New Website

We are proud to announce the launch of our updated website, which has a refreshed look and important new features.

The new site contains more than 300 summaries about topics and events relevant to Canadian history. When reading a biography, refer to “Related Topics” in the left-hand sidebar; click to read the topic summary and discover links to other resources for more information. Readers can also browse by topic: click on Browse (at the top of the site under the Search bar) and then Browse by Topic. As well as improving discoverability of our biographies on the Web, these related topics offer an overview of the many historical themes addressed in our entries. For example, the summary “Enslaved Black people in the Maritimes” provides context for more than 40 related biographies, including a group that we started publishing in Black History Month, among them Name Unrecorded and Lydia Jackson.

The new site also has biographical summaries at the head of new entries and, in the case of long biographies, subheadings; consult, for example, Ward Chipman. The addition of summaries and subheadings will be ongoing in the coming weeks.

As well, the site’s display is now responsive, adapting to all screen sizes, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Canada History Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage, which made this major update possible. We thank their team: Debbie Vanderburgh, Tamara Davis, and Joel Ralph. We also thank Jeff Kilpatrick, our website engineer, for his ongoing and prodigious efforts in transitioning our online presence, as well as our editorial teams in Toronto and Quebec for their remarkable work on this project. Bravo à tous!

Alain Laberge
Directeur général adjoint
David A. Wilson
General Editor