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General Bibliography – Volume X

AAQ  Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec

ACAM  Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de Montréal

ADB  Australian Dictionary of Biography

AHO  Archives historiques oblates

AHSJ  Archives générales des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph

AJM  Archives judiciaires de Montréal

AJQ  Archives judiciaires de Québec

AJTR  Archives judiciaires de Trois-Rivières

ANQ  Archives nationales du Québec

APQ  Archives de la province de Québec. Now ANQ

AQ  Archives du Québec. Now ANQ

ASGM  Archives des sœurs grises de Montréal

ASHS  Archives de la Société historique du Saguenay

ASJ  Archives de la Société de Jésus

ASJCF  Archives de la Société de Jésus, province du Canada français

ASN  Archives du séminaire de Nicolet

ASQ  Archives du séminaire de Québec

ASSM  Archives du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice de Montréal

ASTR  Archives du séminaire de Trois-Rivières

AVM  Archives de la ville de Montréal

AVQ  Archives de la ville de Québec

BCHQ  British Columbia Historical Quarterly

BNQ  Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

BRH  Bulletin des recherches historiques

CCHA  Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CHA  Canadian Historical Association

CHR  Canadian Historical Review

DAB  Dictionary of American Biography

DCB  Dictionary of Canadian Biography

DNB  Dictionary of National Biography

HBC  Hudson’s Bay Company

HBRS  Hudson’s Bay Record Society

HSSM  Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba

JALPC  Journal de l’Assemblée législative de la province du Canada

JIP  Journal de l’Instruction publique

MTCL  Metropolitan Toronto Central Library

PABC  Provincial Archives of British Columbia

PAC  Public Archives of Canada

PAM  Public Archives of Manitoba

PANB  Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

PANL  Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador

PANS  Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAO  Ontario Department of Public Records and Archives

PAPEI  Public Archives of Prince Edward Island

PRO  Public Record Office

RHAF  Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française

RSCT  Royal Society of Canada Transactions

RUL  Revue de l’université Laval

SAB  Saskatchewan Archives Board

SCHÉC  Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Église catholique

SGCF  Société généalogique canadienne-française

SH  Social History

SHQ  Société historique de Québec

SHS  Société historique du Saguenay

SPRI  Scott Polar Research Institute

USPG  United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

UCA  United Church Archives

General Bibliography

The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume X. It is not, therefore, a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada during the period covered by this volume.

Section I provides a description of the principal archival sources used for this volume and is divided by country. Section II has two parts, A and B: A contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial, provincial, and federal governments, and the works printed in the 19th and 20th centuries that may be regarded as contemporary sources; B provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by the contributors to the volume and includes an introduction listing some sources for background information on the newspapers. Section III includes various dictionaries, nominal lists, and guides to printed matter. Section IV contains secondary works, mainly written in the 20th century, including a few general histories, relevant series, and theses. Section V describes the principal journals containing material relevant to the 19th century as well as individual articles frequently cited in the text.



ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. These archives, where documents up to 1896 can be consulted, contain photographs, maps, 634 registers divided into 17 series (mainly the correspondence of the bishops of Montreal), and some 500,000 separate items describing the dioceses, clergy, laity, institutions, missions, religious orders, etc. For a more complete description of this archives, see, RHAF, XIX (1965–66), 652–55; SCHÉC, Rapport, 1963, 69–70. A detailed inventory of several registers and files appears in RHAF, XIX (1965–66), 655–64; XX (1966–67), 146–66, 669–700; XXIV (1970–71), 111–42.

The following series were used in preparing vol. X:


255: Diocèses du Canada

.109: Diocèse de Saint-Boniface

420: Clergé

.005: Truteau, Alexis-Frédéric

901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget

.059: Voyage à Rome de Mgr Bourget, 1869

.079: Chanoine Joseph-Octave Paré à Mgr Bourget, 1840, 1874

RCD: Registres et cahiers divers. 110 vols.

RDM: Registres des dispenses de mariages.

65 vols.

RLB: Registres des lettres de Mgr Bourget.

25 vols. A descriptive inventory of Mgr Bour-

get*’s correspondence from 1837 to 1850 was published in APQ, Rapport, 1945–46, 137–224; 1946–47, 81–175; 1948–49, 343–477; 1955–57, 177–221; AQ, Rapport, 1961–64, 9–68; 1965, 87–132; 1966, 191–252; 1967, 123–70; 1969, 3–146.

RLL: Registres des lettres de Mgr Lartigue. 9 vols. An inventory of Mgr Lartigue*’s correspondence from 1819 to 1840 appears in APQ, Rapport, 1941–42, 345–496; 1942–43, 1–174; 1943–44, 207–334; 1944–45, 173–266; 1945–46, 39–134.

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. Contains about 1,060 feet of documents, an analytical card file for all documents before 1930, and a Répertoire général des registres officiels de l’archvêché in 6 vols., from 1659 to the present. A guide to these archives can be found in SCHÉC, Rapport, 1934–35, 65–73. Since the publication of DCB, II, the AAQ has instigated a system of alphabetical numerical classification; it is given below but was not used in the individual bibliographies of this volume.

  Series relevant to the period of vol. X include:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées, X-XXII. 1819–80. An inventory of Mgr Joseph Signay*’s correspondence for 1825–40 can be found in APQ, Rapport, 1936–37, 125–330; 1937–38, 21–146; 1938–39, 180–297.

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

  CB: Structures de direction

  1  CB: Vicaires généraux, I-XIV. 1742–  1867

CD: Discipline diocésaine

 515  CD: Séminaire de Nicolet, 1800–74

 61  CD: Paroisses. Sainte-Marie de

  Beauce, II. 1851–1906

 71  CD: Religieux. Oblats de Marie-

  Immaculée, I. 1844–1913

CN: Église canadienne

 330  CN: Rivière-Rouge, 1818–70. 4 vols.

 331  CN: Diocèse de Saint-Boniface, 1850–


 36  CN: Colombie-Britannique, I-III.


CP: Église du Québec

 26  CP: District et diocèse de Montréal,

  II-XII. 1823–98.

ARCHIVES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DE JÉSUS, PROVINCE DU CANADA FRANÇAIS, Saint-Jérôme (Terrebonne). These archives were founded in 1844 by Father Félix Martin*. Originally they were housed at the Collège Sainte-Marie in Montreal, and were designated by the abbreviation ACSM. In 1968 they were transferred to the noviciate of the Jesuits of the ecclesiastical province of French Canada, at Saint-Jérôme, and are now designated by the abbreviation ASJCF. In the year of their founding these archives received a rich gift from the religious of the Hôtel-Dieu in Quebec. They contain numerous documents relating to the history of the missions of the Society of Jesus in Canada [see ARCHIVES DU COLLÈGE SAINTE-MARIE, DCB, I, 686].

Vol. X of the DCB mentions several documents found in:

A section of 140 metal boxes containing about 8,000 numbered documents (personal papers or correspondence) in the form of original manuscripts or copies

Section A (documents relating to the Jesuit missions in Ontario around the Great Lakes), 1845–1924, about 8,000 numbered documents

Section B–106 (letters and fragments of letters of Jean-Baptiste Meilleur), 118 items

Section D–7 (various documents relating to the fathers of the Society of Jesus)

ARCHIVES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU SAGUENAY, Chicoutimi, Que. This important repository for the history of the Saguenay was organized by the Société historique du Saguenay, but also received documents from the Séminaire de Chicoutimi and the research notes on the history of the region accumulated by Mgr Victor Tremblay after 1920.

The ASHS alsoholds recorded and printed information, oral history, maps, photographs (43,000, as well as 65,000 negatives), a museum, and a library. The classification system uses titles for sections and numbers for each unit ; there is an index. The Documents and the Dossiers cover the whole period of the history of the Saguenay from its discovery in 1535 and contain a little information on its earlier history. Since 1920 the society has been collecting oral history, “les Mémoires d’anciens.” The SHS has published books and pamphlets since 1934. One of the repository’s most important holdings is its collection of Publications saguenéennes which contains almost all the newspapers and periodicals published in the region. A more complete description of ASHS can be found in Victor Tremblay, “Les archives de la Société historique du Saguenay,” RHAF, IV (1950–51), 3–16.

The sections used in preparing this volume were

Documents. 5,220 originals, 93 copies

Dossiers. About 35,000 items, totalling 21,300


Price, 1810–  . [Inventory in progress.]

Mémoires d’anciens. 692 memoirs, totalling

3,550 typed pages

ARCHIVES DE LA VILLE DE MONTRÉAL. The archives division of the Secrétariat municipal of the city of Montreal was created in 1913 to hold the city’s administrative documents. The AVM contains 12,000 feet of documents classified into files or volumes. The section Documents administratifs is composed of all the official papers from 1796 to the present. The section Documentation contains extracts from articles in newspapers, periodicals, and other printed matter reporting on subjects or individuals relating to the administration and history of Montreal. This last section contains the correspondence (originals and copies) of several mayors and the original music of Alexis Contant*. The AVM also holds copies of material from other archives including the terrier of the Sulpiciens and documents relevant to the mission of Saint-François-Xavier of Caughnawaga. There are indexes which will soon be available on microfilm. Materials used in vol. X include


B: Biographies autres que celles des maires et des conseillers. Classified by numerical order with an alphabetical card file.

Biographies de conseillers. Arranged alphabetically.

Biographies de maires. Arranged alphabetically.

36: Commerces, industries

10: Banques

.4: Banque d’Épargne de Montréal

.6: Banque des Marchands

Documents administratifs, 1796–  .

Registres des procès-verbaux du comité des Finances

Registres des procès-verbaux du conseil municipal

ARCHIVES DE LA VILLE DE QUÉBEC. The archives department of Quebec City was officially organized in 1925 under the direction of Valère Desjardins. Its most important original documents are those of the municipal administration from the time of the incorporation of Quebec in 1833 until the founding of the AVQ. The archives contains at least 1,200 cubic feet to which will soon be added a large number of municipal documents. The oldest documents, in broken series, go back as early as 1796, but complete series begin from 1814.

The archives is in the process of reorganization (classifying and preparing an inventory), but there are already several finding aids (a list can be found in the guide prepared by the AVQ) and a complete list of collections will soon be available. While the latter is being prepared, the archives is proceeding with a complete inventory of the Fonds Baillairgé, which contain 400 plans and original drawings of the buildings of Quebec by Charles Baillairgé* dated 1846–99. The AVQ plans to publish a descriptive inventory of these drawings and plans, and will make photographs and slides available.

For the period covered by vol. X the documents of the municipal administration are those of the municipal council and each of the different committees (Aqueduc, Chemins, Feu, Finances, Police, Règlements, Traverse, etc.), except from 1836 to 1840. In 1836, the corporate charter was not renewed and the city was administered for four years by justices of the peace. When the registries of the Cour municipal from 1848 are transferred to the AVQ, the full collection of documents for the period 1833–1928 will include about 600 volumes. The main groups for this period are

Registres des procès-verbaux du conseil municipal, 1833–36,


Registres des procès-verbaux de chaque comité,


Pièces justificatives présentées au conseil par

chaque comité, 1833–36, 1840–1928

Rapports présentés au conseil par chaque

comité, 1833–36, 1840–1928

ARCHIVES DES SŒURS GRISES, Montreal. The documents that were at the Hôpital Général de Montréal when Madame d’Youville [Dufrost* ]

came there as administratrix in 1747 make up the Fonds “Charon,” and are the basis of this archival repository. Subsequently, items necessary for the general administration of the community were added. The classification for this repository is alphabetical for the dossiers and chronological within each dossier. These archives contain thousands of documents, the earliest dating from 1663, and about 300 maps and plans.

The principal documents used in vol. X were:

“Ancien journal, 1688–1877”

“Chapitre des fondations, 1849”

“Chroniques de Saint-Boniface (Man.), 1843–  ”

“Correspondance de Saint-Boniface, 1843–  ”

“Registre d’admissions, vêtures et professions, 1771–  ”

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE NICOLET. Located since 1969 in a building of the seminary of Nicolet, the ASN is kept in 8 filing cabinets and 26 metal boxes. Although the oldest original document is dated 1706, the majority are from the 19th and 20th centuries. Among the most important sections are the Section Henri Vassal, which includes material on the Odanak Indian reserve (near Pierreville, Que.), and the Archives de la seigneurie de Nicolet, given to the seminary by the seigneur, Arthur St Lawrence Trigge, in 1939. The latter collection includes a large number of volumes and registers from the seigneury. The following documents were used in vol. X

Collection Charles-Édouard Bois, 44 vols. of notes and historical documents [copies at PAC, MG 24, B26 (Jean-Baptiste Meilleur collection) ]

Section de 26 Boîtes métalliques

Section Polygraphie

Section Séminaire (documents on the seminary from its founding in 1803 until its sale to the Quebec government in 1966)

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC. One of the most important collections of documents in North America. The archives dates from the founding of the seminary in 1663, but Mgr Thomas-Étienne Hamel* and Mgr Amédée-Edmond Gosselin* may be considered to have founded the ASQ at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The ASQ contains some 1,172 feet of documents (seminary and private papers, the oldest from 1636 and the majority from 1675 to 1950), 2,000 maps, and 160 feet of engravings and photographs.

For vol. X the following were used:

Carton Laverdière. 1 carton

Fichier des anciens du séminaire

Fonds Henri-Raymond Casgrain. Abbé Casgrain’s letters and various manuscripts that he kept. Index. mss 0400-0507

Fonds René-Édouard Caron. 13 cartons containing notarial acts and a series of manuscripts (mss 764–817, documents used in codifying the laws of Lower Canada)

Fonds Verreau. Includes Fonds Viger, hence frequently called Viger-Verreau. The collections of Abbé Hospice-Anthelme Verreau* and of Jacques Viger*, principally composed of about a hundred cartons, several large notebooks, and the series of Viger’s manuscript volumes entitled “Ma Saberdache.” [See, Fernand Ouellet, “Inventaire de la Saberdache de Jacques Viger,” APQ, Rapport, 1955–57, 31–171.

Journal du séminaire, 1849–1962. 15 vols.

Lettres, M, 171 items; S, 2 cartons, 188 items; T, 156 items; X, 1863–67, 384 items; Y, 127 items

Manuscrits, 26, “Journal de Mgr Méthot, 1865–1866”; 611, “Journal de Mgr M.-E. Méthot, I, ler juill.–18 déc. 1870”; 626–27, “Journal de H. Laverdière, 16 oct. 1858–23 mars 1868”; 651, “Journal de Prosper Vincent, 1863–1865”; 676–77, “Journal de C.-F. Légaré, 25 mars 1865–17 avril 1873” ; 764–817, see, Fonds René-Édouard Caron

Polygraphie. 324 cartons

Seigneuries, LXVIII-LIX, Laval; LXX, Acquisitions diverses

Séminaire. 274 cartons

S.M.E., Résolutions du conseil du séminaire ou Plumitifs, 1766–1950

Université, 1852–1952. 368 cartons

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE SAINT-SULPICE, Montreal. An important repository for the history of the Montreal region and of the Sulpicians. On his departure in 1665 Paul de Chomedey* de Maisonneuve left there the greater part of his papers, dating from 1642. This repository, divided into 49 sections, contains 190 feet of documents for the years 1586–1950, and about 1,200 maps and plans.

