (1952–53), 146–50, 297–305, 458–63, 595–605; VII (1953–54), 457–61, 586–92; VIII (1954–55), 292–306, 449–55, 591–606; IX (1955–56), 141–49, 306–9, 458–62, 594–602; X (1956–57), 295–302; XI (1957–58), 137–42, 298–304, 449–57, 608–14; XII (1958–59), 144–47, 294–302, 443–53 ; XIII (1959–60), 137–49, 298–305, 450–60, 594–602; XIV (1960–61), 142–49, 302-I1, 626–35; XV (1961–62), 141–54, 466–72, 611–16; XVI (1962–63), 294–307, 455–63; XVII (1963–64), 141–52.

DESAULNIERs, F.-L. Recherches généalogiques .  .  .  . Montréal, 1902. Included are 25 biographies of important French-canadian families.

Dictionary of American biography [to 1928].

Edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone. 20 vols., Index. New York, 1928–37. 2 Supplements [to 31  Dec.  1940], New York, 1944, 1958. New edition, comprising 22 vols. in 11, New York, [1959]. Concise DAB, New York, 1964. In progress.

Dictionary of national biography [to 1900]. Edited

by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols. ;

Supplement, 3 vols. ; Index and epitome. London, 1885–1903. 5 Supplements for the 20th century. Concise DNB, 2 vols., 1952, 1961. In progress.

Dictionnaire de biographie française. Sous la direction de J. Balteau et al. 9 vols., en cours de publication. Paris, [1932]–    . Volumes “A” to “Delbos” have been published.

DIONNE, N.-E. Inventaire chronologique des livres, brochures, journaux et revues .  .  .  . 4 vols. Québec, 1905–9.

Encyclopedia Canadiana. J. E. Robbins, Editor-in-chief. 10 vols. Ottawa, 1957–58.

The Encyclopedia of Canada. Edited by W. S. Wallace. 6 vols. Toronto, 1935–37.

GAGNON, PHILÉAS. “Noms propres au Canada français: transformations de noms propres, établies par les signatures autographes ou par les écrits de contemporains où ils sont mentionnés,” BRH, XV (1909), 17–30, 49–61, 80–94, 112–24, 143–57, 177–86.

GAUTHIER, HENRI. Sulpitiana. Montréal, 1926.

GODBOUT, ARCHANGE. “Nos ancêtres au XVIIe siècle,” APQ Rapport, 1951–53, 449–544; 1953–55, 445–536; 1955–57, 379–489; 1957–59, 383–440; 1959–60, 277–354. “A” to “Bousquet” included.

——  Origine des familles canadiennes-françaises, extrait de l’état civil français: 1ère série. Lille 1925.

HAMELIN, JEAN et ANDRÉ BEAULIEU. Guide de l’étudiant en histoire du Canada. Sainte-Foy, 1964. Mimeographed.

Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Edited by F. W. Hodge. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin, 30.) 2 vols. Washington, D.C., 1907–10.

HOZIER, L.-P. D’ et A.-M. D’HOZIER DE SÉRIGNY. L’armorial général, ou registres de la noblesse de France. 6 registres en 10 vols. Paris, 1738–68.

LANCTOT, GUSTAVE. L’œuvre de la France en Amérique du Nord: bibliographie sélective et critique. Montréal, 1951.

LECESTRE, LÉON. Liste alphabétique des officiers généraux jusqu’en 1762 dont les notices biographiques se trouvent dans la Chronologie militaire de Pinard .  .  .  . Paris, 1903.

LECLERC, CH.-H. Bibliotheca Americana: histoire, géographie, voyages, archéologie et linguistique des deux Amériques et des ïles phillippines. Paris, 1878. Suppléments, nos 1, 2. Paris, 1881, 1887.

LE JEUNE, L.-M. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes,

institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada.

2 vols. Ottawa, 1931.

MASSICOTTE, É.-Z. “Les chirurgiens, médecins, .  .  . de Montréal sous le Régime français,” APQ Rapport, 1922–23, 131–55.

