AAQ Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec
AC Archives civiles
ACAM Archives de la chancellerie de
l’archevêché de Montréal
ACC Anglican Church of Canada
AD Archives départementales
ADB Australian dictionary of biography
ANQ Archives nationales du Québec
AO Archives of Ontario
AP Archives paroissiales
ASN Archives du séminaire de Nicolet
ASQ Archives du séminaire de Québec
ASSH Archives du séminaire de Saint-
ASSM Archives du séminaire de Saint-
Sulpice, Montréal
ASTR Archives du séminaire de Trois-
AUM Archives de l’université de Montréal
AVQ Archives de la ville de Québec
BL British Library
BRH Le Bulletin des recherches historiques
BVM-G Bibliothèque de la ville de Montréal,
Salle Gagnon
CCHA Canadian Catholic Historical Associa-
CHA Canadian Historical Association
CHR Canadian Historical Review
CTA City of Toronto Archives
DAB Dictionary of American biography
DBF Dictionnaire de biographie française
DCB Dictionary of Canadian biography
DHB Dictionary of Hamilton biography
DNB Dictionary of national biography
DOLQ Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec
DPL Detroit Public Library
GRO General Register Office
HBC Hudson’s Bay Company
HBCA Hudson’s Bay Company Archives
HBRS Hudson’s Bay Record Society,
HPL Hamilton Public Library
MAC-CD Ministère des Affaires culturelles,
Centre de documentation
MHA Maritime History Archive
MTRL Metropolitan Toronto Reference
NLS National Library of Scotland
NMM National Maritime Museum
NWC North West Company
OH Ontario History
PABC Provincial Archives of British
PAC Public Archives of Canada/National
Archives of Canada
PAM Provincial Archives of Manitoba
PANB Provincial Archives of New
PANL Provincial Archives of Newfoundland
and Labrador
PANS Public Archives of Nova Scotia
PAPEI Public Archives of Prince Edward
PRO Public Record Office
QUA Queen’s University Archives
RHAF Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique
RHL Rhodes House Library
RSC Royal Society of Canada
SGCF Société généalogique canadienne-
SH Social History
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies
SPG Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts
SRO Scottish Record Office
UCC United Church of Canada
UNBL University of New Brunswick Library
UTFL University of Toronto, Thomas Fisher
Rare Book Library
UWOL University of Western Ontario Library
General Bibliography
The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume VII. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 19th century.
Section i describes the principal archival sources and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part a contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial governments; part b provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section iii includes dictionaries, indexes, inventories, almanacs, and directories. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA, DIOCESE OF QUEBEC ARCHIVES, Lennoxville, Que. For a description of this archives, see A. R. Kelley, “The Quebec Diocesan Archives; a description of the collection of historical records of the Church of England in the diocese of Quebec,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47: 181–298, and [A.] M. Awcock, “Catalogue of the Quebec Diocesan Archives” (typescript, Shawinigan, Que., 1973; copy available at the archives).
Materials cited in volume VII include:
29: Letters patent appointing C. J. Stewart to be bishop of Quebec
32: Notarial certificate on consecration of C. J. Stewart as bishop
40: Appointments
44: Episcopal seals in wax
47–71: Parish reports, correspondence, and other material relating to the parishes
50: Drummondville
62: Quebec: Trinity
72–80: Correspondence of Jacob Mountain
81: Correspondence of Jacob Mountain, [C.] J. Stewart, and G. J. Mountain
82–102: Copies of letters and papers
referring to diocese of Quebec
103–4: Letters from C. J. Stewart to J. Reid
105: Stewart letters
107–8: Correspondence between bishops of Quebec and SPG
109: Correspondence between bishops of Quebec and Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge
110: Clergy reserves and erection of parishes
111–13: Clergy reserves
114: Travelling missionaries
115: Stewart missions
116: Cathedral and parish of Quebec with institutions in Quebec
118: Education: McGill, Bishop’s, Bishop’s College School, etc.
123: Unbound manuscripts
129: Copies of correspondence of C. J. Stewart
330–31: Episcopate of C. J. Stewart
ARCHIVES CIVILES. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice
ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. A detailed inventory of many of the registers and files in this depository can be found in RHAF, 19 (1965–66): 652–64; 20 (1966–67): 146–66, 324–41, 669–700; 24 (1970–71): 111–42.
The following materials are cited in volume VII: Dossiers
255: Diocèses du Canada
.102: Kingston
.104: Toronto
.109: Saint-Boniface
295: Diocèses du Québec
.098–.101: Québec
.103: Saint-Hyacinthe
350: Paroisses
.102: Rapports pastoraux
355: Paroisses en particulier
.104: Purification-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie
.107: Saint-François d’Assise
.108: Saint-Sulpice
420: Prêtres en particulier
.051: Paquin, Jacques
.095: Lafrance, Pierre
465: Communautés d’hommes en particulier
.101: Compagnie de Saint-Sulpice
.103: Compagnie de Jésus
525: Communautés de femmes en particulier
.105: Sœurs des Saints-Noms de Jésus et de Marie
583: Lettres de laïques
.000: M
780: Associations et divers
.034: Journaux
901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget
.012: G.-J. Brassier, vicaire général
.013: Notice biographique de Mgr Plessis; érection du diocèse de Montréal
.014: Mgr Lartigue: de Mgr de Philadelphie; de Mgr de New York; de Mgr de Bradstown; de Mgr Poynter
.015: Mgr Lartigue: contre l’admission des notables
.016: Mgr Lartigue: lettres personnelles
.017: Messieurs Maguire et Tabeau; division de Québec et biens de Saint-Sulpice; missions à Rome; projet de journal ecclésiastique
.018: Mgr Lartigue: gouvernement anglais et évêché de Montréal
.021: Question des notables; érection des paroisses; bills pour les communautés religieuses; éducation; écoles normales
.022: Mgr Lartigue: lettres de sa famille
.023: Mgr Lartigue: recensement; de D.-B. et Jacques Viger
.024: Mgr Lartigue: de François Bonin
.025: J.-G. Rocque et J.-V. Quiblier à Lartigue et Bourget
.028: Mgr Lartigue: de M. Montgolfier; de prêtres et d’amis; règlements divers; documents
.029: Lettres de Viau, Terrasse, Duclaux, Roux
.033: Mgr Lartigue: testament; M.-F.-J. Deguise: testament
.037: Mgr Lartigue: travaux
.039: Mgr Lartigue: sermons
.041: Mgr Lartigue: travaux d’Écriture sainte
.044: Diverses lettres à Mgr Bourget
.047: Mgr Lartigue: sermons
.050: J.-B. Thavenet à Lartigue
055: Mgr Bourget: lettres personnelles et voyages à Rome (1846–47 et 1854–56)
.062: Lettres personnelles de Bourget
.117: M. H. Hudon à Bourget
.136: Notre-Dame: division de la paroisse
.137: Notre-Dame et Saint-Sulpice
.150: D.-B. Viger à Lartigue
RL: Registres de lettres
RLB: Registres des lettres de Mgr Bourget. An inventory of the correspondence of Mgr Ignace Bourget* from 1837 to 1843, compiled by L.-A. Desrosiers, has been published in ANQ Rapport [section iii].
RLL: Registres des lettres de Mgr Lartigue. An inventory of the correspondence of Mgr Jean-Jacques Lartigue from 1819 to 1840, compiled by L.-A. Desrosiers, has been published in ANQ Rapport [section iii] .
ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. A guide to the collection is available in CCHA Rapport, 2 (1934–35): 65–73.
The following were used in the preparation of volume VII:
A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec
12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques
20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec
210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. Inventories of the correspondence of a number of the bishops of Quebec, compiled by Ivanhoë Caron*, are available in ANQ Rapport [section iii].
211 A: Registres des requêtes
31-13 A: Papiers personnels de Mgr Joseph Signay
C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie
CA: Statut du diocèse
40 CA: Corporations archiépiscopales
CB: Structures de direction
1 CB: Vicaires généraux
2 CB: Vicaires administrateurs et capitulaires
CD: Discipline diocésaine
303 CD: Titres cléricaux
515 CD: Séminaire de Nicolet
516 CD: Séminaire de Québec
61 CD: Paroisses
69 CD: Visites pastorales
Diocèse de Québec (being reclassified)
CM: Église universelle
10 CM: Correspondance de Rome
11 CM: Curie romaine-indults
7 CM: États-Unis
90 CM: Angleterre
CN: Église canadienne
30 CN: Terre-Neuve
310 CN: Île-du-Prince-Édouard
311 CN: Nouveau-Brunswick
312 CN: Nouvelle-Écosse
320 CN: Haut-Canada
60 CN: Gouvernement du Canada
CP: Église du Québec
26 CP: Diocèse de Montréal
30 CP: Diocèse de Saint-Hyacinthe
E: Administration temporelle
ARCHIVES DE LA VILLE DE QUÉBEC. A useful publication of this repository is État sommaire des Archives de la ville de Québec (Québec, 1977), edited by Murielle Doyle-Frenière.
Collections cited in volume VII include:
I: Juges de paix
1: Procès-verbaux des Sessions spéciales relatives aux chemins et ponts
V: Série chemins
B: Juges de paix
VII: Série finances
E: Bureau des cotiseurs
1: Rôles d’évaluation et d’imposition
VIII: Série marchés
ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL. The Service des archives de l’université de Montréal has prepared an important series of publications relating to its collections; a list of these can be found in Bibliographie des publications du Service des archives (5e éd., Montréal, 1987), edited by Denys Chouinard et al.
The following collection was cited in volume VII:
P 58: Collection Baby. The Catalogue de la collection François-Louis-Georges Baby, compiled by Camille Bertrand, with preface by Paul Baby and introduction by Lucien Campeau (2v., Montréal, 1971), provides useful information to researchers. Transcripts of the bulk of this collection, which is being classified at present, are available at PAC, MG 24, L3.
C: Colonisation
C2: Ventes et échanges
S: Papiers William Berczy
U: Correspondance générale
ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE NICOLET, Nicolet, Qué. The repository is in the process of classifying its collections.
Materials cited in volume VII:
AO: Archives officielles
Transfert du séminaire de Nicolet
AP: Archives privées
G: Grandes collections
L.-É. Bois
D: Documents historiques
G: Garde-notes.
S: Succession/correspondance
J.-O. Leprohon
J.-B. Lozeau
M.-G. Proulx
Registre des généalogies
Lettres des évêques
Seigneurie de Nicolet
Cahier du cens et rentes
Collections cited in volume VII:
C: Livres de comptes du séminaire Collection Glackemeyer
Fichier des anciens
Fonds Viger–Verreau
Boîtes: Papiers de H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau; Jacques Viger
Cartons: Papiers de H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau; Jacques Viger
Série O: Cahiers manuscrits
021: Election du 25 avril et du . . . dans Montréal-Ouest
049: Album de 30 desseins par John Drake et de 2 par William Berczy
085: Extrait de décisions et remarques tirées de la Coutume de Paris
086: Journal des missions de 1811 et 1812 par Mgr Plessis
0128: Annales de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal, 1734 à 1828
0139–52: Ma saberdache de Jacques Viger
0176: Baronnie de Longueuil, famille Lemoyne de Longueuil par Jacques Viger
0178: Les barons de Longueuil et la famille Lemoyne
0521: Livre de comptes de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest
Journal du séminaire
mss: Cahiers manuscrits divers
12: Grand livre
104–10: J.-F. Perrault
141: N.-L. Amyot, Journal de voyage
193: Jos. Levasseur, Journal et notes
218–19: J.-F. Boucher, Lettres dogmatiques
281: J. Mannock, Manuel abrégé de controverse
433: A.-E. Gosselin, Officiers et professeurs du séminaire de Québec
436–37: A.-E Gosselin, Notices sur les prêtres du séminaire
885–88: Joseph Signaÿ, Recensement de la ville de Québec
mss-m: Cahiers de cours manuscrits
103: Cours de rhétorique par François Leguerne
104: Cours de rhétorique par J.-M. Boissonnault
140: Félix Gatien, Cours d’arithmétique par Jean Raimbault
146: Cours de philosophie
153: Félix Gatien, Cours de philosophie par J.-B. Castanet
155: Félix Gatien, Cours de philosophie par J.-B. Castanet
164: Joseph Signaÿ, Cours de philosophie par Jérôme Demers
208: Joseph Signaÿ, Cours de théologie par P.-J. Bossu
978: Cours d’histoire ancienne par Joseph Signaÿ
Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures
S: Seigneuries du séminaire
2: Terrier censier (Île-Jésus)
3: Censier (tome I) (Île-Jésus)
Séminaire: Affaires diverses
SME: Décisions du Conseil du séminaire
The following series were cited in volume VII:
Section A: Archives du séminaire
Fg-3: Raymond, J.-S.
Fg-4: Leclère, P.-É.
Fg-5: Morin, A.-N.
Fg-41: Saint-Pierre, P.-A.
Fg-46: Allaire, J.-B.-A.
Sections cited in volume VII:
Section 1 bis: Démêlés relatifs aux biens
Section 8: Seigneuries, fiefs, arrière-fiefs et domaines
Section 11: Enseignement
Section 13: Communautés religieuses anciennes
Section 16: Émigration, immigration, colonisation
Section 17: Finance, banque, monnaie
Section 21: Correspondance générale
Section 24: Histoire, géographie et biographies
B: Biographies
E: Catalogues des prêtres de Saint-Sulpice
F: Cahiers Faillon
Section 25: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice
Dossier 2: Emplois
Section 27: Séminaire, évêchés et paroisses
Section 32: Contrats de mariage, certificats
Section 49: Prédication et prônes
ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE TROIS-RIVIÈRES, Trois-Rivières, Qué. A summary inventory of this repository was compiled by Yvon Thériault and published in ANQ Rapport, 1961–64: 67–134. The current classification system is given in État général des fonds et collections conservés aux Archives du séminaire de Trois-Rivières (Trois-Rivières, 1985), compiled by Denise Maltais et al.
Series cited in volume VII:
0009: Fonds Hart, famille
0032: Collection Montarville Boucher de la Bruère
0123: Fonds L.-M. Cadieux
0329: Fonds Thomas Coffin
0419: Fonds Michael O’Sullivan
0461: Fonds H. W. Ryland
ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. In 1980 the archives undertook the establishment of a new uniform classification for all of its regional centres. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and useful finding aids on microfiche are available in each repository.
The following materials were cited in volume VII:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Sherbrooke
41: Hatley Anglican Church
46: Protestant Episcopal mission at Sherbrooke and Lennoxville
2: Bedford
8: Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle
38: Dunham Anglican Church
CN: Notaires
2: Bedford
21: Gale, Samuel
26: Lalanne, Léon
T: Justice
11: Cour supérieure
501: Saint-François
Collections cited in volume VII include:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CA: Arpenteurs
1: Montréal
71: Papineau, Joseph
CC: Tutelles et curatelles
1: Montréal
CE: État civil
1: Montréal
2: La-Nativité-de-la-Très-Sainte-Vierge (Laprairie)
3: Notre-Dame-de-la-Prairie-de-la-Madeleine
4: La Visitation (Sault-aux-Récollets)
5: Saint-Enfant-Jésus (Pointe-aux-Trembles)
10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)
12: Saint-Antoine (Longueuil)
18: Saint-Constant
22: Sainte-Famille (Boucherville)
25: Saint-François-Xavier (Sault-Saint-Louis, Kanawake)
37: Saint-Joachim (Pointe-Claire)
51: Notre-Dame de Montréal
54: Saint-Philippe (Laprairie)
59: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Laval)
63: Christ Church Anglican (Montreal)
68: St George’s Anglican Church (Montreal)
80: St Stephen’s Anglican Church (Lachine)
84: Trinity Church (Montreal)
92: Evangelical Congregational Church (Montreal)
109: St James Street Methodist Church (Montreal)
124: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Lachine)
125: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
126: St Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
130: St Paul’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)
132: Church of the Messiah (Montreal)
2: Saint-Hyacinthe
1: Saint-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur (Saint-Hyacinthe)
10: Saint-Charles (Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu)
12: Saint-Denis (Saint-Denis, sur le Richelieu)
16: Saint-Hilaire
3: Sorel
1: Christ Church (Sorel)
2: Saint-Antoine (Baie-du-Febvre)
6: Immaculée-Conception (Saint-Ours)
4: Saint-Jean
1: Sainte-Marguerite-de-Blairfindie (L’Acadie)
4: Saint-Édouard (Napierville)
6: Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville
16: Saint-Valentin
17: Caldwell Anglican Church (Saint-Jean)
5: Joliette
1: Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier (Berthierville)
6: Saint-Antoine (Lavaltrie)
13: Saint-Sulpice
14: Saint-Pierre-du-Portage (L’Assomption)
16: Purification-de-Repentigny (Repentigny)
19: Saint-Cuthbert
24: Industrie (Joliette)
40: Saint-Paul (Joliette)
6: Saint-Jérôme
CM: Testaments
1: Montréal
CN: Notaires
3: L’Annonciation (Oka)
9: Saint-Benoît (Mirabel)
11: Saint-Eustache
24: Saint-Louis (Terrebonne)
1: Montréal
3: Adhémar, J.-B.