The following sections were used in vol. X:

Communautés religieuses

Histoire et biographies, 2e partie: biographies. 88 items arranged in chronological order. 1657–1926

Œuvres et institutions diverses

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE TROIS-RIVIÉRES. In 1918 the authorities of the seminary, gave Abbé Albert Tessier the task of arranging the archives of the institution. Three years later he published the

first work of what would become the collection of “Pages Trifluviennes.” In 1926 a fire completely destroyed the library and its contents; because of this the institution received books from Abbé H.-A. Scott, Cyrille Tessier, Édouard Bureau, and René-Montarville Boucher* de La Bruère. Then, in 1934, important gifts of documents were added including the Pierre Boucher collection and the Hart collection. The latter contains thousands of accounts, notes, and letters on Canadian economic life in the 19th century. The archives, housed at the Séminaire Saint-Joseph, is a valuable source for the political, religious, and economic history of the region. ASTR also holds numerous maps and newspapers of Trois-Rivières, the most important for the period 1865–1963. For a more complete description see, AQ, Rapport, 1961–64, 69–134.

Documents from the following sections were used in vol. X

Fonds et papiers

Archives du diocèse de Trois-Rivières. 16 feet. The largest part is the Louis-François Laflèche collection. 8 drawers

Archives de la famille Hart. 9 drawers. Contains many documents on the Hart family, the first Jews to settle in Canada. The oldest document is dated 1760. Detailed index

Papiers J.-Napoléon Bureau. 6 inches Correspondance, 1860–69


Trifiuviens du 17e au 20e siècles. 4 drawers. Arranged alphabetically

Personnages canadiens. 4 drawers

Trois-Rivières: institutions et vie sociale. 3 drawers

  Commerce et industries. Hall & Baptist


Le Saint-Maurice: chantiers, navigation, sport. 1 drawer

George Baptist: Correspondance, 1867–72, 1875; Pièces comptables, 1860–74

La Mauricie: territoire, histoire, missions.

  1 drawer

ARCHIVES GÉNÉRALES DES RELIGIEUSES HOSPITALIÈRES DE SAINT-JOSEPH, Montreal. In process of being catalogued. This repository was previously known as Archives des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph de l’Hôtel-Dieœœu de Montréal.

The principal documents used in vol. X include:

Actes de décès, 1861–90

Annales de sœur Césarine Raymond, 1756–1861

Annales de sœur Joséphine Paquet, 1860–81

Obédiences des Religieuses hospitalières de Saint-Joseph de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal,


Registres des entrées, 1787–1851. 1 vol.

Registres des procès-verbaux des vêtures et

professions, 1787–1847

ARCHIVES HISTORIQUES OBLATES, Ottawa. An important repository for the history of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Canada from the time of their arrival in 1841. Even before 1930 Father Jean-Marie-Rodrigue Villeneuve* had begun to collect a large number of documents relating to the Oblates. In 1933, Father Léo Deschâtelets obtained from Rome copies of the writings of the order’s founder, minutes of general and executive meetings, and letters from the first Oblates in Canada.

The AHO holds personal papers including the manuscript of Father Louis Le Jeune*’s Dictionnaire and the notes of Father Louis Babel*’s trip to Labrador. There are also many Indian language manuscripts, some written by Oblates [see Gaston Carrière, “Une riche collection de manuscrits en langues indiennes,” Culture(Québec), XVIII (1957), 105–12].

In 1941, the archives began to microfilm numerous documents, which were important to the history of the Oblates in Canada, from other repositories. Now the AHO’s most valuable possession is its large number of copies (typescripts, photocopies, or microfilm), which enable the researcher to find, in one location, almost all documents relating to the Oblates in Canada. The microfilm section alone comprises more than 500,000 pages and a descriptive file with about 250,000 cards. There are several indexes and also a photographic archives and a library of about 10,000 volumes including a few works printed in Indian languages and a large collection of Oblate publications, in particular Missions des O.M.I, which are to the Oblates what the Relations were to the Jesuits.

ORIGINAL documents used in vol. X include:


Orégon et Colombie-Britannique, 1847–1928. 1,923 items

Fonds manuscrits

Flavien Durocher. [Pierre Cholenec], “Vie de Catherine Tekakwita appelée en algonquin Mitakwenibekwe, morte en odeur de sainteté au Sault St Louis en 1680, à l’âge de 24 ans, traduit de l’algonquin par Flavien Durocher.”

COPIES held at AHO from the following repositories were used in volume X:

Archives de la Propagation de la Foi de Paris

F. 182: Ottawa, rapports des missions, 1848–76

F. 202: Vancouver, rapport des missions, 1847–1922

Archives générales des oblats de Marie-Immaculée, Rome


“Histoire de la mission de Notre-Damedes-Sept-Douleurs établie au fond du lac Athabasca.”

Archives paroissiales

Saint-Sauveur, Codex historicus

Archives provinciales des oblats de Marie-Immaculée, Montréal

Codex historicus


ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES DE MONTRÉAL. Materials used in vol. X include:

Greffes:  Stanley Clark Bagg, 1842–56

J.-L. Coutlée, 1867–1914

Charles Cushing, 1869–1910

Louis-Michel Darveau, 1871–74

Alphonse-Clovis Décary, 1866–98

William M. Easton, 1843–74

Isaac Jones Gibb, 1835–67

Léonard-Ovide Hétu, 1859–1903

William Ross, 1835–89

Procédures non-contentieuses

Registre d’état civil

Louis Richard, La famille Masson. 173 pages

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES DE QUÉBEC. Materials used in vol. X include:

Greffes:  Étienne Boudreault, 1816–25

Louis-Michel Darveau, 1856–68

Edward Graves Meredith, 1876–1938

Registre d’état civil

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. The administrators of New France took back to France, after 1763, documents relating to the government of the colony – an action contrary to international law at the time but agreed to under articles 43, 44, and 45 of the capitulation of Montreal. Only archives having a legal value for individuals remained in the country and these were to suffer many misfortunes before an offilcial repository was created. The Bureau des Archives de la province de Québec – now the Archives nationales du Québec – was created in 1920 [see Gilles Héon, “Bref historique des Archives du Québec,” ANQ, Rapport, 1970, 13–25 ]. Some 3,300 feet of documents are preserved there today (official and private papers, originals and copies), the majority for the period 1663–1867. In 1968, the ANQ published an État général des archives publiques et privées du Québec and established a new system of classification of documents. Cited in vol. X:

Archives privées. Being classified numerically

Autographes. Copies, 1/2 inch

René-Édouard Caron, 1842–76. 2 feet

  Lettres reçues

  Documents juridiques

  Divers, 1851–73

Collection Chapais, Fonds Langevin

Sir Hector-Louis Langevin, 1826–1903. 22 items (some originals are at PAC)

Collection Pierre-Georges Roy

Ludger Duvernay, 1805–48. 1 foot. An inventory was published in APQ, Rapport, 1926–27,145–258.

Famille Chaussegros de Léry

  Alexandre-René, 1845–76. 2 inches

Famille Hale, 1842, 1847, 1930. 10 pages

Fonds Papineau-Bourassa

  Famille Papineau, 1801–1902. 40 feet

Jean-Joseph Girouard, 1822–55. 8 inches

John Heath, 1822–45, 1861. 12 pages

Port de Québec, 1779–1922. 28 vols.

Quebec Board of Trade, 1832–1932. 39 vols.,

2 cartons

PQ: Province de Québec Éducation, 1867–1959. 2,165 feet

QBC: Québec et Bas-Canada

Instruction publique, 1842–99. 236 vols.

BIBLIOTHÈQUES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL. In April 1971 the libraries of the Université de Montréal created the Service des collections particulières whose purpose was to make available to researchers the numerous valuable documents that the university had acquired through purchase and donation. At the same time the service began a series of publications. Used in vol. X:

Collection Baby. Made up of an important collection of original material gathered by François-Louis-Georges Baby* (1832–1906), and bequeathed to the Université de Montréal. Including more than 20,000 items, it covers almost every subject in Canadian history from 1602 to 1905. In 1942 Camille Bertrand began to inventory this collection and to arrange the material into two large divisions: Documents divers and Correspondance genérale. Documents divers mainly consists of individual items arranged under 20 general titles in alphabetical order from A to S. The division includes 42 files, 10 boxes, 200 registers and books, and 18 folio-volumes. Correspondance générale, arranged alphabetically by names of the signatories of the letters, contains about 12,000original letters kept in 120 boxes. The collection is too large and varied to describe here in full but the researcher may consult either the repository’s 20,000manuscript index cards or the Catalogue de la Collection François-Louis-

Georges Baby, rédigé par Camille Bertrand, préface de Paul Baby et introduction par Lucien Campeau (Publ. du Service des collections particulières, Bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1971). Typescript copies of most items in the Collection Baby are held by PAC.

BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC, DÉPARTEMENT DES MANUSCRITS, Montreal. In 1965 the Bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice (since 1967, the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec) owned enough archival material to create an autonomous manuscript department. This department now holds papers collected from 1844 by the Sulpicians and recent acquisitions. There are 2,230 feet of documents; the oldest, dated 1316, is part of the Jacques Mordret collection. The manuscript collections include mainly private and literary papers, the majority of the private papers being from the 19th century and of the literary papers from the 20th century. Besides these documents the manuscript department of the BNQ holds 6,000 maps and plans and 30,000 photographs. The collection used in vol. X was that of the Société historique de Montréal. In 1970 the Société historique de Montréal deposited at BNQ its complete collection of manuscripts, archives, documents, and books, which covers 975 feet. This collection was previously housed at the library of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal. The main documents cited in vol. X are:

Collection La Fontaine. For a complete inventory of this collection see, Inventaire de la collection Lafontaine, Elizabeth Nish, compil. (Publ. du Centre d’étude du Québec, Bibliographie pour servir à l’étude de l’histoire du Canada français, 2, Montréal, 1967.)

McCORD MUSEUM, Montreal. Begun from the private archives collected between 1860 and 1919 by David Ross McCord*. The documents are kept in about 364 boxes and cover the period 1682–1970. In addition the McCord Museum holds a photographic archives which includes the celebrated Notman Photographic Archives – about 400,000 prints and negatives – a most important source for research on 19th and 20th century Canada and Canadians.

  The following collections were used in vol. X:

Stanley and Abner Bagg papers. Ledgers, letter books, account books,

  receipts, etc., referring to various business enterprises, especially

  the Lachine Canal. 1810–45.

Hale family papers. Principally the papers of Edward Hale, 1801–75.  Includes private and business correspondence relating to the

British American Land Company, settlement of the Eastern Townships, rebellion of 1837, travel in Upper and Lower Canada, social and political life in Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, and Sherbrooke, etc. Index available

McGILL UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Montreal. Founded in 1962 and placed under the direction of Alan D. Ridge, the McGill University Archives holds documents produced and received by the administration of the university, by its researchers and professors. Certain personal papers are also found there. The repository contains 2,500 square feet of documents of which the oldest is dated 1807 and concerns the correspondence of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning. Other archival repositories exist at McGill University including the McCord Museum, the McLennan Library (Rare Books and Special Collections Division), and the Osler Library.

The archives has several indexes and published inventories of limited range to aid the researcher. A more complete description of this repository can be found in Alan D. Ridge, “The McGill University Archives,” Archives, Journal of the British Records Association (London), VIII, no.37 (April 1967), 16–23.

The following sections were used in preparing

Vol. X

Board of Governor’s minute books, 1829–  .

19 vols.

Board of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning.

Minutes, 1835–56. 2 vols.

Correspondence of the principals, 1829–  

Dawson family personal papers, 1849–1901.

  3 cubic feet

Official papers of Sir John William Dawson, 1855–99. 54 bundles.

  The archives has published an inventory of the first seven



Toronto. The manuscript collection of MTCL contains approximately 500 feet of Canadian documents. There are several large sets of personal papers and business records and many single pieces: diaries, account books, letter books, etc. Most of the material is from the 19th century with the emphasis on pre-1850 Ontario politics.

The materials used in the preparation of Vol. X include

Anderson Ruffin Abbott papers

Robert Baldwin papers

Henry John Boulton papers

John Hillyard Cameron papers

Consumer’s Gas Company papers

Denison family papers

Minute-books of the Toronto Choral Society, 1845, and the Philharmonic Society, 1846–47

Plan of Toronto, surveyed and compiled by W. S. and H. C. Boulton, Toronto [1858(?)]

Publisher’s proofs of a number of Charles Dawson Shanly’s poems

J. H. Richardson, “Reminiscences of the medical profession in Toronto, 1829–1905.” (typescript copy)

Vaughan Maurice Roberts papers

John Ross Robertson collection, sketches by John Arnot Fleming

Toronto, Mechanics’ Institute papers

Robert John Turner legal papers relating to cases in the Court of Chancery, Upper Canada, 1837–56

NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John, N.B. Established in 1930, the N.B. Museum became a provincial institution in 1942. Parent organizations, such as the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, had been acquiring manuscripts for nearly a century; these materials were transferred to the museum’s Department of Canadian History in 1932 and form the nucleus of the present archives. For further information see: W. A. Squires, The history and development of the New Brunswick Museum (1842–1945) (N.B. Museum pub., Administrative series, 2, Saint John, N.B., 1945). For a further description of the collections see: New Brunswick Museum, Department of Canadian History, Archives Division, Inventory of manuscripts, 1967.

The following collections were especially useful in Vol. X

Brown, Hon. James (1790–1870), journal (photocopy), 1844–70

Chandler, Edward Barron (1800–80), papers, 1821–70

Chipman family, papers, 1764–1879

Ganong manuscript collection, 1686–1941, “The province of New Brunswick,” unpublished MS by W. F. Ganong

Milner, Dr William Cochrane (1846–1939), collection, 1744–1930; Chandler correspondence

New Brunswick Historical Society, papers, 1811–75; Steeves, Hon. W. H. (1814–73), correspondence, 1858–1860

New Brunswick land grants, 1826–67, Gloucester County, 1830–65

Register of marriages for the city and county of Saint John, 1812–1880, in 10 vols, with an index

Tilley family, papers, 1845–1931; Correspondence between Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley and Edward Barron Chandler

Webster manuscript collection, 1610–1956, Chandler correspondence

ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND ARCHIVES, Toronto. A Bureau of Archives was established in 1903 and departmental status was conferred by legislation in 1923. As constituted in 1971, the department includes three branches – the archives, records services, and historical branch. The archives branch is authorized to acquire, preserve, and analyse all records of significance of the Ontario government. It also acquires, through donation or purchase, manuscripts, maps, photographs, pictures, posters, and early newspapers relating to the history of the province. Unpublished inventories, calendars, catalogue entries, guides, and other finding aids are available in the archives.

The most important materials used in the preparation of vol. X include:

Bethune (Alexander Neil) papers

Blake (Edward and family) papers

Buell (A.N.) papers

Campbell (Sir Alexander) papers

Carstairs and Reid research papers – Legislative Assembly

Cartwright family papers

Clarke (Colonel Charles) papers

Gowan (James R. and Ogle R.) papers

Hodgins (John George) collection

Jarvis-Powell papers

Jones (Solomon) papers

Macaulay (John) papers

Mackenzie-Lindsey collection

Marston collection

Merritt (William Hamilton) papers

Ridout papers

Robinson (Sir John Beverley) papers

Shanly (Francis) papers

Strachan (John) papers

Street (Samuel) papers

Toronto City Council Records

RG 1: Records of the Department of Lands and


Series A: Offices of surveyor general and commissioner of crown lands

I: Correspondence

IV: Schedules and land rolls

Series C: Lands branch

I: Land grants

IV: Township papers

RG 8: Records of the Department of the

Provincial Secretary

Series I-7: Office of the clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Series I-7-B: Sessional Papers

1. Indexes

2. Sessional papers (by years)

3. Railway sessional papers

RG 22: Court Records

Series 7: Courts of General Quarter Sessions

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Victoria. Established in 1893, this is the oldest archival institution in western Canada. Its manuscript collection is rich in material on the exploration of the Pacific northwest by land and by sea and in material for the fur trade period. The official records for the colonial period (1849–71) are remarkably complete; records for the provincial period are also held. Substantial collections of private papers, some business records, and a large number of maps, including many of early cartographic interest, are held. There is an extensive collection of visual records – photographs, paintings, and lithographs. Integral to PABC’s holdings is an extensive and valuable collection of some 50,000 volumes of books and pamphlets as well as printed ephemera relating to the Pacific northwest. The archives holds almost complete files of newspapers for the colonial period and selected titles for later years.

