Dans le cadre de l’accord de financement entre le Dictionnaire biographique du Canada et le Musée canadien de l’histoire, nous vous invitons à participer à un court sondage.
AAQ Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec
AC Archives civiles
ACAM Archives de la chancellerie de
l’archevêché de Montréal
ACC Anglican Church of Canada
AD Archives départementales
ADB Australian dictionary of biography
AJ Archives judiciaires
ANQ Archives nationales du Québec
AO Archives of Ontario
AP Archives paroissiales
ARCAT Archives of the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Toronto
ASQ Archives du séminaire de Québec
ASSH Archives du séminaire de Saint
ASSM Archives du séminaire de Saint
Sulpice, Montréal
AUM Archives de l’université de Montréal
AVQ Archives de la ville de Québec
BCHQ British Columbia Historical Quarterly
BE Bureaux d’enregistrement
BRH Le Bulletin des recherches historiques
CCHA Canadian Catholic Historical
CEA Centre d’études acadiennes
CHA Canadian Historical Association
CHR Canadian Historical Review
CIHM Canadian Institute for Historical
CPC Canadian parliamentary companion
CRCCF Centre de recherche en civilisation
CTA City of Toronto Archives
DAB Dictionary of American biography
DCB Dictionary of Canadian biography
DHB Dictionary of Hamilton biography
DNB Dictionary of national biography
DOLQ Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du
DUA Dalhousie University Archives
GRO General Register Office
HBCA Hudson’s Bay Company Archives
HBRS Hudson’s Bay Record Society,
HPL Hamilton Public Library
MHA Maritime History Archive
MTRL Metropolitan Toronto Reference
NA National Archives of Canada
OH Ontario History
PABC Provincial Archives of British
Columbia/British Columbia
Archives and Records Service
PAM Provincial Archives of Manitoba
PANB Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
PANL Provincial Archives of Newfoundland
and Labrador
PANS Public Archives of Nova Scotia
PAPEI Public Archives of Prince Edward
PCC Presbyterian Church in Canada
PRO Public Record Office
QUA Queen’s University Archives
RHAF Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique
RHL Rhodes House Library
RPQ Répertoire des parlementaires
RSC Royal Society of Canada
SPG Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts
UCC United Church of Canada
UNBL University of New Brunswick Library
UTA University of Toronto Archives
UTFL University of Toronto, Thomas Fisher
Rare Book Library
UWOL University of Western Ontario Library
General Bibliography
The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume XII. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 19th century.
Section i describes the principal archival sources and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part a contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial, provincial, and federal governments; part b provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section iii includes dictionaries, indexes, inventories, almanacs, and directories. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.
Archives civiles. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice
Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de montréal. A detailed inventory of many of the registers and files in this depository can be found in RHAF, 19 (1965–66): 652–64; 20 (1966–67): 146–66, 324–41, 669–700; 24 (1970–71): 111–42.
The following materials were cited in volume XII: Dossiers
355: Paroisses en particulier
.107: Saint-François d’Assise
.121: St Patrick’s
421: Prêtres du diocèse de Montréal
.103: Maréchal, Louis-Adolphe
450: Prêtres étrangers au diocèse de Montréal
.904: “D”
451.734: Chabert, Joseph
465: Communautés d’hommes en particulier
.105: Clercs de Saint-Viateur
468: Sulpiciens décédés entre 1877 et 1896
.101: Dowd, Patrick
574: Laïcs
.000: “D”
730: Institutions, gouvernement
.002: Correspondance avec les politiciens
789: Associations
.008: Institution des sourds-muets
901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget
.055: Mgr Bourget: lettres personnelles et voyages à Rome (1846–1847 et 1854–1856)
.058: Mgr Bourget: lettres personnelles et voyage à Rome (1862)
.077: Mgr Joseph Larocque
.090: Gouvernements et évêques
.119: Mgr Bourget, correspondance reçue
.133: Institut canadien, imprimés
.135: Institut canadien, correspondance
.136: Notre-Dame: division de la paroisse
.137: Notre-Dame et Saint-Sulpice
.145: Documents relatifs aux missions
.147: Mgr J.-C. Prince: lettres reçues
902: Fonds Fabre
.004: Mgr Fabre, ses nominations
990: Autre fonds
.029: Maréchal, L.-D.-A.
RC: Registres de la chancellerie
RL: Registres de lettres
RLB: Registres des lettres de Mgr Bourget. An inventory of the correspondence of Bishop Ignace Bourget* from 1837 to 1843, compiled by L.-A. Desrosiers, appears in ANQ Rapport, 1944–45: 137–224; 1946–47: 85–175; 1948–49:347–477.
Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec. A guide to the collection is available in CCHA Rapport, 2 (1934–35): 65–73.
The following were used in the preparation of volume XII:
A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec
12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques
20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec
210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. Inventories of the correspondence of a number of the bishops of Quebec, compiled by
Ivanhoë Caron*, are available in ANQ
31-16 A: Papiers personnels de Mgr E.-A. Taschereau
C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie
CD: Discipline diocésaine
516 CD: Séminaire de Québec
54 CD: Relations archevêques–université Laval
81 CD: Congrégations religieuses féminines
CM: Église universelle
10 CM: Correspondance de Rome
CN: Église canadienne
310 CN: Île-du-Prince-Édouard
CP: Église du Québec
10 CP: Épiscopat de Québec
26 CP: Diocèse de Montréal
CR: Province ecclésiastique de Québec
33 CR: Diocèse de Trois-Rivières
Archives de la ville de Québec. The Service des archives de la ville de Québec has published a useful series of inventories describing the collections in its custody, in particular État général des Archives de la ville de Québec (Québec, 1988), edited by Renaud Arcand.
The following series appear in volume XII:
Annexion Saint-Sauveur
P: Fonds privés
P17: Guillet, dit Tourangeau, Adolphe
P38: Baillairgé, famille
Travaux publics
Archives de l’université de Montréal. The Service des archives de l’université de Montréal has prepared an important series of publications relating to its collections; a list of these can be found in Bibliographie des publications du Service des archives (5e éd., Montréal, 1987), edited by Denys Chouinard et al.
The following collection was cited in volume XII:
P 58: Collection Baby. The Catalogue de la collection François-Louis-Georges Baby, compiled by
Camille Bertrand, with preface by Paul Baby and introduction by Lucien Campeau
(2v., Montréal, 1971), provides useful information to researchers. Transcripts of the bulk of
this collection, which is being classified at
present, are available at NA, MG 24, L3.
Q2: Cartes et plans
U: Correspondance générale
Archives du séminaire de Québec.
Series cited in volume XII:
Fichier des anciens
Fonds H.-R. Casgrain
Fonds C.-H. Laverdière
Fonds E.-G. Plante
Fonds Viger-Verreau
Grand livre
Journal du séminaire
mss: Cahiers manuscrits divers
mss-m: Cahiers de cours manuscrits
Plumitif du Conseil
Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures
PVU: Procès-verbaux de l’université
Registre du grand séminaire
S: Seigneuries du séminaire
Séminaire: Affaires diverses
SME: Décisions du Conseil du séminaire
Archives du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montréal.
Materials from the following sections appear in volume XII:
Section 10: Baux et marchés
Section 13: Communautés religieuses anciennes
Section 15: Testaments
Section 21: Correspondance générale
Section 22: Almanachs, ordos, calendriers
Section 27: Séminaire, évêchés et paroisses
Section 35: Congrégations, patronages, etc.
Archives judiciaires. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice
Archives nationales du Québec. In 1980 the archives undertook the establishment of a new uniform classification for all of its regional centres. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and useful finding aids on microfiche are available in each repository.
Centre régional Bas-Saint-Laurent/Gaspésie (ANQ-BSLG), Rimouski
Collections cited in volume XII include:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Rimouski
6: Saint-Germain
P: Fonds et collections privés
1: Tessier, U.-J.
Centre régional de l’Estrie (ANQ-E), Sherbrooke
The following materials were cited in volume XII:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
l: Sherbrooke
18: Saint-Michel (Sherbrooke)
39: Eaton Anglican Church (Cookshire)
69: Église congrégationaliste
2: Bedford
38: Dunham Anglican Church
77: Dunham Methodist Church
87: St Armand Methodist Church
CN: Notaires
1: Sherbrooke
10: Felton, E. P.
24: Ritchie, William
27: Thomas, D. M.
2: Bedford
15: Burn, William
21: Gale, Samuel
26: Lalanne, Léon
T: Pouvoir judiciaire
11: Cour supérieure
1: Registres des déclarations de sociétés
Centre régional de Montréal (ANQ-M)
Series cited in the preparation of volume XII:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Montréal
10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)
12: Saint-Antoine (Longueuil)
22: Sainte-Famille (Boucherville)
26: Saint-François-Xavier (Verchères)
33: Saint-Jacques (Montréal)
39: Saint-Joseph (Chambly)
44: Saint-Laurent (Montréal)
48: Saint-Martin (Laval)
49: Saint-Mathieu (Belœil)
50: Saint-Michel (Vaudreuil)
51: Notre-Dame de Montréal
54: Saint-Philippe (Laprairie)
57: Sainte-Rose (Laval)
59: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Laval)
63: Christ Church Anglican (Montreal)
68: St George’s Anglican Church
69: St James’s Anglican Church
70: St John the Evangelist (Montreal)
75: St Martin’s Anglican Church
84: Trinity Church (Montreal)
91: Emmanuel Congregational Church
95: Zion Congregational Church
109: St James Street Methodist Church (Montreal)
115: American Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
120: Crescent Presbyterian Church
121: Erskine Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
125: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
126: St Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
127: Saint-Jean French Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
130: St Paul’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
160: Asile Saint-Jean-de-Dieu (Centre hospitalier L.-H. La Fontaine)
197: Emanu-El (Montreal)
215: Melville Presbyterian (Westmount)
2: Saint-Hyacinthe
1: Saint-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur
5: Notre-Dame (Saint-Hyacinthe)
22: Saint-Matthias
3: Sorel
17: Congregational Church (Sorel)
4: Saint-Jean
1: Sainte-Marguerite-de-Blairfindie
3: Saint-Athanase (Iberville)
10: Saint-Jean-l’Évangéliste (Saint
5: Joliette
1: Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier
12: Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan
14: Saint-Pierre-du-Portage
19: Saint-Cuthbert
24: Industrie (Joliette)
6: Saint-Jérôme
11: Saint-Eustache
24: Saint-Louis (Terrebonne)
25: Sainte-Thérèse-de-Blainville
34: St Andrew’s (Saint-Jérôme)
41: New-Glasgow Wesleyan
Methodist Church
CM: Testaments
l: Montréal
CN: Notaires
1: Montréal
7: Arnoldi, G.-D.
26: Beaufield, Ramon
32: Belle, Joseph
56: Brault, C.-A.
135: Doucet, Théodore
151: Easton, William
175: Gibb, I. J.
178: Guard, M.-A.
187: Griffin, Henry
208: Hunter, J. S.
227: Lafleur, Édouard
373: Smith, James
385: Truteau, Z.-J.
438: Cushing, Charles
501: Stuart, E. H.
CR: Insinuations
1: Montréal
P: Fonds et collections privés
5: Famille Girard
25: Robitaille, Théodore
102: Dessaulles, L.-A.
207: Berthiaume, Trefflé
P1000: Petits fonds
2-146: Odet d’Orsonnens, famille
4-427: Robitaille, Théodore
7-561: Fabre, C.-É.
17-669: Fabre, C.-É.
44-884: Ostell, John
Z: Copies de documents conservés en dehors des ANQ
Q: Québec (en dehors des ANQ)
1: État civil, catholiques
44: Sainte-Madeleine (Vaudreuil)
Division cartographique
P1000/50-598: Plan of property, Point St Charles
Centre régional Mauricie-Bois-Francs (ANQ-MBF), Trois-Rivières
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Trois-Rivières
4: La Nativité-de-Notre-Dame (Bécancour)
15: Saint-Antoine-de-la-Rivière-du-Loup (Louiseville)
21: Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade
40: Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets
48: Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)
50: St James Protestant Congregation Church
CN: Notaires
1: Trois-Rivières
49: Hubert, Petrus
52: Labarre, D.-G.
M: Microfilms
68: Lavergne, Armand, et François Baillairgé
P: Fonds et collections privés
3: Barnard, Edward
T: Pouvoir judiciaire
11: Cour supérieure
1: Registres des déclarations de sociétés
401: Registres des déclarations sociales
Centre régional de l’Outaouais (ANQ-O), Hull
The following series appear in volume XII:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CN: Notaires
1: Hull
7: Dumouchel, Georges-L.
21: Barsalou, Charles
P: Fonds et collections privés
119: Fonds Louis Bilodeau
Centre d’archives de la capitale (ANQ-Q),
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Québec
1: Notre-Dame de Québec
4: Saint-Étienne (Beaumont)
7: Saint-Charles-Borromée (Charlesbourg)
8: Sainte-Famille (Cap-Santé)
13: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (île d’Orléans)
15: Saint-François-de Sales (Neuville)
21: Saint-Nicolas
22: Saint-Roch (Québec)
23: Saint-Félix (Cap-Rouge)
28: Saint-Ambroise (Loretteville)
40: Sainte-Croix
58: Saint-Colomb (Sillery)
61: Holy Trinity Cathedral (Quebec)
66: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)
67: St John’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)
68: Wesleyan Methodist Church (Quebec)
93: Hôpital Général de Québec
97: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Québec)
98: St Patrick’s (Quebec)
100: Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire (Lévis)
103: Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus (Québec)
2: Montmagny
2: Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption (Berthier-en-Bas)
9: Saint-François-de-Sales-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud
17: Saint-Gervais
3: Kamouraska
1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)
2: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (L’Isle-Verte)
3: Saint-Louis (Kamouraska)
6: Saint-Georges (Cacouna)
15: Saint-Denis (Kamouraska)
CN: Notaires
1: Québec
43: Bowen, N. H.
49: Campbell, Archibald
51: Campbell, W. D.
67: Clapham, J. G.
100: Faucher, H.-P.
109: Garneau, F.-X.
116: Glackmeyer, Edward
117: Glackmeyer, S. I.
128: Guay, Germain
157: Larue, F.-X.
187: Lindsay, A.-C.
188: Lindsay, E. B.
196: McPherson, Daniel
208: Panet, Louis
212: Parent, A.-A.
219: Petitclerc, Joseph
232: Prévost, Louis
255: Sirois-Duplessis, A.-B.
261: Tessier, Michel
E: Pouvoir exécutif
4: Secrétariat provincial
13: Éducation
14: Finances
17: Justice
6–52: Événements de 1837–38
18: Registraire
25: Travaux publics
30: École normale Laval
F2: Port de Québec
P: Fonds et collections privés
3: Belleau, N.-F.
16: Brousseau, Léger
23: Caron, J.-P.-R.-A.
36: Chapais, collection
43: Cherrier, C.-S.
60: Dessaulles, L.-A.
107: Holmes, George
124: Labelle, F.-X.-A.
134: Langevin, famille
148: Lepailleur, F.-M.
174: Marchand, F.-G.
219: Quebec Board of Trade
232: Robitaille, Olivier
233: Ross, famille
238: Taschereau, famille
294: Stuart, famille
351: Joly de Lotbinière, famille
417: Papineau, famille
530: Notman, William
666: La Compagnie Price Ltée
P1000: Petits fonds
6-105: Barthe, J.-G.
11-188: Bertrand, Charles
11-189: Bertrand, L.-A.
30-562: Dessaulles, Emma
32-597: Drapeau, Stanislas
37-693: Fabre, C.-É.
37-701: Fauvel, W. L.
49-960: Hébert, R.-A.-R.
54-1041: Joly de Lotbinière, H.-G.