7: Arnoldi, G.-D.
14: Baret, M.-G.
16: Barron, Thomas
21: Cressé, L.-M.
28: Bédouin, Thomas
29: Beek, J. G.
32: Belle, Joseph
43: Boileau, René
68: Cadieux, J.-M.
69: Cadieux, G.-H.
74: Chaboillez, Louis
80: Charet, Michel
96: Constantin, J.-B.
107: Dandurand, R.-F.
108: Danré de Blanzy, L.-C.
110: Daveluy, P.-É.
116: Deguire, Charles
117: Deguire, J.-B.
121: De Lisle, J.-G.
122: Lorimier, Chevalier de
126: Desautels, Joseph
128: Desève, J.-B.
134: Doucet, N.-B .
135: Doucet, Théodore
158: Foucher, Antoine
167: Gauthier, J.-P.
173: Germain, Césaire
175: Gibb, I. J.
179: Girouard, J.-J.
184: Gray, E. W.
185: Gray, J. A. .
187: Griffin, Henry
192: Guy, Étienne
194: Guy, Louis
199: Hébert, Médard
200: Henry, Edme
202: Hodiesne, Gervais
208: Hunter, J. S.
215: Jobin, André
216: Jobin, J.-H.
224: Lacombe, Patrice
233: Lanctôt, Pierre
243: Latour, Louis Huguet
245: Leblanc, F.-H.
255: Leguay, François (fils)
269: Lukin, Peter (père)
270: Lukin, Peter (fils)
271: Mackay, Stephen
273: Manthet, Nicolas
290: Mézières, Pierre
295: Mondelet, J.-M.
299: Moreau, L.-A.
305: O’Keefe, Richard
310: Papineau, A.-B.
313: Papineau, Joseph
317: Payment, Joseph
320: Peltier, Généreux
321: Pelton, T. J.
326: Pinet, Alexis
327: Pinsonnault, P.-P.
334: Prévost, Charles
353: Ross, William
375: Soupras, L.-J.
380: Terroux, C.-A.
383: Thibaudault, Louis
385: Truteau, Z.-J.
391: Vallée, Paul
394: Varin, J.-B.
396: Weekes, George
2: Saint-Hyacinthe
27: Dutalmé, P.-P.
79: Têtu, Charles
3: Sorel
78: Robin, Antoine (1805–53)
88: Robin, Antoine (1760–1808)
4: Saint-Jean
10: Brisset, Joseph
14: Decoigne, Louis
20: Gamelin, Pierre
24: Jobson, T.-R.
30: Lukin, J.-B.
33: Petrimoulx, F.-M.
5: Joliette
3: Archambault, Eugène
8: Bédard, Thomas
13: Charland, J.-B.-J.
24: Joliette, Barthélemy
25: Leblanc, J.-O.
6: Saint-Jérôme
2: Berthelot, J.-A.
3: Chatellier, Augustin
4: Coursolles, E.-G.
27: Séguin, F.-H.
M: Microfilms
7: Tutelles
P: Fonds et collections privées
26: Trudeau, Romuald
224: Fils de la liberté
P1000: Petits fonds
1-57: Bouchette, Joseph
3-298: Hindenlang, Charles
3-360: Neilson, collection
61-1240: Cardinal, J.-N.
(ANQ-MBF), Trois-Rivières
The following were used in volume VII:
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CE: État civil
1: Trois-Rivières
12: St Bartholemew’s (Nicolet)
13: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Nicolet)
48: Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)
50: St James Protestant Congregation Church (Trois-Rivières)
2: Arthabasca
6: Saint-Frédéric (Drummondville)
CN: Notaires
1: Trois-Rivières
4: Badeaux, A.-I.
5: Badeaux, J.-B.
6: Badeaux, Joseph
7: Badeaux, J.-M.
19: Craig, L.-D.
21: Cressé, L.-M.
31: Dumoulin, F.-L.
32: Dumoulin, J.-E.
35: Duvernay, J.-M. Crevier
47: Guillet, Valère
56: Leblanc, A.-Z.
62: Lemaître Lottinville, Flavien
79: Ranvoyzé, Étienne
91: Trudel, Augustin
Materials used in volume VII include:
M: Microfilms
122-9: Église anglicane St James (Hull)
P: Fonds et collections privées
2: Fonds Wright–Mackay
C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles
CC: Tutelles et curatelles
1: Québec
CE: État civil
1: Québec
1: Notre-Dame de Québec
2: Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation (L’Ancienne-Lorette)
3: L’Ange-Gardien
4: Saint-Etienne (Beaumont)
5: Notre-Dame de Miséricorde (Beauport)
8: Sainte-Famille (Cap-Santé)
11: Sainte-Famille (île d’Orléans)
12: Saint-Pierre (île d’Orléans)
22: Saint-Roch (Québec)
25: Saint-Joseph (Deschambault)
28: Saint-Ambroise (Loretteville)
39: Sainte-Catherine
61: Holy Trinity Cathedral (Quebec)
64: St Paul’s Chapel (Quebec)
66: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)
68: Wesleyan Methodist Church (Quebec)
71: Garrison of Quebec Anglican Church (Quebec)
75: Aubigny Anglican Church (Lévis)
79: St Michael’s Anglican Church (Sillery)
93: Hôpital Général de Québec
2: Montmagny
1: Cap-Saint-Ignace
2: Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption (Berthier-en-Bas)
6: Saint-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud (Montmagny)
7: Saint-Thomas-de-la-Pointe-à-la-Caille (Montmagny)
17: Saint-Gervais
18: Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
25: Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies
3: Kamouraska
1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)
3: Saint-Louis (Kamouraska)
11: Saint-André (près de Kamouraska)
CN: Notaires
1: Québec
16: Bélanger, Jean
18: Belleau, R.-G.
21: Bernard, Joseph
25: Berthelot Dartigny, M.-A.
26: Berthelot, Michel
27: Besserer, L.-T.
28: Bigué, Paul
33: Bolduc, Henri
38: Boudreault, Étienne
49: Campbell, Archibald
64: Childs, John
66: Cinq-Mars, Charles
67: Clapham, J. G.
80: DeFoy, C.-M.
81: De Léry, William
83: Deschenaux, P.-L.
89: Dugal, Charles
104: Fraser, Alexander
116: Glackmeyer, Edward
138: Hunt, Joseph
145: Jones, John
147: Laforce, Pierre
171: Lee, Thomas
172: Lefebvre, F.-X.
178: Lelièvre, Roger
179: Lelièvre, Siméon
188: Lindsay, E. B.
197: McPherson, L. T.
205: Panet, J.-A.
208: Panet, Louis
212: Parent, A.-Archange
213: Parent, A.-Ambroise
228: Planté, C.-D.
230: Planté, J.-B.
253: Scott, W. F.
255: Sirois-Duplessis, A.-B.
256: Stewart, Charles
261: Tessier, Michel
262: Têtu, Félix
267: Vaillancourt, F.-X.
284: Voyer, Charles
285: Voyer, Jacques
2: Montmagny
6: Boisseau, I.-G.
7: Boisseau, N.-G.
12: Fraser, Simon
21: Larue, Abraham
24: Fournier, P.-C.
26: Létourneau, J.-C.
28: Michaud, Thadée
34: Pelletier, S.-N.
35: Piuze, Rémi
48: Verreau, G.-A.
3: Kamouraska
7: Boisseau, N.-G.
8: Bernier, Ignace
11: Cazes, Louis
17: Dionne, Augustin
4: Saguenay
9: Gauvreau, C.-H.
E: Pouvoir exécutif
4: Secrétariat provincial
17: Justice
6–52: Événements de 1837–38
18: Registraire
21: Terres et forêts
73–75: Biens des jésuites, administration
297: Demandes de terres des miliciens
356: Arpenteur général
1863, 1870, 1873, 1877–78:
Administration des terres publiques
P: Fonds et collections privées
34: Chandler, famille
40: Chaussegros de Léry, famille
52: Couillard Després, Azarie
68: Duvernay, Ludger
69: Fabre, É.-R.
78: Fisher, J. C.
92: Girouard, J.-J.
98: Gugy, famille
144: Bédard, Elzéar
184: Banque de Québec
192: Neilson, famille
193: Neilson, imprimerie
222: Quesnel, Jules
239: Roy, P.-G.
240: Seigneuries
289: Salaberry, famille de
294: Stuart, famille
313: Allsopp, George
319: Sewell, famille
362: Rastel de Rocheblave, famille
365: Hart, famille
386: Chaussegros de Léry, famille
398: Baillairgé, François
409: Desrivières, famille
417: Papineau, famille
418: Bourassa, Napoléon, famille
600: Collection initiale
4: Cartes et plans
668: Richardson, A. J. H.
P1000: Petits fonds
2-26: Allsopp, G. W.
2-34: Amiot, Laurent
8-124: Beaudry, P.-J.
11-184: Berthelot, Amable
14-255: Bouchette, Joseph
43-833: O’Sullivan, Michael
48-931: Hale, famille
49-976: Hindenlang, Charles
51-1006: Huot, H.-S.
55-1054: Kerr, James
65-1291: Lévesque, Guillaume
66-1317: Lorimier, Chevalier de
79-1623: Perrault, J.-F.
87-1806: Robitaille, L.-A.
90-1863: Ryland, H. W.
102-2057: Vassal de Monviel, famille
105-2105: Wood, Robert
T: Pouvoir judiciaire
6-1: Cour de justice, Régime britannique
11-1: Cour supérieure
11-301: Cour supérieure, registre des jugements
11-302: Cour du banc du roi, registre des jugements
Z: Copies de documents conservés en dehors des ANQ
Q: Québec (en dehors des ANQ)
6: État civil, Catholiques
45: Saint-François-d’Assise (Beauceville)
300076: Index des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures des protestants de la région de Québec, c. 1790–1815
(ANQ-SLSJ), Chicoutimi
The following collection was used in volume VII:
P: Fonds et collections privées
2: Tremblay, Victor
ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. A Guide to the holdings of the Archives of Ontario, ed. B. L. Craig and R. W. Ramsey (2v., Toronto, 1985), is supplemented in the archives by unpublished finding aids, some of which are also available on microfiche.
Materials used in volume VII include:
Canada Company records
Hiram Walker Historical Museum collection
Land record index
Map Collection
MS: Microfilm Series
4: Robinson, Sir John Beverley
6: Crookshank–Lambert letters
12: Robinson, Peter
35: Strachan, John
74: Merritt, William Hamilton
75: Russell family
78: Macaulay family
88: Baldwin family
94: Norton, John
106: Chisholm family
107: Church records collection, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Williamstown, Ont.)
118: Nelles, William
148: Flamborough West manuscript collection
186: Cartwright family papers, John Solomon Cartwright and Robert Cartwright letters
198: Reive, W. G., collection
296: Jones, William
302: Bates family
393: Baird papers
451: Cemetery records collection
498: Baby, Jacques Duperon
500: Street, Samuel and Thomas
502: Nelles, Abraham
503: Nelles, Robert, papers
516: Mackenzie–Lindsey papers, Mackenzie correspondence
517: Simcoe, John Graves, papers,
Canadian section
519: Stone, Joel
520: Jones, Solomon
524: Robinson, Peter
526: Berczy, William von Moll
537: Ridout papers
552: Bell, William
709: Macdonell, Alexander
787: Jarvis–Powell papers
MU: Manuscript Units
275: Blanchard, Harry D.
281: Bonnycastle, Richard H.
500–15: Cartwright family
572: Clark, Duncan
593–692: Commercial records collection
837: Dent, Charles R.
838–66: Diaries
875–77: Dickson, William
934–44: Douglas, H. Townley, collection
1054: Ford family
1057: Foster, Colley Lyons Lucas
1113–15: Galt, John
1116–39: Genealogies collection
1147: Gowan, James R. and Ogle
1197–284: Hamilton Brothers records and Hawkesbury Lumber Company records
1364–65: Henry, Margaret Dodds Snell, collection
1375–81: Hodgins, John George
1532–37: Jarvis–Powell papers
1726: Hamilton, Alexander
1760: McDonald, Colin and John
1780: Macdonell, John “Le Pretre”
1817–910: Mackenzie–Lindsey papers, Mackenzie newspaper clipping collection
1915–17: Mackenzie–Lindsey papers, Robert Randall records
1966–73: McMartin, Alexander
2005–12: Marriage records collection
2031–83: Military records collection
2095–147: Miscellaneous collection
2196–205: Northwest Company collection
2316: Peters, Samuel
2319–20: Pilkington estate papers
2366: Radcliffe family
2380: Rebellion of 1837
2383–84: Reid, William, collection
2388–89: Riddell family
2554–55: Rousseau family
2577: Rebellion of 1837–38 scrapbook
2601: Scrapbooks
2813–22: Small–Gowan papers
2828–31: Smith, Frederick Peter
2883: Steele, John
3054: United Empire Loyalist miscellaneous materials
3074–75: Wade family letters
3155–88: Yonge Mills records
3289: Shirreff, Charles, family
3296: Nelles, Henry William
4734: Thorne, Benjamin
4736–53: Jackes papers
4756: Miscellaneous records
RG 1: Ministry of Natural Resources
A: Office of surveyor general, commissioner of crown lands, and minister
I: Correspondence
1: Letters received, surveyor general
2: Surveyor general’s letter-books
4: Commissioner’s letter-books
6: Letters received, surveyor general and commissioner
7: Subject files
II: Reports and statements
1: Surveyor general’s reports
2: Commissioner’s reports
5: Heir and Devisee Commission reports
IV: Schedules and land rolls
VII: Miscellaneous records
B: Financial Services Branch
IV: Survey accounts
C: Lands Branch
I: Land grants
3: Fiats and warrants
4: Location
9: Miscellaneous records
IV: Township papers
CB: Surveys and Mapping Branch
1: Survey diaries and field notes
RG 4: Ministry of the Attorney General
32: Central registry, criminal and civil files
RG 8: Records of the provincial secretary
I-1: Main office
P: Pre-confederation correspondence
RG 21: Municipal records
RG 22: Court records
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace Brockville (Leeds and Grenville)
ser.12: Minutes
ser.17: Road and bridge records
ser.18: Tavern and shop licensing records
Toronto (York)
ser.94: Minutes
ser.96: Filings
Court of King’s Bench
ser.125: Term-books
ser.131: Judgement docket-books
ser.138: Criminal filings
Court of Probate
ser.155: Estate files
Surrogate courts
Brockville (Leeds and Grenville)
ser.176: Registers
Cobourg (Northumberland and Durham)
ser.187: Registers
Cornwall (Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry)
ser.l94: Registers
Hamilton (Wentworth)
ser.204: Registers
ser.205: Estate files
Kingston (Frontenac)
ser.159: Estate files
Ottawa (Carleton)
ser.224: Registers
St Catharines (Niagara North)
ser.234: Registers
ser.235: Estate files
Toronto (York)
ser.302: Registers
ser.305: Estate files
RG 40: Heir and Devisee Commission
D: Claims case files
1: Second commission
RG 53: Recording Office
Records of land
ser.2: Index to land patents by district
ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. The most noteworthy holdings of parish archives in Quebec are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, copies of which are deposited at the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located [see Québec, Ministère de la Justice]. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account-books, records of the fabriques, registers of parish confraternities, notebooks of sermons, and sometimes correspondence.
Series cited in volume VII:
Collection Gagnon
Fonds Ægidius Fauteux
Fonds baronnie de Longueuil
Fonds Jules Quesnel
The following collection was used in volume VII:
RG 1: City Council
B: Papers
HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Special Collections Department, Hamilton, Ont.
Archives files, clipping files, scrapbooks, and other materials were used in the preparation of volume VII.
McCORDMUSEUM, Montreal. For information on this and other archival collections at McGill University, see Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Series cited in volume VII:
M13630: Bridge, Samuel Southby
M19110, M19113–15: Molson, Thomas, diaries
M19117: Molson, Thomas, licence
M 19124: Molson, Thomas, diary
M20483: Hale, Edward
M21228: Molson family
M21359: Hart family
M21411: McCord family
M21413: Brothers-in-Law Society of Montreal
M21585: Morris and Felton family
M21968: Pozer family
McGILL UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Montreal. Information on the various collections is available in Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Series cited in volume VII:
Private archives
MG 1007: McGill, James
MG 3080: Skakel, Alexander
Archival records of McGill University
RG 4: Secretariat of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning and the Board of Governors
RG 38: Faculty of Medicine
RG 96: Montreal General Hospital
McGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, DEPARTMENT OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Montreal. For information on archival collections at McGill University, see Guide to archival resources at McGill University, ed. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985).
Collections cited in volume VII include:
CH10.S46: Ryland, H. W.
CH16.S52: Molson, William
CH21.S57: McKenzie, Roderick
CH23.S59: McKenzie, Roderick
CH27.S63: McKenzie, Roderick
CH149.S19: MacTavish, Frobisher & Co.; McTavish, McGillivrays & Co.