——  “Les colons de Montréal de 1642 à 1667,” RSCT, 3d ser., VII (1913), sect.I, 3–65 and BRH, XXXIII (1927), 170–92, 224–39, 379–84, 433–48, 467–82, 538–48, 613–25, 650–52.

——  “Les tribunaux et les officiers de justice de Montréal sous le régime français, 1648–1760,” RSCT, 3d ser., X (1916), sect.i, 273–303 et BRH, XXXVII (1931), 122–28, 179–92, 252–56, 302–13.

[MÉLANÇON, ARTHUR.] Liste des missionnaires-jésuites: Nouvelle-France et Louisiane, 1611–1800. Montréal, 1929.

“Les notaires au Canada sous le Régime français,” APQ Rapport, 1921–22, 1–58. Contains biographies of nearly 200 notaries.

PINARD. Chronologie historique-militaire, contenant l’histoire de la création de toutes les charges, dignités et grades militaires supérieurs .  .  .  . 7 vols. Paris, 1760–64. See volume VI; see also Lecestre supra.

Roy, P.-G. Les officiers d’état-major des gouvernements de Québec, Montréal et Trois-Rivières sous le Régime français, Lévis, 1919, and RC, XX (1917), 375–84; XXI (1918), 75–79, 210–20, 276–95, 373–79.

TANGHE, RAYMOND. Bibliography of Canadian bibliographies / Bibliographie des bibliographies canadiennes. Toronto, 1960. Published under the auspices of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Pages 168–81 concern history.

TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des famines canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90.

——  Répertoire général du clergé canadien par ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. Québec, 1868.

VACHON, ANDRÉ. “Inventaire critique des notaires royaux des gouvernements de Québec, Montréal et Trois-Rivières (1663–1764),” RHAF, IX (1955–56), 423–38, 546–61; X (1956–57), 93–103, 257–62, 381–90; XI (1957–58), 93–106, 270–76, 400–6.

WALLACE, W. S. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. London, Toronto, and New York, 1963.

WINSHIP, G. P. Cabot bibliography, with an introductory essay on the careers of the Cabots based on an independent examination of the sources of information. London, 1900.


ABBOTT, M. E. History of medicine in the Province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; 2nd edition (McGill University publications, VIII, no.63), Montreal, 1932.

ADAIR, E. R. “The evolution of Montreal under the French régime,” CHA Report, 1942, 20–41.

——  “France and the beginnings of New France,” CHR, XXV (1944), 246–78.

AHERN, GEORGES et M.-J. Notes pour servir à l’histoire de la médicine dans le Bas-Canada depuis la fondation de Québec jusqu’au commencement du XIXe siècle. Québec, 1923.

ALMAGIÀ, ROBERTO. “Alcune considerazioni sui viaggi di Giovanni Caboto,” Atti Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Scienze Morali, Rendiconti, ser. VIII, III (1948), 291–303.

——  Commemorazione di Sebastiano Caboto net IV centenario delta morte. Venezia, 1958.

——  Gli italiani, primi esploratori dell’ America. Roma, 1937.

——  “Sidle navigazioni di Giovanni Caboto,” Rivista geografica italiana, LXVII (1960), 1–12.

ANTHIAUME, A. Cartes marines, constructions navales, voyages de découverte chez les Normands 1500–1650.2 vols. Paris, 1916.

ATHERTON, W. H. Montreal, 1535–1914. 3 vols. Montreal, Vancouver, Chicago, 1914.

AUGER, R.-J. La grande recrue de 1653. Montréal, 1955.

BAILEY, A. G. The conflict of European and eastern Algonkian cultures, 1504–1700: a study in Canadian civilization. (New Brunswick Museum publications, Monographic series, 2.) Saint John, 1937.

BAILYN, BERNARD. The New England merchants in the seventeenth century. (Studies in Entrepreneurial History.) Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

BIGGAR, H. P. The early trading companies of New France. (University of Toronto Studies in History, edited by G. M. Wrong.) Toronto, 1901.