58-1125: Barnard, famille
67-1348: McGreevy, Thomas
87-1809: Robitaille, Théodore
T: Pouvoir judiciaire
10: Cour du banc du roi
1: Appel
11: Cour supérieure
1: Registres de déclarations de sociétés
3: Causes de faillite
Z: Copies de documents conservés en dehors des ANQ
C: Canada
12: Laurier, Wilfrid
Q: Québec (en dehors des ANQ)
6: État civil, Catholiques
120: St Patrick’s (Quebec)
Archives of Ontario, Toronto. A Guide to the holdings of the Archives of Ontario, ed. B. L. Craig and R. W. Ramsey (2v., Toronto, 1985), is supplemented in the archives by unpublished finding aids, some of which are also available on microfiche.
Materials used in volume XII include: Hiram Walker Historical Museum collection MS: Microfilm Series
4: Robinson, Sir John Beverley
20: Blake, Edward
22: Patteson, Thomas Charles
35: Strachan, John
74: Merritt, William Hamilton
76: Clarke, Charles, calendared papers
77: Scarth, William Bain
78: Macaulay family
99: Wetherald family letter-books
107: Church records collection, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Williamstown, Ont.)
162: Church records collection, St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church (Cornwall, Ont.)
199: Diaries
393: Baird papers
395: Clarke, Charles, diaries
409: Cochrane, William
423: Toronto Typographical Union
no.91 records
451: Cemetery records collection
483: Cary, Mary Shadd
490: Norris and Neelon Company records
516: Mackenzie–Lindsey papers,
Mackenzie correspondence
535: Morris, Alexander
542: Kirby, William, collection
571: Heintzman and Company records
575: Boulton, Henry John
747: Ingersoll municipal records
MU: Manuscript Units
136–273: Blake, Edward
301–9: Buell, Andrew Norton
454–55: Byerly, Alphaeus Edward
469–87: Campbell, Sir Alexander
500–15: Cartwright family
582–87: Colgate, William, collection
960–70: Edgar, Sir James David, family
1063–103: Fraser, Alexander
1106–9: French, Frederick J.
1188–92: Gzowski, Sir Casimir Stanislaus
385–403, 3811: Hudson’s Bay Company collection
1439–530: Irving, Sir Æmilius
1628–33: Kingsford, William
1690–701: Langton collection
1769: Macdonald, John Sandfield
1805–949: Mackenzie-Lindsey papers
1961: Withrow, William Henry
2004: Marks, Thomas
2095–147: Miscellaneous collection
2186: Need, Thomas
2194: Niagara Falls Park papers
2250–72, 3376–82: Ontario Society of Arts records
2291–305: Osler family
2385–87: Reynolds, James and John, family
2581: Draper, Frank C., scrapbook
2644–775: Shanly, Francis
3022–23: Trinity Medical College collection
3088–100: Wallace family
3307–8: Waterous Engine Works papers
4756: Miscellaneous records
7098–99: Bell family
7101: Account-book of William Watt, Jr, and Thomas S. Shenston
7222–40: Shenston, Thomas S.
7451–52: Feilde-Sefton papers
7629–30: Cameron, Sir Roderick William
7728: Christie, William, journal
7837–56: Women’s Canadian Historical Society of Toronto
8284–86, 8288–89, 8391–472: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
RG: Record Groups
RG 1: Ministry of Natural Resources
A: Office of the surveyor general, commissioner of crown lands, and minister
I: Correspondence
1: Letters received, surveyor general
CB: Surveys and Mapping Branch
1: Survey diaries and field notes
RG 2: Education
C: Department of Public Instruction
5: Textbook correspondence and memoranda
D: Office of the minister
7: Minister’s correspondence
9-A: Textbook correspondence and memoranda
E: Office of the deputy minister and historiographer
1: Documentary history manuscripts
RG 8: Records of the provincial secretary
I-1: Main office
D: General correspondence
I-6: Office of the registrar general
A: District marriage registers
RG 10: Ministry of Health
20: Mental Health Operations Branch
B: Queen Street Mental Health Centre records
4: Records of the superintendent
5: Records of the commissioners for erecting the lunatic asylum
6: Records of the commissioners for superintending the temporary lunatic asylum
RG 22: Court records
Court of General (Quarter) Sessions
Cobourg (Northumberland and Durham)
ser.387: Verulam Township minutes
Court of Probate
ser.155: Estate files
Surrogate courts
Brockville (Leeds and Grenville)
ser.176: Registers
ser.179: Estate files
Cornwall (Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry)
ser.194: Registers
ser.198: Estate files
Guelph (Wellington)
ser.317: Registers
Hamilton (Wentworth)
ser.204: Registers
ser.205: Estate files
Ottawa (Carleton)
ser.224: Registers
ser.354: Estate files
St Catharines (Niagara North)
ser.235: Estate files
Thunder Bay (Algoma)
ser.380: Estate files
RG 24: Lieutenant Governor’s Office
ser.5: Robinson, Sir John Beverley
ser.6: Campbell, Sir Alexander
RG 53: Recording Office
Records of land
ser.56: Index to land patents by name
Records of appointments and commissions
ser.18: Great seal books
RG 55: Companies Division, Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Relations
Company partnership records
I-2: Companies Branch
A: Miscellaneous records
B: Company charters
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto.
Series cited in volume XII include the following: Archbishops’ papers
C: Charbonnel, Armand-François-Marie de
L: Lynch, John Joseph
W: Walsh, John
LB: Letter-books
Roman correspondence
LRC: Lynch Roman correspondence
PRC: Power Roman correspondence
Archives paroissiales. The most noteworthy holdings of parish archives in Quebec are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, copies of which are deposited at the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located [see Québec, Ministère de la Justice]. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account-books, records of the fabriques, registers of parish confraternities, notebooks of sermons, and sometimes correspondence.
British Columbia Archives and Records Service,
Victoria. In 1975 the archives (referred to elsewhere in volume XII under its official name until 1 March 1989, Provincial Archives of British Columbia) began a new cataloguing system for its private manuscript holdings. Manuscripts catalogued since then have been assigned Additional manuscript (Add. mss) numbers. Manuscripts catalogued under the old system are gradually being converted to the new one and given Add. mss numbers.
Archival materials cited in volume XII include the following:
Add. mss: Additional manuscripts
14: De Cosmos, Amor
54: Crease, Henry Pering Pellew, legal papers
55: Crease family
257: Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm
470: Mallandaine, Edward
505: Helmcken, John Sebastian
523: Houghton, Charles Frederick, letter-book
525: Robson, John
529: Affleck, Edward Lloyd
611: Blanshard, Richard
635: Ross, Donald
707: Baker, Edgar Crow
757: O’Neill, William John (“Wiggs”) “ ‘My Memories’: reminiscences of life in northern British Columbia”
759: Cornwall, Clement Francis
794: Brown, Robert
805: Inskip, George Hastings, journal of H.M.S. Virago
1249: McLeod, Malcolm
1917: McKay, Joseph William
1978: Pemberton, Joseph Despard, surveying notebook, “Trigonometl. Memda.”
2227: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of British Columbia, minute-book
2431: McKenzie family collection
GR: Government Records
216: British Columbia, Government agent, Cariboo
224: British Columbia, Government agent, Lillooet
436: Canada, Department of the Interior, Dominion Lands Branch, records relating to land settlement in Railway Belt and Peace River Block
443: Lieutenant governor, despatches
693: Report and evidence taken by the commission to inquire into the management of Provincial Asylum for the Insane, New Westminster, 1883
824: British Columbia, Department of Lands and Works, records of assistant commissioner of lands and works, Cariboo District
833: British Columbia, Department of Lands and Works, ledger containing copies of contracts, Fraser and Thompson rivers
1052: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Victoria), central will registry
1304: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Victoria), probate files
1372: Colonial correspondence. An artificial series created from the letters inward to the departments of the colonial governments of British Columbia and Vancouver Island from both individuals and other government departments. The letters are filed under the names of the senders.
1415: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Vancouver), probate files
1422: British Columbia, Supreme Court (New
Westminster), probate files
Old Classification
Class A: Early exploration: fur trade
A/B/30/F49.1: Finlayson, Roderick,
“History of Vancouver Island and northwest coast”
A/B/40/Er/62.4: Ermatinger, Edward, correspondence
A/C/15: Hudson’s Bay Company
H86P: HBC, land office, Victoria, J. D. Pemberton, correspondence outward
P36: HBC, London, correspondence with J. D. Pemberton
A/C/20/Vi: Fort Victoria correspondence
A/C/40/F49.2: Finlayson, Roderick, appointments
A/E/C86: Crease collection
B39: Begbie, Sir Matthew Baillie, letters to Sir Henry P. P. Crease
Class B: Douglas collection
B/40/4: Douglas, James, letters to Martha Douglas
Class C: Government records
C/AA: Colony of Vancouver Island
10: Governor
30: Departmental – at the capital
.7: Lands and Works
C/AB: British Columbia – Colony
30: Departmental – at the capital
.3: Justice, courts, etc.
.6: Royal Engineers
.7: Lands and Works
Class E: Private papers
E/B/B41.1, .2: Begbie, Sir Matthew Baillie, diary and miscellaneous notes
E/B/P36.9: Pemberton, Joseph Despard, miscellaneous papers
E/B/T44: Tiedemann, Hermann Otto, journal and report
E/C/B41.5: Begbie, Sir Matthew Baillie, notebooks
E/C/F49.9: Finlayson, Roderick, will
E/C/N331.9: Nelson, Hugh, miscellaneous documents
E/C/T441: Tiedemann, Hermann Otto, survey note- and sketch-book
Class H: Churches and missions
H/D/R57: Robson, Ebenezer, collection
Class K: Government and administration, politics
K/LS/P31: Papers relating to proposed alteration of Pre-Emption Bill, 1860
Class M: Miscellaneous
M/F49: Finlayson, Roderick, miscellaneous papers
Class O: Military and naval history and establishments
O/A/20.5/T731H: Houstoun, Wallace, journal and letter-book of H.M.S. Trincomalee
Class W: Biography
W/A/R57R: George Robson, “History of the Robson family” (n.d.)
Visual Records Division
Various materials appear in volume XII, including the following:
pdp 2821: O’Brien, Lucius Richard, sketch-book
Bureaux d’enregistrement. See Québec, Minis
tère de la Justice
Centre de recherché en civilisation canadienne-
française, université d’Ottawa. The centre has prepared an important series of publications, entitled Documents de travail du CRCCF, relating to the collections in its possession. For information on the collections see no.8: Guide des archives du Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française de l’université d’Ottawa, revue, corrigée et augmentée par Marthe Léger (2 e éd., Ottawa, 1985).
Series cited in volume XII:
C: Fonds manuscrits – collectives
2: Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario
20: Union du Canada
36: Institut canadien-français d’Ottawa
94: Fonds du Dictionnaire de l’ Amérique française
P: Fonds manuscrits – personnels
26: Gouin, Jacques
32: Barnard, famine
139: Tassé, Joseph
144: Garneau, famine
Ph: Fonds photographiques
32: Barnard, famille
Centre d’études acadiennes, université de Moncton, N.-B. For further information about the collections see CEA, Inventaire général des sources documentaires sur les Acadiens (3v., Moncton, 1975–77), 1.
Series cited in volume XII include:
l: Fonds Placide Gaudet
2: Fonds Edmé Rameau de Saint-Père
5: Fonds Pierre-Amand Landry
6: Fonds Pascal Poirier
510: Fonds Juste Haché
City of toronto archives.
The following collections were consulted in the preparation of volume XII:
RG 1: City Council
A: Minutes
B: Papers
RG 5: City Clerk’s Department
F: Assessment rolls
Dalhousie University Archives, Halifax.
The following materials were consulted in the preparation of volume XII:
MS 1: Dalhousie University records
1: Board of Governors
A: Minutes
B: Correspondence
5: Senate
B: Minutes
6: Business Office
7: Registrar’s Office
MS 2: Private manuscripts
159: George Lawson papers
381: Robert Bell papers
MS 4: Business records
77: Robert Dawson and Son papers
Glenbow Archives, Calgary.
Materials cited in volume XII include the following collections:
Archives correspondence files
R19e: George Baynham to Sheilagh S. Jameson,
14 Jan. 1967
M: Manuscript collections
M320: Edgar Dewdney papers
M477: Richard Hardisty papers
M680–82: Samuel Henry Harkwood Livingston
M927–28: Wesley Off papers
M1080–83: Robert Terrill Rundle papers
M1883: City of Calgary papers
M2427: Charles Sherwood Noble papers
M3036: K. E. Livingston, Masonic ceremonial booklet (Calgary, 1898)
M3658: Glenmore School District, data concerning history
M4046: Walter K. Miles, genealogical material on Livingston family
M4821: Frank Livingston, research and genealogical data on Livingston and related families
M5782: Walter K. Miles, “My genealogy, volume II”
PB: Photograph collection
PB-239: Photographs by C. G. Horetsky
S. S. J. file: Sheilagh S. Jameson, Sam Livingston research papers
Hamilton Public Library, Special Collections Department, Hamilton, Ont.
Materials used in volume XII include: Archives files Clipping files
Picture collection
McCord Museum, Montreal. For information on the collections see Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Series cited in volume XII include:
M21411: McCord family
M22087: Shanly, Walter
Notman Photographic Archives
McGill University Archives, Montreal. Information on the various collections is available in Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Series cited in volume XII:
New Accessions
Acc. 221: Pennington collection
Private archives
MG 1002: Morgan, Henry
MG 1022: Dawson, J. W.
MG 1053: Montreal Ladies’ Educational Association
MG 2028: Fenwick, G. E.
MG 2045: Hunt, T. S.
MG 2046: Logan, W. E.
Archival records of McGill University
RG 2: Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor
RG 4: Secretariat of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning and the Board of Governors
RG 7: Office of the Registrar
RG 14: Office of Human Resources
RG 30: Faculty of Education
RG 32: Faculty of Arts
RG 37: Faculty of Law
RG 38: Faculty of Medicine
McGill University Libraries, Montreal. For information on the archival collections see Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Materials cited in volume XII include:
CH88. S 106: Buckland, Kate (Horn)
CH380.S342–44: Dawson, James
Osler Library
Collections cited in volume XII include:
Acc. 479: Worthington family
Acc. 603: Fenwick, G. E.
Acc. 612: Special collection: medical students’ notes
Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s. For information on the archive’s collections see Preliminary inventory of records held at the Maritime History Group, comp. Roberta Thomas under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s, 1978]); Check list of research studies pertaining to the history of Newfoundland in the archives of the Maritime History Group (7th ed., [St John’s], 1984); and An index to the name files . . . , comp. Gert Crosbie under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s], 1981). Various other indexes to individual collections at the archive are also available.
Materials cited in volume XII include items in the name file collection, which consists of some 20,000 files, arranged by surname, concerning anyone connected in any way with the Newfoundland trade or fisheries between 1640 and 1850. The files are compiled from a wide range of sources, and each entry includes a reference to the original source.
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library. For information on the library’s manuscript holdings, see Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954).
Materials consulted for volume XII include the following collections:
History Department, Baldwin Room
Robert Baldwin papers
Historical Picture Collection
Thomas Strahan Shenston papers
National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. The NA has published general guides to the services it offers and to its holdings, including:
Introduction to the National Archives of Canada
(Ottawa, 1987)
General guide series 1983, Federal Archives
Division, comp. Terry Cook and Glenn T. Wright
General guide series 1983, Manuscript Division,
comp. [E.] Grace [Maurice] Hyam and Jean
Marie LeBlanc (1984)
General guide series 1983, National Photography
Collection, comp. Christopher Seifried (1984)
General guide series 1983, Picture Division,
comp. Raymond Vézina (1984)
The holdings of the Manuscript Division, responsible for all the manuscript groups, for RG 1, RG 4, RG 5, and RG 8, and for some pre-confederation materials in RG 7 and RG 14, are described in Main entry catalogue and general inventory (1987), published in a microfiche format. This publication supersedes the following series of publications:
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 1,
MG 1-MG 10 (1971)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 2,
MG I 1-MG 16 (1976)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 3,
MG 17-MG 21 (1974)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 4,
MG 22-MG 25 (1972)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 5,
MG 26-MG 27 (1972)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 7,
MG 29 (1975)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 8,
MG 30 (1977)
Inventories for all the record groups which are under the jurisdiction of the Government (formerly Federal) Archives Division are available at the NA. A number of these have been published in the NA’s General inventory series, including the following:
Records of the Privy Council Office (RG 2), comp.