The collections of PABC have been used extensively in the preparation of this volume. The principal sources of information have been the correspondence of the employees of the HBC, both official and private, the correspondence and records of colonial governors, secretaries, and other government officials, and departmental correspondence. Several other major collections of papers have also been drawn upon often: the Archibald McDonald papers, the James Douglas papers, the Kenneth McKenzie papers, the Crease collection, and the John Sebastian Helmcken collection.

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. Established in 1968, the PANB contains government records series from 1785 as well as several private manuscript collections, including that of the York, Sunbury Historical Society. Records and manuscripts formerly with the New Brunswick Legislative Library have also been transferred to the archives.

Materials used in the preparation of vol. X include:

Department of Justice, Probate Court records

Lieutenant governor’s letter book, 1867–74

New Brunswick, Executive Council, Draft minutes, 1843–56


Newfoundland House of Assembly in 1959, the provincial archives took over the collection and preservation of existing public archives from Memorial University of Newfoundland, which had performed the task in the previous three years. Before 1956 government documents were scattered through departmental offices.

The main holdings of the PANL consist of Newfoundland government documents. In addition the archives holds either microfilm and/or transcript copies of the British colonial records, 1689–1934, and the records of the Northern District Court, Harbour Grace, 1799–1945. With the exception of newspapers, 1810–1969, the remainder of the collection consists of miscellaneous court records, government publications, private papers, and business records. For a list of the collections held by PANL see: A preliminary inventory of the records in the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, comp. John P. Greene ([St John’s], 1970).

The materials mainly used in the preparation of vol. X include:

Government documents

Newfoundland, Department of the Colonial Secretary, Letter books, 1747–1864, 1867–1934

Newfoundland, Executive Council, Minutes, 1861–65

Newfoundland, Governor’s office, Dispatches to the Colonial Office, 1824–59

Newfoundland, Sessions Court, Harbour Grace, Records, 1825–35

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. In 1873 the government of Canada commissioned Abbé H.-A.-J.-P. Verreau* to investigate the holdings of English and French archives with a view to copying documents concerning the early history of Canada. The work of transcribing and microfilming such manuscripts has proceeded since that time. The PAC . also holds, and continues to acquire, extensive private and official manuscript and record collections particularly relating to the 19th and 20th centuries.

Many unpublished finding aids are available only in the archives, but between 1951 and 1967 the Manuscript Division published a series of Preliminary Inventories. In 1971 the first General Inventory, Manuscripts, Volume I, MG 1–MG 10 (Ottawa, 1971) appeared launching a new series to replace the old inventories – “It reworks them, completes them and presents them in a more systematic fashion.” The only section of the General Inventory which applies to vol. X is “MG 9, Provincial, local and territorial records.”

Until the General Inventory is completed the following Preliminary Inventories will remain useful to researchers of this period:

Manuscript Group 17, Religious archives (1967)

Manuscript Group 19, Fur trade and Indians, 1763–1867 (1954)

Manuscript Group 23, Late eighteenth century papers (1957)

Manuscript Group 24, Nineteenth century pre-confederation papers (1961)

Manuscript Group 26, Prime ministers’ papers (1958)

Manuscript Group 27, Political figures, 1867–1948 (1960)

Manuscript Group 28, Records of post-confederation corporate bodies (1960)

Manuscript Group 29, Nineteenth century post-confederation manuscripts, 1867–1900 (1962)

Manuscript Group 30, Twentieth century manuscripts (1966)

Record Group 1, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–

1867 (1953)

Record Group 2, Privy Council Office; Record Group 3, Post Office Department (1960)

Record Group 4, Civil and Provincial Secretaries’ Offices, Canada East, 1760–1867; Record Group 5, Civil and Provincial Secretaries’ Offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953)

Record Group 7, Governor General’s Office (1953)

Record Group 8, British military and naval records (1954)

Record Group 9, Department of Militia and Defence, 1776–1922 ([1957])

Record Group 10, Indian affairs (1951)

Record Group 11, Department of Public Works;

Record Group 12, Department of Transport (marine; railways and canals) (1951).

Record Group 19, Department of Finance (1954)

Unpublished addenda for the above inventories are available for consultation at the PAC. Also available are typescript copies of the following unpublished inventories:

“Manuscript Group 12, War Office, Treasury, Audit Office, and others.” This collection is in the process of transfer through Manuscript Groups 13 to 16. It is not known in 1971 exactly which departments will continue to be listed in MG 12 and which will be transferred.

“Record Group 6, Department of the Secretary of State.”

“Record Group 31, Dominion Bureau of Statistics.”

“Record Group 68, Registrar General.”

For Record Group 30, which contains the papers of the Canadian National Railways

and the various companies that preceded it,

an inventory is in progress.

Manuscript Group 25, which contains numerous

genealogies and is a holding unit for minor

collections, is also in the process of revision.

The following collections, many of which

contain original manuscript material, were found

useful in the preparation of vol. X:

MG 9

A: New Brunswick

12: Local Records, 1762–1894

MG 12

D: Treasury

T28: Treasury Board out letters, various,


MG 17

B: Anglican

2: Church Missionary Society, 1821–1950


MG 19

A: Fur Trade: General

2: Ermatinger family

Series 2. Edward Ermatinger

21: Hargrave papers

E: Red River Settlement

1: Selkirk papers

7: Inkster, John

F: Indians

1: Claus papers

MG 23

D: New Brunswick

1: Chipman, Ward, 1767–1843

Series 1. Lawrence collection: Ward Chipman, muster master’s office, 1771–85

G II: Quebec and Lower Canada: political


18: Hale, John, 1799–1882

I: Colonies general

6: Waldo, Samuel, 1764

MG 24

A: British officials and political figures

13: Bagot, Sir Charles, 1816–43

16: Elgin, James Bruce, Eighth Earl of,


17: Harvey, Sir John, 1825–41

19: Roebuck, John Arthur, 1831–53

20: Head, Sir Edmund, 1831–61

25: Head, Sir Francis Bond, 1836–41

27: Durham, John George Lambton,

First Earl of, 1837–42

40: Colborne, Sir John, 1830 [1839]

B: North American political figures and


1: Neilson collection, 1666–1912

11: Baldwin, William Warren, and Robert,


  Series 2: Related papers, 1825, 1850–55

16: Cochran papers, 1812–54

18: Mackenzie, William Lyon, 1818–68

19: Chamberlin, Brown, 1818–94

24: Rolph, Dr John, 1824, 1837–85

29: Howe, Joseph, 1830–73

30: Macdonald-Langlois papers, 1831–1926

40: Brown, George, 1837, 1848–80

50: O’Callaghan, Dr Edmund Bailey, 1840–60

D: Industry, commerce, and finance

8: Wright papers, 1806–69

  1: Wright, Philemon, Sr, and Philemon,

  Jr, 1806, 1837, 1853, 1869

16: Buchanan papers, 1813–83

21: Baring Brothers & Co., 1818–72

47: Robertson collection, 1766–1852

E: Roads, railways, and canals

1: Merritt papers, 1775–1897

  Series 1: Merritt, Thomas, 1775–1836

  Series 2: Merritt, William Hamilton,


9: Gzowski, Sir Casimir S., 1845, 1852–71

F: Military and naval figures

53: Clinton, Sir William Henry, 1821–29

I: Immigration, land, and settlement

9: Hill collection, 1798–1942

33: Keefer papers, 1817–72

65: Sherwood, Adiel, 1836–46

79: Anderson, Thomas B., 1846–50

K: Education and cultural development

  2: Coventry, George, 1793–1865

  19: Robertson, Peter, 1847–54

MG 26

A: Macdonald papers, 1832–91

B: Mackenzie papers, 1852–92

2: Letterbooks, 1872–83

F: Tupper papers, 1843–1915

MG 27


D: Cabinet ministers

  4: Cartier papers, 1835–73

  8: Sir Alexander T. Galt papers, 1858–91

  15: Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, 1882

E: Members of the House of Commons and

  the Senate

  5: Luther H. Holton, 1864

30: Ferguson, Thomas Roberts, 1857–1964 (copies from originals in possession of C. S. Ferguson, London, Ont.)

F: Provincial political figures

  2: W. H. Pope papers, 1860–79

I: Correspondence of political figures

  17: James O’Reilly, 1869, 1873

11: 1896–1921

D: Cabinet ministers

  14: R. W. Scott papers, 1843–1913

MG 28

III: Business establishments

  6: Gilmour and Hughson Limited, 1845–1926

  11: W. & J. Sharples Reg’d., 1854–1923

MG 29

B: Economic development and social life

13: Lowe, John, 1848–1912

F: North West Mounted Police, military

units, and events

13: Denison, George Taylor III, 1847–1925

G: Arts, letters, and education

  27: Morgan, Henry James, 1866–1913

MG 30

D: Education and cultural development

  9: Johnson, George, 1855–1910

  62: Audet, Francis-Joseph, 1918–42

RG 1

E: State records of the Executive Council

1: Minute books, 1764–1867

3: Upper Canada state papers, 1791–1841

7: Submissions to council, 1841–67

13: Blue Books, 1824–64

14: Correspondence, 1769–1874

L: Land records of the Executive


  1: Minute books, 1787–1867

  3: Petitions, Upper Canada and Canada,


  3L: Miscellaneous records, Quebec and

  Lower Canada, 1764–1842

  7: Miscellaneous records, 1765–1867

RG 2

Series 1: Minutes and orders in council,


Series 2: Records, 1867–1930

RG 4

A: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1760-


1: S Series, 1760–1840

B: Miscellaneous records, 1763–1867

28: Bonds, licences, and certificates, 1763–1867

29: Militia records, 1774–1865

36: Municipal records; 1830–67

  Provincial Red Book, 1845

37: Rebellion records, 1837–53

48: Exploration journals, 1830, 1833

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence,


  1: Numbered correspondence, 1839–67

RG 5

A: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1791-


1: Upper Canada sundries, 1766–1840

B: Miscellaneous records, 1788–1866

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence,


1: Numbered correspondence, 1821–67 RG 6

Al: General records, 1867–1952

C: Secretary of state for the provinces,


1: General correspondence, 1867–73 RG 7

G1: Dispatches from the Colonial Office,


G9: Drafts of dispatches to the Colonial

Office, 1792–1909

G10: Drafts of secret and confidential dis-

patches to the Colonial Office, 1856–1913

G12: Letter books of dispatches to the

Colonial Office, 1799–1902

G16: Letter books, Upper Canada, 1793–1841

G17: Letter books, Canada, 1839–1910

A: Governor’s internal letter books, 1839–1909

G20: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1841–1909

RG 8

I: C series

A: Correspondence of the military secretary of the commander of the forces, 1767–1870

1: Subject files, 1767–1870

2: Letter books, 1796–1870

B: Records of the Canadian command, 1785–1883

5: Militia rolls and pay lists, 1838–43

C: Records of the Nova Scotia command, 1762–1899

18: Correspondence of the commanding officer in New Brunswick, 1844–71

D: Miscellaneous records, 1757–1896 2: Order books, 1764–1894

5: Miscellaneous records relating to the Fenian raids, 1866–70

RG 9

I: Pre-confederation records

A: Adjutant General’s Office, Lower Canada, 1776–1847

3: Ordres généraux, 1805–46

B: Adjutant General’s Office, Upper Canada, 1795–1846

1: Correspondence, 1802-–47

4: Pensions and land grants, 1814–51

5: Registers of officers, 1824–47

C: Adjutant General’s Office, United Canada, 1846–69

1: Correspondence, 1846–69

4: General orders, 1846–68

6: Register of officers, 1846–69

8: Subject files, 1846–68

II: Post-confederation records

A: Deputy minister’s office, 1867–1920

1: Correspondence, 1867–1903

RG 10

A: Administration records, period of imperial control, 1755–


1: Governor general’s and lieut.-governor’s offices

8: Civil secretary as superintendent general of Indian affairs

RG 11

Series 2: Roads and bridges (general), 1765-


RG 12

A: Department of Marine

1: Shipping registers, 1787–1933

RG 19

A: Minister of finance

1: Correspondence

D: Department of the Inspector General and

Department of Finance

4: Records transferred from other departments, 1843–83

(a) Provincial secretary, C. E., 1843–67

  Provincial secretary, C. W., 1843–67

RG 30: Canadian National Railways

RG 31

  AI: Census records, 1825–71

RG 68

  1: Registers and plan books, 1860–1955


PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg. In 1884 the librarian of the Legislative Library of Manitoba began to assemble a small collection of manuscripts. In 1952 the government named an official archivist and in 1955 the archives became by law an official repository. In 1971 the archives contained about 2,100 feet. The oldest document, relating to the North West Company, is dated about 1795. As well as original material the PAM has an excellent collection of maps and microfilm of certain John A. Macdonald papers. The archives are arranged alphabetically by person and subject. The researcher is aided by a central file for all documents and by biographical files. For a listing of PAM material see, Public Archives of Manitoba, Preliminary Inventory, 1955.

The following documents were used in vol. X

Adams George Archibald, 1870–72. 2 feet, 6 inches

Church of England registers, Diocese of Rupert’s Land.


St Andrew’s Church

Records of baptisms, 1845–72

Records of burials, 1835–84

  Records of marriages, 1860–83

St John’s Church

  Records of baptisms, 1813–79

  Records of burials, 1821–75

  Records of marriages, 1820–82

Miss Davis’ School. 10 inches

John Inkster, 1837–76. 1 inch

Alexander Morris, 1845–1911. 7 feet, 6 inches

Ketcheson Collection, 1845–1911. 6 cartons. PAM bought this collection in 1951 from Frederick G. Ketcheson who had obtained the papers from the estate of Edmund Montague Morris, son of Alexander Morris.

Correspondence, 1845–1911

Telegram and letter books, 1873–77

Lieutenant-governor’s collection, 1872–88

  Correspondence, 1872–77

  Letter books, 1874–88

Red River Settlement, 1832–70

Copies of miscellaneous letters and documents, 1832–36. 110 pages

Red River Census, 1832–70. 5 inches

Samuel Taylor, 1849–67. 127 pages

  Journal kept at Moose Factory, 1849–63

  Red River Settlement, 1863–67

Louis Riel papers, 1860–1926. 2 feet, 11 inches

Correspondence and papers, 1860–1926. 550 documents, 1869–85

Family papers, 1869–1923. 15 inches

Alexander Ross family papers, 1810–1903. 10 inches

Correspondence and papers, 1810–1903

Settlement and pioneers, c.1870-c.1920. 9 feet,

6 inches. This section is arranged alphabetically by name and place; correspondence, newspapers, memoirs, business papers.