——  The voyages of the Cabots and of the Corte-Reals to North America and Greenland, 1497–1503. Paris, 1903.

BISHOP, MORRIS. Champlain: the life of fortitude. New York, 1948.

——  White men came to the St. Lawrence: the French and the land they found. London and Montreal, 1961.

BOISSONNAULT, C.-M. Histoire de la faculté de médicine de Laval. Québec, 1953.

BRÉARD, CHARLES et PAUL. Documents relatifs à la marine normande et à ses armaments aux XVIe et XVlle siècles pour le Canada, l’Afrique, les Antilles, le Brésil et les Indes. Rouen, 1889.

BREBNER, J. B. The explorers of North America,

1492–1806. New York, 1955.

——  New England’s outpost: Acadia before the conquest of Canada. New York, 1927.

Bulletin des Recherches historiques. Lévis, Québec. Monthly journal of archaeology, history, biography, bibliography, numismatology, and so on. 1 (1895)–    . Index: I (1895)–XXXI (1925). 4 vols. Beauceville, 1925–26. For subsequent years see the manuscript index in APQ. Founded by P.-G. Roy, it became in March  1923 the journal of the APQ.

CAHALL, RAYMOND DU Bois. The Sovereign Council of New France: a study in Canadian constitutional history. (Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, LXV, no.1 : whole no.156.) New York, 1915.

Cahiers des Dix. Montréal. I (1936)–. Annual revue published by “Les Dix,” a group of historians who formed a legal association in 1935.

CAMPBELL, T. J. Pioneer priests of North America 1642–1710. 2 vols. New York, 1908, 1910.

Canada and its provinces: a history of the Canadian people and their institutions by one hundred associates. Edited by Adam Shortt and A. G. Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1914–17.

Le Canada Français. Québec. First series. Journal published under the direction of a committee of professors of the Université Laval. I (1888)–IV (1891). Concerned with religion, philosophy, history, fine arts, science, and letters. Many documents on Acadia. Second series. Incorporated Parler Français anal La Nouvelle France. Publication of the Université Laval; journal of the Société du Parler français au Canada. I (1918–19)–XXXIII (1945–46). Renamed Revue de l’Université Laval [q.v.].

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION / SOCIETE CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’EGLISE CATHOLIQUE. Report/Rapport. Ottawa. The bilingual society, founded 3  June  1933, annually publishes French and English volumes with entirely different contents. I (1933–34)–    . Separate index for 1933–59.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Ottawa. The aims of the Association are “to encourage historical research and public interest in history; to promote the preservation of historic sites and buildings, documents, relics, and other significant heirlooms of the past; to publish historical studies and documents as circumstances may permit.” Publications include: annual reports, 1915– and historical booklets.

The Canadian Historical Review. Quarterly. Toronto. I (1920)– General Index, I (1920)–X

(1929); XI (1930)–XX (1939); XXI (1940)–XXX (1949). Each issue includes a current bibliography of publications in English and French. A continuation of the annual Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada. Edited by G. M. Wrong, H. H. Langton, and W. S. Wallace. I (for 1896)– XXII (for 1917 and 1918). Indexes I–X, XI–XX.

CANDIDE DE NANT. Pages glorieuses de l’épopée canadienne: une mission capucine en Acadie. Montréal, 1927.

CASGRAIN, H.-R. Les Sulpiciens et les prêtres des Missions-Étrangères en Acadie (1676–1762) . Québec, 1897.

CHAPAIS, THOMAS [IGNOTUS]. Jean Talon, intendant de la Nouvelle-France (1665–1672). Québec, 1904.

[CLOUTIER, PROSPER.] Histoire de la paroisse de Champlain. 2 vols. Trois-Rivières, 1915.

COUILLARD DESPRÉS, AZARIE. Charles de Saint-Étienne de La Tour, gouverneur, lieutenant-général en Acadie, et son temps, 1593–1666. Arthabaska, 1930.