CH171.S153: McKenzie, Roderick
CH173.S155: MacKenzie, James
CH175.S175: McKenzie, Roderick
CH177.S159: MacKenzie, James
CH202.S180: Christie, A. J.
CH293.S253: Comité canadien
CH330.S290: Molson, William
MS430: Blackwood, Thomas
MS433: Frobisher, Joseph
MS435: McGill, James
MS439: de Léry Macdonald papers
MARITIME HISTORY ARCHIVE, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s. For information on the collections held at the archive see Preliminary inventory of records held at the Maritime History Group, comp. Roberta Thomas under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s, 1978]); Check list of research studies pertaining to the history of Newfoundland in the archives of the Maritime History Group (7th ed., [St John’s], 1984); and An index to the name files . . . , comp. Gert Crosbie under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s], 1981). Various other indexes to individual collections at the archive are also available.
Materials cited in volume VII include items in the name file collection, consisting of some 20,000 files, arranged by surname, concerning anyone connected in any way with the Newfoundland trade or fisheries between 1640 and 1850. The files are compiled from a wide range of sources, and each entry includes a reference to the original source.
METROPOLITAN TORONTO REFERENCE LIBRARY. For information on the library’s manuscript holdings, see Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954).
Manuscripts consulted for volume VII include:
William Allan papers
Robert Baldwin papers
William Warren Baldwin papers
John Elmsley letter-book
James Givins papers
Samuel Peters Jarvis papers
William Dummer Powell papers
Laurent Quetton de St George papers
Peter Russell papers
Sir David William Smith papers
Alexander Wood papers
National Archives of Canada (referred to elsewhere in volume VII under its official name until 1987, Public Archives of Canada) has published guides to its holdings in the various divisions, including General guide series 1983, Federal Archives Division, comp. Terry Cook and Glenn T. Wright (1983), and General guide series 1983, Manuscript Division, comp. [E.] Grace [Maurice] Hyam and Jean-Marie LeBlanc (1984) .
The following inventories to materials in the Manuscript Division and in the Government Archives Division (formerly the Federal Archives Division) which were used in the preparation of volume VII have been published:
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 1, MG 1–MG 10 (1971)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 2, MG 11–MG 16 (1976)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 3, MG 17–MG 21 (1974)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 4, MG 22–MG 25 (1972)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 5, MG 26–MG 27 (1972)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 7, MG 29 (1975)
General inventory, manuscripts, volume 8, MG 30 (1977)
General inventory series, no.1: records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10), comp. Peter Gillis et al. (1975)
General inventory series, no.6: records of Statistics Canada (RG 31), comp. Sandra G. Wright and Thomas A. Hillman (1977)
General inventory series, no.8: records of the Department of Public Works (RG 11), comp. B. Hallett (1977)
General inventory series: records of the Department of Railways and Canals (RG 43), comp. Glenn T. Wright (1986)
An older series of inventories has been essentially superseded by unpublished inventories available at the National Archives of Canada, but the following are still of some limited use:
Record group 1, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867 (1953)
Record group 4, Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867; Record group 5, Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953)
Record group 7, Governor General’s Office (1953)
Record group 8, British military and naval records (1954)
Record group 9, Department of Militia and Defence, 1776–1922 ([1957])
Also useful are Census returns, 1666–1881, Public Archives of Canada (1982) and Checklist of parish
registers, 1986 (4th ed., 1987). The holdings of the Cartographic and Architectural Archives Division (formerly the National Map Collection) are listed in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (16v., Boston, 1976).
The National Archives of Canada publishes the Union list of MSS [see section iii], which lists holdings of the Government Archives and Manuscript divisions. It has also issued a Guide to Canadian photographic archives, ed. Christopher Seifried (1984). Addenda to published inventories, unpublished inventories of manuscript and record groups, and finding aids to individual collections are available at the National Archives of Canada, which also makes available a large number of finding aids on microfiche.
The following collections were cited in volume VII:
MG 5: Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Paris
B: Mémoires et documents
2: Angleterre
MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècles)
F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux
74: Saint-François du Lac
99: McGinnis papers
G: Archives paroissiales
14: Illinois (église catholique)
67: Shearith Israel congregation, Jewish, Montreal
MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records
A: New Brunswick
10: Reports on archives and local records
D: Ontario
4: Department of Lands and Forests
7: Church records
40: Ontario cemetery recordings
MG 11: Colonial Office, London
[CO 42]. Q series. The Q transcripts were prepared by the PAC before the PRO reorganization of 1908–10 and include most of what is now in CO 42 up to the year 1841, plus material now found in CO 43, as well as items from other series. Most of the documents for the period covered by volume VII are calendared in PAC Report, 1890–93, 1896–1902, 1941–45 .
[CO 188]. New Brunswick A. Transcripts in the New Brunswick A series, a composite series prepared by the PAC, are virtually identical to the documents in CO 188 series for the period after 1802.
[CO 217]. Nova Scotia A and Cape Breton A.
From 1802 the transcripts in the Cape
Breton A series cited in volume VII are from PRO, CO 217, and they have been calendared in PAC Report, 1895.
MG 17: Ecclesiastical archives
A: Roman Catholic Church
7-2: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montréal
MG 19: Fur trade and Indians
A: Fur trade, general
2: Ermatinger estate
3: Askin family
12: La Mothe, famille
16: Quesnel, Jules-Maurice
21: Hargrave family
23: MacLeod, John
35: McGillivray, Simon
38: Newton, William Henry
B: Fur trade, companies and associations
1: North West Company
3: Beaver Club
D: Fur trade, post records and journals
5: Fort Chicoutimi
E: Red River settlement
1: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of
2: Red River settlement
4: Macdonell, Miles
5: Bulger, Andrew
F: Indians
1: Claus family
2: Johnson family
6: Brant family
MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers
A: British statesmen
2: Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of
B: American revolution
35: Berthelot, Amable
C: Nova Scotia
6: Inglis family
10: Sigogne, Jean-Mandé
D: New Brunswick
1: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr
2: Winslow, Edward
9: New England Company
E: Prince Edward Island
5: Fanning, Edmund
GI: Quebec and Lower Canada: government
3: Chisholme, David
GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures
10: Sewell, Jonathan, and family
14: Smith, William
18: Hale, John, and family
19: Monk, James, and family
GIII: Quebec and Lower Canada: merchants and settlers
1: Allsopp, George, and family
3: Ruiter (Ruyter) family
GV: Quebec and Lower Canada: miscellaneous
1: Boisseau, Nicolas-Gaspard
HI: Upper Canada: political figures
1: Simcoe, John Graves
3: Jarvis, William, and family
4: Powell, William Dummer, and family
5: White, John
8: Murray, George W.
HII: Upper Canada: merchants and settlers
6: Berczy, William von Moll
MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers
A: British officials and political figures
2: Ellice, Edward, and family
3: Douglas, Sir Howard, and family
5: Swayne, Hugh
6: Hunter, Peter
7: Milnes, Sir Robert Shore
12: Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 9th Earl of
13: Bagot, Sir Charles
15: Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of
17: Harvey, Sir John
19: Roebuck, John Arthur
21: Campbell, Sir Archibald
25: Head, Sir Francis Bond, and family
26: Buller, Charles
27: Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl of
30: Sydenham, Charles Edward Poulett Thomson, Baron
33: Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Baron
40: Colborne, Sir John, 1st Baron Seaton
43: Aylmer, Matthew Whitworth-Aylmer, 5th Baron,
and family
64: Burton, Sir Francis Nathaniel
B: North American political figures and events
1: Neilson collection
2: Papineau, famille
3: Ryland, Herman Witsius, and family
4: Young family
6: Viger, Denis-Benjamin
7: Jones, Charles
8: Morris, William
10: Dunn, Thomas
11: Baldwin, William Warren and Robert
12: Stuart, Sir James
14: La Fontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte
16: Cochran, Andrew Wilson
18: Mackenzie, William Lyon
28: Kimber, Joseph-René
29: Howe, Joseph
34: Nelson, Wolfred
36: Walcott, Stephen
37: Perrault, Charles-Ovide et Louis
39: Brien, Jean- Baptiste-Henri
46: Cherrier, Côme-Séraphin
78: Gagnon, Lucien
126: Quesnel, Frédéric-Auguste
127: Fabre, Édouard-Raymond
130: Clark(e), Thomas, and family
133: Wright, Charles
141: Hoyle, Robert
143: Hindenlang, Charles
147: Caldwell, William
167: Kerr, James, and family
C: Correspondents of political figures
3: Duvernay, Ludger
4: Thompson, John Sparrow
7: Pothier, Jean-Baptiste-Toussaint
11: Brown, Thomas Storrow
12: Benson, Alicia
37: McMartin, Alexander
D: Industry, commerce, and finance
4: Goring, Francis
7: Hamilton, George
8: Wright, Philemon, and family
12: Dorwin, Jedediah Hubbell
16: Buchanan, Isaac, and family
18: Whyte, James Matthew
19: Ward papers
45: Hamilton, James
48: Hunt, James
61: Campbell, Archibald M.
84: Bayley, H. C.
99: Birnie, George and Alexander
108: Nelles, Robert
E: Transportation
1: Merritt papers
F: Military and naval figures
29: Communications and settlement
66: Barrie, Robert
71: Warre, Sir Henry James
73: Durnford, Elias Walker
G: Militia
5: Vassal de Monviel, François
45: Salaberry, famille de
46: Burwell, Mahlon, and family
H: Exploration, travel, and surveys
64: Tiarks, Johann Ludwig
I: Immigration, land, and settlement
4: Galt, John
8: Macdonell of Collachie family
9: Hill collection
26: Hamilton, Alexander
46: Canada Company
102: Christie, Alexander James, and family
109: Séguin, François-Hyacinthe
110: Fussey, William
J: Religious figures
1: Strachan, John
13: Macdonell, Alexander
15: Paquin, Jacques
40: Barnley, George
K: Education and cultural development
2: Coventry, George
13: Société d’éducation de la ville de Trois-Rivières
L: Miscellaneous
3: Baby collection
6: Delancey–Robinson collection
MG 25: Genealogy
62: Kipling collection
321: Porteous family
MG 26: Papers of the prime ministers
A: Macdonald, Sir John Alexander
MG 27: Political figures, 1867–1950
I: 1867–96
E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate 30: Ferguson collection
MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies
III: Business establishments
18: Robin, Jones and Whitman Limited
44: Montreal Board of Trade
57: Molson archives
MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts
B: Scientific
15: Bell, Robert
D: Cultural
61: Morgan, Henry James
106: Woodburn, Alexander Smith
MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century
C: Social
20: Gaudet, Placide
D: Cultural
1: Audet, Francis-Joseph
56: Leymarie, A.-Léo
E: Professional and public life
78: Willis–O’Connor family
MG 44: Great Britain, General Post Office
MG 53: Lawrence Montague Lande Collection
MG 55: Miscellaneous documents
RG 1: Executive Council: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada, 1764–1867
E: State records
1: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: Executive Council, minute-books (on state matters)
2: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: Executive Council, draft minutes and reports
3: Upper Canada: Executive Council, submissions on state matters
11: Oaths of allegiance and of office
14: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: clerk of the Executive Council Office, records of the clerk
L: Land records
1: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada,
Canada: Executive Council, minute-books (on land matters)
3: Upper Canada and Canada: Land Committee, petitions for land grants and leases
3L: Quebec and Lower Canada: Land Committee, land petitions and related records
6: Departmental records B: Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: surveyor general
7: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada: miscellaneous records
RG 4: Provincial and Civil secretaries’ offices:
Quebec, Lower Canada, Canada East
A 1: Quebec and Lower Canada: S series (correspondence received)
A2: Lower Canada: civil secretary, draft correspondence
A3: Quebec and Lower Canada: civil secretary and clerk of the Executive Council, registers and day-books
B8: Quebec and Lower Canada: applications for commissions to act as notaries and advocates
B20: Quebec, Lower Canada, Canada East: applications for pardons or clemency
B28: Quebec, Lower Canada, Canada East: applications for licences, bonds, and certificates
B32: Quebec, Quebec: shipping returns for the port of
B37: Lower Canada and Canada East: rebellion records
B45: Lower Canada: declarations of aliens
B46: Lower Canada: commission of inquiry into the Red River disturbances
B53: Lower Canada and Canada East: commissions relating to seigneurial tenure
B58: Quebec, Lower Canada, Canada East: customs, records relating to
B72: Lower Canada and Canada East: clerk of the crown in chancery, election records
C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence, 1841–67
2: Quebec, Lower Canada, Canada East: provincial secretary’s letter-books
RG 5: Provincial and Civil secretaries’ offices:
Upper Canada, Canada West
A 1: Upper Canada sundries: correspondence of the civil and provincial secretaries
B5: Upper Canada and Canada West: commissions and letters patent
B7: Upper Canada and Canada West: applications for appointments to public office
B9: Upper Canada and Canada West: bonds,
certificates, and applications for licences
B25: Upper Canada and Canada West: clerk of the crown in chancery, election records
B36: London District, U.C.: records relating to the treason hearings by the magistrates of the
B37: London District, U.C.: militia general courts martial
C: Canada West: Provincial Secretary’s Office
1: Numbered correspondence files
2: Letter-books
RG 7: Canada: Governor General’s Office
G1: Dispatches from the Colonial Office
G2: Dispatches from the Colonial Office
G3: Secret and confidential dispatches from the Colonial
G 14: Miscellaneous records
G 15C: Civil secretary’s letter-books
G 16C: Upper Canada: civil secretary’s letter-books
G 17A: Governor General’s Office, governor general’s internal letter-books, Canada
G 17C: Governor General’s Office, civil secretary’s letter-books,
RG 8: British military and naval records
I: C series (British military records)
II: Ordnance records
III: Admiralty records
IV: Vice-Admiralty Court records, Halifax
RG 9: Militia and defence
I: Pre-confederation records
A: Adjutant General’s Office, Lower Canada
1: Correspondence
3: General orders
5: Registers of officers
B: Adjutant General’s Office, Upper Canada
1: Correspondence
3: Militia: general orders
4: Pensions and land grants
5: Registers of officers
7: Nominal rolls and paylists
8: Special records
RG 10: Indian affairs
A: Administrative records of the imperial government
1: Records of the governor general and lieutenant governors
1–7: Upper Canada, civil control
120–23: Petitions
2: Records of the Superintendent’s Office
26–46: Deputy Superintendent General’s Office, correspondence
3: Records of the military
488–97: Military Secretary’s Office, Montreal
4: Records of the Chief Superintendent’s Office, Upper Canada
47–77: Correspondence
124–39, 739, 748, 751: Jarvis correspondence
498–509, 749: Letter-books
6: General office files
625–27: Miscellaneous files
629–48: Accounts
718–19: Macaulay report
B: Ministerial administration records
3: Central registry system
1855–3554: Red (Eastern) series
8: General headquarters administration records
628, 782: Governor General’s Office
737, 766–68A: G. M. Matheson, notes and indices
10017–31: Blue books
C: Field Office records
I: Superintendency records
2: Western (Sarnia) Superintendency
569–71: Letter-books
6: Six Nations (Grand River) Superintendency
803–93: Correspondence
11: Agency records
469–70: New Brunswick northeast agency: general administration records
D: Indian land records
3: Six Nations (Grand River) Superintendency
103–13: Grand River claims
RG 11: Department of Public Works
A: Board of Works records
1: Official correspondence
40–77, 148: Correspondence in subject files
2: Registers and indexes
93–95: Subject registers
96–100: Registers of letters received
110: Register of appointments
3: Minutes, letter-books, and reports
112–15: Minutes of meetings
116–31: Letter-books
132: Letter-book of the secretary of the Board of Works
136–40: Reports
RG 14: Records of parliament, 1791–1867
A: Lower Canada
1: Legislative Council, minutes,
addresses, and petitions
3: Legislative Assembly, journals
RG 16: Department of National Revenue
A: Customs, excise, and inland revenue
1: Correspondence and returns
RG 19: Department of Finance
E: Departmental correspondence
5(a): Board of claims for War of 1812 losses
5(b): Loyalist victualling list, Upper Canada
RG 30: Canadian National Railways
274–81: Montreal and Lachine Railroad
RG 31: Statistics Canada
C: Census field
1: Census returns
RG 37: National Archives of Canada
A: General correspondence, subject files
RG 42: Marine Branch
E: Ship registration
1: Shipping registers
RG 43: Department of Railways and Canals
C: Canal records
II: Trent Canal
1: Commission records
V: St Lawrence canals
1: Commission for Improving the Navigation on the River St Lawrence
RG 68: Registrar general
NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John, N.B. For a description of its holdings see New Brunswick Museum, Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 ([Saint John, 1967]).
The following are the principal collections used in volume VII:
Bank of New Brunswick, ledger, 1828–38
Files of miscellaneous original and photocopied documents relating to New Brunswick, designated
A (original record books), cb doc (vertical files),
F (folders), and SB (scrapbooks)
William Francis Ganong papers
Jarvis family papers
New Brunswick Historical Society papers
Saint John, “A register of voters for the purposes of the elections of mayor, aldermen, councillors, and constables, of the city of Saint John: prepared from the records of the city freemen . . . ,” 1785–1869
Ward family papers
John Clarence Webster papers
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MUSEUM AND HERITAGE FOUNDATION, Charlottetown. Various files were consulted in the preparation of volume VII for biographical and genealogical data on Island residents. In addition the following item was cited:
“Charlottetown manuscript” (n.d.)
PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Victoria. In 1975 the archives began a new cataloguing system for its manuscript holdings. Manuscripts catalogued since then have been assigned Additional manuscript (Add. mss) numbers. Manuscripts catalogued under the old system are gradually being
converted to the new one and given Add. mss numbers.
Materials cited in volume VII include the following:
Add. mss 345: Gertrude A. Rhodes papers, documents relating to the Red River settlement
Add. mss 635: Donald Ross collection
Add. mss 1249: Malcolm McLeod collection
E/E/St8: Louisa Mure, “Recollections of by-gone days” (1883)
M/St8: James Charles Stuart Strange, miscellaneous material
PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg. For information on the collections see its Preliminary inventory, 1955(Winnipeg, [1955]).
The following materials were used in the preparation of volume VII:
MG 1: Indians, exploration and fur trade
D: Fur trade, individuals
5: MacLeod, John
MG 2: Red River settlement
C: Individuals and settlement
23: Logan, Robert
38: Garrioch, Peter
MG 7: Church records and religious figures
D: Roman Catholic
13: Belleau collection
P337: Archives of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land
P2543: Lawson, Elsie J., collection
Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. The PRO and the PAC hold microfilm copies of the archives’ records for the years 1670 to 1870, and are acquiring the microfilm for the period 1871–1904 as it is produced. For more information concerning the copies held at the PAC and the finding aids available, see General inventory, manuscripts, 3. The articles by R. H. G. Leveson Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December 1933): 40–42, 64, and Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970): 65–70, provide useful information to researchers. For series of HBCA documents published by the HBRS, see section ii.
Section A: London office records
A.1/: London minute-books
A.5/: London correspondence books outward – general
A.6/: London correspondence books outward – HBC official
A.8/: London correspondence with her majesty’s government
A.10/: London inward correspondence – general
A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories
A.30/: Lists of servants
A.31/: Lists of commissioned officers
A.32/: Servants’ contracts
A.33/: Commissioned officers’ indentures and agreements
A.34/: Servants’ characters and staff records
A.36/: Officers’ and servants’ wills
A.38/: Legal cases
A.44/: Register book of wills and administrations of proprietors, etc.
Section B: North America trading post records
B.3/a: Albany journals
B.3/b: Albany correspondence books
B.4/b: Fort Alexander correspondence books
B.8/a: Fort Assiniboine journals
B.22/a: Brandon House journals
B.32/a: Chatham House journals
B.39/a: Fort Chipewyan journals
B.39/b: Fort Chipewyan correspondence books
B.39/e: Fort Chipewyan reports on districts
B.42/a: Fort Churchill journals
B.49/a: Cumberland House journals
B.49/e: Cumberland House reports on districts
B.51/a: Fort Dauphin journals
B.85/a: Fort Halkett journals
B.94/a: Jasper House journals
B.115/a: Lesser Slave Lake journals
B.119/a: McLeod Lake journals
B.135/a: Moose Factory journals
B.135/c: Moose Factory correspondence inward
B.135/k: Moose Factory minutes of council
B.141/a: Nelson House journals
B.141/e: Nelson House reports on districts
B.149/a: Nipigon House journals
B.159/a: Fort Pelly journals
B.170/c: Quebec correspondence inward
B.177/a: Red Lake journals
B.179/a: Reindeer Lake journals
B.188/a: Fort St James journals
B.188/b: Fort St James correspondence books
B.188/e: Fort St James reports on districts
B.198/a: Severn House journals
B.198/b: Severn House correspondence books
B.200/a: Fort Simpson journals
B.200/b: Fort Simpson correspondence books
B.200/d: Fort Simpson account-books
B.200/e: Fort Simpson reports on districts
B.235/a: Winnipeg journals
B.235/c: Winnipeg correspondence inward
B.235/d: Winnipeg account-books
B.239/a: York Factory journals
B.239/b: York Factory correspondence books
B.239/c: York Factory correspondence inward
B.239/d: York Factory account-books
B.239/g: York Factory abstracts of servants’ accounts
B.239/k: York Factory minutes of council
B.239/x: York Factory servants’ ledgers
B.239/z: York Factory miscellaneous items
Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC
C.1: Ships’ logs
Section D: Governors’ papers
D.1/: William Williams
D.4/: George Simpson outward correspondence books
D.5/:George Simpson correspondence inward
Section E: Miscellaneous records
E.4/: Red River settlement, register of baptisms, marriages, and burials
E.5/: Red River settlement, census returns
E.6/: Red River settlement, land registers and records
E.8/: Red River settlement, papers relating to the disturbances
E.10/: Colin Robertson records
E.11/: Nicholas Garry records
E.20/: Papers relating to king’s posts
E.24/: John Stuart records
Section F: Records of allied and subsidiary companies
F.1/: North West Company minute-books
F.2/: North West Company post journal
F.3/: North West Company correspondence
F.4/: North West Company account-books
F.5/: North West Company servants’ contracts
F.6/: North West Company and North West Company Partners’ Trust deeds and agreements
F.7/: North West Company and North West Company Partners’ Trust legal opinions and legal cases
PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. For information on the manuscript holdings, A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. C. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977), is useful, although the classification system used when it was published has since been revised.
Materials used in the preparation of volume VII include:
MC 1: Family history collection
216: Kathleen Williston collection
239: Coy family papers
288: New Brunswick Barristers’ Society collection
300: York-Sunbury Historical Society collection
1156: Graves papers
1316: John Russell Harper collection
RG 1: Records of the lieutenant governors and administrators
RS330: Thomas Carleton
RS333: Martin Hunter
RS336: George Stracey Smyth
RS345: William Colebrooke
RG 2: Records of the central executive
RS6: Minutes and orders-in-council of the Executive Council
RS7: Executive Council records, Ottawa series.
An artificial series available on microfilm at the PANB and at PAC, MG 9, A1. An outline of the contents is available in PAC, General inventory, manuscripts, 1; the original documents are in the possession of the PANB but have been reorganized.
RS8: Executive Council records, New Brunswick series. An artificial series available on microfilm. The PANB holds the original documents but they have been extensively reorganized.
RG 3: Records of the provincial secretary
RS13: Departmental correspondence
RS266: Population returns and statistics, Saint John County
RS307: Administration of state oaths
RS538: Appointments and commissions
RS561: Administration of roads
RG 4: Records of the New Brunswick General Assembly
RS24: Legislative Assembly sessional records. The PANB has prepared a calendar for the years 1786 to 1832: “A new calendar of the papers of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick,” comp. R. P. Nason et al. (3v., typescript, Fredericton, 1975–77).
RG 5: Records of the superior courts
RS42: Supreme Court records: original jurisdiction
RG 7: Records of the probate courts
RS64: Gloucester County
RS66: Kings County
RS69: Queens County
RS70: Restigouche County
RS71: Saint John County
RS74: Westmorland County
RS75: York County
RG 10: Records of the Department of Natural Resources
RS108: Land petitions
RS663: Timber and sawmill petitions
RG 11: Records of the Department of Education
RS657: College of New Brunswick
RG 18: Records of the Department of Municipal Affairs
RS 153: Northumberland County Council records
RS 157: Sunbury County Council records
RS 159: Westmorland County Council records
LABRADOR, St John’s. For information on the collec-
tions see Preliminary inventory of the holdings . . . and Supplement . . . (2nos., St John’s, 1970–74).
The following materials are cited in volume VII:
GN: Government records – Newfoundland
GN 2: Department of the Colonial Secretary
1: Letter-books, outgoing correspondence
2: Incoming correspondence
GN 5: Court records
1: Surrogate Court
2: Supreme Court
GN 16: Department of the surveyor general
1: Register of rents
P: Private records
P1: Governors’ private papers
5: Duckworth papers
P3: Pre-1855 papers
B: Mercantile
14: Richard Fogarty collection, Waterford, [Republic of Ireland]
P7: Businesses
A: Fishing related
18: Ryan & Morris collection, Burin
P8: Benevolent organizations
A: Churches
11: Congregational Church
PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. For a description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1976) .
Materials used in the preparation of volume VII include:
MG 1: Papers of families and individuals
11: William Bruce Almon diary
18–83: Mather Byles Almon business papers
88: Archibald family correspondence
89: Samuel G. W. Archibald correspondence
109–24: Winthrop P. Bell documents
160A: William M. Brown genealogy
165: John Cameron diary
181–218: Chipman family documents
253: Copy of thesis concerning Lord Dalhousie’s administration in Canada
262B: Dodd family documents
334: Brenton Halliburton papers
479–80: Charles Inglis documents
550–58: Thomas McCulloch documents
733A: Isabella Owen, notes from scrapbooks
742–44: George Patterson documents
793: Simon B. Robie documents
817–63: Thomas B. Smith collection
947–62: White family documents
979–80: Peleg Wiswall documents
1489: T. N. Jeffery family documents
1595–613: Bliss family papers
1619–50: Charles St C. Stayner collection
1693: Haliburton family papers
1845: C. B. Fergusson papers
MG 2: Political papers
719–25: George Renny Young papers
726–30: John Young papers
731–82: William Young papers
MG 3: Business papers
154: Halifax Fire Insurance Company documents
306–17: Robert Thomson, Shelburne, business papers
1873: John and P. F. Homer, Barrington, account-book
MG 4: Churches and communities
2: St James’ Anglican Church (Bridgetown), records
MG 5: Cemeteries
MG 9: Scrap-books
MG 12: Great Britain, army
MG 15: Ethnic collections
B: Indians
C: Negroes
G: Gaelic collection
MG 20: Societies and special collections
61–70: Charitable Irish Society, Halifax
180: Halifax Poor Man’s Friend Society
670: Nova Scotia Historical Society mss
MG 100: Documents, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous items
RG 1: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records for the period 1624–1867
5–11: Transcripts relating to the government at Annapolis Royal
29–185: Documents relating to the government of Nova Scotia: dispatches, letter-books, and commission books
186–214½H: Council, minutes
219–85: Miscellaneous documents
286–300: Legislative Council, selections from the files
301–14: Legislative Assembly, selections from the files
385–87: Correspondence between the governors of Nova Scotia and the British minister at Washington
410–17: Papers of the settlement of Halifax
419–22: Papers of negro and maroon immigrations and settlements
430–32: Indians
438–39: Schools and school lands
443–54: Census and poll tax
491–98: Records of proceedings of the Vice-Admiralty Court of Nova Scotia
525: Annotated copy of Murdoch, Hist. of N.S. [see section iv]
RG 2: Records of the governors’ and lieutenant governors’ offices
RG 4: Records of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia
LC: Petitions, reports, resolutions, and miscellaneous papers
RG 5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of
Nova Scotia
A: Assembly papers
P: Petitions
R: Reports and resolutions
RG 7: Records of the provincial secretary of Nova Scotia
RG 8: Records of the Central Board of Agriculture of Nova Scotia
RG 14: Education
RG 20: Lands and forests
A: Land grants and petitions
B: Cape Breton land papers
C: Crown lands
RG 25: Public health
C: Miscellaneous
RG 31: Treasury
102–20: Impost, excise, and revenue
RG 32: Vital statistics
132–69: Marriage bonds
RG 34: Court of General Sessions of the Peace
312: Halifax County
321: Shelburne County
RG 35A: Halifax city and county assessments
1–4: Halifax city assessments
RG 36: Court of Chancery
RG 39: Supreme Court
AP: Annapolis County
HX: Halifax County
KI: Kings County
RG 40: Court of Vice-Admiralty
Materials used in the preparation of volume VII include:
Acc. 2541: Natural History Society for Prince Edward Island
2702: Smith–Alley collection
2810: Ira Brown papers
2825: T. E. MacNutt papers
2849: Palmer family papers
2881: Peake–Brecken collection
2918: Bell papers
3466: Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation collection
RG 1: Lieutenant Governor
RG 3: House of Assembly
RG 5: Executive Council
RG 6: Courts
RG 16: Registry Office
QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE. The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires du Québec, which are under the joint jurisdiction of the courts and the Ministère de la Justice, are now separate repositories as a result of the reclassification of the former Archives judiciaires. They are deposited at the courthouses in the administrative centres of the 34 judicial districts of Quebec. A list of the judicial districts can be found in The Quebec legal directory, ed. Andrée Frenette-Lecoq (Montreal, 1980).
ARCHIVES CIVILES. These archives retain documents for the last 100 years, including registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute-books), and records of surveyors active in the district. Earlier documents are held by the ANQ.
QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES, CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION, Québec. The Ministère des Affaires culturelles has consolidated into one documentation centre the collections of all its previously existing centres, including that of the Inventaire des biens culturels.
Series cited in volume VII:
Fonds Morisset
1: Inventaire de l’art et de l’architecture
2: Dossiers des artistes et artisans
QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Kingston, Ont. For information on the collection see A guide to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives, ed. Anne MacDermaid and G. F. Henderson (2nd ed., Kingston, 1986).
In addition to various MC (Manuscript collection) materials, the following numbered collections were used in the preparation of volume VII:
2189: Robert McDowall papers
2199a: John Solomon Cartwright papers
2199c: Richard Cartwright papers
2239–40: Jones family papers
2244: Midland District School Society records
2247: Tett family papers
2254: John Kirby papers
2256: John Macaulay papers
2263: Presbyterian Church of Canada records
2270: Kirkpatrick–Nickle legal collection, Auldjo family papers
2402: William Bell papers
3077: Joel Stone papers
UNITED CHURCH ARCHIVES. The present-day United Church Archives is a descendant of 19th- and 20th-century archival collections of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical/United Brethren in Christ bodies. The Central Archives of the United Church of Canada at Victoria University, Toronto, is national in scope. Material of local interest, including the official re-
cords of the conferences concerned, is housed in regional conference archives.
Various materials were used in the preparation of volume VII, in particular the Egerton Ryerson papers.
UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARY, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.
Materials used in volume VII include:
BC-MS: Beaverbrook collection
Sir Howard Douglas letter-books
MG H: Historical
H2: Winslow family papers
H9: Lilian Mary Beckwith Maxwell papers
H11: Saunders papers
H54: Indian affairs – New Brunswick
UA: University archives
“Minute-book of the governors and trustees of the College of New Brunswick,” 1800–28
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, THOMAS FISHER RARE BOOK LIBRARY. For a description of holdings see The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: a brief guide to the collections (Toronto, 1982).
Materials used in volume VII include:
ms coll. 30: James Nevin Wallace, “Encyclopedia of the fur trade, biographical & Geographical”
ms coll. 31: William Stewart Wallace collection
ms coll. 126: James Little Baillie papers
ms coll. 140: Charles Fothergill papers
UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO LIBRARY, Regional Collection, London, Ont. A description of the municipal record and personal manuscript collections is available on microfiche in Regional Collection: the D. B. Weldon Library catalogue, ed. S. L. Sykes (4 fiches, London, 1977).
Various personal manuscript collections proved useful in the preparation of volume VII, in particular the following:
James Evans papers
ARCHIVES DÉPARTEMENTALES. For a list of analytical inventories see: France, Direction des archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937(Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–1954[by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); and Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières . . . à la date du 31 décembre 1961(Paris, 1962). For copies of documents held by the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 1: 87–99. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives.
BRITISH LIBRARY, Department, of manuscripts, London. For a brief guide to catalogues and indexes of the manuscript collections, see M. A. E. Nickson, The British Library: guide to the catalogues and indexes of the Department of Manuscripts (2nd ed., London, 1982). The Index of manuscripts in the British Library (10v., Cambridge, Eng., 1984–86) provides person and place entries for all collections acquired up to 1950. For copies of documents from the British Library in the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.
The following collections were used in the preparation of volume VII:
Add. mss 21661–892: Official correspondence and papers of Lieutenant Governor Sir Frederick Haldimand
India Office Library and Records. For information on this institution, which holds the archives of the East India Company and its successor, the India Office, see S. C. Sutton, A guide to the India Office Library, with a note on the India Office Records (London, 1967), and M. I. Moir, A general guide to the India Office Records (London, 1988). Under the jurisdiction of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office until 1982, it is now a department of the British Library’s Humanities and Social Sciences Division.
India Office Records
E: East India Company: General correspondence
E/4: Correspondence with India
H: Home miscellaneous series
L: Departmental records
L/MAR: Marine Department
O: Biographical records
P: Proceedings of the government of India and of the presidencies and provinces
GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE, London. Death records for various individuals were consulted in the preparation of volume VII.
GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND, Edinburgh. Information concerning the parish registers held by the GRO is available in Detailed list of old parochial registers of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1872). Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials for several Scottish parishes were used in the preparation of volume VII.
NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND, Department of Manuscripts, Edinburgh. Information on the manuscript collections is available in Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925 (5v. to date [1–4, 6], Edinburgh, 1938– ).