Barbara Wilson (1977)
Records of the Post Office Department (RG 3),
comp. Thomas A. Hillman (1985)
Records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10), comp.
Peter Gillis et al. (1975)
Records of the Department of Public Works
(RG 11), comp. B . Hallett (1977)
Records of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RG 18), comp. Joanne Poulin (1975)
Records of Statistics Canada (RG 31), comp. Sandra G. Wright and Thomas A. Hillman (1977)
Records of the Department of railways and Canals
(RG 43), comp. Glenn T. Wright (1986)
Records of the Treasury Board (RG 55), comp.
Marcel Caya (1977)
Also useful are Catalogue of census returns on microfilm, 1666–1891, comp. Thomas A. Hillman (1987), and Checklist of parish registers 1986, revised by Patricia Birkett (4th ed., 1987). Maps and plans in the Cartographic and Architectural Archives Division (formerly the National Map Collection) are listed in the Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (16v., Boston, 1976).
The NA publishes the Union list of MSS [see section iii] which lists holdings in the Government Archives and Manuscript divisions. It has also issued a Guide to Canadian photographic archives, ed. Christopher Seifried (1984). Finding aids to individual collections are available at the NA, which also makes available a large number of them on microfiche.
Materials from the following collections were cited in volume XII:
MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records
D: Ontario
7: Church records
35: Ottawa: St Andrew’s (Presbyterian) Church
MG 11: Public Record Office, London, Colonial Office papers
[CO 448]. Honours, original correspondence
MG 17: Ecclesiastical archives
B: Church of England (Anglican Church)
1: Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts
MG 19: Fur trade and Indians
A: Fur trade, general
21: Hargrave family
25: Campbell, Robert
D: Fur trade, post records and journals
13: Fort Selkirk journal
E: Red River settlement
1: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of
F: Indians
6: Brant family
MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers
D: New Brunswick
1: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr
GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures
10: Sewell, Jonathan, and family
GIII: Quebec and Lower Canada: merchants and settlers
34: DeVolpi collection
MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers
A: British officials and political figures
19: Roebuck, John Arthur
20: Head, Sir Edmund Walker
27: Durham, John George Lambton, 1st
Earl of
40: Colborne, Sir John, 1st Baron Seaton
60: Buckingham, James Silk
B: North American political figures and events
2: Papineau family
4: Young family
14: La Fontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte
24: Rolph, John
25: Bellingham, Sydney Robert
29: Howe, Joseph
30: Macdonald, John Sandfield
40: Brown, George
50: O’Callaghan, Edmund Bailey
59: Dessaulles, Louis-Antoine
67: Dorion, Sir Antoine-Aimé
93: Boucher de Boucherville, famille
111: Sicotte, Louis-Victor
C: Correspondents of political figures
3: Duvernay, Ludger
19: Ogden, Charles S.
D: Industry, commerce, and finance
8: Wright, Philemon, and family
16: Buchanan, Isaac, and family
39: James Maclaren Company
102: Leslie, James, and family
E: Transportation
9: Gzowski, Sir Casimir S.
14: Lawson, Walter
F: Military and naval figures
37: Worthington, Edward Dagge
40: Trevan, Henry
G: Militia
24: New Brunswick, militia, Westmorland
I: Immigration, land, and settlement
8: Macdonell of Collachie family
26: Hamilton, Alexander, and family
89: Quebec, Gatineau River
104: Griffin, William Henry
J: Religious figures
14: King, William
K: Education and cultural development
22: Cary, Mary Ann Shadd
24: Queen’s University
L: Miscellaneous
3: Collection Baby
15: Milbourne collection
MG 25: Genealogy
G271: Gravelle collection
MG 26: Papers of the prime ministers
A: Macdonald, Sir John Alexander
B: Mackenzie, Alexander
C: Abbott, Sir John Joseph Caldwell
D: Thompson, Sir John Sparrow David
E: Bowell, Sir Mackenzie
F: Tupper, Sir Charles
G: Laurier, Sir Wilfrid
MG 27: Political figures, 1867–1950
I: 1867–1896
B: Governors general
3: Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple Blackwood, 1st Marquess of
4: Lorne, Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquess of
5: Aberdeen, John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, 7th Earl of
7: Stanley of Preston, Lord
C: Lieutenant governors
4: Dewdney, Edgar
8: Morris, Alexander
12: Robitaille, Théodore
D: Cabinet ministers
1: Aikins, James Cox
2: Blake, Edward
3: Caron, Sir Adolphe-Philippe
4: Cartier, Sir George-Étienne
5: Costigan, John
8: Galt, Sir Alexander Tilloch
12: Macpherson, Sir David Lewis
15: Tilley, Sir Samuel Leonard
E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate
1: Barthe, Georges-Isidore
3: Fauvel, William Le Boutillier
7: McCarthy, D’Alton
8: McLennan, John
12: O’Donohue, John
16: Bergin, Darby
17: Gowan, Sir James Robert
19: Scarth, William Bain
F: Provincial political figures
2: Pope, William Henry
3: Riel, Louis
1: Correspondents of political figures
19: Smith, Henry Hall
32: Hunt, Thomas Sterry
78: Wright, Alonzo
J: Related political papers
7: Saint-Laurent, Territoires du Nord-Ouest
II: 1896–1921
B: Governors general
1: Minto, Sir Gilbert John Elliot, 4th Earl of
D: Cabinet ministers
15: Sifton, Sir Clifford
MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies
I: Societies and associations
54: Knights of Labor collection
126: Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
230: Canadian Manufacturers’ Association
277: Engineering Institute of Canada
334: Barnardo’s Homes
351: Montreal Amateur Athletic Association
II: Financial institutions
2: Bank of Montreal
III: Business establishments
6: Gilmour and Hughson Limited
18: Robin, Jones and Whitman Limited
20: Canadian Pacific Railway
56: Toronto Board of Trade
57: Molson Archives
100: Dominion Bridge (AMCA International)
MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation
A: Economic
6: Christie, William Joseph
10: Kingsford, William
11: MacFarlane, Roderick
29: Hickson, Sir Joseph
30: Stephen, Sir George, 1st Baron Mount Stephen
B: Scientific
1: Fleming, Sir Sandford
6: Smith, Marcus
35: Davey, R. Adams
C: Social
1: Begg, Alexander
17: Massiah, Christopher William
26: Fletcher, Edward Taylor
D: Cultural
11: Sangster, Charles
27: Lusignan, Alphonse
30: Hunter-Duvar, John
36: Pacaud, Ernest
40: Fréchette, Louis-Honoré
59: Lampman, Archibald
61: Morgan, Henry James
62: Miles, Henry Hopper
81: Traill family collection
98: Belford, Charles
100: Moodie, Susanna
E: Professional and public life
2: Spence, Thomas
15: Meredith, Edmund Allen
29: Denison, George Taylor, III
69: Wilson, John Hart
72: Luard, Richard George Amherst
114: Burgess, Alexander Mackinnon
MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth
B: Scientific
86: Barnett, John Davis
C: Social
64: Woodside, Henry Joseph
128: Heneker, Dorothy (Cummins, Mrs
D: Cultural
1: Audet, Francis-Joseph
44: Parkin, Sir George Robert
61: Brown, Edward Killoran
261: Whyte-Edgar, Mrs C. M.
E: Professional and public life
86: Pope, Sir Joseph
MG 31: Manuscripts of the second half of the
twentieth century
H: Local, regional, and ethnic history
67: Przygoda, Zdzislaw
MG 32: Political figures, 1950– .
A: Governors general
1: Massey family collection
MG 55: Miscellaneous documents
RG 1: Executive Council: Quebec, Lower Canada,
Upper Canada, Canada, 1764–1867
E: Executive Council
1: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: minute-books (on state matters)
3: Upper Canada: submissions to the Executive Council on state matters
7: Canada, Province of: submissions to the Executive Council
8: Canada, Province of: orders-in-council
L: Land records
3: Upper Canada and Canada: petitions for land grants and leases
RG 2: Privy Council Office
1: Minutes and orders-in-council
4: Registers of submissions to the Privy Council
RG 3: Records of the Post Office Department
RG 4: Provincial and Civil secretaries’ offices:
Quebec, Lower Canada, and Canada East,
B8: Notaries and advocates: applications for commissions to practise as
B28: Licences, bonds, and certificates: applications for
C: Provincial Secretary’s Office
1: Numbered correspondence files
RG 5: Provincial and Civil secretaries’ offices:
Upper Canada and Canada West, 1791–1867
A: Secretaries’ correspondence
1: Upper Canada sundries
B: Miscellaneous records
9: Bonds, certificates, and applications for licences
47: Canada Company: records relating to
C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence
l: Numbered correspondence files
RG 6: Secretary of State
C: Secretary of state for the provinces
2: Letter-books
RG 8: British military and naval records,
I: C series (British military records)
RG 9: Militia and Defence
I: Pre-confederation records
C: Adjutant General’s Office, United Canada
6: Register of officers
II: Post-confederation records
A: Deputy minister’s office
1: Correspondence
3: Records of active service
B: Adjutant General’s Office and Headquarters
4: Registers and lists of officers
RG 10: Indian affairs
A: Administrative records of the imperial government
4: Records of the Chief Superintendent’s
Office, Upper Canada
498–509, 749: Letter-books
5: Records of the Civil Secretary’s Office
142–262, 752–60: Correspondence
B: Ministerial administration records
3: Central registry system
1855–3554: Red (eastern) series
3555–4375: Black (western) series
7555–919: Central registry files,
8567–752: Central registry files,
8: General headquarters administration
9245–562: Treaty annuity pay lists
C: Field Office records
I: Superintendency records
2: Western (Sarnia) superintendency
436–41, 449–52: Correspondence
II: Agency records
1136, 1157–58: Blackfoot agency, Alberta
1427–32: Peigan agency, Alberta
1548–64: Blood agency, Alberta
D: Indian land records
10: Treaties and surrenders
1840–53: Treaties
RG 11: Public Works
A: Board of Works records
1: Official correspondence
2: Registers and indexes
3: Minutes, letter-books, and reports
B: Department of Public Works
1: Registry records, 1826–80
2: Registry records, 1867–1911
D: Chief Architect’s Office
4: Specifications and drawings
RG 12: Department of Transport
A: Registry records
1: Central registry files
RG 13: Department of Justice
A: Central registry records
1: Central registry, indexes and registers
2: Central registry files
3: Letter-books
B: Legal Branch
1: Capital case files
RG 15: Department of the Interior
A: Office of the Deputy Minister
4: Material regarding departmental organization, administration, etc.
D: Dominion lands administration
II: Dominion Lands Branch
1: Correspondence, headquarters
3: Half-breed files
RG 16: Revenue Canada
A: Customs, excise, and inland revenue
1: Correspondence and returns
RG 17: Agriculture Canada
A: Department of Agriculture
I: Records of the minister, deputy minister, and secretary
l: General correspondence
II: Arts and Agriculture Branch
5: International exhibitions
RG 18: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
A: Comptroller’s Office
1: Official correspondence series
B: Commissioner’s Office
1: Official correspondence series
3: Letter-books
5: Crime reports
6: Records of finance and supply
G: Service records
RG 19: Department of Finance
RG 23: Department of Fisheries and Oceans
RG 30: Canadian National Railways
I: The Grand Trunk system
A: The Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada
1: Minute-books
4: Agreements
RG 31: Statistics Canada
C: Census field
1: Census records
RG 32: Public Service Commission
C: Organization and historical personnel files
2: Historical personnel files
RG 37: National Archives of Canada
B: Office of the Dominion Archivist: Douglas Brymner
RG 42: Marine Branch
E: Ship registration
1: Shipping registers
RG 43: Department of Railways and Canals
A: Railway Branch records
I: Correspondence
2: Subject files
C: Canal Branch records
I: Rideau Canal
1: Office of the Superintending Engineer
a: Letter-books
II: Trent Canal
1: Commission records
D: Department of Railways and Canals, legal records
II: Registers and indexes
1: General indexes
RG 45: Geological Survey of Canada
RG 55: Treasury Board
A: Records of decisions
4: Indexes and registers
RG 58: Auditor general
B: Minister of finance
1: Board of Audit
a: Minutes
RG 68: Registrar general
RG 76: Immigration Branch
B: Headquarters – central registry records
l: Central registry files
a i: Central registry (subject and case) files
RG 93: Atmospheric Environment Service
D: Quebec Observatory correspondence
New Brunswick Museum, Saint John. For information on the museum’s archival holdings, its Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 ([Saint John, 1967]), is useful, although some collections have been reorganized or transferred to other repositories since the inventory’s publication.
Materials consulted during the preparation of volume XII include:
Files of miscellaneous original and photocopied documents relating to New Brunswick, designated A (original record books), C (clippings), cb doc (vertical files), F (folders), and SB (scrapbooks)
C11: Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, transferred to the Saint John Regional Library (Saint John)
in 1987
Tilley family papers
Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, Charlottetown. Various files were consulted in the preparation of volume XII for biographical and genealogical data on Island residents.
Provincial Archives of British Columbia. See British Columbia Archives and Records Service
Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
The following materials were used in the preparation of volume XII:
GR 170: Attorney general, Surrogate Court pockets, Winnipeg
MG 1: Indians, exploration, and fur trade
D: Fur trade, individuals
7: Christie, William Joseph
MG 2: Red River settlement
B: Council of Assiniboia
3: Census
C: Individuals and settlement
5: Begg, Alexander
14: Ross, Alexander, family
23: Logan, Robert
MG 3: Red River disturbance, Northwest rebellion, and
related papers
B: Individuals re Red River disturbance and Red River expedition
15: Winship, George B.
16: Laurie, Patrick G.
D: Louis Riel
MG 7: Church records and religious figures
B: Church of England
5: St Peter’s Dynevor
6: St Paul’s (Middlechurch)
7: St John’s Cathedral
15: St Clement’s (Mapleton)
17: Headingley, parish of
D: Roman Catholic
6: St François-Xavier
8: St Boniface
MG 10: Associations and institutions
A: Professional groups and trade unions
2: Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
B: Public service and education
11: Winnipeg General Hospital
E: Agriculture, horticulture, and cooperative
14: Manitoba and Northwest Farmers’
MG 12: Lieutenant governors
A: Archibald, Adams George
B: Morris, Alexander
1: Lieutenant governor’s collection
2: Ketcheson collection
E: Schultz, John Christian
MG 13: Premiers
A: Girard, Marc-Amable
E: Greenway, Thomas
MG 14: Public life
B: Political and judicial figures
20: Boulton, Charles Arkoll
26: Dubuc, Joseph
C: Individuals
69: Colcleugh, Murray Chisholm
92: McIntyre, Alexander
RG 18: Department of Public Works
Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. The PRO and the NA hold microfilm copies of the archives’ records for the years 1670 to 1870, and are acquiring the microfilm for the period 1871–1904 as it is produced. For more information concerning the copies held at the NA and the finding aids available, see Main entry catalogue and general inv. The articles by R. H. G. Leveson Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December 1933): 40–42, 64, and Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970): 65–70,
provide useful information to researchers. For series
of HBCA documents published by the HBRS, see
section ii.
Section A: Headquarters records
A.1/: Minutes
A.3/: London minute-book – consulting and advising in the management of the fur trade
A.5/: London correspondence books outwards – general series
A.6/: London correspondence books outwards, HBC – official
A.10/: London inward correspondence – general
A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts
A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories Ft, 340: Commissioners’ correspondence: staff fur trade
A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers
A.30/: Lists of servants
A.32/: Servants’ contracts
A.44/: Register book of wills and administrations of proprietors, etc.