——  Charles de Saint-Étienne de La Tour, gouverneur en Acadie, 1593–1666, au tribunal de l’histoire. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1932.

——  Histoire des seigneurs de la Rivière-du-Sud et leurs alliés canadiens et acadiens. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1912.

——  Louis Hébert: premier colon canadien et sa famille. Lille, Paris, Bruges, 1913 ; Montréal, 1918.

——  La première famille française au Canada, ses alliés et ses descendants. Montréal, 1906.

CROUSE, N. M. Contributions of the Canadian Jesuits to the Geographical knowledge of New France. [Ithaca, N.Y.], 1924.

——  In quest of the western ocean. New York, [1928].

——  Lemoyne d’Iberville: soldier of New France. Ithaca, N.Y., [1954].

[DANIEL, FRANÇOIS.] Histoire des grandes familles françaises du Canada ou aperçu sur le Chevalier Benoist et quelques families contemporaines. Montréal, 1867.

DAVELUY, M.-C. Jeanne Mance, 1606–1673, suivie d’un essai généalogique sur les Mance et les De Mance par M. Jacques Laurent. 1ère édition, Montréal, 1934; 2e édition, Montréal et Paris, [1962].

DAVIES, ARTHUR. “The ‘English’ coasts on the map of Juan de la Cosa,” Imago Mundi, XIII (1956), 26–29.

——  “Joâo Fernandes and the Cabot voyages,” Congresso internacional de historia dos descobrimentos, Actas (1961), II.

DAWSON, S. E. “The voyages of the Cabots in 1497 and 1498,” RSCT, 1st series, XII (1894),

sect.II, 51–112; 2d series, II (1896), sect.II, 3–30; III (1897), sect.II, 139–268.

DELALANDE, J. Le Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1927.

DELANGLEZ, JEAN. Frontenac and the Jesuits. Chicago, 1939.

——  Life and voyages of Louis Jolliet. (Institute of Jesuit History publications.) Chicago, 1948.

——  Louis Jolliet, vie et voyages (1645–1700). (Les études de l’Institut d’Histoire de l’Amérique française.) Montréal, 1950.

——  Some La Salle journeys. Chicago, 1938.

DESROSIERS, L.-P. Iroquoisie. 2 vols. projected; I (1534–1646) published. Montréal, 1947.

DIONNE, N.-E. La Nouvelle-France de Cartier à Champlain 1540–1603. Québec, 1891.

——  Samuel Champlain. 2 vols. Québec, 1891, 1906.

——  Vie et voyages de Jacques Cartier. 3e édition. Québec, 1934.

DODGE, E. S. Northwest by sea. New York, 1961.

DOUVILLE, RAYMOND. Premiers seigneurs et colons de Sainte-Anne de la Pérade (1667–1681). Trois-Rivières, 1946.

——  Visages du vieux Trois-Rivières. Trois-Rivières, 1955.

ECCLES, W. J. Canada under Louis XIV, 1663–1701. (Canadian Centenary Series, III.) Toronto 1964.

——  Frontenac: the courtier governor. Toronto, 1959.

——  Frontenac. Traduit de l’anglais par Françoise de Tilly. (Collection Figures canadiennes, VIII.) Montréal, 1963.

ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections, I (1859)–. Indexes, 1859–1930 and 1931–49.

[FAILLON, É.-M.] Histoire de la colonie française en Canada. 3 vols. Villemarie [Montréal], 1865–66.

——  Vie de Mademoiselle Mance et histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Villemarie en Canada. 2 vols. Paris, 1854.

——  Vie de la Sœur Bourgeoys fondatrice de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Villemarie en Canada suivie de l’histoire de cet institut jusqu’à ce jour. 2 vols. Villemarie, 1853.

FERLAND, J.-B.-A. Cours d’histoire du Canada (1534–1759). 2 vols. Québec, 1861, 1865.