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. Founded in 1857 when the Nova Scotian government decided to preserve and arrange “the ancient records and documents illustrative of the History and progress of Society in this province,” thus establishing the first provincial archives in Canada. The present fireproof building was officially opened on 14 Jan. 1931, and records were transferred from various government departments. The archives also contains court papers, municipal records, family and business papers, collections of societies such as the Nova Scotia Historical Society, community and church records, microfilm copies of deeds and wills from county registries of deeds and courts of probate, and a collection of Nova Scotian newspapers. For further information see: C. B. Fergusson, The Public Archives of Nova Scotia (PANS Bull., no.19, Halifax, 1963). For a further description of the collections used

in the preparation of vol. X see: Catalogue or list of manuscript documents, arranged, bound and catalogued under the direction of the commissioner of public records . . . (Halifax, 1877; 2nd ed., 1886). Available for use at PANS are sections of an “Inventory of manuscripts” which is now being compiled for publication in 1972.

Collections of importance in the preparation of vol. X include

Private papers

Mather Byles Almon papers

Bliss family papers

Enos Collins papers, 1817–1860

Pierce Stevens Hamilton diary, 1861–78

John Inglis papers

James William Johnston letters

Johnstone family papers

Joseph Howe papers

Beamish Murdoch papers

Simon Bradstreet Robie papers

Sir Charles Tupper papers

Genealogies and compilations:

“Collection of genealogies of Nova Scotian families (Cumberland County),” compiled by Thornton Henry Lodge, 1954

“Pictou County cemeteries’ list,” compiled by Henry C. Ritchie, 1951, 1956

“Yarmouth genealogy, 1761–1913,” compiled by George Stayley Brown

Official records

Community records, Truro Township book

Halifax County death registrations, June quarter, 1874; March quarter, 1877

Pictou County death certificates for the quarter ending 31 March 1877


Charlottetown. The PAPEI was created by an act of the Legislative Assembly which received royal assent in 1964 and is located in the library building of Confederation Centre. The nucleus of the collection was documents received from various government offices, and material that had been stored in Province House. Funds for the operation of the archives are provided by an annual vote of the legislature, the archives being a division of the Department of the Provincial Secretary.

Materials used in the preparation of vol. X include:

Henry Jones Cundall letter book, 27 March 1867–26 May 1871

Robert Bruce Stewart and David Stewart letter book, no.1,

  16 March 1821–21 Aug. 1834

Prince Edward Island, Executive Council, Minutes, 1847–79


During the past century the Queen’s University Archives has developed as a non-governmental repository with collections of private papers and records of national significance. Its holdings include the records of Queen’s University from its founding in 1841, the personal papers of noted faculty members and of Canadians prominent in literature, politics, journalism, and business, and many family and business records pertaining to eastern Ontario.

Materials used in the preparation of vol. X include:

William Macaulay papers

Alexander Mackenzie papers

Alexander Morris papers

Edmund Morris papers

Queen’s University records, Correspondence

  series 1, Liddell correspondence

James Williamson papers

John Young papers

SASKATCHEWAN ARCHIVES BOARD, Regina and Saskatoon. Created in 1945 by a provincial statute, The Archives Act, the Saskatchewan Archives Board is a joint university and government board which supervises the Saskatchewan archives. The archival repository has two offices situated at the University of Saskatchewan, one on the Regina campus and the other on Saskatoon’s. The original collections of the SAB included manuscripts and documents of the government of the North-West Territories; this collection had been assembled by an archival service existing at the University of Saskatchewan since 1935. The repository contains about 15,000 feet of documents, private and official; the oldest date back to about 1800 but the largest part cover the period 1875–1960. SAB holds an important collection of microfilmed Saskatchewan newspapers, about 1,500 maps, more than 17,000 photographs, and a large number of pamphlets. There are also microfilm copies of documents from other archives containing material on Saskatchewan. For a list of the collections and documents of this repository see, SAB, Report, 1945–46 through to . . . 1970.

Since 1948 the archives has published a review, Saskatchewan History, appearing three times yearly. Among its other publications is:

Saskatchewan executive and legislative directory, 1905–1970(1971).

The following documents were used in preparing vol. X

Kennedy, Dan (Ochankugahe) papers. 64

  articles by D. Kennedy on the history and

  legends of the Assiniboines (typescript copies

  and manuscripts)

Saskatchewan Historical Society. Secretary,

1936–46, correspondence and documents,

1862–1946, clippings. 20 feet

37: Hon. James McKay, Biographical note

  compiled by R. H. Leveson-Gower,

  Hudson’s Bay Company, October 1943

100: Correspondence and documents re

  Cypress Hills massacre

Supreme Court of Ontario

Regina v George Bennett, 1880. Judge’s notes

and testimony, 55 pages (photocopies;

originals at the Supreme Court of Ontario,

Registrar’s office, Osgoode Hall, Toronto)

UNITED CHURCH ARCHIVES, Toronto. The Canadian Methodist Historical Society was organized in 1899, and the Presbyterian Historical Committee in 1917; the collections were consolidated in 1950 and the United Church Archives was constituted in its present form in 1953. Since that time, regional depositories have been established in each of the four western provinces, in Montreal, Halifax, and St John’s, Nfld. Collections gathered by college librarians and private individuals have been consolidated in all of these centres. In 1967 a large collection of Methodist material relating to the Maritime provinces which had been gathered at Mount Allison University for almost a century was moved to and consolidated with a similar Presbyterian collection at Pine Hill College in Halifax.

The collection at Toronto is the largest, and includes correspondence of the home and foreign missionary societies of the denominations now within the United Church, as well as microfilm copies relating to Canada from the parent societies in Great Britain and the United States. The collection also contains the official records of the various bodies merged into the United Church and copies of almost all the denominational publications, papers of prominent individuals within these churches, some parish records for Ontario, pictures of home and overseas mission work, printed works relating to the history of the denomination, the archives of the Ryerson Press, and the official records and files of correspondence of the various boards, departments, and committees of the Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical United Brethren churches.

Materials used in the preparation of vol. X include

John Maclean collection

Egerton Ryerson papers

Canada Presbyterian Church, Acts and Pro-

ceedings of the General Assembly, 1870–75

Canada Presbyterian Church, Minutes of

Synod, 1861–69

Methodist Church of Canada, Journal of

Proceedings of the 1st General Conference,

1874, 2nd General Conference, 1878

Missionary Synod of Canada, Minutes, 1843–47

Presbyterian Church of Canada, Minutes of

Synod, 1844–61

Presbyterian Church in Canada, Acts and Pro-

ceedings of the General Assembly, 1875–80

Presbyterian Church in Canada, Presbytery of

Toronto, Minutes, 1875–80

United Presbyterian Church in Canada, Minutes

of Synod, 1848–61

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada,

Minutes of Conference, 1834–74

Methodist Missionary Society (London), Wes-

leyan Methodist Missionary Society, records

(available on microfilm)

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ARCHIVES. Includes the manuscript and printed material produced by the operations of the university. The archives contains: general administrative records, created, for example, by offices of the president, the registrar, heads of faculties, etc.; minutes, correspondence, routine records of faculties and departments, publications by students, alumni, societies; publications about the University of Toronto; University of Toronto theses and dissertations; photographs and paintings; microfilms, tape recordings, film, etc., relating to the university. Finding aids are available within the archives, describing most of the accessioned material.

Materials used in the preparation of vol. X include

Office of the Chief Accountant. Financial


41: University quarterly accounts, September-December 1871

109: Final report of the commission of inquiry of 1848 into the affairs of King’s College and Upper Canada College

117: King’s College Council minute book, III, 1842–48

Sir Daniel Wilson’s journal, Toronto, 1851-

1892. (Typescript copy from original diary of the extracts pertaining to university affairs.)


London, Ont. The library is the official depository for the Archives of the Society of Friends in Canada. The deposit of their papers began in 1926 and constituted the first major set of papers in the collection founded by Dr Fred Landon* and continued by Dr J. J. Talman and Robert Lee. The Regional History Department was formally organized in 1942 with Miss Elsie McLeod (Mrs Wilfred Jury) as head. The Regional History

Collection is attempting to form a comprehensive archives on southwestern Ontario. Major holdings include court, educational, and municipal records for several counties centring on London; records of business firms; and personal, political, or literary papers of local personalities.

Major collections used in the preparation of vol.X include:

27: Ermatinger papers

28: Donnelly family papers

234: Proudfoot family papers (William Proud-

foot journals, 1832–50)


HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES, London. The HBC archives comprise over thirty thousand volumes and files of records dating from the founding of the company in 1670. The archives as constituted at present were established in 1932, and the work of organization proceeded thereafter [see R. H. G. Leveson Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December 1933), 40–42, 64; Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970), 65–70]. A publishing programme was undertaken by the Hudson’s Bay Record Society [see section II ], and in 1949 the HBC and PAC arranged jointly to microfilm the records. Information on the PAC copies is found in PAC Report, 1950, 13–14; 1952, 16–18; 1953–54, 21–22 ; 1955–58, 44–46.

Documents from the following categories were used in the preparation of vol. X

Section A: London office records

A.l/: Minute books of the governor and committee

A.5/: London correspondence books – outward

General series, 1753–1871

A.6/: London outward correspondence books – HBC official

A.7/: London locked private letter books, 1823–75

A.8/: London correspondence with the British government

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories

A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers, account books, etc.

A.30/: Lists of servants in Hudson’s Bay, 1798–1816

A32/: Servants’ contracts

A.33/: Commissioned officers’ indentures and agreements

A.34/: Servants’ characters and staff records Section B: North America trading post records

B.3/a: Albany journals

B.89/a: Île-à-la-Crosse journals

B.89/b: Île-à-la-Crosse correspondence books

B.99/a: Kenogamissi journals

B.99/e: Kenogamissi reports on districts

B.113/b: Fort Langley correspondence books

B.113/c: Fort Langley correspondence inward

B.135/e: Moose District reports

B.223/b: Fort Vancouver correspondence books

B.226/a: Fort Victoria post journals

B.226/b: Fort Victoria correspondence books

B.226/c: Fort Victoria correspondence inward

B.239/c: York correspondence inward

B.239/k: Northern Department of Rupert’s Land, Minutes of council

B.240/a: Fort Yukon journals

Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered

by the HBC

C.1: Ships’ logs

Section D: Journals and correspondence books,

etc., of governors-in-chief of Rupert’s Land, commissioners, etc.

D.4/: George Simpson’s correspondence outward

D.5/: George Simpson’s correspondence inward

Section F: Records relating to companies con-

nected with or subsidiary to the HBC

F.4/: North West Company account books

Section G: Maps, both manuscript and pub-

lished (not including maps which are attached

to journals or other documents)

G.1/: Manuscript charts

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the contents and arrangement of these archives see: Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68).

The documentary series cited in Vol. X include:


Adm. 37: Ships’ muster books. Series II (1804–42)

Adm. 38: Ships’ muster books. Series III (1793–1878)

Colonial Office [see R. B. Pugh, The records of

the Colonial and Dominions offices (PRO

Handbooks, 3, 1964)]

CO 5: America and West Indies, original

correspondence, etc. (1606–1807)

CO 42: Canada, original correspondence (1700–1922)

CO 60: Columbia, British, original correspondence (1858–71)

CO 188: New Brunswick, original correspondence (1784–1867)

CO 189: New Brunswick, entry books (1796–1867)

CO 194: Newfoundland, original correspondence (1696–1922)

CO 217: Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, original correspondence (1710–1867)

CO 218: Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, entry books (1710–1867)

CO 226: Prince Edward Island, original correspondence (1769–1873)

CO 305: Vancouver Island, original correspondence (1846–67)

CO 478: Vancouver Island, miscellanea (1863–65), blue books of statistics in three volumes

CO 537: Colonies, general: original correspondence: supplementary, 1759–1929

Foreign Office [see: Records of the Foreign Office 1782–1939 (PRO Handbooks, 13,


FO 5: General correspondence, America, United States of. Series II (1793–1905)

FO 414: Confidential print, America, North, 1711–1941. Correspondence relating to the U.S. and Canada, and to Mexico (up to 1919 only)

War Office

WO 1: Correspondence, in-letters and papers (1755–1868). Includes original dispatches, letters, and papers addressed to the secretary-at-war, 1755–95, and to the secretary of state for war, 1794–1865. Also some bundles of correspondence addressed to the commander-in-chief

WO 25: Registers, various (1660–1938). Commissions, appointments, descriptions, returns of service, etc.

WO 32: Correspondence, registered papers, general series (1855–1964)

WO 55: Ordnance office, miscellanea (1568–1923)

WO 69: Returns, Artillery records of services, etc. (1765–1906)

WO 71: Judge Advocate General’s office, courts martial, proceedings (1668–1956)


  PRO 30/6: Carnarvon papers (1833–98)

For copies in the PAC of documents in the Colonial Office of the PRO see PAC, Preliminary Inventory, Manuscript Group 11 (Ottawa, 1951).

SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Cambridge. Established in 1920 as a centre of polar research and as a memorial to Captain R. F. Scott and his companions. Since 1957 it has been a sub-department within the Department of Geography in the University of Cambridge. The institute includes a museum, research laboratories, a library, and an extensive archives of manuscripts related to both polar regions. Around the nucleus of the Lefroy bequest (1941), which included papers of Sir John* and Lady Jane Franklin [GRIFFIN] and of Sophia Cracroft, the institute has built an important and growing collection of materials related to the exploration of northern Canada.

The following are the most important collections used in the preparation of vol. X

MS 116/: Penny Craik gift, 1950

57/1–10: Letters from Sherard Osborn to

  William Penny, 1850–56

MS 248/: Lefroy bequest, 1941

121–122: Jane Franklin’s two-volume journal

  August-September 1860, 1–5 Jan. 1861

160: Jane Franklin’s journal, July-August


163/3: Jane Franklin’s journal notes, July–August 1860

242: Sophia Cracroft’s journal at Sitka,

  12 May–14 June 1870

247/73–96: Sophia Cracroft’s letters home,

  13 Dec. 1860–9 June 1862; 23 Jan.–18 July


MS 395/: Pares loan. George Back’s Arctic

papers. (A large collection of journals, correspondence, notes, etc.)

MS 695/: Sophia Cracroft’s letter home, February-April 1861

MS 768/: George H. Richards’s private journal

aboard HMS Assistance. 17 Aug. 1853–28 May


MS 864/1: Émile-Frédéric de Bray, “Journal

de bord de l’enseigne de vaisseau Émile-Frédéric de Bray à bord de la frégate anglaise ‘La Resolue.’ Expédition polaire de 1852–1853 envoyée à la recherche de Sir John Franklin.”

MS 864/2–4: George de Bray, “Notice sur la participation de

l’enseigne de vaisseau de Bray à l’expédition britannique de 1852–1854 envoyée à la recherche des navires de Sir John Franklin perdus dans les mers polaires,” La Rochelle, 1926; copies of documentary and genealogical material relating to Émile de Bray

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. Formed in 1965, the USPG is responsible for continuing the work formerly

carried on by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (incorporated by royal charter, 1701) and the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa (founded, 1857). The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. Thus classifications used by Canadian archives holding USPG microfilm do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. However indexes are available at USPG and most dated references are easily transferred. For copies of USPG archives documents in the PAC see: PAC, Preliminary Inventory, Manuscript Group 17 (Ottawa, 1967).

Documents from the following groups were used in preparing this volume:

Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound

and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860) of which only the last two (1840–60) have references to Canada.

C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada, 1752–1860. Letters from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Lower Canada, and Toronto groupings were used. Nominal card index is available at USPG.

D: Original letters received from 1850, bound in volumes. Handlist of writers and places, not alphabetical, available at USPG.

E: Reports from SPG missionaries from 1856, bound in volumes. Handlist available at USPG.