Section B: North America trading post records
B.21/: Bow Fort (Piegan Post) records
B.22/: Brandon House records
B.27/: Carlton House (Sask.) records
B.49/: Cumberland House records
B.60/: Edmonton records
B.63/: Fort Ellice records
B.105/: Lac La Pluie records
B.115/: Lesser Slave Lake records
B.134/: Montreal records
B.135/: Moose Factory records
B.154/: Norway House records
B.184/: Rocky Mountain House records
B.200/: Fort Simpson records
B.214/: Tadoussac records
B.223/: Fort Vancouver records
B.226/: Fort Victoria records
B.235/: Winnipeg records
B .239/: York Factory records
B.240/: Fort Yukon records
Section C: Ships’ logs, books, and papers
C.1: Ships’ logs
C.4: Ships’ movements book
Section D: Governors’ papers and commissioned officers’ records
D.3/: George Simpson journals
D.4/: George Simpson outward correspondence books
D.5/: George Simpson correspondence inward
D.7/: Eden Colvile correspondence inward
D.11/: Donald A. Smith correspondence books outward
D.20/: Commissioned officers’ inward correspondence – general
Section E: Miscellaneous records
E.4/: Red River settlement, registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials
E.5/: Red River settlement, census returns
E.6/: Red River settlement, land registers and records
E.21/: James and Joseph Hargrave correspondence
E.23/: William Joseph Christie, diary
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton. For information on the manuscript holdings, A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. C. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977), is useful, although the classification system used when it was published has since been revised.
Materials used in the preparation of volume XII include:
MC: Manuscript Collections
30: D. D. Glasier and Sons papers
38: J. & S. Glasier and Company papers
71: Moore-DeWolfe collection
223: Diocese of Fredericton Archives
243: Arthur Hill Gillmor papers
300: York-Sunbury Historical Society collection
1156: Graves papers
1246: George Burchill and Sons papers
RG: Record Groups
RG 1: Records of lieutenant governors and
RS328: Arthur Hamilton Gordon
RS355: Robert Duncan Wilmot
RS357: John James Fraser
RG 2: Records of the central executive
RS6: Minutes and orders-in-council of the Executive Council
RG 3: Records of the provincial secretary
RS307: Records of the administration of state oaths
RS551: Performance bonds
RG 4: Records of the New Brunswick General Assembly
RS24: Legislative Assembly sessional records.
The PANB has prepared a calendar for the years 1786 to 1832: “A new calendar of the papers of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick,” comp. R. P. Nason et al.
(3v., typescript, Fredericton, 1975–77).
RG 5: Records of the superior courts
RS32: Supreme Court records: minutes
RG 7: Records of the probate courts
RS63: Charlotte County
RS71: Saint John County
RS72: Sunbury County
RS73: Victoria County
RS74: Westmorland County
RS75: York County
RG 11: Records of the Department of Education
RS 113: Board of Education records
RS 115: Licensing and appointment records
RG 18: Records of the Department of Municipal
RS 148: Charlotte County Council records
RS 149: Gloucester County Council records
RS 152: Madawaska County Council records
RS 158: Victoria County Council records
RS427: Saint John Common Council papers
RG 29: Records of the Department of the Attorney
Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, St John’s. Some information on the collections is provided in its Preliminary inventory of the holdings . . . and Supplement . . . (2 nos., St John’s, 1970–74), although the archives’ holdings have since been classified.
The following series were cited in volume XII:
GN: Government records – Newfoundland
GN 1: Governor’s Office
3: Local and miscellaneous correspondence
GN 2: Department of the Colonial Secretary
1: Letter-books, outgoing correspondence
2: Incoming correspondence
22: Miscellaneous reports and petitions
23: Lunacy Board records
GN 5: Court records
2: Supreme Court
A: Central District
1: Minutes
GN 9: Executive Council records
l: Minutes
P: Private records
P5: Miscellaneous groups
4: James Goodfellow papers
P7: Businesses
B: Non-fishery
16: Commercial Bank of Newfoundland
47: Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Heart’s Content
P8: Benevolent organizations
A: Churches
25: Free Presbyterian Church
(St John’s)
35: Cowan Mission
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax. For a
description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1976).
Materials used in the preparation of volume XII include:
MG 1: Papers of families and individuals
5–8: Akins, Thomas Beamish, documents
164C: Chipman, Ward, documents
243–47: Crowe family documents
254–55: Davison family documents
277–311: Eaton, Arthur W. H., documents
315: Morton, George E., documents
329: Gilpin, John B., papers
335: Hamilton, P. S., diary
714–17: Morse family documents
742–44: Patterson, George, documents
771: Raymond, William O. , scrapbook
799–805: Shannon family documents
90913: Tays family genealogy
1538B: Tupper, Sir Charles, documents, personal and party matters
1619–50: Stayner, Charles St C., collection
1771 A: Thompson, Sir John S . D., documents
1780–1800A: Harvey, D. C., documents
1800–915: Fergusson, C. Bruce, documents
3000–128: Blakeley, Phyllis Ruth, documents
MG 2: Political papers
422–541, 784–90(B): Fielding, William Stevens
719–25: Young, George Renny
MG 3: Business papers
70–109: E. D. Davidson & Sons, Bridgewater
1864(A)–72: Moirs Ltd, Halifax
MG 4: Churches and communities
18: Cornwallis Township records, registers of births, marriages, and burials
23: Trinity Anglican Church, Digby
41: Granville Street/First Baptist Church, Halifax, minutes
146: Stewiacke, history, by Women’s Institute
MG 9: Scrapbooks
MG 10: An artificial collection of miscellaneous
original deeds, agreements, indentures,
and legal documents
MG 12: Great Britain, army
MG 15: Ethnic collections
B: Indians
MG 17: Universities
MG 20: Societies and special collections
337–42: St George’s Society, Halifax
356–64, 367–68, 506: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Nova Scotia
513–19: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
642: Nova Scotia Historical Society, minutes
670–707: Nova Scotia Historical Society collection
1015: Miscellaneous societies and organizations
1634–37: United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 83
MG 100: Documents, newspaper clippings, and
miscellaneous items (vertical manuscript
RG 1: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records for
the period 1624–1867
29–185: Documents relating to the govern
ment of Nova Scotia: dispatches, letter
books, and commission books
186–214½H: Council, minutes
219–85: Miscellaneous documents
301–14: Legislative Assembly, selections
from the files
419–22: Papers of negro and maroon
immigrations and settlements
442: Papers relating to electric telegraphs
RG 3: Records of the Executive Council of Nova
RG 5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of
Nova Scotia
GP: Governor’s petitions
P: Petitions
RG 7: Records of the provincial secretary of Nova
RG 14: Education
RG 18: Immigration and passenger lists
A: Naturalization of aliens
RG 21: Mines and mining in Nova Scotia
RG 25: Public health
C: Miscellaneous
RG 28: Railways
RG 32: Vital statistics
M: Marriage licences
WB: Registers of baptisms, marriages, and deaths
RG 35: Elective municipal government
102: Halifax City municipal records 33C: Commissioners of the poor
39: City Engineering and Works Department
RG 39: Supreme Court
HX: Halifax County
J: Judgement books
M: Miscellaneous
RG 42: Magistrates’ courts
HX: Halifax County
D: Stipendiary Magistrates’ Court record books
Public Archives of Prince Edward Island,
Materials used in the preparation of volume XII
Acc. 2353: Miscellaneous documents
/90–95, /160–71: Francis Bain papers
2541: Natural History Society for Prince Edward Island
2574: Scrapbook containing papers by Joseph Pope, W. H. Pope, and J. C. Pope
2576: Haythorne-Tilley telegrams
2694: List of attorneys general and chief justices of Prince Edward Island
2849: Palmer family papers
2920: Hunter-Duvar papers
3466: Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation collection
RG l: Lieutenant governor, commission books
RG 5: Executive Council
RG 6: Courts
RG 9: Customs records
RG 10: Education
RG 15: Crown lands
RG 16: Registry Office
RG 17: Boundary commission papers
RG 18: Census records
RG 20: City of Charlottetown records
Québec, Ministère de la justice. The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires du Québec, which are under the joint jurisdiction of the courts and the Ministère de la Justice, are now separate repositories as a result of the reclassification of the former Archives judiciaires. They are deposited at the courthouses in the administrative centres of the 34 judicial districts of Quebec. The Ministère de la Justice also has responsibility for the documents deposited in the 82 Bureaux d’enregistrement in Quebec.
Archives civiles. These archives retain documents for the last 100 years, including registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute-books), and records of surveyors active in the district. Earlier documents are held by the ANQ.
Archives judiciaires. The Archives judiciaires hold the records of the various courts: documents still current, roughly those of the past five years, are at the court-houses; non-current material from about the previous 25 years is placed in one of 13 centres organized by the Ministère de la Justice where some preliminary archival work is undertaken; documents that are more than 30 years old are placed in the regional repositories of the ANQ.
Bureaux d’enregistrement. The registry offices hold all property titles and contracts affecting real estate: sales, marriages, wills and estates, mortgages, conveyances, assignments, gifts, guardian- and trusteeships.
A list of the judicial districts and registry offices can be found in The Quebec legal telephone directory, ed. Andrée Frenette-Lecoq (Montreal, 1980).
Queen’s University Archives, Kingston, Ont. For information on the manuscript collection see A guide
to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives, ed. Anne MacDermaid et al. (2nd ed., 2v., Kingston, 1986–87), 1.
The following series were consulted in the preparation of volume XII:
100: City of Kingston Archives
111a: Kingston Board of Trade records
1004: Canada Steamship Lines Limited records
1227: Queen’s University, Board of trustees, minutes
1241: Queen’s University letters, 1857–92
2026a: Charles Mair papers
2030: Sangster family papers
2056: Merrill Denison papers
2070: Bliss Carman papers
2112: Alexander Mackenzie papers
2139: William Morris papers
2248a-b: Calvin Company records
2253: Herchmer family papers
2259: James Williamson papers
2285: Kingston Historical Collection
3032: Angus Mowat papers
United Church Archives. The present-day United Church Archives is a descendant of 19th- and 20th-century archival collections of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical/ United Brethren in Christ bodies. The Central Archives of the United Church of Canada at Victoria University, Toronto, is national in scope. Material of local interest, including the official records of the conferences concerned, is housed in regional conference archives.
Central Archives, Toronto
Various materials were used in the preparation of volume XII, including:
Biographical files
Local church records
Victoria College Archives collection
University of New Brunswick Library, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.
Materials used in volume XII include:
MG H: Historical
H6: Peter Mitchell papers
H10: Samuel Leonard Tilley papers
H12a: Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Lord Stanmore, papers
H53: Henry George Clopper Ketchum papers
H82: James Brown papers
H104: Lilian Mary Beckwith Maxwell,
genealogical material
UA: University archives
Minutes of the Senate
University of Toronto, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. A description of the library’s holdings
appears in The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: a brief guide to the collections (Toronto, 1982).
Materials used in volume XII include:
ms coll. 41: Young, Clarence Richard
ms coil. 106: Kingsford, William
ms coil. 110: Charlton, John
Ms coil. 127: Baillie, James Little
ms coil. 160: Deacon, William Arthur
ms coil. 217: Hunter, Rose Company
mss 5058: Lampman, Archibald
University of Toronto Archives. Since 1986 the UTA has been preparing a series of detailed guides to its archival holdings, including a three-volume general inventory, A guide to archival records in the University of Toronto Archives, the first volume of which, covering corporate record accessions to 1975, was issued in 1989.
Materials from the following series are cited in volume XII:
A70-0005: Senate, minutes
A73-0026: Department of Graduate Records, files concerning individual graduates and
faculty members
A74-0018: Upper Canada College records
B65-0014: Langton (John) family papers
B65–1061: Young (Archibald Hope) papers
B74-0007: Toronto School of Medicine records, faculty minute-book
B80-0015: Workman, Joseph, diaries
P78-0158: Class and prize lists
P87-0046: Commencement/convocation programs
University of Western Ontario Library, Regional Collection, London, Ont. A description of the municipal record and personal manuscript collections is available on microfiche in Regional Collection: the D. B. Weldon Library catalogue, ed. S. L. Sykes (London, 1977).
Various municipal record and personal manuscript collections proved useful in the preparation of volume X11, in particular the following:
Municipal records
Middlesex County, Ont., Surrogate Court records
Archives départementales. For a list of analytical inventories see: France, Direction des archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); and Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières . . . à la date du 31
décembre 1961 (Paris, 1962). For copies of documents held by the NA see its Main entry catalogue and general inv. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives.
General Register Office, London. Marriage and death records for various individuals were consulted in the preparation of volume XII.
General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh. Information concerning the parish registers held by the GRO is available in Detailed list of old parochial registers of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1872). Registers of births and baptisms for several Scottish parishes were used in the preparation of volume XII.
Public Record Office, London. An introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives is provided in Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68), continued on microfiche as Current guide to the contents of the Public Record Office . . . ([London], 1983- ). For copies of PRO documents available at the NA see its Main entry catalogue and general inv.
The following series were used in the preparation of volume XII:
Accounting departments
ADM 38: Ships’ musters, series iii
ADM 171: Medal rolls
Admiralty and Secretariat
ADM 1: Papers
ADM 2: Out-letters
ADM 8: List books
ADM 50: Admirals’ journals
ADM 51: Captains’ logs
Greenwich Hospital
ADM 80: Miscellanea, various
Medical departments
ADM 98: Out-letters
ADM 103: Registers, prisoners of war
ADM 104: Registers, various
Navy Board
ADM 106: Navy Board records
Station records
North America and West Indies
ADM 128: Correspondence, etc.
ADM 129: Indexes to correspondence
Colonial Office. [See R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (London, 1964). ]
CO 42: Original correspondence
British Columbia
CO 60: Original correspondence
New Brunswick
CO 188: Original correspondence
CO 189: Entry books
CO 194: Original correspondence
CO 199: Miscellanea (esp. Blue books of statistics)
New South Wales
CO 201: Original correspondence
Prince Edward Island
CO 226: Original correspondence
CO 227: Entry books
Vancouver Island
CO 305: Original correspondence
CO 537: Correspondence
Home Office
HO 107: Census papers, population returns, 1841 and 1851
Registrar General
Census papers
RG 9: Population returns, 1861
RG 10: Population returns, 1871
RG 11: Population returns, 1881
War Office
WO 17: Monthly returns
WO 25: Registers, various
Rhodes House Library, University of Oxford.
Collections cited in volume XII include:
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Archives. In 1985 the society’s historical archives, formerly held in its London headquarters, were deposited in Rhodes House Library. For information about materials relating to Canada, see William Westfall and Ian Pearson, “The archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and Canadian history,” Canadian Church Hist. Soc., Journal (Toronto), 25 (1983): 16–24. Microfilm and transcript copies of documents concerning Canada are available at NA, MG 17, B 1, and are described in the NA’s Main entry catalogue and general inv.
Original documents from the following series were used in the preparation of volume XII:
C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada, 1752–1860
D: Original letters received from 1850, bound in volumes
Baker Library, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston.
The following material was consulted in the preparation of volume XII:
R. G. Dun collection
Manuscript credit ledgers
Archives nationales du Québec, Québec
Publications [see also section III]
Rapport. 54 vols. 1920/21–1976/77. An index to the contents is provided in Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) ([Québec], 1965).
Begg, Alexander. Alexander Begg’s Red River
journal and other papers relative to the Red River resistance of 1869–1870. Edited with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. (Champlain Society publications, 34.) Toronto, 1956; reprinted New York, 1969.
–––––– and Walter R. Nursey. Ten years in Winnipeg: a narration of the principal events in the history of the city of Winnipeg from the year A.D., 1870, to the year A.D., 1879, inclusive. Winnipeg, 1879.
British Columbia
Legislative Assembly
Journals. Victoria, 1872– . An index to the journals for 1872 to 1971 has been published as Index to the journals of the Legislative Assembly of the province of British Columbia . . . , comp. Christine Ross Fox (Victoria, 1974).
Sessional papers. Victoria, 1872– . The sessional papers for 1872–75 are included in the Joumals.
Statutes of the province of British Columbia.
Victoria, 1872– .
Further information may be found in M. C. Holmes,
Publications of the government of British Columbia, 1871–1947 (Victoria, [1950]). For pre-confederation journals, see Journals of colonial legislatures of Vancouver Island and B.C. (Hendrickson), infra.