Materials used in the preparation of volume VII include:
Advocates’ manuscripts
Adv. mss 46.1.1–46.10.2: Murray papers
mss 789–802: Constable & Cadell letter- and business-books
mss 2264–505, 2568–608, 3022: Cochrane papers
mss 6660–7000: William Wilson & Son papers
mss 7638–58: United Presbyterian Church, letter-books
mss 9250–307: Dunlop papers
mss 15001–195: Ellice papers
NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, London. For information on the manuscript collections see Guide to the manuscripts in the National Maritime Museum, ed. R. J. B. Knight (2v., London, 1977–80).
The following materials have been used in the preparation of volume VII:
Personal collections
BIE: Barrie papers
MRY: Marryat papers
C. G. Pitcairn-Jones, “The commissioned sea officers of the Royal Navy, 1660–1815”
Records of business and non-governmental organizations
P& O, Personal histories
PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives see Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68). For copies of PRO documents available at the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 2.
The following series were used in the preparation of volume VII:
Accounting departments
ADM 42: Yard pay books
Admiralty and Secretariat
ADM 1: Papers
ADM 9: Returns of officers’ services
ADM 12: Indexes and compilations, series III
ADM 50: Admirals’ journals
Navy Board
ADM 106: Navy Board records Admiralty
ADM 196: Officers’ service records, series III
Board of Trade
Registrar general of shipping and seamen
BT 98: Agreements and crew lists, series I
BT 107: Ships’ registers
Colonial Office. [See R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (London, 1964).]
America and West Indies
CO 5: Original correspondence, etc.
America, British North
CO 6: Original correspondence
Australia, South
CO 13: Original correspondence
CO 15: Sessional Papers
CO 38: Entry books
CO 42: Original correspondence
CO 43: Entry books
CO 47: Miscellanea
CO 54: Original correspondence
CO 158: Original correspondence
New Brunswick
CO 188: Original correspondence
CO 189: Entry books
CO 193: Miscellanea
CO 194: Original correspondence
CO 195: Entry books
CO 197: Sessional papers
CO 199: Miscellaneous
Nova Scotia and Cape Breton
CO 217: Original correspondence
CO 218: Entry books
CO 220: Sessional papers
Prince Edward Island
CO 226: Original correspondence
CO 227: Entry books
CO 231: Miscellanea
Sierra Leone
CO 267: Original correspondence
Colonies, General
CO 323: Original correspondence
CO 324: Entry books, series I
CO 325: Miscellanea
CO 384: Original correspondence
Private collections
CO 387: Aylmer papers
CO 537: Correspondence
Exchequer and Audit Department
AO 1: Declared accounts (in rolls)
AO 12: Claims, American loyalists, series i
AO 13: Claims, American loyalists, series ii
Home Office
Channel Islands, Scotland, Ireland, etc.
HO 102: Scotland, correspondence and papers
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
PROB 11: Registered copy wills
Public Record Office
Documents acquired by gift, deposit, or purchase
PRO 30/22: Russell papers
PRO 30/55: Carleton papers
Registrar General
RG 4/965: Authenticated register, Bow Meeting House (Presbyterian), Exeter
Expired commissions, etc.
T 93: French Refugees Relief Committee War Office
WO 1: In-letters
WO 43: Selected “Very Old Series” and “Old Series” papers
WO 17: Monthly returns
WO 25: Registers, various
WO 27: Inspection returns
WO 42: Certificates of birth, etc.
WO 76: Officers’ services, records of
Ordnance Office.
WO 44: In-letters
WO 55: Miscellanea
Judge Advocate General’s Office
WO 85: Deputation books
Private collections
WO 211: Hart papers
RHODES HOUSE LIBRARY, University of Oxford. United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Archives. In 1985 the society’s archives were closed; its holdings are being transferred to Rhodes House Library. For information about materials relating to Canada, see William Westfall and Ian Pearson, “The archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and Canadian history,” Canadian Church Hist. Soc., Journal (Toronto), 25 (1983): 16–24.
Some materials, particularly in the C/CAN series, were reorganized and reclassified by the USPG after having been microfilmed by the PAC. As a result, references to microfilm copies of USPG records do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. For copies of USPG documents available at the PAC, see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.
The following collections were consulted:
C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada, 1752–1860.
Letters from the Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Toronto groupings were used.
Dr Bray’s Associates, minute-books
Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860).
SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES LIBRARY, University of London. The archival collections of several missionary societies are deposited in the library.
The following collections were used in the preparation of volume VII:
Council for World Mission Archives. The library has published a general guide to the collection: C. S.
Craig, The archives of the Council for World Mission (incorporating the London Missionary Society): an outline guide (London, 1973).
London Missionary Society
Correspondence, North America
Methodist Missionary Society Archives. Canadian material was microfilmed by the PAC in 1955, when the originals were held by the Methodist Missionary Society; see PAC, General inventory, manuscripts, 3.
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society
Correspondence, North America
SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE, Edinburgh. A comprehensive listing of materials relating to Canada is provided by the SRO’s “List of Canadian documents” (typescript, 1977, with updates to 1983), available at major Canadian archives. An appendix records Canadian documents in private archives as surveyed by the National Register of Archives (Scotland).
The following are cited in volume VII:
CE: Customs and excise
CE60: Port Glasgow and Greenock
1: Collector of customs, letter-book
GD: Gifts and deposits
GD45: Dalhousie muniments
GD51: Melville Castle muniments
GD248: Seafield muniments
GD293: Montgomery of Stanhope estate papers in the muniments of Messrs Blackwood and Smith, W. S., Peebles
DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY, Burton Historical Collection
Various materials were used in the preparation of volume VII, in particular the following:
John Askin papers
STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN, Madison. For information on the manuscript collection see Guide to the manuscripts of the Wisconsin Historical Society, ed. A. M. Smith (Madison, 1944), Supplement number one, ed. J. L. Harper and S. C. Smith (1957), and Supplement number two, ed. J. L. Harper (1966).
Various materials were used in the preparation of volume VII, in particular the Draper mss, which are discussed at length in Guide to the Draper manuscripts, ed. J. L. Harper (1983).
Rapport. 54 vols. 1920/21–1976/77. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42(1920–1964)([Québec], 1965).
Report. 22 vols. 1903–33.
The Arthur papers; being the Canadian papers, mainly confidential, private, and demi-official of Sir George Arthur, K.C.H., last lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, in the manuscript collection of the Toronto Public Libraries. Edited by Charles Rupert Sanderson. 3 vols. Toronto, 1957–59.
Les bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest: récits de voyages, lettres et rapports inédits relatifs au Nord-Ouest canadien. Louis-[François-] Rodrigue Masson, éditeur. 2 vols. Québec, 1889–90; réimprimé New York, 1960.
Appendix to the . . . journals/Appendice . . . des journaux, 1841–59. See also The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada: an index to journal appendices and sessional papers, 1841–1866, comp. P. A. Damphouse (London, Ont., 1974).
Journals/Journaux, 1841–66.
Journals/Journaux, 1841–66.
Statutes/Statuts, 1841–66. English title varies:
Provincial statutes of Canada, 1841–51; Statutes of the Province of Canada, 1852–66.
For further information on the English-language publications of the Province of Canada, see Bishop, Pubs. of government of Prov. of Canada [section III].
Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal.
Montreal. Published by the Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal. [lst ser.], 1 (1872–73)–13 (1886); 2nd ser., 1 (1889–90)–3 (1893–94); 3rd ser., 1 (1898)–13 (1916); 4th ser., 1 (1930)–4 (1933). Not published 1884, 1887–88, 1891, 1895–97, 1900, 1903–7, and 1917–29.
The Canadian north-west, its early development and legislative records; minutes of the councils of the Red River colony and the Northern Department of Rupert’s Land. Edited by Edmund Henry Oliver. (PAC publications, 9.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1914–15.
55 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series, and the unnumbered series. Issued only to elected members of the society who are limited in numbers.
13–15, 17: Select British docs. of War of 1812 (Wood).
22: Docs. relating to NWC (Wallace).
24: Hargrave, Hargrave corr. (Glazebrook).
13 vols. to date. Available for sale to the general public.
5: Town of York, 1793–1815 (Firth).
7: Valley of Six Nations (Johnston).
8: Town of York, 1815–34 (Firth).
12: Rebellion of 1837 (Read and Stagg).
The correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe, with allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada. Edited by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank. (Ontario Historical Society publication.) 5 vols. Toronto, 1923–31.
The correspondence of the Honourable Peter Russell, with allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada during the official term of Lieut.-Governor J. G. Simcoe, while on leave of absence. Edited by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank and Andrew Frederick Hunter. (Ontario Historical Society publication.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1932–36.
Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada, 1841–1867. General editor, Elizabeth Abbott [Nish]
Gibbs. 12 vols. in 28 to date. Montreal, 1970–
“Les dénombrements de Québec faits en 1792, 1795, 1798 et 1805.” Joseph-Octave Plessis, compilateur. ANQ Rapport, 1948–49: 1–250.
The documentary history of the campaign upon the
Niagara frontier. . . . Edited by Ernest [Alexander] Cruikshank. (Lundy’s Lane Historical Society publication.) 9 vols. Welland, Ont., [1896]–1908.
Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada. . . . Edited by Adam Shortt et al. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35.
[1]: 1759–1791. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 2nd edition. (PAC, Board of Historical Publications.) 2 parts. 1918.
[2]: 1791–1818. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Duncan A. McArthur.
[3]: 1819–1828. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Norah Story.
Documents relating to the North West Company. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (Champlain Society publications, 22.) Toronto, 1934.
Gentleman’s Magazine. London, 1731–1907.
HARGRAVE, [JAMES]. The Hargrave correspondence, 1821–1843. Edited with introduction and notes by George Parkin de Twenebrokes Glazebrook. (Champlain Society publications, 24.) Toronto, 1938.
33 vols. General editor for vols.l–22, Edwin Ernest Rich; vols.23–25, Kenneth Gordon Davies; vols.26–30, Glyndwr Williams; vols. 31–33, Hartwell Bowsfield. Vols.l–12 were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein; vol.13 was reprinted in Nendeln in 1979.
1: Simpson, George. Journal of occurrences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and report. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by Chester [Bailey] Martin. Toronto, 1938.
2: Robertson, Colin. Colin Robertson’s correspondence book, September 1817 to September 1822 . Edited with an introduction by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Robert Harvey Fleming. Toronto, 1939.
3: Minutes of Council, Northern Department of Rupert Land, 1821–31. Edited by Robert Harvey Fleming, with an introduction by Harold Adams Innis. Toronto, 1940.
4: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, first series, 1825–38. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1941.
6: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, second series, 1839–44. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1943.
10: Simpson, George. Part of dispatch from George Simpson, esqr, governor of Ruperts Land, to the governor & committee of the Hudson’s Bay Company, London, March 1, 1829; continued and completed March 24 and June 5, 1829. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Stewart Wallace. Toronto, 1947.
13: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journals, 1824–25 and 1825–26. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Burt Brown Barker. London, 1950.
18: [Black, Samuel]. A journal of a voyage from
Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the sources of Finlays Branch and North West Ward in summer 1824. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by R. M. Patterson. London, 1955.
19: Colvile, Eden. London correspondence inward from Eden Colvile, 1849–1852. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. London, 1956.
21–22: Rich, Hist. of HBC [see section iv].
23: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journal, 1826–27. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Dorothy O. Johansen. London, 1961.
24: Northern Quebec and Labrador journals and correspondence, 1819–35. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Glyndwr Williams. London, 1963.
28: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journals, 1827–28 and 1828–29. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, with an introduction and notes by David Eugene Miller and David H. Miller. London, 1971.
29: Simpson, George. London correspondence inward from Sir George Simpson, 1841–42 . Edited by Glyndwr Williams, with an introduction by John S. Galbraith. London, 1973. .
30: Hudson’s Bay miscellany, 1670–1870. Edited with introductions by Glyndwr Williams. Winnipeg, 1975.
The John Askin papers. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. (DPL, Burton historical records, 1–2.) 2 vols. Detroit, 1928–31.
“The journals of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada . . . [1792–1824].” AO Report, 1909, 1911–14. The journals for part of 1794 and for 1795–97, 1809, 1813, and 1815 are missing.
Transactions. [1st ser.], 1 (1824–29)–5 (1861–62); new ser., 1 (1862–63)–30 (1924).
Literary Garland. Montreal. [1st ser.], 1 (1838–39)–4 (1841–42); new ser., 1 (1842–43)–9 (1851). Subtitle varies. The Bibliographical Society of Canada has brought out An index to the “Literary Garland”(Montreal, 1838–1851),comp. Mary Markham Brown (Toronto, 1962), and has published additions and corrections in M. L. MacDonald, “An index to the ‘Literary Garland’ updated,” in its Papers (Toronto), 19 (1980): 79–83.
Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1837.
Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1837.
Journals/Journaux. Montreal, 1838–41.
Provincial statutes/Les statuts provinciaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1837.
For further information see Thériault, Les pub. parl. [section iii].
Michigan Pioneer Collections. Lansing. 40 vols. 1874/76–1929. To avoid confusion the Michigan Historical Commission, Department of State, Lansing, has standardized the citation for these volumes, which were originally published by various historical agencies and under various titles. Volumes are traditionally cited by their spine dates.
NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa (officially known as the Public Archives of Canada until 1987)
Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1759–9
(Shortt and Doughty; 1918).
NUMBERED PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]
9: Canadian north-west (Oliver).
OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]
Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1791–1818
(Doughty and McArthur).
Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1819–28
(Doughty and Story).
Report/Rapport. 1881–19. Annually, with some omissions, until 1952; irregularly thereafter. For indexes, see section iii.
Journal. Saint John, 1786–1814; Fredericton, 1816– . Title varies: Journal of the votes and proceedings; Journal and votes; Journals.
Journal. Fredericton, 1831–92. The pre-1831 journals were published as Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick . . . [1786–1830] (2v., Fredericton, 1831).
Collections. 12 nos. in 4 vols. and 22 additional nos. to date. 1894/97– . Used primarily for the documents reproduced.
Journal. St John’s, 1843–46. From 1842 to 1847 the House of Assembly and Legislative Council were amalgamated into the unicameral General Assembly. No assemblies took place in 1842 or 1847.
Journal. St John’s, 1833–1933, except for the period from 1842 to 1847 when the house was replaced by the General Assembly.
Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1761– .
Title varies; this title in effect from 1789.
Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1836–1928.
Corr. of Hon. Peter Russell (Cruikshank and Hunter).
Corr. of Lieut. Governor Simcoe (Cruikshank).
OH [see section v].
“Papiers de Ludger Duvernay.” Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal, 3rd ser., 5 (1908): 167–200; 6 (1909): 1–33, 87–138, 151–86; 7 (1910): 17–48; 8 (1911): 21–43, 76–96.
PAPINEAU, LOUIS-JOSEPH. “Correspondance de Louis-Joseph Papineau . . . [1820–39] .” Fernand Ouellet, éditeur. ANQ Rapport, 1953–55: 191–442.
PAPINEAU, [LOUIS-JOSEPH-]AMÉDÉE. Journal d’un Fils de la liberté, réfugié aux États-Unis, par suite de l’insurrection canadienne, en 1837.2 vols. to date. Montréal, 1972– .
“Political state of Upper Canada in 1806–7.” PAC Report, 1892: 32–135.
Journal. Charlottetown, 1788–1893, except for the years 1798–1805 when no journals were printed. Title varies.
Journal. Charlottetown, 1827–60.
[RAMSAY, GEORGE, 9TH EARL OF] DALHOUSIE. The Dalhousie journals. Edited by Marjory Whitelaw. 3 vols. [Ottawa], 1978–82.
The rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada: a collection of documents. Edited by Colin [Frederick] Read and Ronald John Stagg. (Champlain Society/Ontario Heritage Foundation publication, Ontario series, 12.) Toronto, 1985. [Trade edition.] [Ottawa], 1985.
Recensement de la ville de Québec en 1818 par le curé Joseph Signaÿ. Honorius Provost, éditeur. Québec, 1976.
Report of the state trials, before a general court martial held at Montreal in 1838–9: exhibiting a complete history of the late rebellion in Lower Canada. . . . 2 vols. Montreal, 1839.
Select British documents of the Canadian War of 1812. Edited with an introduction by William [Charles Henry] Wood. (Champlain Society publi-
cations, 13–15, 17.) 3 vols. in 4. Toronto, 1920–28; reprinted New York, 1968.
SIMPSON, GEORGE. “The ‘Character book’ of Governor George Simpson, 1832.” In HBRS, 30 (Williams): 151–236.
Source materials relating to the New Brunswick Indian. Compiled by Willis D. Hamilton and William Arthur Spray. Fredericton, 1976. Another edition. 1977.
Statistical account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration. Compiled by Robert [Fleming] Gourlay. 2 vols. London, 1822; reprinted East Ardsley, Eng., and New York, 1966. Abridged and with an introduction by Stanley Robert Mealing. 1 vol. Toronto, 1974.