ARTHUR, GEORGE.] The Arthur papers; being the Canadian papers mainly confidential, private, and demi-official of Sir George Arthur, K.C.H. last lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada in the manuscript collection of the Toronto Public Libraries. Edited by Charles Rupert Sanderson. 3 vols. Toronto, 1957–59.

[BEGG, ALEXANDER.] Alexander Begg’s Red River journal and other papers relative to the Red River resistance of 1869–1870. Edited with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. (Champlain Society publication, XXXIV.) Toronto, 1956.

BEGG, ALEXANDER, and WALTER R. NURSEY. Ten years in Winnipeg. A narration of the principal events in the history of the city of Winnipeg from the year A. D., 1870, to the year A. D., 1879, inclusive. Winnipeg, 1879.

[BLACKWOOD, FREDERICK TEMPLE, and HENRY HOWARD MOLYNEUX HERBERT.] Dufferin-Carnarvon correspondence, 1874–1878. Edited by Cornelis Willem de Kiewiet and Frank Hawkins Underhill. (Champlain Society publication, XXXIII.) Toronto, 1955.


Blue Books, used for 1859–70 (copies in PABC).


Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the province of British Columbia . . . ,used for 1876–79.


Debate on the subject of confederation with Canada reprinted from the Government Gazette Extraordinary of March, 1870. Victoria.

Journals of the Legislative Council of British Columbia . . . ,used for 1868–70.

[BRUCE, JAMES, and ALBERT HENRY GEORGE GREY.] The Elgin-Grey papers, 1846–1852. Edited with notes and appendices by Arthur George Doughty. (PAC publication.) 4 vols. Ottawa, 1937.



House of Commons debates, used for 1867–80.

Journals of the House of Commons of the dominion of Canada . . . , used for 1867–74.


Debates of the Senate . . . , used for 1872–79.

Sessional papers . . . of the dominion of Canada,

used for I (1867–68)–XV (1882).



Debates. See Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada.

Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada . . . , used for 1841–67.


Journaux du Conseil législatif de la province du Canada, used for 1862–67.

Parliamentary debates, used for 1846–67 (microfilm project of the Canadian Library Association)

Parliamentary debates on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces . . . . Quebec, 1865; reprinted, Ottawa, 1961.

Sessional papers . . . of the Province of Canada, used for XVIII (1860)–XXVI (1866).

Statutes of the Province of Canada . . . , used for 1847–59.

The Canadian North-West, its early development and legislative records; minutes of the councils of the Red River Colony and the Northern Department of Rupert’s Land. Edited by Edmund Henry Oliver. (PAC publication, 9.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1914–15.

CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. “Founded in 1905, with headquarters in Toronto, for the purpose of publishing rare and inaccessible materials relating to the history of Canada. Its publications are issued only to elected members, limited in number . . .” Publications related to vol. X include

XIX: McLean’s notes of twenty-five year’s service (Wallace).

XXIV: Hargrave correspondence (Glazebrook).

XXVII: Loyalist narratives (Talman).

XXVIII: [Mactavish], Letters of Letitia Hargrave (MacLeod).

XXXIII: [Blackwood and Herbert], Dufferin-Carnarvon correspondence (de Kiewiet and Underhill).

XXXIV: Begg’s Red River journal (Morton).

XLIV: Palliser papers (Spry).

CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. ONTARIO SERIES. The Champlain society was invited by the Ontario government to prepare and publish a series of documentary volumes “to preserve in printed form . . . a representative selection of the more interesting and significant records of the past . . .” This series is sold through normal publishing channels. Publications relevant to Vol. X include:

I: Valley of the Trent (Guillet).

V: Town of York, 1793–1815 (Firth).

VI: Muskoka and Haliburton (Murray).

VII: Valley of the Six Nations (Johnston).

VIII: Town of York, 1815–1834 (Firth).


Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada: volume I, 1841. Edited by Elizabeth Nish. (Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada, 1841–1867, published under the direction of the Centre d’Étude du Québec and

the Centre de recherche en histoire économique du Canada français. General editor, Elizabeth Nish.) Montreal, 1970.

Documentary history of education in Upper Canada from the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1791 to the close of Rev. Dr. Ryerson’s administration of the education department in 1876. Edited by John George Hodgins. 28 vols. Toronto, 1894–1910.

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1759–1791. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. Ottawa, 1907; second and revised edition, in two parts, Ottawa, 1918.

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1791–1818. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Duncan A. McArthur. Ottawa, 1914.

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada, 1819–1828. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Norah Story. Ottawa, 1935.

Dufferin-Carnarvon correspondence. See: [BLACKWOOD, FREDERICK TEMPLE . . . .]

Elgin-Grey papers. See: [BRUCE, JAMES . . . .]

FENETY, GEORGE EDWARD. Political notes and observations; or, a glance at the leading measures that have been introduced and discussed in the House of Assembly of New Brunswick . . . . Fredericton, 1867.


BILLINGS, ELKANAH. Catalogues of the Silurian fossils of the island of Anticosti, with descriptions of some new genera and species. Montreal, London, New York, and Paris, 1866.

DOWLING, DONALDSON BOGART. General index to the reports of progress, 1863 to 1884. Ottawa, 1900.

Memoir 154: W. H. Twenhofel. Geology of Anticosti Island. Ottawa, 1928.

Report of progress from its commencement to 1863; illustrated by 498 wood cuts in the text, and accompanied by an atlas of maps and sections. (Geological Survey of Canada, director, William Edmond Logan.) Montreal, London, Paris, New York, 1863 ; reprinted with an introduction and appendix, 1865. [Commonly known as Geology of Canada.]

Report of progress for 1876–77. Montreal, 1878.

GREAT BRITAIN, PARLIAMENT, 1857 (Session II) House of Commons papers, XV, 224, 260

Report from the select committee on the Hudson’s Bay Company; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index.

[HARGRAVE, JAMES.] The Hargrave correspondence, 1821–1843. Edited with introduction and notes by George Parkin de Twenebrokes Glazebrook. (Champlain Society publication, XXIV.) Toronto, 1938.


HEAD, FRANCIS BOND. A narrative. London, 1839.

Republished as A narrative with notes by William Lyon Mackenzie. Edited with introduction by Sydney Francis Wise. (Carleton Library series, 43.) Toronto, Montreal, 1969.

[HOWE, JOSEPH.] The speeches and public letters of Joseph Howe (based  upon Mr. Annand’s edition of 1858). Revised and edited by Joseph  Andrew Chisholm. 2 vols. Halifax, 1909.


by the Hudson’s Bay Company after classification of its London archives, begun in 1932, had progressed to the point where publication was feasible. Membership in the society is limited. Inquiries should be directed to: the Hon. Secretary, Beaver House, Great Trinity Lane, London, E.C.4, England.


General editor for vols. I–XXII, E. E. Rich; for vols. XXIII–XXV, K. G. Davies; for XXVI, A. M. Johnson. 26 vols. published to date. Vols. I–XII, issued in association with the Champlain Society, Toronto, were reprinted in 1968 by Kraus Reprint Division of Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited, Nendeln, Liechtenstein.

I: [Simpson, George.] Journal of occurrences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and report. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by Chester Martin. 1938.

II: [Robertson, Colin.] Colin Robertson’s correspondence book, September 1817 to September 1822. Edited with an introduction by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by R. Harvey Fleming. 1939.

III: Minutes of council Northern Department of Rupert Land, 1821–31. Edited by R. Harvey Fleming, with an introduction by Harold Adams Innis. 1940.

IV: [McLoughlin, John.] The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, first series, 1825–38. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. 1941.

VI: [McLoughlin, John.] The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, second series, 1839–44. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. 1943.

VII: [McLoughlin, John.] The letters of John

McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, third series, 1844–46. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. 1944.

X: [Simpson, George.] Part of dispatch from George Simpson, Esqr, governor of Ruperts Land to the governor & committee of the Hudson’s Bay Company, London, March 1, 1829. Continued and completed March 24 and June 5, 1829. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Stewart Wallace. 1947.

XVI: [Rae, John.] John Rae’s correspondence with the Hudson’s Bay Company on Arctic exploration, 1844–1855. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice M. Johnson, with an introduction by J. M. Wordie and R. J. Cyriax. 1953.

XVIII: [Black, Samuel.] A journal of a voyage from Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the sources of Finlays Branch and North West Ward in summer 1824. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice M. Johnson, with an introduction by R. M. Patterson. 1955.

XIX: [Colvile, Eden.] London correspondence inward from Eden Colvile, 1849–1852. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice M. Johnson, with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. 1956.

XXI: Rich, History of the HBC. I: 1670–1763. [see section IV]

XXII: Rich, History of the HBC,II: 1763–1870.

XXIV: Northern Quebec and Labrador journals and correspondence,  1819–35. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies, assisted by Alice M.  Johnson, with introduction by Glyndwr Williams. 1963.

Journal de l’Assemblée législative de la Province du Canada . . . . See  CANADA, PROVINCE OF, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, Journals . . . .

Journal de l’Instruction publique, Québec, Montréal. Monthly. I (1857)-  XXIII (1879). Official publication of the Department of Public  Instruction, published variously at Quebec and Montreal. It must not be  confused with the Journal of Education which is also an official  publication of the same department. They were completely independent  journals, and neither was a translation of the other.

Journal of Education for Ontario, Toronto. A monthly publication which  began, I (January 1848), as the Journal of Education for Upper Canada, it was the official publication of the province’s department of education.  Title changed in 1867 to the Journal of Education for Ontario which continued to XXX (July 1877).

[LANGELIER, JEAN-CHRYSOSTOME] List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890. Quebec, 1891.

[Logan et al.] Geology of Canada. See GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA.



Journals of the House of Assembly of Lower-Canada, used for 1824–37.


Journaux du Conseil spécial de la province du Bas-Canada, used for 1838–40.

Loyalist narratives from Upper Canada. Edited with introduction and notes by James John Talman. (Champlain Society publication, XXVII) Toronto, 1946.

[McCLURE, ROBERT JOHN LEMESURIER.] The discovery of the north-west passage by H.M.S. “Investigator,” Capt. R. M’Clure, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854. Edited by Sherard Osborn. London, 1856.

[MACDONALD, JOHN ALEXANDER.] The letters of Sir John A. Macdonald, 1836–1857. Edited by J. K. Johnson. —— 1858–1861. Edited by J. K. Johnson and Carole B. Stelmack. (PAC publications, The Papers of the Prime Ministers series, I, II.) Ottawa, 1968, 1969.

[McLEAN, JOHN.] John McLean’s notes of twenty-five year’s service in the Hudson’s Bay territory. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (Champlain Society publication, XIX.) Toronto, 1932.

[MACTAVISH, LETITIA. ] The letters of Letitia Hargrave. Edited with introduction and notes by

Margaret Arnett MacLeod. (Champlain Society publication, XXVIII.) Toronto, 1947.

Mandements, lettres pastorales et circulaires des évêques de Québec. Henri Têtu et Charles-Octave Gagnon, éditeurs. 4 vols. Québec, 1887–88. 13 vols. Québec, 1889–1955.


Statutes of the province of Manitoba . . . , used for 1873–78.

Manitoba: the birth of a province. Edited by William Lewis Morton. (Manitoba Record Society publication, I.) Altona, Man., 1965.

MANITOBA RECORD SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. General editor, William David Smith.

I: Manitoba: birth of a province (Morton).

III: James Wickes Taylor correspondence


MORRIS, ALEXANDER. The treaties of Canada with

the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories . . . . Toronto, 1880.

MURRAY, ALEXANDER HUNTER. Journal of the Yukon, 1847–48.  Edited with notes by Lawrence Johnston Burpee. (PAC publication, 4.) Ottawa; 1910.

Muskoka and Haliburton, 1615–1875; a collection of documents. Edited with an introduction by Florence Beatrice Murray. (Champlain Society publication, Ontario series, VI.) Toronto, 1963.



Journals of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick . . . , used for 1824–81.

Reports of the debates of the House of Assembly of the province of New Brunswick . . . , used for 1854–66.

Synoptic report of the proceedings of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick . . . , used for 1834–68.


Debates of the Legislative Council of New Brunswick, used for 1866.

Journals of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick, used 1836–72.


  Blue books, used for 1832–74 (copies in PANL).


Journal of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland . . . , used for 1834–63.



Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly . . . of the province of Nova Scotia, used for 1855–71.

Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia, used for 1836–68.


Journal of the proceedings of Her Majesty’s Legislative Council of the province of Nova Scotia, used for 1836–67.



Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the province of Ontario . . . , used for 1867–72.

Sessional papers . . . of the province of Ontario, used for III (1870–71)-XIII (1881).

Statutes of the province of Ontario . . . , used

for 1878, 1879.

The papers of the Palliser expedition, 1857–1860. Edited with an introduction and notes by Irene

Mary Spry. (Champlain Society publication, XLIV.) Toronto, 1968.



Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, used for 1855–79.

Journal of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, used for 1825–73.

Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of Prince Edward Island, used for 1874–79.


Debates and proceedings of the Legislative Council of Prince Edward Island, used for 1856–60,1871–73.

Debates and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Prince Edward Island, used for 1874–75.

Journal of the Legislative Council of Prince Edward Island, used for 1830–73.

Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of Prince Edward Island, used for 1874–75.

PROVOST, HONORIUS. Le séminaire de Québec: documents et  biographies (Publications des archives du séminaire de Québec, II.)  Québec, 1964.



4: Murray, Journal of the Yukon (Burpee).

9: Canadian North-West (Oliver).


I: [J. A. Macdonald], Letters (Johnson).

II: [J. A. Macdonald], Letters (Johnson and Stelmack).


[Bruce and Grey], Elgin-Grey papers (Doughty).

Canadian directory of parliament (Johnson).

[see section III]

Guide to Canadian ministries since confederation.

[see section III]

Union list of manuscripts (Gordon). [see section III]


A complete, descriptive list of Quebec government publications is found in Répertoire des publications gouvernementales du Québec de 1867 à 1964. André Beaulieu et al., éditeurs. Québec, 1968.

Department of Lands and Forests. See [Langelier, Jean

  Chrysostome], List of lands . . .

Department of Public Instruction. See Journal de l’Instruction publique.


Journaux de l’Assemblée législative du Québec, used for 1875–80.


Journaux du Conseil législatif de la province de Québec, used for 1867–77.

[RYERSON, ADOLPHUS EGERTON.] “The story of my life,” by the late Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D., LLD., (being reminiscences of sixty years’ public service in Canada). Edited by John George Hodgins. Toronto, 1883.

SCADDING, HENRY. Toronto of old: collections and recollections illustrative of the early settlement and social life of the capital of Ontario. Toronto, 1873. Republished as Toronto of old. Abridged and edited by Frederick Henry Armstrong. Toronto, 1966.

[TAYLOR, JAMES WICKES.] The James Wickes Taylor correspondence, 1859–1870. Edited by Hartwell Bowsfield. (Manitoba Record Society publication, III.) Altona, Man., 1968.

The town of York, 1793–1815: a collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited with an introduction by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publication, Ontario series, V.) Toronto, 1962.

The town of York, 1815–1834: a further collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited with an introduction by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publication, Ontario series, VIII.) Toronto, 1966.

TURCOTTE, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Le Canada sous l’Union, 1841–1867. 2 vols. Québec, 1871–72; 2e édition, 1882.



Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada . . . , used for 1821–40.

The valley of the Six Nations: a collection of documents on the Indian lands of the Grand River. Edited with an introduction by Charles M. Johnston. (Champlain Society publication, Ontario series, VII.) Toronto, 1964.