British Columbia Archives and Records Service,
Victoria (officially known until 1989 as the Provincial
Archives of British Columbia)
Journals of colonial legislatures of Vancouver Island and B.C. (Hendrickson).
house of commons/chambre des communes
DebateslDébats. Ottawa. Official publication of the House of Commons debates began in 1875. The debates for 1867–74 are being edited by P. B. Waite and those for 1867–70 have been published (3v. to date, Ottawa, 1967–79). For unofficial reports of the debates for 1867–74, see “Parl. debates” and Parl. debates (Cotton), infra.
JournalslJournaux. Ottawa, 1867/68– .
Sessional papers/Documents de la session.
Ottawa, 1867/68- .
royal commission on the relations of labour and capital in Canada/commission royale sur les relations du travail avec le capital au Canada
Report/Rapport. 5 vols. in 6. Ottawa, 1889.
Debates/Débats. Ottawa. Official publication of the Senate debates began in English in 1871 and in French in 1896. The volumes for 1867–70 have been edited by P. B. Waite and published (3v., Ottawa, 1968–77). The debates after 1871 are being republished with parallel English and French versions, edited by A. P. Hardisty (l v. to date, Ottawa, 1980– .
Journals/Journaux. Ottawa, 1867/68– .
Statutes of Canada/Statuts du Canada. Ottawa, 1867/68– . Title varies; from 1873 to 1951 it appears as Acts of the parliament of the Dominion of Canada/Actes du parlement de la puissance du Canada.
Further information on the publications of the government of Canada is available in O. B. Bishop, Canadian official publications (Oxford, 1981) and Marion Villiers Higgins, Canadian government publications: a manual for librarians (Chicago, 1935). Information on royal commissions is provided in Federal royal commissions in Canada, 1867–1966: a checklist, comp. G. F. Henderson (Toronto, 1967).
Canada Gazette. Ottawa. Official publication of the government of Canada, issued weekly since 1 July 1867. Statutory orders and regulations now appear separately as Canada Gazette, part II, issued twice monthly since 8 Jan. 1947, and public acts as Canada Gazette, part III, published irregularly since 13 Dec. 1974.
Canada, Province of
legislative assembly/assemblée législative
Appendix to the . . . journals/Appendice . . . des journaux. 1841–59. Continued by Can., Prov. of, Parl., Sessional papers, infra.
JournalslJournaux. 1841–66.
legislative council/conseil législatif Journals/Journaux. 1841–66.
Parliamentary debates on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces, 3rd session, 8th provincial parliament of Canada/Débats parlementaires sur la question de la confédération des provinces de l’Amérique britannique du Nord, 3e session,
8e parlement provincial du Canada. Quebec, 1865. English edition reprinted, Ottawa, 1951. For other Province of Canada debates, see Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada (Abbott Gibbs et al.) and “Parl. debates,” infra.
Sessional papers/Documents de la session. 1860–66.
Supersedes Can., Prov., Legislative Assembly, App. To
the journals, cited above.
Statutes/Statuts. 1841–66. English title varies: Provincial
statutes of Canada, 1841–51; Statutes of the Province of
Canada, 1852–66.
For further information on the English-language publications of the Province of Canada, see Bishop, Pubs. of government of Prov. of Canada [section III]. See also The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada: an index to journal appendices and sessional papers, 1841–1866, comp. P. A. Damphouse (London, Ont., 1974).
Canada Gazette. Kingston; Montreal; Toronto; Quebec; Ottawa. Official publication of the government of the Province of Canada, published weekly from 2 Oct. 1841 to 26 June 1869. The journal moved to follow the seat of government.
Canadian Magazine. Toronto. 1 (March–October 1893)–91
(January-April 1939). Index: 1–25 (May–October 1905) in
25. Title varies: Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature to 63 (May 1924–January 1925); Canadian Magazine, 64 (February–December 1925)–87 (January–June 1937); Canadian, 88 (July–December 1937)–91 (January–April 1939). Used primarily for contemporary articles.
The Canadian north-west, its early development and
legislative records; minutes of the councils of the Red River colony and the Northern Department of Rupert’s Land. Edited by Edmund Henry Oliver. (NA publications, 9.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1914–15.
Champlain Society, Toronto publications
55 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series, and the unnumbered series.
34: Begg, Red River journal (Morton).
Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada,
1841–1867. General editor, Elizabeth Abbott [Nish] Gibbs. 12 vols. in 28 to date. Montreal, 1970– .
Débats de la législature provinciale de la province de
Québec. G.-Alphonse Desjardins et al., éditeurs. 15 vols. Québec, 1879–95, covering the period 1879–94. Titles and editors vary.
Débats de l’Assemblée législative. Marcel Hamelin,
éditeur. 4 vols. parus. Québec, 1974– , covering the period 1867/68–1875.
Documentary history of education in Upper Canada
from the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1791 to the close of Rev. Dr. Ryerson’s administration of the Education Department in 1876. Edited by John George Hodgins. 28 vols. Toronto, 1894–1910.
Helmcken, John Sebastian. The reminiscences of
Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken. Edited by Dorothy Blakey Smith with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. [Vancouver], 1975.
Hudson’s Bay Record Society, Winnipeg publications
33 vols. General editor for vols.l–22, Edwin Ernest Rich; vols.23–25, Kenneth Gordon Davies; vols.26–30, Glyndwr Williams; vols. 31–33, Hartwell Bowsfield. Vols.l–12 were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein; Vol. 13 was reprinted there in 1979.
6: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, second series, 1839–44. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1943.
19: Colvile, Eden. London correspondence inward from Eden Colvile, 1849–1852. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. London, 1956.
31: Brydges, Charles John. The letters of Charles John Brydges, 1879–1882; Hudson’s Bay Company land commissioner. Edited by Hartwell Bowsfield, with an introduction by Alan Wilson. Winnipeg, 1977.
32: Fort Victoria letters, 1846–1851. Edited by Hartwell Bowsfield, with an introduction by Margaret Anchoretta Ormsby. Winnipeg, 1979.
33: Brydges, Charles John. The letters of Charles John Brydges, 1883–1889; Hudson’s Bay Company land commissioner. Edited by Hartwell Bowsfield, with an introduction by James Edgar Rea. Winnipeg, 1981.
Journals of the colonial legislatures of the colonies
of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1851–1871. Edited by James Emil Hendrickson. (PABC publication.) 5 vols. Victoria, 1980.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec/
Société Litttraire et historique de Québec,
Transactions. [1st ser. ], 1 (1824–29)–5 (1861–62); new ser., 1 (1862–63)–30 (1924).
legislative assembly/assemblée legislative
Journals/Journaux. Winnipeg, 1871– . Published in English and French until 1889; thereafter, only in English. The English journals
for 1871–1914 include appendices; title varies: “Appendix to the . . . journals,” 1871–85; “Sessional papers,” 1886–1914.
Morris, Alexander. The treaties of Canada with
the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, including the negotiations on which they were based, and other information relating thereto. Toronto, 1880; reprinted [ 1885?] and 1971.
National Archives of Canada, Ottawa
numbered publications [see also section iii]
9: Canadian north-west (Oliver).
New Brunswick
Acts. Saint John; Fredericton, 1786– .
house of assembly
Journal. Saint John, 1786–1814; Fredericton, 1816–92. Continued by the Journal of the unicameral Legislative Assembly. Title varies: Journal of the votes and proceedings; Journal and votes; Journals.
Reports of the debates. Fredericton, etc. Published irregularly from 1837/38 until 1870. A French translation of the debates for 1870 exists: Rapports des débats de la chambre d’Assemblée de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick (Shédiac, N.-B., 1870). No debates were published, 1871–73. Continued by Synoptic report of the proc.
Synoptic report of the proceedings. Saint John, etc., 1874–92.
legislative assembly
Journal. Fredericton, 1893– .
legislative council
Journal. Fredericton, 1831–92. The pre–1831 journals were published as Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick . . . [1786–1830] (2v., Fredericton, 1831).
For a bibliography of New Brunswick government publications, see Bishop, Pubs. of the governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section iii]
Acts. St John’s, 1833– . Title varies: unknown, 1833–49; Acts of the General Assembly, 1850–1933; Acts of the Honourable Commission of Government, 1934–47; Statutes, 1949– .
general assembly
Journal. St John’s, 1843–46. From 1842 to 1847 the House of Assembly and Legislative Council were amalgamated into the unicameral General Assembly. No assemblies took place in 1842 or 1847.
house of assembly
Journal. St John’s, 1833–1933, except for the period 1842–47.
legislative council
Journal. St John’s, 1833–1933, except for the period 1842–47.
For information on Newfoundland government publications, see Biblio. of Nfld. (O’Dea and Alexander) [section iii].
North-West Territories
legislative assembly
Journals. Regina, 1888–1904.
For further information, see Publications of the governments of the North-West Territories, 1876–1905, and of the province of Saskatchewan, 1905–1952, comp. Christine MacDonald (Regina, 1952).
Nova Scotia
house of assembly
Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1855–1916. Title varies.
Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1761– .
Title varies; this title in effect from 1789.
legislative council
Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1836–1928.
The statutes of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1798– .
Title varies: Acts of the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia, 1798–1851. Title as above begins with 1851–52.
A bibliography of Nova Scotia government publications is available in Bishop, Pubs. of the governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section iii].
Debates. No official debates were published between 1867 and 1900. Scrapbooks of unofficial newspaper reports of the debates (except for 1868–69, 1871–72, the second session of 1874, and 1882–83), known as the “Newspaper Hansard,” were compiled by the Ont., Legislative Library (Toronto). The “Newspaper Hansard” is also available on microfilm at the AO.
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the province of Ontario. Toronto, 1867/68– .
The name of the issuing body varies: Parliament of Ontario, 1867/68–1878, and 1952– ; Legislature of Ontario, 1879–1951.
Sessional papers. Toronto, 1868/69– .
Statutes of the province of Ontario. Toronto,
1867/68– .
Further information concerning publications of the Ontario government to 1900 is available in Bishop, Pubs. of government of Ont., 1867–1900 [section iii].
“Parliamentary debates.” Canadian Library Association microfilm of the debates of the legislature of the Province of Canada and the parliament of Canada for the period 1846–74, based on scrapbooks compiled by the Library of Parliament from unofficial newspaper reports of the debates, commonly known as the “Scrapbook debates.”
Parliamentary debates, Dominion of Canada. [Compiled by John Cotton.] 3 vols. Ottawa, 1870–72.
Unofficial reports of the debates of both House of
Commons and Senate, commonly known as the
Cotton debates.
Presbyterian Church in Canada
general assembly
Acts and proceedings. Toronto, 1875– .
Prince Edward Island
house of assembly
Debates and proceedings. Charlottetown, 1860–93. Title varies: The parliamentary reporter; or, debates and proceedings to 1886. From 1856 to 1859 the debates for both houses were abstracted in The parliamentary reporter; containing an abstract of the debates and proceedings of the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island.
Journal. Charlottetown, 1788–1893, except for the years 1798–1805 when no journals were printed. Title varies. Superseded by the Journal of the unicameral Legislative Assembly.
legislative assembly
Journal. Charlottetown, 1894– .
legislative council
Debates and proceedings. Charlottetown, 1860–93. The debates for the period 1856–59 were abstracted in The parliamentary reporter, cited above.
Journal. Charlottetown, 1827–93.
For further information concerning publications of
the Prince Edward Island government, see
Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I.,
N.B. [section iii].
Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria.
See British Columbia Archives and Records Service
legislative assembly/assemblée législative
Débats. See Débats de l’assemblée législative (M. Hamelin) and Débats de la législature provinciale (G.-A. Desjardins et al.), infra.
Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1867/68– . Issued in separate French and English editions until 1941.
legislative council/conseil législative
Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1867/68– . Issued in separate French and English editions until 1943.
Sessional papers/Documents de la session.
Quebec, 1869–1936. Issued in separate French and English editions. French title varies: Documents parlementaires from 1924.
Statutes of the province of Quebec/Statuts de la
province de Québec. Quebec, 1868– . Issued
in separate French and English editions until 1941.
For further information on Quebec government publications, see Répertoire des publications gouvernementales du Québec de 1867 à 1964, André Beaulieu et al., compil. (Québec, 1968), and Thériault, Les pub. parl. [section iii].
Stewart, George. The story of the great fire in St.
John, N.B., June 20th, 1877. Toronto, 1877.
The following newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume XII. Numerous sources have been used to determine their various titles and their dates of publication. These include, for all areas of the country: Union list of Canadian newspapers, published on microfiche by the National Library of Canada ([Ottawa], 1988), Union list of Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries (Ottawa, 1977), and Canadian Library Assoc., Canadian newspapers on microfilm, catalogue (2 pts. in 3, Ottawa, 1959–69); for Alberta: Alberta newspapers, 1880–1982; an historical directory, comp. G. M. Strathern (Edmonton, 1988); for British Columbia: Union catalogue of British Columbia newspapers, comp. Hana Komorous, newspapers catalogued by Kenneth Field (microfiche ed., Vancouver, 1987); for Manitoba: A historical directory of Manitoba newspapers, 1859–1978, comp. D. M. Loveridge (Winnipeg, 1981); for New Brunswick: J. R. Harper, Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals (Fredericton, 1961); for Newfoundland: Historical directory of Newfoundland and Labrador newspapers, 1807–1987, comp. Suzanne Ellison (St John’s, 1988); for Nova Scotia: G. E. N. Tratt, A survey and listing of Nova Scotia newspapers, 1752–1957, with particular reference to the period before 1867 (Halifax, 1979); for Ontario: Dict. of Toronto printers (Hulse) [see section iii] and Inventory of Ontario newspapers, 1793–1986, comp. J. B. Gilchrist (Toronto, 1987); for Prince Edward Island: PAPEI, “Checklist and historical directory of Prince Edward Island newspapers, 1787–1986,” comp. Heather Boylan (typescript, Charlottetown, 1987); for Quebec: J. Hamelin et al., La presse québécoise, vols. 1–3 [see section iii]; and for Saskatchewan: Historical directory of Saskatchewan newspapers, 1878–1983, comp. Christine MacDonald (Regina and Saskatoon, 1984).
Acadian Recorder. Halifax. 16 Jan. 1813-May 1930. British Colonist. Halifax. 25 July 1848–31 Dec.
1874. Title varies: Tri-Weekly British Colonist to 9 Sept. 1851 and 1855–74; British Colonist and North American Railway Journal, 1851–55. The Daily British Colonist appeared 13 Dec. 1869–14 Aug. 1870.
British Colonist. Toronto. 1 Feb. 1838-September 1859.
British Colonist. Victoria. See Daily Colonist
British Columbian. New Westminster; Victoria. 13 Feb. 1861–15 Nov. 1983, under various titles, including British Columbian (to 27 Feb. 1869 and 1882–86) and Daily Columbian (1886–1900). Published at New Westminster except for the period 16 March–25 July 1869 when it was issued at Victoria under the title Daily British Columbian.
Brockville Evening Recorder. Brockville, Ont. See Evening Recorder
Brockville Recorder. Brockville, Ont. Published weekly, 16 Jan. 1821-December 1922, under various titles. See also the Evening Recorder.
Calgary Herald. 2 July 1885 to the present, under various titles, including Calgary Daily Herald (to 1895) and Daily Herald (1895–1908). Issued as Calgary Herald since 13 Feb. 1939.
Canadian Churchman. Toronto. 1875 to date, under various titles, including Dominion Churchman (1875–89) and Canadian Churchman and Dominion Churchman (1890–98). After 1917 it appeared simply as Canadian Churchman.
Canadian Illustrated News. Montreal. 30 Oct. 1869–29 Dec. 1883. The Univ. of Toronto Dept. of Fine Art has prepared Canadian Illustrated News, Montreal, 1869–1883: an index, comp. Andrea Retfalvi, assisted by Ann Hilty (Toronto, 1989).