The town of York, 1793–1815: a collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 5.) Toronto, 1962.
The town of York, 1815–1834: a further collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 8.) Toronto, 1966.
Appendix to the journal, 1835–1839/40.
Journal, 1821, 1825–1839/40. For the period from 1792 to 1824, see “Journals of Legislative Assembly of U.C.,” AO Report, 1909, 1911–14.
Journal, 1828–1839/40. The earlier journals are available in “The journals of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada . . . [1792–1824],” AO Report, 1910, 1915.
Statutes, 1793–1840.
The valley of the Six Nations; a collection of documents on the Indian lands of the Grand River. Edited by Charles Murray Johnston. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 7.) Toronto, 1964.
Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. London, 1778– . Title varies: Arminian Magazine, 1–20 (1797); Methodist Magazine, 21 (1798)–44 (1821), 150 (1927)– ; Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, 45 (1822)–136 (1913); Magazine of the Wesleyan-Methodist Church, 137 (1914)–149 (1926).
Winslow papers, A.D. 1776–1826. Edited by William Odber Raymond. Saint John, N.B., 1901.
Collections. 31 vols. 1854–1931.
The following newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume VII. Numerous sources
have been used to determine their various titles and their dates of publication. These include, for all areas of the country: Canadian Library Assoc., Canadian newspapers on microfilm, catalogue (2 pts. in 3, Ottawa, 1959–69), Union list of Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries (Ottawa, 1977), and for pre-1800 newspapers, Marie Tremaine, A bibliography of Canadian imprints, 1751–1800 (Toronto, 1952); for New Brunswick: J. R. Harper, Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals (Fredericton, 1961); for Newfoundland: “Chronological list of Newfoundland newspapers in the public collections at the Gosling Memorial Library and Provincial Archives,” comp. Ian McDonald (typescript; copy in Nfld. Public Library Services, Provincial Reference and Resource Library, St John’s), and Serials holdings in Newfoundland libraries (13th ed., 4v., St John’s, 1987); for Nova Scotia: D. C. Harvey, “Newspapers of Nova Scotia, 1840–1867,” CHR, 26 (1945): 279–301, Tratt, Survey of N.S. newspapers [see section iii], and An historical directory of Nova Scotia newspapers and journals before confederation, comp. T. B. Vincent (Kingston, Ont., 1977); for Ontario: Catalogue of Canadian newspapers in the Douglas Library, Queen’s University, comp. L. C. Ellison et al. (Kingston, 1969), Dict. of Toronto printers (Hulse) [see section iii], Early Toronto newspapers (Firth) [see section iii], Inventory of Ontario newspapers, 1793–1986,comp. J. B. Gilchrist (Toronto, 1987), and W. S. Wallace, “The periodical literature of Upper Canada,” CHR, 12 (1931): 4–22; for Prince Edward Island: PAPEI, “Checklist and historical directory of Prince Edward Island newspapers, 1787–1986,” comp. Heather Boylan (typescript, Charlottetown, 1987); and for Quebec: Beaulieu et Hamelin, La presse québécoise, vols.l–2 [see section iii]. Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [see section iii], gives information on official government gazettes in the Maritime provinces.
Acadian Recorder. Halifax. 16 Jan. 1813–May 1930.
L’Ami du peuple, de l’ordre et des lois. Montréal. 21 July 1832 to at least 18 July 1840.
L’Aurore des Canadas. Montréal. 15 Jan. 1839–23 March 1849.
British Colonist. Toronto. 1 Feb. 1838–September 1859.
British Whig. Kingston, Ont. 8 Feb. 1834–29 Nov. 1926, under various titles, including: British Whig (to 16 Jan. 1835); British Whig, and General Advertiser for the Midland District (as of 20 Jan. 1835); and British Whig, and General Advertiser for Canada West (by the 1840s). A daily edition began on 1 Jan. 1849 under the title Daily British Whig. On 1 Dec. 1926, the paper merged with the
Daily Standard to form the Whig-Standard, which continues to the present.
Brockville Recorder. Brockville, Ont. 16 Jan. 1821–22 Feb. 1957, under various titles; its full title until 15 July 1847 was Brockville Recorder, and the Eastern, Johnstown, and Bathurst Districts Advertiser; on 1 Sept. 1853 it became simply the Brockville Recorder.
Bytown Gazette, and Ottawa and Rideau Advertiser.
Ottawa. 9 June 1836 to around 1861, under various titles.
Canadian Freeman. Toronto. From about June 1825 to August 1834.
Le Canadien. Québec; Montréal. Published at Quebec from 22 Nov. 1806 to 4 Dec. 1891, and then at Montreal until 11 Feb. 1893 and from 22 Dec. 1906 to 11 Dec. 1909.
Christian Guardian. Toronto. 21 Nov. 1829–3 June 1925. A general index is available at the UCC-C.
Christian Messenger. Halifax. 6 Jan. 1837 to the end of 1884; merged with the Christian Visitor (Saint John, N.B.) to form the Saint John Messenger and Visitor. Its full title was Christian Messenger and Repository of Religious, Political, and General Intelligence for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Chronicle & Gazette. Kingston, [Ont.]. 29 June 1833 to around October 1847, when it became the Chronicle and News. Its full title was Chronicle & Gazette, and Weekly Commercial Advertiser (29 June 1833–3 Jan. 1835), and Chronicle & Gazette, and Kingston Commercial Advertiser (7 Jan. 1835–1847), except for a brief period in 1840 when the subtitle was dropped. The paper was a continuation of the Kingston Gazette (25 Sept. 1810–29 Dec. 1818) and the Kingston Chronicle (1 Jan. 1819–22 June 1833).
Chronicle and News. Kingston, Ont. See Chronicle & Gazette
Church. Cobourg, [Ont.]. 6 May 1837–27 June 1840 and 14 July 1843–3 July 1846. Toronto. 11 July 1840–30 June 1843 and 17 July 1846–26 July 1855. Hamilton. 3 Aug. 1855–25 July 1856.
Cobourg Star. Cobourg, Ont. 11 Jan. 1831 to the end of 1879; on 8 Jan. 1880 it merged with the Sentinel to form the Sentinel-Star, which continues to the present. Its full title was Cobourg Star and Newcastle District Gazette until 22 Sept. 1841 when the subtitle was dropped.
Colonial Advocate. Queenston, [Ont.]. 18 May–18 Nov. 1824. Continued at York [Toronto] until 30 Oct. 1834. Title varies: Colonial Advocate and Journal of Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce (to 30 Sept. 1824); Colonial Advocate (7 Oct. 1824–28 Nov. 1833); Advocate (5 Dec. 1833–30 Oct. 1834). On 4 Nov. 1834 it merged with the Canadian Correspondent to form the
Correspondent and Advocate (November 1834–November 1837).
Colonial Patriot. Pictou, N.S. 7 Dec. 1827–20 May 1834. Its full title was Colonial Patriot and Miscellaneous Selector from 17 Dec. 1828 to 9 Dec. 1829.
Constitution. Toronto. 4 July 1836–6 Dec. 1837.
Daily British Whig. Kingston, Ont. See British Whig
Examiner. Charlottetown. 7 Aug. 1847 to at least 29 May 1922, under various titles.
Examiner. Toronto. 3 July 1838–29 Aug. 1855; absorbed by the Globe.
La Gazette de Québec. See Quebec Gazette
Gleaner. Miramichi [Chatham], N.B. 28 July 1829–17 April 1880. Subtitle varies. The paper superseded the Miramichi Mercury (q.v.).
Gleaner, and Niagara Newspaper. Niagara [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.]. 4 Dec. 1817–1837. At some time between February and April 1830 it became the Niagara Gleaner.
Globe. Toronto. 5 March 1844–21 Nov. 1936. On 23 Nov. 1936 it merged with the Daily Mail and Empire to form the Globe and Mail, which continues to the present.
Halifax Morning Post, & Parliamentary Reporter. 1 Oct. 1840–30 June 1848. Subtitle varies.
Islander. Charlottetown. 2 Dec. 1842 to at least 26 Dec. 1873, under various titles; its full title until 31 Dec. 1852 was Islander, or Prince Edward Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser.
Le Journal de Québec. Published from 1 Dec. 1842 to 1 Oct. 1889, with some changes in title. Replaced La Gazette de Québec (see Quebec Gazette)when it ceased publication in November 1842.
Kingston Chronicle. Kingston, [Ont.]. See Chronicle & Gazette
Kingston Gazette. Kingston, [Ont.]. See Chronicle & Gazette
Mélanges religieux. Montréal. Published from 14 Dec. 1840 to 6 July 1852 under various titles, including: Prémices de mélanges religieux (to 19 Jan. 1841); Mélanges religieux (20 Jan. 1841–October 1842); and Mélanges religieux, scientifiques, politiques, et littéraires (October 1842–August 1847).
Mercury. Miramichi [Chatham], N.B. 21 Feb. 1826–31 March 1829; superseded by the Gleaner (q.v.).
La Minerve. Montréal. Published from 9 Nov. 1826 to 27 May 1899 under various titles.
Montreal Gazette/La Gazette de Montréal. 25 Aug. 1785 to the present. A bilingual continuation of the Gazette littéraire, pour la ville & district de Montréal (1778–79). Since August 1822 it has appeared only in English, with several changes in title.
Montreal Herald. 19 Oct. 1811–18 Oct. 1957.
Montreal Transcript. 4 Oct. 1836 to around 1873, under various titles.
Morning Chronicle. Quebec. 18 May 1847–30 June 1925, under various titles. On 2 July 1925 it merged with the Quebec Daily Telegraph to form the Chronicle-Telegraph, which continues to the present.
Morning News. Saint John, N.B. 16 Sept. 1839–8 April 1884, under a variety of titles, of which Morning News was the most common. Its title to the end of March 1840 was Commercial News and General Advertiser.
New-Brunswick Courier. Saint John, N.B. 2 May 1811–1865.
New-Brunswick Royal Gazette. Saint John; Fredericton. See Royal Gazette
Newfoundlander. St John’s. 1827 to the end of 1884.
Newfoundland Mercantile Journal. St John’s. From about 2 Sept. 1815 to 1827; issues are available only from 1816.
Newfoundland Patriot. St John’s. See Patriot & Terra-Nova Herald
Niagara Gleaner. See Gleaner, and Niagara Newspaper
North American. Swanton, Vt. 11 April 1839 to at least 12 Aug. 1841. The paper was a Patriot organ, “edited by Canadians and Americans” and dedicated to “Canadian Rights and Independence.”
Novascotian, or Colonial Herald. Halifax. 29 Dec. 1824–1926; no issues after 25 Dec. 1925 are available. Its title was Novascotian, or Colonial Herald until 2 Jan. 1840 when it became simply the Novascotian.
Nova-Scotia Royal Gazette. Halifax. 3 Jan. 1801–9 Feb. 1843. The paper began as the Halifax Gazette on 23 March 1752 and continued under various titles, including Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser (7 April 1789–30 Dec. 1800). On 16 Feb. 1843 it became the Royal Gazette, which continues to the present.
L’Opinion publique. Montréal. 1 Jan. 1870–27 Dec. 1883.
La Patrie. Montréal. 24 Feb. 1879–9 Jan. 1978.
Patriot. Kingston, [Ont.]. 12 Nov. 1829–23 Oct. 1832. Continued at York [Toronto], 7 Dec. 1832–November 1855. Title varies: Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor (to 18 March 1834); Patriot (to the end of 1839); and Toronto Patriot (as of 3 Jan. 1840). The paper was absorbed by the Leader in 1855, except for a weekly edition which continued until October 1878.
Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor. Kingston, [Ont.]; Toronto. See Patriot
Patriot & Terra-Nova Herald. St John’s. July 1833–June 1890, under various titles; issues are available only from 1834. Its title to 6 July 1842 was Newfoundland Patriot.
Le Populaire. Montréal. 10 April 1837–3 Nov. 1838.
La Presse. Montréal. 20 Oct. 1884 to the present.
Prince Edward Island Gazette. Charlottetown. See Royal Gazette
Prince Edward Island Register. Charlottetown. See Royal Gazette
Public Ledger. St John’s. From about 1820 to the end of 1882, under various titles; issues are available only from 1827. Its full title was Public Ledger, and Newfoundland General Advertiser to 17 July 1860 when the subtitle was dropped.
Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec. 21 June 1764–30 Oct. 1874. Bilingual to 29 Oct. 1842, but with separate. English and French editions appearing on alternate days from 2 May 1832; as of 1 Dec. 1842 the French edition was replaced by Le Journal de Québec (q.v.)and the paper appeared only in English.
Quebec Mercury. 5 Jan. 1805–17 Oct. 1903, under various titles.
Royal Gazette. Charlottetown. 24 Aug. 1830 to the present; official government gazette since July 1851. Its predecessors include: Weekly Recorder of Prince Edward Island (from 17 Sept. 1810 to at least 25 Nov. 1813); Prince Edward Island Gazette (from about January 1814 to at least 11 May 1822); and Prince Edward Island Register (from at least 26 July 1823 to 17 Aug. 1830).
Royal Gazette. Saint John, N.B. 11 Oct. 1785–February 1815. Continued at Fredericton, 10 March 1815 to the present. It began publication as the Royal Gazette, and the New-Brunswick Advertiser; since 1 Dec. 1802 it has been called simply the Royal Gazette, with the following exceptions: Royal Gazette, and New-Brunswick Advertiser (4 Jan. 1808–11 April 1814); New-Brunswick Royal Gazette (18 April 1814–12 May 1828).
Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St John’s. 27 Aug. 1807–October 1924; superseded by the Newfoundland Gazette, the official government gazette which continues to the present.
Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser. Halifax. See Nova-Scotia Royal Gazette
St. Catharines Journal. St Catharines, Ont. 15 Oct. 1835 until around 1917 or 1918. Issued under various titles, including: St. Catharines Journal, and Welland Canal, Niagara District, General Advertiser (to the end of 1843; from 15 Dec. 1836 on, Niagara District is enclosed in parenthesis); and St. Catharines Journal (as of 3 Jan. 1844). A
continuation of the Farmers’ Journal and Welland Canal Advertiser (1 Feb. 1826–20 Jan. 1834) and the British American Journal (28 Jan. 1834–24 Sept. 1835).
Times. Halifax. 3 June 1834–27 June 1848.
Times and General Commercial Gazette. St John’s. 15 Aug. 1832–23 March 1895.
Toronto Patriot. See Patriot
U.E. Loyalist. York [Toronto]. See Upper Canada Gazette
Upper Canada Gazette. Newark, later Niagara [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.]. 18 April 1793–25 Aug. 1798. Continued at York [Toronto] until some time in 1849; latest extant issue is 9 March 1848. Title varies: Upper Canadian Gazette; or, American Oracle (to 28 March 1807); York Gazette (15 April 1807 to the end of 1816); Upper Canada Gazette (from 2 Jan. 1817). Issued in two parts, 1821 to 1828, with official announcements appearing as Upper Canada Gazette and the newspaper portion under the following titles: York Weekly Post (22 Feb.–26 Dec. 1821); Weekly Register (18 April 1822 to at least the end of 1825); and U.E. Loyalist (3 June 1826–24 May 1828).
Upper Canada Herald. Kingston, [Ont.]. 9 March 1819 to at least 31 Jan. 1851, under various titles, including: Upper Canada Herald (to 19 July 1836); Upper Canada Herald, a Political, Agricultural & Commercial Journal (26 July 1836–9 Feb. 1841); and Kingston Herald; a Canadian Journal, Political, Agricultural & Commercial (as of 16 Feb. 1841).
Vindicator and Canadian Advertiser. Montreal. 12 Dec. 1828–7 Nov. 1837. Title varies: Irish Vindicator, and Canada General Advertiser (12 Dec. 1828–17 Feb. 1829); Irish Vindicator, and Canada Advertiser (20 Feb.–24 July 1829); Vindicator and Canada Advertiser (28 July 1829–1 July 1831); Vindicator (5 July 1831–October 1832); and Vindicator and Canadian Advertiser (October 1832–7 Nov. 1837).
Weekly Register. York [Toronto]. See Upper Canada Gazette
York Gazette. York [Toronto]. See Upper Canada Gazette
York Weekly Post. York [Toronto]. See Upper Canada Gazette
ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols.
Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34.
[1]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.
[2]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1908.
[3]: [Suppléments.]6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1910–19.
[4]: Le clergé canadien-français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), 1 (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.
[5]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1928–32.
6: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.
ALMANACS. The almanacs cited in vol. VII have been listed under this heading to facilitate their identification. Because titles within series vary and publishers often change, the almanacs have in the main been listed under a general title, with the specifics found on title pages following.
Almanach de Québec. See Quebec almanac
Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. Halifax, 1824–1930. Edited by Clement Horton Belcher from 1824 to 1870 when its publication was taken over by the firm of McAlpine and Barnes, later the McAlpine Publishing Company. From 1824 to 1831 its title was The farmer’s almanack . . . ; in1832 it became Belcher’s farmer’s almanack . . . , a title it retained with minor variations until its disappearance.
Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac. Halifax, 1834–68. Published by Jacob Sparling Cunnabell, 1834–36; William Cunnabell, 1837–68. From 1834 to 1841 its title was the Nova-Scotia almanack . . . ;in 1842 it became Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac . . . , andin 1851 Cunnabell’s Nova Scotia almanac, and farmer’s manual. . . .
Halifax almanac. Halifax, 1790–?. Published until at least 1821. Its actual title was An almanack . . . calculated for the meridian of Halifax, in Nova-Scotia. . . . Publishers: John Howe, 1790–1815; David Howe, 1816; unknown, 1817–20; John Munro, 1821.
The merchants’ and farmers’ almanack. . . . Saint John, N.B., 1839–63. Published by William L. Avery. From 1839 to 1841 its title was The merchants’ and farmers’ provincial almanac. . . .
Montreal almanack, or Lower Canada register. . . . Montreal, 1829–31. Published by Robert Armour.
New-Brunswick almanack. Saint John, 1812–64. Published by Henry Chubb, and later by his firm. Its title varies; from 1812 to 1830 it was An almanack. . . .
The Nova-Scotia calender, or an almanack. . . . Halifax, 1769–1801. Published by Anthony Henry.
Prince Edward Island calendar. Charlottetown, 1836–73. Published by James Douglas Haszard, 1836–50; J. D. and George T. Haszard, 1851; unknown, 1852–54; G. T. Haszard, 1855, 1857–62; Haszard & Owen, 1856; unknown, 1863–64; Laird & Harvie, 1865–66; David Laird, 1867–73.
Quebec almanac/Almanach de Québec. Quebec, 1780–1841 (except for 1781, 1790, and 1793). Published by William Brown from 1780 to 1789, and continued by the Neilson family from 1791
until 1841. The spelling and language of the title vary, but from 1780 to 1789 it appeared solely in French as the Almanach de Québec, and from 1813 to 1841 it was published in English only as The Quebec almanack; and British American royal kalendar.
The Toronto almanac and royal calendar, of Upper Canada. . . . Toronto,1839. Published by Charles Fothergill. See also next entry.
York almanac. Published at York [Toronto] from 1821 to 1826. The issues for 1821 and 1822 appeared as The York almanac, and provincial calendar . . . , [printedby Robert Charles Horne], and from 1823 to 1826 it was published by Charles Fothergill as The York almanac and royal calendar, of Upper Canada. . . . See also Fothergill’s Toronto almanac, above.
PUBLICATIONS [see also section ii]
P.-G. Roy, Inv. concessions.
——— Les juges de la prov. de Québec.
ARMSTRONG, FREDERICK HENRY. Handbook of Upper Canadian chronology and territorial legislation. (University of Western Ontario, Lawson Memorial Library publication.) London, 1967. Revised edition. Toronto and London, 1985.
AUDET, FRANCIS-JOSEPH. “Commissions d’avocats de la province de Québec, 1765 à 1849.” BRH, 39 (1933): 577–96.
——— Les députés de Montréal (ville et comtés), 1792–1867. . . . Montréal, 1943.
——— “Les législateurs du Bas-Canada, 1760–1867.” Manuscript held by the Morisset Library, University of Ottawa. 3 vols. 1940.
——— ET ÉDOUARD FABRE SURVEYER. Les députés au premier Parlement du Bas-Canada, [1792–1796]. . . . Montréal, 1946.
——— Les députés de Saint-Maurice et de Buckinghamshire. See FABRE SURVEYER
Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et al. 10 vols. to date. Melbourne, 1966– .
BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, et al. La presse québécoise, des origines à nos jours. [2e édition.] 8 vols. to date [1764–1954]. Québec, 1973– . Vols.1–2 [1764–1879] were prepared by André Beaulieu and Jean Hamelin. Index cumulatifs (tomes I à VII)(1764–1944). 1987.
Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. See ALMANACS
BIBAUD, [FRANÇOIS-MAXIMILIEN]. Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de l’Amérique. Montréal, 1857.
——— Le panthéon canadien; choix de biographies. Nouvelle édition. Revue, augmentée et complétée par Adèle et Victoria Bibaud. Montréal, 1891.
A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the
early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted 1965. 2 supplements to date. 1959– .
1: Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Maud Colbeck. 1959; reprinted 1969.
2: Edited by Sandra Alston with Karen Evans. 2 parts to date. 1985– .
BISHOP, OLGA BERNICE. Publications of the government of the Province of Canada, 1841–1867. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1963 [i.e. 1964].
——— Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1957.
BORTHWICK, JOHN DOUGLAS. History and biographical gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.
BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH. A topographical description of the province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the relative connexion of both provinces with the United States of America. London, 1815; reprinted Saint-Lambert, Que., 1973. Published in French as Description topographique de la province du Bas Canada . . . (Londres, 1815; réimpr., J. E. Hare, édit., [Montréal, 1978]).
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975. 360 vols. London, 1979–87.
BURKE, JOHN. A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank; but uninvested with heritable honours. 4 vols. London, 1833–37. Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry. 18th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 3 vols. 1965–72.
——— General and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the United Kingdom. . . . London, 1826. Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage, baronetage and knightage. 105th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 1970.
The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.
The Canadian encyclopedia. Edited by James Harley Marsh. 3 vols. Edmonton, 1985.
CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Bernard-Claude Panet, archevêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1933–34: 235–421; 1934–35: 321–420; 1935–36: 157–272.
——— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-François Hubert, évêque de Québec, et de Mgr Charles-François Bailly de Messein, son coadjuteur.” ANQ Rapport, 1930–31: 199–351.
——— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Joseph-Octave Plessis, archevêque de Québec,
1797 à [1825].” ANQ Rapport, 1927–28: 215–316; 1928–29: 89–208; 1932–33: 3–244.
——— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Pierre Denaut, évêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1931–32: 129–242.
——— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Monseigneur Joseph Signay, archevêque de Québec – [1825–1840] .” ANQ Rapport, 1936–37: 125–330; 1937–38: 23–146; 1938–39: 182–357.
——— “Inventaire des documents relatifs aux événements de 1837 et 1838, conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1925–26: 146–329.
——— “Papiers Duvernay conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1926–27: 147–252.
CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION. Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., [1970]. Vol.1 reprinted with an introduction by William Felix Edmund Morley, Belleville, Ont., 1972.
Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac. See ALMANACS
A cyclopædia of Canadian biography. . . . Edited by George Maclean Rose and Hector [Willoughby] Charlesworth. 3 vols. Toronto, 1886–1919. Vols. 1–2 were edited by Rose, vol. 3 by Charlesworth. Subtitles and series titles vary.
Death notices of Ontario. Compiled by William D. Reid. Lambertville, N.J., 1980.
DESJARDINS, JOSEPH. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.
DESROSIERS, LOUIS-ADÉLARD. “Correspondance de Mgr Ignace Bourget . . . [1837–1843].” ANQ Rapport, 1944–45: 137–224; 1946–47: 85–175; 1948–49: 347–477.
——— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr J.-J Lartigue.” ANQ Rapport, 1941–42: 347–496; 1942–43: 3–174; 1943–44: 212–334; 1944–45: 175–266; 1945–46: 45–134.
Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?]–58. 5 additional supplements to date [to 1965]. Edited by Edward Topping James et al. 1973– . Concise DAB. 3rd edition. 1980.
Dictionary of Hamilton biography. Edited by Thomas Melville Bailey et al. 1vol. todate [to 1875]. Hamilton, Ont., 1981– .
Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 7 additional supplements to date [to 1970]. Edited by
Sidney Lee et al. 1912– . Concise DNB. 2 vols. [1953]–61. Corrections and.additions to the “Dictionary of national biography”. Boston, 1966.
A dictionary of Toronto printers, publishers, booksellers, and the allied trades, 1798–1900. Compiled by Elizabeth Hulse. Toronto, 1982.
Dictionnaire de biographie française. Jules Balteau et al., éditeurs. 16 vols. and 3 fascicules [fasc. 97–99] to date [A to Hautier]. Paris, 1933– .
Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 5 vols. Montréal, 1978–87.
DIRECTORIES. Issued initially as single works, these frequently became regular, usually annual, publications in the 19th century. Because titles within series vary greatly, and because editors or compilers frequently change, the directories used in the preparation of vol. VII have been grouped by region and under a general title. Details for the specific years cited are given below. For further information see Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories, infra.
Montreal directory. Montreal. Issues cited in vol. VII are An alphabetical list of the merchants, traders, and housekeepers, residing in Montreal . . . , comp. Thomas Doige (1819; repr. 1899; 2nd ed., 1820); and The Montreal directory . . . , comp. R. W. S. Mackay (1842/43–47).
Quebec directory. Quebec. Used in vol. VII are The directory for the city and suburbs of Quebec . . . (1790) and Number II of the directory . . . (1791), comp. Hugh MacKay; The Quebec directory . . . , comp. T. H. Gleason (1822); John Smith (1826); and Alfred Hawkins (1844–45, 1847–48); Mackay’s Quebec directory . . . , comp. R. W. S. Mackay (1848/49–52); McLaughlin’s Quebec directory . . . , comp. Samuel McLaughlin (1857); The Quebec directory . . . , ed. G.-H. Cherrier (1860–61, 1865–66, 1867–68); Cherrier’s Quebec directory . . . , comp. A.-B. Cherrier (1877); and Cherrier’s Quebec City directory . . . /Almanach des adresses Cherrier de la ville de Québec . . . , comp. A.-B. Cherrier (1887–88).
Toronto directory. Toronto. Issues cited in vol. VII are York commercial directory, street guide, and register, for 1833–4 . . . , comp. George Walton ([1833]); and The city of Toronto and the Home District commercial directory and register with almanack and calendar for 1837 . . . , comp. George Walton (1837).
Directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 2.) Halifax, 1958. See also Legislative Assembly of N.S. (Elliott).
Early Toronto newspapers, 1793–1867: a catalogue
of newspapers published in the town of York and the city of Toronto from the beginning to confederation. Edited by Edith Grace Firth, with an introduction by Henry Cummings Campbell. Toronto, 1961.
Elections in New Brunswick, 1784–1984/Les élections au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1784–1984. (New Brunswick Legislative Library publication.) Fredericton, 1984.
Encyclopædia Britannica; a new survey of universal knowledge. [14th edition.] Edited by Warren E. Preece et al. 23 vols. and index. Chicago, 1966. The new Encyclopædia Britannica. 15th edition. 30 vols. 1977.
Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10vols. Ottawa, 1957–58. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H. Pearson et al. Toronto, 1975.
FABRE SURVEYER, ÉDOUARD, ET FRANCIS-JOSEPH AUDET. Les députés de Saint-Maurice et de Buckinghamshire (1792 à 1808). Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1934.
FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, 1950.
Grand Larousse encyclopédique. 10vols. Paris, 1960–64. 2 suppléments. 1969–75. Grand dictionnaire encyclopédique Larousse. 10vols. 1982–85.
GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. A list of the flag-officers of his majesty’s fleet. . . . London, 1777–1840.
——— The navy list. . . . London, 1815– .
GREAT BRITAIN, WAR OFFICE. A list of the general and field-officers, as they rank in the army. . . . London, 1754–1868. Cited in individual bibliographies under the title Army list. See also Hart, The new annual army list.
Guide to the reports of the Public Archives of Canada, 1872–1972. Compiled by Françoise Caron-Houle. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.
Halifax almanac. See ALMANACS
Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C. Sturtevant et al. (Smithsonian Institution publication.) 7 vols. to date [5–6, 8–11, 15]. Washington, 1978– .
HARE, JOHN [ELLIS], ET JEAN-PIERRE WALLOT. Les imprimés dans le Bas-Canada, 1801–1840: bibliographie analytique. Montréal, 1967. Only one volume, 1801–1810, was published.
HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL. Early painters and engravers in Canada. [Toronto], 1970.
HART, HENRY GEORGE. The new annual army list. . . . London, 1840–1916. The title on the cover is Hart’s army list. See also G.B., WO, A list of the general and field-officers.
HILL, ISABEL LOUISE. The Old Burying Ground, Fredericton, N.B. 2vols. in 1. Fredericton, 1981.
Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. (PAC publications, 1.) Ottawa, 1909.
[LANGELIER, JEAN-CHRYSOSTÔME.] Liste des terrains concédés par la couronne dans la province de Québec, de 1763 au 31 décembre 1890. Québec, 1891. Also published in English as List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890 (1891).
LEBŒUF, JOSEPH-[AIMÉ-]ARTHUR. Compliment au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay. (SGCF publications, 2, 4, 6.) 3 sér. Montréal, 1957–64. See also Tanguay, Dictionnaire.
The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1983: a biographical directory. Edited by Shirley B. Elliott. [Halifax], 1984. A revised edition of Directory of N.S. MLAs [see above].
Legislators and legislatures of Ontario: a reference guide. Compiled by Debra Forman. (Ontario Legislative Library, Research and Information Services publication.) 3 vols. [1792–1984]. [Toronto, 1984] .
LE JEUNE, LOUIS[-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].
Marriage bonds of Ontario, 1803–1834. Compiled by Thomas B. Wilson. Lambertville, N.J., 1985.
Marriage notices of Ontario. Compiled by William D. Reid [and edited by Thomas B. Wilson]. Lambertville, N.J., 1980. See also Ont. marriage notices (T. B. Wilson).
MARSHALL, JOHN. Royal naval biography; or, memoirs of the services of all the flag-officers, superannuated rear-admirals, retired-captains, post-captains, and commanders, whose names appeared on the Admiralty list of sea officers at the commencement of the present year, or who have since been promoted. . . . 4vols. in 8 and 4 supplements. London, 1823–35.
Merchants’ and farmers’ almanack. See ALMANACS
Montreal almanack. See ALMANACS
Montreal directory. See DIRECTORIES
MORGAN, HENRY JAMES. Bibliotheca Canadensis: or a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; reprinted Detroit, 1968.
——— Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the province down to the present time. Quebec and London, 1862; reprinted Montreal, 1865.
MORICE, ADRIEN-GABRIEL. Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des Métis français de l’ouest. Kamloops, C.-B., 1908; Québec, 1908. 2e édition, augmentée d’un supplément. Québec, 1912.
NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa (officially known as the Public Archives of Canada until 1987)
1: Index to reports of PAC.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section ii]
Guide to reports of PAC (Caron-Houle).
Inventories of holdings in the Manuscript Division
[see section i].
Union list of MSS (Gordon et al.; Maurice Hyam).
Union list of MSS, supp. (Maurice Hyam et al.).
Bishop, Pubs. of government of Prov. of Canada.
——— Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B.
Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories.
The national union catalog, pre-1956 imprints. . . .
754 vols. London and Chicago, 1968–81.
New-Brunswick almanack. See ALMANACS
New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers. See Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers
Nova-Scotia calender. See ALMANACS
Nova Scotia vital statistics from newspapers. . . . Compiled by Terrence Michael Punch and Jean M. Holder. (Nova Scotia Genealogical Association publications, 1, 3, 5–6, 8, 10–11.) 7 vols. to date [1769–1847]. Halifax, 1978– . Vols. [1]:1813–1822 and [3]: 1769–1812were compiled by Punch, the remainder by Holder. Cover title as above, but title on title-page varies. Until 1986 the Nova Scotia Genealogical Association was a division of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society [see section v].
Officers of the British forces in Canada during the War of 1812–15. Compiled by Lukin Homfray Irving. (Canadian Military Institute publication.) [Welland, Ont.], 1908.
Ontario marriage notices. Compiled by Thomas B. Wilson. Lambertville, N.J., 1982. Supplements and complements Marriage notices of Ont. (Reid) [see above].
OUELLET, FERNAND. “Inventaire de la saberdache de Jacques Viger,” ANQ Rapport, 1955–57: 39–176.
“Papiers d’État – Bas-Canada, [1791–1823].” PAC Rapport, 1891: 1–206; 1892: 155–293; 1893: 1–123; 1896: 1–256; 1897: 257–402. See also “State papers – L.C.”
Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 3.) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.
Places in Ontario: their name origins and history.
Compiled by Nick and Helma Mika. 3 parts. Belleville, Ont., 1977–83.
Prince Edward Island calendar. See ALMANACS
2: Directory of N.S. MLAs.
3: Place-names of N.S.
Quebec almanac. See ALMANACS
Quebec directory. See DIRECTORIES
RAYBURN, ALAN. Geographical names of New Brunswick. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 2.) Ottawa, 1975.
——— Geographical names of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 1.) Ottawa, 1973.
REID, WILLIAM D. The loyalists in Ontario: the sons and daughters of the American loyalistsof Upper Canada. Lambertville, N.J., 1973.
Le répertoire national, ou recueil de littérature canadienne. James Huston, compilateur. 4 vols. Montréal, 1848–50; réimprimé sous le titre de Répertoire national, Robert Melançon, édit., (1982). 2e édition. 1893.
ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936 [i.e. 1937].
——— Fils de Québec. 4sér. Lévis, Qué., 1933.
——— Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie, fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements, conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1927–29.
——— Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) Québec, 1933.
RYDER, DOROTHY EDITH. Checklist of Canadian directories, 1750–1950/Répertoire des annuaires canadiens, 1790–1950. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1979.