The valley of the Trent. Edited with an introduction and notes by Edwin Clarence Guillet. (Champlain Society publication, Ontario series, I.) Toronto, 1957.


Various sources have been used for discovering the

titles and affiliations of newspapers during the period of this volume. These include: J. W. Dafoe, “Early Winnipeg newspapers,” HSSM Papers, 3rd ser., no.3 (1947), 14–24; J. R. Harper, Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals (Fredericton, 1961); “Chronological list of Newfoundland newspapers in the public collections at the Gosling Memorial Library and Provincial Archives,” compiled by Ian McDonald (copy deposited in the Reference Library, Arts and Culture Centre, St John’s); Ella Naomi Tratt, “A survey and listing of Nova Scotian newspapers with particular reference to the period before 1867,” unpublished MA thesis, Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., 1957 (copy in PANS); Catalogue of Canadian newspapers in the Douglas Library, Queen’s University, compiled by L. C. Ellison et al. (Douglas Library Occasional Papers, 1, Kingston, 1969); Early Toronto newspapers, 1793–1867: a catalogue of newspapers published in the Town of York and the City of Toronto from the beginning to confederation, ed. E. G. Firth (Toronto, 1961); W. L. Cotton, “The press in Prince Edward Island,” Past and present of Prince Edward Island . . . , edited by D. A. MacKinnon and A. B. Warburton (Charlottetown, [1906]), 112–21; R. L. Cotton, “Early press,” Historic highlights of Prince Edward Island, ed. M. C. Brehaut (Prince Edward Island Hist. Soc. pamphlet, Charlottetown, 1955), 40–45; and Beaulieu et Hamelin, Journaux du Québec. Because this last includes such complete details on all the papers covered, full descriptions of the Quebec newspapers are not given in the following listing.

Acadian Recorder, Halifax. Published from 16 Jan. 1813 until 10 May 1930. The paper was a weekly from 1813 until 27 Aug. 1863, a tri-weekly from 5 Sept. 1863 until 1930, and a daily from 1868 until 1930.

British Colonist, Halifax. Its full name was British Colonist: A Literary, Political and Commercial Journal. Published from 25 June 1848 until 31 Dec. 1874 as a tri-weekly; a weekly was added in January 1849 and a daily edition later. From 11 Sept. 1851 until January 1855, the full title was British Colonist and North American Railway Journal.

British Colonist, Victoria. See Colonist

Brockville Recorder and the Eastern Johnstown and Bathurst Districts Advertiser, Brockville, Ont. Began publication on 16 Jan. 1821 as a weekly and became a daily on 10 Nov. 1873. Bought out the Times (Brockville) and on 1 Feb. 1918 became the Recorder and Times, which continued to be published in 1971.

Canadian Churchman, Toronto. See Church

Canadian Citizen, Ottawa. See Ottawa Citizen

Canadian Free Press, London, Ont. See London Free Press

Le Canadien, Québec. Published from 22 Nov. 1806 until 11 Feb. 1893.

Cariboo Sentinel, Barkerville, B.C. Published from 6 June 1865 to 30 Oct. 1875 although publication was suspended for several short periods. The paper was published at various times as a weekly, a semi-weekly, and a semimonthly.

Central Canada Citizen, Ottawa. See Ottawa Citizen

Christian Guardian, Toronto. Published as a weekly at York (later Toronto) from 21 Nov. 1829 until 10 June 1925 when it was superseded by the New Outlook which ceased publication on 24 Feb. 1939. A general index of the Christian Guardian for the years 1829–67 is available at the United Church Archives, Toronto. A selective index for church news, general historical information, and genealogical information is in preparation for the period after 1867.

Church, Cobourg, Toronto, and Hamilton, Ont. Published as a weekly from 6 May 1837 to 25 July 1856. Began publication in Cobourg, then moved to Toronto from 11 July 1840 to 14 July 1843 when it returned to Cobourg only to move again to Toronto on 17 July 1846. Between 5 Aug. 1852 and 16 June 1853 the title was the Canadian Churchman. Between 3 Aug. 1855 and 25 July 1856 the Church was published in Hamilton.

Colonist, Victoria. Published under various titles from 11 Dec. 1858 to the present. Until 28 July 1860 the full name was the British Colonist; from 31 July 1860 to 23 June 1866, Daily British Colonist; from 25 June 1866 to 31 Dec. 1886, the Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle; and from 1 Jan. 1887 to the present, Daily Colonist. The paper began as a weekly, then on 16 May 1859 a tri-weekly issue was begun. The weekly continued to 1888 as the Weekly British Colonist. The paper published five issues per week beginning on 31 July 1860, and after 16 Feb. 1861 became a full-scale daily.

Courier, St John’s. See Morning Courier and General Advertiser

Le Courrier du Canada, journal des intérêts canadiens, Québec. Published from 2 Feb. 1857 to 11 April 1901.

Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle. See Colonist

Daily Colonist, Victoria. See Colonist

Daily Ledger, St John’s. See Public Ledger and Newfoundland General Advertiser

Daily Mail and Empire, Toronto. See Mail; Globe

Daily News, Saint John, N.B. See Morning News

Daily Telegraph, Saint John, N.B. See Telegraph

Eastern Chronicle, Pictou and New Glasgow, N.S. Its full name was Eastern Chronicle and Pictou County Advocate. Published from 1843 until 1865 as a weekly in Pictou and from 4 Jan. 1866 until 1953 as a semi-weekly in New Glasgow.

L’Événement, Québec. Published from 13 May 1867 to 31 March 1966.

Evening Standard, Victoria. See Victoria Daily Standard

Examiner, Charlottetown. Published from 7 Aug. 1847 until 1919 or 1920 when it was absorbed by the Guardian (Charlottetown). The Examiner was a weekly from 1847 until May 1877 when it became a daily only. A few months later the weekly edition was revived, and both editions continued.

Examiner, Toronto. Published as a weekly from 3 July 1838 until 29 Aug. 1855 when it merged with the Globe.

Gazette, Montreal. Began publication on 3 June 1778 and continued in 1971.

Globe, Toronto. Began as a weekly on 5 March 1844, became a semi-weekly 4 Nov. 1846, a tri-weekly, 3 July 1849, and a daily, 1 Oct. 1853. A second weekly series began 6 July 1849 and continued to 28 Jan. 1914; its title changed to Weekly Globe and Canadian Farmer on 5 Jan. 1877. A second semi-weekly series was published from 19 Oct. 1853 to 2 July 1855 when it became a tri-weekly which lasted until 1864. There was a second daily, the Evening Globe, from 19 Dec. 1861 to 20 July 1908. The Western Globe, published weekly in Toronto but issued from London, C.W., lasted from 16 Oct. 1845 until at least 1851. Title became the Globe and Mail when it merged with the Daily Mail and Empire (Toronto) on 23 Nov. 1936 and publication continued under this title in 1971.

Herald, Montreal. Published from 19 Oct. 1811 until 18 Oct. 1959.

Island Argus, Charlottetown. A weekly, published from 4 Nov. 1869 until it was absorbed by the Examiner on 25 Feb. 1881 when the name became the Examiner and Island Argus.

Islander, Charlottetown. Its full title was the Islander or Prince Edward Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser until 21 Jan. 1853 when it became the Islander or Prince Edward Island Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser. It was published from 2 Dec. 1842 until 1874 as a weekly. A new owner changed its title in 1872 to Prince Edward

Islander: A Weekly Newspaper of General Intelligence. It was absorbed by the Patriot in 1874.

Journal de Québec. Published from 1 Dec. 1842 until 1 Oct. 1889.

Leader, Toronto. Began publication as a semi-weekly on 1 July 1852 and as a weekly on 7 July. A daily edition was added on 11 July 1853. The, semi-weekly ceased publication in 1864 but the daily and weekly editions continued to 1878. The Leader absorbed several Toronto newspapers including, for a time, the Toronto Daily Patriot and Express.

London Advertiser, London, Ont. A daily, begun 27 Oct. 1863 as the London Evening Advertiser and Family Newspaper, its name changed to London Evening Advertiser on 23 May 1865 and to Daily Advertiser in the spring of 1869. On 4 Dec. 1880 its name became the London Advertiser. The Weekly Advertiser was begun in 1864, and its name had changed to Western Advertiser by 1873; in 1875 it combined with the Weekly Liberal (Toronto) to become the Western Advertiser and Weekly Liberal (London and Toronto), but by 1884 the title was again Western Advertiser.

London Free Press, London, Ont. Began publication as a weekly on 2 Jan. 1849 as the Canadian Free Press. A daily edition, the London Free Press and Daily Western Advertiser, began on 5 May 1855 and, except for a brief interruption in the late 1850s, continued in 1971. The Canadian Free Press continued as a weekly, probably until 6 March 1868.

Mail, Toronto. Began publication as a daily on 30 March 1872. Its name was changed to the Toronto Daily Mail on 2 Aug. 1880. The paper merged with the Empire (Toronto) to become the Daily Mail and Empire on 7 Feb. 1895. A weekly edition was also published. The Daily Mail and Empire merged with the Globe to become the Globe and Mail on 23 Nov. 1936.

Mainland Guardian, New Westminster, B.C. Published on a semi-weekly basis from 28 Aug. 1869 until 21 Aug. 1889 or later (21 Aug. 1889 issue was the last available to DCB for examination but does not contain a notice that it was the last issue of the paper).

Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg. Founded on 30 Nov. 1872 as a weekly, it became a daily on 6 July 1874. On 2 Dec. 1931 its name changed to the Winnipeg Free Press, still published in 1971.

Mélanges religieux, Montréal. Published from 14 Dec. 1840 until 6 July 1852.

La Minerve, Montréal. Published from 9 Nov. 1826 to 27 May 1899.

Le Monde canadien, Montréal. Published between 19 Sept. 1867 and 5 July 1900.

Montreal Daily Witness. Published from 13 Aug. 1860 until 11 July 1913.

Montreal Gazette. See Gazette

Montreal Herald. See Herald

Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette. See Herald

Montreal Weekly Witness. Its prospectus appeared on 15 Dec. 1845 with publication beginning on 5 Jan. 1846 and continuing to May 1938.

Morning Chronicle, Halifax. Published under various titles from 24 Jan. 1844 to the present. It began as a tri-weekly, then expanded in 1877 to a daily; it was also printed as a weekly from 1844 until 1912. The name changed to the Halifax Chronicle on 22 Jan. 1927; on I Jan. 1949 the paper merged with the Herald and its name became the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, which was shortened to the Chronicle-Herald on 26 Dec. 1959.

Morning Chronicle, Quebec. Published from 1847 to 1888.

Morning Courier and General Advertiser, St John’s. Published from 1844 to 1878 as a semi-weekly. The name was changed in 1856 to the Courier.

Morning Freeman, Saint John, N.B. This paper began in 1849 as a weekly under the title St. John Weekly Freeman. The Morning Freeman was added in 1851 as a tri-weekly and lasted until 1878. The weekly continued until 1884.

Morning News, Saint John, N.B. Published from 1839 until 1884 but under a great variety of titles beginning with Commercial News and General Advertiser. The paper was, at different times, a weekly, a tri-weekly, and a daily. Used in this volume were issues appearing as the Morning News, the Saint John Daily News, and the Daily News.

Morning Telegraph, Saint John, N.B. See Telegraph

New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton. A weekly, published from November 1844 until December 1902. Its full title was the New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser until its last years when it was the Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser.

Newfoundlander, St John’s. Published from 1806 until 1884 although issues are only available from 1827. The paper was a weekly, then a semi-weekly.

Newfoundland Patriot, St John’s. Published from

1834 to 1878 as a weekly, although issues are available only from 1854. In 1842 the name was changed to the Patriot & Terra Nova Herald; in 1877, it became the Patriot and Catholic Herald for four issues only; in 1878, it was the Patriot and Terra Nova Advocate.

New Nation, Winnipeg. Published from 7 January to September 1870. It was founded by Americans living in Red River, after the Nor’Wester ceased publication; in March 1870 it became the organ of Louis Riel*’s provisional government.

Nor’Wester, Winnipeg. The first newspaper published in the Red River Settlement, it was founded “in opposition to the existing order.” It was published from 28 Dec. 1859 to 24 Nov. 1869.

Le Nouveau Monde, Montréal. See Le Monde canadien

Novascotian, Halifax. Published under various names from 1824 until 1925. From 1824 until 1892 the full name was Novascotian and Colonial Herald, then in 1892 it became a weekly called the Nova Scotian and Weekly Chronicle which lasted until 13 Oct. 1922. At that time the format changed and it was the Nova Scotian: Nova Scotia’s Farm and Home Journal until it ceased publication.

L’Opinion publique, Montréal. Published from 16 Dec. 1892 until 16 June 1893.

Ottawa Citizen. Began as a weekly in the autumn of 1844 as the Packet, but changed to the Ottawa Citizen on 22 Feb. 1851 under which title it was still published in 1971. A semi-weekly edition was added on 4 Oct. 1859, which became a daily edition on 15 May 1865. The weekly continued to 1916 with the name changing to the Central Canada Citizen from 1909–12, then to the Canadian Citizen.

Patriot, Charlottetown. Published from 8 July 1865 until the present. The Patriot began as a weekly and became a semi-weekly in 1867; in mid–1874 it reverted to being a weekly but in 1875 it began to feature both editions again. Later it became a daily. [This paper is sometimes said to have begun publication on 5 July 1859 because it was numbered consecutively from the Protestant and Evangelical Witness which began on that date and ceased publication on 1 July 1865. For various reasons, including religious affiliation and financial support, it is not strictly correct to assume that the Patriot was a continuation of the Protestant.]

Patriot, Kingston, Ont., and Toronto. Began publication as a weekly in Kingston in 1828 as the Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor. Moved to York (Toronto) on 7 Dec. 1832. A semi-weekly

edition began in November 1833 and continued to April 1852; in March 1834 the title was changed to the Patriot, and in 1839 to the Toronto Patriot. In April 1850 a daily edition was added entitled the Toronto Daily Patriot and Express; it continued to 1855 and was absorbed, for a time, by the Leader (Toronto). The weekly ceased publication in 1878.

Patriot, St John’s. See Newfoundland Patriot

Le Pays, Montréal. Published between 15 Jan. 1852 and 26 Dec. 1871.

Pilot and Journal of Commerce, Montreal. Appeared under various titles between 5 March 1844 and 25 March 1862.

Le Pionnier de Sherbrooke. Published from 13 Oct. 1866 until 11 May 1902.

Protestant and Evangelical Witness, Charlottetown. See Patriot

Public Ledger and Newfoundland General Advertiser, St John’s. Published from 1820 to 1882 first as a semi-weekly, then as a tri-weekly, and finally as a daily in 1859, when it became the Daily Ledger.

Royal Gazette, Charlottetown. Published from 1791 to the present. This paper began as a semi-monthly entitled Royal Gazette, and Miscellany of the Island of Saint John published by the king’s or queen’s printer, and subsequently it became a weekly.

Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser, St John’s. Published from  1807 to 1924 as a weekly, although issues are only available from 1810.  In 1926 the paper became the Newfoundland Gazette which continues to  the present.

Saint John Daily News. See Morning News

St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal. See Telegraph

Standard, Winnipeg. See Weekly Manitoban and Herald of Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory

Telegraph, Saint John, N.B. This paper, begun as the Weekly Telegraph, was published from 27 Sept. 1862 until July 1923, when it became the Telegraph-Journal which still exists as a daily. It was published at various times as a weekly, a semi-weekly, and a daily under a great many titles. The titles appearing in this

volume include the Morning Telegraph, the Daily Telegraph, the St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal, and the Telegraph-Journal.