Le Canadien. Québec; Montréal. 22 Nov. 1806–11 Dec. 1909. Published at Quebec to 4 Dec. 1891; continued at Montreal to 11 Feb. 1893 and from 22 Dec. 1906 to 11 Dec. 1909; not published between 1893 and 1909.
Charlottetown Herald. 12 Oct. 1864 to at least 28 Dec. 1921. Title varies: Herald to 21 Jan. 1874.
Christian Guardian. Toronto. 21 Nov. 1829–3 June 1925.
Courier. St John’s. 19 Feb. 1853–28 Dec. 1878.
Le Courrier du Canada. Québec. 2 Feb. 1857–11 April 1901.
Daily British Colonist/Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle. See Daily Colonist
Daily British Whig. Kingston, Ont. 1 Jan. 1849–30 Nov. 1926.
Daily Colonist. Victoria. Began 11 Dec. 1858 as the weekly British Colonist. Title varies: Daily British Colonist, 31 July 1860–23 June 1866 and 7 Aug. 1872–31 Dec. 1886; Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle, 25 June 1866–6 Aug. 1872; Daily Colonist, 1 Jan. 1887–31 Aug. 1980. On 2 September it merged with the Victoria Times to form the Times-Colonist.
Daily Columbian. New Westminster. See British Columbian
Daily Evening Globe. Saint John, N.B. See Saint John Globe
Daily Examiner. Charlottetown. See Examiner
Daily Free Press. Ottawa. See Ottawa Free Press
Daily Free Press. Winnipeg. See Manitoba Free
Daily Gleaner. Fredericton. 25 Nov. 1889 to the
Daily Mail and Empire. Toronto. 7 Feb. 1895–21
Nov. 1936. Formed from the merger of the Empire and the Toronto Daily Mail [qq.v.]. Title varies: Mail and Empire from September 1929. See also the Globe.
Daily News. St John’s. 15 Feb. 1894–4 June 1984.
Daily Patriot. Charlottetown. See Patriot
Daily SpectatorlDaily Spectator, and Journal of
Commerce. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton
Daily Telegraph. Saint John, N.B. 1873–12 March
Daily Tribune. Winnipeg. 28 Jan. 1890–27 Aug.
1980. Title varies; this one in effect to 28 Jan. 1903. Daily Witness. Montreal. 13 Aug. 1860–11 July
1913. See also the Montreal Witness.
L’Électeur. Québec. 15 July 1880–26 Dec. 1896.
Superseded by Le Soleil [q.v.].
Empire. Toronto. 27 Dec. 1887–6 Feb. 1895.
Merged with the Toronto Daily Mail to form the Daily Mail and Empire [qq.v.].
L’Événement. Québec. 13 May 1867–3 March 1967.
Evening Express. Halifax. 4 Jan. 1858 to at least 31
Dec. 1874. Title varies: Evening Express and Commercial Record to 30 Dec. 1872.
Evening Herald. St John’s. 4 Jan. 1882–31 Dec.
1889. Continued as the Evening Mercury.
Evening Mercury. St John’s. 13 Jan. 1890–31 Dec.
Evening News. Toronto. 2 May 1881–26 March
1919. Title varies; this one in effect to 17 Jan. 1903.
Evening Recorder. Brockville, Ont. Daily, 10 Nov.
1873–31 Jan. 1918. See also the Brockville Recorder.
Evening Star. Toronto. 3 Nov. 1892 to the present.
Title varies: Evening Star to 24 Jan. 1900; Toronto Daily Star, 25 Jan. 1900–5 Nov. 1971; subsequently Toronto Star.
Evening Telegram. St John’s. 3 April 1879 to the
Evening Telegram. Toronto. 18 April 1876–30 Oct.
1971. Title varies; this one in effect to 19 Feb. 1949.
Examiner. Charlottetown. 7 Aug. 1847 to at least 29
May 1922, under various titles, including Daily Examiner (23 May 1881–8 Oct. 1906).
Free Press. Ottawa. See Ottawa Free Press
Gazette. Montreal. 25 Aug. 1785 to the present. Title
varies: Montreal Gazette to 1 June 1867.
La Gazette de Québec. See Quebec Gazette
Globe. Toronto. 5 March 1844–21 Nov. 1936. On 23
Nov. 1936 it merged with the Daily Mail and Empire[q.v.] to form the Globe and Mail.
Halifax Herald. See Morning Herald
Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. Began 15 July 1846 as the semi-weekly Hamilton Spectator, and Journal of Commerce. The Daily Spectator, and Journal of Commerce was added on 10 May 1852; it has continued to the present under various titles.
Islander. Charlottetown. 2 Dec. 1842 to at least 26 Dec. 1873. Title varies: Islander, or Prince Edward Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser to 31 Dec. 1852; Islander, or Prince Edward Island Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser, 7 Jan. 1853 to at least December 1872; Prince Edward Islander by 3 Jan. 1873.
Island Guardian. Charlottetown. 2 July 1887–27 Dec. 1894. Title varies: Island Guardian and Christian Chronicle to 2 Aug. 1889.
Le Journal de Québec. 1 Dec. 1842–1 Oct. 1889. Replaced La Gazette de Québec [see Quebec Gazette] when it ceased publication in November 1842.
Leader. Toronto. Began publication as the Weekly Leader on 7 July 1852. A daily (morning) edition was added on 11 July 1853 and an evening one on 7 Nov. 1855. All three were called the Leader by November 1855, and continued under various titles until 1878.
London Advertiser. London, Ont. 28 Oct. 1863–30 Oct. 1936, under various titles; this one in effect 4 Dec. 1880–27 Nov. 1922.
London Free Press. London, Ont. 5 May 1855 to the present, under various titles, including Free Press (2 Aug. 1873–30 Oct. 1907) and London Free Press (1872–1 Aug. 1873 and November 1907– ).
Mail. Toronto. See Toronto Daily Mail
Mail and Empire. Toronto. See Daily Mail and Empire
Manitoba Free Press. Winnipeg. Began 30 Nov. 1872 as a weekly. A daily edition was added on 6 July 1874 and has continued to the present, under various titles, including: Daily Free Press (1874–76); Manitoba Daily Free Press (1876–82 and 1882–93); Manitoba Free Press (2 May–18 Oct. 1882); and Manitoba Morning Free Press (1893–1915). Since 2 Dec. 1931 it has appeared as the Winnipeg Free Press.
La Minerve. Montréal. 9 Nov. 1826–27 May 1899.
Le Monde illustré. Montréal. 10 May 1884–12 Oct. 1907. Title varies: Le Monde illustré, album universel, 1902–7; L’Album universel, le monde illustré, 22 June–12 Oct. 1907.
Monetary Times. Toronto. 15 Aug. 1867–September 1970, under various titles.
Montreal Daily Star. 16 Jan. 1869–25 Sept. 1979, under various titles, including Evening Star (to April 1877) and Montreal Daily Star (1877–1957).
Montreal Daily Witness. See Daily Witness
Montreal Gazette. See Gazette
Montreal Herald. 19 Oct. 1811–18 Oct. 1957, under various titles, including Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette, Montreal Daily Herald, and Herald.
Montreal Transcript. 4 Oct. 1836–1873, under various titles.
Montreal Witness. 5 Jan. 1846–May 1938, under various titles. See also the Daily Witness.
Morning Chronicle. Halifax. Began as a tri-weekly on 24 Jan. 1844; a daily was added on 3 Aug. 1864, becoming the Chronicle on 22 Jan. 1927. The Novascotian [q.v.] was its weekly edition, 1844–1925.
Morning Chronicle. Quebec. 18 May 1847–30 June 1925, under various titles, including Quebec Morning Chronicle (4 May 1888–15 Oct. 1898).
Morning Freeman. Saint John, N.B. 4 Feb. 1851–2 Nov. 1878.
Morning Herald. Halifax. 4 Jan. 1875–31 Dec. 1948. Title varies: Halifax Herald from 2 Jan. 1892.
Morning News. Saint John, N.B. Began 16 Sept. 1839 as the Commercial News and General Advertiser; continued 3 April 1840–8 April 1884 under a variety of titles, of which Morning News was the most common.
New-Brunswick Courier. Saint John, N.B. 2 May 1811–15 July 1865.
Newfoundlander. St John’s. July 1827 to around 30 Dec. 1884.
Novascotian. Halifax. 29 Dec. 1824 to at least 25 Dec. 1925, under various titles, including Novascotian, or Colonial Herald (to 26 Dec. 1839), Novascotian (1840–92), Novascotian and Weekly Chronicle (1892–99), and Weekly Chronicle and Novascotian (1900–3). See also the Morning Chronicle.
L’Opinion publique. Montréal. 1 Jan. 1870–27 Dec. 1883.
Ottawa Citizen. Began 22 Feb. 1851 as a weekly. A daily edition was added on 15 May 1865 and has continued to the present under various titles, including Ottawa Citizen (1865–71, 1878–79, 1892–1900), Daily Citizen (1871–78, 1890–92), and Ottawa Daily Citizen (1879–90).
Ottawa Evening Journal. 10 Dec. 1885–27 Aug. 1980. In July 1949 it became the Ottawa Journal.
Ottawa Free Press. 27 Dec. 1869–30 Dec. 1916. Title varies: Free Press to 11 Aug. 1888; Ottawa Free Press, 13 Aug. 1888–30 Dec. 1916.
La Patrie. Montréal. 24 Feb. 1879–9 Jan. 1978.
Patriot. Charlottetown. 1 July 1864 to date, under various titles, including Patriot (to 6 April 1881) and Daily Patriot (7 April 1881–14 Nov. 1910). No issues are available before that of 4 July 1867.
Patriot and Terra-Nova Herald. St John’s. July
1833–1890; issues are available only between 1834 and 30 June 1890. Title varies: Newfoundland Patriot to 6 July 1842; Patriot and Terra-Nova Herald, 13 July 1842–29 April 1872 and 12 Feb. 1877–30 June 1890; Patriot and Terra-Nova Catholic Herald, 6–22 May 1872; and Patriot and Catholic Herald, 28 May 1872–1 Feb. 1877.
Le Pionnier. Sherbrooke, Qué.; Montréal. 13 Oct. 1866–11 May 1902. Title varies: Le Pionnier de Sherbrooke to 25 Feb. 1886; Le Pionnier, 4 March 1886–3 May 1901. Continued at Montreal as Le Pionnier populaire, sociale et patriote, 12 May 1901–11 May 1902.
Presbyterian Witness, and Evangelical Advocate.
Halifax, etc. 8 Jan. 1848–11 June 1925. Published at Halifax to 27 Nov. 1920, except for the period 1903–8, when it was issued from Pictou, N.S. The title was shortened to Presbyterian Witness on 1 Jan. 1898. Continued at Toronto until 11 June 1925.
La Presse. Montréal. 20 Oct. 1884 to the present.
Public Ledger. St John’s. From about 1820 to 26 Dec. 1882, under various titles; issues are available only from 2 Jan. 1827.
Quebec Daily Mercury. 5 Jan. 1805–17 Oct. 1903, under various titles, including Quebec Mercury (to 8 Jan. 1863) and Quebec Daily Mercury (1863–75 and 1887–1903).
Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec. 21 June 1764–30 Oct. 1874. Bilingual to 29 Oct. 1842, but with separate English and French editions appearing on alternate days from 2 May 1832; as of 1 Dec. 1842 the French edition was replaced by Le Journal de Québec [q.v.] and the paper appeared only in English.
Quebec Mercury. See Quebec Daily Mercury
Royal Gazette. Charlottetown. 24 Aug. 1830 to the present; the official government gazette since July 1851.
Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St John’s. 27 Aug. 1807–30 Sept. 1924. Title as above, except for the period 12 July–4 Oct. 1892 when it was simply the Royal Gazette. Superseded by the Newfoundland Gazette, the official government gazette, which continues to the present.
St. John Daily Sun. Saint John, N.B. 2 June 1887–4 May 1906.
Saint John Globe. Saint John, N.B. 26 Sept. 1886–15 Jan. 1927.
Saskatchewan Herald. Battleford, Sask. 25 Aug. 1878–26 Jan. 1938.
Le Soleil. Québec. 28 Dec. 1896 to the present. Superseded L’Électeur [q.v.].
Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton Spectator
Times and General Commercial Gazette. St John’s. 15 Aug. 1832–23 March 1895.
Times-Colonist. Victoria. See Daily Colonist
Toronto Daily Mail. 30 March 1872–6 Feb. 1895. Title varies: Mail to 31 July 1880. On 7 Feb. 1895 it merged with the Empire to form the Daily Mail and Empire [qq.v.].
Toronto Daily Star/Toronto Evening Star. See Evening Star
Toronto World. See World
Vancouver Daily World. 29 Sept. 1888–11 March 1924.
Victoria Daily Times. 9 June I 884–6 Nov. 1971, then became the Victoria Times until 30 Aug. 1980. See also the Daily Colonist.
Week. Toronto. 6 Dec. 1883–20 Nov. 1896.
World. Toronto. 19 Aug. 1880–9 April 1921.
Winnipeg Daily Tribune. See Daily Tribune
Allaire, Jean-Baptiste-Arthur. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols. Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34.
[1]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.
[2]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1908.
[3]: [Suppléments.] 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1910–19.
[4]: Le clergé canadien-français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), 1 (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.
[5]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montreal, 1928–32.
6: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.
Almanacs. The almanacs cited in vol. XII have been grouped under this heading to facilitate their identification. Because titles within series vary and compilers and publishers often change, the almanacs
have been listed under a general title, with the
specifics found on title pages following.
L’almanach du peuple illustré. . . . 1855– ; irregular to 1870, annual thereafter. Usually published in Montreal. The 1905 and 1915 issues were cited in vol. XII. Published by C.-O. Beauchemin & Fils, later Librairie Beauchemin, Limitée.
Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. Halifax, 1824–1930. Issues for 1843–91 were used in vol. XII. Editor: Clement Horton Belcher, 1824–70; then published by McAlpine and Barnes, later the McAlpine Publishing Company. Title varies: The farmer’s almanack . . . , 1824–31; Belcher’s farmer’s almanack . . . , 1832–69; Belcher’s farmer’s almanack for the province of Nova Scotia . . . , 1870–1904; in 1905 it became
Belcher’s farmers’ almanac for the maritime provinces. . . .
Canadian almanac. Toronto, 1848– . Used for 1848–60. Publishers: Scobie & Balfour, 1848–50; Hugh Scobie, 1851–54; Maclear & Co., 1855–61; W. C. Chewett & Co., 1862–69; Copp, Clark & Co., 1870– . Issued under various titles, including: Scobie & Balfour’s Canadian almanac, and repository of useful knowledge . . . (1848–50); Scobie’s Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1851–54); Maclear & Co.’s Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1855–56); and The Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1857–94). Since 1948 it has appeared as The Canadian almanac and directory. . . .
Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac. Halifax, 1834–68. The 1851 issue was cited in vol. XII. Publishers: Jacob Spading Cunnabell, 1834–36; William Cunnabell, 1837–68. Title varies: The Nova-Scotia almanack . . . , 1834–41; Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac . . . , 1842–50; in 1851 it became Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac, and farmer’s manual. . . .
Montreal pocket almanack. Montreal, 1842–91. Issues for 1845, 1850, and 1860 were consulted. Publishers: James Starke & Co., 1842–79; J. Theo. Robinson, 1880–91. Title varies: Montreal pocket almanack, and general register . . . , 1842–46, 1851, 1855–56; Montreal pocket almanac, and general register . . . , 1847–50, 1852–54, 1857; in 1858 it became Starke’s Montreal pocket almanac and general register . . . , and continued with minor variations in title until it ceased publication in 1891.
Newfoundland almanack. St John’s. From at least 1841 to 1892. The issues for 1844, 1848–50, and 1870–92 were used in vol. XII. Compiled by Joseph Templeman, 1842–47; Philip Tocque, 1848–50; compiled, printed, and published by Joseph Woods, 1854–71; John Woods, 1872–78; published by William J. Herder, 1880–92. Title varies between Almanac/Almanack.