SCOTT, HEW, et al. Fasti ecclesiæ scoticanæ: the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the Reformation. 3 vols. in 6. Edinburgh, 1866–71. New edition. 9 vols. to date. 1915– .
“State papers – Lower Canada [1808–1818].” PAC Report, 1893: 1–119; 1896: 1–252. See also “Papiers d’État – Bas-Canada.”
TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. Montréal, 1871–90; réimprimé Baltimore, Md., 1967, and New York, 1969. See also Lebœuf, Complément.
——— Répertoire général du clergé canadien par
ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. [2e édition.] Montréal, 1893.
THÉRIAULT, YVON. Les publications parlementaires d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. [2e édition.] Québec, 1982. Also published in English as The parliamentary publications, past and present (1983).
Toronto almanac. See ALMANACS
Toronto directory. See DIRECTORIES
TRATT, GERTRUDE ELLA NAOMI. A survey and listing of Nova Scotia newspapers, 1752–1957, with particular reference to the period before 1867. (Dalhousie University Libraries/School of Library Service, Occasional papers, 21.) Halifax, 1979.
TURCOTTE, GUSTAVE. Le Conseil législatif de Québec, 1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.
Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Revised edition. Edited by E. Grace Maurice [Hyam]. (PAC publication.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1975. Supplement/Supplément. Edited by E. Grace Maurice Hyam et al. 4 vols. to date. 1976– .
Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers. . . .
Compiled by Daniel F. Johnson. 20 vols. to date [1784–1863]. Saint John, N.B., 1982– . Vols.1–5 [1784–1834] were issued by the New Brunswick Genealogical Society under the title New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers, comp. D. F. Johnson et al. (Fredericton, 1982–84).
WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by William Angus McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, 1978. First published as The dictionary of Canadian biography (1926).
WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A checklist of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1960. . . . 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1972.
When was that? A chronological dictionary of important events in Newfoundland down to and including the year 1922; together with an appendix, “St. John’s over a century ago,” by the late J. W. Withers. Compiled by Harris Munden Mosdell. St John’s, 1923.
York almanac. See ALMANACS
ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.
AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Le système scolaire de la province de Québec [1635–1840]. 6 vols. Québec, 1950–56.
BARTHE, JOSEPH-GUILLAUME. Souvenirs d’un demi-
siècle: ou, mémoires pour servir à l’histoire contemporaine. Montréal, 1885.
BECK, JAMES MURRAY. The government of Nova Scotia. Toronto, 1957.
BELLEMARE, JOSEPH-ELZÉAR. Histoire de Nicolet, 1669–1924. Arthabaska, Qué., 1924. Only the first part, La seigneurie, was published.
BILL, INGRAHAM EBENEZER. Fifty years with the Baptist ministers and churches of the Maritime provinces of Canada. Saint John; N.B., 1880.
BOON, THOMAS CHARLES BOUCHER. The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies: a history of the ecclesiastical province of Rupert’s Land and its dioceses from 1820 to 1950. Toronto, 1962.
BROWN, JENNIFER STACEY HARCOURT. Strangers in blood: fur trade company families in Indian country. Vancouver and London, 1980.
BUCHANAN, ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK. The bench and bar of Lower Canada down to 1850. Montreal, 1925.
BUCKNER, PHILLIP ALFRED. The transition to responsible government: British policy in British North America, 1815–1850. Westport, Conn., and London, 1985.
[BURKE, CATHERINE, DITE DE SAINT-THOMAS]. Les ursulines de Québec, depuis leur établissement jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Québec, 1863–66. [2e édition] (vols.1–2 only). 1878.
CAMPBELL, ROBERT. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.
CANNIFF, WILLIAM. The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783–1850: an historical narrative, with original documents relating to the profession, including some brief biographies. Toronto, 1894; reprinted 1980.
CHABOT, RICHARD. Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec (de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38): la querelle des écoles, l’affaire des fabriques et le problème des insurrections de 1837–38. Montréal, 1975.
CHAPAIS, [JOSEPH-AMABLE-]THOMAS. Cours d’histoire du Canada [1760–1867]. 8 vols. Québec, 1919–34. Autre édition. 8 vols. Montréal, [1944–45]; réimprimé [Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1972].
CHAUSSÉ, GILLES. Jean-Jacques Lartigue, premier évêque de Montréal. Montréal, 1980.
CHRISTIE, ROBERT. A history of the late province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province. . . . 6vols. Quebec and Montreal, 1848–55. [2nd edition.] Montreal, 1866.
CRAIG, GERALD MARQUIS. Upper Canada: the formative years, 1784–1841. [Toronto], 1963.
CREIGHTON, DONALD GRANT. The commercial empire of the St. Lawrence, 1760–1850. Toronto, 1937; reprinted under the title The empire of the St. Lawrence, 1956 and 1970.
CUTHBERTSON, BRIAN [CRAIG UNIACKE]. The old attorney general: a biography of Richard John Uniacke. Halifax, [1980].
DARROCH MILANI, LOIS. Robert Gourlay, gadfly: the biography of Robert (Fleming) Gourlay, 1778–
1863, forerunner of the rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837. [Thornhill, Ont., 1971?]
DAVID, LAURENT-OLIVIER. Les patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, [1884]; réimprimé [1937].
DENISON, MERRILL. Canada’s first bank: a history of the Bank of Montreal. 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal, 1966–67. Translated by Paul A. Horguelin and Jean-Paul Vinay as La première banque au Canada: histoire de la Banque de Montréal (2v., Toronto et Montréal, 1966–67).
DIONNE, NARCISSE-EUTROPE. Les ecclésiastiques et les royalistes français réfugiés au Canada à l’époque de la révolution – 1791–1802. Québec, 1905.
DOUVILLE, JOSEPH-ANTOINE-IRÉNÉE. Histoire du collège-séminaire de Nicolet, 1803–1903, avec les listes complètes des directeurs, professeurs et élèves de l’institution. 2 vols. Montréal, 1903.
FILTEAU, GÉRARD. Histoire des patriotes. 3 vols. Montréal, 1938–42. [Nouvelle édition.] 1975.
GATES, LILLIAN FRANCIS [COWDELL]. Land policies of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1968.
GREGG, WILLIAM. History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada, from the earliest times to 1834; with a chronological table of events to the present time, and map. Toronto, 1885.
GUILLET, EDWIN CLARENCE. The lives and times of the Patriots; an account of the rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837–1838, and the Patriot agitation in the United States, 1837–1842. Toronto, 1938; reprinted 1963 and 1968.
GUNN, GERTRUDE E. The political history of Newfoundland, 1832–1864. Toronto, 1966.
HANNAY, JAMES. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.
HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL. Painting in Canada: a history. [Toronto], 1966. 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y.,1977.
INNIS, HAROLD ADAMS. The fur trade in Canada: an introduction to Canadian economic history. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1930. Revised edition. [Edited by MaryQuayle Innis et al.]Toronto, 1956. [Abridged edition] based on the revised edition of1956. Foreword by Robin William Winks. 1962. Revised edition (reprint of1956 edition with revised foreword from the 1962 edition). 1970.
JOHNSTON, CHARLES MURRAY. The Head of the Lake; a history of Wentworth County. Hamilton, Ont., 1958. 2nd edition. 1967.
LABARRÈRE-PAULÉ, ANDRÉ. Les instituteurs laïques au Canada français, 1836–1900. Québec, 1965.
LAMBERT, JAMES HAROLD. “Monseigneur, the Catholic bishop: Joseph-Octave Plessis; church, state, and society in Lower Canada: historiography and analysis.” d. ès l. thesis, Université Laval, Quebec, 1981.
LAURIN, CLÉMENT. J.-J. Girouard & les patriotes de 1837–38: portraits. Montréal, 1973.
LAWRENCE, JOSEPH WILSON. The judges of New Brunswick and their times. Edited and annotated by Alfred Augustus Stockton [and William Odber Raymond]. [Saint John, N.B., 1907]; reprinted with an introduction by David Graham Bell, Fredericton, 1983 [i.e. 1985].
LEMIEUX, LUCIEN. L’établissement de la première province ecclésiastique au Canada, 1783–1844. Montréal et Paris, 1968.
LEVY, GEORGE EDWARD. The Baptists of the Maritime provinces, 1753–1946. Saint John, N.B., 1946.
LINDSEY, CHARLES. The life and times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie; with an account of the Canadian rebellion of 1837, and the subsequent frontier disturbances, chiefly from unpublished documents. 2 vols. Toronto, 1862; reprinted 1971.
MacKINNON, FRANK [FRANCIS PERLEY TAYLOR]. The government of Prince Edward Island. Toronto, 1951; reprinted 1974.
MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.
MAURAULT, [JEAN-LÉON-]OLIVIER. Le collège de Montréal, 1767–1967. 2e édition. Antonio Dansereau, éditeur. Montréal, 1967.
——— La paroisse: histoire de l’église Notre-Dame de Montréal. Montréal et New York, 1929. Edition revue et augmentée. Montréal, 1957.
MONET, JACQUES. The last cannon shot: a study of French-Canadian nationalism, 1837–1850. Toronto, 1969; reprinted Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1976. Translated by Richard Bastien as La première révolution tranquille: le nationalisme canadien-français (1837–1850) (Montréal, 1981).
MORISSET, GÉRARD. Coup d’œil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1941; réimprimé 1942.
——— Peintres et tableaux. 2 vols. Québec, 1936–37.
——— La peinture traditionnelle au Canada français. Ottawa, 1960.
MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER. A history Of the Canadian west to 1870–71, being a history of Rupert’s Land (the Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory) and of the North-West Territory (including the Pacific slope). London, [1939]. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewis Gwynne Thomas. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973.
MURDOCH, BEAMISH. A history of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865–67.
OUELLET, FERNAND. Le Bas-Canada, 1791–1840: changements structuraux et crise. (Université d’Ottawa, Cahiers d’histoire, 6.) Ottawa, 1976. Translated and adapted by Patricia Claxton as Lower Canada, 1791–1840: social change and nationalism (Toronto, 1980).
——— Histoire économique et sociale du Québec, 1760–1850: structures et conjoncture. Montréal et Paris, 1966; réimprimé en 2 vols., Montréal, 1971. Translated as Economic and social history of Quebec, 1760–1850: “structures” and “conjonctures”([Toronto], 1980).
PATTERSON, GRAEME HAZLEWOOD. “Studies in elections and public opinion in Upper Canada.” phd thesis, University of Toronto, 1969.
POULIOT, LÉON. Monseigneur Bourget et son temps. 5 vols. Montréal, 1955–77.
PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1972. 2nd edition. London, 1896. 3rd edition. With additions by James Raymond Thoms and Frank Burnham Gill. St John’s, 1971.
READ, COLIN [FREDERICK]. The rising in western Upper Canada, 1837–8: the Duncombe revolt and after. Toronto, 1982.
RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The fur trade and the northwest to 1857. Toronto, 1967; reprinted 1976.
——— The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (HBRS, 21–22.) 2 vols. London, 1958–59. [Trade edition.] 3 vols. Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available at the PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.
Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto: a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. . . . Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 vols. Toronto, 1894–1914. Vols.1–3 reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1987, 1974.
ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire de la seigneurie de Lauzon [1608–1840]. 5 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1897–1904; réimprimé 1984 [i.e. 1985].
——— Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.
RUMILLY, ROBERT. Histoire de Montréal. 5 vols. Montréal, 1970–74.
——— Papineau et son temps. 2vols. Montréal, 1977.
SAUNDERS, EDWARD MANNING. History of the Baptists of the Maritime provinces. Halifax, 1902.
SCADDING, HENRY. Toronto of old: collections and recollections illustrative of the early settlement and social life of the capital of Ontario. Toronto, 1873. Abridged edition, entitled Toronto of old. Edited by Frederick Henry Armstrong. Toronto, 1966.
SMITH, THOMAS WATSON. History of the Methodist Church within the territories embraced in the late conference of Eastern British America, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Bermuda. 2 vols. Halifax, 1877–90.
SULTE, BENJAMIN. Histoire de la milice canadienne-française, 1760–1897. Montréal, 1897.
TAFT MANNING, HELEN. The revolt Of French Canada, 1800–1835; a chapter in the history of the British Commonwealth. Toronto, 1962.
TULCHINSKY, GERALD JACOB JOSEPH. The river barons: Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation, 1837–53. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977.
UPTON, LESLIE FRANCIS STOKES. Micmacs and colonists; Indian-white relations in the Maritimes,
1713–1867. Vancouver, 1979.
VAN KIRK, SYLVIA. “Many tender ties”: women in fur-trade society in western Canada, 1670–1870. Winnipeg, [1980] .
WALLOT, JEAN-PIERRE. Un Québec qui bougeait: trame socio-politique du Québec au tournant du XIXe siècle. Québec, 1973.
WILSON, BRUCE GORDON. The enterprises of Robert Hamilton: a study of wealth and influence in early Upper Canada, 1776–1812. Ottawa, 1983.
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. 1 (1971–72)– . The Acadiensis index, vols.I–XII (autumn 1971 to spring 1983),comp. E. L. Swanick with the assistance of David Frank, was published in 1985.
Beaver: Magazine of the North. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. 1 (1920–21)– . Index: 1–outfit 284 (June 1953–March 1954). Title varies.
Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. Originally the organ of the Société des études historiques, it became in March 1923 the journal of the Archives de la province de Québec (now the ANQ). 1 (1895)–70 (1968). Index: 1–31(1925) (4v., Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is an index on microfiche at the ANQ-Q.
Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” 1 (1936)– .
CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ. CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’EGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, the contents of which are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)– . Index: 1–25 (1958). Title varies: Study sessions/Sessions d’étude, 1966–83; in 1984 the English title became Canadian Catholic Historical Studies.
CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Annual report. 1922– . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68. Title varies: Historical papers/Communications historiques from 1966.
Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)– .
Index: 1–10 (1929); 11 (1930)–20 (1939); 21 (1940)–30 (1949); 31 (1950)–51 (1970) . Université Laval has also published an index: “Canadian Historical Review,”1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy,
compil. (Québec, 1969). A continuation of the Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada: 1(1895–96)–22 (1917–18); Index: 1–10(1905); 11 (1906)–20 (1915).
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History/Lieux historiques canadiens: cahiers d’archéologie et d’histoire. Ottawa. Published by Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch. No.1 (1970)– .
Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Published by Dalhousie University . 1 (1921–22)– .
Historic Kingston. Kingston, Ont. Published by the Kingston Historical Society. No.1 (1952)– ; nos. 1–10 reprinted in 1 vol., Belleville, Ont., 1972. Index: nos.l–20 (1972).
Newfoundland Quarterly. St John’s. 1 (1901–2)– . Published by the Newfoundland Quarterly Foundation from vol.78 (1982–83).
NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. [Publications.]Nos.1 (1896)–44 (1939). The first number is called Transaction; nos.2 (1897)–44 list titles of articles included but have no main title; nos.38 (1927)–44 are all called “Records of Niagara. . . .”
Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. 1 (1899)– ; vols.1–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. An index to volumes 1 to 64 (1972) appears in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.
Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–80 (1922). Vols.17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–7; vols.24 (1888)–28 (1892) are also called 3e série, 1–4 [i.e. 5]; and vols.54 (Janvier–juin 1908)–80 are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–27. Subtitle varies. An index volume, Tables générales des 53 premiers volumes de la “Revue canadienne,”1864 à 1907, was published in 1907.
Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. 1 (1947–48)– . Index: 1–10 (1956–57); 11 (1957–58)–20 (1966–67); 21 (1967–68)–30 (1976–77).
Revue trimestrielle canadienne. Montréal. Published by the Association des anciens élèves (after 1942 the Association des diplômés de polytechnique) of the École polytechnique, Université de Montréal. 1 (1915)– . Title varies: L’Ingénieur, 1955– .
1, 3, 5–6, 8, 10: N.S. vital statistics (Punch and Holder) [see section iii].
Collections. 1(1878)– ; vols.1–8 (1892/94) reprinted in 2 vols., Belleville, Ont., 1976–77. Index: 1–32 (1959) in 33 (1961). Vols.1–40 (1980) issued under the society’s original name, the Nova Scotia Historical Society.
ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882–
83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–22 (1985); 5th ser., 1 (1986)– . General index: 1st ser.–2nd ser. ; Author index: 3rd ser., 1–35 (1941). The Canadian Library Association has published A subject index to the Royal Society of Canada “Proceedings and Transactions” : third series, vols. I–XXXI, 1907–1937, comp. M. A. Martin (Ottawa, 1947).
Social History, a Canadian Review/Histoire sociale, revue canadienne. Ottawa. Published under the direction of an interdisciplinary committee from various Canadian universities. No.1 (April 1968)– .
2, 4, 6: Lebœuf, Complément [see section iii].
Mémoires. 1(1944–45)– . An index to volumes 1–25 (1975) has been issued as Index onomastique des “Mémoires” de la Société généalogique canadienne française, 1944–1975, R.-J. Auger compil. (2v., Lac-Beauport, Qué, 1975).