FRÉGAULT, GUY. Iberville le conquérant. Montréal, 1944.

GAGNON, ERNEST. Louis Jolliet: découvreur du Mississipi et du pays des Illinois, premier seigneur de l’île d’Anticosti. Montréal, 1946.

GANONG, W. F. “Crucial maps in the early cartography and place-nomenclature of the Atlantic coast of Canada,” RSCT, 3d series, sect.II: Part I, XXIII (1929), 135–75; Part II, XXIV (1930),

135–87; Part III, XXV (1931), 169–203; Part IV, XXVI (1932), 125–79; Part V, XXVII (1933), 149–95; Part VI, XXVIII (1934), 149–294; Part VII, XXIX (1935), 101–29; Part VIII, XXX (1936), 109–29; Part IX, XXXI (1937), 101–30. Reprinted as: Crucial maps in the early cartography and place-nomenclature of the Atlantic coast of Canada: with an introduction, commentary, and map notes by Theodore E. Layng (Royal Society of Canada special publications, VII.) Toronto, 1964.

——  “A monograph of historic sites in the province of New Brunswick,” RSCT, 2d series, V (1899), sect.II, 213–357.

GARNEAU, F.-X. Histoire du Canada, depuis sa découverte jusqu’à nos jours. 1ère édition. 4 vols. Québec, 1845–52.

GARRAGHAN, G. J. The Jesuits of the middle United States. 3 vols. New York, 1938.

GODBOUT, ARCHANGE. Les pionniers de la région trifluvienne (1ère série, 1634 à 1647). (Pages trifluviennes, série A, no 14.) Trois-Rivières, 1934.

GOSSELIN, AUGUSTS. L’Église du Canada depuis Monseigneur de Laval jusqu’à la Conquête. 3 vols. Québec, 1911–14.

——  La mission du Canada avant Mgr de Laval (1615–1659) . Évreux, 1909.

——  Vie de Mgr de Laval, premier évêque de Québec et apôtre du Canada, 1622–1708. 2 vols. Québec, 1890.

——  See also “Les Normands au Canada.”

GOSSELIN, É.-H. Documents authentiques et inédits pour servir à l’histoire de la marine normande et du commerce rouennais pendant les XVle et XVIle siècles. Rouen, 1876.

——  Nouvelles glanes historiques normandes puisées exclusivement dans les documents inédits. (Les Normands au Canada.) Rouen, 1873.

GOWANS, ALAN. Church architecture in New France. Toronto, 1955.

GRAVIER, GABRIEL. Cavelier de La Salle de Rouen. Paris, 1871.

GROULX, LIONEL. La découverte du Canada, Jacques Cartier. Montréal, 1934.

——  Histoire du Canada français depuis la découverte. 4 vols. Montréal, 1950–52.

——  Notre grande aventure: l’empire français en Amérique du Nord (1535–1760). Montréal et Paris, [1958].

HARRISSE, HENRY. Découverte et évolution cartographique de Terre-Neuve et des pays circonvoisins, 1497–1501–1769. Paris, 1900.

——  The discovery of North America: a critical, documentary, and historic investigation, with an essay on the cartography of the new world  .  .  . London, 1892.

——  Notes pour servir à l’histoire, à la biblio­

graphie et à la cartographie de la Nouvelle-France et des pays adjacents, 1545–1700. Paris, 1872.

HOFFMAN, B. G. Cabot to Cartier: sources for a historical ethnography of northeastern North America 1497–1550. Toronto, 1961.

HUGUET, ADRIEN. Jean de Poutrincourt, fondateur de Port-Royal en Acadie, vice-roi du Canada, 1557–1615: campagnes, voyages et aventures d’un colonisateur sous Henri IV. (Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, Mémoires, XLIV.) Paris, 1932.

HUNT, G. T. The wars of the Iroquois: a study in intertribal trade relations. Madison, Wis., 1960.

INNIS, H. A. The cod fisheries: the history of an international economy. Revised edition. Toronto, 1954.