Newfoundland year book and almanac. See Year book and almanac of Newfoundland
Ottawa almanac and dominion guide, 1875, containing a calendar for the year. . . . Published by A. S. Woodburn. Ottawa, 1875. According to the cover title it was “to alternate with The Ottawa directory and dominion guide annually,” but no more issues of the almanac were produced.
Prince Edward Island almanac. Charlottetown. Several series appeared between 1853 and 1900. The following issues were consulted: Prince Edward Island almanack . . . , pub. John J. Pippy, 1853–54; Harvie’s Prince Edward Island almanack . . . , pub. Henry A. Harvie, 1868–81;
and Prince Edward Island almanac . . . , pub. Theo. L. Chappelle, 1879–87.
Prince Edward Island calendar. . . . Charlottetown,
1836–73. Used for 1862–68 and 1870–72. Publishers: James Douglas Haszard, 1836–50; J. D. and George T. Haszard, 1851; unknown; 1852–54; G. T. Haszard, 1855, 1857–62; Haszard & Owen, 1856; unknown, 1863–64; Laird & Harvie, 1865–66; David Laird, 1867–73.
Quebec almanac/Almanach de Québec. Quebec, 1780–1841 (except for 1781, 1790, and 1793). The issues for 1836 and 1840–41 were consulted. Published by William Brown from 1780 to 1789, and continued by the Neilson family from 1791 until 1841. The spelling and language of the title vary, but from 1780 to 1789 it appeared solely in French as the Almanach de Québec, and from 1813 to 1841 it was published in English only as The Quebec almanack; and British American royal kalendar.
Year book and almanac of Newfoundland. . . .
St John’s. 1887–1932. Used for 1887–92. Publishers: J. W. Withers, 1887–1920; David R. Thistle, 1921–32.
Appletons’ cyclopœdia of American biography.
Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. 7 vols. New York, 1887–1900. The cyclopœdia of American biography. New enlarged edition. Edited by James Edward Homans et al. 12 vols. 1915–31.
Archives Nationales du Québec, Québec publications [see also section ii]
P.-G. Roy, Les juges de la prov. de Québec.
Audet, Francis-Joseph. “Les législateurs du Bas-Canada, 1760–1867.” Manuscript held by the Morisset Library, University of Ottawa. 3 vols. 1940.
Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et al. 11 vols. to date [to 1939, “Nes-Smi”]. Melbourne, 1966– .
Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. See Almanacs
A bibliography of British Columbia; laying the foundations, 1849–1899. Compiled by Barbara Joan [Sonia Horsfield] Lowther with Muriel Laing. (University of Victoria publication.) Victoria, 1968.
A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted 1965. 2 supplements. 1959–89.
1: Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Maud Colbeck. 1959; reprinted 1969.
2: Edited by Sandra Alston with Karen Evans. 3 parts and index. 1985–89.
Bibliography of Newfoundland. Compiled by
Agnes C. O’Dea, edited by Anne Alexander. (Published in association with Memorial University of Newfoundland.) 2 vols. Toronto, 1986.
A bibliography of the Prairie provinces to 1953, with biographical index. Compiled by Bruce Braden Peel. 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973.
Bishop, Olga Bernice. Publications of the government of Ontario, 1867–1900. (Ontario, Ministry of Government Services publication.) Toronto, 1976.
—— Publications of the government of the Province of Canada,
1841–1867. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1963 [i.e. 1964].
—— Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1957.
Borthwick, John Douglas. History and biographical gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.
Brant County directory. See Directories
British Columbia directory. See Directories
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975. 360 vols. London, 1979–87.
Burke, John. A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank; but uninvested with heritable honours. 4 vols. London, 1833–37. Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry. 18th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 3 vols. 1965–72.
—— General and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage
of the United Kingdom. . . . London, 1826. Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage, baronetage and knightage. 105th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 1970.
Canada, an encyclopædia of the country; the Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material progress, and its national development. Edited by John Castell Hopkins. 6 vols. and index. Toronto, 1898–1900.
Canada directory. See Directories
Canadiana, 1867–1900, monographs: Canada’s national bibliography/Canadiana, 1867–1900: monographies: la bibliographie nationale du Canada. Microfiche edition. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1980– .
The Canadian album: men of Canada; or, success by example, in religion, patriotism, business, law, medicine, education and agriculture. . . . Edited by William Cochrane and John Castell Hopkins. 5 vols. Brantford, Ont., and Toronto, 1891–96. Vols.1–4 were prepared by Cochrane, vol.5 by Hopkins.
Canadian almanac. See Almanacs
The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.
The Canadian directory of parliament, 1867–1967. Edited by James Keith Johnson. (NA publication.) Ottawa, 1968.
The Canadian encyclopedia. Edited by James Harley Marsh et al. 3 vols. Edmonton, 1985. 2nd edition. 4 vols. 1988.
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions/Institut Canadien de microreproductions historiques, Ottawa. Canada: the printed record: a bibliographic register with indexes to the microfiche series of the Canadian Institute for Historical MicroreproductionslCatalogue d’ imprimés canadiens: répertoire bibliographique avec index de la collection de microfiches de l’Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques. Microfiche edition. Ottawa, 1981– .
The Canadian men and women of the time: a hand-book of Canadian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. Toronto, 1898. 2nd edition. 1912.
The Canadian parliamentary companion. Quebec, 1862–63; Montreal, 1864–74; Ottawa, 1875– .
Irregular from 1862, then usually annual from 1871. Title varies: as above to 1897, except for 1877–81, when the full title was The Canadian parliamentary companion and annual register; The parliamentary guide and work of general reference, 1898–99; The Canadian parliamentary guide and work of general reference, 1901–8; The Canadian parliamentary guide, 1909 to date. Editors: Henry James Morgan, 1862–64, 1869, 1871–74; Charles Herbert Mackintosh, 1877–81; John Alexander Gemmill, 1883–97; Arnott James Magurn, 1898–1905 .
Chadwick, Edward Marion. Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., [1970]. Vol. 1 reprinted with an introduction by William Felix Edmund Money, Belleville, Ont., 1972.
Commemorative biographical record of the county of York, Ontario; containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and many of the early settled families. Toronto, 1907.
Cornish, George Henry. Cyclopœdia of Methodism in Canada: containing historical, educational, and statistical information, dating from the beginning of the work in the several provinces of the Dominion of Canada, and extending to the annual conferences of 1880. 2 vols. Toronto and Halifax, 1881–1903.
Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac. See Almanacs
A cyclopœdia of Canadian biography. . . . Edited by George Maclean Rose and Hector [Willoughby] Charlesworth. 3 vols. Toronto, 1886–1919. Vols. 1–2 were edited by Rose, vol.3 by Charlesworth. Subtitles and series titles vary.
Death notices from the “Christian Guardian”. . . .
Compiled by Donald A. McKenzie. 3 vols. [ 1836–70]. Lambertville, N.J., 1982–88. Title of vol.[3] varies: Obituaries from Ontario’s “Christian Guardian ”. . . .
Death notices of Ontario. Compiled by William D. Reid. Lambertville, N.J., 1980.
Dent, John Charles. The Canadian portrait gallery. 4 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.
Desjardins, Joseph. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.
Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?]–58. 5 additional supplements to date [to 1965]. Edited by Edward Topping James et al. 1973– . Concise DAB. 3rd edition [to 1960]. 1980.
Dictionary of Hamilton biography. Edited by Thomas Melville Bailey et al. 1 vol. to date [to 1875]. Hamilton, Ont., 1981– .
Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 7 additional supplements to date [to 1970]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al. 1912– . Concise DNB. 2 vols. [to 1950]. [1953]–61. Corrections and additions to the “Dictionary of national biography” [1923–63]. Boston, 1966.
A dictionary of Toronto printers, publishers, booksellers, and the allied trades, 1798–1900. Compiled by Elizabeth Hulse. Toronto, 1982.
Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 5 vols. Montréal, 1978–87.
Directories. Issued initially as single works, Canadian directories frequently became regular, usually annual, publications during the 19th century. Because titles within series vary greatly, and editors or compilers frequently change, the directories used in the preparation of vol. XII have been listed by region and under a general title, with the dates of the relevant issues following. Details of various titles and publishers given on title pages, as well as of the places of publication of these directories, can be found in Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories, infra.
Brant County directory. 1890.
British Columbia directory. 1863, 1877/78, 1882/83, 1883, 1892.
Canada directory. 1851, 1853, 1857/58, 1864/65,
Eastern Townships directory. 1867, 1875/76,
Halifax directory. 1858/59, 1863, 1869/70–1895/96.
Hamilton directory. 1856, 1858, 1862/63, 1866–1898/99.
Hastings County directory. 1860/61, 1864/65, 1868/69, 1879/80, 1889.
Kingston directory. 1855–1893/94.
Lincoln and Welland counties directory. 1879.
London directory. 1856/57–1896/97.
Manitoba and Northwest Territories directory.
Manitoba directory. 1876/77–1878/79.
Montreal directory. 1842/43–1910/11.
New Brunswick directory. 1865/66, 1889/96.
Newfoundland directory. 1864/65, 1871, 1877.
Nova Scotia directory. 1864/65, 1868/69, 1871, 1890/97.
Ontario directory. 1869, 1871, 1882.
Ottawa directory. 1868–1901.
Prince Edward Island directory. 1864.
Quebec & Levis directory. 1871/72, 1890/91–1896/97.
Quebec directory. 1844/45–1900/1.
St. Catharines directory. 1863/64–1895.
Saint John directory. 1863/64, 1869/70–1880/81.
St. John’s directory. 1885–86.
Simcoe County directory. 1866/67.
Toronto directory. 1833/34–1900.
Victoria directory. 1860, 1868–69, 1871, 1874.
Wentworth County directory. 1865/66.
Winnipeg directory. 1880–1900.
Yarmouth directory. 1890, 1895.
The dominion annual register and review . . . [ 1878–86]. Edited by Henry James Morgan et al. 8 vols. Montreal, etc., 1879–87.
Eastern Townships directory. See Directories
Elections in New Brunswick, 1784–1984/Les élections au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1784–1984. (New Brunswick Legislative Library publication.) Fredericton, 1984.
Encyclopædia Britannica; a new survey of universal knowledge. [ 14th edition.] Edited by Warren E. Preece et al. 23 vols. and index. Chicago, 1966. The new Encyclopœdia Britannica. 15th edition. 30 vols. 1977.
Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10 vols. Ottawa, 1957–58. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H. Pearson et al. Toronto, 1975.
Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Edited by Helmut Kallmann et al. Toronto, 1981.
Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Edited by Joseph Roberts Smallwood et al. 2 vols. to date. St John’s, 1981– .
Grand Larousse encyclopédique. 10 vols. Paris, 1960–64. 2 suppléments. 1969–75. Grand dictionnaire encyclopédique Larousse. 10 vols. 1982–85.
Guide du chercheur en histoire canadienne. Sous la direction de Jean Hamelin. Québec, 1986.
Guide to Canadian ministries since confederation, July 1, 1867-February 1, 1982. (Published jointly by the Government of Canada, Privy Council Office, and the NA.) [Ottawa], 1982.
Halifax directory. See Directories
Hamelin, Jean, et al. La presse québécoise, des origines à nos jours. [2e édition. ] 10 vols. [1764–1975]. Québec, 1973–89. Vols. 1–2 [1764–1879] were prepared by André Beaulieu and Jean Hamelin. Index cumulatifs (tomes I à VII) (1764–1944). 1987.
Hamilton directory. See Directories
Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant et al. (Smithsonian Institution publication.) 8 vols. to date [4–6, 8–11, 15]. Washington, 1978– .
Harper, John Russell. Early painters and engravers in Canada. [Toronto], 1970.
Hart, Henry George. The new annual army list. . . . London, 1840–1916. The title on the cover is Hart’s army list.
Hastings County directory. See Directories
Hill, Isabel Louise. The Old Burying Ground, Fredericton, N.B. 2 vols. in 1. Fredericton, 1981.
Kerr, John Blaine. Biographical dictionary of well-known British Columbians, with a historical sketch. Vancouver, 1890.
Kingston directory. See Directories
(Langelier, Jean-Chrysostôme.] Liste des terrains concédés par la couronne daps la province de Québec, de 1763 au 31 décembre 1890. Québec, 1891. Also published as List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890 (1891) .
The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1983: a biographical directory. Edited by Shirley B. Elliott. [Halifax], 1984.
Legislators and legislatures of Ontario: a reference guide. Compiled by Debra Forman. (Ontario Legislative Library, Research and Information Services publication.) 3 vols. [1792–1984]. [Toronto, 1984. ]
Le Jeune, Louis[-Marie]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].
Lincoln and Welland counties directory. See Directories
London directory. See Directories
Manitoba and Northwest Territories directory. See Directories
Manitoba directory. See Directories
Manitoba historical atlas: a selection of facsimile maps, plans, and sketches from 1612 to 1969. Edited with introductions and annotations by John Warkentin and Richard I. Ruggles. (Manitoba,
Historical and Scientific Society publication.) Winnipeg, 1970. The cover title is Historical atlas of Manitoba.
Marriage bonds of Ontario, 1803–1834. Compiled by Thomas B. Wilson. Lambertville, N.J., 1985.
Marriage notices of Ontario. Compiled by William D. Reid [and edited by Thomas B. Wilson]. Lambertville, N.J., 1980. See also Ont. marriage notices (T. B. Wilson).
Mercantile agency reference book. Montreal, etc. 1864 to date. Frequency varies. Credit rating guide to Canadian companies. Publishers: R. G. Dun & Company, 1864–65 and 1893–1932; Dun, Wiman & Company, 1866–92; Dun & Bradstreet of Canada Limited, 1933– . Title varies: The mercantile agency reference book for the British provinces . . . to 1866; in 1868 it became The mercantile agency reference book, (and key,) for the Dominion of Canada . . . ; its present name is Dun & Bradstreet of Canada, Reference book. Ratings of Canadian companies for 1859–60 appear in The mercantile agency reference book (and key,) containing ratings of the merchants, manufacturers, and traders generally, throughout the United States and Canada. . . .New York. No issues appeared for 1861–63.
Montreal almanack. See Almanacs
Montreal directory. See Directories
Morgan, Henry James. Bibliotheca canadensis: or a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; reprinted Detroit, 1968.
—— Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with
Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the province down to the present time. Quebec and London, 1862; reprinted Montreal, 1865.
National Archives of Canada, Ottawa Publications [see also section ii]
Canadian directory of parl. (Johnson). Guide to Canadian ministries.
Main entry catalogue and general inv. of holdings in the Manuscript Division (see section i].
Union list of MSS (cordon et al.; Maurice Hyam).
Union list of MSS, supp. (Maurice Hyam et al.).
National Library of Canada, Ottawa Publications
Bishop, Pubs. of government of Prov. of Canada.
—— Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B.
Canadiana, 1867–1900.
Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories.
The national union catalog, pre–1956 imprints. . . . 754 vols. London and Chicago, 1968–81.
New Brunswick directory. See Directories
New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers. See Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers
Newfoundland almanack. See Almanacs
Newfoundland directory. See Directories
Newfoundland men: a collection of biographical sketches, with portraits, of sons and residents of the island who have become known in commercial, professional, and political life. Edited by Henry Youmans Mott. Concord, N.H., 1894.
Newfoundland year book and almanac. See almanacs
Nova Scotia directory. See Directories
Nova Scotia vital statistics from newspapers. . . .
Compiled by Terrence Michael Punch and Jean M. Holder. (Nova Scotia Genealogical Association publications, 1, 3, 5–6, 8, 10–11.) 7 vols. to date [1769–1847]. Halifax, 1978– . Vols.[1]: 1813–1822 and [3]: 1769–1812 were compiled by Punch, the remainder by Holder. Cover title as above, but title on title-page varies. Until 1986 the Nova Scotia Genealogical Association was a division of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society [see section v].
Ontario directory. See Directories
Ontario marriage notices. Compiled by Thomas B. Wilson. Lambertville, N.J., 1982. Supplements and complements Marriage notices of Ont. (Reid) [see above].
Ottawa almanac. See Almanacs
Ottawa directory. See Directories
The Oxford companion to Canadian history and literature. Edited by Norah Story. Toronto, 1967. Supplement. General editor William Toye. Toronto, 1973.