Telegraph-Journal, Saint John, N.B. See Telegraph

Times, Halifax. Published under various names from 3 June 1834 until 1880: it was a weekly entitled the Times from 1834 until 27 June 1848. It became the New Times on 3 July until 30 December when it merged with the Courier to become the Times and Courier until 1867. In that year it merged with the Evening Reporter and became the Evening Reporter and Daily & Tri-weekly Times; finally on 13 Oct. 1879 it became the New Times and Reporter and lasted only one more year.

Times and General Commercial Gazette, St John’s. Published from 29 Aug. 1832 until 23 March 1895 mainly as a semi-weekly but at times as a weekly.

Toronto Daily Mail. See Mail

Toronto Daily Patriot and Express. See Patriot

Toronto Patriot. See Patriot

Victoria Daily Standard. Published from 20 June 1870 until 4 Aug. 1888 as a daily. Was replaced by the Evening Standard (Victoria) which continued until sometime in 1889.

Victoria Gazette. Published from 25 June 1858 until 30 July 1860. Began as a semi-weekly which continued until 24 July 1858; on 28 July became the Daily Victoria Gazette which existed until 26 October. On 28 October reverted to Victoria Gazette as a tri-weekly lasting until 26 Nov. 1859. On 5 Dec. 1859 a new tri-weekly appeared under the same title and continued to 30 July 1860. A weekly issue appeared briefly on two occasions.

Weekly British Colonist, Victoria. See Colonist

Weekly Globe and Canadian Farmer, Toronto. See Globe

Weekly Manitoban and Herald of Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory, Winnipeg. An independent liberal paper, it was founded on 15 Oct. 1870 and remained a weekly until 1874. It became the Standard from 28 Nov. 1874 until 20 Nov. 1875. Publication ceased in 1882.

Western Globe, London, Ont. See Globe


ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols. Montréal, 1910–34.


Upper Canadian chronology and territorial legislation. London, Ont.,  1967.

AUDET, FRANCIS-JOSEPH. Les députés de Montréal (ville et comtés),  1792–1867. Montréal, 1943.

Australian dictionary of biography. General editor, Douglas Pike. 3 vols. Melbourne, 1966–69. [Two volumes covering the period 1788–1850 were published, 1966–67, and the first volume for the period 1851–1890 was published in 1969.] In progress.

BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, et JEAN HAMELIN. Les journaux du Québec de 1764 à 1964. (Les cahiers de l’Institut d’histoire, 6.) Québec et Paris, 1965.

A bibliography of the Prairie provinces to 1953.

Compiled by Bruce Braden Peel. Toronto, 1956.

—— supplement. Compiled by Bruce Braden Peel. Toronto, 1963. [New edition in progress.]

BOASE, FREDERIC. Modern English biography, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died between the years 1851–1900 with an index of the most interesting matter. 3 vols. and 3 supplements. Privately printed in England, 1892–1921; reprinted [London], 1965.

British Museum general catalogue of printed books. (Photolithographic  edition to 1955.) 263 vols. London, 1961–66.

Canada, an encyclopædia of the country: the Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material progress, and its national development. Edited by John Castell Hopkins. 6 vols., Toronto, 1898–1900. Also, Index topical and personal to Canada: an encyclopædia of the country. Toronto and London, 1900.

The Canada directory for 1857–1858; containing names of professional and business men, and of the principal inhabitants . . . . Montreal, 1857.

The Canadian directory of parliament, 1867–1967.

Edited by J. K. Johnson. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968.

The Canadian parliamentary companion. Published in Quebec, 1862 and 1863, in Montreal from 1864 to 1874, and in Ottawa from 1875. Appeared irregularly from 1862, then annually from 1871. Became the Canadian parliamentary guide . . . early in the 20th century. Editors during the period of vol. X of the DCB were Henry James Morgan until 1875, then Charles H. MacKintosh.

The Catholic encyclopedia, an international work of reference . . . of the Catholic church. Edited by C. G. Herbermann et al. 15 vols., index, 1 supplement. New York, 1907–22.

CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION. Ontarian families; genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98.

Classified digest of the records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701–1892. London, 1893.

Commemorative biographical record of the county of York, Ontario;  containing biographical ketches of prominent and representative citizens and many of the early settled families. Toronto, 1907.

CORNISH, GEORGE HENRY. Cyclopœdia of Methodism in Canada: containing historical, educational, and statistical information . . . . 2 vols. Toronto and Halifax, 1881–1903.

A cyclopædia of Canadian biography: being chiefly men of the time. Edited by George MacLean Rose. (Rose’s national biographical series, I, II.) Toronto, 1886, 1888.

DENT, JOHN CHARLES. The Canadian portrait gallery. 4 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.

DESJARDINS, JOSEPH. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.

Dictionary of American biography [to 1928 ]. Edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone. 20 vols., index. New York, 1928–37. 2 supplements [to 31 Dec. 1940], New York 1944, 1958. New edition, comprising 22 vols. in 11, New York, 1959. Concise DAB, New York, 1964. In progress.

Dictionary of national biography [to 1900]. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols. ; supplement, 3 vols. ; index and epitome. London, 1885–1903. 6 supplements for the 20th century. Concise DNB. 2 vols., 1952, 1961. In progress.

A directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. With an introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publication, Nova Scotia series, II.) Halifax, 1958.

The dominion annual register and review for . . . 1878.—— 1879. —— 1880–1881. Edited by Henry James Morgan et al. Montreal, 1879, 1880, 1882.

The encyclopedia of Canada. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. 6 vols. Toronto, 1935–37. Newfoundland supplement. Edited by Robert Harold Blackburn. Toronto, 1949.

GAUTHIER, HENRI. Sulpitiana. Montréal, 1926.

GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. The navy list . . . (London), used for 1813, 1844–77.

Guide to Canadian ministries since confederation,

  July 1,1867 January 1, 1957. (PAC publication.)

  Ottawa, 1957. [Revision in progress.]

Guide to the principal parliamentary papers relating to the dominions, 1812–1911. Prepared by Margaret I. Adam et al. Edinburgh and London, 1913.

HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL. Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals. Fredericton, 1961.

LE JEUNE, LOUIS-MARIE. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1931.

MORGAN, HENRY JAMES. Bibliotheca Canadensis: or, a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; republished, Detroit, 1968.

—— Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the province down to the present time. Quebec and London, 1862.

MORICE, ADRIEN-GABRIEL. Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des Métis français de l’Ouest. Kamloops, B.C., Saint-Sauveur, Qué., and Saint-Boniface, Man., 1908.

Notices nécrologiques de la Congrégation des Oblats de Marie-Immaculée. 8 vols. Paris, 1860–1939. ‘

NOTMAN, WILLIAM, and FENNINGS TAYLOR. Portraits of British Americans, with biographical sketches. 3 vols. Montreal, 1865–68.

O’BYRNE, WILLIAM RICHARD. A naval biographical dictionary; comprising the life and services of every living officer in Her Majesty’s Navy, from the rank of admiral of the fleet to that of lieutenant. London, 1849.

Patents of Canada . . . [1824–1855]. 2 vols. Toronto, 1860–65.

I: From 1824 to 1849. 1860.

II: From 1849 to 1855. 1865.

Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. With an introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publication, Nova Scotia series, III.) Halifax, 1967.

Political appointments and elections in the Province of Canada from 1841 to 1860. Edited by Joseph-Olivier Coté. 1st ed., Quebec, 1860. —— from 1841 to 1865. 2nd ed., Ottawa, 1866. —— and appendix from Ist January, 1866, to 30th June, 1867, and index. Edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1918.

Political appointments, parliaments and the judicial bench in the Dominion of Canada, 1867 to 1895.

Edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1896.PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA PUBLICATIONS,

Nova Scotia series

II: Directory of N.S. MLAs (Fergusson).

III: Place-names of N.S. (Fergusson).

Roy, PIERRE-GEORGES. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936.

—— Fils de Québec. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1933.

—— Les juges de la province de Québec. Québec, 1933.

A standard dictionary of Canadian biography; the Canadian who was who. Edited by Charles George Douglas Roberts and Arthur L. Tunnell. 2 vols. Toronto, 1934–38.

A statutory history of the steam and electric railways of Canada, 1836–1937, with other data relevant to operation of Department of Transport. Compiled by Robert Dorman. Ottawa, 1938.

TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90.

Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories. Edited by Robert S. Gordon et al. Ottawa, 1968. [Revision in progress. ]

WALBRAN, JOHN T. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory, their origin and history with map and illustrations. Ottawa, 1909.

WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. London, Toronto, and New York, 1963.

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A check list of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1950, in two parts. Toronto, 1959. [New edition in progress.]

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE, and INGLIS FREEMAN BELL. On Canadian literature, 1806–1960: a check list of articles, books, and theses on English-Canadian literature, its authors, and language. Toronto, 1966.


ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; McGill University publication, series VIII, no.63, 1932.

AHERN, GEORGE et MICHAEL JOSEPH. Notes pour servir à l’histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada depuis la fondation de Québec jusqu’au

commencement du XIXe siècle. Québec, 1923.

ATHERTON, WILLIAM HENRY. Montreal, 1535–1914. 3 vols. Montreal, Vancouver, and Chicago, 1914.

I: Under the French régime, 1535–1760.

II: Under British rule, 1760–1914.

III: Biographical.

AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Histoire du conseil de l’Instruction publique de la province de Québec, 1856–1964. Montréal, 1964.

—— Le système scolaire de la province de Québec. 6 vols. Québec,


BECK, JAMES MURRAY. The government of Nova Scotia. (Canadian government series, 8.) Toronto, 1957.

BEGG, ALEXANDER. History of the North-West. 3 vols. Toronto, 1894–95.

BOLGER, FRANCIS WILLIAM PIUS. Prince Edward Island and confederation, 1863–1873. Charlottetown, 1964.

BOON, THOMAS CHARLES BOUCHER. The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies; a history of the ecclesiastical province of Rupert’s Land and its dioceses from 1820 to 1950. Toronto, 1962.

BORTHWICK, JOHN DOUGLAS. History and biographical gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.

—— Montreal, its history, to which is added biographical sketches, with  photographs, of many of its principal citizens. Montreal, 1875.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.

Canada and its provinces; a history of the Canadian people and their institutions. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1913–17.

CANADIAN CENTENARY SERIES. William Lewis Morton, executive editor; Donald Grant Creighton, advisory editor.

7: Craig, Upper Canada.

9: MacNutt, Atlantic provinces.

10: Careless, Union of the Canadas.

12: Morton, Critical years.

CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SERIES. General editors, Robert MacGregor Dawson, 1946–58; James Alexander Corry, 1958–61; Crawford Brough Macpherson, 1961–  .

5: MacKinnon, Government of PEI.

7: Hodgetts, Pioneer public service.

8: Beck, Government of Nova Scotia.

14: Donnelly, Government of Manitoba.

CANADIAN STUDIES IN HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT Series. Edited by James Maurice Stockford Careless, 1958–60; Kenneth William Kirkpatrick McNaught, 1960–65; Goldwin Sylvester French, 1965–  .

1: Moir, Church and state in Canada West.

2: Thompson, French shore problem in Nfld.

3: Cornell, Alignment of political groups.

7: Gunn, Political history of Nfld.

8: Wilson, Clergy reserves of Upper Canada.

14: Ormsby, Emergence of the federal concept.

CANNIFF, WILLIAM. The medical profession in

Upper Canada, 1783–1850. An historical narrative, with original documents relating to the profession, including some brief biographies. Toronto, 1894.

CARELESS, JAMES MAURICE STOCKFORD. Brown of The Globe. 2 vols. Toronto, 1959–1963.

I: The voice of Upper Canada, 1818–1859. 1959.

II: Statesman of confederation, 1860–1880. 1963.

—— The union of the Canadas: the growth of Canadian institutions,

 1841–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 10.) Toronto, 1967.

CARRIÈRE, GASTON. Histoire documentaire de la Congrégation des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculée dans l’Est du Canada. 9 vols. Ottawa, 1957–70.

CARROLL, JOHN. Case and his cotemporaries; or, the Canadian itinerants’ memorial: constituting a biographical history of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the province, till the death of the Rev. William Case in 1855. 5 vols. Toronto, 1867–77.

CHAPAIS, THOMAS. Cours d’histoire du Canada. 8 vols. Québec et Montréal, 1919–34.

CHRISTIE, ROBERT. A history of the late province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province . . . . 6 vols. Quebec and Montreal, 1848–55.

CHRONICLES OF CANADA SERIES. Edited by George McKinnon Wrong and Hugh Hornby Langton.

25: Duclos de Celles, Patriotes of 1837.

26: Grant, Tribune of N.S., Howe.

28: Colquhoun, Fathers of confederation.

31: Wood, All afloat.

CLARK, ANDREW HILL. Three centuries and the Island, a historical geography of settlement and agriculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Toronto, 1959.

COATS, ROBERT HAMILTON, and R. EDWARD GOSNELL. Sir James Douglas. (Makers of Canada series, anniversary edition, IX.) London and Toronto, 1926.

COLQUHOUN, ARTHUR HUGH URQUHART. The fathers of confederation; a chronicle of the birth of the dominion. (Chronicles of Canada series, 28.) Toronto, 1921.

CORNELL, PAUL GRANT. The alignment of political groups in Canada,1841–1867. (Canadian studies in history and government series, 3.) Toronto, 1962.

CRAIG, GERALD MARQUIS. Upper Canada: the formative years, 1784–1841. (Canadian centenary series, 7.) Toronto, London, and New York, 1963.

CREIGHTON, DONALD GRANT. John A. Macdonald, the young politician. Toronto, 1952.

—— John A. Macdonald, the old chieftain. Toronto, 1955.

—— The road to confederation; the emergence of Canada: 1863–

1867. Toronto, 1964.

DAVID, LAURENT-OLIVIER. Les patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, [1884].

DAVIN, NICHOLAS FLOOD. The Irishman in Canada. London and Toronto, 1877; reprinted Shannon, Eire, 1969.

DENISON, MERRILL. Canada’s first bank; a history of the Bank of Montreal. 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal, 1966–67. Translated into French as La première banque au Canada; histoire de la Banque de Montréal by Paul A. Horguelin and Jean-Paul Vinay. 2 vols. Toronto, 1966–67.

DENT, JOHN CHARLES. The last forty years: Canada since the union of 1841. 2 vols. Toronto, 1881.

—— The story of the Upper Canadian rebellion; largely derived from  original sources and documents. 2 vols. Toronto, 1885.

DONNELLY, MURRAY SAMUEL. The government of Manitoba. (Canadian government series, 14.) Toronto, 1963.

DROLET, ANTONIO. La ville de Québec, histoire municipale; III: de l’incorporation à la Confédération (1833–1867). (SHQ, Cahiers d’histoire, 19.) Québec, 1967.

DUCLOS DE CELLES, ALFRED. The “Patriotes” of ‘37; a chronicle of the Lower Canadian rebellion. Translated from the French by William Stewart Wallace. (Chronicles of Canada series, 25.) Toronto, 1916.

FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, 1950.

GIRAUD, MARCEL. Le Métis canadien. Son rôle dans l’histoire des provinces de l’Ouest. (Travaux et mémoires de l’Institut d’ethnologie, XLIV.)Paris, 1945.

GRANT, WILLIAM LAWSON. The tribune of Nova Scotia; a chronicle of Joseph Howe. (Chronicles of Canada series, 26.) Toronto, 1915.