INSH, G. P. Scottish colonial schemes, 1620–1686. Glasgow, 1922.

JODOIN, ALEXANDRE, et J.-L. VINCENT. Histoire de Longueuil et de la famille de Longueuil. Montréal, 1889.

JOUVE, O.-M. Les Franciscains et le Canada: aux Trois-Rivières. Paris, 1934.

——  Les Franciscains et le Canada: l’établissement de la foi, 1615–1629. Québec, 1915.

KELLOGG, L. P. The French régime in Wisconsin and the Northwest. Madison, Wis., 1925.

KINGSFORD, WILLIAM. The history of Canada. 10 vols. Toronto and London, 1887–98.

LA MORANDIÈRE, CHARLES DE. Histoire de la pêche française de la morue dans l’Amérique septentrionale (des origines à 1789) . 2 vols. Paris, 1962

LANCTOT, GUSTAVE. L’administration de la Nouvelle-France. Paris, 1929.

——  Histoire du Canada. 3 vols. Montréal, 1959–64.

I: Des origines au régime royal. 1959.

II: Du régime royal au traité d’Utrecht, 1663–1713. 1963.

III: Du traité d’Utrecht, au traité de Paris, 1713–1763. 1964.

LANGEVIN, JEAN. Notes sur les Archives de Notre-Dame de Beauport. Québec, 1860.

LA RONCIÈRE, CHARLES DE. Histoire de la marine française. 1ère édition. 6 vols. Paris, 1899–1932.

LAUVRIÈRE, SMILE. La tragédie d’un peuple: histoire du peuple acadien de ses origines à nos jours. 2 vols. Paris, 1922; nouvelle édition revisée, 1924.

LEFEBVRE, ESTHER. Marie Morin, s.h.s.j., premier historien canadien de Ville-Marie. Montréal et Paris, 1959.

LORIN, HENRI. Le Comte de Frontenac: étude sur le Canada français à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Paris, 1895.

LOUNSBURY, R. G. The British fishery at New­

foundland 1634–1763.New Haven and London, 1934.

McGRAIL, T. H. Sir  William Alexander, first Earl of Stirling: a biographical study. Edinburgh and London, 1940.

Mélanges historiques. See SULTE

[MONDOUX, MARIA.] L’Hôtel-Dieu, premier hôpital de Montréal .  .  .  . 1642–1763. Montréal, 1942.

MOREAU, CÉLESTIN. Histoire de l’Acadie françoise (Amérique septentrionale) de 1598 à 1755. Paris, 1873.

MORISON, S. E. Portuguese voyages to America in the fifteenth century. Cambridge, Mass., 1940.

MORISSET, GÉRARD. L’architecture en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1949.

MURDOCH, BEAMISH. A history of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865–67.

NEATBY, L. H. In quest of the North West Passage. Toronto, 1958.



New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Boston, 1847–    . Indexes for volumes I–L were published in 1906–7 (persons), 1908 (subjects), and 1911 (places); Index for volumes LI-CXII compiled by M. W. Parsons and published in 1959.


AUGUSTE GOSSELIN. Henri de Bernières, premier curé de Québec. Évreux, 1896; Québec, 1902.

——  Jean Bourdon, 1634–1668. Évreux, 1892.

——  Jean Bourdon et son ami l’abbé de Saint-Sauveur: épisodes des temps héroiques de notre histoire. Québec, 1904.

——  M. Jean Le Sueur, ancien curé de Saint-Sauveur-de-Thury, premier prêtre séculier du Canada, 1634–1668. Évreux, 1894.

——  Jean Nicolet et le Canada de son temps. Évreux, 1893 ; Québec, 1905.

——  Journal de M. Beaudoin. Évreux, 1900.

É.-H. GOSSELIN. Nouvelles glanes historiques.

La Nouvelle France. Monthly. Québec. I (1902)–XVII (1918). This periodical and Parler français were incorporated in September  1918 and named Le Canada français (2d series).