The Oxford companion to Canadian literature. General editor William Toye. Toronto, 1983.
Pioneers and early citizens of Manitoba: a dictionary of Manitoba biography from the earliest times to 1920. Compiled by Marjorie Money et al. (Manitoba Library Association publication.) Winnipeg, 1971.
Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 3. ) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.
Places in Ontario: their name origins and history.
Compiled by Nick and Helma Mika. 3 parts. Belleville, Ont., 1977–83.
Political appointments and elections in the Province of Canada, from 1841 to 1865. Edited by Joseph-Olivier Coté. 2nd edition, enlarged. Ottawa, 1866. . . . and appendix from 1st January, 1866, to 30th June, 1867, and index. Edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté. 1918.
Political appointments, parliaments, and the judicial bench in the Dominion of Canada, 1867 to 1895. Edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1896. Supplement . . . 1896 to 1903. 1903.
Prince Edward Island almanac. See Almanacs
Prince Edward Island calendar. See Almanacs
Prince Edward Island directory. See Directories
Prominent men of Canada: a collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, and in the commerce and industry of Canada. Edited by Graeme Mercer Adam. Toronto, 1892.
Quebec almanac. See Almanacs
Quebec & Levis directory. See Directories
Quebec directory. See Directories
Rayburn, Alan. Geographical names of New Brunswick. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 2. ) Ottawa, 1975.
—— Geographical names of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian
Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 1.) Ottawa, 1973.
Répertoire des parlementaires québécois, 1867–1978. André Lavoie et al., compilateurs. (Publication de la Bibliothèque de la Législature, Service de documentation politique.) Québec, 1980.
The roll of pupils of Upper Canada College, Toronto,
January, 1830, to June, 1916. Edited by Archibald
Hope Young. Kingston, Ont., 1917.
Roy, Pierre-Georges. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936 [i.e. 1937].
—— Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.)
Québec, 1933.
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: exhibitions and members, 1880–1979. Compiled by Evelyn de Rostaing McMann. Toronto, 1981.
Ryder, Dorothy Edith. Checklist of Canadian directories, 1790–1950/Répertoire des annuaires canadiens, 1790–1950. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1979.
St. Catharines directory. See Directories
Saint John directory. See Directories
St. John’s directory. See Directories
Simcoe County directory. See Directories
A standard dictionary of Canadian biography: the Canadian who was who. Edited by Charles George Douglas Roberts and Arthur Leonard Tunnell. 2 vols. Toronto, 1934–38.
Thériault, Yvon. Les publications parlementaires d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. [2e édition. ] Québec, 1982. Also published in English as The parliamentary publications, past and present (1983).
Toronto directory. See Directories
Turcotte, Gustave. Le Conseil législatif de Québec, 1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.
Types of Canadian women and of women who are or have been connected with Canada. Edited by Henry James Morgan. Toronto, 1903. Called vol.1, but no more volumes were published.
Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Revised edition. Edited by E. Grace Maurice [Hyam]. (NA publication.) 2 vols. Ottawa,
1975. Supplement/Supplément. Edited by E. Grace Maurice Hyam et al. 4 vols. to date. 1976– .
Victoria directory. See Directories
Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers . . . Compiled by Daniel F. Johnson. 30 vols. to date [1784–1871]. Saint John, N.B., 1982– .
Vols. l–5 [ 1784–1834] were issued by the New Brunswick Genealogical Society under the title New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers, comp. D. F. Johnson et al. (Fredericton, 1982–84).
Walbran, JOHN THOMAS. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history. . . . (Geographical Board of
Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1909; reprinted with an introduction by George Phillip Vernon Akrigg, Vancouver, 1971; reprinted Seattle, Wash., and London, 1972.
Wallace, William Stewart. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by William Angus McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, 1978.
Watters, Reginald Eyre. A checklist of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1960. . . . 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1972.
Wentworth County directory. See Directories
Winnipeg directory. See Directories
Yarmouth directory. See Directories
IV. STUDIES (books and theses)
Abbott, Maude Elizabeth [Seymour]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.
Atherton, William Henry. Montreal, 1535–1914. 3 vols. Montreal, 1914.
Baker, William Melville. Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822–96: Irish Catholic Canadian. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977.
Bernard, Jean-Paul. Les rouges: libéralisme, nationalisme et anticléricalisme au milieu du XIXe siècle. Montréal, 1971.
Bolger, Francis William Pius. Prince Edward Island and confederation, 1863–1873. Charlottetown, 1964.
Campbell, Robert. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.
Canada’s smallest province: a history of P.E.I. Edited by Francis William Pius Bolger. [Charlottetown, 1973.]
Carroll, John [Saltkill]. Case and his cotemporaries; or, the Canadian itinerants’ memorial: constituting a biographical history of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the province, till the death of the Rev. Wm. Case in 1855. 5 vols. Toronto, 1867–77.
Caya, Marcel. “La formation du parti libéral au Québec, 1867–1887. “Thèse de phd, York University, Toronto, 1981.
Choquette, Charles-Philippe. Histoire du séminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe depuis sa fondation jusqu’à nos fours. 2 vols. Montréal, 1911–12.
Chouinard, François-Xavier, et al. La ville de Québec, histoire municipale. (Société historique de Québec, Cahiers d’histoire, 15, 17, 19, 35.) 4 vols. Québec, 1963–83.
Cook, Ramsay. The regenerators: social criticism in late Victorian English Canada. Toronto, 1985.
Cornell, Paul Grant. The alignment of political groups in Canada, 1841–1867. Toronto, 1962.
Côté, Louis-Marie et al. Les maires de la vieille capitale. (Société historique de Québec publication, in association with the government of Canada and the AVQ.) Québec, 1980.
Creighton, Donald [Grant]. John A. Macdonald, the young politician. Toronto, 1952; reprinted 1965.
—— John A. Macdonald, the old chieftain. Toronto, 1955;
reprinted 1965.
Damn, Nicholas Flood. The Irishman in Canada. London and Toronto, 1877; reprinted with an introduction by Daniel C. Lyne, Shannon, Republic of Ire., 1969.
Désilets, Andrée. Hector-Louis Langevin: un Père de la Confédération canadienne (1826–1906). Québec, 1969.
Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton. The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land; giving a sketch of the French and their expulsion; and a history of the New England planters who came in their stead; with many genealogies, 1604–1910. Salem, Mass., 1910; reprinted as The history of Kings County, Belleville, Ont., 1972.
Frost, Stanley Brice. McGill University: for the advancement of learning. 2 vols. Kingston, Ont., and Montreal, 1980–84.
Gervais, Gaétan. “L’expansion du réseau ferroviaire québécois (1875–1895).” Thèse de phd, université d’Ottawa, 1978.
Gunn, Gertrude E. The political history of Newfoundland, 1832–1864. Toronto, 1966.
Gwyn, Sandra. The private capital: ambition and love in the age of Macdonald and Laurier. Toronto, 1984.
Hamelin, Marcel. Les premières années du parlementarisme québécois (1867–1878). Québec, 1974.
Hannay, James. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.
Hiller, James Kelsey. “A history of Newfoundland, 1874–1901.” phd thesis, University of Cambridge, Eng., 1971.
History of the county of Middlesex, Canada, from the earliest time to the present; containing an authentic account of many important matters relating to the settlement, progress and general history of the county. . . . Toronto and London, Ont., 1889; reprinted with introduction and corrections by Daniel [James] Brock and index by Muriel Moon, Belleville, Ont., 1972.
History of Toronto and county of York, Ontario; containing an outline of the history of the Dominion of Canada; a history of the city of Toronto and the county of York. . . . 2 vols. Toronto, 1885.
Labarrère-Paulé, André. Les instituteurs laïques au Canada français, 1836–1900. Québec, 1965.
Lavallée, André. Québec contre Montréal: la querelle universitaire, 1876–1891. Montréal, 1974.
Lawrence, Joseph Wilson. The judges of New Brunswick and their times. Edited and annotated by Alfred Augustus Stockton [and William Odber Raymond]. [Saint John, N.B., 1907]; reprinted with an introduction by David Graham Bell, Fredericton, 1983 [i.e. 1985].
Literary history of Canada: Canadian literature in English. Edited by Carl Frederick Klinck et al. New edition. 4 vols. Toronto, 1976–90. Vol.4 was edited by William Herbert New.
MacNutt, William Stewart. New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963; reprinted 1984.
Maurault, [Jean-Léon-]Olivier. Le collège de Montréal, 1767–1967. 2e édition. Antonio Dansereau, éditeur. Montréal, 1967.
Morton, William Lewis. Manitoba: a history. Toronto, 1957. 2nd edition, 1967.
Ormsby, Margaret Anchoretta. British Columbia: a history. [Toronto], 1958. [Revised edition.] 1971.
Pouliot, Léon. Monseigneur Bourget et son temps. 5 vols. Montréal, 1955–77.
Reid, Dennis [Richard]. “Our own country Canada”: being an account of the national aspirations of the principal landscape artists in Montreal and Toronto, 1860–1890. Ottawa, 1979. Also issued in French under the title “Notre patrie le Canada”: mémoires sur les aspirations nationales des principaux paysagistes de Montréal et de Toronto, 1860–1890.
Robertson, Ian Ross. “Religion, politics, and education in Prince Edward Island from 1856 to 1877.” ma thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 1968.
Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto: a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. . . . Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 vols.
Toronto, 1894–1914. Vols.l–3 reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1987, 1974.
Rumilly, Robert. Histoire de la province de Québec. 41 vols. Montréal et Paris, 1940–69. 2e édition des vols. l–9, s.d.; 3e édition des vols. l–6, s.d. Réimpression des vols.1–15 de la l’édition, Montréal, 1971–80.
—— Honoré Mercier et son temps. [Nouvelle édition.] 2 vols.
Montréal, 1975.
Rutherford, Paul. A Victorian authority: the daily press in late nineteenth-century Canada. Toronto, 1982.
Schofield, Frank Howard. The story Of Manitoba. 3 vols. Winnipeg, 1913.
Scholefield, Ethelbert Olaf Stuart, and Frederick William Howay. British Columbia from the earliest times to the present. 4 vols. Vancouver, 1914.
Skelton, Oscar Douglas. Life and times of Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt. [New edition. ] Edited with an introduction by Guy MacLean. Toronto, 1966.
Société Historique de Québec, Québec
Cahiers d’histoire
15, 17, 19, 35: Chouinard et al., La ville de Québec.
other publications
L.-M. Côté et al., Les maires de la vieille capitale.
Stanley, George Francis Gilman. The birth of western Canada: a history of the Riel rebellions. London, 1936. [2nd edition.] Toronto, 1960.
Louis Riel. Toronto, 1963.
Swainson, Donald. “The personnel of politics: a study of the Ontario members of the second federal parliament.” phd thesis, University of Toronto, 1968.
Toronto, Board of Trade. “A souvenir”: a history of the growth of the Queen City and its board of trade, with biographical sketches of the principal members thereof. Montreal and Toronto, 1893.
Tulchinsky, Gerald Jacob Joseph. The river barons: Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation, 1837–53. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977.
Turner, John Peter. The North-West Mounted Police, 1873–1893. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1950.
Voisine, Nive. Louis-François Laflèche, deuxième évêque de Trois-Rivières. 1 vol. pare. Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1980– .
Waite, Peter Busby. Canada, 1874–1896: arduous destiny. Toronto and Montreal, 1971.
—— The life and times of confederation, 1864–1867: politics,
newspapers, and the union of British North America. Toronto, 1962. 2nd edition, with corrections. 1962.
—— The man from Halifax: Sir John Thompson, prime minister.
Toronto, 1985.
Young, Brian Jeffery. Promoters and politicians: the north-shore railways in the history of Quebec, 1854–85. Toronto, 1978.
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. 1 (1971–72)– . The Acadiensis index, vols.I-XII (autumn 1971 to spring 1983), comp. E. L. Swanick with the assistance of David Frank, was published in 1985.
Alberta Historical Review. Edmonton; Calgary. Issued by the Historical Society of Alberta with the assistance of the Government of Alberta. 1 (1953)– . Vols.l–6 (1958) published at Edmonton; 7 (1959)– at Calgary. Index: 1–15 (1967) in 15 (1967). Title varies: Alberta History from 23 (1975) .
Beaver. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. 1 (1920–21)– . Index: 1-outfit 284 (June 1953-March 1954). Title varies: Beaver: Exploring Canada’s History since 66 (1986), no.2.
British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Victoria. Published by the PABC in cooperation with the British Columbia Historical Association. 1 (1937)–21 (1957–58). Author/title and subject indexes are provided by A two-part index to the “British Columbia Historical Quarterly,” volumes I-XXI . . . , published by Camosun College ([Victoria], 1977).
BC Studies. Vancouver. No.1 (winter 1968–69)– . Published by the
University of British Columbia. Cumulative alphabetical
index to “BC Studies,” numbers 1 to 50 (winter 1968/69
to summer 1981), comp. F. M. Woodward.
Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. Originally the organ of the Société des études historiques, it became in March 1923 the journal of the Archives de la province de Québec (now the ANQ). 1 (1895)–70 (1968). Index: 1–31 (1925) (4v., Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is an index on microfiche at the ANQ-Q.
Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” 1 (1936)– .
Canadian Catholic Historical Association/Société Canadienne D’histoire De l’Église catholique, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, the contents of which are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)– . Index: 1–25 (1958). Title varies: Study sessions/Sessions d’étude, 1966–83; in 1984 the English title became Canadian Catholic Historical Studies.
Canadian Collector. Toronto. 1 (1966)– . Index: 1–13 (1978). Title varies: Canadian Collector, 1, nos.l–3 and 10 (1975), no.4– ; Canadian Antiques Collector, 1, no.4–10, no.3.
Canadian Historical Association/Société His
torique du Canada, Ottawa. Annual report. 1922– . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68. Title varies: Historical papers/Communications historiques from 1966.
Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)– .
Index: 1–10 (1929); 11 (1930)–20 (1939); 21 (1940)–30 (1949); 31 (1950)–51 (1970). Université Laval has also published an index: “Canadian Historical Review,” 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, compil. (Québec, 1969).
Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Published by Dalhousie University. 1 (1921–22)– .
Historic Kingston. Kingston, Ont. Published by the Kingston Historical Society. No.1 (1952)– ; nos.1–10 reprinted in 1 vol., Belleville, Ont., 1974. Index: nos. l–20 (1972).
Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes. Peterborough, Ont. Published by Trent University. 1 (1966)– . Index: 1–20 (1985–86), comp. Patrick Kavanagh.
Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax. See Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society
Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. 1 (1899)– ; vols.l–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. An index to vols.l–64 (1972) is available in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.
Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–80 (1922). Vols.17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–7; 24 (1888)–28 (1892) are also called 3e série, 1–4 [i.e. 5]; and 54 (janvier-juin 1908)–80 are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–27. Subtitle varies. An index volume, Tables générales des 53 premiers volumes de la “Revue canadienne,” 1864 à 1907, was published in 1907.
Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. 1 (1947–48)– . Index: 1–10 (1956–57); 11 (1957–58)–20 (1966–67); 21 (1967–68)–30 (1976–77).
Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax genealogical association publications
1, 3, 5–6, 8, 10: N.S. vital statistics (Punch and Holder) [see section iii].
other publications
Collections. 1 (1878)– ; vols.l–8 (1892/94) reprinted in 2 vols., Belleville, Ont., 1976–77. Index: 1–32 (1959) in 33 (1961). Vols.l–40 (1980) issued under the society’s original name, the Nova Scotia Historical Society.
Royal Society of Canada/Société Royale du Canada, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/
Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882–83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–22 (1985); 5th ser., 1 (1986)– . A combined author and subject index to 1st ser., 1–4th ser., 19 (1982) is available in Index to the “Transactions”
and other publications of the Royal Society of Canada, 1882–1982/Index des “Mémoires” et d’autres publications de la Société royale du Canada, 1882–1982, comp. R. H. Hubbard with the collaboration of Pierre Garneau, published by the society in 1987.