GREENHILL, BASIL, and ANN GIFFARD. Westcountrymen in Prince Edward’s Isle: a fragment of the great migration. London and Toronto, 1967.

GREGG, WILLIAM. History of the Presbyterian Church in the dominion of Canada, from the earliest times to 1834; with a chronological table of events to the present time, and map. Toronto, 1885.

GUNN, GERTRUDE E. The political history of Newfoundland, 1832–1864. (Canadian studies in history and government series, 7.) Toronto, 1966.

HANNAY, JAMES. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.

—— Lemuel Allan Wilmot and Sir Leonard

Tilley. (Makers of Canada series, anniversary edition, VIII.) London and Toronto, 1926.

HARGRAVE, JOSEPH JAMES. Red River. Montreal, 1871.

HARRIS, REGINALD V. The Church of Saint Paul in Halifax, Nova Scotia: 1749–1949. Toronto, 1949.

History of the county of Middlesex, Canada. From the earliest time to the present; containing an authentic account of many important matters relating to the settlement, progress and general history of the county; and including a department devoted to the preservation of personal and private records, etc. Toronto and London, Ont., 1889.

History of Toronto and county of York, Ontario; containing an outline of the history of the dominion of Canada; a history of the city of Toronto and the county of York, with the townships, towns, villages, churches, schools; general and local statistics; biographical sketches, etc., etc. 2 vols. Toronto, 1885.

HODGETTS, JOHN EDWIN. Pioneer public service; an administrative history of the united Canadas, 1841–1867. (Canadian government series, 7.) Toronto, 1955.

HUNTER, ANDREW FREDERICK. A history of Simcoe County. 2 vols. Barrie, Ont., 1909; reprinted, 1 vol. in 2 parts, Barrie, Ont., 1948.

Landmarks of Toronto; a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833 and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 vols. Toronto, 1894–1914.

LAREAU, EDMOND. Histoire de la littérature canadienne. Montréal, 1874.

LAWRENCE, JOSEPH WILSON. The judges of New Brunswick and their times. Edited by Alfred Augustus Stockton. Saint John, N.B., 1907.

Lewis & Dryden’s marine history of the Pacific northwest; an illustrated review of the growth and development of the maritime industry, from the advent of the earliest navigators to the present time, with sketches and portraits of a number of well known marine men. Edited by E. W. Wright. Portland, Ore., 1895; reprinted, New York, 1961.

Literary history of Canada: Canadian literature in English. Edited by Carl Frederick Klinck et al. Toronto, 1965.

LONGLEY, JAMES WILBERFORCE. Joseph Howe and Sir Charles Tupper. (Makers of Canada series, anniversary edition, VIII.) London and Toronto, 1926.

MACKINNON, FRANK [FRANCIS PERLEY TAYLOR]. The government of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian government series, 5.) Toronto, 1951.

MacMILLAN, JOHN C. The history of the Catholic church in Prince Edward Island from 1835 till 1891. Quebec, 1913.

MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. The Atlantic provinces: the emergence of colonial society, 1712–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 9.) Toronto, 1965.

—— New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.

MAKERS OF CANADA SERIES, ANNIVERSARY EDITION. Illustrated under the direction of Arthur George Doughty and edited by William Lawson Grant. London and Toronto, 1926.

VI: Shortt, Sydenham.

VIII: Longley, Howe; Longley, Tupper; Hannay, Wilmot; Hannay, Tilley.

IX: Coats and Gosnell, Douglas.

MARTIN, CHESTER. Empire & commonwealth, studies in governance and self-government in Canada. Oxford, 1929.

MIDDLETON, JESSE EDGAR. The municipality of Toronto, a history. 3 vols. Toronto and New York, 1923.

MILLMAN, THOMAS REAGH. Jacob Mountain, first lord bishop of Quebec, a study in church and state, 1793–1825. (University of Toronto Studies, History and economics series, X.) Toronto, 1947.

MOIR, JOHN SARGENT. Church and state in Canada West; three studies in the relation of denominationalism and nationalism, 1841–1867. (Canadian studies in history and government series, l.) Toronto, 1959.

MONET, JACQUES. The last cannon shot; a study of French-Canadian nationalism, 1837–1850. Toronto, 1969.

MORICE, ADRIEN-GABRIEL. A critical history of the Red River insurrection after official documents and non-Catholic sources. Winnipeg, 1935.

—— Histoire de l’Église catholique dans l’Ouest canadien du lac Supérieur  au Pacifique (1659–1915). 4 vols. Saint-Boniface, Man., et Montréal, 1921–23.

 —— History of the Catholic Church in western Canada from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659–1895) . 2 vols. Toronto, 1910.

—— The history of the northern interior of British Columbia formerly New  Caledonia [1660 to 1880]. Toronto, 1904.

MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER. A history of the Canadian west to 1870–71; being a history of Rupert’s Land (the Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory) and of the North-West Territory (including the Pacific slope). London, [1939].

MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS. The critical years: the union of British North America, 1857–1873. (Canadian centenary series, 12.) Toronto, 1964.

—— Manitoba, a history. 1st edition, Toronto, 1957; 2nd edition, Toronto,  1967.

ORMSBY, MARGARET ANCHORETTA. British Columbia: a history. Toronto, 1958.

ORMSBY, WILLIAM G. The emergence of the federal concept in Canada, 1839–1845. (Canadian studies in history and government series, 14.) Toronto, 1969.

OUELLET, FERNAND. Histoire économique et sociale du Québec, 1760–1850, structures et conjoncture. (Histoire économique et sociale du Canada français.) Montréal et Paris, 1966. [Translation in progress.]

PASCOE, CHARLES FREDERICK. Two hundred years of the S.P.G.: an historical account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701–1900 (based on a digest of the society’s records). 2 vols. London, 1901.

PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London, and New York, 1895; revised edition, 1896.

RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company 1670–1870. Volume I: 1670–1763; Volume 11: 1763–1870. (Hudson’s Bay Record Society publications, XXI, XXII.) London, 1858–59. Another edition, 3 vols., Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available in the PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.

ROBERTSON, IAN Ross. “Religion, politics, and education in Prince Edward Island from 1856 to 1877.” Unpublished MA thesis for McGill University. Montreal, 1968.

ROSS, VICTOR, and A. ST L. TRIGGE. A history of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with an account of the other banks which now form part of its organization. 3 vols. Toronto, 1920–34.

ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.

RUMILLY, ROBERT. Histoire de la province de Québec. 41 vols. parus. Montréal, 1940-

SAUNDERS, EDWARD MANNING. Three premiers of Nova Scotia: the Hon. J. W. Johnstone, the Hon. Joseph Howe, the Hon. Charles Tupper, M.D., C.B. Toronto, 1909.

SAVAÈTE, ARTHUR. Voix canadiennes; vers l’abîme. 12 vols. Paris, n.d.

The shield of Achilles: aspects of Canada in the Victorian age/Le bouclier d’Achille: regards sur le Canada de l’ère victorienne. Edited by William Lewis Morton. Toronto and Montreal, 1968.

SHORTT, ADAM. Lord Sydenham. (Makers of Canada series, anniversary edition, VI.) London and Toronto, 1926.

SISSONS, CHARLES BRUCE. Egerton Ryerson: his life and letters. 2 vols. Toronto, 1937–47.



STANLEY, GEORGE FRANCIS GILMAN. The birth of western Canada: a history of the Riel rebellions. London, 1936; Toronto, 1960.

—— Louis Riel. Toronto, 1963.

The storied province of Quebec; past and present. Edited by William Wood et al. 5 vols. Toronto, 1931–32.

SWAINSON, DONALD WAYNE. “The personnel of politics; a study of the Ontario members of the second federal parliament.” Unpublished PHD thesis for the University of Toronto. 1968.

TASSÉ, JOSEPH. Les Canadiens de l’Ouest. 2e éd., 2 vols. Montréal, 1878.

THOMPSON, FREDERIC FRASER. The French shore problem in Newfoundland: an imperial study. (Canadian studies in history and government series. 2.) Toronto. 1961.


XLIV: Giraud, Le Métis canadien.

TREMBLAY, VICTOR. Histoire du Saguenay depuis les origines jusqu’à 1870. (Publications de la SHS, 21.) Chicoutimi, Qué., 1968.

WAITE, PETER BUSBY. The life and times of confederation, 1864–67: politics, newspapers, and the union of British North America. Toronto, 1962; 2nd edition, with corrections, 1962.

WALLACE, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Wooden ships and iron men: the story of the square-rigged merchant marine of British North America, the ships, their builders and owners, and the men who sailed them. London, 1924; New York, 1925; Boston, 1937.

WILSON, [GEORGE] ALAN. The clergy reserves of Upper Canada, a Canadian mortmain. (Canadian studies in history and government series, 8.) Toronto, 1968.

WOOD, WILLIAM. All afloat; a chronicle of craft and waterways. (Chronicles of Canada series, 31.) Toronto, 1914.


The Beaver. Winnipeg. Publication of the HBC. Monthly until March 1925; thereafter quarterly. I (outfit 250, 1920)–  . Index for I (outfit 250, 1920) – outfit 284 (March 1954) published at unknown date.

British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Victoria. Quarterly, I (1937)–XV (1951) then semi-annually to XXI (1957–58) which is the last volume to date. Published by the Provincial Archives of British Columbia in cooperation with the British Columbia Historical Association.

Bulletin des recherches historiques. Lévis, Québec. Monthly from 1895 to 1945 from which date some issues were published together; became a quarterly in 1951 until publication was suspended in 1956; thereafter published irregularly. Journal of archaeology, history, biography, bibliography, numismatology, etc. I (1895)–  . Index: I (1895)–XXXI (1925). 4 vols. Beauceville, 1925–26. For subsequent years see manuscript index in ANQ. In addition, a nominal index for the same years is being prepared in the Dictionary offices. Founded by Pierre-Georges Roy*, the BRH became in March 1923 the journal of the ANQ (formerly APQ and AQ).

Les Cahiers des mix. Montréal. 1 (1936)-

Annual review published by “Les Dix,” a group of historians who formed a legal association on 6 Aug. 1935.

The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal. Montreal.(July 1872)–13  (1886); 2nd series, 1 (July 1889)–3 (May 1894); 3rd series, 1 (1898)-13  (1916); 4th series, I (1930)–  . Founded in 1872 by the Canadian Numismatic  and Antiquarian Society to publish reports of its activities and the results of  its research (numismatics, collecting coins and medals, archaeology, and history). Publication was suspended in 1884, 1887–June 1889, 1895–96,  1901, and 1903–7.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/LA SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA. Ottawa. The aims of the association are “to encourage historical research and public interest in history; to promote the preservation of historic sites and buildings, documents, relics, and other significant heirlooms of the past; to publish historical studies and documents as circumstances may permit.” Publications include: annual reports, 1915–  , and historical booklets.

The Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. Quarterly, I (1920)–  . General Index, I (1920)–X (1929); XI (1930)–XX (1939); XXI (1940)–XXX (1949). Each issue includes a current bibliography of publications in English and

French – a continuation of the annual Review of historical publications relating to Canada, edited by George MacKinnon Wrong, Hugh Hornby Langton, and William Stewart Wallace. I (for 1896)–XXII (for 1917 and 1918). Indexes for I–X, XI–XX.

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/ SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE. Report/Rapport. Ottawa. This bilingual society, founded 3 June 1933, annually publishes French and English volumes with entirely different contents. I (1933–34)– (1965). Separate index for 1933–1957 [1960]. After 1965, the society discontinued publication of the Report and published instead Study Sessions/Sessions d’étude.

Canadian Journal. Toronto. Publication of the Canadian Institute which became the Royal Canadian Institute in 1914. Began as the Canadian Journal: a repertory of industry, science and art; and a record of the proceedings of the Canadian Institute, I (1852–53)–III (1854–55). Title was modified to the Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, new series, I (1856)–XI (1866–67) and to the Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History, XII (1868–70)–XV (1876–77). Superseded by the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, being a continuation of “The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History,” third series, I (1879–83)–VII (1888–89). Merged for a few years with the Canadian Institute, Transactions, then published irregularly for a time as Canadian Institute, Proceedings, new series, I (1895–98). Published as Royal Canadian Institute, Proceedings, third series or series IIIa, I (1935–36)–  .

Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Quarterly publication of Dalhousie University. I (1921–22)–  .

HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg. Incorporated in 1879, the society was founded by historians and businessmen to encourage science and to make Manitoba known. Since its founding the society has had numerous publications. These include: Report, I (1880)–XXVII (1906); several series known as Transactions, 1 (Oct. 1882)–72 (Nov. 1906); new series, 1 (Nov. 1924)–5 (July 1930); 3rd series, 1 (1944–45)–  (the title of these transactions varies: Publication, 1–2, 4–6; Transactions, 5–72; new series, 1–5; Papers, 3rd series); Manitoba History, I (March 1946)–  . HSSM also published Manitoba historical atlas; a selection of facsimile maps, plans, and sketches from 1612 to 1969. Edited by John Warkentin and Richard I. Ruggles. Winnipeg, 1970.

“The journal of Arthur Thomas Bushby, 1858–

1859.” Edited by Dorothy Blakey Smith. BCHQ,XXI (1957–58), 83–160.

NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Halifax. 36 vols. to date. I (1878)–  . Title Report and Collections was used in 1878 and in 1882–83.

Ontario History. Toronto. Originally published annually as Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, I (1899)–XXXVIII (1946). The title was changed to Ontario History with XXXVIII (1946). Quarterly publication began with XLI (1949) and continues to the present. Indexes can be found in three of the volumes for I–XX in XX (1923); for I-XXXII in XXXII (1937); for XXXIII–XLIII in XLIII (1951). A cumulative index which is constantly updated can be purchased from the Ontario Historical Society.

ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION. Annual Report. Toronto. Organized in 1886, the association began its publications in that year: Proceedings of the association of provincial land surveyors of Ontario at its first annual meeting . . . . Title varied after incorporation of the association in 1892 until 1912 when the publications began to appear as the Ontario Land Surveyors Association, Annual Report, which continued in 1971. General indexes are available in the 1914, 1925, 1935, 1945, 1955, 1960, and 1965 volumes. Various biographical indexes also appear in the reports of 1934, 1949, 1957, and 1965. The Annual Report, 1964 contains an index of all papers published from 1886.

Revue de l’université d’Ottawa. Ottawa. I (1931)–  . Quarterly. publication of the University of Ottawa. Publishes articles in French or English on the Bible, theology, canon and civil law, history, philosophy, science, and the arts. From 1932 to 1960 the review published in its Section spéciale particularly specialized articles in theology, canon law, and philosophy. General indexes are published for 1931–40, 1941–50, 1951–60.

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA / SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA. Proceedings and transactions. Under the patronage of the Marquess of Lorne, the society was formed in 1882 for the encouragement of literature and science in Canada. Originally the society was composed of five sections – two for literature and three for sciences. The annual Mémoires of Section I and the Transactions of Section II include historical articles. First series: I (1882–83)–XII (1894). Second series: I (1895)–XII (1906). Third series: I (1907)-LVI (1962). Fourth series: I (1963)–  . There are also index volumes.

Social History, a Canadian review / Histoire sociale, revue canadienne. Ottawa. 1 (April 1968)–  . A semi-annual publication of the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. Published under the direction of an interdisciplinary committee from various Canadian universities. Concentrates exclusively on the social history of Canada and other countries.


SYLVAIN, PHILIPPE. “Libéralisme et ultramontanisme au Canada français; affrontement idéologique et doctrinal (1840–1865),” Shield of Achilles (Morton), 111–38, 220–55.