Nova Francia. Paris. I (1925–26)–VII (1932). Organ of the Société d’histoire du Canada, founded in France in 1924. Reproduces many documents.

NUTE, G. L. Caesars of the wilderness: Médard Chouart, Sieur Des Groseilliers and Pierre Esprit Radisson, 1618–1710. New York, 1943.

OLESON, T. J. Early voyages and northern approaches 1000–1632. (Canadian Centenary Series, I.) Toronto, 1963.

PALARDY, JEAN. Les meubles anciens du Canada français. Paris, 1963, 1965.

——  The early furniture of French Canada. Translated from the French by Eric McLean. Toronto, 1963, 1965. Some inaccuracies in birth and death dates have been noted.

PARKMAN, FRANCIS. France and England in North America. 8 vols. Boston, 1851–92. Many editions of each of the volumes in the series have been published, of which the following are used in the DCB/DBC, Vol. I:

I: Pioneers of France in the New World. 1st edition, Boston, 1865; 25th, revised edition, 1891.

II: The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. 1st edition, Boston, 1867; 29th edition, 1891.

III: La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 12th, revised edition, Boston, 1891 or 1893 (1st edition under the title The discovery of the great west, Boston, 1869).

IV: The old régime in Canada. 1st edition, Boston, 1874; 25th edition, 1891; 29th, revised edition, 1893; new edition, Toronto, 1900.

V: Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 1st edition, Boston, 1877 ; 24th edition, 1891; new edition, Toronto, 1899.

For a summary of the various editions of Parkman’s works see: The Parkman reader from the works of Francis Parkman, selected and edited by Samuel Eliot Morison (Boston and Toronto, 1955), Bibliography.

POULIOT, LÉON. Étude sur les Relations des Jésuites de la Nouvelle-France (1632–1672). (Studia Collegii Maximi Immaculatae conceptionis, V.) Paris et Montréal, 1940.

PROWSE, D. W. A history of Newfoundland. London, 1895.

QUINN, D. B. “The argument for the English discovery of America between 1480 and 1494,” Geographical Journal, CXXVII (1961), 277–85.

RAMEAU DE SAINT-PÈRE, F.-E. Une colonie féodale en Amérique: l’Acadie (1604–1881). 2 vols. Paris et Montréal, 1889.

Revue canadienne. Monthly. Montréal. First series, I (1864)–XVI (1879). Second series, XVII (1881)–L–LI (1906), with numbering peculiar to the series, and intermittent. Third series, I–II (1908)–XXVII (1922). Indexes.

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Quarterly. Montréal. I (1947–48)–    . Publication of the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Founded and directed by Canon Lionel Groulx.

Revue de l’Université Laval. Quarterly. Québec. I (1946–47)–    . Publication of the University and organ of the Société du Parler français au Canada. Continuation of the review Le Canada Français.

RICH, E. E. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company 1670–1870. Volume I: 1670–1763 ; Volume II: 1763–1870. (Hudson’s Bay Record Society publications, XXI, XXII.) London, 1958–59. Another edition, 3 vols. Toronto, 1960.

ROCHEMONTEIX, CAMILLE DE. Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au  XVIIe a siècle. 3 vols. Paris, 1895–96.

ROGERS, J. D. Newfoundland. (C. P. Lucas, Historical geography of the British colonies (dominions), V, Part IV.) Oxford, 1911; 2d edition, 1931.

ROUSSEAU, JACQUES. “Le Canada aborigène dans le contexte historique,” RHAF, XVIII (1964), 39–63.

ROY, J.-E. Histoire de la seigneurie de Lauzon. 5 vols. Lévis, 1897–1904.

——  Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, 1899–1902.

Roy, P.-G. Fils de Québec. 4 vols. Lévis, 1933.

——  L’Île d’Orléans. Québec, 1928.

——  Noms géographiques de la province de Québec. Lévis, 1906.

——  Les petites choses de notre histoire. 7 vols. Lévis et Québec, 1919–44.

——  La ville de Québec sous le régime français. 2 vols. Québec, 1930.

ROY, RÉGIS, et GÉRARD MALCHELOSSE. Le régiment de Carignan: son organisation et son expédition au Canada (1665–1668): officiers et soldats qui s’établirent en Canada. Montréal, 1925.

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA / SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA. Under the patronage of The Marquess of Lorne, the society was formed in 1882 for the encouragement of literature and science in Canada. Originally the society was composed of five sections –two for literature and three for sciences. The annual Mémoires of Section I and the Transactions of Section II include historical articles. First series: I (1882–83)–XII (1894). Second series: I (1895)–X (1904). Third series: I (1907)–LVI (1962). Fourth series: I (1963)–    . Indexes.

SALONS, SMILE. La colonisation de la Nouvelle-France: étude sur les origines de la nation canadienne française. Paris, 1906.

SHIPTON, C. K. Sibley’s Harvard graduates. (Massachusetts Historical Society publications.) 10 vols., in progress. Cambridge and Boston, 1933–    . A continuation of Sibley, infra. Vols. IV-XIII include graduates of the years 1690 to 1755.

SIBLEY, J. L. Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1873–85. Includes graduates of the years 1642 to 1689.


ÇAISE, Mémoires. Organ of the society, which was founded on the initiative of P. Archange Godbout, 3  Sept.  1943. I (1945)–    .

SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DE QUÉBEC. Founded in 1937, the Society has, to date, published chiefly studies, in the series Cahiers d’histoire. 15 vols. published. Québec, 1947–63. Cited in this volume are

X: Silvio Dumas. La chapelle Champlain et Notre-Dame de Recouvrance. 1958.

XII: Adrien Pouliot et Silvio Dumas. L’exploit du Long-Sault: les témoignages des contemporains. 1960.

SULTE, BENJAMIN. “Les Français dans l’Ouest en 1671,” RSCT, 3d series, XII (1918), sect.I, 1–31.

——  Histoire des Canadiens français, 1608–1880. 8 vols. Montréal, 1882–84.

——  Mélanges historiques: études éparses et inédites. Edités par Gérard Malchelosse. 21 vols. Montréal. 1918–34. Cited in Vol I:

V (1919 [1920]): “Les deux Duplessis,” 9–28.

VIII (1922): Le régiment de Carignan.

X (1922) : “Lachine,” 66–89.

XI (1923): “La famille Godefroy,” 7–38; “Les Godefroy de Maubœuf,” 39–70.

XIV (1928): “Les gouverneurs des Trois-Rivières,” 62–71.

XVIII (1931): Trois-Rivières d’autrefois, lère série.

XIX (1932): Trois-Rivières d’autrefois, 2e série.

TAYLOR, E. G. R. Tudor geography, 1485–1583. London, 1930.

TESSIER, ALBERT. Les Trois-Rivières: quatre siècles d’histoire 1535–1935. Trois-Rivières, 1934.

TRAQUAIR, RAMSAY. The old architecture of Quebec: a study of the buildings from the earliest explorers to the middle of the nineteenth century. Toronto, 1947.

TRUDEL, MARCEL. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France. 3 vols. parus. Montréal, 1963–    .

I: Les vaines tentatives 1524–1603.

II: Le comptoir, 1604–1627.

III: La seigneurie des Cent-Associés, 1627–1663. Les Ursulines de Québec, depuis leur établissement jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Québec, 1863–66; 2e édition, 1866–78.

Les Ursulines des Trois-Rivières depuis leur établissement jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Trois-Rivières 1888–1911.

VACHON, ANDRÉ. “L’eau-de-vie dans la société indienne,” CHA Report, 1960, 22–32.

——  Histoire du notariat canadien, 1621–1960. Québec, 1962.

Les voyag,es de découverte et les premiers établissements, XVe, XVIe siècles. Edités par Ch.-A. Julien. (Colonies et Empires, 3e série.) Paris, 1948.